CCI Manual: Overview

March 27, 2017 | Author: Laura Wilson | Category: N/A
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Welcome to NewsGate 3 NewsGate 3 is a collaborative, team-based work platform for the NIC. NewsGate offers tools to create, manage and distribute content for targeted audiences in multiple media. Because NewsGate is a CCI product, some of the terminology and concepts will already be familiar to you. However, much of it is different. The look and feel is very different from what we have now. But because it’s NewsGate, the idea of story folders and packages is not foreign. How you create them will be different. You might notice when you log in that NewsGate 3 looks a bit like Outlook. The left-hand navigation and folder system will seem familiar. Most of us work with Outlook daily, so the look might make you feel more comfortable in this new environment.

Basic concepts NewsGate is the overall system. Within NewsGate are several applications. Here is a look at the applications and their function.

NewsGate Overview 1-1

Here are some other (likely familiar) concepts: Story folder: A place to hold related items for publication to print or online. This can include: texts, photos, graphics (new in NewsGate 3), background information for graphics and links to videos (also new in NewsGate 3). Package: In addition to content items, the story folder can contain packages, which are groupings of content destined for publication either print or online. Team: The person who creates the story folder is automatically on the team. Other team members can be added at that time. Team members are added when assignments are made or when a user opens a story. In the new system, copy/design desk members are added to the team when opening a story for editing. Parent and child packages: You will learn more about this later in the training, but NewsGate 3 does not have a “medianeutral” version. Instead, the concept you will learn is the “parent” and “child” relationship between packages.

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More about NewsAccess It’s important to understand NewsAccess and its workspaces, which appear in the left-hand side of the window. Here is a look at each.

My Workspace: Different RSS feeds make up this workspace. In the Navigation Pane, the thing you will pay attention to the most is the My Stuff. This replaces the UserBasket. Story Folders: This shows a list of your folders and folders on which you are a team member. Planning: Although it looks different as stories are created and move through the flow, this is essentially a publication list. Here you will be able to see all of the stories and their state in the workflow. Source editors, copy editors and designers will spend a lot of time in this workspace. Follow Up: This workspace can be used to move overset copy ahead or create new folders for copy used in the zones on different days. It can also be used to create a new folder for an ongoing story. The benefit is that the story folder contains a link to the previous story folder, which is a handy tool for fact checking. Assignments: Here is where you can view photo, video and graphics requests. The Photo Department in particular requests that checking the lists here becomes part of the regular process. Pages: Sort of self-explanatory, although it is worth noting that the view of this workspace includes a preview pane. People: This area lists CCI users. It will have cellphone numbers. Wires: Wire feeds, including agate and regular wire content. AP wire photos now flow into the system. Research: This is a browser inside NewsGate. You can save links to commonly used sites. The browser runs Internet Explorer, so unfortunately, Searchy is not available here. Tips & Events: Events can be noted in this area, and story folders can be created off that calendar. A likely use would be a sports season. The game dates are known at the beginning. This area also contains an Import Queue that we can use as a backup process for getting content into the system. Items such as the weather graphic and the bulldog ad will enter the system this way. Contacts: You can add your contacts here. Your list can be public or private. Setup: This area is for expert users. NewsGate Overview 1-3

Getting started Log in to CCI NewsGate 3 using your existing network username and password. Once logged in, you will see a window like this:

NewsGate Overview 1-4

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