Witho"t enterin$ into the Internet c)o"& or Intranet c)o"&, ho% an! icon+ in the topo)o$! repre+ent en&point &eice+ 7on)! one connection )ea&in$ to the8'
-. end devices &.
Witho"t co"ntin$ the t%o c)o"&+, ho% an! icon+ in the topo)o$! repre+ent intere&iate &eice+ 7")tip)e connection+ )ea&in$ to the8'
-3 inter!ediate devices e.
Ho% an! intere&iate &eice+ are ro"ter+' 6ote: The 0in4+!+ &eice i+ a ro"ter.
3 routers f.
Ho% an! en& &eice+ are not &e+4top cop"ter+'
/ are not deskto co!uters
Ho% an! &i9erent t!pe+ of e&ia connection+ are "+e& in thi+ net%or4 topo)o$!'
0 tyes h.
Wh! i+nt there a connection icon for %ire)e++ in the Connection+ cate$or!'
1ireless devices connect auto!atically'
Step (: E;p)ain the p"rpo+e of the &eice+. a.
In Pac4et Tracer, the SererPT &eice can act a+ a +erer. The &e+4top an& )aptop PC+ cannot act a+ a +erer. I+ that tr"e in the rea) %or)&'
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