Caveat Emptor

March 20, 2019 | Author: Sudhir Kochhar Nightingale | Category: Civil Law (Legal System), Government Information, Common Law, Private Law, Politics
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 The maxim Caveat Emptor means et the !"#er !e$are% In other $or&s' the !"#er m"st ta(e )are o* his o$n interest $hie p"r)hasin+ the +oo&s%

What is Doctrine of Caveat Emptor, What are the exemptions

,"#er in a )ontra)t o* sae o* spe)i-) +oo&s $i p"r)hase them at his o$n ris( $ith re+ar& to the ."ait# or -tness o* the +oo&s ex)ept in )ase o* *ra"& or $here a )on&ition to that e/e)t is ai& &o$n in the )ontra)t itse*% ,"#er )annot ho& the seer ia!e i* the +oo&s t"rn o"t to !e &e*e)tive or &o not s"it his p"rpose or i* the !"#er ma(es a mista(e in assessin+ the ."ait# o* the +oo&s% It is *or the !"#er to ens"re at the time o* p"r)hase that the +oo&s )on*orm to his re."irements% 0hen 0hen a person person !"#s !"#s some some +oo&s' +oo&s' it is his &"t# to exam examine ine them them thoro thoro"+ "+h# h#% Genera#' +oo&s are p"r)hase& $hen the !"#er is satis-e& $ith its ."ait# an& nee&% 1en)e' the +oo&s is p"r)hase& !# the !"#er at his o$n ris( an& to his !est  2"&+ement% I* the +oo&s &o not s"it the p"rpose' he )annot !ame an#!o&# ex)ept himse*% The !"#er has to !ear the )onse."en)es o* his $ron+ see)tion o* +oo&s% Example to Doctrine of Caveat Emptor

 There $as a sae !# sampe !# a $ooen man"*a)t"rer man"*a)t"rer o* )oth to mer)hant' mer)hant' $ho $as aso a taior% The )oth $as re."ire& *or ma(in+ iveries ,"t the *a)t $as not ma&e (no$n to the seer% seer% On a))o"nt o* the atent &e*e)t in the )oth' iveries )o"& not !e ma&e o"t o* it% ,"t there $as nothin+ to sho$ that it $as "n-t *or other p"rposes% 1e& the !"#er $as $itho"t reme&# &"e to non3)omm"ni)ation o* the p"rpose *or $hi)h the )oth $as re."ire&% Exceptions to the Doctrine of Caveat Emptor

 The *oo$in+ *oo$in+ are some some o* the exemptions exemptions to &o)trine o* Caveat Caveat Emptor% Emptor% 1. Implied Condition regarding Quality or Fitness

0hen the seer is a$are o* the p"rpose *or $hi)h the !"#er re."ires the pro&")t an& $hen the !"#er reies on the 2"&+ement an& s(i o* the seer' there is an impie& )on&ition that the pro&")t p"r)hase& serves the p"rpose *or $hi)h it $as !o"+ht% 0hen the +oo&s are so& "n&er a tra&e name or patent mar(' this )on&ition &oes not n ot app# a pp#%% . !ale of "oods #y Description

0hen the !"#er p"r)hases pro&")ts *rom the seer $ho ses s")h )ass o* +oo&s' there is an impie& )on&ition that the pro&")t is o* mer)hanta!e ."ait#%

$. %sage of &rade

Proo* o* reasona!e "sa+e or )"stom o* tra&e ma# aso esta!ish an impie& )on&ition $ith re+ar& to ."ait# or -tness o* +oo&s *or a parti)"ar p"rpose% '. Consent #y Fraud

 The &o)trine o* Caveat Emptor sha not app# to a those p"r)hases' $hi)h have !een ma&e !# a !"#er "n&er a )ontra)t $here the seer o!taine& his )onsent !# *ra"&% A seer' $ho is +"it# o* *ra"&' sha have no prote)tion o* the &o)trine o*  )aveat emptor% (. !ale under a )atent or &rade name

In the )ase o* a )ontra)t o* sae o* spe)i-e& +oo&s "n&er its patent or tra&e name' there is an impie& )on&ition that the pro&")t is *air# -t *or an# spe)i-) p"rpose% *. !ale #y !ample 0hen a !"#er' havin+ satis-e& $ith the ."ait# o* the sampe o/ere& !# the seer' p"r)hases in !"(' the 4o)trine o* Caveat Emptor $i not app# $hen he -n&s &e*e)ts in the !"( or i* the !"( &oes not )orrespon& $ith the pro&")t sampe o/ere& to him% The 4o)trine o* Caveat Emptor $i not app# i* the !"#er &i& not have a )han)e to veri*# the !"( $ith the sampe' o* i* there is an# hi&&en &ama+e& pro&")t% +. ,isrepresentation

0here the seer has ma&e a *ase representation reatin+ to the +oo&s an& the !"#er has reie& "pon it' the &o)trine o* Caveat Emptor $i not app#% S")h a )ontra)t !ein+ voi&a!e at the option o* the inno)ent part#' the !"#er has a ri+ht to res)in& the )ontra)t%

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