Caterpillar Analysis

November 2, 2018 | Author: Nyeko Francis | Category: Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Strategic Management, Inventory, Market Segmentation
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This is a Case Analysis on Caterpillar. Caterpillar is an automotive company dealing in products such as construction an...


CATERPILLAR ANALYSIS Caterpillar is an automotive company dealing in products such as construction and mining equipment diesel and natural gas engines industrial gas tur!ines and diesel electr electric ic locomo locomotiv tives" es" It also also provi provides des servic services es li#e li#e $nanci $nancial al reman remanu%a u%act cturi uring ng progress rail" The mar#ets served !y caterpillar include North America Asia paci$c Europe Europe A%rica %rica &iddl &iddle e East East common common'ea 'ealth lth o% indepe independe ndent nt states states and Latin Latin America" America" The !usiness !usiness division divisions( s( departmen departments ts are) are) po'er po'er systems systems construc construction tion industri industries es resour resource ce industri industries es and $nancial $nancial product products" s" The organi*a organi*ation tion+s +s main !ranch is in Illinois 'ith ,,-... people"  The company is e/periencing e/periencing poor $nancial per%ormance per%ormance eg declining revenues pro$ta!ility that is operating and net pro$t" The company+s products are sold under Caterpillar CAT Electro0&otive 12 3ilson &A4 &3& Per#ins Progress Rail SE& and Solar Sola r Tur!ines" Tur!ines"


2lo! 2lo!al al !usi !usine ness ss lead leader er cust custom omer er succ succes ess s 'ith 'ith cate caterp rpil illa larr prod produc ucts ts compet competiti itive ve advant advantage age throug through h dis distri tri!u !utio tion n 'orld 'orld class class supply supply chain chain superi superior or !usine !usiness ss resul results ts compet competent ent 'or# 'or# %orce %orce that that o!serv o!serve e compan company y valu values es prom promot otio ion n o% su sust stai aina na!i !ili lity ty $nan $nanci cial al per% per%or orma manc nce e thr through ough sta#eholder sta#eholder motivation"

N5" Analyse the 'ays caterpillar can achieve its strategic intent"


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6ealership is a mechanism o% distri!uting the products 'orld'ide in glo!ally" Retailing and %ranchising through retail outlets and su!sidiaries" Per%ormance standards are set %or the dealer to avoid deviation %or company targets and goals Colla!oration 'ith supply chain partners to meet customer e/pectations" e/pectations" Empo Empo'e 'errment ment o% deal dealer er to'a to'ard rds s sell sellin ing g the the prod produc ucts ts and and serv servic icin ing g o%  machines to ensure responsiveness to customer challenges" Product availa!ility !y setting up o% 'arehouses to store spare parts re%erred to as large service parts !usiness 'hich provide components to dealers and customers" Responsiveness is supply chain per%ormance measure as customers require quic# service eg repair that has led to caterpillar holding inventory to ensure high service levels" Locali*ed production in that due to glo!al demand the company produces %rom %acilities located on the continents 'here the products are sold" Centrali*ed production %or e/ample the larger and speciali*ed products that are produced in a single location !ecause o% the high initial outlay"

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Repositioning through vertical integration 'hich !ac#'ard and %or'ard 'ith suppliers and customers respectively" Insourcing o% critical components+ production especially the ones that add competitive advantage o% its products" 7utsourcing production o% non critical items %rom a large supplier !ase" Stringent description o% products to ensure high quality dura!le goods so as to improve per%ormance and construction" Lo' supply !ase due to the tight speci$cations that limit local sourcing resulting into glo!al sourcing" Limited supply o% products due to production and sources o% supply !eing in di8erent countries o'ing to long lead times"

Discuss how cate!i""a ca# $ea" with the su!!"% chai# cha""e#&es; •

Strategic alliance !u8er stoc#ing closer relationship 'ith suppliers invest in production o% these component multiple sourcing !ac#'ard integration demand %orecasting"

SUPPLY CHAIN MANA'EMENT Rapid response supply chain •

Innovation through introducing P9... product line to e/ploit e/pected gro'th 'hich relates to the product development strategy o% Anso8" This ne' product line 'as smaller medium to high volume standardi*ed product and selling cheaply at 9..... dollars" Sti8 competition %or the P9... product line due to its mar#et having very many mar#et leaders eg 5o!cat 6eere:Co and Case Corp" Sta;ng challenges as the company 'as em!roiled in 'or#%orce di;culties o%  disputes and stri#es over pay and 'or#ing conditions"  The economic do'n turn in Asia due to the $nancial crisis that cause uncertainty o% %uture pro$ta!ility and demand"  The net'or# #ey per%ormance indicators included) pro$t ma/imi*ation mar#et share SA and Canada and the company could provide demand %orecasts %or every district to ensure 'ere caterpillar+s responsi!ilities leading high material inventory in transit capital !eing tied up %or glo!ally sourced products" Inventory 'as held in pools at suppliers caterpillar 'arehouses and P7>" Single sourcing !y all caterpillar %acilities as inventory 'as not consolidated

&RP system and purchase orders 'ere used to coordinate replenishment these systems are out dated and delay in%ormation e/change thus increasing lead times and order varia!ility" 6ecentrali*ed decision ma#ing as !oth suppliers and caterpillar made their o'n production plan and decisions 'ith limited in%ormation sharing"

Supplier involvement !y assigning the responsi!ilities %or material transportation to central points 'here caterpillar could pull them %or production 7'nership o% inventory at central inventory pool 'as trans%erred to suppliers and a%ter caterpillar pulling them then payment could !e e8ected depending on the contractual terms" Production %acilities could get inventory %rom the central pull hence eliminating inventory at the %acilities" Central stoc# locations could !e suppliers+ or caterpillar+s premises !ut %or provision o% these service suppliers charged a %ee" Centrali*ed demand %orecasting !y caterpillar to ensure IT delivery as suppliers 'ere a'are o% the quantity o% material and time 'hen they are required in the plant" Sharing o% P7> consumption in%ormation helps suppliers to produce and ship products !asing on actual demand( material usage" 5uyer0 supplier Communication led e/ceptions and shi%ts in production to !e addressed s'i%tly thus se o% a dealer called 1inning international 'ith !ranches and engineers >se national distri!ution centre run !y the CE=A logistics that holds inventory o% 1inning engines %or the ne/t day delivery" Purpose !uilt %acility designed !y CE=A 'ith GG sta8 to operate it over e/tended !usiness hours si/ days a 'ee#" CE=A committed to the ne/t day delivery o% all orders o% ,.... items a 'ee# in the contract" 5uilding( 'arehouse is located at the la#eside Estate and covers ,9.... sq %t 'ith 'ide aisle and cantilever rac#ing se o% ocean and air shipment hu!s to get scale on a lane 'hich ma#e caterpillar an important customer that can pre !oo# ocean capacity 'ith no d'ell time and in air mode it ships hu! to hu! to ma/imi*e cu!e" Caterpillar changed %rom
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