Cask of Amontillado
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Study Guide for "The Cask of Amontillado" 10/10/2012 written by: Trent Lorcher • edited by: SForsyth • updated: 10/10/2012
The "Cask of Amontillado" is a classic tale of revenge reve nge brought to us by everyone's favorite poet, Edgar Allen Poe. Writing a paper on it? Read this study guide for a summary and analysis, as well as ideas for thesis statements.
Summary It would probably take you less time to read read "The Cask of Amontillado" Amontillado" than it will to read this summary: Montresor doesn't like Fortunato on account of the t he thousands of injuries he has caused, injuries that he bears magnanimously (yes, that's sarcasm), but when Fortunato resorts to insult, Montresor vows revenge, a revenge which excludes punishment and a revenge which makes Fortunato completely aware of who's getting the revenge.
It's Carnival in Italy and good wine is at a premium. Montresor uses stratagem to lure F Fortunato ortunato into his underground vaults to exact his revenge. Fortunato, Fort unato, ever so happy to display his wine wisdom, agrees to accompany Montresor into the catacombs to test the wine, hoping to expose Montresor as a fool, ironic considering Fortunato's wearing the fool's costume.
There are two things that t hat allow Montresor's plan to succeed: (1) Fortunato is extremely drunk; (2) Montresor is a master of reverse reve rse psychology and irony. Numerous times, he cautions Fortunato about his cough and declares his wish to go to Luchesi--whom we know little of other than Fortunato thinks he's an "ignoramus." This mention of Fortunato's rival makes him all the more eager to prove Montresor's imbecility in buying Amontillado from a huckster. Free Lesson Plans Browse Lesson Plan ideas for K-12 classrooms. c lassrooms. Join ePals for free! Ads by Google Google The two proceed down the ancient corridor when, suddenly, Montresor chains Fortunato to a wall, where he has remained ever since.
1. The Unreliable Narrator - Any analysis of "The Cask of Amontillado" must take into account the story's point of view. Everything we know is filtered through the demoniacal brain of
Montresor. Montresor is easily offended, jealous of Fortunato, and a little strange. His propensity for being offended stems from his insecurity, an insecurity that could co uld lead him to invent a story about masterminding the perfect murder/revenge. murder/r evenge. His jealousy of Fortunato leads him to slant everything in the story to make Fortunato look stupid--his motley dress, his drunkenness, his pomposity. The story itself indicates Montresor lacks sanity and cannot be trusted. It's his insanity, however, that leads the t he reader to believe he is capable of such an act. 2. The Insult - Montresor vows revenge after Fortunato insults him. The question that must be answered is what exactly, if anything, does Fortunato Fort unato do to cause such hatred in Montresor. The two exchange lively banter in the catacombs, yet nothing is revealed in regards tto o the insult needed to be avenged. Why doesn't Poe include the insult? Because the insult's irrelevant and may have never occurred. 3. Premature Burial - Poe had an irrational fear of being buried alive and many of his stories have some aspect of premature burial: (1) A cat is walled up, feasting on his dead wife's in"The Pit and the Pendulum" Pendulum" nearly falls down brain in in "The Black Cat"; Cat"; (2) The protagonist in"The a pit, sitting in the middle of a cell that resembles a tomb; (3) "The Premature Burial," as the title suggests, contains stories about people being buried alive; (4) "The Fall of o f the House of Usher" contains another example of being buried alive. 4. Theme - Posssible themes include revenge, deception, pride, and insanity. For more on themes, view example thesis statements for "The Cask of Amontillado" below.
Analysis by Wood by Kerry Michael Wood
Created on: November 15, 2007 Last Updated: July 09, 2012 The irony in in Edgar Allan Poe’ Poe’s short story The Cask of Amontillado begins with the opening sentence, and thereafter is reinforced almost constantly. co nstantly.
THE thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge. One expects some variation on the childhood c hildhood playground phrase, “Sticks and stones can break my bones but names will will never hurt me.” Instead the narrator says the opposite: "physical attacks *injuries+ don't bother me, but attack my name or reputation [insults] and I will seek revenge." Additionally, the antagonist in the story is named Fortunato or the t he lucky one. The protagonist bears the French surname Montresor. His name (reputation) is his “treasure.” Fortunato’s name is verbally ironic. The lucky one is doomed to a horrible death at the hands of a man whose treasured t reasured reputation he has impugned. Montresor says, “I continued . . . to smile in his face, and he did not perceive that smile now was at the thought of his immolation.” This is an example dramatic irony – – Fortunato’s not knowing the meaning of Montresor’s smile as do the readers or hearers of the tale. tale.
Yet another subtle example of irony is Montresor’s pretense of not knowing the quality of wines. Fortunato’s knowledge was for him a point of justifiable pride. But Montresor is his equal in that respect. He remarks, “I was skilful in the Italian vintages myself.” myself.” That and other remarks in the paragraph about Italians and not about “us” are an indication that Montresor, though dwelling in Italy, is not himself Italian. As mentioned earlier, e arlier, his name is French. The ironies grow more numerous. It is the carnival season - not a suitable time for a gruesome tale of o f revenge. Fortunato wears the costume c ostume of a jester. The man is drunk. He is not the wise fool of legend and literature but is ironically appropriately garbed. He doubtless could not in his state distinguish fine wine from rotgut. When they encounter, Montresor says, “You are luckily met.” He describes the wine he has purchased but about which he has doubts. He says he will w ill solicit Luchesi’s opinion, knowing that the psychology will work on Fortunato who considers himself more expert. Montresor then worries that Fortunato has another engagement engagem ent and that the damp air and nitre in his catacombs will be bad for the man’s health. he alth. He has ensured that no servants will be in the palazzo by (ironically) mentioning that he will be away and warning them not to leave. When Fortunato has a coughing fit, he insists again that they should return and Montresor should get Luchesi’s opinion. “I shall not die of a cough,” says Fortunato. True. True. They proceed, drink a bottle of Medoc, and toast the surrounding dead whom Fortunato is about to join. Fortunato questions Montresor about his family family coat of arms. "A huge human foot d'or, in a field azure; the foot crushes a serpent rampant whose fangs are imbedded in the heel." "And the motto? "Nemo me impune lacessit." (No one can harm me with impunity.) Another bottle of ironically named De Grave wine is consumed. Montresor is questioned about his brotherhood of Freemasonry and produces the trowel of o f a stone mason. Finally they reach a rock wall with chains. Fortunato now sounds sober as he realizes he’s imprisoned. His screams move Montresor to draw his rapier and probe about, but he is reassured that they are alone. The entombment is one brick short of completion when Fortunato attempts to make a joke of the situation. It is no joke.
Montresor’s “heart grew sick.” Is the madman feeling guilt? guilt?
No. It was just the nitre getting to him. Rest in peace, Fortunato. And so he has for fifty years. Poe has successfully written a story exhausting e xhausting every variety of irony. Montresor has punished with impunity. His satisfaction has only grown over the last half century.
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