Nirma University Institute of Law Continuous Evaluation, August 2015 Semester I LAW & SOCIETY SOCIET Y, 2BL115 2BL 115 KEY ANSWER
Roll / Exam No.
Superv!or"! #$al %$ 'a$e
Time !ne " #alf #alf #ours
$a%& $ar's (0
Instru)tions 1& Attem Attem*t *t all all +uest +uestio ions ns&& 2& igure igures s to rig#t rig#t in-i in-i)at )ate e full full mar's& mar's&
./1& Law is t#e stru)ture- an- )rystallise)rystallise- form of norms an- values& In lig#t of t#e statement -efine law an- -is)uss #ow so)iology of law #as ta'en t#e nature of law as a sue)t matter3 412 ANS:/ /6efinition of law an- so)iology of law /So)iology of law stu-y 7law7 from t#e view*oint of so)iology /8urists an- so)iologists views on law /!*erative values an- attitu-es on )o-ifie- law /9e)ognition of so)ial relations in law
./2& A& 7Eith 7Either er the government government grants us reserva reservatio tion n or discont discontinue inues s the entire concept concept of reserva reservatio tion. n. There is no other option. option. Until Until that time, our agitation agitation will continue. We are now walking walking the path of Mahatma Gandhi, but if needed, we we will resort to Bhagat ingh!s wa"s ,7 :ar-i' ;atel& 9e)ently t#e stir for )aste asereservations #it t#e #ea-lines of many *rint an- non/*rint me-ia& In lig#t t#e statement 4#B$ 4#B$ based reservation give your o*inion on reservation *oli)y wit# a**ro*riate e%am*les from t#e te%t& 410 ANS:/ /& ?rite s#ort notes on t#e followings i& legality " legitima)y of law ANS:/ /legality is refering to statutory law /legitima)y is referring to tra)ing origins of law /analysis of so)ial a)tion /framewor' for so)ial a)tion ii& sustantive t# eory of :enry Sumner $aine ANS:/ /so)ial )ontra)t t#eory /from status to )ontra)t 4'ins#i* to territory/legal fi)tion /so)iety from family *atriar)# to nation/state iii& 7law7 as mirror of so)iety an- 7law7 nee- to e as a mirror of so)iety ANS:/ /law as 7living law7 " 7so)ial law7 /mo-ern )o-ifie- law
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