Cause and Effect Essay
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Cause-Effect Essays
A toxic algal bloom from fer tilizer runoff covers a third of Lake Erie in the United States.
_ i
Objectives To lean ow to wite a aue-eet eay To ue eetive tanition in aue-eet witing To ue veb tene onitently To eognize and avoid entene agment
What are the causes and effects of pollution?
Wha I a Cae-Eec Ea? We all understand cause-eect relationsips; or example, ligtning can cause re. As a student you know tat i you stay up late te nigt beore a test to watc a movie and do not study, you may not perorm well on te test te ollowing day. A cause-eect essay tells tells ow one event (te cause) c ause) leads to anoter event (te eect). A cause-eect essay can do one o two tings: • It can analyze the ways ways in which one or more eects result from a particular cause. (Focus-on-Eects Metod) • It can analyze analyze the ways in which one or or more causes lead to a particular eect. (Focus-on-Causes Metod) In other words, your essay may focus more on the eects of a cause or more on the causes of one eect. Eiter approac provides provides a useul means o discussing te possible relationsip between te two events. It is not a good idea to mix several causes and several eects in an essay because bec ause your focus may become unclear. In cause-eect essays, it is easy to suggest that because bec ause one event preceded another event, the ormer event caused te latter latter.. Simply because one event ollows anoter one sequentially does not mean tat te two actions act ions are related. For For example, people oen complain complain tat as soon so on as tey nis wasing teir car, it starts to rain. Obviously, wasing a car does not cause rain. Writers need to be sure tat te causes and eects tey describe are logically connected.
Unit 6 •
Cause-Effect Essays
How I a Cae-Eec Ea Ogaize? ere are two basic ways to organize a cause-eect essay: ocus-on-eects or ocus-on-causes. If your assignment is to write a cause-eect essay on the topic of global warming, you could write two kinds o essays: • In a ocus-on-eects essay , you would write about te treatened abitat abitat o polar bears b ears as a result o global warming and te melting o large parts o te Arctic Circle. Your Your essay migt include ve paragraps paragraps and look like tis: hook
Paagap 1
conneting inomation Tei
Paagap 2
Paagap 3
Paagap 4
Eet 1: dangeou wimming ondition • sea ice platforms platforms farther apart Eet 2: aity o ood • fewer hunting opportunities Eet 3: edued population • Females with less body weight have have lower reproduction rates.
Paagap 5
retated tei suggetion/opinion/pedition
• In a ocus-on-causes essay , you would write about te causes o global warming, suc as excessive carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In this case, the organization for this essay could ave ve paragraps paragraps and look like tis: hook
Paagap 1
conneting inomation Tei caue 1: uman ativitie
Paagap 2
• carbon dioxide from vehicles • not recycling (requires (requires creating more products from from scratch)
Paagap 3
caue 2: ineaed indutial ativity • greater carbon dioxide from burning fuels to run factories caue 3: deoetation
Paagap 4
Paagap 5
• Increased human population requires requires more space, so trees trees are cut down. • Fewer trees mean less oxygen, which causes a higher percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. retated tei suggetion/opinion/pedition
Gea topic o Cae-Eec Ea Wat is a great topic or a cause-eect essay? Tis type o essay may ocus more on te causes or more on te eects, but most writers wr iters answer tis question by tinking o an eect or a nal result. Te brainstorming stage ten requires tinking about one or more causes o tat eect. Wen selecting topics or tis type o essay, essay, a good goo d writer sould consider relevant questions suc as: • What is the end eect? • Is there one primary eect, or are are there several eects? eects? • Is there one primary cause, or or are there several causes? As you read tis list o some general topics tat lend temselves well to a cause-eect essay, essay, cause or notice tat te last two in eac group do not use te obvious words cause or eect : Foc o Cae
Foc o Eec
te aue aue o te ig divo divoe e ate ate in ome ounti ountie e
te eet eet o pollution pollution in my my ounty ounty
the causes of World War I
te eet o ig alaie o atlete
te aue o low vote patiipation in eletion
the effects of the Internet on how businesses are run
the reasons new teachers quit
te impat o tenology on eduation
wy only a mall peentage o people ead newpape today
wat appen wen a lage peentage o adult annot ead well
Activity 1 idnfng top top for cau-eff ea
Read tese eigt topics. Put a ceck mark (✓) next to te our tat could be b e good topics or cause-eect essays. 1. Te reasons tat te eart’s weater as canged so muc in te last century 2. Bangkok versus Singapore as a vacation destination 3. A trip to visit my grandparents grandparents 4. Te increasing use o computers in scools 5. Explaining dietary dietary guidelines or cildren cildren 6. how to play te piano 7. Wy a student received a scolarsip 8. Wy te birt rate is alling in many countries
Can you tink o two additional topics tat would be excellent or a cause-eect essay? 9. 10.
Unit 6 •
Cause-Effect Essays
supporng Dal Aer you ave selected a topic, your task is to determine weter you will ocus more on te causes o te issue or te eects o it. Tis process will also elp you to select and develop supporting details or your essay essay,, wic is an important step in constructing a solid essay. essay. Wen you brainstorm your plan or tis essay, essay, a useul tecnique is to make two lists. One list as as many causes as you can tink o. Te second list as as many eects or results as you can tink o. Te list tat is bigger—te causes or te eects—sould determine te primary ocus o your essay. here is an example or an essay about te diculty o learning Englis: Cae
14 vowel ound
some people study it for years.
unpeditable pelling ytem
People spend millions of dollars to learn it.
12 veb tene
There are many jobs for teaching English.
paal veb
voabulay om Geman and om Latin
Some people never learn it well.
Some people have a weak vocabulary vocabulary..
Activity 2 branormng for two two Mhod
One of the topics that we hear so much about in today’s today’s society is stress. In this th is activity, activity, you will use the space in the boxes on page 138 to brainstorm ideas for an essay on the topic of stress. In the rst box, your organization will address the focus-on-eects method. In the second box, b ox, your organization will address te ocus-on-causes metod. Aer you complete tese tasks, work wit a partner or a small group to discuss your answers.
Focus-on-Eects Metod Cause:
Focus-on-Causes Metod Causes:
Unit 6 •
Cause-Effect Essays
Activity 3 sudng an exampl cau-eff ea
Tis essay discusses some eects tat weater as ad on events in istory. Discuss te Preview Questions wit a partner. Ten read te essay and answer te questions tat ollow.
Preview Questions 1. Can you name a time wen te weater ad an eect on an event tat you attended? Was it a positive eect or a negative eect? 2. In the 1200s, the warrior Kubilai Kubilai Khan tried to invade Japan by sailing from the Asian mainland to Japan. Japa n. A certain kind of weather event prevented the invasion. Write Write three guesses in te diagram
about what this weather was. Do not consult the Internet, a book, bo ok, or a person. Cause 1:
Cause 2:
Effect: No invasion of Japan
Cause 3:
3. Go back in time. Imagine you are a captain of a troop of 500 soldiers and you want to attack your 3. enemy at nigt. however, it is raining eavily. Wat are tree possible eects o te rain? Effect 1:
Cause: Heavy rain at battle time at night
Effect 2:
Effect 3:
Ea 13
How Weather Has Changed World History 1
It is tempting , and oen comorting, to tink tat umans control teir ates. Te decisions tat people make in teir daily lives can aect many tings, and te course o teir lives cumulatively refects tese many small decisions. On te oter and, people cannot control every aspect o teir environmen environments ts, and orces beyond uman control requently intervene in uman aairs. Notwitstanding many people’s opinion tat te weater as little infuence in teir lives besides determining wat clotes tey wear on a particular day, te weater as in act caused world istory to radically si in important ways tat are still elt today. Numerous examples rom world istory document te Numerous long-term eects o weater in te ormation o cultures c ultures and nations. In the thirteenth century, Khubilai Khan ruled over the vast Mongol empire, wic spanned rom te Pacic Ocean in te east to te Black
empig: attative; deiable ae: te plan o te utue tat a been deided and tat you annot ontol a coe: a oute o dietion cmaive: omed ove time by many pat o addition o ievee: to beome involved in ometing in ode to inuene te fnal eult
Sea in te west, rom present-day Siberia in te nort to Aganistan in te sout. o expand is reign further, Khubilai Khan mounted two invasions of Japan. Two monsoons, owever, owever, caused im to end is attacks. Delgado (2008) describes legendary accounts of this event: “e legend, o repeated in countless istory books, speaks o gigantic sips, numbering into te tousands, t ousands, crewed by indomitable Mongol warriors, and o casualties on a massive scale, with more than 100,000 lives lost in te nal invasion attempt attempt of 1281” (p. 4). Because of this unexpected defeat, Khubilai Khan decided to stage a third invasion of Japan, but e died beore e could ulll tis ambition. Witout tese monsoons, Japan Japa might culture have been be, wit en defeated by the t heconsequences Mongols and or thus lost its identity as a n unique ar-reacing Asian and world istory. 3
In the early years of America’s Revolutionary War, wic began in 1775, it appeared likely that the British would crush te armies o er colonial territory and incorporate it back into te empire empire.. Te Britis troops were a well-trained and disciplined army tat was eared worldwide. In contrast, te American troops were newly trained, sometimes poorly organized, and lacked sucient resources to gt eectively. General George Wasington could ave easily been deeated in the Battle B attle of Long Island on August 22, 1776. Historical records show tat Sir William howe, te Britis commander, was clearly deeating Washington on Long Island and was actually winning winn ing handily (Seymour, (Seymour, 1995). Noneteless , te weater intervened wen a eavy og rolled rolled in, so te American orces were able to retreat, regroup, and survive to gt
Unit 6 •
o ocme: to maintain a witten eod o; to wite about o pa: to extend from one point to anote a eig: a time o politial control, especially for kings, queens, or uneleted ofial o mo: to pepae ometing o tat it take plae a mooo: a tong ain tom tat appen at a etain time o te yea a caa: an injuy o deat in a evee event u a an aident o a wa o age: to plan, organize, and make ometing appen ambiio: a tong deie for power, wealth, or ame
Cause-Effect Essays
anoter day. day. Because o tis t is og, te United States was not deeated in its struggle for freedom. Consequently C onsequently,, today’s United United Kingdom of England,
o ch: to detoy
struggle for freedom. Consequently C onsequently,, today s United United Kingdom of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland does not include the United States. Te United States States is not a commonweal commonwealt t o a moter country, as Canada and Australia are, toug te Unite United d States still as strong ties to its colonial past.
hai: eaily
Wen Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Russia in te early nineteent century, e met wit early successes tat appeared to guarantee tat e migt eventually rule te world as is personal domain. his soldiers captured Moscow and destroyed te city, wic encouraged im to pus arter in is military campaigns. however, because o is dreams o glory, Napoleon overlooked te simple act tat Russian winters are extremely cold. When the temperatures fell below freezing, many of his soldiers and teir orses died in te brutal weather. As Belloc (1926) was te writes in is classic study classic study of the Napoleonic wars, “e cold was te abominable ting: Te dreadul enemy against wic men could not ght and which destroyed de stroyed them” them” (p. 217). As a result of the failure of Napoleon’s Russian campaigns, is own rule ended relatively soon aer. His defeat led to a reorganization of power throughout the European nations, as well as to te rise o Russia as a major world power.
a ie: a onnetion
As tese tree examples unambiguously demonstrate demonstrate, te weater as caused numerous uge sis in world istory as well as in power balances among cultures and nations. Witout Witout te rainy storms of the monsoon se ason, o season, Japan might eastern outpost ofstill Mongolia; witout te appearance dense og, be tethe United Unit ed States migt be a territory of the United Kingdom; and without winter snow, snow, Muscovites migt speak Frenc. oday weater orecasters can usually predict wit a ig degree o accuracy acc uracy wen tunderstorms, urricanes, tsunamis, tsunamis, and tornadoes will strike, but te course o istory cannot be ully isolated rom te eects o te weater.
og: a type o weate imila to a loud vey nea te gound o eea: to go bak
omai: land tat a ule o govenment ontol o cape: to at; to tap o oveook: to ail to notie o know about ba: evee abomiabe: diguting; auing ateul eeling ea: extremely bad; auing ea ambigo: not ambiguouly; lealy and defnitely ee: tik a oecae: a peon wo pedit something, often the weate
Belloc, H. (1926). Napoleon’s campaign o 1812 and the retreat rom Moscow. New York: harper. Delgado, J. (2008). Khubilai Khan’s lost feet: In search o a legendary armada. Berkeley, CA: University o Caliornia Press. Seymour, W. (1995). Te price o olly: British blunders in the War o American America n Independence Independence. London: Brassey’s.
Post-Reading 1. Wat is te topic o te essay? 2. Wat is te writer’s tesis?
3. Wat is te cause tat te writer describes in te essay?
4. Wat are some o te eects tat te writer describes?
5. Write one detail tat strongly supports te tesis t esis statement.
6. How is this essay organized? ☐ ocus-on-causes metod
☐ ocus-on-eects metod
7. Can you tink o any inormation tat te autor sould ave included to make te message o te essay stronger?
Biig Bee seece: For further practice, practice, go to Practice 3 on pages 239–240 in the Appendix.
Biig Bee Vocaba Activity 4 Prang thr Knd of voaular from conx
Read eac important vocabulary word or prase. Locate it in te essay i you need elp remembering te word. Ten circle te best b est synonym, antonym, or collocation rom column A, B, or C. tpe o Vocaba Impoa Vocaba
1. a aptue
2. tempting
3. oeat
4. on aount o
due to
pio to
egadle o
5. andily
by veile
on oot
wit difulty
6. de d ene
7. ev e ventually
8. expand
9. pan ___ Geee
om England to
nea England and
wit England o
10. _ __ __ in a dipute
11. a butal ___
12. d de eeat ___
an attak
an enemy
a eptile
Unit 6 •
Cause-Effect Essays
Activity 5 Analzng h Organzaon
Use the words from the box to complete the outline of “How Weather Has Changed World History.”
Reread the essay on pages 139–141 if you need help. • the Battle of Long Island in the American Revolutionary War, War, during which fog helped the American oe to eteat • The course of history cannot be fully isolated from the effects of weather. • H. Belloc, who documents documents the effect of the Russian winter • The weather has changed world history in important ways still st ill felt today. • Japan’ Japan’ss cultural identity would have changed if Khan had succeeded in his invasion.
itle: how Weater has Canged World history I. Introduction
A. Describe ow people tink tey control teir ates. B. Suggest, owever, owever, tat people cannot c annot control every aspect o teir environments. C. Tesis statement:
II. Body Paragrap 1
A. Provide the example of Khubilai Khan and his invasion of Japan.
B. Cite the study of J. Delgado, who describes Khubilai K hubilai Khan’ Khan’s failed invasion.
C. Discuss ow
. III. Body Paragraph 2 III.
A. Provide te example o
B. Cite te study o W. Seymour, wo documents do cuments te circumstances o te battle.
C. Discuss ow te United States migt ave remained a member o te Britis Commonwealt, i not or a eavy og.
. .
IV. Body Paragrap 3
A. Provide te example o Napoleon Bonaparte’s invasion o Russia.
B. Cite te study o
C. Discuss te consequences o Napoleon’s deeat in relation to Russia’s rise as a world power.
V. Conclusion
A. Summarize the three examples from the body paragraphs. B. Suggest tat, altoug weater orecasters can predict te weater wit more accuracy tan in
te past,
sog thei saeme
o Cae Eec Ea A strong tesis statement or a cause-eect essay indicates weter te essay ocuses on causes or eects(s), but on eects. Sometimes te tesis statemen statementt uses te words cause(s) or or eects(s), but tis is not necessary if either the cause or the eect is implied in the statement. In addition, a thesis statement sometimes includes a number, suc as three causes or causes or two eects, eects, but tis is also optional. Foc
Exampe hei aeme
on aue
Many utome pee to op online o hee important reasons. The T he increase in obesity in our country is due to food commercials, cheap fast food, and video games.
on eet
Ti eay will diu te eec of watching too much TV on children’s children’s family life, interpersonal skills, and school life. Mot people ae not awae o te poitive eec of simply walking for 20 to 30 minutes per day.
Activity 6 Wrng srong th samn for cau-eff cau-eff ea
Write a tesis statement or eac topic. Wen you nis, compare your answers wit a partner’s. 1. te causes o bullying 1.
2. te eects o being an only cild
3. te causes o coosing a vegan diet
4. te eects o society’s love or computers
taiio a Coeco i Cae-Eec Ea ransitions and connectors are important in cause-eect essays because tey elp indicate causation or eect regarding te topic. Peraps Peraps te most amiliar cause-eect transition word is because because:: “X happened because Y happened.” Precise use of transitions helps the reader to follow the writer’s reasoning about cause-eect relationsips.
Unit 6 •
Cause-Effect Essays
Te transitions or bot a ocus-on-causes essay and a ocus-on-eects essay are te same because bot kinds o essays discuss one or more causes or one or more eects.
taiio a Coeco Commo ue i Cae Eec Ea as a consequence
due to
on aount o
(th the e) effe fecct (of X)
owing to (for this) reason
(X can be) attributed to (Y)
(a key) factor of (X)
(X is the) reason for (Y)
o ti eaon
beaue o
a a eult
(X is a) result of (Y) (X) resulted in (Y)
if (X), then (Y)
(X is the) cause of (Y)
in addition (to)
(X is) caused by (Y)
in ode to
(one (o ne)) co cons nseq eque uenc nce e of th this is (i (iss th that at . . .)
(X) in nue uenc nces es (Y)
thiis mea th eans ns th that at . . .
(X) leads to (Y)
Activity 7 idnfng tranon tranon and connor n an ea
Reread “How Weather Weather Has Changed World History” on pages 139–141. Find seven transitions or connectors. Copy te sentences ere, underline te transition or connector connector,, and write te paragrap number in te parenteses. 1. ( ) 2. 2.
( ) 3. 3.
( ) 4. 4. ( ) 5. 5.
( ) 6. 6. ( ) 7. 7.
( )
tranon and connor n an exampl sudng tranon cau-eff ea Activity 8 Warmng Up o h top
Answer te questions on your own. Ten discuss tem wit a partner or in a small group. 1. Wat was te appiest time in your lie? Describe wat appened. Wy were you so appy? 1.
2. ere is a saying that “Money can’t can’t buy happiness.” Do you agree or disagree with this t his statement? In 75–100 words, explain your answer.
Activity 9 Ung tranon tranon and connor n an ea
Read “Happiness” “Happiness” and circle the correct transition words or phrases.
Ea 14
Happiness 1
Wat makes a person appy? 1 (If / So) people people want to be happy— happy— and ew people proclaim teir desire to be sad—sould tey seek money and
o pocaim: to tate loudly o lealy o te eod
proessional proess ional success? Many experts in elds suc as sociology, psycology, and public policy are attempting attempting to answer tis seemingly simple simple question o wat makes people appy and ow communities, communities, social organizations, and employers can acilitate appiness by implementing a ew simple strategies. In this new eld of happiness studies, some intriguing answers answers are beginning to emerge about wat makes people appy. Surprisingly, tey support te longstanding hypothesis tat money cannot buy appiness. 2
One o te chie obstacles to appiness is reerred to as social comparison.. Wen people compare temselves to oter people, tey comparison prefer to see themselves as in some way superior. In an experiment, social
Unit 6 •
Cause-Effect Essays
eemig: appaently
o aciiae: to make eaie o moe likely to appen iigig: extremely inteeting a hpohei: an idea o teoy tat a not been poven chie: main; pinipal a obace: ometing tat top poge o owad movement
scientists asked whether people would prefer earning $50,000 per year while their peers earned $25,000 per year, or whether they would prefer earning $100,000 per year while their peers averaged $250,000 per year. Even toug people would earn more in te latter scenario, most cose te ormer as a consequence o teir desire to see temselves as more successful than others (Layard, 2005). 2 (In addition / us), a simple way way
he ae: te eond o two peented option a ceaio: an imagined ituation
to increase appiness is or people to reject te urge to compare temselves to oters based on teir nances and to live witin teir means. 3
3 (Another / Other) way to to increase people’ people’s sense of personal
appiness is or tem to be true to temselves and keep teir personal sense o integrity . Wile tis advice may seem rater trite, people wo respect and ollow teir autentic desires generally report being appier tan people who do not. As Martin (2012) explains, “At its core, autenticity implies discovering and pursuing what what we care about most deeply.” He further explains te reciprocal relationship between happiness and authenticity: “As muc as autenticity contributes to te pursuit o appiness, ten, appiness in turn contributes to identiying our identiying our authentic selves” (p. 55). When people limit teir personal desires 4 (in order / in spite) spite) to obtain certain goals, tey may acieve greater nancial success but actually end up unappier. 4
5 (Finally / / erefore), sometimes people benet rom social rules
tat encourage tem to improve teir lives, even wen tese laws cost more
he te ft oome: two peented option mea: a person’s ability to aod iegi: te peonal quality of being onet and ai ie: boring, unimportant, or no longer special, epeially due to oveue o pe: to ty ad to obtain ecipoca: inveely elated; mutually ageed upon o e p: to ea a fnal ondition o place, often without an oiginal intention
money. Wile ew people enjoy paying taxes, some taxes make people appier 6 (although / because) they improve improve the overall overall quality quality of people’s lives. In
their study of smoking and cigarette taxes, Gruber and Mullainathan (2006) conclude that conclude that “taxes may aect te appiness o ormer smokers (by making
it easier to resist te temptation to resume smoking) or prospective smokers (by making it easier to never start smoking in the rst place)” (p. 139). is example demonstrates ow a society’s rules can 7 (cause / lead) to the general appiness appine ss o its populations, even troug te apparently negative practice o
o ei: to fgt againt ometing o tat it doe not appen popecive: elated to utue poibility o
appening o oming tue
increased taxation. axes axes also contribute to te unds availabl availablee or oter social so cial purposes, wic prove provess urter justication or teir use. 5
Tese are merely tree tree ways tat scolars o appiness studies ave
mee: imply; only
determined tat people can employ to enhance teir personal appiness.
o ehace: to
People sould avoid comparing temselves to oters nancially. Tey sould
seek to live as teir autentic selves in teir personal and proessional lives. 8 (Furtermore (Furtermore / / In contrast), tey sould welcome rules, laws, and even
taxes tat increase te general appiness o te population. Everyone says tey want to be appy, and appiness studies are elping people learn ow to lead appier lives rater tan to passively expect appiness appiness to nd tem. Reerences
Gruber, J., & Mullainathan, Mullainathan, S. (2006). Do Cigarette Taxes Make Smokers Happier?. In Yew -Kwang Ng & Lok Sang Ho (Eds.), Happiness and public policy: Teory, Teory, case studies, and and implications implications (pp.109–146). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. science. New York: Penguin. Layard, R. (2005). Happiness: Lessons rom a new science. lie. Oxord: Oxord University Press. Martin, M. (2012). Happiness and the good lie.
Biig Bee Vocaba Activity 10 Prang thr Knd of voaular from conx
Read eac important vocabulary word or prase. Locate it in te essay i you need elp remembering te word or prase. Ten circle te t e best synonym, antonym, or collocation rom column A, B, or C. tpe o Vocaba Impoa Vocaba 1. pu p uue som
Unit 6 •
2. ob obtale
3. au autenti
4. enaio
5. intiguing
6. te ome
te inentive
te latte
te oganize
7. inde
esse es sent ntia ial, l, vi vita tall
far,, re far remo mote te
mino mi norr, le lesse sserr
9. te mean ___ ometing
to do
10. a ae about ometing ___
11. m myy oveall ___ o
ob btain a ___ 12. o
8. ie
Cause-Effect Essays
Gamma o Wiig conn vr tn Uag Good writers are careul to use te same verb tense trougout t rougout an essay. essay. Wile it is true tat an
essay may ave, or example, some inormation about te past and some inormation about te present, most o te inormation will be b e about one time, most likely eiter past or present. Do not cange verb tenses witout a specic reason or doing so. Expaaio
When describing an event in the past tense, maintain te pat tene tougout your explanation.
In our experiment, we pace tee live e-wate plant (each approximately 20 centimeters in length) into a quart jar tat wa e with fresh water at 70 degrees Fahrenheit. We e the top two centimeters of the jar with air. air. We then aeully ae a medium goldsh.
When talking about facts that are always true, use present tense in your explanation.
Te un i the center of the solar system. The earth and other planet evove around the sun. Most of the planets have at leat one moon tat cice the planet, and these moons va tremendously in size, just as the planets o.
In writings such as a report, it is possible to ave dieent veb tene eeting different times.
According to this report, the police now beieve tat two men oe the truck and the money in it.
Activity 11 Workng wh conn vr vr tn tn Uag
In the paragraph, correct the verbs where the tense shis for no reason.
Paagaph 4
Te Experiment In our experiment, we placed three live fresh-water plants (each
approximately 20 centimeters in length) into a quart jar that is lled with fresh water at 70 degrees Fahrenheit. We le the top two centimeters of the jar wit air. We ten careully added a medium golds. Next, we tigten te lid and wrapped tape tigtly around te lid. Tis very last step is done to ensure tat no air can enter or exit te bottle. Te jar was placed on a sel were it is exposed to indirect sunligt or approximately eigt ours eac day. At 1 p.m. every day or a week, we observed te s swimming in te jar. On several occasions, we notice tat te plants emit multiple bubbles o a gas. Te s survived or te entire week. No ood or air was provided. Tus, tese green plants in te jar produced a gas, and we believed tis gas was oxygen.
Gamma o Wiig snn Fragmn For many writers, sentence ragments, or incomplete sentences, are dicult to avoid. Writing a ragment instead o a complete sentence is considered a very serious error because it sows a lack o understanding o te basic components o a sentence, namely a subject and a verb tat express a complete tougt. Because ragments are one o te most serious errors in writing, it is imperative to learn ow to avoid tem. Expaaio
A sentence must have a subject and a veb and be able to tand by itel
✗ Becae I ea a ie he exbook oe. ✗ ✓ I scored 97 on the quiz becae I ea a ie he ex-
in meaning. book oe. It is possible to begin a sentence with ✗ Becae I ie o he a exam a gea ea. ✗ becae, ahogh, i, whe, o whie, ✓ Becae I ie a gea ea, my score on the nal exam but te entene need a eond pat was 99. with another subject-verb combination. ✓ My score on the nal exam was 99 becae I ie a gea ea.
Activity 12 Workng wh Fragmn
Write C on te line next to complete sentences. Write F i i tere is a ragment and circle te ragment. 1. Despite te eavy eavy wind and te torrential rain, te young young trees around te lake were were able to survive the bad weather. It was a miracle. 2. Te uge, two-story two-story ouses all ave a very similar design. Wit Wit no dierence except except te color o te roos. 150
Unit 6 •
Cause-Effect Essays
3. Ireland has a rich and colorful history. history. One with many stories stories of fairies and elves. 4. Sopping malls are a very popular tourist attraction attraction in many cities, but some tourists are not interested in tem. Sopping is not or everyone. 5. Because o te popularity o te lm. Producers were anxious to begin work on its sequel. 6. Te ce added so muc spice to te stew stew tat only te most daring o is patrons patrons tasted it. Te result was tat less tan al o te ood was consumed.
7. Tere was a strange tension tension in te air. air. Aer so many years o o separation. pantry. My 8. My mother is so organized that she uses a color-coding system in her kitchen pantry. father,, on the other hand, is one of the most unorganized people father pe ople that I know. know. 9. What is a dream and why why do we dream? Scientists really do not understand dreams, but I wis someone could explain tem to me. 10. Tousands o commuters commuters were late or work tis morning. Since te bus workers are on strike over pay and ealt benets. b enets. For more work with sentence fragments, see the Brief Writer's Handbook with Activities, pages 217–220.
Activity 13 edng an ea: Rw of Grammar
en o te een words or clauses in parenteses contain an error involving one o te grammar topics featured in this unit. If the word or phrase is correct, write C . If it is incorrect, ll in the blank with a correction.
Ea 15
How the Light Bulb Changed the World 1
Few inventions ave canged te world as dramatically as as Tomas Alva Edison’s ligt bulb. 1 (Wit te ip o a switc. he turned darkness into ligt, tus revolutionizing people’s people’s lives.)
amaica: geatly; exceedingly a fip: a tun om one poition to te oppoite o evoioize: to ange ompletely (and possibly suddenly)
Wile te eects o te ligt bulb ave been overwhelmingly positive, scientists ave also identied some o its armul eects, proving tat
ovewhemig: geatly; lage numbe by o aamount
even te greatest acievements oen bring wit tem unexpected side eects tat oset teir advantag advantages. es. 2
2 (One o te most positive o te ligt bulb’s accomplishments
is tat it as allowed people to expand teir lives into te dark ours o nigt.)
a accompihme: anyting a peon a been able to do successfully,, especially successfully e specially ate ome difulty
human productivity 3 (increases) dramatically ater its invention because better ligting enabled people
oable eabe: to make to appen
to read, study study,, work, work, play play,, and and socialize into into the late hours. 4 (Also, the prevalence o aordable lighting. Tis allowed companies to continue to manuacture their products during the night hours, when necessary.)
Electric lighting also enhanced public saety because o city streets being illuminated without the potential danger o gas. Now that light bulbs 5 (are)
everywhere, it is virtually impossible to imagine
a world without them, or they are a core part o the infrastructure o modern society. 3
6 (Nonetheless, it is important to acknowledge the negative
consequences o the light bulb as well, including a phenomenon that scientists term light pollution.) pollution.)
prevalence: the condition of being widespread or extremely common
to enhance: to improve to illuminate: to light up potential: possible virtually: just about; almost completely
infrastructure: basic structures, such as roads and bridges, needed for a region to function properly to acknowledge: to show recognition of; to admit that something is real
Miranda (2003) laments the “changes “changes in the biology o ecosystems, in
to lament: to regret
the lie o people due to invasiv invasivee lighting, and the t he ‘artifcialization ‘artifcialization’ o the
Unit 6 •
Cause-Effect Essays
night” (p. 7). 7 (Tese problems ave been caused by excessive ligting. Primarily in urban areas. )
pimai: mainly ba: ity; te oppoite o rural
8 (Animals and umans are biologically prepared or te
canging rytms o nigt and day day,, and constant ligting undermines tese rytms.)
tese rytms.)
Ligt pollution also 9 (clouded) ____________ te nigt skies so tat people cannot see te stars, wic 10 (rustrated) astronomers and anyone wo 11 (loved)
looking up to te
ae: diappointed; unatifed
eavens to inspect its wonders. 4
12 (Another unintended consequence of the light bulb. Is a
penomenon reerred to as switch psychology , which theorizes that people become conditioned by ligt switces and oter modern conveniences to expect immediate solutions to teir problems. problems.))
Switc psycology lessens a person’s sense o sel-efcacy, wic Hockenbury Hockenbu ry and Hockenbury (2006) dene dene as as “e degree to which you are subjectively convinced convinced o your own capabilities and eectiveness in meeting the demands of a particular situation” (p. 486). People are so used
e-ecac: te powe to podue a deied eult o eet covice: vey ue; etain
to ligt switces immediately bringing ligt tat some nd temselves at a loss or words wen a ligt 13 (did not go)
on; tey
eel tat tey are incapable o correcting te situation or undertaking any steps to solve te problem. 5
Edison’s acievement wit te ligt bulb rigtly 14 (deserves)
o eeve: to meit
_____________ ____________ _ celebration or its contributions c ontributions to uman comort and productivity. productivity. At the same time, we must be careful to recognize
some o its unintended consequences, suc as ligt pollution p ollution and switc psycology, tat treaten to tarnish is sining legacy . 15 (Many lasting innovations tat ave contributed dramatically to
umanity’s advancement. Tese innovations can also be te cause o unintended results, and we must strive to mitigate tese consequences to take ull advantage o teir predominant benets.)
o aih: to tain; to leen te image o a egac: a peonal itoy o eod a iovaio: a new idea, invention, or metod o ive: to ty ad
to do o aieve ometing
o miigae: to make ometing le a o evee
Hockenbury, D., & Hockenbury, S. (2006). Psychology (4 Hockenbury, (4t ed.). New York: Wort. Miranda, P. (2003). Discurso del representante de CONAMA (Bot versio versions, ns, in English and in Spanish). In H. Schwarz (Ed.), Light pollution: Te global view (pp. 3–14). Dordrecht, e Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Biig Bee Vocaba Activity 14 Prang thr Knd of voaular from conx
Read eac important vocabulary word or prase. Locate it in te essay i you need elp remembering te word or prase. Ten circle te t e best synonym, antonym, or collocation rom column A, B, or C. tpe o Vocaba
Impoa Vocaba
1. i in napable
an not
mut not
ould not
2. p pevalent
3. e evolutionize
4. t ta ani
make dity
make appy
make tied
5. uban
6. onvined
7. excessive
on aount o
vey little
8. m miitigate
9. te main aue ___ ometing
10. ___ eveywee
11. ___ someone’s help
Coocaio 12. unintended ___ 154
Unit 6 •
Cause-Effect Essays
Oigia se Wiig: Cae-Eec Ea In this section, you will follow the seven steps in the writing process to write a cause-eect essay. If you need help, refer to Unit 2, pages 34–46. Activity 15 sp 1: choo a top
Your rst step is to coose a topic or your essay. For a cause-eect essay, you want to coose a topic or wic you can c an develop tree causes o one eect or tree eects rom one cause. Your Your teacer may assign a topic, you may tink o one yoursel, or you may coose one rom te suggestions in te cart. As you What consider topics, ask yourself, “What do I know know? elsepossible do I need to know? Do I need to research this about topic?”this topic? What do my readers Literature: Te Literature: Te eet o witing a novel on a ompute
History: The History: The causes of an important historical event such as World War I Philosophy: Te Philosophy: Te eet o soate on moden tougt Biology: Te Biology: Te aue o ane
Geology: Te Geology: Te eet o buning oil and ga Meteorology: Te Meteorology: Te aue o limate ange
Bie Peoa
Economics: Te aue o ination Economics: Te Te eet o you attitude towad allenge in lie
1. Wat topic did you coose? 1. 2. Wy did you coose tis topic?
3. how well do you know tis topic? Wat is your experience wit it?
Activity 16 sp 2: branorm
A. Use te cart to brainstorm a list o possible po ssible causes and eects or your topic. tOPIC: Cae:
B. Now careully consider te causes and eects. Wic ocus do you tink would be better b etter or your essay? If you have more causes, then you should write a focus-on-causes essay with one eect. If you ave more eects, ten you sould write a ocus-on-eects essay wit one cause. Activity 17 sp 3: Ouln
Prepare a simple outline o your essay. essay. Focus eiter on causes or on eects. itle: I. Introduction
A. hook:
B. Connecting inormation:
C. Tesis statement:
Unit 6 •
Cause-Effect Essays
II. Body Paragrap 1 (Cause 1 or Eect Eect 1): A. B. III. Body Paragraph 2 (Cause 2 or Eect 2): A. B.
IV.. Body Paragrap 3 (Cause 3 or Eect IV Eect 3): A. B. V. Conclusion:
Peer Editing of Outlines Excange books wit a partner partner.. Read your partner’ partner’ss outline. Ten use te ollowing questions to elp you to comment on your partner’s outline. Use your partner’s eedback to revise your outline. 1. How is this essay organized? 1.
☐ ocus-on-causes metod
☐ ocus-on-eects metod
2. Is there any aspect of the outline that is unclear to you? Give details. 2.
3. Can you tink o an area in te t e outline tat needs more development? Make specic suggestions.
4. If you have any other ideas or suggestions, write them here.
Activity 18 sp 4: Wr Wr h Fr Draf Use te inormation rom Steps 1–3 to write te rst dra o your cause-eect essay. essay. Use at least our o te vocabulary voc abulary words or prases rom te Building Better Vocabulary Vocabulary activities in tis unit. Underline tese words and prases in your essay. ry ry to also use at least two o te words rom te Academic Word List in te Brie Writer ’s Handbook with Activities Activities on on pages 230–231.
Activity 19 sp 5: G Fdak from a Pr
Exchange papers from Step 4 with a partner. Read your partner’s rst dra. en use Peer Editing Sheet 6 (available online at NGL.Ceng to help you to comment on your partner’s partner’s writing. Be sure to oer positive suggestions and comments tat will elp your partner improve is or er essay.
Activity 20 sp 6: R h Fr Draf
Read the comments on Peer Editing Sheet 6 about your essay. en reread your essay. essay. Can you identify places were you sould make revisions? List te impro improvements vements you plan to make. 1.
Use all te inormation rom te previous steps to write te nal version o your paper. Oen, writers will need to write wr ite a tird or even a ourt dra to express teir ideas as clearly as possible. po ssible. Write Write as many dras as necessary to produce a good essay essay..
Activity 20 sp 7: Proofrad Proofrad h Fnal Draf Be sure to prooread your paper several times beore you submit it so you nd all te mistakes and correct tem..
Addonal top for Wrng here are ten more ideas or topics or additional cause-eect essay writing. PHOO OPIC: Look at the photo on pages 132–133. ere are several dierent types of pollution, for example, water, land, and ligt pollution. Coose one type o pollution. Wat are te causes or eects o tis type o pollution on te environment? OPIC 2: Wat are te causes o illiteracy? 158
Unit 6 •
Cause-Effect Essays
OPIC 3: Wat are te eects o overcrowding in cities? OPIC 4: Wat eects can one person ave on te government? OPIC 5: Wy do many people preer oreign goods? OPIC 6: Wat are te causes o credit card debt? OPIC 7: Discuss ow people’s people’s cildood experiences infuence teir lives. OPIC 8: Wat are te eects o sudden wealt (suc as wen a person wins te lottery)? OPIC 9: Wat are te eects o poverty? OPIC 10: Wat are te causes o a recent political crisis? cr isis?
time Wiig how quickly can you write in Englis? Tere are many times wen you must write quickly, suc as on a test. It is important to feel comfortable during those times. Timed-writing practice can make you eel better about writing quickly in Englis. 1. Read te essay guidelines below. Ten take out a piece o paper. 2. Read te writing prompt prompt below below te guidelines. guidelines. 3. Write a basic outline including eiter one cause and more tan one eect or a ew causes and one eect. You sould spend no more tan ve minutes on your outline. 4. Write a ve-paragrap essay. 5. You have 40 minutes to write your essay. Cause-Eect Essay Guidelines
• Use the focus-on-causes or the focus-on-eects organization organization for this essay. essay. Do not write about multiple causes and multiple eects. • Remember to give your essay a title. • Double-space your your essay. essay. • Write as legibly as possible (if you are are not using a computer). • Include a short short introduction (with a thesis statement), three body paragraphs, paragraphs, and a conclusion. • Try to give yourself a few minutes before the end of the activity to review your work. Check for mistakes in spelling and consistent verb tense, and look or sentence ragments.
We all ace personal troubles in our lives. Tink about a recent challenging situation in your lie at home, at work, at school, or with riends. What were the causes o this situation? What were its efects? Although you will discuss both causes and efects, remember to emphasize either the causes o the situation or the efects o the situation.
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