The Causative – to have something done [ We use the eexpression xpression ‘to have something done’ ( have + object + past participle) to say: That somebody does something for you. Usually they’re things that are difficult to do yourself or you don’t want to do yourself. That something unpleasant happened to somebody. [ Questions and ne negations gations of the verb
[ We can use the verb
Present simple Present continuous Past simple Past continuous Future simple Future continuous Present perfect Pr Pres esen entt pe perf rfec ectt co cont ntin inuo uous us Past perfect Past perfect continuous Infinitive -ing form
are formed with do/does or did.
instead of the verb have only in informal conversation. He paints the house He is painting th the house. He painted the house. He was painting th t he house. He will paint th the house. He will be painting th the house. He has painted th the house. He has been painting th the house. He had painted th the house. He had had be been en pain painti ting ng the house. He must paint th the house. It’s worth painting th the house.
He has the house painted. He is having the house painted. He had the house painted. He was having the house painted. He will have the house painted. He will be having the house painted . He has had the house painted. He has been having the house painted. He had had the house painted. He had been having the house painted . He must have the house painte d. It’s worth having the house painted .
Test 1. Translate these sentences.
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)
I must must get get my lug luggag gagee se sent nt to to th thee st stati ation. on. He is is going going to have have the these se llett etters ers sent sent by air mai mail. l. She wan wants ts tto o have have the the wal walls ls p pain ainted ted.. We’ve We’ve jjust ust had the hou house se d deco ecorat rated. ed. We mus mustt get get th thee car car rrep epai aire red. d. I’m having having a garag garagee bu built ilt at at th thee mo momen ment. t. How oft often en do do you you ha have ve you yourr ha hair ir cut? cut? Simo Si mon n ha hass just just had had a suit suit ma made de.. You should should have have your your eye eyess teste tested. d. I had the carpe carpett cleaned. cleaned.
11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20)
I have my hair hair cut once once a month. month. My dad ha hass his car se service rviced d twice a year. year. At the mom moment ent Dad is having having his computer computer fix fixed. ed. We had new cu cupboar pboards ds made by the ccarpen arpenter. ter. Paul ha had d his bik bikee stolen stolen yesterday. yesterday. You mus mustt get your hair hair cut cut this week. week. Melan Melanie ie is hav having ing her picture picture taken. taken. Paul iiss having having his tooth tooth filled. filled. She has all he herr clothes clothes made specially specially for for her. They ha have ve had th their eir house painted. painted.
Test 2. Write the correct tense in the gap.
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12)
I think think he……al he……alrea ready dy … …his his car ser servic viced. ed. 19) He is goi going ng ………a new new pai pairr of glasse glassess made. At the the mo momen mentt my b brot rother her … ….hi .hiss ca carr fixed. fixed. 20) Tim ……..h ……..his is car taken taken to the garage garage tomorrow. tomorrow. He …..t …..the he fron frontt do door or m mend ended ed llast ast yea year. r. 21) Jim ……. …….his his ba bag g stole stolen n last n night. ight. At 3 o’cl o’clock ock yester yesterday day he ….h ….his is h hair air cut cut.. 22) 22) Pa Paul ul …… ……hi hiss ja jaw w brok broken en in a boxi boxing ng ma matc tch h Tomorr Tomorrow ow he… he….th .thee w wind indow ow cleane cleaned. d. yesterday. She ……a ……alre lready ady ……her ……her shir shirts ts ironed ironed.. 23) We ……the new lock lock fitted fitted next Monday. Monday. I……. I……..m .my y hair hair cut cut y yes este terd rday ay.. 24) Emi …..he …..herr newspa newspaper per deliv delivere ered d every every mornin morning g We ……t ……the he hou house se painte painted d onc oncee a yea year. r. by her neighbour’s son. I ……m ……my y hai hairr cut cut tomo tomorr rrow ow.. 25) 25) The The Sm Smit iths hs ………t ………the heir ir ki kitc tche hen n pain painte ted d at th thee She …..her …..her skir skirtt cleaned cleaned at the moment moment.. moment. I ….my hair hair tr trimmed immed once a month. 26) 26) I …….. …… my hair hair cut cut shor shortt la last st we week ek beca becaus usee I We’re We’re goi going ng ……cen ……centra trall hea heatin ting g instal installed led in our needed a change. house next month. 27) 27) He…. He…..h .his is ca carr serv servic iced ed by th thee me mech chan anic ic next next 13) Sam …..a burglar burglar alarm ffitted itted last last week week.. Tuesday.
14) …….my carjust…..their repaire repaired d at the moment. 15) IThe band …..just…. ….. .their ne new wmomen singlet.reco recorded. rded. 16) 16) We are goin going g …… ……ou ourr furn furnit itur uree deli delive vere red d tomorrow.
28) 28) Sh She e …… …….h .her er ca carp rpet etss fi fitt tted ed yest yester erda day y wh when en I called. 29) I …….ju just st… ……….my pictu turre ta tak ken by a professional photographer.
2 17) 17) They They …. …..t .the heir ir new new hous housee dec decora orated ted at the the moment. 18) I ……….a ……….a new jumper jumper knit knitted. ted.
30) Mar Mark k …….som …….somee apple trees trees pla plante nted d in a week’s week’s time. 31) Ste Steve ve ..h ..his is wallet wallet stolen stolen while while he was was doing doing the shopping. 32) I always …… …….my .my rubb rubbish ish collected collected on Fri Fridays. days.
Test 3. Rewrite these sentences using ‘ to have something done’
They They service serviced d Ken Ken’s ’s car car yester yesterday day.. – Ken Ken……… ……… They’r They’ree rep repair airing ing o our ur ro roof of at tthe he mo momen ment. t. – We…… We…… They’r They’ree goi going ng to to fit a ste stereo reo iin n my ccar. ar. – –II ……… Someon Someonee cle cleans ans Sue’s Sue’s fl flat at on once ce a w week eek.. –Sue…… –Sue…… Has anyone anyone tested tested your your ey eyes es recent recently? ly? –H –Have ave you…… you………..? …..? Someon Someonee stol stolee John’s John’s bri briefc efcase ase last last wee week. k. –Joh –John…… n……… … Someon Someonee cclea leans ns h her er h hous ouse. e. – Sh She…… e…….. Someon Someonee ccook ookss her her me meals als.. –She –She……… ……… Someon Someonee w wash ashes es h her er cclot lothes hes.. –S –She. he.…… …… Somebody Somebody cle cleans ans her wi windows ndows.. –She…… –She…… Somebody Somebody ser serviced viced her ca car. r. –She…… –She…… Somebody Somebody doe doess her shopping. shopping. – –She….. She….. Somebody Somebody looks af after ter her gar garden. den. –Sh –She….. e….. Somebody Somebody post postss her lett letters ers . –Sh –She…….. e…….. Their windows windows need need to be clean cleaned. ed. –The –They y need… need……… …… The hairdresser hairdresser was styl styling ing Mrs Brown’ Brown’ss hair. –Mrs Brown Brown…… …… She told told he herr son to ca carry rry the shoppi shopping ng to the h house. ouse. –She. …….. Dad is going to arrange arrange for someone someone to cut the grass . –Dad is going…… going……… … They used to employ employ a cleane cleanerr who cleane cleaned d the house. –The –They y used…… Did the mechanic mechanic repair Paul Paul’s ’s motorbik motorbike? e? –Did Paul…… Paul……..? ..?
Test 4. Rewrite the sentences using
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)
His teeth teeth aare re che checke cked d twice twice a year. year. Her skir skirtt is b bein eing g cl clea eaned ned aatt the moment moment.. My hai hairr is tri trimm mmed ed onc oncee a m mon onth th.. Central Central he heating ating is goin going g to be ins installe talled d in our our hou house se ne next xt mon month. th. Sam’s Sam’s bu burgl rglar ar al alarm arm was fitt fitted ed la last st we week. ek. My car car iiss be being ing repair repaired ed aatt th thee mo momen ment. t. The band band’s ’s ne new w sin single gle has has ju just st been been re recor corded ded.. Our new new furnitu furniture re is go going ing tto o be del delive ivered red to tomor morrow row.. Their Their new new hou house se is b bein eing g dec decora orated ted aatt the m mome oment. nt. The windows windows will be be cle cleaned aned..
Test 5. Rewrite the sentences using
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
A new new ju jumpe mperr has has been been k knit nitted ted for me. Th Thee lloc ock k has has to be fix fixed ed.. A new new pa pair ir of g glas lasses ses iiss goi going ng to be ma made de for for hi him. m. Their Their window windowss ne need ed to be cleane cleaned. d. The hair hairdre dresser sser w was as stylin styling g Mrs B Brow rown’s n’s hair hair.. The boss boss aaske sked d his as assis sistan tantt to ty type pe th thee let letter ter..
Test 6. Rewrite the sentences using
1) 2) 3)
A plum plumber ber fixed fixed the drippi dripping ng tap for Joe. Joe. Have you ttold old the secre secretary tary to to mak makee som somee ph photoco otocopies? pies? The chef chef was was ccook ooking ing Tom Tom’s ’s lun lunch. ch.
4) 5) 6)
Did you you tell tell the the shop to de deliv liver er th thee sof sofaa to yo you? u? My pur purse se w was as stol stolen en llas astt Fr Frid iday ay.. Did you you emplo employ y a pa paint inter er to d deco ecorat ratee your your hou house? se?
3 7) 8) 9) 10)
The builders builders are pu putting tting a new rroof oof on Adam’ Adam’ss house at th thee mo moment. ment. She ask asked ed the the m maid aid to p poli olish sh th thee si silve lver. r. The man man had asked the p porter orter to take take his lugga luggage ge to his roo room. m. Did you ask Jenny Jenny to arra arrange nge the flow flowers ers for you?
Test 7. Rewrite the sentences using
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)
When When w wil illl yo your ur gla glasse ssess be m mad ade? e? I hired hired a prof profess ession ional al to cater cater fo forr my part party. y. Did you ask any anyone one to swee sweep p th thee ch chimn imney? ey? She She as aske ked d hi him m to do do th thee sh shop oppi ping ng.. Their Their hous housee was was burg burgled led las lastt nigh night. t. He emplo employed yed a ccarp arpent enter er to bu build ild tthe he fe fence nce.. Jul Julie’ ie’ss hou housek sekeep eeper er irons irons all all he herr clo clothe thes. s. His shop shop’s ’s windo windows ws we were re smash smashed ed in the riot. riot.
Test 8. Rewrite the sentence sentencess using the Causative: HAVE SOMETHING DONE
1) 2) 3)
They They emplo employed yed a plu plumbe mberr to fit fit th thee sho showe wer. r. Alan’s Alan’s mum wa washe shess al alll his his clothe clothes. s. The mec mechan hanic ic at tthe he ga garag ragee ser servic viced ed th their eir ccar. ar.
Test 9. Rewrite the sentences using
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
My wind windows ows are cleane cleaned d twice twice a mont month. h. The star star’s ’s la lates testt fil film m ha hass just just be been en re relea leased sed.. Their Their swimmi swimming ng pool pool w will ill be dra draine ined. d. The carp carpets ets m must ust be be la laid id in our fflat lat b by y Mon Monday day.. The brakes brakes on m my y bi bike ke hav havee be been en o oile iled. d. Our desks desks ar aree be being ing pai painte nted d at the mom moment ent.. Her boo bookca kcase se was was deli deliver vered ed llast ast wee week. k. A new new co compu mputer ter has bee been n order ordered ed ffor or me. me. Annie’ Annie’ss scul sculptu ptures res ar aree goin going g to be ex exhib hibite ited d tomo tomorro rrow. w. A skat skateboa eboard rd wa wass being made for Tim. Tim.
Test 10. Rewrite the sentences using
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)
Holly Holly is is goi going ng tto o ask Mar Mary y to sew sew h her er dr dress ess.. Someon Someonee ha hass tid tidied ied the gar garden den for Mark Mark.. When When w will ill the they y fix fix his teleph telephone one?? Pat pays pays som someon eonee to cle clean an the w wind indows ows eever very y week week.. Can you ttell ell someon someonee to m move ove those those bo boxes xes?? When When w will ill the they y deli deliver ver Dan’s Dan’s sofa sofa?? Howard Howard shoul should d ask so someo meone ne to deliv deliver er the p pack ackage age.. When When w wil illl yo you u serv servic icee th thee ca car? r? Pay some someone one tto o make make tthe he ccurt urtain ainss for y you. ou. Someone Someone has sho shortene rtened d Alice’s Alice’s skirt.
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