Castillo vs. Cruz

March 12, 2019 | Author: Antonio Paolo Alvario | Category: Habeas Corpus, Justice, Crime & Justice, Government Information, Public Law
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Castillo vs. Cruz Gr No 182165

November 25, 2009

Facts Responent Cruz spouses lease a parcel o! lan situate at "arrio Guin#a$a, %alolo %alolos. s. &#e' &#e' re!use re!use  to vacate vacate t#e proper propert' t',, espit espitee eman emanss b' t#e lessor  lessor  (rovincial Government o! "ulacan $#ic# intene to utilize it !or local pro)ects. &#e local *overnment !ile c#ar*es in t#e %&C, $#ic# in turn ecie a*ainst t#e spouses. R&C a!!irme t#e ecision. &#e spouses in+t vacate an continue to !ile cases in t#e %alolos R&C. &#e court suspene t#e emolition a*ainst t#e  propert', a etermination o! t#e propert' bouns, an a remanin* o! t#e case b' means o! a $rit o! in)unction. &#e responents !ile a %FR in t#e %&C. &#e court rule in t#eir !avor an issue anot#er emolition orer. n orer to stop t#e emolition, t#e spouses par-e container vans aroun t#e propert'. uperintenent Castillo $as tol b' t#e ma'or to enter t#e propert' !or maintainin* its possession. Resp Respon one ent ntss re!u re!use se. . &#e &#e ' !ile !ile  !or !or a (eti (etiti tion on !or !or a $rit rit o! ampa amparo ro an an #abeas #abeas ata ata in %alolo %aloloss R&C. R&C. &#e &#e same same people people claime claime  t#at t#at t#e respon responen ents ts entere entere t#e propert' !orce!ull' !orce!ull' $it# #eav' e/uipment e/uipment an arreste arreste t#em. R&C rule in t#eir !avor. ssue s t#e t#e $rit $rit o! ampa amparo ro an an #abe #abeas as ata ata t#e t#e corr correc ectt reme reme' ' !or !or t#e t#e spou spouse sess  preicament el  No. &#e petition petition $as ismisse. &#e Court Court is, uner uner t#e Consti Constitut tution ion,, empo$e empo$ere re to promul promul*at *atee rules rules !or t#e  protection an en!orcement en!orcement o! constitutional ri*#ts. ri*#ts. s a response to e3tra)uicial -illin*s, t#e court promul*ate t#e Rule on t#e 4rit o! mparo on ct. 2, 2007 an t#e Rule on abeas ata on 2008. &#is po$er  $as in#erent in t#e Constitutional *rant to t#e courts to promul*ate rules !or #uman ri*#ts. e!initions o! t#e 4rits a. 4rit 4rit o! mparo mparo:: an available available course course o! action action ;to an' an' person $#ose $#ose ri*#t ri*#t to li!e, li!e, libert libert' ' an securit' securit' is violat violate e or t#rea t#reaten tene e $it# $it# violat violation ion b' an unla$!ul act or omission o! a public o!!icial or emplo'ee, or o! a private iniviual or entit'<

 b. 4rit o! abeas ata: a course t#at can be ta-en $#en t#e ;ri*#t to privac' in li!e, libert' or securit' is violate or t#reatene b' an unla$!ul act or  omission o! a public o!!icial or emplo'ee or o! a private iniviual or entit' en*a*e in t#e *at#erin*, collectin* or storin* o! ata or in!ormation re*arin* t#e person
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