Cc and Od Account Opening

June 16, 2019 | Author: aditya_bb_sharma | Category: Debits And Credits, Cheque, Banking, Money, Finance (General)
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A/c turnover details can be inquired through menu option ACTI. 13. Relative to staff – Change the value to Y if the customer is relative to any staff member. 14. Relative Staff Id – If the above field is set to Y, th en it is mandatory to enter staff id in this field. User can press F2 and select staff id by pressing Shift+F4. This means, system shall not allow the staff whose staff id is entered this field to enter any transaction in this account. Press F6. 16. Passbook/Statement (Mandatory) – Enter P for Passbook, S for Statement or B for both PB & Stmt. 17. Statement Frequency – If S (Statement) or B (Both PB & Stmt) is entered in the above field, then statement frequency is mandatory. 18. Despatch Mode – If S or B value is entered in Passbook/Statement field, then this field i s mandatory. Valid values are A - Post and Email o B – Spl Delivery and Email o C – Collect by person o D – Courier & Email o P – Only Post o Q – Courier o S – Special Delivery o 19. Download to PBF – Default value is N. If the ATM/Debit Card is to be issued for this a/c, then Y shall be entered. 20. Pay Interest – Default value is Y which should be retained (not to be changed to N); as keeping this value Y will facilitate to refund interest in the account by the system due to any reason like change of interest rate from backdate. 21. Collect Interest – Default is Y, which shall not be changed. 22. Customer Pref. Interest (Cr) and Account Pref. Interest (Cr) – This should be left bl ank. 23. Account Pref. Interest (Dr) – If the account preferential interest over or below is to be charged, the same shall be entered in this field. E.g. If 2% is to be charged over and above prevailing rate of interest as entered in In t. Rate Code field, then 2 may be entered in this f ield; -2 may be entered in this field if 2% less is to be charged than the prevailing rate of interest. 24. Interest Cr A/c Flag – Default is S, which may not be changed. 25. Interest Dr A/c Flag (Mandatory) – Generally S (Original A/c) itself i. e. interest shall be debited from the a/c which is being opened. 26. Int. Rate Code (Mandatory) – By default, system shall display ZERO as Int. Rate Code, which shall be changed. User shall modify this field, which is discussed below. Let’s assume that we are opening a trader’s CC account to whom we are granting a limit for working capital trading advances above Rs. 2 Lacs – a. Int. Rate Code – Delete ZERO by pressing Control+F or del ete key on keyboard. b. Press F2. c. Interest Table Code – Type WC and press F2. System shall display all the interest table codes starting with WC. d. Using Up/Down arrow key of keyboard go to WCTA interest table code. Press Shift+F4 to select the code. P ress F4. e. System shall display various versions created by the Data Centre from time to ti me. f. (Optional) To know actual rate of interest that the system would be charging in this

account, press Control+E on the version which user wishes to select for this a/c. While selecting/exploring on the version, user shall ensure the start date f rom which the interest table code is effective. Note the base int. pcnt i f any. g. Option – Type D (Debit Slabs) and press F4. h. Note the value appearing below Ind. Normal. Add this value in base int. pcnt to arrive at the net interest that would be charged in the account being opened. Press F3 thrice. i. The system shall come back to interest table version list. Select the proper version by pressing Shift+F4. 27. After selecting proper Int. Rate Code, Press F4. System shall validate values entered in the fields, as also it shall check that valid values are entered in mandatory fields and then the cursor shall appear in Option Code field. SUB OPTION : S - SCHEME DETAILS 28. Option Code – Delete G and enter S (Scheme Details). Press F4. 29. Dr. Balance Limit – Default value is 99999999999999.99, which should be retained. 30. Max. Allowable Limit – Enter the amount of sanctioned limit. System shall not allow the user to enter/modify amount in sanctioned limit (H details) field, more than the amount entered in this field. 31. Credit File No. – Enter credit file No. if any. 32. Debt Acknowledgement Date – Enter the Date of last acknowledgement of debt (BC letter). This date can also be filled up after the verification of account; to do so use the menu option ACM. 33. Chqs Allowed – Default value is Y. System shall not allow the user to issue cheque book in the a/c, if N is entered in this fi eld. 34. Charge for Cheque Issue – Default value is Y, which shall not b e changed. 35. Press F6 or F4. 36. A/c Health Code (Mandatory) – Press F2 and select appropriate code by pressing Shift+F4. 37. Press F4. System shall bring the cursor to Option Code field. SUB OPTION : H- LIMIT DETAILS 38. Option Code – Enter H (Limit History Details). Press F4. 39. Limit Level Interest – Default value is N i.e. the system shall charge the interest as per the Interest Rate Code entered in the G (General Details) option. 40. Sanction Limit – Enter amount of sanctioned limit. Please note that system shall not allow the user t o enter amount more than the Max. Allowable Limit as entered in Scheme Details. Press F4. 41. Sanction Date (mandatory) – Enter the date of sanction of existing li mit. 42. Expiry Date (mandatory)– Enter the date of expiry of existing limit. 43. Penal Int. From – Enter the number of months/days from the date of expiry of the limit after which the system shall charge penal interest. If nothing is entered in these fields, system shall charge penal interest from the date of expiry of the limit. 44. Document Date (mandatory)– Enter the date of documentation in the account. 45. Review Date – Enter the date of review of limit of this account, if any. This date must be at least one day prior to the date of expiry of limit. 46. Security Description – Enter the description of security in this account. 47. Remarks – Free text field. 48. Sanction Level (Mandatory) –

Press F2 for list and select appropriate code by pressing Shift+F4. 49. Sanction Auth (Mandatory) – Press F2 for list and select appropriate code by pressing Shift+F4. 50. Sanction Ref# (Mandatory) – Enter the sanction reference No. 51. Press F4. 52. Drawing Power Indicator (mandatory)– Valid values are D – Derived from Security, E – Equal to Sanction Limit M – Maintained P – Parent. Description of Drawing power indicator’s a. If D is entered in this field, then it becomes mandatory to attach security to this account through the menu option SRM, otherwise the system shall always show DP as 0 (Zero). b. If E is entered in this field, then system shall show DP as equal to Sanctioned Limit. c. If M is entered in this field, then the user has to enter value of DP in the Drawing Power field. d. If P is entered in this field, then the system shall derive the DP from Limit Node.    

53. Drawing Power % This field is mandatory if DP Indicator is P (Parent). 54. Limit Id – This field is mandatory if DP Indicator is P (Parent). 55. Drawing Power – In case the DP indicator is entered as M (Maintained), then the user shall enter the amount of DP. In all other case, system shall derive the DP as per the DP indicator. 56. DACC Limit Absolute – Debit Against Clearing Credit limit is sanctioned as a part of the main limit, i f any. Same can be entered in absolute value in th e first field and/or in p ercentage term in the next field. I f both ‘Absolute’ and ‘Percentage’ are entered, then the system shall allow DACC limit from either of the limits, whichever is lower. 57. A/c Recalled (Mandatory) – Valid values are Y or N. 58. Press F4. System shall validate the values and shall also check that whether the values in mandatory fields have been entered. On success, it shall bring the cursor to Option Code field. SUB OPTION : V - MIS CODES In all loan accounts, MIS details is mandatory . The quality of reports/MIS is directly related to the details entered in this option. User shall meticulously enter valid values in these fields. 59. Option Code – Enter V (MIS Codes). Press F4. In every field, the facility of list is available. User can press F2 for the list and select appropriate code by pressing Shift+F4. After entering appropriate codes in the concerned fields, user shall press F4. The system shall bring the cursor to Option Code field. 60. Option Code – We have so far entered following details . 1- G (General) Mandatory 2- S (Scheme) Mandatroy 3- H (Limit) Mandatory 4- V (MIS) Mandatory These details are mandatory for CC/OD a/c. User can press F10 to commit/save account details. But, as the case may be, user may require to enter Authorized Signatory, Power of Attorney, Guarantor, Joint A/c holder’s details while opening the account. These details can be

entered through option A (Related Party Details). SUB OPTION : A - RELATED PARTY DETAILS 61. Option Code – Enter A. Press F4. 62. The first screen displays details of Main Account Holder. To enter authorized signatory, power attorney, joint account holders’ etc. details, press Down Arrow of keyboard. 64. Relation Type (Mandatory) – Press F1 for help. The help d isplays various values for relation codes. P (Power of Attorney), A (Authorised Signatory), L (letter of Authority), J (Joint Holder), G (Guarantor) etc. Press Enter on OK button or click mouse on it. Enter the valid value in this field. 65. Relation Code – Press F2 and select the code from the list by pressing Shift+F4. 66. Dispatch Mode – If the account is enabled for statement, system gives user the option to send the statement to related parties added through this option. Press F1 for help. Enter the dispatch mode in this field. 67. Designation Code – Press F2 for list and select the code by pressing Shift+F4. 68. Customer ID – If the related party (joint A/c holder etc.) has a valid cust_id in finacle, Enter the same here. In that case other details of the party like address, city, pin code etc. need not be entered. 69. Name (Mandatory) – Enter name of the related party. If the cust_id is entered in the above field, then the system automatically displays party’s name in this field and does not allow to modify. 70. If the cust_id of related party is not entered, Address, City, State, Country, Postal Code etc. of the related party need to be filled in. 71. If user wishes to enter more related party details, press Down Arrow and follow the steps 65 to 71. 72. After entering all related party details, Press F4 to go to Enter option field. 73. If no other details are to be entered, then Press F10 to commit. System will display 14 digit account number. Please note it, as it needs verification. Sometimes system may not display all 14 digits account on the screen. Account No. consists of following information. E.g. account no. g enerated by system is 81588700008336.

SOL id (4) 8158 Product code (2) 87 Account No. (7) 0000833 Check digit (1) 6 Check digit is also a part of account no. User need not remember all 14 digits. Whenever user accesses this account, he can simply enter 878336, system will automatically expand it to 14 digits. This facility is provided only when user accesses customer’s accounts of user’s own branch/SOL. User shall enter all 14 digits in account no. field for accounts of customers of other branch/SOL. B. VERIFICATION OF NEWLY OPENED A/C Please note that The user who has opened the account through OAAC can not verify the account; as Maker and Checker concept is applicable in Finacle. During verification of account, no details can be changed, as all the fields are write protected. To modify account details of newly opened account before Verification. use menu option OAACAU – function M (Modify). Menu option – OAACAU 1. Function – V.


Temporary A/c No. – Enter the A/C No which is to be verified. User need not enter all 14 digits of account; user can enter short account no. of the account to be verified. If user forgot to note account no. after committing OAAC, user can retrieve it by pressing F2 in this field; select the account to be verified by pressing Shift+F4.


Permanent A/c No. – must not be entered. Press F4 to b ring account details. System shall display General Details of the account. Press F11 twice (Or click twice on Transmit button) to visit next page. Similarly, visit the 3rd page. When the user is in 3rd page, press F4 to go to option code field.


Option Code – Type S and press F4 to visit scheme details. After verifying scheme details, press F4 to come back to option code field.


Option Code –

Delete S and type H. Press F4 to visit limit d etails. Press F4 to see 6. DP Indicator/DACC limit details. Press F4 come back to option code field. 7. Option Code – Delete H and type V. Press F4 to visit MIS details. After verifying MIS codes, press F4 come back to option code field. 8. Option Code – Enter / type A. Press F4 to visit Related Party Details. Press 9. Up/Down arrow to scroll through the records. Press F4 to come back to option code field. 10. Press F10 to commit. Note : System may display warnings or/and exceptions. If the verifying official has sufficient work class to override the exceptions, he can press F4. If the user presses F4 and accept, then only system shall verify the a/c. If the user presses F3, system shall not verify the account.

Description of some of the Exceptions raised by the system are – 1.




DFLT INT PARM CHNG If Interest rate code and/or Preferential Interest in General Details (2nd Page) are changed/entered. INTRODUCER NOT CUSTOMER In customer ID details (menu option CUMM), the introducer has not a valid customer id in finacle. ACCOUNT NAME CHANGE EXCP (OFFICER) – If name of the account has been changed while opening the a/c, with respect to the name as entered in customer Id details. OVERRIDE DEF. CHK System automatically displays values in Cash exception limit (Dr/Cr), Clg. Exception Limit (Dr/Cr) & Xfer exception Limit (Dr/Cr) in General Details, 1st page, as applicable to the scheme. If user changes all or any of the values in these fields, system raises this exception.

C. MODIFICATIONS IN CC/OD A/C AFTER VERIFICATION After the account is opened and subsequently verified, user shall use menu option ACM to change any of the details in the a/c. The modifications done in the account shall be verified by another authorized user using the same menu option i.e. ACM. Please note that Interest Rate Code, Sanctioned Limit details and DP indicator, TOD details can not be changed through menu option ACM. D. ATTACH SECURITY TO AN ACCOUNT After opening and verification of an account, user shall create/attach primary and collateral securities to the account. Please refer to chapter on Security Register Maintenance (SRM).

E. CHECK THE CORRECTNESS OF SANCTION LIMIT AND DP After verification of CC/OD a/c and attaching primary security to i t, it is always advisable to check sanctioned limit and DP through menu option ACCBAL. In ACCBAL menu option, enter A/c No. & press F4. System shall display all the details likeSanc. Limit, DP, Available Amt, Secured & Clean limits, lien, overdue liability etc of the account as on the time user invokes this menu option. F. ISSUE OF CHEQUE BOOK After opening & verification of an account, user shall issue cheque book (if applicable) to the account holder, through the menu option ICHB. Please refer to chapter on Cheque Book Maintenance. G. CHANGE OF INTEREST RATE During the migration of CC/OD accounts from TBA/PBA packages to CBS, the system places the rate of interest applicable in the account in Account Pref. Interest (Dr) field & for all such migrated accounts, the value in Int. Rate Code field is ZERO. This means if user does not change interest rate, then the account shall always carry absolute rate of interest . Therefore, it becomes mandatory for the branch to change Int. Rate Code & Account Pref. Interest (Dr) of all such accounts. The menu option to change Interest Rate Code and Account/Customer Pref. Interest details is INTTM. Change of interest rate facility is not available in menu option ACM. Also, after opening and subsequent verification of an account, if the user wishes to change interest rate in the a/c, he shall use menu option INTTM. M (Modify) A (Account) Enter A/c No. o System shall display existing interest parameters. o Enter appropriate interest table code. Please refer to point No. o 26 of A/c opening. Customer Preferential Interest (Cr) and Account Preferential Interest (Cr) – o Not applicable for CC/OD A/c. Values in these fields shall be 0 (zero). Account Preferential Interest (Dr) – o If any preferential interest over and above the prevailing rate of interest is to be charged, then enter the same in this field. If any concession is to be given, then enter the value preceded with minus (- sign). Is Interest Pegged – o By default, system displays N in this field, which means that as and when new version of interest rate code is released the Data Centre, the same shall be automatically made applicable in this account. Start Date – o Enter the date from which the above mentioned interest rate shall be applicable. End Date – o Enter the date up to which the above mentioned interest rate shall be applicable. Multiple interest rates with different start/end dates can be entered in an account. User shall press Down Arrow of keyboard to add next interest record. Another authorized user shall verify the modifications done in INTTM, using the same menu option i.e. INTTM, Function – V. o o

Function – A/c / Bill / Disb – A/c No / Bills / Disb Id – Press F4. Interest Table Code –

H. TRANSACTION IN CC/OD A/C Detail guidelines are given in Transaction Maintenance chaptor. User can make Cash & Transfer transactions in CC/OD A/c shall be entered through the menu option TM. Inward Clearing related transactions shall be entered through menu option ICTM. Outward Clearing related

transactions shall be entered through menu option OCTM.

I. GRANTING OF TOD THROUGH TM In Transaction maintenance facility of granting Temporary Over draft have already been discussed. User have to invoke : Menu option - TM Let’s assume that the user is debiting the a/c either by cash or by transfer. After entering the transaction particulars like A/c No, Amt, Part tran type, transaction particulars, instrument type, user shall press F4. The system shall display Eff. Avail. Amt on th e right-bottom side of the screen. By comparing the transaction amount and Eff. Avail. Amt, user can make out that whether there is a shortfall of any amount in the a/c. If there is a shortfall in the account and if the user wants to grant instant TOD in the a/c for this particular transaction, he shall type N (Instant TOD Details) in Specify option field and press F4. The system shall display Instant TOD details screen. System shall display TOD amount against the display field Advance Amount. User shall not change Expiry & Penalty date. In the ‘Permitted By’ field, user shall enter (or select from the list) finacle user id of the official who has granted this Instant TOD. Press F4. J. RENEWAL/ENHANCEMENT/REDUCTION OF SANCTIONED LIMIT For the purpose of Renewal / Enhancement/ Reduction of Sanction Limit of CC/ OC account User have to invoke Menu option ACLHM (Account Limit History Maintenance). As also, after opening and subsequent verification of CC/OD a/c, if user comes to know that the sanctioned limit and/or DP Indicator were not properly entered, then he can use ACLHM menu option to modify sanctioned limit details. If the limit is to be ‘Enhanced’ i.e. if the new sanctioned limit is more than the current sanctioned limit, then before invoking menu option ACLHM, user shall modify the value in ‘Max. Allowable Limit’ field in the account of which the limit is to be enhanced. Menu option – ACM 1. Function – M (Modify) 2. A/c No – Enter A/c No. Press F4. 3. Enter Option – Type S (Scheme Details). Press F4. 4. Max. Allowable Limit – Enter the amount equal to the enhanced sanctioned 5. limit. Press F4. 6. Press F10 to commit. Another authorized user shall verify t hese modifications done in the account, using the same menu option i.e. ACM, f unction – V, enter a/c no, p ress F4, check whether the Max. Allowable Limit is properly entered, press F10 to commit. After completing the above exercise (applicable for enhancement of sanctioned limit), user shall invoke menu option ACLHM for enhancing the sanctioned limit. 1. Function 2. A/c No. – 3. Operation –

4. Option – 5.Applicable Date – 6.Sanction Limit – 7.Limit Level Interest – 8.Supercede? –

M (Modify) Enter A/c No. S (Sanction Limit). Press F4. The system shall display all the sanctioned limits available in the A/c. Using Up/Down arrow key go to the required sanctioned limit record. Type M (Modify). Press F4. Enter the date from which the modified limit shall be applicable. Enter the new sanctioned limit. Default value is N, which shall not be changed. This is a protected field in modification mode. If user uses have to choose function code. -A Add -C Copy then this field automatically gets activated; if user enters Y in this field, then the previous limit, i f any, get superceded by the new

sanctioned limit. 9. Press F4. System may display a message ‘Sanction Limit exceeds the maximum allowable limit specified for this account’ & shall not proceed to next block, if the above exercise (modification of max. allowable limit field for li mit enhancement) as discussed in the beginning of this topic is not done before in voking this menu option. 10. Enter the details as applicable in appropriate fields. After doing necessary modifications, press F4. The cursor shall appear in option field. Press F10 to commit. The addition/modification done through ACLHM shall be verified by another authorized user using either the menu option ACLHMAU or ACLHM and Function V. M. CHANGE OF DP INDICATOR / DACC LIMIT / A/C RECALLED

The account is deriving the DP from the security attached to it. That is, in the a/c, the DP indicator in H (Limit Details) is set to th e D (Derived). As regards, in this case SRM record must be created for this account to make the DP available. Now, the party wants that the DP be derived from the corporate limit set for it and not from the security. To make such facility in this account, user needs to change the DP indicator from D (Derived) to P (Parent), provided the li mit tree has already been created for the customer. This change can not be done through menu option ACM (Customer Account Maintenance). Menu option – ACLHM (Account Limit History Maintenance) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Function – M (Modify) A/c No – Enter A/c No. of which DP indicator is to be changed. Operation – D (Drawing Power /DACC limits/Recall Flag). Press F4. Option – M (Modify). Press F4. The system shall display DP and DACC details. Applicable Date – Enter the date from which the DP shall be made effective in this account. System accepts any date
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