Cat Bact 312 June 2018

December 13, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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The draft balance sheet of Aberdare Limited, Batian Limited and Elgon Limited as at 31 March 1999 are as follows: Baa!"# $%##& a$ a& 31 Ma'"% 1 A L&)* B L&)* S%* +,,-! S%*

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PPE #n$estments in s%bsidiaries &cost' %rrent assets #n$entories Trade recei$ables ash %rrent liabilities Trade -a.ables Ta/ation Pro-osed di$idends  0et c%rrent assets #ss%ed share ca-ital rdinar. shares of h1! 4e$al%ation reser$e 4etained earnings

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All the shares shares in all all the com-ani com-anies es ran5 ran5 e6%all e6%all. . for for $oti $oting ng -%r-o -%r-oses ses Page 1 of 4




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A Ltd Ltd -%rch -%rchase ased d 3! milli million on ordin ordinar. ar. shar shares es in B Ltd Ltd on on 1 A-ri A-rill 199!, 199!, when when the bala balance nce of  retained earnings in B Ltd was h!! million n 1 A-ril 199!, the fair $al%es of the identifiable net assets of B Ltd were a--ro/imatel. the same as boo5 $al%es B. 31 March 1999, some of the fi/ed assets of B Ltd had de-reciated significantl. in $al%e: the directors commissioned 7-town Estate Agents to re$al%e the fi/ed assets, which res%lted in the reser$e stated in the acco%nts The re$al%ation had been incor-orated in the acco%nts as at 31 March 199 B Ltd Ltd ac6%i ac6%ire red d 3! milli million on shar shares es in E Ltd Ltd on 3! e-t e-tem embe berr 199 199 n this this date date,, the fair  fair  $al%e of the fi/ed assets in E Ltd was h +! million in e/cess of boo5 $al%e and the fair  $al%e of stoc5 was h2! million in e/cess of boo5 $al%e #n addition, E Ltd -ossessed  -atent rights of fair $al%e h1! million on 3! e-tember 199: howe$er, these were not carried in the boo5s of E Ltd E Ltd de-reciates fi/ed assets at 1!8 -er ann%m and intangible assets at 2!8 -er ann%m &both fig%res being red%ced -ro-ortionatel. for a -eriod which is less than a .ear' !8 of the stoc5 in hand on 3! e-tember 199 in E Ltd had  been sold b. 31 March 1999 Between 3! e-tember 199 and 31 March 1999, E Ltd s sales to A Ltd and B Ltd were h2(! million and h1+! million res-ecti$el. All these goods had been resold b. the two com-anies b%t at 31 March 1999, A Ltd and B Ltd owed E Ltd h 3+ million million and h32 million million res-ecti$el. res-ecti$el. E Ltds net -rofit for the .ear, after  ta/ b%t before di$idends, was h2(! h2( ! million this -rofit accr%ed e$enl. o$er the .ear 0eithe 0eitherr A Ltd Ltd nor B Ltd Ltd as as acco%nt acco%nted ed for for di$i di$iden dends ds rece recei$a i$able ble The gro%gro%- acco% acco%nti nting ng -olic. -olic. in in relati relation on to goodwi goodwill ll is to recogn recognise ise it it as an inta intangi ngible ble asset asset and im-air it a rate of 333338 -er .ear, with a -ro-ortionate charge for a -eriod of less than one .ear Minorit. interest is recorded as its -ro-ortion of the fair $al%es of the net assets ass ets of the s%bsid s%bsidiar iar.: .: di$ide di$idends nds d%e to minori minorit. t. int intere erest st are carrie carried d within within c%rren c%rrentt liabilities


The consolidated balance sheet of Aberdare Limited and its s%bsidiaries as at 31 March 1999 in accordance with with the #nternational Acco%nting tandard 1  -resentation of financial statements &4e$ised 2!!('   QUESTION TO

(20 MARKS

Matati;o Ltd has been o-erating -rofitabl. %ntil three .ears ago when it started e/-eriencing financial -roblems This res%lted in the b%siness inc%rring hea$. trading losses The directors of  the com-an., who are also the main sta5eholders, consider %nderta5ing either an internal or an e/tern e/t ernal al recons reconstr% tr%cti ction on Based Based on -rofes -rofessi sional onal ad$ice, ad$ice, the direct directors ors o-ted o-ted for an int intern ernal al reconstr%ct recons tr%ction ion #t was antici-ated antici-ated that after reconstr%ction reconstr%ction,, the com-an. wo%ld ma5e an ann%al  -rofit before interest and ta/ of hs 3!! million The ta/ rate was e/-ected to be 3!8 The statement of financial -osition of the com-an. as at 31 st March 2!!, before reconstr%ction, was as follows:

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 0on* c%rrent assets Land and b%ilding


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