Causes of Delays in Implementation of Projects

July 22, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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A confict between project and system can result in disequilibrium. More important, it is easier to identiy potential project ailure by recognizing the disequilibrium. I let unmanaged, disequilibrium can result in project ailure. So what types o disequilibrium mae a project a success or ailure! In almost all cases, a project"s success or ailure is attributed to one or the other o ollowing mentioned common reasons# $ %elay in handing o&er o project site i.e. 'ight o (ay )'o(*+  -noreseen ground conditions or implementation o roject, at project site+ / 0onficts between owner and other Staeholders o roject+ 1 Improper Macro 2 Micro le&el lanning o contractor during bidding stage+ 3 Improper and oor means o contracting and subcontracting wor under the roject+ 4 Inaccurate speci5cation o site conditions and project scope+ 6 -nrealistic time schedule gi&en in contract and accepted by 0ontractor+ 7 8aulty 9eo : in&estigation report+ ; Slow decisions on project issues rom the owner or poor ollow up by the 0ontractor+ $< =ureaucracy in client"s organization+ $$ Ambiguity in speci5cations and conficting interpretation o the same by parties+ $ Ambiguity in 9eneral or Special >erms and 0onditions o contract and conficting interpretation interpr etation o the same by parties+ $/ -nrealistic inspection and testing methods proposed in contract+ $1 %elay in appro&al o completed wor by client )i.e. stage passing*+ $3 %elay in appro&al o shop drawings and samples+ $4 ?on a&ailability o drawings @ designs on time by the %esign 0onsultant+ $6 0onsultant or Architect"s reluctance or change i.e. Speci5cations, %rawings, %etailing etc.+ $7 %elay in obtaining permissions 2 appro&als rom ocal Authorities+ $; oor organizational structure o client or consultant+ < 8inancial 0onstraints o contractor+ $ %elay in payment o running account bills by client to the contractor+  Inadequate eBperience o contractor i.e. technical incompetence or speci5c job+ / oor labour producti&ity+ 1 ac o control o&er sub contractor + 3 8requent change o sub contractor+ 4 oor site management and super&ision+ 6 -se o improper or obsolete construction methods+ 7 Increase in scope o wor beyond pro&isions o 0ontract+ ; 'ewor due to errors in eBecution o project acti&ities+ /< 'ewor due to change o design or de&iation order+ /$ %elay in 5nalization o rates or eBtra items+


/ %elay in Issue o de&iation order+ // oor coordination among parties i.e. poor coCordina coC ordination tion management+ /1 %elay in material deli&ery by &endors + /3 %elay in material to be supplied by the owner i.e. delay in issue o ree issue materials by 0lient+ /4 %elay in material procurement )action by the contractor*+ /6 0hange in material prices @ price escalation+ /7 Improper storage o materials leading to damaged material when necessary /; IneDcient use o equipment 1< ac o silled operators or specialized equipment+ 1$ EBtreme weather conditions+ 1 ocal political conditions+ 1/ 'estricted access at site+ 11 oor standard standard o Saety Management# Site accidents due to lac o saety measures+ 13 oor standard o Saety Management# Site accidents due to ?egligence+ 14 ac o moti&ation or contractor) &iz. pro&isions pro&isions o Incenti&e or bonuses or early 5nish etc in the contract *+ 16 0hanges in 9o&t. regulations and laws+ 17 Fther orce majeure reasons, beyond the 0ontrol o 0lient or 0onsultant or 0ontractor.

 You ou can download download What are are the causes causes of delays in implementation implementation of  Y Projects in pdf format here We at are thankful to Sir Sanjay Sharma, BE, MBA, PhM (Infrastructure) (Infrastruc ture) for submitting this very imortant toic on the main causes of !elays in imlementation of ro"ects. We are sure that this #ill be of great use to all civil engineers in stu!ying an! then rectifying the ma"or !elay causes in the  ro"ects.

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