Cdi 1 Fundamentals of Crim Invest and Intelligence 1000

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5th  Century B.C., Rome . Rome created the first specialized investigative unit named as questors/trackers/murderers questors/trackers/murderers due to their cruel treatment to suspects in investigating crimes.


 Abandonment  is  is a parent's pa rent's desertion of his/he his/herr own child.  Accessory  is a person who aids or contributes before, during and after an unlawful act in a subordinate or secondary capacity.



 Accident Analysis is the process of determining factors on how accidents occur and how to mitigate and prevent its effects through clinical and statistical methods.


 Accident   refers refers to that occurrence in a chain of events that usually produces unintended. Injury, death or property damage.


 Accommodation Address is the the forw forwar ardi ding ng ad addr dres esss of the the ag agen ent’ t’ss ma mail il packages other communications (Guevara, 2010).


 Accomplice is a person who benefits from the crime.  Accuracy means the probable truth of the information.

8. 9.

 Accusation is a complaint or a formal charge to another person claiming that he or she is responsible for committing a crime or any unlawful act.


 Accused is to formally charge or declare another person of being guilty of a puni pu nish shab able le offe offens nse; e; to st stat atee that that on onee lays lays blam blamee fo forr a faul fault, t, a crim crime, e, or wrongdoing upon a named person.


 Acquaintance stalking is where the stalker and the victim know each other only casually.


 Action is the door of the clandestine task and further classified according to the


task he was assigned.  Active CI Measures  are those measures that seek actively to block enemies' effort to gain information or engage in espionage, subversion and sabotage.


 Active Crime Scene Sc ene is a crime scene that is still giving off evidence and has not yet be been en com comple pletel tely y pro proces cesse sed d and cle cleane aned. d. A sin single gle Off Office icer-i r-in-c n-char harge ge is respon res ponsib sible le for for coo coordi rdinat nating ing the inv inves estig tigati ation on at the sce scene ne.. Una Unauth uthori orized zed people (including witnesses) witnesses) must must be excluded from an active cr crime ime scene. In contrast with Passive Crime Scene.


 Active Measures are measures that seek activity blocks the enemy’s effort.


 Active Operation means all organs of every security system whose task is to prevent intelligence activity in a given area.



 Activity is the pro produ duct ct of the kn knowl owledg edgee aft after er the col collec lectio tion n pro proces cessin sing g dissemination and used.


 Actus Reus is proof that a criminal act has occurred.


 Adipocere  is the the soap soapy y app appea eara ranc ncee de deve velo lope ped d by a bo body dy in a ho hot, t, mo mois istt location.


 Admission a stat statem emen entt aco cont ntai aini ning ng so some me the info inform rmat atio ion n ab abou outt the the elements of  aiscrime, but not full confession confession. . of the  21.

 Admission is only as acknowledgement of a fact or circumstance from which guilt may be inferred. It implicates but does not directly incriminate.


 After Mission Report is an account submitted immediatel immediately y upon completion of mission by an undercover agent (Guevara, 2010)


 Agent Handling   is the manag managem emen entt of age agents nts,, pri princi ncipal pal agent agentss and age agent nt networks by intelligence officers typically known as case officers.


 Agent in Place is an agent who has been recruited by intelligence service w/in a highly sensitive service.


 Agent a person that accepts who is aware is engage in counter activityisand willingly controlthat andhe/she direction. This person acts operation on behalf of anoth another er whet whether her indi individua vidual, l, orga organizat nization ion or foreign foreign gove governme rnment, nt, work workss under the direction of a principal agent or case officer.  26.

 Agent Mixed is three or more agent assessing for the same assignment.


 Agent of Influence is an agent a gent who uses influence to gain info.


 Agent Provocateur   was was employed by the Russian for the purpose of internal security and political repression.


 Aggravated Assault   is an unlawful attack intended to inflict severe bodily injury upon another person. Also called Felonious Assault. In some specific instances insta nces,, law enfo enforcem rcement ent offi officers cers,, teach teachers, ers, and peop people le oper operating ating publ public ic conveyances can legally use reasonable physical force.  Aggressor is one who aggresses; a person who initiates a quarrel, or fight, making an unprovoked attack.



 Aging Cover is th thee pr proc oces esss of be bein ing g in an area area/ / co cond ndit itio ion/ n/ co cove verr an and d undercover for the considerable period of time to acquire a seemingly true identity for the purpose of gaining root of his accepted fictitious background.


 Agitator is a person who engages in spying or in support of those who do, or who wh o seek seekss to de dete tect ct th them em.. And And wh whos osee pr prim imar ary y ob obje ject ctiv ivee is to ob obta tain in information pertaining to process, activities, movement movementss or operations of others (Guevara, 2010).


 Agriprof is among a pe pers rson on or gr grou oup p of pe pers rson ons ta sked ed to ag agit itat atee an and d 2010). sp spre read ad propaganda the population usually fors atask certain cause (Guevara,



 Aid and Abet is any assistance rendered by encouraging words, acts support, or presence.


 Aircraft was introduced as a method of conducting aerial reconnaissance.


 Akbar is the “Great Mogul” and sagacious master of Hindustan who employed more than four thousand agents for the sole purpose of bringing him the truth that his throne might rest upon it.


 Alexander The Great is the King of Macedonia, became the first ruler to utilize intelligence as a weapon of governmen government. t.


 Alfred Redl is one of the most brilliant intelligence agents, though he was homosexual. Chief of the Austro-Hungarian Austro-Hungarian secret service and at the same time agent of the Russia (convicted of treason-he committed suicide).


 Algor Mortis  is the postmortem cooling process of the body. This can be helpful in homicide investigation investigations. s.


 Alias is a fictitious name sometimes used by fleeing felons/criminals; a false name used to conceal true identity.


 Alibi is a plea of having been somewhere else at the time of a crime.


 Allan Pinkerton (1819-85) showed an early interest in the world of Chartism before immigrating to the United States in 1842.


 Allan Pinkerton is America’s foremost private detective. By profession, he was a self-employed barrel and cask maker. While scouting for wood supplies to be us used ed in his his bu busi sine ness ss,, he de dete tect cted ed an and d late laterr ap appr preh ehen ende ded d a lo loca call gang gang of counterfeiters. Soon after his counterfeiting experience, local citizens besieged him for ass assist istanc ancee in rec recove overin ring g stole stolen n pro proper perty ty and ot other her inves investig tigati ative ve matters.


 Alphonse Bertillon is a French police clerk who introduced the first systematic iden id enti tifi fica cati tion on sys yste tem m ba base sed d on An Anth thro ropo pome metr try y or An Anth thro ropo pome metr tric ical al Signalment. Recognized as the founder of Criminal Identification.


 Analysis is to determine the significance of the information.


 Analysis of the area of Operation is a detailed comprehensive study with emphasis on weather and terrain data designed to enable the COP to determine the effects of the area of operation on the opposing forces.


 Anarchist is a person who proposes the over-throw of the government by creating disorder and violence.


 Angle Collision is an impact between two traffic units approaching on separate roadways or other paths that intersect.


 Announced Inspection is one w/c has been so published to the office that all concerned personnel are usually aware of its imminence to certain selected personnel.



 Announced Security Inspection  is an inspection whose imminence is known only.


 Anonymous Informant  is   is those who give information through the telephone with the hope that the informant cannot be identified.


 Anonymous Informants include those anonymous letter senders, phone callers, or text senders who give information about suspects or fugitives of justice.


 Anthrax is a single-celled bacterial organism capable of forming spores. Used as a biological weapon producing pneumonia-lik pneumonia-likee symptoms (Guevara, 2010).


 Anthropometry was based on the fact that every human being differs from every other one I the exact measurements of the body, and that the sum of thes thesee me meas asur urem emen ents ts yiel yields ds char charac acte teri rist stics ics fo form rmul ulaa fo forr each each indi indivi vidu dual al (Florendo, 2012).


 Anti-terrorism is a defensive measure used to reduce vulnerability to terrorist acts (Guevara, 2010).


 Approach is a process of getting people to start talking.


 Area Condition and Habit  is  is a description of the locality as whether the place is a resi reside dent ntia ial, l, co comm mmer erci cial al,, high highly ly ur urba bani nize zed, d, rura rurall co cond ndit itio ion, n, inco income me of operation, operation data.


 Area of Operation is the aspect of the operational environment exclusive of the military forces involved (Guevara, 2010).


 Area Target Study is an act of collecting and analyzing available information about an area.


 Arrest is the legal taking of a person into custody in order that he may bind to answer for the commission of an offense. (Sec 1, Rule 113)


 Arson is the malicious, deliberate burning of a building or property.


 Artificial Cover  is   is the technique of using fabricated biographical data adopted for the purpose.  Asphyxiation  is a co cond ndit itio ion n wh wher eree th thee br brai ain n an and d bo body dy tiss tissue uess re rece ceiv ivee insufficient oxygen to support the red blood cells.



 Assault  means  means (1) Unlawfully threatening to harm another person, (2) actually harming another person, or (3) attempting to harm another person. Includes not only threats of bodily harm and attempts to cause bodily harm, but also (usually) battery.


 Assessment is the shifting and shorting evaluated information with respect to the mission.


 Assets as used in intelligence service refers to the institution, agencies and

organization or juridical person.



 Assimilate means to be absorbed into the system of a foreign society (Guevara, 2010).


 Assistant Team Leader   is the one who implements or executes the order/s coming from his/her superiors.


 Associative Evidence is pieces of physical evidence which may identify the criminal by means of clues, personal properties or the characteristics patterns of procedure deduced from the arrangement of objects at the crime scene.


 Audio Surveillance is checking on persons by listening through wire-tapping or use of electronic eavesdropping equipment to pick up conversations of persons and their associates (Guevara, 2010).


 August Vollmer  served   served as an Army Sergeant in the Philippines during the Spanis Spa nish-A h-Ame meric rican an war and bec became ame an Arm Army y Po Polic licem emen en wh who o ove oversa rsaw w the integration of former Guardia Civil into the new Insular Constabulary. His experi exp erienc encee in the Ph Phili ilippi ppine ne con convin vinced ced him of the need need to pro profe fessi ssiona onaliz lizee policing and shield it from politics. He reluctantly accepted the position of Marshal of Berkeley California when a posse was commissioned in order to respon res pond d to a tra train in der derail ailing ing incid incident ent and it was the then n tha thatt his inno innovat vative ive

approach to policing began to be recognized. Following the lead of European development in Criminal Investigation, he established the first crime laboratory in the United States in order to support his efforts to professionalize policing. 72.

 Australian Secret Intelligence Service  has its pri primar mary y res respon ponsib sibili ility ty has gathering gathe ring intellig intelligence ence from main mainly ly Asian and Pacif Pacific ic inte interest rest usin using g agen agents ts stationed in a wide variety of areas. Its main purpose like other most agencies is to protect the country's political and economic interests interests and ensure the safety of its citizens against national threats.


Background Investigation is a check made on an individual usually seeking empl em ploy oyme ment nt thro throug ugh h su subj bjec ect' t'ss re reco cord rdss in the the po poli lice ce fi file les, s, ed educ ucat atio iona nall institutions, place of residence and former employers.


Bad cop/good cop technique (a.k.a. Mutt & Jeff, Hot & Cold)  is an approach, onee cop on cop play playss toug tough h an and d inti intimi mida dati ting ng wh whil ilee th thee ot othe herr play playss so soft ft and and accomm acco mmoda odatin ting. g. Th Thee obj object ective ive of the bad cou cough gh is to lea lead d the susp suspect ect to cooperate with the good cop (Torres, 2013).


Bag Man is the one who collects illicit or illegal money such as ransom in Bag kidnapping, delivering bribe money through middleman (Guevara, 2010).


Bait Money is the currency with recorded serial numbers that is available to add to the loot taken in a robbery. robbery. It is often placed at a teller position in a bank.


Barriers are structure or fence intended to stop access.



Baseline  is o on ne of th thee plo plotti tting ng me metho thods ds fo forr the cri crime me sce scene ne.. Establishes a straight baseline between two fixed points. Measurements are taken at right angles from the baseline.


Battered-woman Syndrome means under duress and feeling trapped in a cycle of violence, a battered woman may lash out lethally at her tormentor.


Belle Boyd (1844-1901) was described by her biographer Joseph Herg He rges eshe heim imer er,, as the the mo most st famo famous us wo woma man n co conc ncer erne ned d wi with th official secret activities in civil war.


Biographical Intel Biographical Intelligen ligence ce deals with individual personalities who have actual possession of power.


Biol Biolog ogiical cal Wa Warrfar fare Con onve vent ntio ion n pr proh ohib ibit itss de deve velo lopi ping ng,, pr prod oduc ucin ing g stockpiling bacteriological and toxin weapons (Guevara, 2010).


Biological Warfare involves the use of diseases to debilitate population, food Biological or livestock (Guevara, 2010).


Bird is a slang term for an informer (Guevara, 2010).


Blackmail is the act of forcing somebody to pay money or do something by threatening to reveal shameful.


Blind Reporting   lets lets sexual assault victims retain anonymity and guarantees their confidentiality when they share information with law enforcement.


Blood Money is the price paid for causing a person’s death.


Bonafide means in good faith; valid and certified.


Briefing  is  is to instruct as a preparation for action.


British Intelligence  succeeded greatly by means of censorship and its code room combined with skillful use of covert agents.


Brothel is an es esta tabl blis ishm hmen ent, t, wh whic ich h co comm mmon only ly func functi tion onss as a ho hous usee of


an and d

prostitution. Bug is a surveillance device that requires a communication channel. A “bug” usually involves a radio transmitter, in which the user can pick up the data from poorly configured wireless computer networks or tune in to the radio emissions of a computer monitor (Guevara, 2010).


Bugging is using a concealed electronic device to record conversations within a room without the consent of those people involved.


Bunco Game is the act or trick contrived to gain the confidence of the victim who is then defrauded.


Burn-out  is  is the discovery of the mission.


Cabinet Noir is to a secret police organization. The creation of Cardinal Richelieu. This designed intercept and analyzed correspondence within the French


Court and between the lesser nobility, it did much to preserve the sometimes tenuous security of the throne of King Louis XIII. 97.

Cadaveric Spasm  is a condition in specific muscle groups (rather than the entire body) after death.


Capabilit Capabi lity y is the physical ability of a writ; agent’s placement or access to another target.


Cardinal Cardin al Ric Richel helieu ieu (15 (158585-1642 1642)) gave gave Fra France nce her her first first org organi anized zed sy syste stem m of espionage.


Carjacking   is a fai fairly rly ne new w categ category ory of robbery robbery,, this is the taking of a motor vehicle from a person by (the threat of) force.


Carroll Decision means vehicles may be searched without a warrant if 1) there is probable cause cause for  for the search, and 2) the vehicle would be gone before a search warrant could be obtained.


Cartography is where the witness and the investigator develop a picture of the criminal with the help of a skilled cartographer. Based on the description of the witness, the artist draws a composite face that approximates the criminal’s


facial appearance. Casee Off Cas Office icer  r   is an inte intell llig igen ence ce offi office cerr wh who o is tr trai aine ned d sp spec ecia iali list st in th thee management of agents and agent network.


Casing is the the re reco conn nnai aiss ssan ance ce an and d surv survei eill llan ance ce of a plac placee or buil buildi ding ng to determine its suitability for intelligen intelligence. ce.


Cause-And-Effect Cause-And-E ffect Thinki Thinking  ng   serv serves es as a dire direct ctio iona nall pu purp rpos osee du duri ring ng th thee investigative process, as one or more facts generate further related factual insights.


Censorship is the control and examination of the civil, national, armed forces, field press and POWs.


Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is the agency created under the UN National Security Act of 1947.


Certification of Destruction is the certification by a witnessing officer that the clas classi sifi fied ed ma matt tter er de desc scri ribe bess ther therei ein n ha hass be been en di disp spos osed ed of in his his pr pres esen ence ce approved destruction methods.


Chain of Custody refers to record of individuals who maintained control over the evidence from the time it was obtained by the police until it is presented in court.


Chain of Evidence is the documentation of what happened to the evidence from when it was discovered until when it is presented in court.


Character is some of the traits that serve as index to the essential or intrinsic nature of a person.



Characteristics  features of a piece of evidence can be: Class characteristics: features that are not unique to an item but that group it in a specific category. Individual (or identifying) characteristics: features that set the item apart from others of the same type.


Charless Dic Charle Dickens kens is a famous English novelist that popularized the Scotland Yard. He edited a popular magazine in London in which appeared many

articles describing the noble investigative efforts of the “yard.” It was through his writings and other literary efforts the London’s public became gradually more acceptant of the officer in plain clothes. 114.

Check Kiti Check Kiting ng is a method of operation in which several operation in which several checking accounts based upon non-existent funds are opened in an attempt to withdraw funds.


Chimel Decisi Chimel Decision on  me mean anss se sear arch ch inci incide dent ntal al to lawf lawful ul arrest arrest   mu must st be ma made de simultaneously simultaneou sly with arrest arrest..


Chinese Intelligence - In 1932, TALLI  organized the china’s Secret Police (the BIS) to conduct espionage and counterespionage against Japanese Spies and Chinese Communist.


Chinese water torture is an interrogation technique, repeatedly dripping water on the forehead of the suspect. The goal is to drive the suspect to near insanity thereby obtaining a confession.


Christopher Marlo Christopher Marlowe we (1564(1564-93) 93) was a considerable poet and playwright. He wass al wa also so acc accom ompl plis ishe hed d sp spy, y, and and he wa wass “T “Tal alen entt Sp Spot otte ted” d” by Jo John hn De Dee, e, astrologer to Queen Elizabeth, and recruited by Sir Francis Walsingham head of the English Secret Service.


CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) is the civilian intelligence agency of the USA. It is the largest intelligence agency in the world.


Cipher is a method of transforming a text to conceal its meaning.


Circumstantial Evidence is a fact or event that tends to incriminate a person in a crime.


Civic-Mindedness is the sense of duty and obligation to assist the police.


Civil Security encompasses active and passive CI measures affecting the non military nationals permanently or temporarily residing in an area a rea under military jurisdiction


Clandestine Activities are actions used to accomplish intelligence intelligence,, counter intelligence and other similar activities, sponsored or conducted by government, governmen t, all departments in such a way to guarantee secrecy or concealment (Guevara, 2010).


Clandestine means secret or furtive.



Clandestine Operation is a secret action, undertaken by intelligence/counte intelligence/counterr intelligence agent in behalf of an organization.


Clarity Probe used to elicit additional information in an area, which the response is clear.


Classified Information include all information containing document cryptographic devices, development project and materials following on the categories of Top Secret Confidential or Restricted.


Classified Matter is any information in materials in any form or any nature, the safeguarding of which is necessary in their interest of Natural Security and which is classified of such purpose by the responsible classification authority. authority.


Classify refers to the assigning of information or material, one of the four (4) security categories after determination been made that the information requi requires res the security projection as provided.


Close Tail  (o (orr 'Tig 'Tight ht Ta Tail il') ') is a moving surveillance that keeps the subject constantly in in view. Close tailing  is a moving surveillance where subject is kept constantly within view; tight tailing.


Close up are shots indicating one specific evidence with ruler or measuring device placed alongside the evidence (Torredes, 2013).


Codes are systems on which arbitrary group of symbols represented represented by other letter rather than by a complete words phrases or sentence.


Coercion is the use of a forceful means or physical compelling means to obtain information from a suspect or offended party.


Cognitive Inte Cognitive Interview rview  is an inte interv rvie iewi wing ng tech techni niqu quee that that help helpss vi vict ctim imss or witnesses put themselves themselves in their mind at the scene of the crime.


Cold Case is a crime or an accident that has not yet been fully solved and is not the subject of a recent criminal investigation, but for which new information could emerge from new witne witness ss test testimon imony, y, re-e re-exami xamined ned archiv archives, es, retai retained ned material evidence, as well as fresh activities of the suspect. New technical methods developed after the case can be used on the surviving evidence to reanalyze the causes, often with conclusive results.


Cold Crime Scene is a crime scene that may have been tampered with.


Collation is the assembly of written information into a standard order.


Collection Agency is any person, unit, or activity that collects and processes info by research, surveillance, interrogation or other exploitation of source.


Collection is the exploration of sources of info by collection agencies.


Collection Planning is the continuous process which ultimately coordinate and integrate the efforts of all collecting agencies/units. agencies/units.



Collection  re refer ferss to the act of gathe gatherin ring g tho those se ide identi ntifie fied d dat dataa or fac facts, ts, or physical things that are significant to the case under investigation.


Collusion is the secret agreement for fraudulent or illegal purposes; conspiracy; an agreement to defraud of his rights or to secure an object forbidden by law.


Combat Intelligence is used in planning and conducting tactical and administrative operation concerning to weather, terrain and logistics.


Commercial Robb Commercial Robbery ery  is a robbery robbery   tha thatt is oft often en com commit mitted ted in com comme merci rcial al property.


Communication Agent is an agent a gent that facilitates communication.


Communication is the process by which information is exchanged and understood by two or more persons, usually with the intent to motivate or influence others (Guevara, 2010).


Communication Security is the protection resulting from the application of various measures which prevent or delay the enemy or unauthorized person in gaining information through communication. This includes transmission, cryptographic and physical security.


Communication Security Officer  is  is a properly trained and cleared Communication Security Security Officer shall be appointed in every department of the governmentt handling cryptographic communicatio governmen communication. n.


Community Relations Program is a program that evaluates public attitudes, identifies the mission of organization with public interest and executes a program of action to earn public understanding and acceptance (Guevara, 2010).


Community Security is the protection resulting from the application of various measures which prevent the enemy in gaining information.


Compartmenting refers to the grant of access to classified matter only properly cleared person when such classified c lassified information is required in the performance of their official duties.


Compass Point  is   is just one of the plotting methods for the crime scene scene.. Uses a protractor to measure the angle at the intersection of two lines.


Compel means to force.


Competent Photograph represents accurately what it purports to represent, is properly marked with identification, is placed in the chain of evidence, and is secured until presented in court.


Competition Probe is effective when used in connection with teacher pupil approach.


Complainant is a person requesting an investigation or that action is taken. Complainant Complainant is often the victim of a crime.



Complaint Compla int is a sworn written statement charging a person with an offense, subscribed by the offended party, any peace officer, or other public officer charged with the enforcement of the law violated.


Complete Background Investigation is the detailed check on an individual’s activity from the town a person was born and lived 15 years ago (Guevara, 2010).


Compromise is a method of reaching an agreement in a dispute.


Computer Crime are where frauds are perpetrated through the misuse of an electronic machine. Computer Crime is the alteration, addition, deletion, theft of information from a computer, cyberspace, or a computer network.


Confession  is a statement that contains information about the elements of a crime and that is provided and attested to by a person involved in committing the crime. Can be oral or written. Contrast with admission admission.. It is also an express acknowledgement by the accused in a criminal prosecution of the truth of his guilt as to the offense charge.


Confidence Game is taking advantage of someone after making them confident that you can help them take advantage of someone else, often through a getrich-quick scheme. The swindler obtains money or property by a trick that takes tak es adv advant antage age of a vic victim tim's 's tru trust st in the swind swindler ler.. Con Confid fidenc encee gam games es are classified as 1) Short-con games, where a victim is cheated of the money on their person at the time of the swindle. 2) Long-con games, where a victim is sent for a cheated of whatever money they can raise.


Confidential Informant is similar to the informant but he gives information violation of the law to includes crimes and criminals.


Confidential is any information or material the unauthorized disclosure of it would be critical to the interest and prestige of the nation.


Confidential source are exploited without the knowledge or against the will of


the foreign nation, criminals, subversives etc. Conspirator is a person taking part in a conspiracy.


Contact is any individual whom the subject speaks or deal within any way while under investigation.


Contact points  are those part of the crime scene where the suspects’ body, clothing’s or tools have disturbed, touched, made contact with, or stepped into. Contact points may contain the suspects DNA, fingerprints, shoeprints, etc. (Torres, 2013)..


Control is authority to direct an agent to carry out task.


Convoy is an accomplice or associate of the subject used to avoid

or elude surveillant.



Coroner is a public officer whose principal duty is to find and inquire the cause of death.


Corpus Delicti  ([Figurative] 'Body of Crime')  means "the fact of a crime having been actually committed." Before a person can be convicted of committing a crime, it must be proved that crime has occurred (Black's Law Dictionary (6th ed.) via Wikipedia)


Counter Agent  is  is a force or agent acting counter actively.


Counter Espionage is action against a rebellion.


Counter Insurgency is the aspect of intelligence devoted to destroy the effectiveness of inimical enemy intelligence activities to protect information from espionage, individual against subversion and installation or material against sabotage. Military, paramilitary, political, economic, psychological and civic actions taken by the government to defeat subversive insurgency (Guevara, 2010).


Counter Intelligence Investigation is an activity, which constitute the value of the counter intelligence workload.


Counter Intelligence is an intelligence activity which concern principally with the defending of the organization against penetration. penetration. It also refers r efers to effort made by intelligence organizations to prevent hostile or enemy intelligence organization from successfully gathering and collecting intelligence against them.


Counter Subversion is the aspect of counter intelligence designed to detect, destroy, neutralize or prevent subversive activities through identification, exploitation, penetration, manipulation, deception and depression of individuals, groups of individuals, groups or organizations conducted or suspected of conducting subversive activities (Guevara, 2010).


Counter-terrorism is a military or political activities intended to combat


terrorism.  Courage is the mental quality that recognizes fear or danger or criticism but enables him to face it with calmness and firmness.


Cover Action Agent is a fully recruited agent who is in a senior position usually with the government and id able to prevent influence from foreign government upon direction of the sponsor.


Cover Family is the  combination and/or compartment of individual, cell and group cover.


Cover is the mean by which the individual group or organization conceals the true nature of its acts and or its existence from the observer.

185. 186.

Cover Operatives are spies who enjoys diplomatic immunity (Guevara, 2010). Cover Story is any scenario made to cover up the operation.



Cover Sup Cover Suppor portt is agent assigned in target areas with the primary mission of supporting the cover story.


Covert Intellig Intelligence ence are operations which are so planned and executed as to conc concea eall th thee id iden enti tity ty of or pe perm rmit it plau plausi sibl blee de deni nied ed by th thee spon sponso sorr or concealment of the identity of sponsor (Guevara, 2010).


Covert Method is the discreet manner or secret gathering of information.


Cressuss of Rome (Marc Cressu (Marcus us Lucino Lucinos) s) employed both slave and freeman (fire brigade). The intelligence operatives of Cessus, when not objectively looking for fires, were devoted in the main to gathering evidence for Cressus to be used in the Law Courts.


Crimee De Crim Dete tect ctio ion n is a pa part rt of po poli lice ce op oper erat atio ion n fo focu cuse sed d on disc discov over erin ing, g, identifying, and analyzing evidence that a crime has been committed, is being committed or about to be committed.


Crime Int Crime Intell ellige igence nce  is wh wher eree info inform rmat atio ion n co comp mpil iled ed,, an anal alyz yzed ed an and/ d/or or disseminated in an effort to anticipate, prevent, or monitor criminal activity.


Crime scene documentation refers to the recording of all available information

surrounding a crime scene and all activities which occurred therein (Torredes, 2013). 194.

Crime Scene is the place where the crime was committed. All pieces of evidence secured from the crime scene are reviewed as to its information potential. Crime scene evidence often has significant value in providing the officer with suspect-tracing information. information.


Crime Scene Photography is an investigator should not disturb the scene or any object at the scene prior to photographing. Crime scene photography provides permanent record of the facts at the crime scene and is not a substitute for field notes, accurate measurements and sketches of the scene.


Criminal Crimi nal Infor Informant  mant   is an inf inform ormant ant who giv gives es inf inform ormati ation on to the police police

perrta pe tain inin ing g to the unde derw rwor orld ld ab abou outt organ rganiz izeed understanding that his identity will be protected.

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Criminal Info Criminal Informati rmation on is an accusation in writing charging a person with an offense, subscribed by the prosecutor and filed with the court.


Criminal Intelligence  refers to the knowledge essential to the prevention of crimes and the investigation investigation,, arrest, and prosecution of criminals


Criminal Intent  is   is when a person does an unlawful act that they know to be illegal.


Criminal Investigation as a Process   is a systematic process of identifying, collecting, preserving, and evaluating data or raw facts to produce valuable

information for the purpose of bringing a criminal offender to justice.



Criminal Crimin al Inv Invest estiga igatio tion n as a Sci Scienc encee  is a sc scie ienc ncee beca becaus usee it in invo volv lves es the the application of knowledge of forensic sciences in the process of identifying, locating, collecting, processing, and/or evaluating physical evidences.


Criminal Investigation as an Art  is  is an art because it is governed by rigid rules or fixed legal procedures but most often based on intuition (logic and tested knowledge, immediate learning/consciousness) learning/consciousness) and sometim sometimes es by chance.


Criminal Investigation is conducted into three phases or stage- preliminary (initial) investigation; In-depth (follow-up) investigation and final (concluding) investigation; the process of searching for and collecting all possible relevant facts to determine the truth of truth of a crime: what happened, where, when, and how; and who is responsible. Usually initiated by an officer's personal observation or by information from a citizen. Follows a reconstruction process of deductive reasoning based on specific evidence to prove that a suspect is guilty (or innocent) of an offense. offense. It also refers to the process of dis discovering, covering, collectin collecting, g, preparing, identifying and presenting evidence to determine what happened and who is/are responsible.


Criminal Investigator is a public safety officer who is tasked to conduct the

investigation all criminal cases cases as  as and provided andwhich embodied under the revised penalof code, criminal’s laws specialfor laws are criminal in nature nat ure.. The They y are fac fact-f t-find inders ers since since the they y foc focus us the their ir eff effort ortss on fac facts ts tha thatt are related to criminal activities.  205.

Criminal Jurisprudence refers to the science of laws or the application of laws, particularly criminal law, to detect and investigate crimes for the purpose of promoting justice.


Criminal Law is a branch of municipal or substantive law that defines crimes, Criminal establishes punishments, and regulates the investigation and prosecution of people accused of committing crimes.


Criminal Potentiality is the possession of knowledge, skills or facilities that



could easily be adopted for criminal use. Criminalistics  is the application of natural sciences and their technology to examine physical evidence that can be used to establish that a crime has been committed and who is/are responsible. It involves the study of criminal things, or those physical objects that may explain or give proof to the commission of crime. It can also be defined, as a profession and scientific discipline directed towards the recognition, identification, individualization, and evaluation of physical evidence by application of the natural sciences on matters of law and science. Criminals Bad Luck is the unconsciou unconsciouss or subliminal act aiming at self-betray self-betrayal al a.k.a. “Vebrecherpech” clue. Faulty acts; Carelessness; Negligence; and Vanity (belief in their own cleverness)



Cross Pro Cross Projec jectio tion n (Sometimes called Exploded view or Bird’s eye view)   also describes the immediate scene only, specifically inside a room as the scene of the crime. crime. The roo room m is treate treated d as the cardboard box wh where ere the sid sidee and the cover are collapsed to the same plane as a s the bottom.


Crossbar   is a structure intended to physically prevent the entry of vehicles situated on railroad crossings and entry and exit gates of establishments and


residential areas. Crypt is something that is concealed or hidden (Guevara, 2010).


Cryptanal Crypta nalysi ysiss came from the Greek word Kryptos-hidden and Analyein-to loosen or to unite is the art of defeating cryptographic security systems and gaining access to the contents of encrypted messages without being given the cryptographic key; the process of deciphering coded texts or messages.


Cryptogram is an encrypted text/message complete with heading of message written in counterintelligence text or language which implies/convey hidden meaning.


Cryptographic Security is that component of communication security which results from the provisions of technically sound crypto-system and their proper use.


Cryptography is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties called adversaries.


CSI Effect   is a recent phenomenon in relation to criminal investigation that results to an “unrealistic expectations of the public in the conduct of criminal investigation” due chiefly to the popularity of fictional TV shows such as CSI (Torres, 2013)..


Cultural Understanding and a Wide Range of Interest  is   is an awareness and understanding of cultures different from the investigator’s own can be of great advant adv antage age.. Su Such ch insigh insightt can ass assist ist app apprec reciab iably ly in inf inform ormati ation on gat gathe herin ring, g,

in inte terv rvie iewi wing ng,, duri info inform rman antt inal re recr crui uiti ting ng, , an and d . ma many ny seot othe herr fic task tasks s co comm mmon only ly encounter encou ntered ed during ng crim criminal inve investiga stigation tion. Becau Because speci specific beha behaviors viors and traits are unique to various groups, development of an awareness of cultural diversity can provide the investigator with new insights.  219.

Curb is a concrete edge bordering the sidewalk.


Curiosity  is the desire to learn by being inquisitive (the eagerness of the investigator to know more about the crime).


Curtilage is that portion of a residence not open to the public. Sidewalks and alleys are open to the public. But the curtilage is reserved for private use by the property owner or the family.


Custodial Arrest   is is a law officer, having decided that a suspect is not free to leave, deprives the suspect of liberty to leave custody.



Custodial Interrogation is the interrogation interrogation by  by law enforcement officers of a person that has been taken into custody or otherwise deprived of freedom in a significant way. Requires that the Miranda warning warning be  be given.


Custodial Investigation involves any questioning initiated by law enforcemen enforcementt officers after a person has been taken into custody or otherwise deprived of his freedom free dom of action in any signifi significant cant way. It is only afte afterr the investig investigatio ation n

ceases to be a general inquiry into an unsolved crime and begins to focus on a particular suspect, the suspect is taken into custody, and the police carry out a process of interrogations that lends itself to eliciting incriminating statements that the rule begins to operate (People vs. Marra, 236 SCRA 565).  225.

Custodians is an individual who has possession of or otherwise charged with the responsibility for safeguarding and accounting of classified matters.


Cut-Out   is a mutua uallly tr tru usted ted int nteermed ediiary ary, meth thod od or chan chann nel of communication, facilitating the exchange of information between agents.


Cyber Cop is an investigator in compute computerr forensics.


Cyber  stalking  is  is preying on a victim via v ia computer and the Internet.

 229.  230.

Cybercrime is a crime committed by using a computer.  Dactyloscopy is the scientific study of fingerprints as a method of identification (Florendo, 2012).


 Damage to National Security refers to the prejudice, embarrassment or jury to the country resulting from act or omission omission..


 Danger Warning Sign  refers to signs intended to caution road users of a hazard that lies ahead and of its nature.


 Daniel Defoe was one of the great authors of the late 17 th  and early 18th centuries.


 Dead Drop Spike  is a co conc ncea ealm lmen entt de devi vice ce us used ed to hide hide mo mone ney, y, ma maps ps,,


documents, microfilm and other items.  Dead Drop/Dead Letter Box is a method of espionage trade craft used to pass items between 2 individuals using a secret location and thus not require to meet directly.


 Debriefing is the subject is cooperative or under same degree of rented and is aware of the intelligence interes interest. t.


 Debris refers to the accumulation of broken parts of vehicles, rubbish, dust and other materials left at the scene of the accident by the collision.


 Deceitful Witnesses are the liar type of witne witnesses. sses. Let them lie and order them to repe repeat at seve severa rall time timess th thei eirr na narr rrat atio ion. n. Th They ey wi will ll be en enme mesh shed ed in contradictions. If possible, the lies m must ust be tape recorded for the confrontation confrontation


about the about their ir con contra tradic dictio tion. n. Press Pressure ure them for pos possib sible le cas cases es of perjury perjury or obstruction of justice and they will tell the truth.  239.

 Deceleration is the negative acceleration or rate of slowing down of a vehicle.


 Deception is an attempt to mislead another generally as to its capabilities and intention to confuse enemy about one’s plan and intention (Guevara, 2010).


 Decisiveness  is the promptness of making decision in a state of clear and forceful manner.


 Declaration and Acts Indicative of Guilt  are   are actions on the part of a suspect which raise an inference of guilt.


 Declassify is the  fact of removing the security classification from classified information or matter.


 Decoy is a pe pers rson on or ob obje ject ct us used ed by the the subj subjec ectt in an atte attemp mptt to elud eludee surveillance.


 Decoy Vehicle is an id iden enti tica call vehi vehicl clee wi with th that that of the the ve vehi hicl clee wher wheree the the princi pri ncipal pal may be locate located, d, it usu usuall ally y tai tails ls or fro fronts nts the pri princi ncipal pal’s ’s veh vehicl iclee (Guevara, 2010).


 Deduction is concerned in finding out the rearing of information as to the area of operation.


 Deductive Reasoning (Reasoning from general to particular) assuming a theory of the crime and attempting to support by a careful appraisal of how the information collected in the investigation support the theory. It forms a general conclusion prior to having a complete explanation based on facts. With the dedu de duct ctiv ivee co conc nclu lusi sion on in mi mind nd,, the the inve invest stig igat ator or co cons nsid ider erss the the emer emergi ging ng evidence, contrasting it with the conclusion to determine its validity.


 Defector in Place is a person who turns himself against the government but not physically deserted his country (Guevara, 2010).


 Defector is a pe pers rson on wh who o tu turn rnss aw away ay or ag agai ains nstt his his alle allegi gian ance ce to th thee governmentt (Guevara, 2010). governmen


 Defendant  is  is an individual charged and brought to trial. Before being charged, an individual is usually a suspect suspect..


 Delilah  is a   biblical personality, she was able to gain information by using her beauty and charm, she was responsible for the fall of Samson, a known Israelite leader and enemy of the Philistines.


 Department Intelligence is th thee inte intell lliigen gence re requ quiire red d by an agen gency or depa de part rtme men nt of the govern vernm ment in or ord der to execut cute its its miss ssio ion n an and d responsibility.


 Department  is  is use to cover any Philippine Government Department Service, or instrumentality.



 Departmental Reference, many police agencies have established file listings of voluntary informants cultivated in prior investigation. The files may be crossrefere ref erence nced d by name, name, typ typee of infor informat mation ion obt obtain ained, ed, and occ occupa upatio tion. n. Su Such ch information may prove to be very useful or of no value at all depending on the information.


 Deposition is a written record of evidence given orally and transcribed in

writing in the form of questions by the investigator and answer of the deponent and signed by the latter (Catalino, M.G. et al, 2011).  256.

 Description is actual reporting of what was observe.


 Detection is the fact of discovery. It is the chance event which triggers the operation of our criminal justice system. This occurs when a possible crime is observed by the police or are reported to its attention (Torres, 2013).


 Direct Question is a focused question with little chance of misinterpretation. The expected answer is specific and brief. Compare with Indirect Question Question..


 Directing is the intelligence staff officer or the unit commander will determine the required information relevant its mission and responsibility.


 Discipline is a prompt and willing obedience to all orders both for your men and self.


 Discreet is which every effort is made to ensure that the subject is unaware that he is under surveillance.


 Discretion is the ability of tendency to act or decide w/ providence. It is the wise use of one’s own judgment.


 Disinterested Type  is the uncooperative uncooperative and iindifferent ndifferent su subject. bject. To deal with them them is to fin find d ou outt thei theirr fiel field d of inter interes estt so tha thatt they they wil willl talk talk.. Th Thei eirr indifference should be demolished to arouse their interest or be flattered.


 Dispatch is to instruct someone to carry out a task.


 Disposal Plan is the disposal of the info in case of possible compromise.  Dissemination is th thee final inal ph phas asee of th thee cycl cyclee wh wheere rein in th thee pro process cess of information.



 DNA  (Deoxy (Deoxyribo ribonuclei nucleicc Acid) is the organic substance in the nucleus of cells that provides the genetic code for individual characteristics.


 Doctrine of Informer Privilege is  a lega legall pr prin inci cipl plee re reco cogn gniz izin ing g that that an informer/ confidential informant’s identity should not be disclosed during trial if such disclosure would result in retaliation to the informer/ confidential informant. 


 Doctrine refers to a codification of beliefs or a body of teachings or instructions, ta taug ught ht pr prin inci cipl ples es or posi positi tion ons, s, as the the bo body dy of teac teachi hing ngss in a br bran anch ch of knowledge or belief system.



 Document  covers  covers any form of recorded information photographs, films and are included in matter.


 Document Intelligence me means ans ass assem embli bling, ng, ana analy lyzin zing g and dis disse semin minati ating ng information about those individual or groups whose interest is the overthrow of a democratic country (Guevara, 2010).


 Documentary Evidence includes writings, including official records. It is one which is supplied by written instruments, or derived from symbols which ideas ide as are rep repres resen ented ted on mat materi erial al subst substanc ances es,, lik likee let lette ters, rs, wil wills ls,, dee deed d or contract.


 Documentary Security is the protection of documents, classified matters and vital records from loss, access to unauthorized persons, damage, theft and compromise through proper storage and procedure.


 Documentary Source Of Information is any type of information of a printed nature, or data otherwise recovered and stored for retrieval. Such information may be obtained from within the police agency, from other criminal justice agencies, and from sources not connected c onnected with law enforcement.


 Domestic Violence  is aan group of behaviors economic abuse) over intimate pa rtner. (physical, sexual, emotional, and/or partner.  276.

 Double Agent  is  is an enemy agent who has been captured, turned around and set back where he came from as an agent of his captors


 Double Crosser   wants to get more information from the police more than what he gives.


 Double Strip Search Method   is a modification of the strip search method. The rectangle is traversed first parallel to the base then parallel to a side.


 Dr. Hans Gross. Father of Criminalistics, he published a book entitled “Modern Criminal Investigation” which pave the way for Edmund Locard to incorporate modern science to police works (Torres, 2013)..


 Drivers License Guide  is an aid to determining whethe whetherr or not a driver's license is authentic.


 Drunken Type is a style of questioning by the investigator shoul should d be adapted to the psychology of of the subject. When the drun drunken ken subject has sobe sobered, red, another interview will be conducted, confronting him about his disclosures while in the state of drunkenness. drunkenness. The written stateme statement nt must be taken during his sobriety. sobriety.


 Duress Code is a type of coded system used as internal defense which uses certain word in casual conversation alarming the personnel concern (Guevara, 2010).


 Dye Pack is a bundle of currency that contains tear gas and a colored dye.

During a robbery robbery,, when the robber takes such a bundle acr across an


electromagnetic field in the facility, the tear gas container explodes, a cloud of colored smoke is emitted, and the money is stained with brightly colored dye.  284.

 Marine Police is t he he first body of public-order officers to be named police in England, a force established in 1798 to protect merchandise in the port of London.


 Eaves Dropping   is is the act of secretly listening to the private conversation of others without their consent.


 Economic Intelligence  dea deals ls wit with h the exten extentt and utili utilizat zatio ion n of nat natura urall and human resources to the industrial potential of the nation (Guevara, 2010).


 Edmund Locard is a French criminologist, he established the world’s first crime laboratory in Lyon, France. He expounded Dr. Gross’ theory by stating that “when two object come into contact with one another, they leave traces of each other behind” (there is always something left behind at the crime scene). This became known as Locard’s Exchange Principle upon which modern forensic science owes its theoretical foundation (Torres, 2013).


 Elder Abuse is the physical or mental mistreatment, exploitation, or abuse of


the elderly. It can include fraud, assault, battery, murder, etc.  Electric Surveillance is a me meth thod od of list listen enin ing g to and and re reco cord rdin ing g spok spoken en interactions by using devices which gather and amplify sound.


 Elements of a Crime are those conditions that must be proven to exist for an act to be classified as a particular crime. These are the set of specific conditions that must occur for an act to be called a specific kind of crime. Even if a suspect is known or has confessed, elements elements of a crime must still be proved.


 Elicitation is the technique of acquiring information through conversation to a person who is not aware of the specific purposes of the conversation.


 Elimination Prints  me means ans that fin finge gerpr rprint intss of all indiv individu iduals als tha thatt are not suspects and whose prints are likely to be found at the crime scene.


 Embezzlement   is the fraudulent appropriation of property by the person to whom it was entrusted.


 Emotional Abuse  is ca caus usin ing g fear fear or fe feel elin ings gs of unwo unwort rthi hine ness ss in ot othe hers rs,, especially the weaker. Methods include ignoring or constantly belittling them.


 End Products is the res result ult aft after er eva evalua luatio tion, n, ana analys lysis, is, int interp erpret retatio ation n and integration of raw materials.


 Endurance  is the physical and mental stamina, measured by the ability to withstand pain fatigue, stress and hardship.


 Entrapment is deceiving or tricking a person into committing a crime not contemplated by the individual entrapment does not imply the mere act of

police officer furnishing a person the opportunity to violate the law, where the criminal intent was already present.



 Entry point  is   is that part of the scene where the suspect gained access inside a room, house or a building (Torres, 2013).


 Equipment  includes  includes machinery, apparatus, devices, supplies, ammunitions.


 Escape and Evasion is the the exit exitss plan planni ning ng in case case of emer emerge genc ncie iess fr from om immediate focal point.


 Escort Personnel  is desirable for both the specialist and the office that an escort accompany the specialist during the survey.


 Escrow Account is under a control of an agent by putting his/her salary in a bank to be withdrawn only after a fulfillmen fulfillmentt of a condition.


  Espi Espion onage age is the pri primar mary y and mo most st import important ant hum human an col collec lectiv tivee age agent. nt. It involves a government or individual obtaining information that is considered secret of confidential without the permission of the holder of the information.


 Essential Items  are all items in the scene must be included. Never decide outright that some items are irrelevant. As you proceed in the investigation, these the se see seemi mingl ngly y irr irrele elevan vantt ite items ms wil willl bec becom omee re relev levant ant or mat materi erial al in the investigation.


 Ethnic Extremism is a small minority group who falsely use their ethnicity for selfish political gains (Guevara, 2010).


 Eugene Francois Vidoque is a former convict who became the head of Surete, which was recognized at that time as France’s premier detective agency. He is cred credit ited ed for for his his effe effect ctiv ivee us usee of cr crim imin inal alss to catc catch h crim crimin inal als. s. Vi Vido doqu que’ e’ss unor un orth thod odox ox ap appr proa oach ch late laterr becam becamee a mo mode dell fo forr Jo John hn Wi Wilk lkes es Bo Boot oth h wh who o infamously stated that “it takes a thief to catch a thief” (Torres, 2013).


 Evaluating  is  is to determine the pertinence and reliability of the information


 Evaluation as to the Course is the determination of the reliability of the person who wh o gi give ve info inform rmat atio ion n as we well ll as th thee accu accura racy cy an and d pe pert rtin inen ence ce of th thee information.


 Evaluation as to the Information refers to the sums of hearsay which on either accurate or inaccurate.


 Evaluation is the process of determining the probative value of the evidence. It is to determ termin inee or as asse sess th thee va valu luee of the inf nfo o gath athere red; d; syste ystem matic atic determination of merit, worth and significance of something or someone using criteria against a set of standards.


 Evidence Custodian  is the one in charge in the collection, preservation, tagging of the articles of evidence found at the crime scene.


 Evidence is the means sanctioned by these rules of ascertaining in a judicial proceeding the truth respecting a matter of fact.


 Exceptional Force is more than ordinary force.



 Exclusionary Rule  und under er the court courtss may not acce accept pt evi eviden dence ce obt obtain ained ed by unreasonable search and seizure, no matter how relevant to a case. However, see the exception, the Inevitable-Discovery Inevitable-Discovery Doctrine Doctrine..


 Executive/ VIP Security are those measures taken by agent, security officers, law enforcement officers to protect heads of states, foreign, national or local dignitaries


 Exit point   refers refers to that part of the scene where he left, took flight or escaped (Torres, 2013)..


 Expandable Agent  is  is an agent though whom false info is leaked to the enemy.


 Exploitation is using people illegally or taking unfair advantage of them.


 Extortion is the use of coercion, force, or fear, property is obtained from others with his consent.


 Eye is a slang term for a person conducting surveillance on a specific person (Guevara, 2010).


 Facial Composite is a graphical representation of an eyewitness memory of a face, as recorded by a composite artist. Facial composites are used mainly by police in their investigation of (usually serious) crimes.


 Facsimile is the exact copy of the original.


 Fact  is  is a statement or observation that can be verified by other verifiable points of information.


 False flag refers to covert or clandestine operations conducted by governme governments, nts, companies, corporations or other organizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one’s own (Guevara, 2010).


 False Informant  reveals  reveals information of no consequen consequences ces or value.


 Faulty Reasoning   ofte often n ce cent nteers on oversimplifying, oversimplifyin g, or incorrect assumptions.


 Fear   is where a person under an illusion of oppression by enemies or of other impending danger.


 Federal Bureau of Investigation  is the the fi firs rstt es esta tabl blis ishe hed d in 1908 1908 as An Anti ti-Subversion Law.


 Felony is a major crime that usually carries a penalty of imprisonment of over one year in a sta state te penit penitent entiar iary y or de death ath.. Exa Exampl mples es are: aggravated assault assault,, homicide,, and robbery homicide robbery.. More serious than a misdemeanor misdemeanor..


 Fence is one who receives and disposes of stolen property on a regular basis.

gen generali raliza zati tion on,,

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 Field Identification is the identification of a suspect by a victim of a crime or a witness to a crime within minutes of a crime. Also known as on-the-scene or show-u sho w-up p ide identi ntific ficati ation. on. A Sup Supre reme me Cou Court rt cas casee (Un (Unite ited d Sta States tes v. Ash Ash,, Jr. Jr.)) established that a suspect does not have the right to have counsel present at field identification. New Mobile Identification Technology reported that the length of time it takes to solve a crime is strongly correlated with the length of

time it takes for a positive identification to be established.  Field Interview is the spontaneous ques questioning tioning at the crime scene.


 Final or Closing report   con contai tains ns a sum summar mary y of all the fi findi ndings ngs,, rep report orts, s, docu do cume ment ntss an and d af affi fida davi vits ts an and d we well ll as the the re reco comm mmen enda dati tion onss of the the lead lead investigator. Unlike progress reports, there can only be one final report (Torres, 2013).


 Financial Intelligence Experts are individual who by virtue of their official capacity tracks down laundered money amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars under different local, and offshore accounts and names (Guevara, 2010).


 Finger Man is an individual who positively point the subject.


 Fingerprint Classification  is a classification of fingerprints is done by pattern matching, the ridge ridge characteristics  characteristics of fingerprints. Dactyloscopy Dactyloscopy is  is the science of fingerprinting. A great set of illustrated fingerprint web pages are at the informal Australia (New South Wales) Wales) police  police web site. 337.

 Fingerprint Identification, once several finger finger prints are classified classified as  as similar, they are analyzed by visual comparison.


 Fingerprints,  eve everyo ryone ne has un uniqu iquee and per perman manent ent fin finge gerpr rprint ints, s, inclu includin ding g identical twins (with identical DNA). Once several finger prints are classified as classified as similar, they are analyzed by visual comparison in fingerprint identification.


 Finished Sketch is the sketch with a scale of proportion and drawn by a draftsman which can be used for court presentation.


 Fire Prevention is so potentially destructive without human assistance with assistance it can becaused to devastate those things you are attempting to secure sec ure and pro profe fessi ssiona onally lly acco accompl mplish ished, ed, of often ten in way tha thatt doe doess not leave leave recognizable evidence of sabotage.


 Flattery means that people are susceptible to praise.


 Flexible is capable of being modified and responsive to changing condition. condition.


 Flip is apprehended criminals who turn informants.


 Flipping   is a rea reall est estate ate trans transact action ion wher wheree a mid middle dleman man buys a pro proper perty ty (perhaps just below its estimated market value), then resells it (even within minutes) for a greatly increased price.


 Flowcharting is a technique used in data description, which visualizes event or commodity flow over a given period (Guevara, 2010).



 Follow – up interview which is frequently necessary in many cases because additional on vital points is necessary (Arnilla, 2012).


 Follow-Up or In-Depth Investigation  follows up the preliminary or initial investigation. The in-depth inquiry begins with a general reexamination of all facts, leads and other types of information secured during the preliminary investigation.


 Forensic Anthropology  is for foren ensic sicss using using tec techni hniqu ques es dev devel elope oped d thr throu ough gh research by physical anthropologists and archaeologists.


 Forensic Entomology is the study of insects found on a dead body or at the scene of a death.


 Forensic odontology is the study of the teeth, dentures (false teeth), bite marks for the following purpose (Arnilla, 2012).


 Forensic Science  is the applied science that uses techniques and technologies of physics, chemistry, and biology to examining physical evidence left at a crime scene. Chemical tests can be made on hair, blood, dirt, cloth fibers, etc. Tools includ inc ludee DNA tes testin ting, g, micros microscop copy, y, and spe spectr ctrosc oscopi opicc ana analy lysis sis.. A for forens ensic ic and3)video scie sc ient ntis istt 2) ma may y stud study: y: 1) : Audio : analyze, enhancing as needed. Crime scenes examine.  DNA recordings profiles: use in the comparison of biolog bio logica icall mat materi erial al and with tho those se of vic victim timss and susp suspect ects. s. 4)  Documents: examine physically (e.g. handwriting, typewriting) and chemically (e.g. inks and papers). 5) Drugs and poisons  in human tissue and body fluids: analyze. 6)  Evidence such as bullets, casings, fibers, glass, gunshot residues, metals, oils, pain pa ints ts,, pe petr trol ol,, plas plasti tics cs,, soil soils, s, etc. etc.:: exam examin inee an and d co comp mpar are. e. 7)  Fires and  explosions: exam examin inee the the sc scen enes es to es esta tabl blis ish h caus causee an and d or orig igin in.. 8) Fo Fore rens nsic ic ballistics: conduct tests with firearms and ammunition. 9)  Illicit drugs: identify. 10)  Latent information  (including fingerprints, foot prints, shoe prints, tire marks, and tool marks): detect, enhance, record, save, and identify. 11)  Plant  materials: identify botanically.


 Forgery  is the making or alteration of the name or amount on a check or document with the fraudulent intent.


 Form Hypotheses is the construction of an explanation of an occurrence.


 Formal Interrogation  is the systematic attempt to exploit to an appropriate depth those are of the interrogee’s knowledge which have been identified in the screening process.


 Formal Investigation- It refers to official inquiry conducted by the government agency in an effort to uncover facts and determine the truth. This type of investigation is usually considered as some form of inquiry concerning criminal activity.



 Francis Tukey and Allan Pinkerton are America’s early public detectives who were appointed by influential mayors due to the criminal occurrences in the nineteenth century.


 Fraud   - Intentional deception in order to cause a person to give up property or a lawful right.


 Frightened Informants  are the weakest link in criminal chain, motivated by anxiety.


 Fruit-of-the-Poisonous-Tree Doctrine  is Illegally obtained evidence must be excluded from trial. See the exception, the Inevitable-Discove Inevitable-Discovery ry Doctrine Doctrine..


 Fugitive  is some someone one who is run runnin ning g awa away y fro from m jus justic tice, e, enem enemy y or bru brutal tal treatment.


General Photogra General Photograph ph Method is the investigator shows to a witness/victim a variety of faces that may not necessarily/directly represent the face of the crimin cri minal. al. Th Thee pho photo togra graphs phs shown shown to the wit witne ness ss only only rep repres resen entt dif differ feren entt features of faces.


Genghis Khan used intelligence to conquer China and invade Cathay.


Geographic Branch produces maps, photographs, and terrain studies.


Geographical Intelligence deals with the progress of research and development as if the economic and military potential of a nation.


German Intel Intelligen ligence ce  gai gaine ned d a hig high h rep reputa utatio tion n for off offen ensiv sivee eff effect ective ivenes nesss throughout Europe but declined at the outset of the war.


Golden Rul Golden Rulee of Crimi Criminal nal Inv Invest estiga igati tion on  is  “D “Do o no nott to touc uch, h, alte alter, r, mo move ve,, or transfer any object at the crime scene unless it is properly marked, measured, sketched and/or photographed.”


Good Fai Good Faith th Doc Doctr trine ine  is al allo lows ws that that ille illega gall lly y ob obta tain ined ed evid eviden ence ce ma may y be admi ad miss ssib ible le if the the poli police ce ca can n be show shown n to have have be been en un unaw awar aree they they we were re


violating a suspect suspect's 's Fourth Amendment rights. Grand Larceny  is larceny where the value of the taken personal goods or property is above a specific amount (specified in State law); a felony felony..


Gratitude or Gain is an expression of appreciation to obtain a privilege or an interest in the welfare of his family during his detention.


Gray Propaganda is a misinformation wherein the source is clear but the desire result is indirect (Guevara, 2010).


Group Cov Group Cover er provides security for three or more individuals appearing to be working together.


Group or Pretext Interview is for witness known to be reluctant or hostile, and

for those who are believed to refuse or cooperate in the investigation or those who may be persuaded to cooperate (Arnilla, 2012).



GRU -  Military Intelligence Organization is concerned with political events and economic conditions and also collects information for intelligence purpose all over the world.


Guerilla is a member of paramilitary group organized to harass the enemy.


Guer Gu eril illa la Wa Warf rfar aree is the irr irreg egula ularr com combat bat wag waged ed indep independ endent ently ly by sma small ll


insurrectionist bodies (Guevara, 22010). insurrectionist 010). Gullibility is where people who accept every story at face value and can ca n see no wrong in anyone.


 Hackers refers to persons breaking into a computer system (Guevara, 2010).


 Hanibal, Hanibal’s invasion of Italy, his brilliant and futile raid in history, gained him many victories and nearly bled Rome to death.


 Harassment - Sus Suspec pected ted cri crimin minals als are und under er su surve rveill illanc ancee whe wherei rein n yo you u can harass him.


 Henry Fielding  Englishman  Englishman who wrote a novel, “Tom Jones,” was appointed as magistrate (Sheriff) for the areas of Westminster and Middlesex in London. He operated out of a court in London located on Bow Street. Shortly after his taking office, the London population saw a group of police officers attached to the Bow Street Court, and not in uniform, performing criminal investigative functions.


 High Pressure Probe serves pin down a subject in a specific area or it may be used to point out contradiction in what the subject has said.


 Home Invasion is a new type residential robbery, robbery, often committed in private homes,


 Homicide is a death in which another individual is the direct or indirect cause of the death.


 Honest Witnesses ar aree the the tr trut uthf hful ul an and d co coop oper erat ativ ivee wi witn tnes esse sess wh wher eree the the


investigator could rely upon, with little or no problem in handling them.  Hostage Situation is a situation where priorities are to preserve life, capture the hostage takers, and recover/protect property. Negotiable items are food and drink. Non-negotiable items include punishments (including sentences up to the death penalty) and transportation (generally not negotiable because it is difficult to monitor and control).


 Hot Crime Scene  is an undi undistur sturbed bed crime scene. Compa Compare re with a cold crime scene.


 HOW Questions: These are designed to help the investigator determine how the cri crime me was com commi mitte tted, d, the me means ans/to /tools ols are em emplo ployed yed,, the cri crime me was discovered, and the culprit enters the building/room. How questions are very

significant in preparing the modus operandi file or report.



 Howard Vincent   is the head of the Scotland Yard organized investigators known as the CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT. He is a London lawyer without field police experience, who had observed operations of the Paris police. The Department contained several hundred detectives.


 Human Intelligence is the category of intelligence derived from information collected and provided by human sources.


 Hypothetical Probe presents a hypothetical situation and to get the subject to react to the hypothetical situation.


 Ideology is a closely organized system of beliefs, values, and ideas forming the basis of a social, economic, or political philosophy or program.


 Imagery Intelligence (IMINT) is where imagery are derived from, but is not limited to, radar, infrared, optical, and electro-optical sensors. sensors.


 Imagination means forming mental images of what is not present, or creating new ideas by combining previous experiences is indispensable in the many investigations that are not complete.


 Incest   -- Sexual intercourse with a person that is known to have nearer kinship

than first cousin. In some states this is a crime not only for biological but also adopted relationships. 395.

 Incidental Informant is a per person son wh who o cas casual ually ly imp impart artss inf inform ormati ation on to an officer with no intention of providing subsequent information.


 Indirect Question  is a vague question that skirts the issue and might be misinterpreted. Should be used little, unless one needs an unexpected answer that might lead in a new direction. Compare with Direct Question Question..


 Inductive Reasoning   is ba base sed d on the the re resu sult ltss of furt furthe herr inve invest stig igat atio ion n an and d evidence gathering.


 Industrial Intelligence is th thee ga gath ther erin ing g of info inform rmat atio ion n abou aboutt pr prod oduc uct, t,

manufacturing from manufacturing and can be usedtechnique, of value or process advantage (Guevara, 2010). formulas that cannot 399.

 Inevitable-Discovery Doctrine is illegally obtained evidence may still be used if it can can be sh show own n that that it wo woul uld d mo most st like likely ly ha have ve be been en di disc scov over ered ed lega legall lly y eventually. This is an exception to the fruit-of-the fruit-of-the-poisonous -poisonous-tree -tree Doctrine Doctrine..


 Inference is a process of reasoning by which a fact may be deduced.


 Infiltration is the insertion of action agent inside the target organization.


 Informant Net is a co cont ntro roll lled ed gr grou oup p of peop people le wh who o wo work rked ed thro throug ugh h the the direction of the agent handler. The informant’s principal or cutouts’ supply the agent handler directly or indirectly with intelligence information.


 Informant refers to a person who gives information to the police voluntarily or involuntarily without any consideration.



 Informants with Ulterior Motives  are individuals who provided the police with wit h inf inform ormati ation on for selfself-se servi rving ng rea reason sons. s. The They y do no nott dem demand and or rec recei eive ve money for their information; however, serving as informant benefits them in some fashion.


 Information Intelligence is any information gathered or received which is of intelligence interest.


 Information is any knowledge derived from any source which can be used as a basis or as a means for decision making to facilitate the successful termination of a criminal investigation.


 Information Net is a controlled group of people who worked through the direction of the agent handler.


 Information or Reference File is all information on possible future value that is cros crosss-in inde dexe xed d in this this file file.. Mu Much ch info inform rmat atio ion n is co coll llec ecte ted d wh whic ich h ha hass no immediate interest but which may be of future value.


 Informers are those who give information to the police for price or reward.


 Ingenuit y means original truth, in accordance with the law.


 Initial (Spot report) is made immediately after an incident. Usually, within 24 hours. Usually made by patrol officers or first responders. In some cases, entries in the police BLOTTER made by desk officers also constitute a spot report (Torres, 2013).


 Initiative is taking action in the absence of orders.


 Inquest   is an effo effort rt to sear search ch the the ba basi sicc caus causee of an inci incide dent nt su such ch as a commission of a crime.


 Inquisition means more historical description than a current usage to describe any penetrating investigation concerning a religious issue.


 Inspection is to determine if the recommendation or the survey was made.


 Integration is the combination of the elements stated in assessment with other known information or intelligence to form a logical feature or hypothesis of enemy activities or an of the operational area characteristic of the mission of the command.


 Integrity means honesty and completeness.


 Intellectual approach  is a method of interrogation where the questioning is charac cha racter terize ized d by fra frankn nkness ess and mat matter ter-of -of-fa -fact ct acc accusa usatio tions. ns. The sus suspec pectt is conf confro ront nted ed wi with th ha hard rd,, un undi disp sput uted ed fact factss an and d enco encour urag aged ed to we weig ight ht the the advantages of cooperating rather than not-cooperating (Torres, (Torres, 2013).


 Intelligence Agency  is a gove governme rnment nt agency agency resp responsi onsible ble for the collect collection, ion, analys ana lysis is or explo exploita itatio tion n of inf inform ormati ation on and int intel ellig ligenc encee in suppo support rt of law enforcement, enforcemen t, national security, defense, and foreign policy objectives.



 Intelligence Analysis is the the pr proc oces esss of taki taking ng kn know own n info inform rmat atio ion n ab abou outt situ situat atio ions ns an and d enti entiti ties es of stra strate tegi gic, c, op oper erat atio iona nal, l, or tact tactic ical al im impo port rtan ance ce,, characterizing the known and with appropriate statements of probability the future actions in those situations and by those entities.


 Intelligence Assessment   is the the de deve velo lopm pmen entt of fo fore reca cast stss of be beha havi vior or or recommended courses of action to the leadership of an a n organization based on a wide range of available ava ilable information sources both overt and covert.  Intelligence Axioms are facts that require no proof because the truth of this statement is obvious. 



 Intelligence Cycle refers to the i ntelligence operations process. The intelligence cycle is focused on the commander’s mission and concept of operation.


 Intelligence Estimate is a logical and orderly examination of the intelligence factors affecting the accomplishment of the mission.


 Intelligence files ar aree ne nece cess ssar ary y to pe perm rmit it re read ady y acce access ss to all all av avai aila labl blee information.


 Intelligence Information is all those  evaluated information of every description

including those derived from observation, reports, rumors, imagination and other sources from which intelligence is produced. 427.

 Intelligence is the end end pro produc ductt res result ulting ing fro from m the col collec lectio tion, n, eva evalua luatio tion, n, analys ana lysis is,, int inter erpre pretat tation ion of all avai availab lable le inf inform ormati ation, on, co conce ncerni rning ng spe specif cific ic restricted areas.


 Intelligence Journal is a per perman manen entt chr chrono onolog logica icall re recor cord d of re repor ports ts and messages that have been received and transmitted.


 Intelligence Officer   is is a person employed by an organization to collect, compile and analyze information that is used to that organization.


 Intelligence Operation is the result of intelligence planning.


 Intelligence Summary contains  a brief summary of information of intelligence interest covering a period of time designated by the COP. It is an aid in assessing the current situation and updates other intelligen intelligence ce reports.


 Intelligence Test   is a test designed for the capacity of a person to take in information.


 Intelligence Workbook is a systematic arrangement of subject heading which aids in the sorting, evaluation, and interpretation of all information and in the preparation of intelligence reports.


 Interaction is the the co comb mbin inat atio ion n of info inform rmat atio ion n to a lo logi gica call pict pictur uree of the the hypothesis of enemy activity.


 Interest is a feeling of attraction.


 Intermittent means going and coming at intervals.



 Internal Defense Operation is directed against armed insurgent secessionist movement, as well as the ultra-rightist.


 Internal Development Operation is un under dertak taken en to im impro prove ve the pol politi itical cal,, economic and social dissatisfaction of the people towards the government.


 Internal security intelligence  refe refers rs to th thee kn know owle ledg dgee es esse sent ntia iall to th thee


maintenance of peace and order.  INTERPOL is an acronym for the International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO). Where member countries assist on another in the pursuit of suspected criminals and terrorists (Guevara, 2010).


 Interpret Data  is the investigator should be as objective as possible in the interpretation. Is the information obtained true? The data may be reviewed by another investigator to provide a second opinion. The officer may conclude, at this point, that the result is true or not.


 Interpretation is establishing the meaning and a nd significance of information.


 Interrogate is to talk to an unwilling person (could be a relative or friend or suspect or even a witness) that is reluctant to give you information. Contrast


with interrogate interrogate..  Interrogation  is the skillful questioning of an unwilling person (could be a relative or friend or suspect or even a witness) that is reluctant to give you information and that is suspected of direct or indirect involvement in the crime being investigated. Contrast with the interview interview..


 Interrogation report   is an oral or written statement of information by the question of the interrogee.


 Interrogee is any person who is subjected to the interrogation process.


 Interview  is to talk to a willing person that wants to give you information. Contrast with interrogate interrogate..


 Intimate (and former-intimate)  Stalking   is where the stalker and the victim may be married or divorced, serious or casual sexual partners, or former sexual partners. They may be current or former cohabitants.


 Intuition the immediate apprehension or cognition – quick and ready insight without the conscious use of reasoning. It has been pointed out that many police investigators have a “ sixth sense” resulting in hunches that those outside the pro profe fessi ssion on rar rarely ely per percei ceive. ve. Thi Thiss is oft often en the res result ult of experi experienc encee and training. Applying one’s experiences to a situation is generally a subconscious thought process.


 Investigate is to observe and study closely; inquire systematically in a search for the truth truth.. Make a patient, careful, step-by-step inquiry, observation, or


examination; also a recording of evidence or a legal inquiry.  Investigate is to seek information about searching or examining.



 Investigation is the collection of facts or knowledge from other sources either from regular source public spiritual citizens or informants and informers.


 Investigative Report is a recent type of investigative pursued by the members of the press on their own initiative.


 Investigator is someone who gathers, documents, and evaluates evidence and



information (Florendo, 2012)  J. Edgar Hoover , unde underr his his di dict ctat ator orsh ship ip in 1924 1924,, the the Fe Fede dera rall Bu Bure reau au of Invest Inv estiga igatio tion n was org organi anized zed.. Th This is bur bureau eau the then n con contri tribut buted ed to the ove overal ralll deve de velo lopm pmen entt of cr crim imin inal al inve invest stig igat atio ion. n. Th Thee crea creati tion on of a na nati tion onwi wide de identification file in Washington, D.C. operated by the FBI, was a major step in cons consol olid idat atin ing g id iden enti tifi ficat catio ion n re reco cord rdss of thou thousa sand ndss of indi indivi vidu dual al po poli lice ce departments.  Japanese Intelligence  fai faile led d bec becaus ausee it was not pro provid vided ed wit with h a suffi sufficie cient nt number of trained personnel to assemble and evaluate the mass of materials which were collected although Japanese Intelligence was involved in short was and defensive in nature.


 Jealousy is oneagent of the most powerful for subversive looking for storagemotivations to aid them.can be utilized by an agent 458.

 Joe Blow Approach is “I know the answer to everything Approach”. Elicitor adopts the attitude of being approachable in any field.


 John Fielding  is   is the younger brother of Henry who took over the control of Bow Str Stree eett Cou Court rt in 1753 1753.. His inves investig tigato ators rs wer weree the then n cal called led “Bo “Bow w Str Stree eett Runners” and became quite effective because of developing paid informants, printing wanted notices, employing criminal raids, and bearing firearms and handcuffs.


 Jonathan Wild   is is a buckle maker, a brothel operator, and a master criminal who became London’s most effective criminal investigator. He was the most

famous thief acatcher. Hisconceived methods made popular the logic “employing a thief to catch thief.” He the idea of charging a feeoffor locating and returning stolen property to its rightful owners. 461.

 Journal File contains a record copy of each message or document noted in the  journal.


 Juvenile Delinquency is where a young person who habitually breaks the law.


 Karl Schulmeister is Napoleon’s military secret service and Napoleon’s eyes. He acted as the spy sent by Napoleon to study the characters of the Generals, his royal foes selected to defeat him.


 Kill Zone is a point or specific area where a possible attack on a principal or VIP may be executed (Guevara, 2010).



 Kneeling Search is a searching technique that requires the suspect to kneel on the ground with hands raised over or behind his head. Note that some suspects could still make counteractions against the arresting officer even if they are assuming this position.


 Knowledge  is keepi keeping ng selfself-abr abreas eastt of cur curren rentt de devel velopm opmen entt in his mil milita itary ry specialty and command.


 Known criminals/fugitives include a group of criminals who have an existing record in the police files. If the criminal has an official record in any law enfo enforc rcem emen entt un unit it’s ’s file file,, the the ad addr dres esss of his his re rela lati tive ves, s, fr frie iend ndss an and d ot othe herr acquaintances can be located. These persons could offer a description of the criminal. Background investigations can be conducted on them to gather more personal data concerning the criminal.


 Know-nothing Type are the reluctant type of witnesses. They are fou found nd among the uneducated and of low level of intellig intelligence. ence. The technique tto o be applied is gone down to their level of intelligence and by interrogation.


 Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopaznosti (KGB) is the counterpart of the CIA, the most brilliant intelligence in the world.


 La Surete Nationale is a part of French Intelligence Services.


 Larceny has the following elements: 1) felonious taking or stealing (includes removal by carrying, leading, and driving); 2) of someone else's personal goods or property; 3) valued above (for grand grand)) or below (for petty petty)) a specific amount (whi (w hich ch is $1 $100 00 in ma many ny Stat States es); ); 4) wi with th the the inte intent nt to depr depriv ivee the the ow owne nerr permanently of the goods or property; 5) Unlike robbery robbery,, larceny does not use force for ce or thr threat eat.. Unl Unlike ike burglary burglary,, lar larcen ceny y doe doess no nott invol involve ve illeg illegal al entry entry of a building. The most common types of larceny are (1) from motor vehicles; (2) shoplifting; (3) from buildings; (4) motor vehicle accessories.


 Leading Question is a question that has the answer in the question. e.g. "Were his eyes blue?" Avoid using these in an interview interview..


 LeapFrog is a variation of tailing which concentrates on the subject and guards the surveillant and the subject (Guevara, 2010).


 Legal Knowledge is what today’s investigator must possess, a solid grounding in crimina criminall and to a lesse lesserr deg degree ree,, in civil law law.. Th Thee offic officee mu must st be able to distin dis tingui guish sh bet betwee ween n a cri crimin minal al vio violat lation ion and a civ civil il vio violat lation ion in ord order er to determine appropriate action.


 Legend   is is usually placed at the bottom of the sketch outside the sketch of the scene. Numbers represent the objects in the crime or letters in order not to unnecessarily crowd the graphic presentation. Their descriptions are found in the legend.


 Liaison is the exchange of info or the planning of joint efforts by separate groups often of military units.



 Liaison Program is the assignment of a trained intelligence personnel agency in order to obtain info on police intelligence value.


 License Plate is a popular type of black color car that should be used and care must be taken that the license plates are not identified.


 Limited Area Control is a restricted area in which a lesser degree of control


than in an exclusion area but in which the security interest would be controlled.  Line Intelligence is the type of intelligence that is an immediate nature and necessary for more effective police planning and operation.


 Line-up Identification is when the suspect is in custody, having victims or witnesses pick out who they believe is the suspect from among five (or more) individuals physically presented before them.


 Link Analysis is a technique used to show the relationship between individuals and organizations by means of visual graphic design (Guevara, 2010).


 Live Drop occurs when two persons meet to exchange items or information.


 Local Agency Check  refers to the investigation of the records and files of

agency in the area principal residence of individual being investigated: Mayor, Police, Fiscalofwhere the individual is athe resident. 485.

 Log   is a chronological record of activities that took place in the establishment under surveillance.


 Long-range photography show showss the scen scenee with a prom promine inent nt landmark at the background to indicate its general location. Long-range photographs must be taken in four (4) differ different ent ANGLES: front front,, righ rightt side side,, back and left side of the photographers move in a clockwise fashion; or front, left side, back and right side of the photographer moves in a counterclockwise fashion.


 Loose is applied frequently or infrequently, period of observation varied on each occasion.


 Loose Surveillance is the on and off continuous close shadowing of the subject (Guevara, 2010).


 Loose Tail  is th thee ca casu sual al ob obse serv rvat atio ion n of th thee subj subjec ectt in wh whic ich h a gene genera rall impression of the subject’s habit and associates is determined (Guevara, 2010).


 Lord Baden Powell (1857-1941) better known as the founder of the Boy Scout movement, Baden Powell was also an active spy. His penchant for dressing up, love of charades and often embarrassing eccentricity ideally suited him to the world of 19th-century espionage.


 Lost occ occurs urs whe when n the sur survei veilla llance nce doe doess not kn know ow the where whereabo about utss of his subject or the subject had elude the surveillance.


 Loyalty is the faithful allegiance to the Philippine Government and its duly constituted authority.



 LUCIFER is developed in the early 1970’s which is a crypto-system that used both substitution and transportation (Guevara, 2010).


 M15 is an intelligence agency devoted to counter-espio counter-espionage nage and security.


 Made occurs when the subject under surveillance becomes aware that he is under surveillance and identifies the observer. Also known as burn-out.


 Major John Andre (1751-80) is the only spy honored by a memorial tablet at Westminster Abbey, under the office of the Regiment of foot.


 Maltreatment   thro throug ugh h negl neglec ect, t, emot emotiona ionall abus abusee, me medi dical cal neg negle lect ct,, physical abuse,, sexual abuse, and elder abuse abuse abuse..


 Manager of Storage Area is an agent who arranges the storage, distribution, and transportation of operational supplies.


 Manhattan from Missouri is an ap appr proa oach ch wh wher erei ein n the the elic elicit itor or ad adop opts ts an unbe un beli liev evab able le at atti titu tude de ab abov ovee an anyt ythi hing ng.. He qu ques esti tion onss all all st stat atem emen ents ts an and d opposition.


 Manslaughter   is is the unlawful killing of another person, with no prior malice.


Two types: involuntary manslaughte manslaughterr and voluntary manslaughte manslaughterr.  Mapp vs. Ohio (376 vs. 584) 1961, U.S.A. -  This criminal case, the Supreme Court ruled that illegally obtained evidence is inadmissible in state criminal prosecutions. This case established the Doctrine of the Poisonous Tree.


 Master Note Taker  is  is the one who writes down in shorthand all observations at the crime scene such as weather condition, time of dispatch and time of arrival at the crime scene and other relevant data that’s should be taken down note.


 Material evidence  is ev evid iden ence ce that that re rela late tess to a spec specif ific ic cas casee an and d subj subjec ect. t. Compare with relevant evidence evidence..


 Material Photograph is a photograph that relates to a specific case and subject.


 Matter  includes  includes everything, regardless of its physical character.


 Measurements and Signature Intelligence – MASINT uses information gathered by technical instruments such as radar’s, lasers, radiation detectors seismic, and other sensors to measure objects or events to identify them by their signatures. MASINT is critical in updating data on smart munitions.


 Measurements are the element of sketch wherein measurements are shown in the sketch to show accurate spaces and distances of relevant objects to their point of reference.


 Measurer   makes makes all relevant measurements of the scene such as the distance of the body of the victim to the firearm used; in a motor vehicle collision, the distances of the two vehicles to the points of references.



 Medium range are shots highlighting a spot appearing in the long-range shot. This may also be taken in order to show the positions of several evidence relative to one another (Torredes, 2013).


 Memory Decay  is to minimize the resulting decay effects and memory error by error by an interview interview   or interrogation interrogation immediately  immediately after an event. Refresh information within 2 days and the loss is reduced.


 Memory Error   is a memory of an event that can be in error because of: 1) Weakness of sensory perception (eyesight, hearing). 2) Location at the time of the incident. 3) Memory decay decay.. 4) Retroactive inhibition inhibition.. 5) Rationalization Rationalization..


 Memory Method is ap appl plie ied d wh when en a se secu curi rity ty co cond ndit itio ion n on th thee plac placee of observation allows, the observer can only pass by or linger for a very short period of time.


 Mercenary  has information for sale, needed something for the exchange of information.


 MERMER  (Memory and Encoding-Related Multifaceted   Electroencephalographic Response) Res ponse) is a brain-wave response elicited when the

bra brain inrmin pro proces signi sispec gnific ficant in it e rec recog ogniz nizes es.fore . re. Some So. metim times essisuse used to dete de term ineecesses if ses a su susp ect t ant ha hass infor seen seformat enmation th theeion cr crim ime sc scen ene e befo be Th The e basi ba s ofd an experimental method called Brain Fingerprint Fingerprinting. ing. 515.

 Microphotography  are photogr photographs aphs taken through a micr microscop oscopee of minute evidence (e.g., hair, fiber, etc.). Contrast with macrophotography macrophotography..


 Military Information are terms that include all facts, document, materials, photographs, diagrams, maps and reports of or observation of any kind which increases our knowledge of a possible true or false, accurate or inaccurate, positive or negative.


 Military Intelligence is the intelligence used in the preparation and execution of military and police plan policies and programs.


 Military Security encompasses the measures taken by a command to protect itself against sabotage, espionage, enemy operation, subversion or surprise.


 Minimization is the act of minimizing the culpability of the suspect.


 Miranda vs. Arizona is a landmark case which resulted in what is known today as Miranda right. Ernesto Miranda had confessed to rape and kidnapping, after two-hour interrogation. Because the interrogators failed to inform Miranda of his right to counsel and remain silent, his conviction was overturned.


 Miranda Warning   is given to a suspect once, usually just before their first Custodial Interrogation. Interrogation. Informs of: 1) the right to remain silent, 2) the right to have counsel present, and 3) the right to have the state appoint and pay counsel if the suspect cannot afford one. Warns a suspect that anything said can be


used against the suspect in court. It does not have to be given before a field interview or interview  or a regular interview interview.. 522.

 Misdemeanor  is  is an offense that is less serious than a felony felony.. A minor crime that usually carries a penalty of a fine or a short sentence (no more than one year) in a county or municipal jail. Examples are pilferage pilferage and  and shoplifting shoplifting..


 Mission Order duty which alldu personnel oned undercover sh shal alll ca carr rry y at is al allla time ti mess slip an and dinmu must st be duly ly ap appr prov oved by thei theirr operations im imme medi diat atee superv sup erviso isors rs and filed filed app approp ropria riatel tely y wit with h the their ir res respec pected ted off office icess (Gu (Gueva evara, ra, 2010). 524.

 Modus Operandi (MO)  is a characteristic method used by a criminal for a particular type of crime.


 Mole (also known as sleeper a agent) gent) is tasked with monitoring an organization or individual. A mole can spend years in the same place only responding to missi mis sions ons when ass assign igned. ed. Th They ey are train trained ed to be vis visibl iblee but to kee keep p the their ir motives unknown.


 Moral is the distinctive identifying qualities w/c serve as an index to the


essential or intrinsic nature of a person.  Moral Obligation to the Agent   is the cause of loss incurred by him as a result of his connection with the intervals.


 Moses is one of the first recorded formalized intelligence efforts, with a format that can be found in the Holy Bible.


 Mossad  (Institute  (Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations) is responsible for the intell int ellige igence nce col collec lectio tion n and cov cover ertt ope operat ration ion of the Isr Israel ael go gover vernm nment ent,, Its Director reports directly to the Israel Prime Minister. Minister. It is one of the entities of the Israeli intelligence community along with AMAN (Military Intelligence) and SHIN BET (Internal Security).


 Motive is the reason why a crime was committed.


 Moving is following the subject from place to place to maintain a continuous watch of his activities. Residence where illegal activities are going on.


 Moving Surveillance (or 'Tailing') is following people or vehicles on foot or in a vehicle to observe their behavior, companions, destinations destinations,, etc.


 Mug shot  is  is a photographic portrait taken after one is arrested.


 Multiplicity is the ability to compare two or more protected collected agencies.


 Murder   is th thee mo most st seve severe re stat statut utor ory y crim crime, e, carr carryi ying ng a pe pena nalt lty y of life life imprisonment or (in some states and at some times) death. Unlawful killing of another person, with prior malice. Three types: 1) First-degree murder requires premeditation and the intent to cause death. 2) Second-degree murder involves the int intent ent to cau cause se dea death th but no nott pre preme medit ditati ation. on. 3) Thi Thirdrd-deg degree ree mu murde rderr involves neither premeditation nor intent.



 Naked Confession is a confession that is not corroborated.


 National Agency Check consists of LAC supplemented by investigation of the records and files of the following agencies: PNP. ISAFP, NBI, CSC, Bureau of Immigration and other agencies.


 National Intelligence  are integrated products of intelligence development by


all government department concerning national policies and security.  National Interest   refers refers to the general concept of national security and wellbeing.


 National Pride Approach is the natural propensity of all persons to defend their country and it’s policies.


 National Strategy is the art and science of developing and using the political, economic, and psychological power of a nation.


 Natural Cover  is  is using actual or true background.


 Need to Know is the dissemination of classified information or matter to be limited strictly to those person whose duties requires knowledge or possession


thereof.  Negative Agent  is  is characterized by blackmail and threat.


 Negative Branch has these counter Intelligence functions: investigate disloyalty and sedition, investigate enemy activities, and investigate graft and fraud in an organization.


 Negative Control are Black Mail and Threat.


 Negative Intelligence is a generic term meaning three different things.


 Neglect   means means the failure to properly care for a child. Also, failure to care for a property or one's actions.


 Neighborhood Investigation is one of the most crucial steps in kidnap for

ransom ran som cas cases es whi which ch is often often ove overlo rlooke oked. d. Th Thee obj object ective ive is to ide identi ntify fy and interview in person all individuals in the area where the victim was kidnapped or the last known sighting area during the window of opportunity. (Last time seen until the time discovered missing). 550.

 Nerve Agent is a chemical agent that interferes with the central nervous system (Guevara, 2010).


 NICA (National Intelligence Coordinating Agency) is the primary intelligencegathering arm of the Philippines. Its motto is Knowledge is Safety. It is headed by a Dir Direct ectoror-Gen Genera erall and is ass assist isted ed by a Dep Deputy uty Direc Director tor-Ge -Gene neral ral.. The Director-General Director-Gener al reports directly to the President of the Philippines.


 No-Knock Warrant  is   is a warrant that may be issued when there is concern that

evidence eviden ce mig might ht be eas easily ily des destro troyed yed,, or tha thatt the there re are exp explos losive ivess or oth other er specific dangers to the officers.



 Non-Official Cover (NOC) is a term used in espionage (Particularly by the CIA) for agents or operatives who assume covert roles in organizations without ti ties es to the the go gove vern rnme ment nt for for wh whic ich h they they wo work rk.. Su Such ch ag agen ents ts are are typi typica call lly y abbreviated in espionage lingo as a NOC (pronounced as “Knock”) (Guevara, 2010).


 Nonverbal Communication  is the messages conveyed physically, particularly by posture and gesture, but also by distance, dress, eye contact, mannerisms, rate of speech, and tone of voice. Nonverbal communication is usually more spontaneous than verbal communications, and therefore indicates the truth or falsehood of what is said in field interview interview,, regular interview interview,, or interrogation interrogation..


 Normal Interview is for a cooperative witness or those who may be persuaded to cooperate (Arnilla, 2012).


Observation is the complete and accurate awareness by an individual on his surroundings that comprises all the major senses to register and recognize its operational and intelligence significance.


Observational Ability is the act of observing is a noting and recording of facts. Under most circumstances, the investigator will use the sense of seeing and hearing, the former being the more significant. E.g. the criminal investigator must be able to note visual details while observing a subject for only a brief time. The accuracy of descriptions of facial features, clothing, automobiles, etc. is often crucial importance in a criminal case.


Ocharana is a war born in the reign of Tsar Alexander II with 100,000 agents on its payroll operating from bases in every major city in Russia and several capitals abroad.


Offense is an act of committing violatio violations ns against the law.


Office of Naval Intelligence is tasked with collecting and recording such naval Intelligence as may be useful to the department “In Time of War” as well as in peac pe acee the the offi office ce of Na Nava vall Inte Intell llig igen ence ce be beca came me the the fi firs rstt tr true ue go gove vern rnme ment nt Intelligence agency to function in Washington.


Officers include any government or armed forces officials’ officer permanently or temporarily employed in a department.


On the the Spo Spott is applied when security condition on the place of observation allows the observer to sketch or draw the object on the area at any time.


One Man Shadow is the most common because it involves the use of the least number of men. In this type of surveillance, the shadower will follow the subject and make notes authentically of that entire subject does.


Open Source refers to any information that can be legitimately obtained e. free on request, payment of a fee.



Open Tail is surveillance in which no extraordinary means are used to avoid detection.


Operation is an action conducted by military forces or that can range from a recon mission. Opinion of an individual, group, organization of action.


Opinion is a personal belief. Not necessarily the truth truth..


Opportunity is the chance or time given to the offender in committing the crime.


Oprichnina is Russia’s first political political police. This was foun founded ded in 1565 by Ivan the Terrible, the first Grand Duke of Muscovy to be crowned Tsar.


Orders of Battle is a summary recording on one’s specific criminal activities with entries governing matters with intelligence and tactical operation.


Ordinance is the act of the legislative body of a municipality relating to all the ru rule less (i (inc nclu ludi ding ng for for misdemeanors misdemeanors)) that that go gove vern rn it. it. Co Cont ntra rast st wi with th criminal statute.. statute


Ordina Ord inary ry run of the Mili Militar tary y Inf Inform ormant ant are informants  that are under the


compulsion to report information to the police. Ordinary Ordin ary Witnes Witnesss is any person who perceived the commission of the crime and testified before the court.


Organization refers to the intelligence personnel or the intelligence unit itself.


Organizational Organizatio nal Abil Ability ity  is lik likee a suc succes cessfu sfull bus busine iness ss execu executiv tive, e, the pol police ice investigator is continually processing various types of information. Written information, verbal information, current case assignments, and follow-ups of past investigations all require an ability to organize. The investigating officer is receiving and processing formal reports from a multitude of sources. This demands an orderly method of information retention that will result in the availability of records and facts when needed.


Organizational Cover   is an account consisting of biographical which when adopted by an individual will assume the personality he wants to adopt.


Organized Crime is a combination of two or more persons for the purpose of establishing by terror, threat, intimidation or conception in the city or any municipality or any community of either monopoly or criminal activities in a field that provides continuing financial support (Guevara, 2010).


Overt intelligence is the gathering information or documents procured openly without regard as to whether the subject or target becomes knowledgeable of the purpose.


Overt Method is a method of collecting information from open source.


 Parallel Proceedings is the pursuit of civil and criminal redress concurrently.



 Partial Background Investigation is an investigation of the background of an individual but limited only to some of the circumstances.


 Passive Counter-intelligence Measures  is the the prot protec ecti tion on of clas classi sifi fied ed an and d sens sensit itiv ivee inf infor orma mati tion on agai agains nstt un unau auth thor oriz ized ed acce access ss th thro roug ugh h se secr crec ecy, y, communication security, and other safeguards.


 Passive enemy. measures  are those measures which seek to conceal info from the 584.

 Patrick Colquhoun  is a no noto tori riou ouss thie thieff catc catche herr an and d fo form rmer er co conv nvic ict. t. He proposed the unique idea of a sizeable uniform force to police the city. He and those criminals under his direction operated with the complete sanction of the police. At the end of a lengthy criminal career in 1809, he offered his services as an informer to the Paris police authorities. He surfaced as a secret informer in 1817 and, under police authorization, formed the first Paris police detective bureau.


 Patriotism means the zealous love of one’s country.


 Peace Time Contingency is a po poli liti tical cally ly se sens nsit itiv ivee mi mili lita tary ry

oper op erat atio ion n s no norm ally lyploy ch char arac acte rize d by th sh shor ort tion term te rapi ra d pr proj ojec ecti tion ons orrmal em empl oyme ment ntteri ofzed forc forces es the ine co cond ndit itio n rm shor short t pid of conventional war (Guevara, 2010). 587.

 Pedophile is a person sexually attracted to young children.


 Penetration Agents are agents who have reached the enemy to get the information and would manage to get back alive.


 Penetration refers to the recruitment of an active agent inside the target organization.


 Penetration Security Inspection is an inspection conducted in such a manner that office personnel are not aware that such action is taking place. Civilian or military against any personal injury.


 Persistence means continuing in the face of opposition or refusing to give up when faced with an adverse situation. To persist until all available facts of an in inve vest stig igat atio ion n ar aree kn know own n an and d un unti till sa sati tisf sfie ied d that that furt furthe herr ef effo fort rt will will be unproductive is the working definition of persistence for the investigator.


 Personal Background Investigation is the investigation of the background of an individual but limited only.


 Personal Cultivation  are contacts made during a past invest investigati igation on proves to be useful to the present case.


 Personal Reconnaissance is the most effective method and will produce the most info since you know just what you’re looking for.



 Personnel Security  incl includ udes es al alll the the secu securi rity ty me meas asur ures es de desi sign gn to pr prev even entt unsu un suit itab able le indi indivi vidu dual alss or pe pers rson onss of do doub ubtf tful ul lo loya yalt lty y to the the Ph Phil ilip ippi pine ne Government.


 Personnel Security Investigation is an inquiry into the character, reputation, discretion, integrity, morals, and loyalty of an individual in order to determine a person's suitability for appointment and access to classified matters.


 Pertinence is relevant to the matter being considered considered..


 Photography  ( Competent Competent photograph ) accurately represents what it purports to represent, has been properly identified and recorded, properly placed and ke kept pt in the the chai chain n of ev evid iden ence ce,, se secu cure red d un unti till co cour urtt pr pres esen enta tati tion on.. Material photograph photograph  - relates to a specific case and subject. Relevant photograph helps photograph helps to explain testimony.


 Photography is the process of producing an image on a ventilated material by variant from a radiant energy


 Physical Abuse is physical harm including beating, whipping, and burning.


 Physical Evidence is a piece of evidence addressed to the senses of the court that are capable of being exhibited, examined or viewed by the court. This includes inclu des but not limited to fing fingerpri erprints, nts, body fluid, explo explosives sives,, hazar hazardous dous chemicals, soil/burned debris, bombs, electronic parts used in the commission of the crime.


 Physical Form is the information that may actually be in a real form – meaning the failure to retrieve it or receive it at the right time will be useless. E.g. Fingerprints on bottle of beer and interview.


 Placement  is  is the location of a prospective agent with respect to the target.


 Plain-view Evidence is evidence that is not concealed and visible to an officer engaged in a lawful activity.


 Planning anddetermines Directing the Effort is a phase where  the Intel Staff relevant Officer ortounit commander required or important information the mission. 606.

 Planning the Collection Effort is the determination of those enemy activities or characteristics of the area of operations.


 Plea Bargaining is a process whereby the accused and the prosecutor reach a mutually satisfactory conclusion to the case, subject to court approval. Usually, the defendant pleads guilty to a lesser offense in return for a lighter sentence than if they had been tried and a nd convicted of a greater offense.


 Police Blotter is an 18" x 12" logbook with hardbound cover that contains the daily register of all crime incident reports, an official summary of arrests and

other significant events reportedrequiring in a police station. A separate police against blotter shall be maintained for offenses confidentiality like violence


women and children and those cases involving a child in conflict with the law to protect their privacy pursuant to RA 9262 (anti-violence against women and children act of 2004) and RA 9344 ( juvenile justice and welfare welfare act of 2006). 609.

 Police Intelligence is the gathering of information regarding the activities of the crimin cri minal al and the their ir law vio violat lators ors for the pur purpos posee of ef effec fectin ting g the their ir arr arres estt obtained evidence of their activities and for stalling their plans to commit a crime (Guevara, 2010). It could also mean the end product resulting from the collection, evaluation, analysis, integration, and interpretation of all available information regarding the activities of criminals and other law violators.


 Police Intelligence Operations inclu includes des disco discovery very,, iden identific tification ation activi activity, ty, surveillance, liaisons, programs, informant management management (Guevara, 2010).


 Police Intelligence Process refers to the cyclical steps followed by intelligence planning to the dissemination of processed information (Guevara, 2010). 2 010).


 Police is a personification of the state designated to put in practice and enforce the the la law, w, pr prot otec ectt pr prop oper erty ty an and d re redu duce ce civi civill di diso sord rder er in civi civili lian an ma matt tter erss (Florendo, 2012).


 Police Line-Up or yShow-Up process letting/allowing a witness to select sel ect the pri primar mary suspe suspect ct involves from from a agro group up ofofchosen cho sen per person sonss (su (suspe spect ct and innocent person). This method is more convenient than the other methods since the “element of suggestion” is avoided or minimized in the identification process.


 Police reports are the official record of the actions taken by various police personnel in relation to an event, incidence or crime (Torredes, 2013).


 Political Intelligence deals with domestic and foreign affairs and relations of governmentt operations. governmen


 Political Strength stems from the character of the people and room the type and stability of the government and the soundness of its foreign policy.


 Polygraph is an instrument that records certain physiological changes in a person per son un under dergoi going ng que questi stioni oning ng in an eff effort ort to obt obtain ain tru truth th or dec decept eption ion (Florendo, 2012).


 Pornography is a subject matter that is judged to morally offensive to the degree of being obscene; there is considerable debate over what constitutes porn po rnog ogra raph phic ic mate materi rial al sinc sincee ther theree is no lega legall lly y wo work rkab able le de defi fini niti tion on of obscenity.


 Port Frontier and Travel Security  have to do with the application of both military and civil security measures for CI control of entry and departure.


 Portrait Parle is the using of descriptive terms in relation to the person at features of individual and it can briefly describe as a word description or spoken pictures.



 Positive Branch  has a function of Collecting, evaluating and disseminating intelligence.


 Positive Control is characterized by professionalism and rapport.


 Positive Identification uses information that identifies an individual beyond ques qu esti tion on an and d is lega legall lly y accep accepta tabl blee pe pert rtai aini ning ng to an and d or orig igin inat atin ing g fr from om a


particular individual.  Postmortem Lividity  is the dark blue or purple discoloration that the body develops when the heart stops beating at death.


 Prejudice is an opinion or leaning adverse to anything without just grounds or before obtaining sufficient knowledge.


 Preliminary or Initial Investigation involves the first exposure of the criminal offense to the investigative process. It serves as the foundation for the case; there the refor fore, e, it mu must st be a pro proper per fou founda ndatio tion n or the entire entire inv inves estig tigati ation on is in  jeopardy. The first police representative on the crime scene will usually be a uniformed patrol officer. His duties are to provide aid to the victim, to secure the crime scene for later investigation, and to begin documenting the facts of


the crime.  Preservation includes the act of keeping the collected evidence in their true and original form, preventing contamination or destruction of its substantive value.


 Pre-surveillance Conference is a conference held among the team members or units before surveillance is conducted.


 Prima Facie  ('at First Sight') is evidence that is sufficient (if not rebutted) to prov pr ovee a pr prop opos osit itio ion n or fact fact.. In a laws lawsui uit, t, pr prim imaa faci faciee evid eviden ence ce mu must st be presented on every required element; otherwise, the claim may be dismissed.


 Primary Crime Scene  is the place where the crime was committed (Torres, 2013).


 Primary Source is intermediary information obtained any change by any agency. directly in its original form without 632.

 Principal Agent is a managerial agent and in most cases the leader of the agent network.


 Principle of Communication states that  “ intelligence intelligence adequate to their needs must be communicated to all the decision-makers in a manner that they will understand and in the form that will permit its most effective use.”


 Principle of Continuity states that “ Intelligence Intelligence coverage must be continuing so that shape of what happened today could be studied in the light of what happened before, which turn would enable to predict the shape of things to come.”



 Principle of Interdependence states that  “ Intelligence Intelligence is artificially subdivided into component element to ensure complete coverage, eliminate duplication and to reduce the overall task coverage, or manageable size.”


 Principle of Objectivity states that “ Intelligence Intelligence must be based on the decisionmaker own plans and intentions as much as on consideration of the intelligence target itself.”


 Principle of Selection states that “Intelligence should be essential and pertinent to the purpose at hand.”


 Probable Cause is evidence of a state of facts that warrants the belief by a reasonable person that a crime has been committed and/or a certain person is guilty. Required for a search to be authorized and conducted.


 Probe means to keep the people talking incessantly.


 Processing is where collected information will be transferred into intelligence.


 Procurement is the process of obtaining information needed for intelligence purposes.


 Procures suppliesmaterials. is an agent who supplies or procured ordinary as well as criticaland operational 643.

 Proficiency  con concen centra trate te on inc incre reasi asing ng ou ourr phy physic sical, al, me menta ntall and techn technica icall capabilities.


 Profiling   (or 'Criminal Profiling' or 'Psychological Profiling')  is a method of narrowing the field of suspects by identifying the individual's likely mental, emotional, psychological, and even physical characteristics.


 Progress reports contain a brief of actions taken after the initial investigation. Usuall Usu ally, y, cri crimin minal al cas cases es inv involv olvee sever several al pro progre gress ss rep report ortss whi which ch the lead lead investigator collates alongside the initial report and other documents (Torres, 2013).


 Projection is the process of putting the blame on other persons, not alone to the suspect.


 Prone Search is the suspect in this search lies on his stomach with arms and legs outstretched. One disadvantage of this search is that the suspect’s frontal area cannot be searched properly. This type of search can be dangerous if the subje sub ject ct has kn knowl owledg edgee in jud judo, o, aik aikido ido and oth other er sim simila ilarr fo forms rms of def defens ensee tactics.


 Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt is proof of such a convincing character that you would be willing to rely and act upon it without hesitation in the most important of your own affairs. However, it does not mean absolute certainty.


 Propaganda is a for form m of com commu munic nicati ation on tha thatt is aim aimed ed at inf influ luenc encing ing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position.



 Propagandist is an agent that undertakes action to mold the attitudes,


 Prosecution is the trial in the court of law for a criminal offense.


 Protective Security is as those measures taken to prevent physical access


 Provocateur is an agent who induces an opponent to act to his own detriment by discrediting himself or revealing his time purpose or identity.


 Provocation is an action taken in order to incite a reaction from a known adversary to observe the reaction of the adversary.


 Pseudo Crime Scene is a crime scene staged to mislead, cover-up, or conceal what really happened (Torres, 2013).


 Psychological Intelligence is a planned activity in peace and war directed toward enemy, friendly and neutral audiences in order to create an attitudebehavi beh avior or fav favora orable ble to the ach achiev ievem emen entt of politi political cal and mil milita itary ry obj object ective ivess (Guevara, 2010).


 Psychological Warfare is where operations are directed towards populations in the friendly rear areas on the territory occupied by friendly force. Used to

facili facilitate military itary oper operation ation and prom promote ote maxim maximum um coope cooperatio ration n (Gue (Guevara, vara, 2010).tate mil 658.

 Public Safety Exception means law offic officers ers may interrogate interrogate a  a suspect without first giving the Miranda Warning Warning if  if a public threat exists that they believe may be removed or reduced by having the suspect suspect talk.  talk.


 Public Safety Intelligence is the knowledge essen essential tial to ensure the protection of lives and properties.


 Put the Finger On means to identify the subject by pointing him out in a person or in the photograph.


 Put to Bed means the subject under surveillance returns to the quarter and apparently retire for the night.


Quarles Decision is where a warrantless search is search is justified only in emergencies (in absence of arrest arrest or  or consent. See also Carroll Decision and Decision and Chimel Decision Decision..


Questioning is the questioning portion that is the heart of the interrogation interrogation..


 R.A 1400. Otherwise known as Anti-Wire Tapping Law.


 R.A 157 . Creati Creating ng the Bur Bureau eau of Inv Inves estig tigati ation on un under der the De Depar partme tment nt of  Justice.


 R.A 1700. Otherwise known as the Anti- Subversion Law.


 Rabbit refer referss to the subje subject ct or per person son being being fol follo lowed wed in a sur survei veilla llance nce operation (Guevara, 2010).


 Raid  is   is a planned, organized invasion by law officers, using the element of surprise, to recover stolen property, seize evidence, or arrest a suspect.



 Rape is sexual intercourse with a person against their will.


 Rapport is a feeling of ease and harmony in a contact or relationship between people.


 Rationalization is also called 'the theory of closure'. The mind does not like incomplete packages. So it is likely to complete something that is unresolved,

and soon believe  that invention is  true. Minimizeafter this an creation error b y an interview interview  or interrogation interrogation  immediately event.ofItmemory is the use of reasons, which are acceptable to the subject that led to the commission of the crime. The application of this techniq technique ue depends upon the nature of the crime. 672.

 Reasonable Doubt is the level of certainty a juror must have to find a defendant guilty of a crime. A real doubt, based upon reason and common sense after careful and impartial consideration of all the evidence, or lack of evidence, in a case.


 Reclassifying or Regarding re refe fers rs to th thee act act of ch chan angi ging ng th thee assi assign gned ed classification of the classified information or matter.


 Recognition is the first first ste step p tha thatt inv involv olves es the eff effort ortss of ide identi ntifyi fying ng dat data, a,

including physical that may provide relevant information regarding the criminal case beingthings investigated. 675.

 Recon Vehicle is also also kn know own n as a co coun unte terr-at atta tack ck ve vehi hicl clee in a co conv nvoy oy deployment, it fronts the principal’s vehicle to neutralize all possible threats (Guevara, 2010).


 Reconnaissance means to gather specific areas or to detail information at a particular time and place.


 Recording means to put in writing, it is the reduction of info writing.


 Rectangular-Coordinate is one of the plotting methods for the crime scene scene.. If two adjacent intersecting walls of a room are at right angles, locations are plotted by their distances measured at right angles from each wall.


 Red Gestapo is the security organized by East Germany to combat the covert activities of the West Germany Group when it was still divided by the Berlin Walls.


 Reflective Interview Technique (Mirror technique) is an approach where the investigator presents a psychological mirror to the suspect and reverses the situation by making him understand the feelings of the victim. The questioning here is usually framed in this manner: “How would you feel if it was your own child that was killed?”, “The victims’ body is yet to be found, don’t you think the victim deserves a proper Christian burial?”, etc. (Torres, 2013).


 Regular Source provides information regularly such as foreign press and radio routine activities and contact officials abroad or at home.



 Rehab is the  harlot of Jericho who sheltered and concealed the agents of Israel, she made a covenant with the agents and duped their pursuers.


 Rehabilitation is the restoration of a normal life by special training programs, also restoration to former privileges when training is satisfactory completed (Guevara, 2010).


 Re-investigation  in some cases, a reinvestigation is resorted to whenever fatal errors are committed in the earlier investigations which prevent the closure of the cas case. e. Thi Thiss us usual ually ly hap happen penss whe when n un uneth ethical ical inv inves estig tigati ative ve pra practi ctices ces are resorted to, thereby requiring re-investigation in order to prevent a miscarriage of justice (Torres, 2013). 685.

 Relevant evidence  is evidence vidence   that that hel helps ps exp expla lain in testimony testimony.. Compare with material evidence. evidence.


 Reluctance to Talk can be due to: 1) Fear of self-involvement 2) Ignorance of the the crim crimin inal al ju just stic icee sy syst stem em.. 3) Inco Inconv nven enie ienc nce. e. 4) Di Dist stru rust st of po poli lice ce.. 5) Association with or sympathy for the suspect. 6) Fear of reprisal.


 Remote Data Terminal is a hand-held device captures fingerprints and photo

images at the crime scene. Transmits images through the law enforcement commu com munic nicati ations ons netwo network rk to an AF AFIS IS dat databa abase se and to the FBI's NCI NCIC C 2000 database. 688.

 Remuneration  is a payment or reward for goods or services or for losses sustained or inconvenience caused.


 Repentance is one who has a change of heart and wishes to report a crime that is preying on his conscience.


 Reporting means to give detailed information about research or investigation.


 Reputation is the opinion or estimation in w/c one is generally held.


 Res Gestae is a spontaneous response at (or shortly after) the time of a crime

and closely closel y relatedprepared) to actio actions nsresponse. in the crime crime.. Cons Consider idered ed more truthful truthful   than a later (and possibly 693.

 Research is the investigation to get facts through the files of other agencies or company records.


 Residential Assignment   is is related to the neighborhood of the subject, where the agent will live as a new resident without making any suspicion. His mission is to make friends within its neighborhood and gather information regarding the subject and possibly getting closer to the subject.


 Residential Robbery  is a robbery robbery   that is often committed in private homes, hotel and motel rooms, garages, and elevators.


 Restricted is any information and material; which requires special protection other than those determined to be confidential secret and top secret.



 Revenge is one of the strongest motivation motivationss in committing crime.


 Rigor Mortis is the stiffening of parts of the body after death (attributed to enzyme breakdown).


 Rival Elimination Informants  is the identity of these informants is usually anonymous since their purpose in providing information is to remove their


competitors.  Robert Peel  reiterated the idea of creating a sizeable police force. The eventual passage of his recommendations, known as the Metropolitan Police Act, was to have a tremendous impact on the history of criminal justice in general and on the development of criminal investigation specifically.


 Rough Shadowing   is employed without special precautions, the subject may be aware of the surveillance, employed also when the subject is a material witness and must be protected from harm or other undesirable influences.


 Rough Sketch is the sketch made by the investigator at the crime scene which is full of important details but without the scale of proportion.   This is used as the basis for the finished sketch. 


 Rough Tailing is a mo movi ving ng su surv rvei eill llan ance ce wh wher eree it do does es no nott ma matt tter er if the the surveillance will be detected by the subject.


Sabotage is the damage done to property installations by an enemy agent. This is an action against materials, premises or utilities or their products which may insure, interfere with or obstruct the national security or the ability of a nation to prepare for or carry on war.


Saboteur is an agent who undertakes positive action against unfriendly power resulting in the loss temporar ariily or perman aneently of an article material/facilitiess which are being used. material/facilitie


Safe House is a place or building enclosed mobile or apartment where police undercover and operatives meet for the purpose of the briefing or plainly to report (Guevara, 2010).


Safehouse Safeho use Kee Keeper per is an agent that manage and maintain the safe house for operational use such as for briefing, meetings and debriefing


Safe is a semi-portable strongbox with a combination lock. Broken into by 1) Blowing : us usin ing g co cott tton on,, pr prim imer er ca cap, p, co copp pper er wi wire re,, an and d nitr nitrog ogly lyce ceri rin. n. Th Thee burglar pushes cotton into part of the safe door crack or into a hole drilled in the safe near the locking bar area; then he puts nitroglycerin on the cotton. 2) Burning : using a burning bar or an oxyacetylene tank, a hose, and a torch. 3) Chopping   a ho hole le in it. it. Wi With th a sled sledge ge an and d ch chis isel elss or a he heav avy y ch chop oppi ping ng instrument (e.g., an ax) the burglar chops in the bottom of the safe a hole large enough to allow removal of the contents. 4) Peeling : using a breast drill, a set

of graduate drills, and a jimmy. The burglar drills a hole in one corner of the safe and enlarges this hole by using other drills until the narrow end of a


 jimmy can be inserted in the hole and the door pried partially open. 5) Pulling  or dragging : with a heavy plate of steel by using a V plate or V-cut and drilling holes in the corners in which to insert bolts. The burglar inserts a V plate pla te over the dial with the V in place beh behind ind the dial. 6) Punching  with   with a short-handled sled, a steel chisel, and a drift pin. A downward blow with a sled (or by holding a chisel to the dial and using a sled to knock off the dial) shea shears rs the the di dial al fr from om the the sa safe fe do door or an and d expo expose sess the the spin spindl dlee of the the sa safe fe mechanism. 709.

Scale of Proportion is the element of the finished sketch. It is the essence of the finished sketch to the actual size or measurements at the scene.


Scientific Intelligence deals with the progress of research and development


Search as generally applied in criminal investigation, refers to the examination of an individual’s person, house, papers or effects, or other buildings and premises to discover contraband or some evidence of guilt to be used in the prosecution of a criminal act.


Search Patterns  are systematic approaches to look for evidence at a crime scene; recommended ones are: 1) Circle-Search Pattern: begins at the center of the area to be searched; spreads out in widening concentric circles. 2) GridSearch Pattern: divides the scene into two sets of essentially parallel lanes, using stakes and string; the lanes are traversed and then cross-traversed at right angles. 3) Lane-Search Pattern: divides the scene into one set of parallel lanes, lan es, usi using ng sta stake kess and str string ing.. 4) Zon Zone-S e-Sear earch ch (or Secto Sector-S r-Sear earch) ch) Pat Patter tern: n: divides the scene into equal squares on a map of the area and numbers each square. Officers are assigned to particular squares.


Search Warrant is an order in writing issued in the name of the people of the Philippines, signed by a judge and directed to a peace officer, commanding him to search for personal property described therein and to bring it before the court. (Sec. 1, Rule 126 of the RPC)


Secessionist  is   is an insurgency which aims to establish an autonomous region over the province of Minsupala, Basilan and Tawi-Tawi.


Secondary Crime Scene is the place where the crime was continued (Torres, 2013).


Secondary Source is information obtained and partially evaluated, condensed, recorded by intermediate agency.


Secrecy is the state of being secret.


Secret Agent is a person engaged in espionage.


Secr Secret et is any information or material that the unauthorized disclosure of it would endanger national security causes serious injury to the interest and

prestige of the nation or of any government activity or of a great advantage to a foreign nation.



Security Clear Security Clearance ance  is the certi certific ficati ation on by a re respo sponsi nsible ble autho authorit rity y tha thatt the person described is cleared for access to clarified matter the appropriate a ppropriate level.


Security Inspection is as a counter-intell counter-intelligence igence service performed to determine compliance w/ established security police and procedures.


Securi Sec urity ty is the protection of classified information material and equipment

from fro m dis disclo closu sure reequipment to un unaut author horize ized d per person sonss and the pro prote tecti ction on of def defens ensee installation and from damages. 723.

Security Survey is a counterintelligence service to assist the commander in determining security measures required to protect the installation from possible sabotage, espionage, subversion and unauthorized disclosure of access to classified diff. information and martial certain therein.


Seduce is concerned on Strategic and Counterintelligence Counterintelligence


Seizuree as usually applied in relation to search, refers to the confiscation of Seizur property by an officer with legal authority to do so. In criminal investigation, it is the logical consequence of search.


Selection is particularly desirable to able to identify an informant who has access to many criminal in-group or subversive organization.


Self-Aggrandizing  moves  moves around the center of criminal’s delight in surprising the police about bits of information.


Semi-Memory Method is applied when the security condition of the area in such a way that the observer in the making notes of what was observed.


Sensory Form is the outward manifestations of a criminal event that can be perceived by our five senses – eyes, ears, nose, tongue and hands.


Serial Killer   is someone who murders 3 or more people with "cooling off" periods in between.


Serial Murder   is killing more than two separate people with a 'cooling-off' period between each killing. Serious Indebtedness is the person is heavily indebted. Always looking for a fast and easy way to recoup his losses.



Sertorious is the possessor of the white fawn that tried to follow Polyaenus everywhere.. The pawn was used as intelligence agents. everywhere


Shadowing is the observation of a person’s movement movement.. The ac actt of following person. Also known as tailing.


Shield Vehicle is a heavily armored vehicle located at the side of the principal’s vehicle (Guevara, 2010).


Shoplifting  is  is taking items from retail stores without paying.



Shrinkage is an unexplained or unauthorized reduction of inventory from a retail establishme establishment. nt.


Signal Intelligence results from collecting, locating, processing, analyzing, and reporting intercepted communicatio communications ns and non-communications.


Signatory is the part of the sketch where the name of the sketcher and the


team leader or the officer in charge are written and signed. Silent Technique is employed against nervous or the confident type of interreges.


Simple  assault   (usually a misdemeanor) – (1) Intentionally causing another person to fear immediate bodily harm or death or (2) Intentionally inflicting or attempting to inflict bodily harm on another.


Sir Francis Walsingham is credited with creating the first viable secret service in England.


Sir Llewell Llewelleyn eyn Wil Willia liam m Atc Atcher herly ly is the Chief Const Constabl ablee of We West st Rid Riding ing,, Yorshi Yor shire. re. He pio pionee neered red the re recor cordin ding g of M.O. M.O. (m (modu oduss ope operan randi) di) fi files les as investigative aid that can be used to identify criminals based on the tools they use, the manner of commission, the time of the crime, and other pertinent data (Torres, 2013).


Situation Map is a temporary graphic display of the current dispositions and major activities of the enemy.


Sketch is the graphic representation of the scene of the crime with complete measurements measureme nts of the relative distances items or objects. Sketch includes scales, with important dimensions at the scene being shown to a good degree of accuracy.


Sketch of Details includes the positions and exact locations of the physical evidence in the crime scene. It describes the immediate scene only like the room in which the crime was committed and the details of items in the room.


Sketch of Grounds is the kind of sketch that illustrates the scene of the crime with the nearest physical surroundings, such as the room adjacent or opposite the room of the crime scene, the number of floors of a building or house, the yard and the other natural structures.


Sketch of Locality deals with the vicinity of the crime scene in relation to the environs, to include neighboring buildings, structures, or means of access leading to the scene.


Sketcher makes sketches of the immediate, background and inside the scene of the crime.


Sketching consists of pulling ideas in an accurate pictorial form to describe a

specific area.



Slamming  is   is the unauthorized switch of a long-distance carrier; in the early 21 21st st cent centur ury, y, this this is the the mo most st co comm mmon on an and d fast fastes estt-gr grow owin ing g cat categ egor ory y of complaints to the FCC.


Sliding  is  is switching carriers on a specific call, from the long-distance carrier to an unauthorized carrier.


Smash-and-Grab  iscalled a burglary where a window is broken in order to steal merchandise. Also hit-and-run.


Smersh or “Death to Spies”  was  was organized during the war as counterintelligence counterinte lligence concerned with disaffection among Soviet Troops and anticommunism in any form.


Snippet is a fragment of information (Guevara, 2010).


Snitches are jailhouse informan informants. ts.


Social Assignment  is   is where the agent will gain access to the subject by going to the different hangout places of the subject and gather information like knowing how to drink socially without getting drunk.


Social Investigation is intelligence an abbreviated limited form ofonarea some in the context of strategic andand focused primarily thestudy psychological factor that will influence the organizational efforts that is a part of a strategic campaign plan. 759.

Sociological Intelligence is a form of intelligence that deals with the demographic and psychological aspects of groups of people. p eople.


Sociology Intelligence deals with the demographic and psychological aspects of groups of people.


Solid Barriers are constructed in such a usual access is afforded or permitted through a force.


Solvability Factors  are factors crucial to resolving an investigation and to consider when deciding whether to investigate a crime. Source is a person who for any reason submits info of intel interest.

763. 764.

Soviet Intelligence (AMTORG) was organized for the purpose of purchasing all kinds of materials for the Soviet Union.


Special Informant   gives gives information concerning specialized cases only it is regarded as a special treatment by the operative.


Special Operations are those counter-subve counter-subversion, rsion, sabotage and espionage.


Speculators served as an information-collecti information-collecting ng agency.


Spies of Consequences are low informers and unreliable renegades of value

chiefly in spreading false info to the enemy.



Spiral Search Method  is   is the searchers (3 people are good) follow each other along the path of a spiral beginning on the outside and spiraling in towards the center.


Sponsor refers to the organization of the governmen governmentt that authorized, approve, direct and control support clandestine operation.


Spot Reportsofisimmediate one time reports by echelons to transmit intelligence or information value. used The most expeditious means of transmission consistent with requisite security.


Spotting  means  means to look out for the purpose of recording information.


Spy is a person instructed to act secretly to gather information information..


Stake-Out  is  is the observation of a place from a fixed point.


Stalker   is some someone one tha thatt del delibe iberate rately ly and rep repeat eatedl edly y att attem empts pts to co conta ntact, ct, follow, or in any other way harass or intimidate another person. The first U.S.A. anti-stalking laws were passed in 1990 in California.


Standing Stand ing Search is done by instructing the subject to raise his hands above or

behind his head with feet spread as suspects far as possible. In some situations, this is not recommended becauseapart some could still maintain their balance. 777.

State Informer  was  was created in 1734 enjoining all informers to expose criminal activities and be compensated.


State the Problem  is the problem would be to identify, locate and arrest the perpet per petrat rator or of the crime and attem attempt pt to rec recove overr all stole stolen n pro proper perty ty in a thorough legal manner designed to ensure the greatest probability of justice.


Statement   is a lega legall na narr rrat ativ ivee de desc scri ript ptio ion n (f (fro rom m a susp suspec ect, t, wi witn tnes ess, s, complainant, etc.) of events related to a crime.


Stationary is the observation of a place usually bookie stall, a gambling, joint a residence where illegal activities are going on. Stationary Surveillance (Fixed or Stakeout Surveillance)   is used when you know or suspect that a person is at or will come to a known location when you suspect that stolen goods are to be dropped or when informants have told you that a crime is going to be committed.



Statutory Rape is sexual intercourse with a minor, male or female, of age under (usually) 14 years, whether with their consent or against their will.


Stockholm Syndrome is a condition  where a hostage sympathizes with their hostage takers and takers and fears the rescuers (such as the military and the police) more than the captors.

784. 785.

Storage Area is where the supplies are stored in a safe area. Stranger  Stalking  is  is the stalker and the victim do not know each other at all.



Strategic Intelligence is information concerning existing patterns or emerging trends of criminal activity designed to assist in criminal apprehension and crime control strategies for both short and long term investigative tools.


Strategic of Police Intelligence is that knowledge pertaining to the capabilities, vulnerabilitiess and probable cause of action of a foreign nation or enemy. vulnerabilitie


Street Robbery   i s aand robbery robbery    that islots. often committed on public streets and sidewalks, in alleys, in parking


Strip Method   is Strip is the area that is blocked out in the form of a rectangle. The se sear arch cher erss (3 pe peop ople le ar aree go good od)) pr proc ocee eed d sl slow owly ly at the the same same pac pacee alon along g paths parallel to one side of the rectangle.


Strongman is an agent ready to provide protection during dangerous phases of the clandestine operation.


Subjectt is a person or place or object being surveyed or watched (Guevara, Subjec 2010).


Subversion is an organized and systematic conspiracy designed to discredit Subversion and overthrow duly constituted authority (Guevara, 2010).


Subversive Act Subversive Activiti ivities es are activities designed to disrupt or even overthrow ruling parties or government (Guevara, 2010).


Subversive Organ Subversive Organizati ization on  is the the mo most st da dang nger erou ouss of all all the the un unde derc rcov over er assignment, the agent will join the organization of the subject itself, he must know the ideologies of the group and the actions while inside should conform to the organization to avoid any suspicion.


Suitability is the availability of the unit in selecting the area of interest.


Sun Tzu is gen genera erally lly cre credit dited ed wit with h ins instig tigati ating ng the first first ful fully ly ope operat ration ional al espionage network.


Superior Reasoning Ability is the ability to analyze logically a multitude of facts and determine how they interrelate is basic to the investigative process. Al Alth thou ough gh this this abil abilit ity y is es esse sent ntia iall at all all leve levels ls of law law enfo enforc rcem emen ent, t, the the investigator is confronted with continual mental challenges on a daily basis.


Suppor Supp ortt Ag Agen entt is an agen agentt enga engage ge in the the acti activi viti ties es wh whic ich h supp suppor ortt th thee clandestine operation.


Surveillance is a form of clandestine investigation which consists of keeping of any person or other target under physical observation relevant to the purpose of the inves investig tigati ation. on. Surveillance  is defined as the discreet observation of pers pe rson ons, s, plac places es an and d ve vehi hicl cles es for for the the pu purp rpos osee of ob obta tain inin ing g info inform rmat atio ion n concerning the identities or activities of criminals.


Surveilla Survei llant nt is the per person son who con conduc ducts ts the surve surveill illanc ancee or per perfor forms ms the observations. While the subject is the person, place or vehicle being observed by the surveillant.



Survey - Determine the unforeseen defect of a unit and make a recommendation recommen dation for its correction or improvement.


Suspect   is is an individual considered to be directly or indirectly connected with a crim crimee (no (no ma matt tter er wh whet ethe herr by ph phys ysic ical al acti activi vity ty or by plan planni ning ng or by supe superv rvis isin ing) g).. Co Comp mpar aree wi with th a defendant defendant   (aft (after er a susp suspec ectt is char charge ged d an and d brought to trial). A suspect is developed through 1) Information from victims, witnesses, or others likely to know about the crime or suspect. 2) Physical evidence left at the crime scene. 3) Psychological profiling. 4) Information in poli po lice ce file files. s. 5) Info Inform rman ants ts.. 6) Surveillances Surveillances,, unde undercove rcoverr assig assignme nments, nts, and raids.


Suspect is any person believe to be associated w/ prohibited activity.


Sympathetic approach is best used for sensitive suspects who commit crimes because of fits of jealousy or emotions. The questioning here usually starts with “I understand how you felt”, “If I were on your situation, I would probably do the same thing” (Torres, 2013).


Syndicate Crime Group Syndicate Groupss means two or more persons collaborating or mutual helping one another in the commission of a crime.


Tact  is the ability to deal  with others in respective manners .


Tactical Intelligence is information regarding a specific criminal event that can be used immediately by operational units to further a criminal investigation plan tactical operations and provide for officer safety.


Tactical Interrogation is the process or method of obtaining information from a captured enemy who is reluctant to divulge information.


Tailing or Shadowing is the observation of a person’s movement.


Talkative Type are witnesses who are prone to exaggerate, adding irrelevant or new matters to their narration narration.. The skil skillful lful inve investig stigator ator could prun prunee the unnecessary matters from the relevant ones.


Target   is a person, place, things or activity against which the clandestine organization or operational activities.


Target Selection  is the first phase in the process of identifying criminals and su subve bversi rsive ve elem element ents. s. It inv involv olves es uti utilit lity, y, pro probab babili ility ty of succes success, s, req requir uired ed resources and objectives (Guevara, 2010).


Team Leader  is  is the one who directs the processing of the crime scene.


Teaser Bait Approach  is the  elicitor accumulates the sources of knowledge about a particular subject.


Technical Intelli Technical Intelligence gence concerns foreign technical developments, which have practiced military application and the practical performance, capabilities and limita lim itatio tions ns of mat materi erials als and ins instal tallat lation ion used used by fo forei reign gn mil milita itary ry for forces ces (Guevara, 2010).



Technical  is su surv rvei eill llan ance ce by the the us usee of co comm mmun unic icat atio ion n an and d elec electr tron onic ic hardware, gadgets, system, and equipmen equipment. t.


Telecommunication Intelligence is concerned with the operations and facilities of long-distance communication media including telegraph, telephone, radio, satellite, television and other electronic communications (Guevara, 2010).


Temperament  means  means mode of emotional response. Testimonial Evidence is the most common form of evidence, and it is obtained through interview and interrogation – events which witness see, smell, taste, and an d touc touch h ar aree de desc scri ribe bed d to the the inve invest stig igat ator or thro throug ugh h or oral al an and d wr writ itte ten n testimony.



Testing is the test testin ing g pr prog ogra ram m sh shou ould ld be begi gin, n, of co cour urse se,, wi with th limi limite ted d as assi sign gnme ment nt wi with th gr grad adua uall inte integr grat atio ion n into into mo more re im impo port rtan antt area areas. s. Th Thee oc occas casio iona nall test testin ing g of an info inform rman antt shou should ld co cont ntin inue ue thro throug ugh h the the enti entire re affiliation.


The Ninja is derived from the word “Ninjitsu-the art-making oneself invisible) served the shoguns of the 12 th century in Japan. They were drawn from the

physical and social cream of samurai youth reputed to be able to walk on water, to obtain intelligence while and to appear and disappear at will. 822.

Theories Theori es are the beliefs regarding the case based on the evidence, patterns, leads and tips and other information developed or uncovered in a case .


Thomas Byrnes is the Chief of the detectives New York City, was one of the famous investigators of the nineteenth century. An unusually keen-minded individual with 32 years of police experience, he trained his detectives in recog recogniz nizing ing ind indivi ividua duall cri crimin minal al te techn chniqu iques es.. Th This is me metho thod d was lat later er to be known as “modus operandi” or method of operation and is considered an essential tool of investigation to this day.


Three Man Shadowing or ABC Method of Shadowing where  A, B, and C, A is

clos closes estt to subj subjec ectt (S), (S), he foll follow owss S at a di dist stan ance ce wh whic ich h de depe pend ndss on th thee pedestrian traffic. B follows A, at about the same distance from A as A is from S, or, if vehicular traffic is moderate, may be approximately opposite him on the other side of the street, B and C take turns in occupying the A position, thus preventing A becoming a familiar and noticeable figure to S. 825.

Time and Date (Sketching) includes the exact time of the preparation of the sketch but most importantly the time and date of the occurrence of the crime should be recorded.


Time Log is acc accur urat atee re repo port rtin ing g de depe pend ndss enti entire rely ly on time timele less ss,, de dela lay y in reporting.


Timid Witnesses are the shy witnesses. witnesses. The appr approach oach must be frie friendly ndly and reassuri reas suring ng the confiden confidentiali tiality ty of thei theirr informat information. ion. The They y should be hidden from the devouring press by interviews or photo sessions.



Tips refers to leads provided by citizens that aid in the progress of investing. Generally, tips involve the identity of the suspect.


Top Secret is any information and material the unauthorized disclosure of it would cause grave damage to the nation politically, economically or militarily.


Topographic Bureau maintains a large map that covers the latest information


regarding both enemy and friendly forces. Toxicology is the study of poisons.


Trace Evidence is evidence that is barely visible. Includes fingerprints as well as small particles of glass or dirt.


Tracing Identification involves the use of all other information that may be indicative of the personal identity of an individual.


Transmission Security is a component of communication security that results from all measures design to protect the transmission from interception, traffic analysis and initiative deception.


Transportation and Communication Intelligence is concerned with operation


and facilities not only the military but also the civilians. Triangulation  is on onee of tth he plo plotti tting ng metho methods ds for the cri crime me sce scene ne.. Make straig str aightht-lin linee me measu asurem remen ents ts fro from m tw two o fix fixed ed obj object ectss to the loc locati ation on of the evidence, creating a triangle. The evidence is in the angle formed by the two straight lines, at the distance that you measured from each fixed point.


Truth is concerned with what actually happened. It may be hard to discover from from a wi witn tnes esss du duee to: to: 1) Memo Memory ry erro errorr. 2) Pre Predis dispos positi ition: on: wit witnes nesss may sympathize with the victim or suspect, and alter a story. 3) Reluctance to talk talk..


Two-Man Shadow is more advantageous because it permits mediatory change and are more likely to recognize.


UCR  is the the FB FBI' I'ss Un Unif ifor orm m Cr Crim imee Re Repo port rtin ing g Pr Prog ogra ram m is a U. U.S. S.A. A.-w -wid idee voluntary cooperation by over 16,000 city, county, and state law enforcement agencies to report data on crimes brought to their attention. This covers 95% of the U.S.A.'s population.


Undercover Underc over Age Agent nt is an intelligence officer w/c is performing undercover work.


Undercover Assign Undercover Assignment  ment   is an inves investig tigati ative ve tec techni hniqu quee in whi which ch an agent agent conceals his official identity and obtains information from that organization.


Undercover Operation (also called Roping)  is disguising one's own identity or using an assumed identity for the purpose of gaining the trust of an individual or organization to learn secret information or to gain the trust of targeted individuals in order to gain information or evidence.



Undercover Work is an investigation process in which disguises and pretext cover and deception are used to gain the confidence of criminal suspects.


Unsolicited Unsolicite d Conta Contact  ct   are volu voluntary ntary inform informants ants who self self-ini -initiate tiate the polic policee contac con tact. t. Ide Identi ntifie fied d subje subjects cts who rep report ort cri crimin minal al acti activit vity y wit withou houtt being being solicited, or subject who give anonymou anonymouss tips over the phone or by letter.


Upgr Up gradi ading ng is the act of assigning the information or matter to the higher classified that previously assumed to it.


US Str Strate ategic gic Ser Servic vicee  do does es re rese sear arch ch an and d an anal alyz yzee mi mili lita tary ry,, po poli liti tical cal an and d economic info and to be responsible for the planning and operation of special service.


Utilit Util ity y re refer ferss to the type of cri crimin minal al act activi ivity, ty, am amoun ountt and fre frequ quenc ency y of criminal activity and its impact (Guevara, 2010).


Vanity is a conceited act/character of the crime resulting in self-betrayal or tantamount to guilt, gaining favorable attention and importance by the police.


Vault  is  is a stationary security chamber of reinforced concrete, often steel-lined, with a combination lock.


Victimology/Victim Profiling   is is a detailed account of the victim’s lifestyle and personality, assists in determining the nature of the disappearance, the risk level of the victim and the type of person who could have committed the crime. crim e. Comp Complete lete info informati rmation on rega regarding rding the victi victim’s m’s phys physical ical desc descripti ription, on, norm no rmal al be beha havi vior or pa patt tter erns ns,, fami family ly dy dyna nami mics cs an and d kn know own n fr frie iend ndss an and d acquaintances should be obtained as soon as possible.


Victims are the direct recipients of the crime itself who suffered direct or indirect loss/injury as a consequence thereof (Torredes, 2013).


Voluntary Informant is a type of informant who gives information freely and will wi llfu full lly y as a wi witn tnes esss to a ce cert rtai ain n act. act. Vo Volu lunt ntar ary y In Info form rman antt is an anyo yone ne,, rega regard rdle less ss of a cr crim imin inal al or lawlaw-ab abid idin ing g ba back ckgr grou ound nd,, wh who o pr prov ovid ides es information to the public without ulterior motive or payment.


Voluntary Manslaughter is intentionally causing the death of another person in the heat of passion that is adequately provoke provoked d by words or deeds.


Voyeurism is peeping in other people's windows. A.k.a. 'Peeping Tom'.


Walk-Through Walk-Throu gh is the type of investigation on a case wherein the suspect is easily determined and located and the detective must only observe the legal guideliness to reach a solution. guideline


Wall Search is the initial purpose of using this search is to put the suspect in an “of “offf-bal balanc anced ed pos positi ition” on”.. Th This is is the safe safest st typ typee of search search.. It doe doess not necessarily require a wall. Any object that can support the weight of the

suspect (such as a car) can be used.



Walsh alshin ingh gham am of En Engl glan and d pr prot otec ecte ted d Qu Quee een n El Eliz izab abet eth h I fr from om co coun untl tles esss assassins.


Warrant of Arrest is an order in writing issued in the name of the people of the Philippines, signed by a judge and directed to a peace officer, commanding him to take a person into custody in order that he may bound to answer for the commission of an offense. offense. (Sec. 1, Rule 126 of the RPC)


Waterboarding  refers  refers to the practice of strapping a suspect to a board with his or her head lowered, then the face is covered and water is poured over it causing the suspect to gag and experience the sensation of drowning.


Weakness of Character is a character that can easily be dominant in fair prey.


What Questions are purposely used to find out what happened or what took place before, during and immediately after the commission of the offense.


Wheel Sea Wheel Search rch Met Method  hod   is the are areaa tha thatt is con consid sidere ered d to be appr approxi oximat mately ely circular. The searchers gather at the center and proceed outward along radii or spokes. Procedure is repeated several times depending on the size of the circle and the number of searchers.


When Questions are questions needed to determine and fix the time, day, month and year when the crime was committed. When questions should be specified and as accurate as possible.


Where Questions are questions that localize the place of the incident is the city or town, the district or barangay, the street or road, the number of the house or build bu ilding ing.. Whe Where re quest question ionss are nec neces essar sary y in spe specif cifical ically ly pin pinpoi pointi nting ng the particular location of the crime scene.


Where-are-they  is the appro appropri priate ate type of inv inves estig tigati ation on to use in the case wherein the suspect has been tentatively identified but has not been located. The case may have a simple solution or it involves complex mystery.


Who Questions are questions used to inquire about the identity of the victims or offended party, name of suspect, accomplices, accessories and witnesses of the crime.


WHODUNIT WHODUN IT is a case in which no suspects are initially identified. Majority crimes reported to the police under this category are rarely solved.


Why Questions: These are questions that endeavor to ascertain the motives, causes, antecedents, previous, incidents, related facts, background occurrences that might help explain the commission of the offense.


Wilhelm Stiebe Wilhelm Stieberr has contributions to the science of Military Censorship and organized Military Propaganda. He worked as a census taker and developed in informal format in the gathering of data.


Wire Tapping is the telephone line is tapped somewhere along the line, either in the street line or in the telephone company.



Wireless Telegraph was used wherein codes and ciphers were applied. a pplied.


Wiretapping  is  is the interception of telephone calls.


Witness is an individual who saw a crime or some part of it being committed or wh who o ha hass re rele leva vant nt info inform rmat atio ion. n. Wi Witn tnes esss is an any y pe pers rson on wh who o ha hass di dire rect ct knowledge of facts concerning an event or activity.


Witnesses  who refuse to answer  are   are the most difficult subjects to deal with. Find out the reasons reasons for their personality personality.. The cause may be trauma, shock shock,, fear,, hatred, and others. Remo fear Remove ve these fett fetters ers of silence and they will start talking.


Work Assignment  is  is where the agent will be employed where the subject work to acquire information. The agent must know his work and focus his mindset and habit to his work assignment


Written Form is a criminal act that may also provide information in a written form like receipts from the motel, food and drinks in the pocket of the suspect.


Year 1285 A.D., England. The Statute of Winchester was enacted establishing a rudimentary criminal justice system in which most of the responsibility for law enforcementt remained with the people themselves. enforcemen


Year 1811. France. Eugene “Francois” Vidocq established a squad of ex-convicts to aid the Paris Police in investigating crimes. He worked under the theory of “Set a thief to catch a thief .” He introduced the concept of “Trade Protection Society,” which became the forerunner of our present-day credit card system. He is cred credit ited ed,, as the the foun founde derr of La Su Sure rete, te, Fr Fran ance ce’s ’s Na Nati tion onal al De Dete tect ctiv ivee Organization.


Year 1829, London. Robert Peel is the founder and chief organizer of London Metropolitan Police. He introduced the techniques in detecting crimes such as detectives concealing themselves, and secretly photographing and recording conversations.


Year 1833, England . London Metropolitan Police employed the first undercover officer.


Year 1835, Texas Rangers. Was organized as the first law enforcement agency with statewide investigative authority. This is the forerunner of the Federal Bureau of Investigatio Investigation n (FBI).


Year 1852, 1852, U.S.A U.S.A.. Allan Pinkerton was America’s foremost private detective. Thiss ind Thi indivi ividua duall tru truly ly des deser erves ves the title title of “Am “Ameri erica’ ca’ss Fou Founde nderr of Cri Crimin minal al Invest Inv estiga igatio tion.” n.” Amo Among ng me metho thods ds pio pione neere ered d wer weree “sh “shado adowin wing,” g,” the art of suspects surveillance, “roping,” working in an undercover capacity, they have the motto, “We never sleep.”



Year 1852, U.S.A. Charles Dickens is a great novelist in which through his story entitled bleak house, he introduced the term detective to the English language (Adams & Taylor, 1995).


Year 1856, 1856, U.S.A U.S.A.. Kate Wayne is the first woman detective in the history of criminal investigation. She was hired by the Pinkerton Agency and contributed to the resolutions of big cases of the United States of America.


Year 1859, U.S.A. The  Ap Appe pell llat atee Co Cour urts ts of US USA A re reco cogn gniz ized ed/a /acce ccept pted ed phot ph otog ogra raph phss to be admi admitt tted ed as evid eviden ence ce in co cour urtt pr proc ocee eedi ding ngss up upon on its its relevancy and after verification.


Year 1865, U.S.A – U.S. Secret Service was founded to investigate counterfeiting counterfeiting activity in post-civil war in America. This agency was created purposely to counteract the proliferation of fake dollars and paper money in America.


Year 1866, Libe Liberty, rty, Missour Missouri, i, USA. The Jessie James Gang made the first holdup which marks the beginning of the gang’s 15-year hold-up and robbery spree (12 bank hold-ups and 12 train stagecoach robberies in 11 states). Clay County Savings Association was their first victim and their take was $60,000.00. $60,00 0.00.


Year 1866, U.S.A. Thomas Byrnes is an unusually keen-mind keen-minded ed individual who traine tra ined d his det detect ective ivess in rec recog ogniz nizin ing g ind indivi ividua duall cri crimin minal al tec techni hnique ques. s. He founded the criminal “ modus modus operandi,” or method/mode of operation.


Year 1877, 1877, Engla England. nd. Howard Vincent headed the newly organized Criminal Investigation Department Department in Scotland Yard.


Year 1882, France. Alphonse Bertillon is a French Police Clerk who introduced and an d es esta tabl blis ishe hed d the the firs firstt syst system emat atic ic id iden enti tifi fica cati tion on sy syst stem em ba base sed d on th thee Anthropological Signalment (Anthropometry). He is considered the founder of Criminal Investigation.


Year 1887. Dr.  Art Arthur hur Co Conan nan Doy Doyle le pop popula ulariz rized ed the sci scient entifi ificc Cri Crimin minal al Investigation by creating the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes and his friend


Watson. Year 1892, England. Francis Galton is an English man who published his study on classifying fingerprints and recognized the uniquene uniqueness ss of the fingerprints to be used as evidence against a suspect.


Year 1909-1924. John Edgar Hoover became the head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which was established by the attorney general from 1909 to 1924.


Year 1913, Philippines.  The genesis of Criminal Investigation in the Manila Police Department, presently the Western Police District took place.


Year 1918, 1918, Eng Englan land. d. A new concept was introduced in the field of Criminal Investigation. This is known as “Team Policing.” In this concept, there was no

patrol division or criminal investigation per se. In this system, a team of police


officers is assigned to patrol and investigate all criminal matters within their area of jurisdiction or district. 896.

Year 1954, 1954, USA USA.. Dr. Paul Kirk is the best-known Criminalist who headed the Department of Criminalistics at the University of California, USA.


Ye Year ar 1966, 1966, US USA. A. Miranda Vs Arizona is the US Supreme Court established

procedural guidelines for taking criminal confessions. The case is the origin of the present Miranda rights of every accused under the custody of police. 898.

Year 2100 B. C., Babylon . The Code of Hammurabi was then implemented to detect those who refused to obey the law. It imposes the Lex Taliones principle where punishment of an offender is equal to what he did.


Zone Sea Search rch Met Method  hod   is one searcher is assigned to each subdivision of a quadrant and then each quadrant is cut into another set of quadrants.

REFERENCES Books/Printed Materials:

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