Castle Falkenstein Oriental Faeries

February 6, 2017 | Author: Robert Howell | Category: N/A
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Oriental Faeries for Castle Falkenstein Márcio I. Coluchi Manekineko Manekineko is a fairylike animal, with the appearance of a cat, that brings good luck. Repelled by wearing clothes inside out, sacred symbols, prayers and by iron. Basic abilities: Fight (Poor) Perception (Good); Athletics (Good); Physical complexion (Medium); Stealthy (Good). To rule animals: the ability to domain the will of animals and make them obey your desires, to charm and bewitch them, to make them follow your mental commands. To bring good luck: brings good luck to anyone that you can see naked eyed. It can be use towards one person at a time; it increases all abilities in one level until you set your look at another person.

Kitsune Kitsune looks like a wolf with several tails. It may assume human appearance. Kitsunes inhabit forests and love to play tricks (sometimes, lethal) on human beings. Repelled by sacred symbols and prayers. Basic abilities: Fight (Good), Perception (Good); Athletics (Medium); Physical complexion (Good); Stealthy (Good). To assume human appearance: the ability to assume the appearance of a human being once a day during up to 12 hours. Afterwards, Kitsune must resume its real appearance for one whole day before being able to look like a human being again. To charm: the ability to make mortal people obey its desires; to charm or bewitch them or to make them fall in love with you. The capacity of chosen mortal person to resist depends on the level of his/her Power against his/her level of Courage. Onis Monstrous and hostile creatures, with tails, sharpened nails, three eyes, fangs and horns. Onis feed on human meat and can’t stand daylight. They hunt at night. Repelled by salt, sacred symbols, prayers, iron, bells and clothes worn inside out. Basic abilities: Fight (Medium); Perception (Medium); Athletics (Poor); Physical complexion (Medium); Stealthy (Excellent). Terrorizing sight: they may create an aura of fear around them that lasts up to one hour at a time (with at least a one-hour interval between them). It can only be used at night. The capacity of the chosen human being to resist depends on his/her level of Power against his/her level of Courage. Kappa Kappas are oriental water demons that live in streamlets, rivers or lakes. They attract their victims to the waters and drown them to feed from their blood. Repelled by sacred symbols, prayers, iron and the toll of bells. Basic abilities: Fight (Good); Perception (Medium); Athletics (Medium); Physical complexion (Good); Stealthy (Poor). To seduce: The power to lead a mortal victim that is in visual contact with you, no matter how dangerous is the situation he/she will face. When well succeeded, the victim walks blindly in your direction, irremediably carried on by your net. The capacity to resist depends on his/her level of

Power against his/her level of Courage. Yuki-Onna Also called Ice Mermaids or Snow Women, the Yuki-Onnas seduce men attracting them to blizzards where they get lost and die frozen. They may marry mortals, but they always set conditions that their lovers forget or miss to obey and so they abandon them. Basic abilities: Fight (Poor); Perception (Good); Physical complexion (Excellent); Athletics (Medium); Stealthy (Poor). To seduce: The power to lead a mortal victim that is in visual contact with you, no matter how dangerous is the situation he/she will face. When well succeeded, the victim walks blindly in your direction, irremediably carried on by your net. The capacity to resist depends on his/her level of Power against his/her level of Courage

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