Production VLAN needs 100 host addresses 0-127 Staff VLAN needs 50 host addresses 128-193 Guest VLAN needs 20 host addresses 194-225 Management&Native VLAN needs 10 host address 226-239 you should know that its just your x2 tables and all you need to do is fit your requirement to a mask and then start with the next block of address's that fit. Always start with the biggest block first
********************************** S1(config)#do sh run Building configuration... Current configuration : 1561 bytes ! version 12.2 no service timestamps log datetime msec no service timestamps debug datetime msec no service password-encryption ! hostname S1 ! enable secret 5 $1$mERr$9cTjUIEqNGurQiFU.ZeCi1 ! no ip domain-lookup ! spanning-tree mode pvst spanning-tree vlan 5,15,25,35 priority 4096 ! interface FastEthernet0/1 switchport trunk native vlan 5 switchport mode trunk !
S3# ********************************* hostname S2 int ra fa0/1-24 sh int ra gi0/1-2 sh vtp mode client vtp domain XYZCORP vtp password westbranch int range fa0/1-5 switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan 5 no sh int vlan 5 ip address ip default-gateway no sh int ra fa0/6-10 switchport access vlan 35 int ra fa 0/11-17 switchport access vlan 15 int ra fa 0/18-24 switchport access vlan 25 int ra fa0/1-5 switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan 5 no sh **************** hostname S3 int ra fa0/1-24 sh int ra gi0/1-2 sh vtp mode client vtp domain XYZCORP vtp password westbranch int range fa0/1-5 switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan 5 no sh int vlan 5 ip address ip default-gateway no sh
int ra fa0/6-10 switchport access vlan 35 int ra fa 0/11-17 switchport access vlan 15 int ra fa 0/18-24 switchport access vlan 25 int ra fa0/1-5 switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan 5 no sh ****************** hostname S1 enable secret class no ip domain-lookup ip default-gateway ip http server line con 0 password cisco login line vty 0 15 password cisco login vtp mode server vtp domain XYZCORP vtp password westbranch int ra fa0/1-5 switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan 5 no sh vlan 5 name Management&Native vlan 15 name Production vlan 25 name Staff vlan 35 name Guest(Default) ip address no sh spanning-tree vlan 25 priority 4096 spanning-tree vlan 5 priority 4096 spanning-tree vlan 15 priority 4096 spanning-tree vlan 35 priority 4096 ***********************************
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