:. bhs cnoonwnbns lh algbuye lalmûl ph ce teglhbhmæn fhcerln.
1. Bhs cnoonwnbns melernbfelte shl pershlns nlnbdnoetns nlnbdnoetns e algubtns que algbush lh usnl rebhk
¸^uá prhs y ghltrns elgueltrn ce npbagnr uln castraouga÷l safabnr el Bafn Yerû8 y ^uá prhcugths h servagahs servag ahs phcrænl teler teler uln castraouga÷l pnregacn8 bns castnlgans eltre bns gnsns y bumnres ce trnonkh lh perfaræn bbemnr n efph h que este servagah lh sen reltnobe.X alsemuracnc gaucncnln, phcræn hgnsahlnr percacns h algufpbafaelth ghl bn eltremn. Yrh ;>. Evatns eb trîgh. ?. Es eghb÷magh 7. Melerns fîs almreshs nb lh usnr ghfousobe. 3. Sus gbaeltes se cebaznl ghl ulh.
5. Bn eltremn se renbaznrî el eb efph esfnch.
>. Bn cebalguelgan
?. Eb gnhs vejagubnr el bafn.
7. Bn dnbtn ce gagbhvæns.
3. Bn dnbtn ce seþnbaznga÷l y ghlgaelznga÷l ghlgaelznga÷l jngan eb gagbastn.
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