Casing Design Guide

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PTS 40.018 DECEMBER 1992


PETRONAS Technical Standards (PTS) publications reflect the views, at the time of publication, of PETRONAS OPUs/Divisions. They are based on the experience acquired during the involvement with the design, construction, operation and maintenance of processing units and facilities. Where appropriate they are based on, or reference is made to, national and international standards and codes of practice. The objective is to set the recommended standard for good technical practice to be applied by PETRONAS' OPUs in oil and gas production facilities, refineries, gas processing plants, chemical plants, marketing facilities or any other such facility, and thereby to achieve maximum technical and economic benefit from standardisation. The information set forth in these publications is provided to users for their consideration and decision to implement. This is of particular importance where PTS may not cover every requirement or diversity of condition at each locality. The system of PTS is expected to be sufficiently flexible to allow individual operating units to adapt the information set forth in PTS to their own environment and requirements. When Contractors or Manufacturers/Suppliers use PTS they shall be solely responsible for the quality of work and the attainment of the required design and engineering standards. In particular, for those requirements not specifically covered, the Principal will expect them to follow those design and engineering practices which will achieve the same level of integrity as reflected in the PTS. If in doubt, the Contractor or Manufacturer/Supplier shall, without detracting from his own responsibility, consult the Principal or its technical advisor. The right to use PTS rests with three categories of users : 1) 2) 3)

PETRONAS and its affiliates. Other parties who are authorised to use PTS subject to appropriate contractual arrangements. Contractors/subcontractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers under a contract with users referred to under 1) and 2) which requires that tenders for projects, materials supplied or - generally - work performed on behalf of the said users comply with the relevant standards.

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Change control form






Purpose of casing


Casing types and functions.



Stove pipe, marine conductor or foundation pile.


Conductor string


Surface string


Intermediate string


Production string



The design process 1.4.1


Preliminary design

Data collection

Casing scheme selection

Detailed design

Selection of relevant load case

Uniaxial design

Triaxial design

Further design considerations




Appendix 1: International standards for tubular goods 1.6.1



American Petroleum Institute (API)


API Committee 5 - tubular goods specifications and publications.

API : Committee 5 documents

Items under review

Shortcomings of API standards

International Standardisation Organisation (ISO)


ISO Technical Committee 67 (ISO/TC 67) oil industry matters.


Committee for European Normalisation (CEN)


Cooperation between ISO, CEN and API





Design parameters




Lithological column


Formation-strength profile 3.3.1



Borehole failure


Formation-strength gradient and equivalent mud weight


Measuring the formation strength


Available measurement methods

Choosing the right method


Pore-pressure profile


Temperature profile


Hydrocarbon properties


H2S, CO2 and non-hydrocarbon formation fluid composition




Casing-scheme selection




Minimum casing diameter



Design criterion


Well configuration and minimum casing diameter

Exploration and appraisal wells

Development wells

Minimum casing-shoe setting depth 4.3.1

Design criterion


Determination of wellbore pressure load


Pressure loading during drilling, mud circulation and tripping

Pressure loading during well control

Determination of wellbore strength




Appendix 2 : Well information forms



Exploration drilling information summary


Well summary


Well summary prognosis and results

Appendix 3 : Basic aspects of rock mechanics 4.6.1



State of stress

Definitions, conventions

In situ-stress state

Pore pressure



Borehole failure - rock mechanics

Rock tensile strength

Theoretical relationship : wellbore strength - state of stress..

Fracture propagation

Wellbore strength in fractured formation

Other effects


Borehole fluid penetration


Borehole shape

Chemical interaction




Appendix 4 : Procedures for leak-off and limit tests





Testing procedure

Planning the test


Interpretation of the Leak-off graph

Formation breakdown, fracture re-opening


Repeating a test

Appendix 5 :

Specimen calculation of formation strength


Exploration well - example calculation


Appraisal well - example calculation


Development well - example calculation




Load cases




Pressure loads 6.2.1



Collapse loads

Evacuation during drilling a) Internal pressure profile b) External pressure profile c) Special cases Air, foam or aerated drilling Salt loading Formation compaction Blowout



Evacuation during production a) Internal pressure profile b) External pressure profile c) Special cases Artificial-lift wells Salt loading Formation compaction Blowout

Burst loads

Burst during drilling a) Internal pressure profile b) External pressure profile c) Special cases Over-pressured aquifer in borehole below casing Salt loading

Burst during production a) Internal pressure profile b) External pressure profile c) Special cases Gas-lift wells Salt loading Gas-lift pressure on intermediate casing

Installation loads 6.3.1 Introduction 6.3.2 Dynamic loads 6.3.3 Static loads


Service loads 6.4.1 Introduction 6.4.2 Pressure loads


Actual axial forces

Collapse and burst loads

Reduced axial forces

Temperature loads

Actual axial forces

Collapse and burst loads

Reduced axial forces

6.4.4 Point loads


Production packer

Retrievable packer

Conductor casing

Reduced axial forces



Load determination




Pressure loads on casing





Collapse load


Burst load


Formation load

Installation loads 7.3.1

Self-weight (in air)


Pressure (buoyancy)


Bending load


Dynamic drag


Shock load


Point load


Static drag


Temperature load


Maximum installation load

Service loads 7.4.1

Changes in tangential stress


Changes in radial stress


Changes in axial stress Fundamental equation

Increase in internal pressure with fluid density and/or surface pressure

Reduction in internal pressure due to (partial) evacuation or reduced fluid density

Increase in external pressure with annulus pressure

Reduction in external pressure with annulus fluid level or fluid density

7.4.3 6

Increased internal pressure due to pressure test with retrievable packer

Temperature induced change in axial stress

Point-load-induced changes in axial stress

Load on stove pipes foundation piles, marine and conductor strings 7.5.1



Stove-pipe, foundation-pile or marine-conductor design


Axial load and strain in conductor casing

7.5.4 7.6

Land wells or wells with subsea wellheads

Offshore wells with surface wellheads a) Casing hangers at surface b) Casing hangers at seabed

Thermal growth of wellhead



Load-bearing capacity


Determination of the different types of casing strength 8.1.1

Collapse strength


Burst strength


Axial strength


Triaxial strength




Corrosion, wear and fatigue


Influence of corrosion on casing strength 9.1.1



Casing materials


Common types of corrosion


9.1.5 9.2

Site of downhole casing corrosion

General corrosion

Galvanic corrosion


Differential-aeration corrosion

Carbon-dioxide corrosion

Hydrogen-sulphide corrosion

Chloride-stress-corrosion cracking

Bacterial corrosion


Intergranular corrosion

Prevention and control of casing corrosion

Internal corrosion due to reservoir fluids

Internal and external corrosion due to drilling workover and completion fluids

External corrosion due to reservoir fluids, formation. fluids and surface water

All-round corrosion

Special forms of corrosion

New developments

Influence of wear on casing strength 9.2.1



Site and timing of casing wear


Effect of wear on different types of casing strength

Collapse strength

Burst strength

Axial strength

Strength of connections





Two-body adhesive wear

Two-body abrasive wear

Three-body abrasive wear

Modelling the wear process

Contact pressure

Contact surfaces

Relative velocity and contact time of mating surfaces..

Drilling-fluid composition

DRAGTORQ wear model

Controlling casing wear

Contact load

Hardfacing of tool joints

Drilling fluids

Wear-track length (WTL)


Designing for wear


Wear monitoring programme


New developments

Influence of fatigue on casing strength 9.3.1



Fatigue failure parameters



Wear mechanisms

Number of cycles to failure

Stress history

Stress concentrations

Residual stress

Range of stress

Loading method and sample size

Combined stress

Surface conditions

Corrosion fatigue

Specific issues

Externally generated loads

Internally generated loads


Click to jump to Chapter 10 - Chapter 21






Fundamental equation for reduced axial force


Resistance to buckling 10.3.1 Introduction 10.3.2 Vertical wellbore sections 10.3.3 Inclined straight wellbore sections 10.3.4 Curved wellbore sections



Use of top of cement to prevent buckling


Use of centraliser spacing


Use of surface force to prevent buckling

Post-buckling analyses 10.4.1 Introduction 10.4.2 Helical buckling




Design factors




Collapse design factor


Burst design factor


Tension design factor


Compression design factor


Triaxial design factor










Connection types 12.2.1

General remarks


Integral connection

12.2.3 Threaded and coupled connection 12.2.4 Comparison of integral and threaded/coupled connections 12.2.5 12.3



Thread forms

Connection sealing 12.3.1

Tapered interference-fit thread seal


Metal-to-metal seal


Resilient seal

Thread compounds 12.4.1

General remarks


Lubricating and sealing properties


Environmental aspects


Recommended thread compounds

Surface treatments





Process descriptions


Effect on galling resistance


Effect on sealing capability


Effect on corrosion resistance

Realiability and structural integrity of connections 12.6.1

Imposed loads


Structural integrity


Sealing capacity


Effect of bending loads


Failure mechanisms

Testing and qualification 12.7.1

Qualification tests


Other evaluation techniques


SIPM database

Thread protectors 12.8.1

General remarks


Performance criteria


Selection and ordering




Detailed casing design example




Casing scheme and design parameters


Intermediate/production casing



Pressure loads - drilling phase


Pressure loads - production phase

Production liner 13.4.1

Pressure loads - production phase


Installation loads

Axial loads

Pressure loads

13.4.3 Service loads


Pressure loads

Temperature loads

Point loads

Intermediate/production casing 13.5.1

Pressure loads Axial loads

Pressure loads

13.5.3 Service loads


Pressure loads

Temperature loads

Point loads

Surface casing 13.6.1

Pressure loads - drilling phase


Installation loads

Axial loads

Pressure loads

13.6.3 Service loads


Pressure loads

Temperature loads

Point loads

Conductor casing 13.7.1

Pressure loads -drilling phase


Installation loads

Axial loads

Pressure loads

13.7.3 Service loads

Pressure loads

Temperature loads

Point loads


Appendix 6 : Theories and definitions






Stress analysis theories 14.3.1



Sign conventions


Lamé equations


The axial stress equation


The shear stress equation


Hooke's Law


The principle of superposition


Failure theory


Buoyancy theory





Pressure (buoyancy) load


Buoyancy factor


Neutral point for actual axial force (Fa = 0)

Simple stress analysis example


Buckling theory 14.7.1



Buckling potential of pipe in air


Buckling potential of pipe in fluids


Neutral point for reduced axial force (Fa* = 0)




Appendix 7 : Calculation of axial and normal forces




Straight inclined casing


Curved casing


Appendix 8 : Shock loads in casing




Shock-load quantification


Concurrent drag and shock loads




Appendix 9 : Pressure build-up in heated sealed annuli




Basic model for the annular pressure increase


Thermal expansion of the casing steel


Hydraulic expansion of the casing steel


Application of the models


Shortcomings of the models




Casing design in special cases




High-pressure/high-temperature well 18.2.1


Squeezing salt well 18.3.1



Permafrost well 18.7.1



Slimhole well 18.6.1



Horizontal well 18.5.1



Steam well 18.4.1




Gravity structure 18.8.1



Reservoir compaction environment 18.9.1



Deep-water well 18.10.1 References


Gas-lift well 18.11.1 References


Operational aspects




Ordering casing


Storage, handling and transport


Preparation for running


Running and testing


Monitoring the condition of installed casing


Equipment Newsletters on issues relating to tubular goods




List of symbols used in text


List of abbreviations used in text




Foreword Casing design is an integral part of the effort required to design, build and operate Quality Wells, contributing monetary value over their entire life cycle, without compromising safety and environmental standards. Effective casing design is aimed at: •

Optimisation of the technical integrity of the Quality Well during: a) the drilling phase, to cope with anticipated pressures and b) the total life cycle (usually equal to the field life), to minimise intervention. Time related aspects such as wear, corrosion and fatigue, which influence the load bearing capacity of the casing strings, require particular attention. Extremely important is also that good documented information on the casing design intent is known at the wellsite, in order to ensure that the operating envelope remains at all times within the design criteria.

Optimisation of the commercial aspects, i.e. ensuring fit for purpose, cost effective designs and standardisation. In 1991, some $350 million was spent on casing/tubing (±16% of the Group's drilling expenditure), hence a determined effort will lead to considerable savings.

Early involvement of the Operations disciplines in greenfield exploration ventures and field development plans is regarded as the prime vehicle for the preliminary casing scheme optimisation. Computing tools now available will speed up the subsequent detailed design calculations, allowing the casing designer to concentrate on high value input and alternative design options. They also support triaxial stress analysis which will permit further optimisation. The material presented in this Guide is aimed at the Drilling Engineer with a knowledge of casing design equivalent to that provided in Round II. It is recommended that a Casing Design focal point be established in each Opco to collate relevant local expertise, develop it further where required, and address more complex issues. This Guide interfaces with other SIPM supported documents, to which reference is made where appropriate. Due attention has been paid to relevant international standards. Local Opco staff may depart from the advice given in this Guide, provided the proper control procedures are followed and documented. This Casing Design Guide is one of the functional documents issued by and with the authority of EPO/51, the Head of Drilling Engineering. Any comments or observations for subsequent revisions are to be documented on the enclosed "change control form" and forwarded to SIPM. This Guide replaces the Casing Design Manual, report EP-50600 of May 1980, which has become obsolete.


Acknowledgements The author wishes to thank all staff in SIPM, KSEPL and Opcos, who have contributed to the compilation of this Guide. He would like to extent this especially to KSEPL staff, who have contributed to the writing of the relevant status documents. In particular are mentioned: D.J.M. Bax, RR/62, on connections G.M. Bol, RR/53, on drilling fluids P.J. Bontenbal, RR/62, on connections F.J. Klever, RR/63, on structural engineering P.J.M. Marchina, RR/55, on rock mechanics R.J. Ooms, RR/63, on structural engineering P. Oudeman, RR/57, on thermodynamics J.H.G. Surewaard, RR/52, on gas kick modelling J.P.M. van Vliet, RR/53, on drilling fluids J.A. Wind, RR/52, on drilling engineering H.W.M. Witlox, RR/63, on structural engineering Special thanks goes to M. Wilcox, RR/52, for coordinating the efforts at KSEPL. Review of the presented material has been conducted by several SIPM staff of whom the following are mentioned for their contributions, constructive comments and remarks: A.L. Carmona da Mota, EPO/51, on drilling engineering T.S. Collard, EPO/53, on production operations J.L. Beijering, EPO/51, on drilling engineering R.G. Dodsworth, EPO/51, on transport and storage R.A.W. Dubbers, EPD/52, on structural engineering H.A. van den Hoven van Genderen, EPD/41, on production technology P.J.P.A. Menger, MAIP/12, on materials procurement D.E. Milliams, EPD/63, on corrosion and materials N.E. Shuttleworth, EPO/51, on drilling engineering Finally, special thanks are due to the sections of R.M. Holsnijders, EPF/54, and J.W. Burggraaff, EPX/39, who prepared the text and supporting figures.

P.J.J. Vullinghs The Hague, December 1992





Introduction Field experience and the results of research carried out both within and outside the Group indicate that casing costs for both exploration and development wells can be cut without compromising safety, and without adverse effects on the environment over the entire life cycle of the well, if an approach to "fit-for-purpose" casing design embodying the following features is adopted: -

early collection of all the relevant data by a multi-disciplinary team [1,2];


selection of the casing scheme which is most cost-effective over the entire life cycle of the well [2];


accurate definition of the various load cases to which each casing string is likely to be subjected [3,4];


accurate evaluation of the ability of the casing string to withstand the applied loads, using: •

conventional uniaxial design methods to determine the overall resistance to internal and external pressure loads, and to the axial loads encountered during installation of the casing, and

triaxial design methods involving detailed calculation of the radial, tangential and axial stresses on each volume element of the casing to determine the resistance to the actual service loads experienced after the casing has been cemented in place.

New design tools [3,4] and technology spearheads [5,6,7] support this approach. This Guide gives full details of SIPM-approved casing design methods having the above characteristics, together with all the background information required for their effective deployment. The present chapter discusses the various functions which casing has to perform, defines the different types of casing used in a well, and describes the casing design process with its different elements - which will be dealt with in full in subsequent chapters.


International standards relevant to casing design are currently in a process of evolution. The position of the various standardisation bodies involved is explained in Appendix 1. Departure from these external standards is acceptable provided this is properly documented and discussed. Purpose of casing For drilling and completing a well it is usually necessary to line the walls of the hole with steel pipe called casing. This casing, together with the cement which holds it in place and seals the annulus [8], performs one or more of the following important functions (see Figure A-1): -

to keep the hole open from sloughing and swelling shales;


to keep the hole open from moving salt formations;


to prevent contamination of fresh-water horizons;


to provide a means of controlling fluid influxes;


to provide a container for drilling and completion fluids;


to confine produced fluid to the wellbore;


to provide a smooth conduit for drilling, logging and completion tools;


to provide a smooth conduit for future casing and tubing strings;


to support wellhead equipment and subsequent casing strings;


to provide a means of anchoring the blowout preventers and Xmas tree.



Casing Types And Functions. The total length of casing run in the well and hung off at the wellhead during a single operation is called a casing string. A liner is a string of casing which does not extend all the way to surface, but is suspended a short distance above the previous shoe. There are five principal types of casing string: 1.

Stove Pipe, Marine Conductor or Foundation Pile;


Conductor String;


Surface String;


Intermediate String(s);


Production String.

The function of these strings is described below and summarised in Panel A-1. See also Figure A-2. 1.3.1

Stove pipe, marine conductor or foundation pile The purpose of this first string of pipe is primarily to protect the incompetent surface soils from erosion by the drilling fluid and, in the event of an offshore application, reduce the wave and current loads imposed on the inner strings. Where the formation is sufficiently stable, this string may be used to install a full mud circulation system. It also serves to guide the drillstring and subsequent casing into the hole. The name given to this string is primarily related to the type of drilling operation: Stove Pipe


Onshore drilling.

Marine Conductor


Offshore drilling with surface BOPs.

Foundation Pile


Offshore drilling with subsea BOPs.

Stove pipes and marine conductors are either driven, drilled/driven or cemented in a pre-drilled hole. The stove pipe often carries the subsequent conductor casing, but once the latter string is cemented the stove pipe is released from this axial load. Therefore, subsequent casing strings will be hung off the conductor casing string. Marine conductors may form a part of the piling system for a wellhead jacket or piled platform and are therefore often designed by the structural engineers. They provide centralisation for the inner casing strings against column buckling, but do not carry direct axial loads except during initial installation of the conductor string. The marine conductors serve to reduce the wave and current loads imposed on the inner casing strings and provide sacrificial protection against oxygen corrosion in the splash zone. On gravity structures, they are also required to minimise the transfer to the inner casings of stresses resulting from platform settlement and rotational movement of the platform. Foundation piles are usually either jetted into place or cemented in a pre-drilled hole. If no Temporary Guide Base is used, they support the Main Guide Base which carries and aligns all future wellhead components, BOPs, Xmas tree and casing/tubing strings for both the drilling and production phases. If a Temporary Base Guide is used, the foundation pile is landed in tension. The foundation pile directly carries both the axial and bending loads imposed on the wellhead by the environment via marine riser and BOP.




Conductor string The conductor string is used to prevent poorly consolidated formations from sloughing into the hole, to provide a full mud-circulation system, to protect fresh water sands from contamination by the drilling mud and to provide protection against shallow hydrocarbons. This string is usually cemented to surface or seabed and is always the first casing on which one or more BOPs are mounted. For onshore wells the conductor string usually supports the wellhead, the BOP, the Xmas tree and subsequent casing strings. For offshore wells with a surface BOP, the conductor string also usually supports the wellhead, the BOP, the Xmas tree and subsequent casing strings. Compressional loads are therefore often the most critical design parameters for this casing. Above the top cement, the conductor must be centralised to prevent column buckling. The annulus between the marine conductor and conductor string is usually left uncemented above the mudline, in order to minimise load transfer from the environment and hence bending stresses in the conductor string. For offshore wells with a subsea BOP, the conductor string is landed on the foundation pile, and stays in tension.


Surface string The next string is the surface string which provides blowout protection during deeper drilling. Its setting depth is often chosen so that it also isolates troublesome formations, loss zones, shallow hydrocarbons, water sands, or protects the build-up section of deviated wells.


Intermediate string This string is used to ensure adequate blowout protection for even deeper drilling, and to isolate formations or deeper hole profile changes that can cause drilling problems. It is recommended to set an intermediate casing string whenever there is a chance of encountering an influx that could cause breakdown at the previous casing shoe, and/or severe losses in the open hole section. A string is therefore nearly always set in the transition zone above or below significant overpressures, and in any potential cap rock below a severe loss zone. Similarly, it is good practice when appraising untested, deeper horizons, to case off the known hydrocarbon intervals as a contingency against the possibility of encountering a loss circulation zone. Obviously this latter advice applies primarily to massive reservoir sections rather than sand-shale sequences with numerous small reservoirs and sub-reservoirs. An intermediate string may also be set to shut off a swelling shale, a brittle caving shale, a creeping salt, an over-pressured permeable stringer, a build- up or drop-off section, a highpermeability sand or partly depleted reservoir that causes differential sticking. The designer should design the well to combine many of these objectives in a single casing point. A liner may be used instead of a full intermediate casing, and difficult wells may contain several intermediate casing strings and/or liners.


Production string This is the string through which the well will be completed, produced and controlled throughout its service life. While on some exploration wells this will amount to only a short testing period, on most development wells it will span a significant number of years during which many recompletions may be performed. In most cases, the production casing will serve to isolate the productive intervals, to facilitate proper reservoir control and to prevent the influx of undesired fluids. In other cases, accumulation conditions are such that the well can be left with an openhole completion below the production string. It is also possible that the casing itself could be used as a conduit for maximising well deliverability, for minimising pressure losses during a frac job, for injecting inhibitor or for lift gas. This may require Annular Safety Valves, which impose severe loads on the uncemented casing. It should be remembered that production operations will affect the temperature of the production casing and impose additional thermal stresses. The loads to which a production casing is subjected are therefore quite different from those imposed during drilling. Care has to be taken in the selection of the steel type and the connections for a production string. Special consideration is required where drilling takes place below the production casing since it may suffer some damage, e.g. in barefoot completions, open-hole gravel packs, liner completions and deep- zone appraisal. In a liner completion both the liner and casing form the production string and must be designed accordingly. The quality of the primary cement job is of paramount importance for the production casing, especially where zonal isolation is critical. It is therefore strongly recommended that the production casing should be rotated and/or reciprocated during cementing. This imposes additional design requirements.


Liner As discussed before, a liner is a string of casing which does not extend all the way to surface, but is suspended a short distance above the previous casing shoe. It is usually cemented over its entire length to ensure a seal with the previous casing string. It is indeed important to ensure that the liner overlap has a good seal. In cases of suspected cement seal quality a mechanical seal, in the form of a liner packer, should be installed. Drilling from a production liner is becoming a common practice. This is an important feature of slimhole and monobore designs, where multiple liners may be used [2]. Although in principle the same types exist as discussed for the casing string above, an additional distinction is usually made between drilling liners and production liners, which are defined as follows. Drilling liners are set: - to provide a deeper and hence a stronger shoe; - to keep the hole open from unstable formations; - to achieve a drilling casing at low cost; - because of rig limitations on tensional loads; - to minimise the effect of a reduced internal diameter on drilling hydraulics. Production liners are set: - to achieve a production casing at low cost; - because of rig limitations on tensional loads; - to allow the installation of a larger flow conduit. Either type of liner may subsequently be tied back to surface with a string of casing stabbed into the top of the liner.


The design process The objective of casing design is to design a set of casing strings, capable of withstanding a variety of external and internal pressures, thermal loads and loads related to the self-weight of the casing. These casing strings are subjected to time-dependent corrosion, wear and possibly fatigue, which downrate their resistance to these loads during their service life. The interaction between the casing strings - which may lead e.g. to annular pressure build-up or wellhead movement [9,10] also merits attention. This section briefly surveys the structure of the process used to arrive at a technically and economically sound casing design. Casing design as described in this Guide is divided into two main phases, preliminary design and detailed design, with the former further subdivided into data collection and casing-scheme selection. As illustrated in Flowchart A-1, it will generally be necessary to repeat these phases in an iterative process to obtain an optimum design [2].

1.4.1 Preliminary design Data collection The outcome of the casing design process is strongly influenced by the quality of the initial datacollection exercise. Chapter C (Design parameters) addresses this issue and reviews the tools required to obtain the necessary information. To be effective, data collection must be carried out at an early stage in the design process, by means of a multidisciplinary team including local Opco staff from the Petroleum Engineering and Operations departments in addition to the casing designer. Recent developments in downhole technology will lead to the introduction of novel ideas resulting in reduced well costs. The casing designer should be familiar with these developments and evaluate their merits for application in his specific case [5,6]. FLOWCHART A-1 : OVERALL STRUCTURE OF THE CASING PROCESS Casing-scheme selection Selection of the optimum (most cost-effective) casing scheme for the anticipated development plan can play a major role in cutting overall well costs, and guaranteeing formation integrity during drilling under all realistic loading conditions [2]. The structure of the selection procedure is illustrated in Flowchart A-2. Casing-scheme selection is a complex matter involving the global issues of well configuration, which are mainly driven by the well objectives and field- development economics. Continual vigilance is required to avoid overdesign and other forms of unnecessary expenditure. It would go beyond the scope of the present Guide to deal fully with all the considerations leading to proper choice of the casing scheme; however, the main lines of this topic are dealt with in Chapter D.


The outcome of the casing-scheme selection is a specification of the minimum external diameter and minimum casing-shoe depth for each casing section in the proposed well. The casing diameter is mainly determined by the availability of downhole drilling equipment and logging tools, and by production requirements determining the sizing of the production or evaluation conduit. The casing-shoe setting depth is usually a function of the strength of the formation to be drilled through and the loads on the wellbore during drilling or lithological/geological related considerations. The total depth of the well will be mainly determined by the well objectives. In general, the preliminary casing scheme selection should be addressed by considering the casing diameters from the inner strings towards the outer strings and by evaluating the casing setting depths from the total depth upwards to surface. The preliminary casing scheme may have to be modified on the basis of the results of later stages of the design process. 1.4.2

Detailed design In the detailed design phase, the casing designer determines the material grade and casing wall thickness for each section of the casing scheme selected, which will allow it to withstand all realistically expected loads throughout the life of the well. The structure of this phase is illustrated in Flowchart A-3. In general, it will be most effective to design the individual casing sections in the order specified in Flowchart A-4. Selection of relevant load Before design calculations can be performed for a given casing section, the casing designer must decide which load cases can realistically be expected to occur. This topic is dealt with in Chapter F. Uniaxial design The design loads for the load cases selected are determined with the aid of the relevant data (see Chapter G). They are compared with the resistances to burst or collapse tabulated in API Bull. 5C2 [11] on the basis of the formulae published in API Bull. 5C3 [12] (see Chapter H), after these values have been corrected to take the influence of corrosion, wear and fatigue (see Chapter I) into account and divided by the relevant design factor (see Chapter K). The casing design obtained in this way is then checked to see whether the casing selected can withstand the loads occurring during installation (in particular the axial forces due to the total weight of the casing string down to the depth considered, and the shock and torsional loads experienced during setting the casing).




The principle of this uniaxial design Process is illustrated in Figure A-3, and the design calculations involved are dealt with in sections 2 and 3 of Chapter G, and sections 1.1 to 1.3 of Chapter H. In general, uniaxial design often leads to a conservative choice of tubular grade and wall thickness. Triaxial design With increasing acceptance of triaxial stress analysis and the appearance of commercial casingstress-analysis software [4,13,14], use of triaxial analysis to optimise casing design is becoming increasingly common. The interrelationship of design loads can now be analysed using a combination of Hooke's law, the Lame equations and the Von Mises yield criterion. These computer analyses relieve the designer of a lot of repetitious calculations and allow him to concentrate on more accurate estimation of the service-life load conditions - a task for which computer software has also been developed [3,4]. As with the uniaxial approach, the influence of corrosion, wear and fatigue should be taken into account before the triaxial design factor is applied. This extension of the design process, made possible by the advent of desktop computing power, should lead to an optimised casing design fine-tuning the simplified conventional approach [4]. Designs that previously did not meet the uniaxial design rules may know be acceptable following a detailed triaxial stress analysis. The principle of triaxial design is illustrated in Figure A-4. The design calculations involved are dealt with in Appendix 6. Further design considerations Connections It is important to ensure that the connections between successive lengths of casing should also withstand the loads to which they are subjected. Recent developments have led to a wide diversity of connection types and sealing compounds for use with casing connections. The salient aspects of connection design are highlighted in Chapter L, with ample references to the relevant literature, as a basis for technically justified selection of the right connection types [15]. Design for special cases The design steps outlined above are applicable to any casing string or liner. However, special design measures are needed to ensure adequate design in special cases such as hightemperature/high-pressure wells, squeezing salt wells and horizontal wells. The special design considerations applicable to such cases are discussed briefly, with ample references to the literature, in Chapter N.


Operational aspects Practical details which need to be taken into account in the design of any casing string are discussed in Chapter O. The casing designer should be familiar with the relevant purchasing specifications [16,17] and should be aware of the procedures and tools available to help the operator responsible for installing and maintaining the casing strings. Early incorporation of these aspects into the design process will yield an optimum design. Probabilistic approach to casing design Probabilistic methods of risk analysis now under development may become applicable to casing design in the future [18,19]. Such methods, permitting quantification of the risk of failure associated with a given casing design, might allow further rationalisation to be brought about. 1.5.

References [1]

SIPM, EPO/51 Proceedings of the PW82 Well Design Workshop - 1-5 October 1990 EP 90-3460


SIPM, EPO/51 Making the most of well planning EP 92-2500


SIPM, EPO/51 OSCP User Guide - version 2.3 EP 91-2156


Pittman, W. Commercial casing design software - detailed evaluation EP 92-0473


SIPM, EPO/5 Management, Technology and Human Resources, Programme 1991-1993 EP 91-3000


SIPM, EPD Technology development programme 1992-1994 EP 92-0350


SIPM, EPO/51 Drilling Spearhead Documentation, Volume 1, 2 and 3 EP 89-0115


SIPM, EPO/51 Cementing Manual, Volume I - Primary Cementing of Casing EP-50500


MacEachran, A. and Adams, A.J. Impact on casing design of thermal expansion of fluids in confined annuli SPE/IADC 21911


Adams, A.J. How to design for annulus fluid heat-up SPE 22871


American Petroleum Institute Bulletin on performance properties of casing and tubing Bull. 5C2, Twentieth edition, 31 May 1987


American Petroleum Institute Bulletin on formulas and calculations for casing, tubing, drillpipe and line pipe properties Bull. 5C3, Fifth edition, July 1989


Klementich, E.F. and Jellison, M.J. A service-life model for casing strings SPE 12361


Klementich, E.F., Jellison, M.J. and Johnson, R. Triaxial load capacity diagrams provide a new approach to casing and tubing analysis SPE/IADC 13434


Bax, D.J.M. (SIPM) and Bontenbal, P.J. (KSEPL) Casing connections Contribution to the upgrade of the SIPM Casing Design Manual EP 92-1563


American Petroleum Institute Specification for casing and tubing Spec. 5CT, Third edition, 1 December 1990


SIPM, EPO/512 Technical suggestions for ordering non-API tubulars DEN 17/92


Payne, M.L. and Swanson, J.D. Application of probabilistic reliability methods to tubular design SPE 19556


Reeves, T.B., Parfitt, S.H.L. and Adams, A.J. Casing system risk analysis using structural reliability SPE/IADC 25693


Appendix 1: International standards for tubular goods


Introduction Opcos may depart from international standards relevant to casing design when it can be well documented that less conservative casing designs still meet stringent demands on safety and environmental friendliness, and comply with local legal requirements. SIPM is working with industry partners (and competitors) to make these international standards reflect this new vision. However, the process of change is justifiably a slow one. This Appendix describes the framework within which these changes will have to be made. The oil and gas exploration and production industry uses a great number of standards developed by a range of organisations and national, regional and international standardisation bodies. A standard is a document providing rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context [1]. The industry uses standards with the specific aim of providing a means to enhance technical integrity, transfer knowledge and carry out business efficiently. It is the E&P industry's goal to foster the development of standards on an international level for the broadest possible application. Worldwide use of the standards is seen as being for the mutual benefit of users and manufacturers [3,8]. The E&P industry has in many areas adopted local, national or regional standards for non E&P-specific equipment such as pressure vessels, lifting equipment, materials, electrical gear, etc. Certain regional or national standards have proven so useful to the E&P industry that they are extensively used and hence basically adopted by this industry. In many areas, American standards and in particular API (American Petroleum Institute), ASME (American Society for Mechanical Engineers), ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials), NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineers) and NFPA (National Fire Protection Agency) Standards provide the upstream industry with standards that support activities worldwide. ANSI (American National Standards Institute) is the recognised standardising body for the USA [2]. However, new developments are underway, as explained hereafter. The E&P industry is adapting to the changing political and economic climate. Until recently the API was the leading oil industry organisation. With the upcoming European Market the situation is changing. The Committee for European Normalisation (CEN) and the International Standards Organisation (ISO) seem to be setting the pace [3,4]. For many years, API's Committee 5 the Committee on standardisation of Tubular Goods has been involved with the international use of its standards. The manufacturing and use of tubulars has recently expanded to all corners of the world. Committee 5 has extended its membership to qualified users and manufacturers regardless of their location. As a result, the tubular- goods standards have developed the necessary provisions needed in any international standard. During the recent years Committee 5 has worked with CEN representatives from the European Community (EC) to prepare for EC 1992. Some progress has been made [5]. Topics that have been discussed include Oil-Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) and line-pipe items, and the Committee 5's goal is to review all the topics and to handle the higher priority items that might help the EC transition before the opening of the European Common Market in 1992 [5]. Committee 5's latest effort is to gain ISO approval and acceptance of many of the existing API standards. Several Committee 5 documents are now under review [5]. SIPM has a clear view on standardisation, as defined in [1,6,7]. SIPM uses so called Group Standards. Group Standards are generated with the specific aim of providing a means to enhance technical integrity, transfer knowledge and carry out business efficiently. It is Group policy: • to rely, to the maximum possible extent, on External Standards; • to aim for minimum additional requirements in Group, Opco and Project Standards; • to actively, pursue the proper technical/commercial authorisation processes whereby variations are justified, both for technical and business reasons; •

to consistently improve the quality of Group Standards by creating/ maintaining feedback loops between users and Custodians of Standards;

to positively influence External Standards bodies, thereby increasing the number and improving the quality of External Standards applicable to Group use.

In the next paragraphs the organisations that have developed and are maintaining E&P standards are reviewed in more detail.


American Petroleum Institute (API) Some of the equipment used for exploration and production is highly specialised and designs were developed, based on many years of experience, to cater for the specific needs of this industry. The API in particular has played a significant role in developing standards for those areas which are unique to this specialised industry. API has served the E&P industry since 1923 and developed standards initially for domestic U.S. use, and later for broad international use as the industry spread around the world [8]. API is involved in International Standards through its activities as Technical Advisory Group Administrator to ANSI [2]. API Committee 5 - tubular goods specifications and publications The API has appointed a Committee, named Committee 5, on Standardisation of Tubular Goods which publishes, and continually updates, a series of Specifications, Standards, Bulletins and Recommended Practices covering the manufacture, performance and handling of tubular goods. They also license manufacturers to use the API Monogram on material that meets their published specifications, so that field personnel can identify materials that comply with the standards. Their pronouncements are almost universally accepted as the basis for discussions on the properties of tubulars. However, this does not mean that everyone accepts the published performance data as the best theoretical representation of the parameters. The forum consists both of users and manufacturers. API Committee 5 documents The documents published by Committee 5 of particular relevance to casing design and specification are described below. 1. API SPEC 5CT, "Specification for casing and tubing". Covers seamless and welded casing and tubing, couplings, pup joints and connectors in all grades. Processes of manufacture, chemical and mechanical property requirements, methods of test and dimensions are included. 2. API STD 5B, "Specification for threading, gauging, and thread inspection for casing, tubing, and line pipe threads". Covers dimensional requirements on threads and thread gauges, stipulations on gauging practice, gauge specifications and certifications, as well as instruments and methods for the inspection of threads of round thread casing and tubing, buttress thread casing, and extreme line casing, and drill pipe. 3. API RP 5A5, "Recommended practice for field inspection of new casing, tubing, and plain end drill pipe". Provides a uniform method of inspecting tubular goods. 4. API RP 5Bl, "Recommended practice for thread inspection on casing, tubing and line pipe". The purpose of this recommended practice is to provide guidance and instructions on the correct use of thread inspection techniques and equipment. 5. API RP 5Cl, "Recommended practice for care and use of casing and tubing". Covers use, transportation, storage, handling, and reconditioning of casing and tubing. 6. API RP 5C5, "Recommended practice for evaluation procedures for casing and tubing connections". Describes tests to be performed to determine the galling tendency, sealing performance and structural integrity of tubular connections. 7. API BULL. 5A2, "Bulletin on thread compounds". Provides material requirements and performance tests for two grades of thread compound for use on oil field tubular goods. 8. API BULL. 5C2, "Bulletin on performance properties of casing and tubing". Covers collapsing pressures, internal yield pressures, and joint strengths of casing and tubing and minimum yield load for drill pipe. 9. API BULL. 5C3, "Bulletin on formulas and calculations for casing, tubing, drillpipe and line pipe properties". Provides formulas used in the calculations of various pipe properties, also background information regarding their development and use. 10. API BULL. 5C4, "Bulletin on round thread casing joint strength with combined internal pressure and bending". Provides joint strength of round thread casing when subject to combined bending and internal pressure. Items under review In 1987 Committee 5 formed an ad hoc group to develop a list of topics that caused difficulties with the application of specifications in the use and the ordering of products. Enquiries under consideration that will have substantial impact on the specifications are listed below [5]. 1. The adoption of a super-K grade in the minimum strength level of 65,000 to 70,000 psi and the elimination of grade K-55. 2. Combination of Grades P105 and P110 into a single grade with modified strength levels. 3. Evaluation of test frequency on tubular goods and couplings. 4. The effect of full-body normalising on corrosion. 5. Better methods of evaluating electric resistance weld tubular seams. 6. Inspection methods to include transverse and ID inspections. 7. Premium connections for casing and tubing. 8. Toughness requirements for casing, tubing, drillpipe, and couplings. 9. Suitability of NACE testing of C-90 and T-95 thin-wall tubulars. 10. Quality limits. 11. A complete revision of STD 5B. Shortcomings of API standards The API emphasises "voluntary, consensus standards." The consensus results from the participation of manufacturers and users. However, manufacturers generally oppose any additional specification restrictions. Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) manufacturer attendance significantly exceeds user attendance at committee meetings. This continues to lead to products that are several years behind those currently being purchased by knowledgeable operators using their upgraded specifications. 1.6.3

International Standardisation Organisation (ISO) ISO describes itself as "the specialised international agency for standardisation". Its members are the national standards organisations of 91 countries. ISO publishes International Standards emanating from several Technical Committees and sub-committees. ISO is governed by a Technical Board comprising one representative from each national body. The Central Secretariat coordinates ISO operations, administers voting and approval procedures, maintains and interprets the Directives that set out the procedures and rules, and publishes the International Standards. ISO is responsible for all fields of international standardisation except electrical and electronic. ISO Technical Committee 67 (ISO/TC 67) oil industry matters ISO/TC 67 was reactivated in 1988, because the international upstream industry was increasingly recognising the need for good international standards that could be accepted and applied worldwide. As part of the reactivation, the scope of ISO/TC 67 was extended to the standardisation of the materials, equipment and offshore structures used in drilling, production, refining and the transport by pipelines of petroleum and natural gas. The work programme developed was primarily in the fields of drilling and production but also includes machinery and equipment used in refining and petrochemicals. 1.6.4

Committee for European Normalisation (CEN) CEN is the European counterpart of ISO. It consists of the members of the national standards organisations of the EC countries. It aims to achieve the goal of the EC, i.e. to improve the international competitive position of European industry. One of the methods to achieve this is the removal of technical trade barriers by: - harmonising standards (with emphasis on health, safety and environment) into European Norms (ENs); - introducing directives (which will become law at national level, referring to relevant ENs); - harmonising certification. Testing and certification in Europe are reviewed in [9].


Cooperation between ISO, CEN and API As all CEN-members are also ISO members, a close cooperation exists. The cooperation between ISO and CEN has been formulated as follows: "It is declared policy of the community that whenever possible CEN/CENELEC shall implement international standards in a uniform way but where international standards have not yet been developed or where existing standards need to be adapted to European situations, CEN and CENELEC will develop ENs in anticipation of international ones." As part of the Harmonisation Legislation for Europe 1992 the EEC commission requested the CEN to introduce ENs. As the upstream oil and gas industry is dominated by API standards, the CEN requested the ISO to investigate the feasibility of converting API standards into ISO standards and subsequently into ENs. It was decided to divide the API standards into three classes: -

Class 1: API standards to be circulated by the ISO central secretariat under the "fast-track" procedure, meaning 1-2 years [10].


Class 2: API standards to be further discussed to modify them prior to submittal to the ISO.


Class 3: API standards requiring significant study prior to moving forward as international standards.

In 1988 API offered more than 70 of its Standards to ISO, to be the basis of International Standards. In 1989 an ISO Advisory Group classed several of these as suitable for adoption without technical modification and ISO/CS agreed to "fast-track" these to become International Standards. "Fast-Track" means that the API document is given an ISO Number, front cover and foreword but is otherwise presented as is. So far API Bull. 5C3, API RP5Cl and API Std 5B have been "fast-tracked". The ISO foreword addresses issues such as equivalent references to American national references, certification and the API Monogram. The industry is now three years into the process of "transferring" API Standards. It is no longer seen as appropriate that all the API Standards offered should become ISO Standards. Some may be better left with API because the helpful and discursive style of many (RPs and Bulletins in particular) is lost when re-formatted to comply with ISO Directives.


References [1]

SIPM, MFSO/3 Procedural Specification - DEP Publications DEP


Wilson, D.E. Internationalisation of oil industry standards OTC 6921


Arney, C.E. Toward one set of international standards for the petroleum industry worldwide OTC 6922


Thomas, G.A.W., Throp, G. and Jenham, J.B. The upstream oil and gas industry's initiative for international standards OTC 6920


Bartlett, L.E., Kohut, G.B, Dabkowsky, D.S. and McGill, R. Activities of the API Committee on Standardisation of Tubular Goods SPE Drilling Engineering, September 1991, 215-218


SIPM, EPO/7 Standardisation Spearhead-Standardisation Pointers EP 90-3300


SIPM, EPD/15 Standardisation Spearhead - A Progress Report EP 90-3301


E & P Forum Position Paper, Development and Use of Standards March 1992


Gundlach, H.C.W. Testing and certification in Europe OTC 6924


E& P Forum Report of Status of "Fast - Track" API Standards in ISO (monthly report) January 1992


Introduction This part of the Casing Design Guide deals with two important operations which must precede the detailed casing design calculations: data collection (Chapter C) and preliminary selection of the casing scheme for the planned well, specifying the minimum casing diameter and minimum casing shoe setting depth for all strings (Chapter D). Fit for purpose design is impossible without early collection off all the relevant data. This should be done by a multidisciplinary team. Chapter C discusses the types of data required for casing scheme selection and the subsequent detailed design calculations, and indicates briefly how these data should be processed to produce suitable input for the design process. Appendix 2 shows, by way of example, a number of data-collection sheets for single-string ventures. As discussed in Chapter D, casing diameters should be the minimum feasible given the formation evaluation requirements and drilling and production equipment sizes. Recent developments in drilling, evaluation and completion techniques have increased the application of slimhole drilling and monobore completions to allow for slimmer casing-scheme selection. Casing setting depths are determined by comparing formation strength with the loads to which the formation may be subjected. The primary method of estimating formation strength is still the use of leak-off and limit tests, though other methods are available and under development. The main means of determining wellbore pressure loads during drilling, mud circulation and tripping is physical modelling. SIPM recommends use of the HYDRAUL and SWABSURGE computer models, available via OSCP, for this purpose. For the modelling of wellbore pressure loading during well control Shell Research, Rijswijk, has developed the relevant software, WELLPLAN/ WINDOWS, which will be available by mid-1993. The basic elements of rock mechanics are reviewed in Appendix 3. Leak-off and limit tests are discussed in Chapter C, and recommended procedures for carrying them out are given in Appendix 4. Appendix 5 gives an example of the calculation of for Nation strength from the results of leak-off tests.


Design parameters


Introduction Considerable effort is required from the Petroleum Engineering and Operations departments when planning, designing and drilling/completing a well. In view of the high costs of these operations and the severe penalties attached to failure, the data set used for casing design must be as complete as possible right from the start. Some of these data are laid down in the development plan, well proposal or well objectives. However, in depth and "fit-for-purpose" casing design demands more detailed information on all strata to be penetrated. This chapter is specifically aimed at stressing the importance of a good, complete data set, collected by a multidisciplinary team, prior to the design of a well. The relevance of the data set will be addressed and examples will illustrate how the data can be presented. The topic of data collection is not covered exhaustively in this chapter; it is the task of the Opco to establish a structured data-collection organisation including at departments involved, and to arrange for internal audits to highlight shortcomings in the data flow [1]. The parameters involved will be called the design parameters. This chapter will mainly address the basic geological and reservoir related design parameters that the casing designer requires from various departments prior to the design of a well. These are: the lithological column, the formation-strength, pore-pressure and temperature profiles, the hydrocarbon composition and the H2S/CO2 concentrations. Derived design parameters such as required mudweight or gaslift pressure will not be discussed here. It will be clear that the design parameters can be obtained either from actual measurements or from (computer-based) modelling tools. Reworking and translating these data into a usable format will obviously assist all parties involved. Several Opcos are now streamlining their data flow [2], others have developed special data-collection sheets (see Appendix 2). In simple terms, casing design then involves use of the relevant design parameters, as discussed in this chapter, in the design equations presented in Chapters G, H and J, for the relevant load cases discussed in Chapter F.


Lithological column The lithological column is the description of the sequence of formations that are prognosed to be present in the well to be drilled. Every formation has its characteristic properties with regard to formation strength, drilling problems , reservoir potentials, etc. Advanced knowledge of these properties will be time and cost saving. Lithological information is important in casing design for the following reasons: -

The column may provide a warning for potential drilling and casing hazards (see Figure C-1).


The parameter will assist the Drilling Engineer in making a tentative design of the depth for the various casing shoes, as the type of formation and its depth will give a good indication of formation strength. More details are to be found in the formation breakdown profile paragraph.


The presence (if an aerobic environments can be an indicative for H2S which may be formed by bacterial action. More details to be found in the H2S/CO2 profile paragraph.


In combination with offset well pore pressure profiles potential over/under pressure zones may be predicted. More details on this topic are to be found in the pore pressure profile paragraph.

In case of an exploration well the casing designer may not have much information available. Well planning and design will be based entirely on information from seismic and regional geological information. However, with the progress of time and the increase of the available data the geological prognosis can be compared to the actual lithological column as shown in Figure C-2. The geological summary sheets reflect in a concise way all the relevant mud logging data. Common data bases, like EPIDORIS, will supply more detailed information on the drilling related activities. This local information could be further summarised to reflect a base case lithological column. Figure C-1 gives an example. Note that the predicted depths always have an error margin. The reason is that the prognosed depth is derived from a two way travel time of a soundwave through the various formations. Seismologists and geophysicists quantify these margins leading to a shallow or deep estimation. Narrowing this margin down will lead to a more "fit-for-purpose" well design. 3.3

Formation-strength profile


Introduction Formation strength refers to the ability of rock to withstand a certain load without failure. Rock failure and the opposite, formation integrity are important phenomena in Petroleum Engineering. Different measures of formation strength are used in the different disciplines in the industry: •

Geology, e.g. modelling of geological structures, trapping mechanisms of hydrocarbon accumulations and mechanisms of overpressures.

Drilling Operations, e.g. casing setting depth, maximum safe drilling depth and losses caused by circulating pressures, surge pressures, and cementing operations,

Production Operations, e.g. well killing, sand control operations and well stimulation.



For a complete theory of Rock Mechanics we refer to a suitable textbook or manual [271. A good summary of the aspects relevant to the Drilling Engineer is presented in Appendix 3 [3]. The main importance for casing design is the relation between wellbore pressures and the ability of the borehole wall to contain wellbore fluids, both for an intact and a fractured borehole. The following paragraphs will address the relevant definitions, followed by the evaluation and description of the different formation strength test methods. The preferred test method will be discussed to offset the accuracy of the results against the risk to reduce the formation strength. 3.3.2

Borehole failure The mechanism of borehole failure can be shown and discussed with the results of a typical formation breakdown test, (see Figure C-3). In a plot of the downhole pressure exerted on the formation of a closed-in well versus time (or volume pumped), several characteristic points can be identified. Figure C-3 Relation between leak-off, formation-breakdown, fracture-propagation, fractureclosure and instantaneous shut-in pressures. FIGURE C-3 : RELATION BETWEEN LEAK-OFF ,FORMATION-BREAKDOWN,FRACTURE PROGRATION, FRACTURE-CLOSURE AND INSTANTANEOUS SHUT-IN PRESSURE

Initially, the pressure - time relationship is linear. The Leak-Off Pressure (LOP) is the pressure at which the curve deviates from the initial linear build-up.This deviation is associated with a noticeable intake of fluid into the formation either by filtration through the mudcake or by the formation of small cracks in the borehole wall. At the Formation Breakdown Pressure (FBP) the borehole wall fails and a major fracture is initiated. Powered by the decompression of the wellbore fluid, this fracture grows almost instantaneously and the wellbore pressure reduces sharply. The stress concentrations around an intact borehole provide the strength of a borehole. Once formation breakdown has occurred, these stress concentrations disappear, and the strength of the borehole is reduced to the minimum in situ stress of the formation. This explains the reduction in strength of a fractured borehole. If pumping is continued, the fracture propagates into the formation in a controlled manner, and the pressure stabilises at the Fracture Propagation Pressure (FPP). Due to the frictional pressure losses in the fracture, the FPP will increase if the flowrate increases. When pumping is stopped, flow into the well and into the fracture stops almost immediately; frictional pressure losses disappear, and the pressure drops to a value called the Instantaneous Shut -In Pressure (ISIP). At this stage, the fracture is open, but does not propagate any more.

The fluid in the fracture then leaks away, through the faces of the fracture into the formation, and the pressure decreases. The pressure at which the fracture closes is the Fracture Closure Pressure (FCP). It can be shown that this pressure is equal to the minimum in-situ stress. After the fracture has closed the fluid leaks away very slowly, through the mud cake into the formation. The pressure will, given enough time, reduce to the hydrostatic pressure of the mud column. There is no clear transition between these last two situations on the pressure decay curve. Techniques have been developed to derive the FCP, by determining the intersection between the two "trend" lines in the pressure time plot. If the fractured borehole is pressured up again, the fracture opens up at the Fracture Reopening Pressure (FRP), which in most cases is equal to the FCP. The fracture continues to propagate at the FPP. The original FBP will not be reached anymore; the strength of the borehole is reduced compared to the original unfractured situation. In some situations the strength of the borehole may be restored. This process is called "clay-healing". However, the mechanism is not understood, and should not be relied upon. 3.3.3

Formation-strength gradient and equivalent mud weight Formation strength is often expressed as a gradient by dividing the pressure by the true vertical depth relative to a reference level. This way formation strength measurements at different depths can be compared and formation strength can be related to mud weight. The different conventions are given below. In geophysics and rack mechanics, the Formation Breakdown Gradient (FBG) is calculated by dividing the FBP by the true vertical thickness of the overburden. This way formation strength and overburden gradient can be compared. The conversion is different for land and offshore wells, (see Figure C-4): Land wells : FBG =

Offshore : FBG =

FBP d form − dfe

(relative to surface)

FBP − ρ sw x (d seabed − d FWL ) (relative to surface) d form − d seabed



(Similar expressions can be given for LOG, FPG and FCG.) However, for Drilling Engineering in casing design and for well control, the Formation Breakdown Pressure is expressed as an equivalent mud gradient. This is the mud gradient of a mud that will give a hydrostatic pressure equal to the FBP at the formation of interest. This can be calculated as follows: ρFB form =

FBP d form

(relative to derrick floor) (C-3)

(Similar expressions can be given for þLO, þFP and þFC , for LOP, FPP and FCP resp.) where:


dform dfe dFWL dseabed ρsw

= = = = =



true vertical depth of the formation below derrick floor drillfloor elevation above reference level (usually ground surface) true vertical depth of Free Water Level, below derrick floor depth of seabed below derrick floor seawater density (equivalent mud gradient) equivalent mud gradient of the FBP.

Measuring the formation strength Introduction Formation strength measurements are performed to determine the strength of the wellbore. This information is used for planning of subsequent downhole operations and provides a database for future well designs in the area. Different methods exist for determining the strength of a formation: •

Limit Test or Leak-Off Test - During these tests the well is slowly pressured up, taking care not to break down the formation. As soon as a predetermined pressure is reached or when leak-off is observed, the test is stopped. These tests confirm that the wellbore can withstand the test pressure without breakdown of the formation.



Formation Breakdown Test - The well is pressured up until formation breakdown is observed. The test is sometimes continued with a series of fracture opening and closing cycles (microfrac, minifrac test). The results of these tests will give information on the state of stress of the formation, (e.g. minimum and intermediate in-situ stress, see Appendix 3).

Measurements on core material - These measurements will give additional information on rock properties and the orientation of the in-situ stress.

Wireline testing - Several new wireline tools for improved rock property evaluation or formation strength measurement are under development and will become available in the near future.

Analysis of “loss events” - The strength of the open hole can be inferred from a careful analysis of any operational event that causes losses. If losses occur, they should be treated as an opportunity to derive valuable information.

The different tests are carried out with different objectives. In this paragraph, the methods and objectives of each type of test will be addressed, and the advantages and disadvantages of each type will be discussed. Available measurement methods Limit tests and leak-off tests Leak-off and Limit tests are carried out during the actual drilling of the well. The BOP is closed around the drillpipe, and the well is slowly pressured up, using mud. Usually the pressure is measured and recorded at surface, but for high mud weights the application of downhole gauges with a surface read out should be considered. At the first indication of fluid leak-off into the formation the pumping is stopped. Limit tests are carried out until a pre- determined test pressure is reached. The test pressure is usually determined by the minimum formation strength required to drill the next open hole section. Leak-off tests are carried out until leak-off is observed. In Appendix 4 a detailed procedure is given for the preparation, execution and reporting of Limit and Leak-off tests. An example of a typical trend curve for a leak-off test is shown in Figure C-5. The formation should not be fractured during a Limit or Leak-off test. If the pressure suddenly drops during the test, this may be an indication of formation breakdown. This should be treated as an opportunity to determine FBP and FCP (see formation breakdown test on next page). The objective of a Limit or Leak-off test is to: •

investigate the capability of the formation in open hole below the casing shoe to withstand pressure;

confirm the quality of the cement bond around the casing shoe.


The results of the tests will be used to plan the operations in the next hole section and design subsequent wells in the same area by: -

calculating the Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure (MAASP) for well control purposes;


confirming the soundness of the well design by checking the maximum safe drilling depth, against the planned depth;


preventing losses to the formation during subsequent drilling operations (during circulating, tripping, running casing and cementing);


storing and analysing the information in a database, for future well design optimisation, contingency planning and regional geological studies. This will result in graphs like Figures C-6, C-7 and C-8.

Formation breakdown test During a formation breakdown test, the well is closed in at the BOP or wellhead, and is slowly pressured up until formation breakdown is observed. Then pumping is stopped, and the pressure decay curve is recorded until the pressure stabilises. The test may be continued with another pumping period, to determine when the fracture re-opens. This test will determine some real strength properties of the borehole and the formation (FBP, FCP and FRP ). If the pore pressure and overburden stress are known, the minimum and intermediate in situ stress can be estimated, using Eq. App. 3-6 to Eq. App. 3-9.



These data can be used to: - plan the operations in the next openhole section; - design subsequent wells in the same area; - construct a regional in-situ stress model and provide a good formation strength prediction. A simple example calculation is provided in Appendix 5. 'This shows how the FBP for a future well can be predicted based on a given dataset. Note the dependency of the FBP on the hole angle. It should be noted that after a formation breakdown test the maximum pressure to be applied to the formation in the FCP. Microfrac test, minifrac test During a microfrac or minifrac test a fracture will be created and a series of fracture opening, fracture propagation and fracture closing cycles are carried out. The pressure at which the fracture opens and closes will be measured over a number of cycles. For a minifrac test, the injection rate during each of the pumping cycles is higher , and the injection volume larger than for a microfrac test. Methods and procedures for carrying out these tests are described in [4]. A micro-frac test requires little more effort than a formation breakdown test, but provides more accurate data on in-situ stress and additional data on fracture propagation. It is therefore preferred to carry out micro frac tests. Mini-frac tests also provide accurate data, but will only be carried out for well stimulation planning. Results are used to: - construct a regional in-situ stress model and provide a good formation strength prediction; - design well stimulation treatments by the determination of the fluid loss coefficient. Measurements on cores More information on the ratio of horizontal in-situ stress and the properties of rock can be obtained with rock mechanical measurements on core samples. Examples of such measurements are: - thick walled cylinder tests; - unconfined compressive strength tests; - triaxial strength test; - differential strain analysis; - inelastic strain recovery tests; - compaction experiments. Wireline testing Some wireline evaluation tools may offer additional information related to in-situ stress and formation strength: - With Borehole Geometry Surveys inferences can be made about the orientation of the in-situ stress. - Sonic Evaluation - Measurement and processing of shear wave and compressional wave velocities may give some elastic rock properties (Poisson's ratio and Young's modulus). Under some specific assumptions, the ratio between the effective vertical stress and the minimum horizontal effective stress can be derived from these measurements. This allows the minimum in-situ stress to be calculated. New concepts and tools for improved formation strength testing are under development: - Several service contractors are developing tools to perform a small formation breakdown test downhole between inflatable packers. Typical results are formation breakdown, fracture propagation and fracture closure pressures. - Downhole acoustic emission measurement techniques may offer a better way to determine impending formation breakdown during a formation strength test. This method has so far only been proven under laboratory conditions, and is not yet commercially available.

Analysis of "loss events" Formation strength may also be inferred from a careful analysis of some "drilling events". These could be situations where losses are observed during drilling, tripping, cementing or a well control situation. These events should be treated as an opportunity to derive some real formation strength data [26]. The mechanism that induced the losses should be identified, and the pressures that occurred at the moment the losses started will be an indication of the FBP. The sequence of events after formation breakdown, may give some information about the minimum in-situ stress. There is no uniform method to perform the analysis. It requires common sense, and a commitment to improve the regional strength model. A system should be in place to gather and process formation strength data acquired this way. Choosing the right method The process of deciding which formation strength testing method to choose is characterised by two, usually conflicting considerations: •

the required accuracy and significance of the results;

the requirement to avoid the risk of reduced formation strength, caused by formation breakdown.

In the design stage a trade-off has to be made between the risk of formation strength reduction and the need for realistic formation strength data. These two aspects are discussed below. Accuracy of formation strength testing method The different methods for formation strength testing are summarised in the table below. They are given in order of increasing accuracy and significance of the results. Laboratory tests and wireline testing methods are not mentioned here, because they only offer additional information or are not yet operationally available. A successful Limit test only confirms that the Formation Breakdown Pressure of the formation below the casing shoe is higher than the limit pressure (LP). If the required capacity is confirmed, drilling can continue. However, little is actually learned about the formation itself, and therefore, this information cannot be transferred to other wells. The occurrence of Leak-off is the first indication related to the strength of the borehole and the mudcake. It is traditionally used as an indication of impending formation breakdown, and the LOP has been often used as an estimate of FBP or minimum in-situ stress. However, the use of the Leak-off test as a method to characterise formation strength has the following drawbacks: -

Sometimes breakdown occurs without indications of Leak-off.


Leak-off is dependent on parameters that are not related to formation strength (e.g. mud type, length (if the open hole section, whether any natural or drilling induced fractures are exposed, borehole condition).


Leak-off testing relies on subjective interpretation of the engineer. Interpretation is difficult, especially in unconsolidated formations.


Leak-off tests do not repeat well. Leak-off pressures tend to increase with time, especially in sandstone.


Leak-off pressures have been shown [5] not to correlate closely with other, more significant formation strength parameters (for example FBP and FCP or minimum in-situ stress).

During a Formation Breakdown test, the FBP is determined, and the FCP can be estimated. The FCP is equal to the minimum in-situ stress, which is to be preferred as a measure of formation strength. Its value is not dependent on the mud or the borehole orientation or geometry, and can be correlated regionally from well to well. Knowledge of the minimum in-situ stress also offers the possibility to predict FBP for nearby wells at different deviations (see Eq. App. 3-6 to Eq. App. 3-9). A micro-frac or mini-frac test allows the minimum in-situ stress to be derived with a higher degree of accuracy. Data from these tests can be used to derive regional models of in-situ stress and formation strength. Additional information about fracture propagation is obtained from these tests. This can be used to design well stimulation treatments.


Operational considerations The main consideration that constrains the selection of the formation strength testing method is the risk that the reduction in formation strength of a fractured wellbore, jeopardises the success of the well. The magnitude of the reduction in strength after formation breakdown is unknown, and it is not certain that "clay healing" will restore the strength of the wellbore. For an optimum well design, the predictions of the formation strength at the scheduled casing shoes must be as accurate as possible. The accuracy of the prediction depends on the validity of the formation strength model and the accuracy, significance and amount of available formation strength data. If no data are available, assumptions have to be made about the state of stress and only a rough estimate can be made of formation strength. This will usually result in a sub-optimal well design, (either conservative or over-optimistic). If data from one or more offset wells are available, the basic assumptions on the state of stress can be confirmed, and the accuracy of the prediction increases. If enough high quality data (e.g. micro frac, mini frac or formation breakdown data) are available, a regional strength model can be derived, which will allow a more optimal well design. For some areas in the world formation strength data have been used to determine the relationship between minimum horizontal stress, depth and pore pressure (see Figure C-8). Correlation formulae exist for the Gulf Coast, Venezuela, Brunei, the North Sea and The Netherlands [6,7]. The application of numerical programs, like STABOR [8], will assist in the model formulation, since wellbore collapse case analysis can be performed and add to the understanding.


In area where formation strength determines well design, it is recommended that Opcos develop similar correlations. To enable this, it is recommended that formation breakdown tests or microfrac tests are carried out, to determine FBP and FCP, (and the state of stress). If operational considerations do not allow these tests to be performed during drilling, it should be considered to do these tests on abandonment of wells, or in existing wells. In view of the importance of stress and strength data, not only for subsequent wells, but also for the production phase (e.g. sand failure, compaction, stimulation, etc.) no opportunities should be missed to perform these tests which are relatively cheap in the drilling phase.


Pore-pressure profile The pore pressure profile is an important design parameter for casing design, in terms of both setting depth selection, and required casing capacity for burst as well as collapse loading. See Figure C-9 for an example of the influence of the pore pressure profile on the required number of casing strings. FIGURE C-9 : PRESSURE-DEPTH GRAPH FOR CHAMPION ULTRA DEEP(CP-236)

The pore pressure is the pressure of the fluid in the pore spaces of the formation. Pore pressures are often expressed as gradients relative to a reference level. In geophysics and rock mechanics, this is the "Free Water Level" FWL, (i.e. seawater level offshore or ground water level on land, see also Figure C-4). The pore pressure gradient can be expressed as follows: PPG =

Po d form − dFW L


However, for Drilling Engineering, and for well control specifically, the pore pressure is expressed as an equivalent mud gradient relative to the derrickfloor: ρo =

Po d form


where: ρo


equivalent mud gradient of pore pressure



pore pressure



true vertical depth of the formation below derrick floor



true vertical depth of Free Water Level, below derrick floor

Note that pore pressure gradients should not be confused with the density gradient of the pore fluid which is discussed in the hydrocarbon profile paragraph.

For Drilling Engineering purposes pore pressure regimes are classified by their equivalent mud gradients:

A discussion of the geological cause of the different pore pressure regimes falls outside the scope of this chapter; for reviews see [9,10,11]. The frequently occurring mechanisms are summarised below. Pressure anomalies can be caused by a number of reasons: • Hydrocarbon column - One of the important causes of overpressures experienced in the industry is the presence of oil and gas. The magnitude of the over-pressure is determined by the length of the column and the difference in density between formation water and hydrocarbons. • Compaction dis-equilibrium - Over-pressures may be caused if formation fluids can not be expelled at a rate in balance with normal compaction of sediments. As a result a substantial part of the will be carried by the pore fluid and a reduced part by the rock matrix. As a result pore pressures may be very high, potentially up to lithostatic gradients. This type is usually associated with rapid sedimentation rates. •

Aquathermal pressuring - Over-pressures may be caused when the temperature of a sealed body of water filled sediments is increased. The thermal expansion of water is substantially higher than that of rock, which subsequently causes an increase in pore pressure.

Clay diagenesis - Clay diagenesis is the release of interlayer water from certain clays due to a combination of temperature, ionic activity and, to a lesser extent, pressure. This process results in a net increase in volume or, if the expansion is restricted, in an increase in pore pressure. Other types of phase change are also associated with over-pressures (e.g. Gypsum to Anhydrite, ice to water, Serpentine dehydration). Mechanical uplift - Mechanical uplift (tectonic activity, diapirism, faulting/erosion) of isolated reservoir sections without pressure release may result in over-pressures.

• •

Charging - Pressures may be transmitted through permeable layers. Formations at a considerable distance from the origin of the over-pressures may be charged. This mechanism may also be man-induced (e.g. internal blowouts, loss of formation fluids, bullheading).

Pressure depletion due to formation fluid production - The production of hydrocarbons normally lead to a reduction in the pore pressure below its original value.

Information on pore pressures may be derived from offset wells and from regional geological models. Various other techniques may give indications of over pressures, (geophysical/geological studies, seismic interpretation studies). Software, like DRILLWORKS/PREDICT, has been developed to assist in this evaluation [12]. In addition, most mudlogging contractors offer pore pressure evaluation services. These are based on an analysis of drilling data, mud properties, gas indications, cuttings and cavings observations. Most of the techniques have been developed for pore pressure evaluation in areas where over pressures are related to undercompaction (Gulf Coast), and may not work in other environments (for example the North Sea). During the drilling of a well, pore pressures can be inferred from an analysis of the drilling operation during a reservoir fluid influx (e.g. drilling kick or swabbed kick). In reservoirs of sufficient porosity and permeability, pore pressures can be measured with wireline tools (e.g. RFT ) after the well has been drilled. Evaluation of petrophysical (wireline and MWD) data allows the determination of the behaviour of pore pressures in shales [13].

While drilling an exploration well there is virtually no pore pressure information available. The only indication for pressure anomalies then consists of velocity anomalies on seismic profiles. After a first well has been drilled, a base case pore pressure profile is available. Limited data correlation may then be possible (see Figure C-10 for an example). However, for appraisal and development wells the available pore pressure data will have increased and possible special studies will have been carried out. Based on this data set an accurate presentation of the pore pressure profile can then be constructed. See Figure C-9 for example. Recently attempts have been made to address the frequency distribution of overpressures in an area [2]. This would permit creation of a tool for risk management and optimised design. Figure C-11 shows a typical pressure prediction sheet for such a distribution and allows for the quantification of a worst case or most likely design scenario. FIGURE C-10 : EXAMPLE OF A PORE PRESSURE PROFILE



Especially in areas where over pressures are expected, an extra effort is required to generate accurate pore pressure profile [14]. By combining pore pressure data of several wells regional geopressure maps for each important formation may be created (see Figure C-12). The most recent advances and problems in the understanding off overpressures are evaluated in a KSEPL report [1-5]. 3.5

Temperature profile The earth's core is a heat source. This energy flows from the molten interior to the crust, resulting in a temperature gradient with reducing depth. Hence, with increasing depth the temperature of a formation and the pore fluid it is containing increases. Temperature depth data eventually results in a geothermal gradient map (see Figure C-13). FIGURE C-13 : PRESENT-DAY NORTH SEA GEOTHERMAL GRADIENTS(°C/km)

During drilling and subsequent operations on a well (e.g. production, injection, fraccing/acidising, etc.) temperature changes from static geothermal gradient will induce thermal loads on casing strings.



The forces/displacements caused by these changes in temperature can be of considerable importance for: -

Laterally unsupported sections of casing which may buckle due to the forces resulting from thermal expansion/contraction of the strings.


In sealed annuli, the pressure changes caused by thermal expansion/contraction of the fluids between the casings can lead to collapse/burst of strings.


Well growth due to thermal expansion must be taken into account in e.g. platform and facilities design.


Reduction of yield strength hence reduction of pipe load bearing capacity at elevated temperature has to be taken into account.

The above effects will be of particular importance in development wells in which the temperatures during drilling/completion are widely different from the temperatures under production/injection conditions, e.g.: Large temperature changes do occur in: - High pressure/high temperature wells in which near surface temperatures, initially as low as 60°F (15°C) or less may eventually approach temperatures over 350°F (177°C) after prolonged periods of production. - Steamsoak operations, in which the wells are cycled over a large temperature range. - Injection wells, where during Prolonged injection the temperature at bottom will approach the temperature of the liquids at surface. Temperature predictions are also important for sour service casing design, as the grade selection is a function of the temperature. In order to make the predictions as accurate as possible, various computerised prediction programs have been developed [16,17,18,19]. By providing such programs (e.g. TEMPEST) with offset measured well data and regional maps (Figures C-14 and C-15) as input, accurate temperature profile predictions may be obtained (see Figure C- 16).


Hydrocarbon properties The exact hydrocarbons properties are dependent on the type of buried organic matter, time of burial and pressure and temperature after this burial (metagenesis). Hydrocarbons encountered may consist of fluid or a mixture. Under reservoir conditions the hydrocarbons will have other properties than under surface conditions. A good description of the relevant fundamental knowledge of reservoir engineering can be found in [20]. FIGURE C-16: TEMPERATURE-PROFILE PREDICATION GENERATED BY THE TEMPEST PROGRAM

The casing designer uses the hydrocarbon properties to calculate the burst design loads. The load resulting from the complete displacement of the casing to gas or the pressure loads resulting from an influx circulation during well control are dependent on these properties. An important design parameter is the average density of the hydrocarbons when completely filling the wellbore. Figures C-17 and C-18 are summaries of specific Opco data for average gas gradients. These clearly show the dependency of gas gradients of composition, pressure and depth and hence temperature. Therefore, it might be required that offset well samples from production tests are analysed for the specific PVT data to establish the area specific values. Another design parameter of interest is the compressibility factor (Z-factor). The compressibility factor can be interpreted as a term by which the pressure must be corrected to account for the departure from the ideal gas equation. This correction can have a significant influence on the design pressure value when, for example, calculating the kick-pressure profile. Figure C-19 gives the compressibility factor as a function of reduced pressure and temperature [21].





H2S, C02 and non-hydrocarbon formation fluid composition H2S and CO2 are gases which have a strong corrosive effect on tubulars. Forecasting their presence and concentration is essential for a choice of a proper casing grade and wall thickness and for operational safety purposes [22]. Tentative forecasts can be made after data gathering and a presentation on the basis of regional occurrence maps like in Figure C-20. FIGURE C-20 : REGIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF H2S LEVELS (FROM TESTS )

Carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide are commonly associated products of decomposed organic matter such as hydrocarbons. Both components can be formed while hydrocarbons are migrating through gypsum from the source rock to the reservoir. Also the type of formation can give an indication with regard to the presence of H2S. In anaerobic environments like black carbonaceous shales, hydrogen sulphide can be formed by the action of certain bacteria. The presence of H2S is of particular concern because of the rapid occurrence and potentially disastrous consequences of sulphide stress corrosion cracking in casing. The NACE definition for these "sour" conditions is an H2S partial pressure over 0.05 psia (0.34 kPa [23]. For a well with a bottomhole pressure of 10,000 psi 168,950 kPa), this represents an H2S concentration of 5 ppm.CO 2 is a potential threat if it is dissolved in water. Combined information of H2S and CO2 concentration bottomhole pressure and temperature will provide all information necessary for future sour service and corrosion design. These data usually becomes available after analysis for samples from production tests of offset wells. Apart from the gases mentioned above, casing can also be subjected to corrosive attack opposite formations containing corrosive fluids. Corrosive fluids can be found in water rich formations and aquifers as well as in the reservoir itself [24]. Corrosion Management in Operations is a fully SIPM supported development to structure corrosion control in the Opcos [25]. Specially developed databases can assist in the reduction of related problems.


References [1] NAM Technical Safety Audit report on well planning process 30 October - 7 November 1989 [2]

Shell Expro Aberdeen Prospect Data Package: Guidelines and Example


Wind, J.A. and Marchina, P., KSEPL Formation strength for casing design Building Blocks for the Update of the 1980 Casing Design Manual EP 92-1454


de Bree, P. and Walters, J.V., KSEPL Micro / Minifrac test procedures and interpretation for in-situ stress de termination Int. J. Rock Mechanics, Mining Science and Geom Abs. 26, No.8, 1989, 515-521


Davies, D.R., KSEPL Effect of (estimated) formation strength parameters on casing design policy and, practice, notably exploration and appraisal Contribution to 1984 production technology conference, 1984 drilling conference, BSP, Brunei, July 1984


Breckels, I.M., KSEPL Relationship between horizontal total stress and depth in sedimentary basins, Part II Brunei,Venezuela, the North Sea and the Netherlands EP 08-4153


Breckels, I.M. and van Eekelen, H.A.M., KSEPL Relationship between horizontal stress and depth in sedimentary basins EP-52950


Wong, S.W. and Kenter, C.J., KSEPL Borehole stability analysis part 1: theoretical formulation of STABOR RKRS 91.15, 59-64


Mouchet, J.P. and Mitchell, A. Abnormal pressures while drilling Elf, Boussens, 1989


Fertl, W.H. Abnormal formation pressures Developments in Petroleum Science Engineering Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1976


Bourgoyne, A.T., Chenevert, M.E., Milheim, K.K. and Young, F.S. Applied drilling engineering, Vol. 2 SPE text book series, Richardson, Texas, 1986


Alixant, J.L., KSEPL DRILLWORKS /PREDICT. Software for interactive pore-pressure and fracture-gradient evaluation EP 92-0322


Eaton, B.A. The equation for geopressure prediction from well logs SPE 5544,1975


Alixant, J.L., KSEPL Pore pressure evaluation while drilling - notes on KSEPL visit to SFDC EP 91-1792


KSEPL, various authors Pressures Research Workshop abstracts KSEPL, Rijswijk, 20-22 November 1991


Oudeman, P., KSEPL Casing temperature calculations with TEMPEST Contribution to the revised Casing Design Manual EP 92-0521


Marsden, G., KSEPL THERMOSTAT - A program for probabilistic subsurface temperature mapping RKRS 92.GY1, 1-6


van Kleef, R.P.A.R. and van Lieshout, J.B. CEMTEMP User Manual EP 88-0983


Pittman, W. Commercial casing design software - detailed evaluation EP 92-0473


Dake, L.P. Fundamentals of reservoir engineering Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1986


Redlich, 0. and Kwong, J.N.S. On the thermodynamics of solutions: V. An equation of state. Fugacities of gaseous solutions Chem. Rev. 44,1949,233-244


SIPM, EP Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) in production operations EP 55000-32


National Association of Corrosion Engineers Sulphide stress cracking resistant metallic materials for oilfield equipment MR0175-91, Houston, Texas


Tuttle, R.N. Corrosion in oil and gas production J.Pet.Tech., July 1987, 756-762


Evans, B., Hamer P. and Milliams, D. Corrosion Management in Operations Production Newsletter, March 1992, 5-6


Wind, J.A., KSEPL Lost circulation, one -opportunity to derive formation strength data EP 92-2508


Veeken, C.A.M., KSEPL Rock Mechanics Manual SIPM/KSEPL (in preparation, issue date end 1993)


Casing-scheme selection


Introduction Casing-scheme selection can have a substantial effect on the overall well costs and should be considered with the greatest effort and depth having due regard to issues relating to safety and the environment. While the detailed design phase dealt with in Chapters E to M wi11 address the structural integrity of the well, casing-scheme selection is based on evaluation of more global issues of well configuration which are driven by field development economics [1]. The basic sequence of events in the casing-scheme selection process is illustrated in Flowchart D-1. The output of this process is a preliminary well configuration specifying the minimum casing diameter and the minimum casing-shoe setting depth for all strings. This serves as input for the detailed design phase. The casing diameter is mainly determined by the availability of downhole drilling equipment, logging tools and production requirements. The casing shoe setting depth is usually a function of the strength of the formation to be drilled through and the loading the wellbore will be subjected to during the drilling operation. This chapter does not describe the casing-scheme selection process in full. The objective here is merely to give the casing designer a basic understanding of the structure of this process and the nature of its output


Minimum casing diameter The determination of the preliminary casing sizing is the most important phase of casing design in terms of well costs [1]. Below the screening criterion is presented against which the initial casing scheme should be compared. Latest relevant developments and considerations for well configuration improvements have been summarised. If any further information regarding specific problems or scenarios is required, Opcos are advised to contact SIPM for further assistance. The latest technology development programs are documented in [2] and [3]


Design criterion The preliminary casing scheme selection should contribute maximum monetary value, without compromising safety and environment, to the total field development. This rule is applicable to exploration and appraisal as well as development wells. By considering the well objective in detail this requirement can be achieved for exploration and appraisal wells by taking the latest evaluation techniques into account [4]. For development wells alternative completion systems should be considered [5]. Consequently, by determining the well configuration from the inside working outwards, the most cost effective casing scheme should be selected [6].



Well configuration and minimum casing diameter The final hole size or production tubing determine the well configuration. It will be clear that the production conduit diameter may not necessarily be small. It is the task of the casing designer to engineer the most cost effective well around the final hole size or the production conduit. Such a design would be called a Slimline well design, which should be differentiated from the term Slim Hole Drilling, Evaluation and Completion (SHDEC). SHDEC is drilling, evaluation and completion technology which allows fully engineered 6 ¼ in (0.1588 in) and smaller holes, while a Slimline well is a well with a cost effective design around an optimal production conduit or hole size. It should be noted that in some Opcos the term Cost Effective Casing Design (CECD) or Tight and Small Clearance Casing Design is used instead of Slimline well design. Within Shell, the SHDEC development has been associated with small diameter holes (6¼ in (0.1588 in) and smaller) and has meant a general break-through in drilling, evaluation and completion technology [19]. Small hole sizes can now be reliably planned in the preliminary design phase or as a contingency. While 6¼ in (0.1588 m) and 5 7/8 in (0.1492 in) holes are 3 already, routine in. some Opcos, 4 /4 in (0.1207 m) and smaller holes represent a more significant challenge. Annular clearances will obviously reduce in these tighter casing schemes. The Section on Slimhole casing design in Chapter N will guide the casing designer to which aspects to be addressed. Panel D-1 [1] shows various casing schemes for various conduit sizes together with some critical 5 parameters. It will be clear that even an optimised 9 /8 in (0.2445 m) tubing well can be called a Slimline well. Further optimisation will be possible by adopting tighter clearances, upgrading tubular strength due to tighter manufacturing tolerances, etc. Contingencies should be justified on the basis of an explicit probability analysis. It is perceived by many that frequently too much contingency is included in designs at unnecessary cost. Slimming down requires a more widespread use of drilling and production liners. The improved integrity of liner hangers and reduction of casing wear due to the use of mud motors support a careful re-consideration of established principles. In the following paragraphs a range of options for well improvement initiatives is shown. An attempt has been made to cover extreme ends of the scale, from conventional to highly advanced. Not all the options are fully mature. They are shown to stimulate thought and discussion and are waiting on a profitable application. For Exploration and Appraisal wells mainly the advances on evaluation techniques have been summarised. For Development the improvements on well completion techniques has been displayed.

PANEL D-1 WELL CONFIGURATION Exploration and appraisal wells Major advances in evaluating small hole sizes have created a situation in which little compromise is necessary compared to old fashioned hole sizes. See Panel D-2 [1] for an overview of the available slimhole logging tools. The ability to test the well at adequate flow rates represents perhaps the most critical factor with respect to the conduit size and well configuration. See Panel D-2 [1] for the available slimhole size production test strings. Also the minimum diameter of core material may play a role in selecting the hole size across coring intervals it is recommended to critically review the requirements and possibly consult Shell Research, Rijswijk, before committing to costly hole sizes. Panel D-2[l] gives an overview of the required core sizes as a function of the core measurement. Coring After Drilling (CAD) is emerging as a valuable option. This technology allows full mud log and electric log evaluation before picking core intervals. Development wells To facilitate a structured explanation of key factor, a production well is visualised as an inflow system and an outflow system. Inflow system Technological advances allow boosting of the well inflow to a considerable extent, all be it at a cost. In many cases, it will be profitable to maximise well inflow. Panel D-3 [1] illustrates it variety of options together with some critical parameters. The Well Inflow Quality Indicator (WIQI) is a measure of impairment. For oil wells, this factor equates to the ratio PI (actual)/PI(theoretical, excluding any avoidable inflow damage). The Productivity Index (PI) is the production rate per unit applied drawdown. Hence, the WIQI can be interpreted as the actual stabilised production rate divided by the ideal production rate at the same drawdown. The ideal rate is derived by excluding any avoidable inflow damage. The determination of the WIQI is not always unambiguous, but a consistent method of calculation will provide valuable trend information. Another factor is the Production Improvement Factor (PIF). The PIF is the ratio PI (horizontal)/PI (vertical), or more generally PI (new inflow system configuration/PI (conventional vertical. Note that WIQI and PIF are two independent factors, each of which offer a tremendous optimisation potential. However, as explained earlier an overall project net present value (NPV) generation, duly accounting for costs, should be used as a decision yardstick, not the Absolute value of the WIQI or PIF.



Outflow system The outflow system is essentially a conduit with flow controls and, where necessary - artificial lift or pressure boosting facilities. Figure D-1 [1] provides an indication of the flaw rates that can be achieved as a function of conduit size, Figure D-1 Approximate flow rates for liquid and gas as functions of conduit size FIGURE D-1 : APPROXIMATE FLOW RATES FOR LIQUID AND GAS AS FUNCTIONS OF CONDUIT SIZE

The smallest suitable conduit diameter should normally be selected to handle current and future well flow to permit the design of the most economic well configuration around the conduit. Sensitivity analysis taking due account of the estimating accuracy should provide the clue to the most profitable conduit diameter selection. Selecting a universal conduit character for an entire field based on the maximum flow rate may be wasteful. It is essential when considering a well's full life cycle that future artificial lift be addressed up front, as this may have a major impact on well design (minimum acceptable casing diameter, conduit size, sand control policy). Artificial lift systems include screw pumps, intermittent gas lift, plunger lift, beam pumping, hydraulic jet pumping, through to higher horse power advanced multiphase ESPs and gas lift. Selection of an artificial lift system will be influenced by several factors; principally the production rate and depth, but also existing infrastructure, like gas availability, electrical power, hydraulic power, and reservoir parameters (productivity, GOR, sand, depletion policy). A manual on artificial lift is artificial being developed in SIPM.


As for pipeline technology, the concept of ullage, unused capacity, may be considered. Ideally development wells would operate with a low ullage, which would indicate that the selected conduit diameter closely matches the well inflow. In high ullage wells, i.e. poor producers it should be considered to create, when possible more inflow in order to use the tubing capacity and to enhance vertical flow stability. In some instances it may be more advantageous to drill a larger number of lower capacity, low cost development wells rather than a small number high cost high capacity wells. The completion is the hardware of the outflow system. Some recent developments are summarised on panel D-4 [1]. The monobore completion (MB) is a completion with fullbore access across the payzone, without diameter restrictions, but not necessarily with a constant diameter from top to bottom [5]. Several Opcos have now successfully implemented this system. The MB concept optimises the opportunity for well intervention through the Xmas tree, i.e. rigless, and is applicable to any completion diameter. By working through the Xmas tree, many operations can be conducted without killing the well, which mitigates impairment. The MB concept in conjunction with High Integrity Corrosion Resistent (HICR) tubing may offer very profitable characteristics in situations with high rig re-entry costs. The low job cost sand relatively light rig-less well intervention equipment will facilitate a rapid response to changing well conditions. Production losses during concurrent operations may be lower compared to major workovers. MB technology and modern tools allow better measurement and control of multiple zones in the same wellbore. Established principles must be reconsidered in the light of these new options. 4.3

Minimum casing-shoe setting depth The minimum casing shoe setting depth is usually driven by several considerations as for example: - to isolate overlaying instable formations; - to isolate overlaying shallow hydrocarbons; - to isolate overlaying lost circulation zones; - to isolate overlaying fresh water horizons; - to prevent failure of formations by induced circulating pressures during drilling operations like circulating, drilling and tripping; - to prevent failure of formations by induced circulating pressures during well control operations when closing in and circulating out an influx. The first four considerations depend on local Opco procedures and are location specific. The last two considerations will be discussed in depth in this chapter. These are applicable for all casing strings. Additional requirements for marine conductors are discussed in [7,8]. During the last two events the wellbore below the actual casing shoe under consideration will be subjected to several different types of pressure loads. These pressure loads will have to be compared to the capacity of the wellbore to be able to contain these pressures or, in the event of wellbore failure, not to result in uncontrollable fracture propagation. The comparison of the greatest loading on the wellbore with the wellbore strength will lead to the determination of the minimum casing setting depth. Below the SIPM criterion for casing shoe setting depth for these considerations is explained. This is followed by a discussion on the wellbore loading resulting from well control, drilling, circulating and tripping operations. The design parameter which finally defines the wellbore strength will be expanded upon.


Design criterion The primary consideration is to prevent failure of the formation at the casing shoe and the formation in the open hole section below must remain intact under all realistic load conditions. Additionally, if the wellbore fails, the well design must allow a stable situation to exist for the damaged well. These two requirements can be expressed as a relation between the pressures in the well, the load, and the strength of the wellbore. These are: -

The estimated Formation Breakdown Pressure (FBP) of any formation below the casing shoe should not be exceeded during normal operating conditions, including well control, drilling, circulating and tripping.


The mud weight gradient, required to balance the anticipated pore pressures in the open hole section, should never be higher than the estimated equivalent mud gradient of the Fracture Closure Pressure (FCP) in any of the formations in the open hole section.

If these requirements are met, the well bore will not fracture, and the well will not experience uncontrolled losses under design conditions. These design conditions relate to the maximum influx that can be closed in and circulated out, and to the maximum circulating rate and trip speed to be experienced. In addition, if the formation accidentally fractures and a loss or kick/loss situation develops, it will be possible to return the damaged well to a stable situation, without significant gains or losses, once the well has been circulated to mud. This procedure is to be followed for any casing string, usually starting at the total depth (TD) and working upwards. The following two tables present a few scenarios and most likely consequences of bore hole failure [9]. From these tables above dual requirement has been derived. Additional literature about the consequences of wellbore failures can be found in [10,11,12].




Determination of wellbore pressure load As discussed in the previous paragraph the wellbore will be subjected to several pressure loads during drilling operations. This paragraph will address the determination of these loads by dividing them into two groups: -

Pressure loading during drilling, circulating and tripping operations.


Pressure loading during well control operations. Pressure loading during drilling, mud circulation and tripping The determination of the pressure loading on the wellbore when drilling, tripping or circulating can be established by applying physical models. The presently available SIPM supported computer models are HYDRAUL and SWABSURGE, available via OSCP [13] Swab and surge experiments have been performed in oil based mud to validate these models [14]. It was established that transient pressures induced by pipe accelerations can be much higher than the pressures created by constant tripping speeds. The pressures induced at the bit due to tripping will propagate through the whole well to bottom. Gelling does not seem to have a significant effect on the swab and surge pressures induced. Both swab and surge pressures are induced in either of the pipe movement directions. SWABSURGE is capable of estimating swab and surge pressures reasonably accurately as long as the tripping speed is constant. Pressure loading during well control The determination of the pressure loading on the wellbore when circulating out an influx can be divided into two aspects influx volume determination and wellbore pressure calculation. Recent advances in Shell Research Rijswijk on the topic have been documented in [15]. For the determination of the well specific design influx and for the calculation of the wellbore pressure loading, the kick pressure profile, an integrated single bubble model has been developed [16]. The casing designer is responsible for establishing this design influx and the relevant wellbore pressure. The locally applied detection techniques, shut-in procedures and level of training all influence the value of this volume. Therefore a computer program, WELLPLAN/WINDOWS, will be made available to assist in the calculations. The implemented model contains the following features. 1) Influx volume calculation for kicks during drilling, after pump shutdown or for a swab kick, taking into consideration: - transient production behaviour of the reservoir; - the rate of penetration into the reservoir; - the detection of the kick on flow rate out increase or pit volume increase including the hidden volume factor [17]; - the effect of loss of annular friction on the production rate of the reservoir when the pumps are shut down after detection of the kick; - the reaction time of the drilling crew after detection of the kick; - the shut-in method [18]. This model makes it possible to calculate the design influx under a given set of circumstances, instead of relying on a default value such as 100 bbls (16m³) or a 12¼" hole. As illustrated in Figure D-2, taking a more realistic locally established estimate of the well influx e.g. 4 bbls (0.6 m³) assuming fast kick detection and control response or 55 bbls (8.7 M³) assuming slow response has an appreciable effect on the calculated kick pressure profile and hence on the casing setting depth selected.


2) Wellbore pressure, i.e the kick pressure profile, calculation during the killing phase with a kick volume obtained from above calculation. The kick pressure profile is calculated considering: - a temperature profile in the well during mud circulation; - the gas compressibility factor : Z-factor; - the wellbore deviation in the planned trajectory. The effect of this advanced model on the kick pressure profile is illustrated in Figure D-3 and shows a reduction in the design pressure load compared to the description of the gas behaviour as per PV = Constant. FIGURE D-3 : ADVANCED WELLBORE PRESSURE MODEL REDUCES DESIGN PRESSURE LOAD

With the increase of data above calculations may have to be repeated during the well drilling phase [19].


Determination of wellbore strength Formation strength, as discussed in detail in Chapter C, is the other critical design parameter for casing shoe setting depth. With respect to this parameter two significantly different phases can be distinguished: Well design phase: In this phase the preparation of the best estimate of the lithological model, formation strength profile and pore pressure profile is addressed. This will determine the number and setting depths of casings. Well drilling phase: In this phase the measuring and reporting of formation strength parameters is addressed. Confirmation and updating of the well design assumptions, if necessary, can change the well design. In addition, the data should be properly documented and stored. Formation strength • Prediction Gathering of data on formation strength is an integral part of casing design. It is important during both the design and the drilling phase. The establishment of a good regional model of formation strength is of great importance for the optimisation of future wells and for optimal field development planning. This data gathering has extensively been addressed in the Chapter C on Design Parameters [9]. In the design phase, a best possible estimate will have to be made of the formation strength. This may be done using an advanced regional formation strength model, offset well data, or a simple empirical relationship for those wells, where no other data is available. However, in the absence of a more accurate formation strength model, the leak off pressure (LOP) of offset wells should be used as a conservative approximation for the formation breakdown pressure (FBP). Also the minimum in-situ stress, i.e. the fracture closure pressure (FCP), can be approximated using this LOP value in the equations derived in the Chapter C on Design Parameters. •

Measurement During the drilling phase, the assumptions of the FBP made during the casing design phase must be checked by carrying out Limit or Leak-off tests. For every well, a Limit or Leak-off test should be carried out at each casing shoe. If drilling through a BOP from the conductor casing will be done, a test below this conductor casing shoe should be scheduled. If drilling will be carried out below a production casing, it should be considered as another intermediate casing and a normal Limit or Leak-off test should be carried out. In addition, a Limit or Leak-off test should be repeated at every formation where the FBP can be expected to be significantly less than the strength measured during the previous test, and where further drilling will be done in that section. Note that during a Leak-off test, the exposed formations have been subjected to higher pressures than the LOP. The highest pressure applied during the test could be used as a less conservative estimate for the FBP, because it has been confirmed that the formation still does not break down under this load. If this FBP estimate is used, also a less conservative value for the minimum in-situ stress (FCP) can be determined. If a Leak-off test is repeated, the last observed result should be used as the maximum pressure that the formation can be subjected to, because this measurement will give the beat indication of the current strength of the open hole [9]. The Chapter C on Design Parameters expands on the relevant aspects of (repeat) testing and reporting. In general the above methods for establishing the formation strength result in a conservative value. When drilling wells in new areas, or in those cases where additional regional information is valuable, it should always be considered to carry out a more complete formation strength test, including formation breakdown. This way, useful data on formation breakdown, fracture closure and in-situ stress can be obtained. The advantage of a good theoretical/empirical formation strength model, may well offset the risk associated with a small reduction in formation strength caused by a fractured casing shoe. If operational considerations do not allow these tests to be performed during drilling, it should be considered to conduct these tests on abandonment of wells.


References [1] SIPM, EPO/51 Making the most of Well Planning EP 92-2500 [2] SIPM, EPD Technology development programme 1992-1994 EP 92-0350 [3] SIPM, EPO/5 Management, Technology and Human Resources, Programme 1991-1993 EP 91-3000 [4] Worrall, R.N, van Luijk, J.M., Hough, R.B., Rettberg, A. and Makohl, F., KSEPL An evolutionary approach to slimhole drilling, evaluation and completion SPE 24965, KSEPL Publication 1129, 1992 [5] Ross, B., KSEPL Innovative slimhole completions SPE 24981, KSEPL Publication 1130, 1992 [6] SIPM, EPO/51 Drilling Spearhead Documentation, Vol. 1, 2 and 3 EP 89-0115 [7] SIPM, EPD/5 Practice for the analysis and design of marine conductors EP 87-0160 [8] SIPM, EPD/51 Conductor setting depth EP 89-1245 [9] Wind, J.A. and Marchina, P., KSEPL Formation strength for casing design EP 92-1454 [10] Kooijman, A.P., KSEPL A review of the literature on cratering related to subsurface safety valve setting depth EP 90-3071 [11] Walters, J.V., KSEPL Internal blowouts, cratering, casing setting depths, and the location of subsurface safety valves SPE 20909 [12] Kooijman, A.P., KSEPL Simulation of cratering related to internal blowouts - Small- scale tests RKRS.92.DW1 [13] SIPM, EPO/51 OSCP User Guide - version 2.3 EP 91-2156 [14] Surewaard, J.H.G., KSEPL Preliminary study of swab and surge pressures in oil-based mud EP 91-0253 [15] Hage, J.I., Surewaard, J.H.G. and Vullinghs, P.J.J. Application of research in kick detection and well control KSEPL Publication 1116, 1992 [16] Surewaard, J.H.G., KSEPL Improvements to the influx volume calculations and the single bubble kick model EP 92-0984 [17] Surewaard, J.H.G., KSEPL Progress report on Well Control Part 1: Kick detection and shut-in procedures EP 91-2404 [18] Surewaard, J.H.G., KSEPL Comparison of well-control shut-in procedures RKRS.92.DW2 [19] SIPM, EPO/51 Pressure control manual for drilling and workover operations EP 89-1500


Appendix 2 : Well information forms This appendix presents, by way of example, a number of date-collection sheets developed by various Opcos to support the structured collection of well data to be used for casing-design and other tasks. For the sake of simplicity, the examples presented here are for single-string ventures. Larger projects would require more complex data collection sheets.








Appendix 3 : Basic aspects of rock mechanics


Introduction This section addresses the mechanical behaviour of a fluid filled borehole in an elastic isotropic homogeneous rock formation. It focuses on the failure mechanism of a borehole and on the way various parameters can affect the integrity of the borehole wall. From [1,2,3,4] it can be concluded that the borehole pressure required to reach tensile failure depends on: - tensile strength of the rock - state of stress in the formation; - orientation of the wellbore with respect to the state of stress; - shape of the wellbore cross section; - wellbore fluid penetration into the rock; - chemical interaction between the wellbore fluids and the rock.


State of stress Definitions, conventions State of stress: The state of stress is a description of the internal loads in a solid (for example a rock), generated by external loads acting on the solid. For an elementary volume element with perpendicular planes and a given orientation the state of stress is described by the normal stresses and shear stresses on each of its planes. It can be shown that there is a certain orientation of this volume element, for which only normal stresses exist. These stresses are called the principal stresses, and their orientations are called the principal stress directions. In rock mechanics most of the stresses are compressive (for example, overburden in the field and confining stress in the laboratory). It is therefore convenient to chose compressive stresses and pore pressures as positive. In order to be consistent with the literature [1,2], this convention is used in this guide. Effective stress: Schematically, external forces applied on a rock will be of "carried" partly by the grains of rock and partly by the pore fluid. The stress induced in the rock grains is called the effective stress. It is denoted with a "dash", and can be expressed according to Terzaghi's relationship as follows: σ'= σ - po

(App. 3-1)

where : σ' =

effective stress

σ po

the stress corresponding to the external force (total stress) the pore pressure.

= =

This concept is very important in rock mechanics because the overall behaviour of rocks is governed by the effective stresses. In situ-stress state The in-situ stresses are the stresses present in an undisturbed virgin formation. They are a result of the combination of the weight of the overburden, the elastic behaviour of the rock and the effect of the tectonic regime. Geological zones can be classified as normally stressed or tectonically stressed. In a normally stressed formation, the major principal stress is usually vertical, and equal to the overburden. The two other principal stresses are then horizontal, and their magnitudes are (slightly) different. In this report we use the following convention: Normally stressed :



overburden, vertical

σ2, σ3 horizontal σ1 > σ2 > σ3 Tectonically stressed areas will typically be zones where there are active faults, salt domes, or zones with compressive regimes (e.g. foothills). In these zones, the principal stress directions may not be vertical or horizontal and their determination, although more important in such a case, may be more difficult than in a normally stressed zone. Methods exist to determine the state of stress in a formation. The vertical stress (the stress exerted by the overburden) can be obtained by the integration of a density log. Fracture closure data (from formation breakdown tests, mini or micro-frac tests or well stimulation operations) will give the magnitude of the minimum in-situ stress. The intermediate in-situ stress magnitude and orientation can be deduced using a variety of laboratory techniques (e.g. Differential strain analysis or Acoustic velocity anisotropy). In many cases the in-situ stress is not known. For wells where no formation breakdown data from offset-wells is available, regional stress models and stress trend curves may be used. These curves give the magnitude of the minimum in-situ stress with depth from correlations based on regional data [10,11]. They are representative for certain tectonic conditions only, and may not be generally applicable. It is recommended that Opcos develop these regional stress models and trend curves as a joint effort between petrophysics, geology and operations departments. Pore pressure The pore pressure is the pressure of the fluid in the pore spaces of the formation. Pore pressures are often expressed as gradients relative to a reference level. In most disciplines in the industry, this is the "Free Water Level" FWL, (i.e. seawater level offshore or ground water level on land, see also Figure C-4). The pore pressure gradient can be expressed as follows: PPG =

po d form − dFW L

(App. 3-2)

For drilling operations, and well control specifically, the pore pressure is often expressed as an equivalent mud gradient relative to the derrickfloor: ρo =

Po d form

where: ρo Po dform dFWL

= = = =

(App. 3-3)

equivalent mudweight of pore pressure pore pressure true vertical depth of the formation below derrick floor true vertical depth of Free Water Level, below derrick floor

Pore pressure gradients should not be confused with the density gradient of the pore fluid.

Pore pressure regimes are classified by their pore pressure gradients: TABLE OF PRESSURE REGIMES TYPES AND PORE PRESSURE GRADIENTS

A discussion of the geological causes of the different pore pressure regimes falls outside the scope of this report; for reviews, see [5,6,7]. Especially in areas where over pressures are expected, an extra effort is required to predict an accurate pore pressure profile. Information on pore pressures may be derived from offset wells and from regional geological models. Various other techniques may give indications of over pressures, (geophysical/geological studies, seismic interpretation studies). During the drilling of the well, pore pressures can inferred from an analysis of the drilling operation during a reservoir fluid influx (e.g. drilling kick or swabbed kick). In addition, most mudlogging contractors offer pore pressure evaluation services. These are based on an analysis of drilling data, mud properties, gas indications, cuttings and cavings observations. Most of the techniques have been developed for pore pressure evaluation in areas where over pressures are related to undercompaction (Gulf Coast), and may not work in other environments (for example the North Sea). In reservoirs of sufficient porosity and permeability, pore pressures can be measured with wireline tools (eg. RFT) after the well has been drilled. Evaluation of petrophysical (wireline and MWD) data sometimes allows the determination of the behaviour of pore pressures in shales [8].


Borehole failure - rock mechanics Rock tensile strength Borehole failure is usually governed by tensile failure. Tensile failure is defined to occur when the wellbore fluid pressure is such that the minimum effective stress at the borehole wall reaches a negative value, :equal to the rock tensile strength (T): σ'r,θ,z = - T


where: r,θ,z are the coordinates of the "borehole coordinate system", (see Figure App. 3-1). FIGURE APP. 3-1 : BOREHOLE STRESSES AND COORDINATE TRANSFORMATION OF IN-SITU STRESS

Although intact rocks do have a tensile strength (tensile stress needed to fail a rock sample), this strength is generally small. In addition, any small defect in the rock structure (e.g. a natural fracture) considerably lowers this value. Therefore, in this chapter, the rock tensile strength is assumed to be zero, and failure is assumed to occur when: σ'r,θ,z = 0

(App. 3-5)

This is a conservative assumption for formations with a certain tensile strength. For other formations however, (e.g. naturally fractured carbonate rock and shales, or unconsolidated formations,) this assumption is certainly realistic. Theoretical relationship : wellbore strength - state of stress Appendix A of [9] gives the equations for the effective stresses at the borehole wall as a function of the (far-field) in-situ stresses (Equation A.4 in [9]). From these equations, it can be seen that the orientation of the wellbore with respect to the in-situ stress influences the state of stress at the borehole wall. If a perfectly cylindrical borehole is drilled in a normally stressed formation without fractures, and a perfect mud cake prevents flow of fluids into the formation, it is possible to calculate the FBP for a few simple cases. Results derived in [9] are repeated below: • • • •

vertical well,and FBP = 2σ3 - po

σ2 = σ3 : (App. 3-6)

vertical well, and σ2 > σ3 : FBP = 3σ3 - σ2 - po

(App. 3-7)

deviated well and σ2 = σ3, ( where θz = deviation) : FBP = 2σ3 - (σ1 - σ3) sin²θz - po

(App. 3-8)

for a well deviated in the direction of σ2, and σ2 > σ3: FBP = 3σ3 - σ2 - (σ1 - σ2) sin²θz - po

(App. 3-9)

This shows that FBP data from one well can not be used for casing design of another well, without taking into account the orientation of the in situ stresses with respect to the wellbore. Eq. App. 3-6 to Eq. App. 3-9 can be used for converting FBP data from one well to the other. If the well is not deviated into σ2 the direction the more advanced literature should be addressed [9]. Examples of analysing and correcting FBP data from other wells are given in Appendix 5. In some situations it is possible that the FBP is lower than the minimum in-situ stress for example if σ2 is considerably larger than σ3 (see Eq. App. 3-7), or in a highly deviated well, (see Eq. App. 3-8). If this is the case, a fracture will be initiated but may not propagate away from the wellbore. This is because the state of stress around a borehole reaches the far field stress state only a short distance away from the wellbore, (typically within two wellbore diameters).The maximum allowable wellbore pressure in this case is determined by the minimum in-situ stress. FIGURE APP. 3-2 : FORMATION BREAKDOWN GRADIENT AS A FUNCTION OF HOLE DEVIATION

This is illustrated in Figure App. 3-2 which shows the behaviour of the formation breakdown gradient (FBG) with deviation for two different in-situ stress conditions, (σ2 > σ3 and σ2 = σ3 ). It should be realised that the FBP is strongly dependent of the condition of the borehole and the mud cake. Borehole rugosity or the presence of natural or drilling induced fractures will significantly lower the FBP. Fracture propagation If the wellbore pressure exceeds the FBP, a fractures is initiated from the borehole wall, in a direction determined by the orientation of the in-situ stresses in the near wellbore region. After the fracture propagates away from the wellbore, it will always be oriented in a plane perpendicular to the minimum stress [2]. The stress acting across the faces of a closed fracture is equal to the minimum in-situ stress. A fluid filled fracture will close when the pressure in the fracture drops below the minimum in-situ stress (FCP), and an existing fracture will reopen when the fluid pressure in the fracture becomes higher than the minimum in-situ stress (FRP). An existing fracture, in communication with the wellbore, starts propagating when the wellbore pressure exceeds the ISIP. The difference between FCP and ISIP depends mainly on the characteristics of the rock (i.e. fracture toughness and Young's modulus). The FPP increases with an increase in injection rate. The difference between ISIP and FPP is mainly caused by fluid friction in the fracture. Wellbore strength in fractured formation A fracture in the borehole wall usually reduces the strength of the wellbore. If the fracture is in communication with the wellbore, it will reopen when the wellbore pressure exceeds the stress normal to the fracture which is often the minimum in situ principal stress: σ'3. It will not start propagating until the pressure exceeds the ISIP. For practical purposes, to avoid opening the fracture at all, it is recommended to limit the maximum pressure in a fractured borehole to the FCP. Theoretically, for a vertical well in a tectonically relaxed area (Eq. App. 3-6), the difference between the FBP and the FCP is equal to the minimum effective principal stress (σ'3). For a deviated well (Eq. App. 3-7), or a well in a tectonically stressed area (Eqs. App. 3-8, App. 3-9), the difference will be even less.

4.6.4 Other effects Healing It has been observed that, with time, the strength of some formations after the initial reduction in strength caused by formation breakdown. In some cases the strength of the formation returns completely, in others only partially. This process has been called "clay healing", because it only occurs in shales and not in carbonates. There are indications that it only occurs with water-based muds, and not with oilbased muds. The mechanism is not very well understood, and Opcos are invited to share their experiences with healing of formations. The phenomenon can not be relied on, but justifies a repeat Leak-off test some time after formation breakdown has occurred. The strength of a fractured borehole may be improved by squeezing cement in the fracture. Theoretically, if the fracture is perfectly isolated from the wellbore, the original FBP will return. This may never be achieved, even after several squeeze jobs. In addition, the strength of a borehole can never be improved to above the original FBP with cement squeezes. Borehole fluid penetration In the preceding sections it s been assumed that the borehole does not penetrate the formation. When borehole fluid does invade the formation pore space, the near wellbore effective stresses will change as a consequence of pore fluid pressure modification near the wellbore. This phenomenon will reduce the strength of a wellbore. The magnitude of the reduction in strength depends on the quality of the mudcake, the permeability and the poro-elastic properties of the formation. Most casing shoes are set in low permeability rock (shale) and the equations of section 3.2 apply. If more permeable formations are drilled, a mudcake will form on the borehole wall which will prevent further penetration of fluid into the formation. The pressure in the permeable formation will remain unchanged, and the formulas of section 3.2 will remain valid. However, depending on the effectiveness of the mudcake, fluid may penetrate formations. This may be the case when clear fluids without fluid loss control are used (for example during workover). If no mudcake is formed due to the low permeability of the formation ( for example in shales), borehole fluid may slowly enter the pore space and in time, the pore pressure will increase. This mechanism is thought to be responsible for time dependent shale instability problems. Because of capillary pressures, penetration of oil-based muds (OBM) is less than of water-based muds (WBM). This explains the better performance of OBM. Improved understanding of these phenomena is the subject of ongoing research. Depletion During reservoir depletion the in-situ stresses change. The total overburden stress will remain constant, which means that the effective vertical stress increases (see Eq. App. 3-1). The two horizontal stresses will reduce, and the effective horizontal stresses increase. This will reduce the formation strength. It may have additional consequences like the initiation of shear fractures, sand failure or compaction. If we assume that the formation behaves in a linear poro-elastic manner, we can calculate the change in the horizontal stresses using : ∆σ2,3


γ x ∆po

(App. 3-10)

According to the poro-elastic theory, the depletion constant γ can be expressed as follows: γ =

(1 − β) x (1 − 2ν ) 1− ν

(App. 3-11 )

where : β v

= =

ratio of rock grain compressibility to rock matrix compressibility, Poisson's ratio.

This depletion constant can be determined from in-situ stress measurements at different stages of reservoir depletion. For sedimentary basins, values of the depletion constant have been reported between 0.4 and 0.6 [10,11,12]. The reduction in formation strength caused by depletion can be calculated using the reduced minimum in-situ stress from Eq. App. 3-10. The same approach can be used to correct for the effects of inflation. Borehole shape The formulas for wellbore strength, given in section 3.2, have been derived for circular boreholes. If the borehole is not round, the borehole possibly will fail at a lower pressure. No similar equations exist for out-of-shape boreholes (except for an elliptical Shape). For such cases, the use of numerical programs is required, for example STABOR [13]. For the purpose of casing design however, it can be assumed that the equations given in section 3-2 are still valid. Chemical interaction The chemical interaction between formation rock and the wellbore fluid (e.g. a sensitive shale and a water based mud) will also alter the conditions under which breakdown occurs. However, the mechanisms and parameters affecting those mechanisms are still under investigation [4,14,15].


References [1] Jaeger, J.C. and Cook, N.G.W. Fundamentals of rock mechanics Chapman and Hall, London, 1971 [2] Brady, B.H.G. and Brown, E.T. Rock mechanics George Allen & Unwin, London, 1985 [3] Veeken, C.A.M., KSEPL Rock mechanics manual SIPM/KSEPL (in preparation, issue date end 1993) [4] Bol, G.M., KSEPL The interaction between shales and fluids, Parts I to V EP 87-1171, EP 87-1451, EP 87-2672, EP 87-2748, EP 88-1563 [5] Mouchet, J.P. and Mitchell,A. Abnormal pressures while drilling Elf, Boussens, 1989 [6] Fertl, W.H. Abnormal formation pressures Developments in Petroleum Science Engineering Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1976 [7] Bourgoyne, A.T., Chenevert, M.E., Milheim, K.K. and Young, F.S. Applied drilling engineering, Vol. 2 SPE textbook series, Richardson, Texas, 1986 [8] Eaton, B.A. The equation for geopressure prediction from well logs SPE 5544,1975 [9] Wind, J.A. and Marchina, P , KSEPL Formation strength for casing design Building Blocks for the Update of the 1980 Casing Design Manual EP 92-1454 [10] Breckels, I.M., KSEPL Relationship between horizontal total stress and depth in sedimentary basins, Part II Brunei Venezuela, the North Sea and the Netherlands EP 05-4153 [11] Breckels, I.M. and van Eekelen, H.A.M., KSEPL Relationship between horizontal stress and depth in sedimentary basins EP-52950 [12] Veeken, C.A.M., Hertog, G.M.M., Hydendaal, H.G.C. and van der Meulen, J.T., KSEPL Groningen sand failure study status report part 2: rock stress and rock strength in Groningen /Annerveen fields EP 90-3389 [13] Wong, S.W. and Kenter, C.J., KSEPL Borehole stability analysis part 1: theoretical formulation of STABOR RKRS 91.15, 59-64 [14] Hale, A.H. and Irani, F.K., BRC DEA 22 report on the effects of drilling fluids on shale stability BRC 12.89 [15] Hale, A.H,, Irani, F.K. and Albrecht, M.E.S., BRC Hydration characteristics of shale, Parts I to IV BRC 43.87, 50.88, 13.89, 14.89


Appendix 4 : Procedures for leak-off and limit tests


Introduction Leak-off and Limit tests are carried out during the drilling phase of the well. The BOP is closed around the drillpipe, and the well is slowly pressured up, using mud. At the first sign of fluid leak off into the formation the pumping is stopped. Leak-off tests are carried out until leak-off is observed; limit tests are carried out until a pre-determined test pressure is reached. Leak-off and Limit tests are carried out to: -

confirm the strength off the cement bond around the casing shoe and to ensure that no flow path is established to formation above the casing shoe or to the previous annulus;


investigate the capability of the wellbore to withstand additional pressure below the casing shoe in order to assess the competence of the well to handle an influx, and to allow proper well design with regard to the safe drilling depth of the next hole section;


collect regional data on formation strength for the optimisation of future well design.

These tests are sometimes called casing seat, formation intake, formation strength or formation integrity tests. Proper planning, execution, interpretation and reporting of these tests is essential for well safety and in order to gain maximum benefit from the experiment. 4.8.2

Testing procedure Planning the test The quality of the formation strength data measured during a leak-off test will improve by careful planning of the operation. It is recommended to carry out the following work prior to the execution of a Limit or Leak-off test: •

Estimate the surface leak-off pressure as follows : Based on the estimate of the FBG used for the casing design phase, calculate the (downhole) FBP using the following formulas: Land

: FBP = FBG x (dshoe - dfe)

(App. 4-1)


: FBP = FBG x (dshoe - dseabed) + ρsw x (dseabed - dFWL)

(App. 4-2)

The surface -pressure at which fracture breakdown is expected can be calculated as follows: pFB,surf = FBP - ρmud x (dshoe - dgauge)

(App. 4-3)

pFB,surf may be used as a high estimate for surface Leak-off. •

Calculate surface limit pressure. For a Limit test the Limit Gradient (LG) For a Leak-off test it is recommended to may be given in the well program. For a Leak-off test it is recommended to the limit the test pressures to a maximum of the over burden gradient or to another realistic limit. This is done to reduce the chance of untoward formation breakdown. Calculate the downhole Limit Pressure (LP) as follows : Land

: LP = LG x (dshoe - dfe)

Offshore : LP = LG x ( dshoe - dseabed ) + ρsw x (dseabed - dFWL)

(App. 4-4) (App. 4-5)

The surface Limit Pressure can be calculate : plim,surf = LP - ρmud x (dshoe - dgauge) •

(App. 4-6)

Confirm the accuracy of the pressure gauges that will be used for the experiment. The absolute accuracy of the gauges should be 0.5% of the expected downhole test pressure. The resolution (relative accuracy) of the gauges should be 2% of the expected surface test pressure. Calibrate the mud balance to confirm its accuracy (±0.5% for a pressurised mudbalance). Usually the pressure is measured and recorded at surface, but for high mud weights the application of downhole gauges with surface read-out should be considered.

The pressures exerted during a Limit or Leak-off test should never exceed the maximum burst pressure of the casing and the associated surface equipment. Calculate the maximum allowable surface pressure for casing burst, using the recommended design factor (DFburst) for casing burst. To calculate the pressure at the outside of the casing, assume a fluid gradient equal to the mud gradient that the casing was run into. Add the test pressure to the static mud column on the inside, to calculate the pressure at the inside of the casing.

Estimate the volume of mud to be pumped, and determine the increment volume. To be able to establish a clear trend in trend in the test results, a minimum of about 8 equal increments should be pumped before the (expected) test pressure is reached. It is possible to make an estimate of the amount of mud required to reach a certain surface test pressure : Vtest = Vhole x Cwell x Psurf

(App. 4-7)

where : Vtest = Volume of mud required for Psurf, Vhole = Total volume of mud in drillpipe, annulus and pocket below the shoe,





Cwell = combined compressibility of mud, and hole,


psurf = surface test pressure,


(1/kPa) (kPa)

Typical values for mud compressibility are given in the table below. Observed values may be higher due to additional expansion of the casing and line. The combined compressibility of well and mud can be calculated with the results of a previous leak-off test or casing pressure test after the cementation. If the actual volume x pressure relationship during the test is radically different from Eq. App. 4-7, this might indicate that the pump unit is not lined up properly, the BOP stack not properly closed, a leak in the surface lines or a very porous formation. TABLE OF TYPICAL MUD COMPRESSIBILITY VALUE

Complete the pre-test part of the test report (attached). Prepare a large scale graph (e.g. A3) to plot the results during the test. Draw the expected volume x pressure line and the surface limit pressure and the casing burst pressure in the same plot. Execution The following Leak-off test procedure should be applied : 1. Drill out cement plus ca. 20 ft (6 m) of new formation. (Consider to repeat the experiment when the first sand is encountered, or when a weak formation is penetrated.) 2. Circulate and condition mud. - while circulating the hole clean of cuttings, treat the mud to achieve a low gel strength; (excessive gels may reduce the pressure transmitted down the well to the formation). To prevent the hole from washing out, it could be considered to pull the bit into the casing shoe; - accurately measure the mud weight with a recently calibrated pressurised mud balance; - confirm that mud weight in is equal to mud weight-out; - do not change the mud weight until after the test. 3. Pull the bit back into the casing shoe. If high leak-off pressures are expected consider the use of a downhole packer to isolate the cement sheath to prevent micro-annuli development during the test. 4. Make sure the hole is filled up and close the BOP around the drillpipe. Where practicable, open and top up the annulus between the last and previous casing string, and check for returns during the test. 5. Use a high pressure, low volume pump (usually the cement unit; rig pumps are unsuitable). Line up to establish a clear flow path from the pump to the open hole annulus. Do not attempt to test through a mudmotor or a non return valve. 6. Line up calibrated pressure gauges, covering various pressure ranges and preferably mounted on a special manifold. The standard gauges on the drilling console or the cement unit are not accurate enough four these measurements. Usually the pressure is measured and recorded at surface, but for high mud weights the application of downhole gauges with surface read-out should be considered. 7. Pump mud slowly (< ½ BPM, 80 1/min.) until the pressure builds up. Record and plot the volume pumped against pressure. 8. Pump a small increment of mud, and wait for 2 minutes or the time required for the pressure to stabilise in case this takes longer. 9. Record the cumulative volume pumped, the initial static pressure and the final static pressure after the waiting period. The initial static pressure is the pressure immediately after pumping has stopped and the transients have died out. 10. Repeat items 8 and 9 and plot both pressure values against cumulative mud volume for each increment until leak off is observed, or until the predetermined limit pressure has been reached. Keep the waiting period and the volume increments constant. Leak-off is defined as the first point on the volume/pressure plot where either the initial static pressure or the final static pressure deviates from the trend observed in the previous observations. If the pump pressure suddenly drops, stop pumping but keep the well closed in. This indicates a leak in the system, cement failure or formation breakdown. Record the pressures every minute until they stabilise. If the drop in pressure is related to formation breakdown, this data can be used to derive the minimum in situ stress. 11. Keep the well closed in to verify that a constant pressure has been obtained. Record and plot the closed in pressure every minute. If the pressure does not stabilise, this may be an indication of a system leak or a bad cement bond. 12. Bleed off the pressure and establish the volume of mud lost to the formation. 13. Top up and close the annulus between the casing and the previous casing string. Interpretation of the Leak-off graph Results should be plotted and interpreted on the large scale volume versus pressure plot during the test. "Leak-off” is a downhole event, indicated in the leak-off graph by the first deviation from the trend of either the initial static pressure or the final static pressure. In many cases it can only be identified positively if two points on the curve deviate from the trend. The "surface leak- off pressure" (pLO, surf.) is the (interpolated) value of the initial static pressure at the first indication of leak-off. In a successful limit test no leak-off is observed when the initial static pressure reaches the "surface limit pressure" (Plimsurf). It is confirmed that the borehole is strong enough to hold this additional pressure without formation breakdown (see Figure App. 4-1). FIGURE APP. 4-1: LEAK-OFF GRAPH INDICATING ADEQUATE FORMATION STRENGTH

Various types of volume versus pressure plots can be encountered, depending on the kind of formation being tested as shown in the following three figures. For a hard impermeable formation (eg. a shale) the pressure increases linearly with volume. Leak-off is simple to identify, (Figure App. 4-2). For a permeable formation with an ineffective mudcake, the mud leaks away slowly, the graph is slightly curved, and the final static pressure curves away from the initial static pressure. Leak off should now be identified either by the change in curvature, or from the increasing difference between initial static and final static pressures (see Figure App. 4-3). Especially in non-consolidated, plastic, loose or highly permeable formations where even low test pressures cause loss of mud the exact determination of the leak-off point is difficult. The initial static pressure will always be considerably higher than the final static pressure, and the graph will be curved considerably. Leak-off can only be established approximately from the leak-off graph, as shown in Figure App. 4-4. (In many cases the information




that no breakdown is observed will suffice, since it is obvious that the formation is weak and the main purpose of the test is to establish the absence of communication around the casing.) Formation breakdown, fracture re-opening Formation breakdown during a Limit or Leak-off test should be prevented, because a fracture may permanently impair the capability of the wellbore to withstand pressure . However, if breakdown occurs, it should be treated as an opportunity to derive real formation strength parameters. "Formation breakdown" is indicated by a sharp pressure drop on surface (see Figure App. 4-5). The highest pressure recorded immediately before the pressure drop, is the "surface breakdown pressure", (pFB,surf). If formation breakdown occurs, pumping should be stopped, but the well should be kept closedin, and the pressure decay curve should be recorded. "Fracture closure" is indicated by the stabilisation of the pressure decay curve to a constant pressure value. The FCP can be determined from the "surface fracture closure pressure", (pFC,surf). The results may be used to determine the in-situ stress, which may be very useful for future operations. To confirm these observations, the test may be continued with a fracture re-opening cycle (see Figure App. 4-6). After the pressure is released, and the well is flowed back, the well is pressured up in steps. When the fracture re-opens, the pressure volume graph deviates from the trend (similar to leak-off), and the "surface fracture re-opening pressure", (pFR surf) can be determined. After re-opening, the well is shut-in and the PCP is again determined from the pressure decline. Theoretically the FRP and the FCP are equal, but differences may occur. If the first and second FCP and the FRP are not consistent enough another cycle should be considered.


FIGURE APP. 4-6 :LEAK-OFF GRAPH SHOWING FORMATION BREAKDOWN AND FRACTURE REOPENING Reporting Formation strength tests should be reported in a consistent manner. It is recommended to complete part 1 of the attached example report form before the test. Actual measurements of pressures and volumes and an interpretation of the results should be reported as indicated in part 2 of the attached example report form. An accurate graph on a large scale of volume pumped versus surface pressure should be included in this report. It should be indicated whether leak-off or formation breakdown was observed. Surface measurements of formation strength are converted to downhole pressures, assuming that the measurements relate to the formation just below the casing shoe: pshoe = psurf + ρmud x (dshoe - dgauge)

(App. 4-8)

Downhole pressures can be converted to gradients or equivalent mud gradients using the conventions given in Chapter C section 3.3. For Formation Breakdown the conversions are given below: Formation strength gradients result from Eq. C-1 and Eq. C-2: Land wells : FBG =

FBP d shoe − dfe

(relative to surface)


FBP − ρ sw X ( dseabed − dFWL ) dshoe − dshoe

(relative to seabed)

: FBG =

Equivalent mud gradient results from Eq. C-3 : ρFB,shoe =

FBP d shoe

(relative to derrick floor)

(Similar expressions can be given for Limit, Leak-off and Fracture Closure pressures). If the measurement relates to a formation some distance below the casing shoe, the conversion may be slightly inaccurate (see the plots of FBP* versus FBP, FBG* versus FBG, ρ*FB versus ρ∗ FB in Figure App. 4-7). In practice this difference is not taken into account, except when a leakoff test is repeated at a different depth.


FIGURE APP. 4-7B : DEFINITION OF FORMATION-STRENGTH AND PORE-PRESSURE GRADIENTS (OFFSHORE LOCATION) Repeating a test A leak-off or limit test may be repeated some distance below the previous measurement. This maybe done to confirm that the strength of a new formation still satisfies the requirements for safe drilling, or to gain some additional formation strength data. It is recommended not to exceed the previous downhole test pressures unless there are reasons to assume that the formation strength has increased (for example after a change in mud system). If leak-off or formation breakdown is observed during a subsequent test, it is difficult to identify the formation and the exact depth that the measurement relates to. The test can be used to define a "safe" area on a depth pressure plot (see Figure App. 4-8). There is no clear cut method to generate such a chart. Common sense should be used to interpret the measurements to determine the safe drilling envelop in which no formation breakdown will occur. FIGURE APP. 4-8 DETERMINATION OF SAFE DRILLING ENVELOPE FROM RESULTS OF MULTIPLE LEAK-OFF TESTS

LEAK-OFF, LIMIT TEST REPORT, (part 1), field units



LEAK-OFF, LIMIT TEST REPORT, (part 2), metric units


Appendix 5 : Specimen calculation of formation strength


Exploration well - example calculation In the following example it is assumed that the formation is normally stressed, an average overburden gradient is present, and that the reservoirs are normally pressured:



σ2 PPG

1.000 psi/ft



= =

0.465 psi/ft

[l0.5 kPa/m]

(Note : In this example stress gradients ( σ, "striped"), pressure gradients and formation strength gradients are used instead of stresses, pressures, and strength. It is further assumed that stresses, pore pressures and formation strength are relative to the same reference level. This assumption is realistic for onshore wells, with a free water level close to surface. For offshore wells actual downhole pressures should be used.) The minimum horizontal stress must now be related to the overburden. If it is assumed that sedimentary rock in a tectonically relaxed area can be modelled as a horizontally constrained, elastic medium, the effective horizontal stress can be expressed as a formation of the effective vertical stress and Poisson's ratio (ν) with the following expression: σ

' 3


' ν x σ1 1− ν

(App. 5-1)

Poisson's ratio for sedimentary rocks is about 0.25. The minimum in-situ stress gradient (and FCG) .can then be estimated as follows: σ 3 - PPG = σ3 =

ν x ( σ 1 - PPG) 1− ν

ν x ( σ1 - PPG) + PPG 1− ν

⇔ σ3 =

(App. 5-2)

ν x ( σ1 - PPG) + PPG 1− ν

0.25 x (1.0 - 0.465) + 0.465 1 − 0.25 = 0.643 psi/ft


0.25 x ( 23.0 - 10.5 + 10.5 ] 1 − 0.25 [ = 14.7kPa/m]


The Fracture Breakdown Gradient for a vertical well can now be estimated with Eq. App. 3-6: FBG


2 σ 3 - PPG

= =

2 x 0.643 - 0.465 0.822 psi/ft

[ = 2 x 14.7 - 10.5] [ = 18.9 kPa/m]

The Formation Breakdown Gradient (FBG) for a deviated well can be estimated with Eq. App. 3-8: FBG


2 2 σ 3 - ( σ1 - σ 3 ) x sin θ z - PPG


2 x 0.643 - (1.0 - 0.643) sin2 θ z - 0.465 psi/ft


2 x 14.7 - (23.0 - 14.7) sin² θ z - 10.5 kPa/m]

Substitution of different values for the hole angle θ leads to the values of formation breakdown gradient FBG, given in the table below:

It can be seen that with inclinations above 45°, the FBG drops to below the FCG. For these wells a fracture is initiated at the wellbore if the pressure exceeds the FBP, but is not propagated away from the wellbore provided the pressure remains below the minimum in-situ stress. For wells with inclinations above 45°, it is recommended not to exceed the FCP. 4.9.2

Appraisal well - example calculation In this example it is planned to set casing in a moderately overpressured share section. From two previous wells, the pore pressure gradient in the shale is estimated to be 0.55 psi/ft [12.5 kPa/m]. Leak-off tests in these wells gave the following values of LOG. Hole deviation in the third well is Planned to be 45°. What are the estimated FCG and FBG at the casing shoe? Well A: LOG = 0.90 psi/ft [20.5 kPa/m] (vertical hole) Well B: LOG = 0 85 psi/ft [19.0 kPa/m] (30° deviation) We assume that Leak-off can be seen as an indication of impending formation breakdown, and that the FBG can be closely approximated by these values. We assume a normal overburden gradient of:



1.00 psi/ft

[23.0 kPa/m]

Using Eq. App. 3-6 and Eq. App. 3-8 we can derive σ 3 : vertical well


0.90 = 2 σ 3 - 0.55 [ 20.5 = 2 σ 3 - 12.5]

deviated well


0.85 = 2 σ 3 - ( 1.00 -σ3) sin² 30 - 0.55 [19.0 = 2 σ 3 - (23.0 - σ3) sin² 30 - 12.5]

it follows : vertical well

deviated well




= 0.725 psi/ft

[ σ3




[ σ3 =

16.56 kPa/m]

and therefore : 0.725 ≤ FCG ≤ 0.733 psi/ft

0.733 psi/ft

16.50 kPa/m]

[16.50 ≤ FCG ≤ 16.56 kPa/m]

Substituting the values for σ 3 back into Eq. App.3-8 for a 45° well gives the following range for the Fracture Breakdown Gradient: 0.763 ≤ FBG ≤ 0.783 psi/ft

[17.3 ≤ FBG ≤ 17.4 kPa/m]

For setting depth purposes, the lower value should be used for burst calculations, the higher value should be used.


Development well - example calculation In this example a series of five production wells have been drilled from an off-shore platform. Intermediate casing has been set in a hard shale. The pore pressure gradient in the first sand below the casing shoe has been determined with RFTs and is 0.600 psi/ft, [13.5 kPa/m]. From density logs the overburden is estimated to be 0.995 psi/ft, [22.5 kP a/m]. Leak-off tests have been carried out on each well in the first sand below the casing shoe, with the following results.

Four more wells at deviations up to 50° will be drilled from the same platform. What will be the formation strength at these angles? We assume again that the Leak-off pressures give a good estimate of the FBG. Plotting the leakoff test results as in Figure App. 5-1 shows a fairly smooth trend and interpolation for casing shoe strengths in casing design would seem acceptable. Data of this nature can also be used to estimate the in-situ stresses, allowing extrapolation of the data with reasonable confidence. The leak-off pressures lie on a fairly smooth curve, which indicates that the FBG is independent of hole azimuth. The simplification that σ2 = σ3 appears to be justified. If we substitute the values of the FBG in Eq. App. 3-8, we can estimate the minimum in-situ stress for each of the wells. In the table above we can see that the variation in the minimum in-situ stress is not too large. We therefore assume that we can take the average of the five measurements to make an estimate of the actual minimum in-situ stress. With Eq. App. 3-8 we can make an estimate of the FBG for the remaining wells e.g. at 45° FBG


2 σ 3 - ( σ1 - σ 3 ) - sin² θ z - PPG


2 x 0.695 - (0.995 - 0.695) sin² θz - 0.600psi/ft


2 x 15.75 - (22.50 - 15.75) sin² θz - 13.5 kPa/m]

Note however, that the FCG in this case is σ3 = 0.695 psi/ft, [15.75 kpa/m]. This value may be used as the lower limit of the casing shoe strength for kick control purposes. The maximum mud gradient in circulation should also be checked against FCG.



Introduction Once the casing scheme has been selected as described in Chapter D, the casing designer must design the individual strings, i.e. determine the wall thickness and material (grade) each one should be given to ensure that the string can withstand the loads that occur during drilling, installation and service (operation). The fundamental design criterion used here is that, for each load case considered, L≤

C c, w , f DF

where L is the load for the load case in question, Cc,w,f is the load-hearing capacity of the proposed casing corrected for the effects of corrosion, wear and fatigue, and DF is the design factor to be applied to take strength and load variations into account. The load cases to be taken into consideration in casing design are reviewed in Chapter F, while expressions for load determination are presented in Chapter G. Determination of the loadbearing capacity is considered in Chapter H, and the design factors currently recommended for use within the Group are reviewed in Chapter K. The influence of corrosion, wear and fatigue on load-bearing capacity is the subject of Chapter I. Chapter J deals with the probability of buckling in the casing string and ways of preventing it, while Chapter L discusses ways of ensuring that the connections used in the casing string do not compromise its integrity. Appendices 6 to 9 present theories and definitions, and the derivation of a number of fundamental equations, used in casing design. The design methods presented in Chapters F to K are illustrated with the aid of frequent short examples in the text, and a full-length example in Chapter M. In line with SIPM policy to support the use of SI units, all examples are in both field units and SI units. A further important issue is the distinction between uniaxial and triaxial design. When the previous Casing Design Manual was published, uniaxial casing design methods were still used almost exclusively. As discussed in Chapter A, uniaxial design consists in comparing a uniaxial load (such as a pressure, an axial force or a torque) with a uniaxial load-bearing capacity. Triaxial design methods compare the combined effect of radial, tangential and axial stresses in the casing wall with the material yield strength and represent a more realistic assessment of the ability of the casing to withstand a given load. The stresses can be analysed by using a combination of Hooke's law, the Lamé equations and the Von Mises yield criterion. However, triaxial casing design involves many more calculations than uniaxial design, and is only practical with the aid of suitable computer programs. Now that such programs are commercially available, SIPM recommends the use of triaxial casing design methods especially for the analysis of service loads. A casing design and analysis software package for use with in the Group will be implemented. The contents of the following chapters will support a manual verification of the output generated by this software.


Load cases


Introduction Before carrying out detailed design calculations for a given casing string defined by the casingscheme selection procedure (see Chapter D), the casing designer has to decide which load cases need to be taken into consideration. This decision will depend an the likelihood of occurrence of the individual load cases (as assessed by the Opcos), and on the risks involved if they do occur. This chapter presents a structured review of the overall range of load cases which might have to be considered, for the three types of loads indicated in Flowchart F-1 burst/collapse loads, installation loads and service loads. In each case, the downhole scenarios likely to lead to the load case in question are indicated.


Pressure loads


Introduction To establish the burst and collapse loads in a given situation, the casing designer determines the internal and external pressure profiles for each load case of interest and takes the difference (PiPe) between them. If the resulting load line comprises mainly positive net pressures, it is called a burst load line (BLL) if it comprises mainly negative pressures it is called a collapse load line (CLL). The net pressures (positive or negative) occurring on the relevant BLL or CLL are then compared with e.g. the API burst or collapse ratings for various grades of casing as given in [1]. Collapse or burst loading can occur both during drilling (affecting the design of the conductor casing, surface and intermediate casing) and production (where the design of the production casing is likely to be the only one affected). Some intermediate strings are also used as production casing both the drilling and the production phase should be considered in their design. Collapse and burst loads will be considered separately below. The line of reasoning followed in distinguishing the various relevant load cases, as indicated in Flowcharts F-2 to F-5, will now be explained briefly. When considering an internal pressure profile (whether for burst or collapse) in the drilling phase, only one situation need be taken into account (see e.g. Flowchart F-2). In the production phase, a distinction must be made between the internal pressure profiles above and below the packer (see e.g. Flowchart F-3). When considering the Internal pressure profile for burst in the production phase, a further distinction must be made according to the type of well involved production well or injection well. When considering an external pressure profile, two factors need to be taken into account in all the load cases discussed in this chapter the quality of the cement column between the casing and the formation (which determines the extent to which reservoir pressures are passed on to the casing), and the quality of the fluid in the annulus between casing and formation above the top of cement. (Deterioration of this fluid in the course of time can lead to a drop in its density, and hence to a steeper external pressure profile and higher annulus to distinguish between exploration wells (with a relatively short life) and development wells (typically with a much longer life) in this context.


The number of base cases to be considered in a given situation may be determined from inspection of the bottom row of boxes in the corresponding flowchart. For example, Flowchart F-2 shows that only two load cases need be considered for collapse in the drilling phase different external pressure profiles will be obtained depending on whether the cement column is good or bad. In both cases, the annulus fluid may be assumed to have its original density, and the internal pressure profile will be determined by mud losses to a level where the mud column finally balances the pore pressure. The special cases to be considered in addition to the base cases are indicated along the bottom of each flowchart. It should be emphasised that in all cases the casing designer is looking for the most realistic highest loading taking into account local Opco experience. 6.2.2

Collapse loads Evacuation during drilling Collapse loads occurring during drilling are usually the result of borehole evacuation due to natural or induced losses. There are however a number of special cases to be considered. The base case and the special cases will be addressed in this section. See Flowchart F-2.



Internal pressure profile As mentioned above, it may be assumed that the internal pressure profile in this case corresponds to a losses situation [2]. The internal pressure profile may be constructed as follows (see Figure F-1). The pore-pressure profile (available to be casing designer as one of the design parameters, see chapter C) determines the pressure in the formation and hence in the borehole down to total depth (TD). In a losses situation, the mud column will drop until the pore pressure at section TD is just balanced by the pressure due to the mud column (see Figure F-1a). The evacuation level can be found by drawing the mud pressure line (whose gradient is determined by the mud density) back from the pore pressure at TD to the depth axis. The resulting pressure profile is shown in this figure and in all other figures in this chapter by the thick grey line. To construct the internal pressure profile for losses at a depth above TD, one draws the mad pressure line from the point on the pore-pressure profile corresponding to the depth in question. Such hypothetical mud-pressure lines are represented by a sloping broken line in Figure F-1a and in other figures in this chapter. The solid line represents the actual mud pressure line to be used for the design. The evacuation level chosen should always be the deepest that can occur due to drilling below the casing shoe. Thus, if the pore pressure in a certain formation through which the borehole passes is sub-normal, e.g. because of a depleted horizon, the mud-pressure line will be drawn from the point on the pore-pressure profile which gives the lowest evacuation level (see Figure F-1b), and not from TD. As Figure F-1c shows, abnormally high pore pressures do not form an exception in this methodology.


External pressure profile The external pressure profile for collapse during drilling should be constructed in two sections that for the cement column and that for the annulus fluid column as described below. i)

Cement column Set cement behaves as a porous matrix of low permeability (in the microDarcy to milliDarcy range) containing a pore fluid at a certain pressure. As indicated in Figure F-2, the permeability of the cement around the casing is usually intermediate between those of a high-permeability and of a low-permeability formation. Where the cement column is set across a high-permeability formation (millidarcy and above), the pressure in the cement will be equal to the pore pressure in the formation. Where the cement column is set across a low-permeability formation (microDarcy and below), the pressure will depend on its quality [3]. Local experience will determine whether to choose a good cement column or a poor-cement-column scenario.




It is assumed below for the sake of simplicity that the cement column only passes through one high-permeability formation. If it passes through more than one, the procedure described for external pressure profiles in section 2.2.2 should be followed Good cement column Here the cement column acts as an effective seal between the high-permeability formation and the top of cement. The cement pore-pressure profile in the segment of cement column across the low-permeability interval will then be such as to connect the pore pressure at the top of the high-permeability formation with the pressure at the top of cement due to the hydrostatic pressure of the annulus fluid (see Figure F-3). The cement pore-pressure profile across the low-permeability interval is thus semi-static. Poor cement column In this case, the cement column no longer acts as am effective seal between the highpermeability formation and the top of cement. The pressure gradient in the cement across the low- permeability interval will then be equal to the cement mixwater gradient. The pressure at the top of cement is therefore determined by drawing a pressure line with this gradient upwards from the pressure at the top of the high-permeability formation (see Figure F-4). As a result, the annulus pressure line will be shifted to lower pressure in low-pressure reservoirs and to higher pressures in high-pressure reservoirs. This leads to an annulus level drop or an annulus pressure build- up. No matter whether the cement column is good or bad, the cement pore-pressure profile below the high-permeability formation is given by a line of slope equal to the cement mixwater gradient extending downwards from the pressure at the bottom of the highpermeability formation to the casing shoe (compare Figures F-3 and F-4). For the determination of the cement pore-pressure profile in the cement column opposite a previous casing, this previous casing should be treated as a low-permeability formation. In the event that the cement column does not pass through a high- permeability formation anywhere, the cement mixwater gradient may be assumed to extend downwards from the top of cement to the casing shoe, no matter whether the quality of the cement is high or low. The pressure at the top of cement will be equal to the hydrostatic pressure of the annulus fluid. See Figure F-5.


Annulus fluid column In View of the relatively short duration of the drilling phase, deterioration of the annulus fluid during drilling should not be taken into account, either for exploration or for development wells [3]. The pressure gradient in the annulus fluid will therefore be determined by the density -of the fluid used at the time of the cement job. In the case of a high-quality cement column over a high-permeability formation, the annulus fluid pressure line extends downwards with the above mentioned gradient from zero pressure at the wellhead to the top of cement (see Figure F-3). For a low-quality cement column across a high-permeability formation, the annulus fluid pressure line extends upwards with the same gradient from the pressure at the top of cement towards the wellhead. As Figure F-4 shows, this can lead to annulus pressure in a high-pressure reservoir, or to annulus fluid drop in a low-pressure reservoir. If the cement column does not pass through any high-permeability formations, the annulus fluid pressure line extends downwards from zero pressure at the wellhead to the top of cement, no matter what the quality of the cement (see Figure F-5).

c) Special cases Air, foam or aerated drilling When air drilling is applied, the wellbore pressure could become atmospheric in the event of system failure. Similarly, foam drilling is subject to the hazard that the foam can lose stability and the liquid phase can drop out. If these scenarios are considered likely, the casing should therefore be designed to withstand full internal evacuation unlike the base case, where evacuation is likely to be only partial.




For aerated drilling, the designer should consider the internal evacuation level that can be based on the pore -pressure profile in the event of a system failure preventing fluid supply. In all these cases, the external pressure profile will be as described in section 2.2. 1 b). Salt loading Salt loading is modelled as if it were an external fluid pressure equal to the overburden pressure at the depth of the salt formation. The external pressure profile will therefore be as described in section 2.2.1b), but now with the salt loading giving rise to a step change in the external pressure profile at the top and bottom if the salt formation. See Figure F-6. Salt loading is a time dependent phenomenon but since its onset cannot be accurately predicted, the loading should always be assumed when designing for collapse in the drilling phase. This case is dealt with in Chapter N. The internal pressure profile will be as described in section 2.2.1 a.). FIGURE F-6 : CONSTRUCTION OF EXTERNAL PRESSURE PROFILES FOR COLLAPSE IN DRILLING PHASE, WITH SALT LOADING

Formation compaction External loading due to formation compaction should replace, where applicable, that resulting from annulus fluid and cement-column pressures as described in section 2.2.1b). This case is dealt with in Chapter N. The internal pressure profile wilI be as described in section 2.2.1 a). Blowout If the casing design is to cater for a blowout scenario, full evacuation of the string to atmospheric pressure must be assumed for the internal pressure profile. This condition represents a blowout where the open hole formation bridges and the gas pressure at surface is allowed to bleed to zero. The external pressure profile will be as described in section 2.2.1 b). It should be noted, however, that during the actual blowout preceding the full evacuation, the casing integrity might be reduced. To make the design for this scenario fit for purpose, a realistic wear margin should be taken into account when selecting the casing. Evacuation during production Collapse loads during the production phase generally occur as a result of evacuation resulting from natural or induced losses during workover of the well. There are also, however, a number of special cases to be considered. The base case and the special cases will be addressed in this section. See Flowchart F-3. FLOWCHART F-3 :DESIGN TREE FOR COLLAPSE LOAD CASES, PRODUCTION PHASE APPLIES TO PRODUCTION CASING/LINER


Internal pressure profile Below the production packer The casing below the production packer must always be designed to withstand full internal evacuation to atmospheric pressure. This is to account for high drawdowns, differential depletion, and back-surging operations. Above the production packer Casing above the packer is usually not subject to critical collapse loading during normal production operations. During completion and workover, however, mud/brine losses may lead to evacuation of the upper section of the production casing. The deepest possible evacuation level should be calculated based on the pore pressure profile and the fluid density in use. See Figure F-7. Special cases like gas lift and pump- off are dealt with later.


b) External pressure profile The external pressure profile for collapse during production should be constructed in two sections that for the cement column and that for the annulus fluid column as described below. i)

Cement column Set cement behaves as a porous matrix of low permeability (in the microDarcy to milliDarcy range) containing a pore fluid at a certain pressure. As indicated in Figure F-2, the permeability of the cement around the casing is usually intermediate between those of a high-permeability and of a low-permeability formation. Where the cement column is set across a high-permeability formation (milliDarcy and above), the pressure in the cement will be equal to the pore pressure in the formation. Where the cement column is set across a low-permeability formation (microDarcy and below), the pressure will depend on its quality [3]. Local experience will determine whether to choose a good cement column or a poor-cement-column scenario. It is assumed below that in the production phase the cement column passes through more than one high-permeability formation. Good cement column Here the cement column acts as an effective seal between the high- permeability formations) and the top of cement. The pressure profile in the segment of cement column across the low-permeability interval above the shallowest high-permeability formation will then be semi-static, connecting the spore pressure at the top of this highpermeability formation with the pressure at the top of cement due to the hydrostatic pressure of the annulus fluid. The pressure profile in the segment of cement column lying across the low-permeability interval between two high-permeability formations will also be semi-static, connecting the pore pressures at the bottom and top of the highpermeability formations it straddles (see Figure F-8). Poor cement column In this case, the cement column no longer acts as an effective seal between the highpermeability formations) and the top of cement. The pressure gradient in the cement across the low-permeability interval above the shallowest high-permeability formation will then be equal to the cement mixwater gradient. The pressure profile in the segment of cement column lying across the low-permeability interval between two high-permeability formations will be semi-static, connecting to the pore pressures at the bottom and top of the high-permeability formations it straddles. The pressure at the top of cement will therefore be determined by drawing a pressure line of slope equal to the cement mixwater gradient upwards from the pressure at the top of the shallowest highpermeability formation (see Figure F-9). This leads to an annulus level drop or an annulus pressure build-up.


No matter whether the cement column is good or bad, the cement pore-pressure profile below the deepest high-permeability formation is given by a line of slope equal to the cement mixwater gradient extending downwards from the pressure at the bottom of the high-permeability formation to the casing shoe (see Figures F-8 and F-9). For the determination of the pore-pressure profile in the cement column opposite a previous casing, this previous casing should be treated as a low- permeability formation. ii)

Annulus fluid column Since casing strings can have a much longer service life in the production phase than in the drilling phase, deterioration of the annulus fluid should be taken into account in production casing design for development wells The pressure gradient in the annulus fluid in such cases may thus be determined by the density of the fluid used at the time of the cement job, or by the density of the deteriorated fluid, depending on the elapsed time and on the inherent stability of, the annulus fluid. While brines and bentonite/water-based muds are stable with time, the density of oil based and polymer/water-based muds is liable to drop to that of the base fluid [3]. In the case of a high quality cement column over a high-permeability formation, the annulus-fluid pressure line extends downwards with the above mentioned gradient from zero pressure at the wellhead to the top of cement (see Figure F-8). For a low-quality cement column across a high-permeability formation, the annulus-fluid pressure line extends upwards with the same gradient from the pressure at the top of cement towards the wellhead (see Figure F-9). Exploration wells For exploration wells used for short-term production tests, it can be assumed that the annulus fluid pressure gradient is determined by the fluid density at the time of cementation.



Development wells For development wells it may be assumed that the annulus-fluid pressure gradient will be equal to that for the base fluid for oil-based or polymer/water-based muds (which are liable to deterioration), but will remain at the value prevailing at the time of the cement job for brines and bentonite/water based muds (which are inherently stable.). c) Special cases Artificial-lift wells Gas-lift well production casing above the packer should always be designed for complete internal evacuation to atmospheric pressure, to account for complete venting of the tubing/production-casing annulus as a result of surface equipment failure. For artificial lift equipment working in pump-off mode, where usually no downhole packer is installed, the casing should also be designed for complete internal evacuation to account for the low annulus working pressure. The external pressure profile will be as described in section 2.2.2 b). Salt loading Salt loading is modelled as if it were an external fluid pressure equal to the overburden pressure at the depth of the salt formation. The external pressure profile will therefore be as described in section 2.2.2 b), but with the effects of the salt loading giving rise to a step change in the external pressure profile at the top and bottom of the salt formation. Salt loading is a time-dependent phenomenon but since its onset cannot be accurately predicted, the loading should always be assumed when designing for collapse in the production phase. This case is dealt with in Chapter N. The internal pressure profile will be as described in section 2.2.2 a). Formation compaction External loading due to formation compaction should replace, where applicable, that resulting from annulus fluid and cement column pressures. This case is dealt with in Chapter N. The internal pressure profile will be as described in section 2.2.2 a). Blowout If the casing design is to cater for a blowout scenario, full evacuation of the string to atmospheric pressure must be assumed for the internal pressure profile. This condition represents a blowout where the internal pressure due to an uncontrolled gas flow is very low. The external pressure profile will be as described in section 2.2.2 b). It should be noted, however, that during the actual blow-out preceding the full evacuation, the casing integrity might be reduced. To make the design for this scenario fit for purpose, a realistic wear margin should be taken into account when selecting the casing. 6.2.3

Burst loads Burst during drilling Burst loads can occur during the drilling phase due to displacement of the borehole to hydrocarbons. Theere are, however, a number of special cases to be considered. The base case and the special cases will be addressed in this section. See Flowchart F-4.


a) Internal pressure profile The worst-case internal pressure loading is that following a complete loss of primary control [4] corresponding to full displacement of the casing to gas and the well closed-in at surface. The internal pressure profile is based on a gas gradient taken from the pore pressure at TD. If the gas water contact (GWC) in the structure is known, the chosen gradient should be assumed to originate from this depth. See Figure F-10. Where more information is available about the behaviour of the hydrocarbon phase, e.g. via PVT data from offset wells, a field-specific gas gradient should be used (see Chapter C). When hydrocarbons with a very low gas/oil ratio are encountered, the relevant oil gradient may be used (see Figure F-11). Although hydrocarbons with a medium gas/oil ratio will separate out once the well is shut in, it is very difficult to quantify a realistic internal pressure profile for this case. Hence, the approach for the worst-case internal pressure loading described above should be used. FIGURE F-10 CONSTRUCTION OF INTERNAL PRESSURE PROFILE FOR BURST IN DRILLING PHASE DETERMINED BY GAS GRADIENT


The resultant pressure at the casing shoe should be compared with the formation breakdown pressure (FBP) at that depth. If the pressure is in excess of the highest anticipated FBP the internal pressure profile should be reduced accordingly. The hydrocarbon gradient will then extend upwards from this highest anticipated FBP at the casing shoe. See Figure F-12. b) External pressure profile (See section 2 2.1 b). c) Special cases Over-pressured aquifer in borehole below casing When only an over-pressured aquifer is encountered, the internal pressure profile will be that due to full displacement of the wellbore to formation water, with the well closed in at surface. The pressure calculations are based on a pressure line with the formation-water gradient, drawn from pore pressure at the top of the aquifer. The resultant pressure at the casing shoe should be compared with the formation breakdown pressure (FBP) at that depth. If the pressure is in excess of the highest anticipated FBP the internal pressure profile should be reduced accordingly. The pressure line with water gradient will then extend upwards from this highest anticipated FBP at casing shoe. See Figure F-13.


See section 2.2.1 (b) for the construction of the external pressure profile. Salt loading Salt loading is a time-dependent phenomenon and since its onset cannot be accurately predicted, it should be assumed absent when calculating the external pressure profile for a burst scenario. This is just the opposite of the rule given in section 2.2 for collapse scenarios. The external pressure profile will be as described in section 2.2.1 b). The internal pressure profile is that resulting from displacement of the casing to hydrocarbons as described in section 2.3.1 a) or to water as described for the case of the overpressured acquifer above. Burst during production Burst loading during the production phase will generally depend on whether the load is above or below the production packer. Burst loads above the production packer are usually a result of tubing failure. There are however, a number of special cases to be considered. The base case and the special cases will be addressed in this section. See Flowchart F-5. FLOWCHART F-5 : DECISION TREE FOR BURST LOAD CASES, PRODUCTION PHASE APPLIES TO PRODUCTION CASING/LINER


a) Internal pressure profile Above the production packer The maximum internal pressure profile experienced by the production casing will be that resulting from a leak in the production/injection tubing or test string at or near the surface. The appropriate surface pressure will then be imposed on the packer fluid. The gradient of the pressure line is determined by the density of the fluid between the tubing and the casing at the time. For production wells, the maximum surface pressure will be the closed-in tubing-head pressure (CITHP), which should be based in the worst case on a column of gas extending from the pressure at TD. If the gas-water contact (GWC) in the structure is known, the pressure line with the chosen gradient should be assumed to originate from this depth. See Figure F-14. Where more information is available about the behaviour of the hydrocarbon phase, e.g. via PVT data from offset wells, a reservoir specific gas gradient should be used. See Chapter C. When hydrocarbons with a very low gas/oil ratio are encountered, the relevant oil gradient may be used. Although hydrocarbons with a medium gas/oil ratio will separate out once the well is shut in, it is very difficult to quantify a realistic internal pressure profile for this case. Hence, the maximum CITHP based on a gas column extending from the pressure at TD should be assumed. A suitable margin should be included in the CITHP if squeeze kill operations are to be considered. FIGURE F-14 CONSTRUCTION OF INTERNAL PRESSURE PROFILE FOR BURST IN PRODUCTION PHASE, WITH PRODUCTION-TUBING FAILURE AT SURFACE

For injection wells, or wells where stimulation treatment may be performed, the maximum surface pressure will be the injection-tubing-head pressure (ITHP) during the respective operations. See Figure F-15. The ITHP resulting from stimulation treatment need only be considered when annuli cannot be monitored.


Below the production packer The internal pressure profile below the packer for a production well is that corresponding to full displacement of this section of the casing to hydrocarbons. Worst-case pressure calculations should be based on a pressure line with gas gradient extending from the pressure at TD. If the GWC in the structure is known, the chosen pressure line should be assumed to originate from this depth. Where more information is available about the hydrocarbon phase behaviour, e.g. via PVT data from offset wells, a reservoir-specific gas gradient should be used. See Chapter C. When hydrocarbons with a very low gas/oil ratio are encountered, the relevant oil gradient may be used. Although hydrocarbons with a medium gas/oil ratio will separate out once the well is shut in, it is very difficult to quantify a realistic internal pressure profile for this case. Hence, the maximum loading based on a gas column extending from the pressure at TD should be assumed. A suitable margin should be included if squeeze kill are to be considered. See Figure F-14. For an injection well, or wells where stimulation treatment may be performed, the internal pressure profile below the packer should be that resulting from injection operations. See Figure F-15. b)

External pressure profile See section 2.2.2 (b).


Special cases Gas-lift wells For gas lift completions, the most severe internal pressure loading above the packer is that generated during the kick-off process, when the kick-off pressure is applied to the top of the packer fluid. The external pressure profile will be as described in section 2.2.2 b). Salt loading Salt loading is a time-dependent phenomenon and since its onset cannot be accurately predicted, it should be assumed absent when calculating the external pressure profile for a burst scenario. The external pressure profile will be as described in section 2.2.2 b). The internal pressure profile will be as described in section 2.3.2 a). Gas-lift pressure on intermediate casing In gas-lift wells, a leak in the production casing may impose the lift-gas injection pressure on the annulus fluid column between the production casing and the intermediate casing. Special attention should be paid to the internal pressure profile for this latter casing in subsea well design where control of this pressure is not possible [5]. The external pressure profile will be as described in section 2.2.2 b).


Installation loads


Introduction Now that the casing string has been designed to withstand the anticipated collapse and burst loads, it should be checked against the loads (resulting in the stresses σa, σt, σr, τ) that will be experienced during the installation of this pressure vessel, and against the loads experienced during cementation and pressure testing (resulting in the stresses σr, σt, σa). Such loads are calculated on the basis that the string is fixed (suspended) at surface but free to move at the shoe. See Figure F-16. These loads should include: a)

self weight (in air) loads;


pressure (buoyancy) loads;


bending loads;


dynamic drag loads;


shock loads;


point loads;


static drag loads.

Temperature effects do not lead to additional stresses in the installation phase since the casing is free to move at the shoe. Below a brief description of the origin of these loads is included. The resulting stresses have been indicated in between brackets. See Figure F-17. a) Self weight (in air) loads The self weight load is the load imposed on the string by gravitational effects (σa). This load depends on the weight per unit length of the string and the suspended vertical length below a point at the pipe axis. b)

Pressure (buoyancy) loads The pressure load, which results when casing is submerged in the drilling fluid, mud and/or cement, is generally referred to as the buoyancy load (σa, σr, σt). This load is the result of the integration of the hydrostatic pressure over the submerged internal, external and free-end surface of the casing. It will depend on the density of the fluid(s) in which the casing is submerged, the presence of any applied surface pressures, and the vertical depth of the casing.



Typical examples are the dynamic pressure loads generated when circulating mud prior to a cement job and during the actual cementation. The hydrostatic pressure load caused by the difference in fluid densities, acting on the sealing casing shoe after the cementation, also falls in this category. c)

Bending loads Bending of the pipe through any curved portion of the hole will induce bending stresses in the pipe walls (σa). Such stresses will be tensional in the outer or convex wall and compressional in the inner or concave wall. Bending is induced directly by the well path. The drilled well trajectory may be intentional, as with a build-up or drop-off, hut may equally be inadvertent due to changes in formation, dip, drilling assembly, or applied drilling operation.

d) Dynamic drag loads Dynamic drag loads are the result of sliding resistance between the casing and the borehole wall. The velocity profile at the point of contact results in axial and tangential drag force components. Hence, drag loads may result in torsional (τ) and axial stresses (σa). Drag loads can vary considerably as a function of hole conditions, hole and casing geometry, and the mud system in use. e) Shock loads When a casing that is being run into the hole is suddenly obstructed at a point somewhere along the casing, two shock waves will be generated an upward travelling compression wave above the contact point and a downward travelling tension wave below that point (σa). A similar effect occurs when the casing is being pulled out-of-hole and it is suddenly stopped. Then the tension wave will travel upwards the compression wave downwards. The origin of shock load can be found in for example the spider elevator early closing or the casing string hanging up on a ledge. f)

Point loads Point loads, in the installation phase, result usually from operational activities related to pressure testing (σa, σr, σt). For example, pressure testing using retrievable packers or directly after the cement displacement.

g) Static drag loads These drag loads, referring to the remaining stresses after casing movement, have an influence on the distribution of stresses within the casing after it has stopped moving (σa). Evaluation of these loads requires a knowledge of the movement "history" of the casing. Subsequent behaviour of the casing depends on the magnitude and direction of these "sliding resistance' loads. The casing design should be checked against the combination of these loads that result when the string is moving, i.e. being run, and against the combination that result when the string is stationary, i.e. landed off. The applicable loads during these dynamic and static phases can be determined from the following table:

The following criteria, together with the design parameters, should be used to generate the load conditions against which the capacity of the earlier generated pressure vessel design should be checked. 6.3.2

Dynamic loads The earlier generated casing string should be checked to confirm that it is capable of withstanding the sum of the loads (σa, σr, σt) within the pipe wall resulting from self weight, pressure (buoyancy), bending, drag or shock. Any rotational loads (τ) which are experienced while running the casing to its setting depth should also be checked. Pipe reciprocation/rotation during cementation is considered part of this phase and is subjected to the same check criteria. The individual loads should be established applying the following rules: Self weight (in air) loads Self weight loads should be calculated from the product of nominal unit weight and the vertical projection of the well trajectory. Pressure (buoyancy) loads Pressure (buoyancy) loads should be based on the lowest anticipated mud/cement pressure gradient and the vertical projection of the well trajectory. Bending loads Bending loads should be based on the planned rate of curvature for a well trajectory increased with an additional dogleg severity. This additional dogleg severity value should be based on local Opco-specific experience. In the absence of such knowledge an additional dogleg severity of 2°/100 ft, above the planned value of rate of curvature for any point in the well trajectory, should be used. Dynamic drag loads The incremental axial load, experienced over the self weight load plus the pressure (buoyancy) load and bending load, due to drag while both running and pulling casing should be estimated. Additional rotation of casing strings introduces a torque load, the values of which should be estimated. In the absence of local Opco-specific knowledge on friction coefficients to establish these loads the following empirical values should be used: Water based mud with barytes Water based mud with dolomite Oil based mud with barytes Brine or water

open hole/cased hole 0.30/0.30 0.30/0.25 0.20/0.15 0.30/0.50

Shock loads Shock loads are to be calculated from the peak casing running velocity which is assumed to be one and a half times the average casing running speed. In the absence of Opco-specific information on average running speeds an average running speed of 13 seconds per 40 ft joint, giving a peak velocity of 4.5 ft/second, should be used. If such loads are found to be excessive, the casing running speed should be reduced accordingly, rather than adjusting the casing design. Potential shock loads during reciprocation are not as severe as those that may be encountered during installation due to the reduced velocities involved. Here a similar approach should be followed. While it is possible that shock and drag loads may occur at the same time, they usually act in the opposite direction, see Chapter G on Load Determination. For example, while running in, the drag force gives rise to a compressive load, while a surface shock load caused by kicking in the slips will give rise to a tensile shock load. On the other hand a compressive shock load, caused by running into a ridge with the casing shoe, will be damped out rapidly due to the high wall contact forces that exist in those parts of the casing which experience high drag loads. As a result, shock and drag loads can be considered to be mutually exclusive, and the larger of the two should be used in calculating the total dynamic load. In summary, the maximum expected axial load during the dynamic phase of the installation phase is the greater of :

The pressure related radial (σr) and tangential stresses (σt) are usually compared to the axial stress (σa). However, for completeness they may be analysed to derive the Von Mises equivalent stress (σVME). 6.3.3

Static loads The casing string designed as described above should be checked for ability to with stand the loads (σa, σr, σt) within the pipe wall resulting from self weight, pressure (buoyancy), bending and static drag loads. Any point (pressure ) loads (σa, σt, σt) arising during pressure testing should also be checked, not to exceed the capacity of the casing. The self-weight, pressure (buoyancy), and bending leads should be analysed as described in section 3.2. The static drag load is not well known. The design factor, as discussed in Chapter K, takes this unknown into account. The point (pressure) loads should be analysed for: i)

any pre-cementation pressure test load (against a retrievable packer);


any post-cementation pressure test load (against the sealed float shoe).

In summary the maximum expected axial load (σa) during the static phase of the installation phase is the greater of:

The pressure related radial (σr) and tangential stresses (σt) are mostly low compared to the axial stress (σa). However, for completeness they may be analysed to derive the equivalent stress (σsVME). Specially for the larger OD casing strings the post-cementation collapse load should be evaluated.


Service loads


Introduction The initial casing design, as discussed in section 2, is not an exact reflection of the service loads, as it assumes that the casing string is not fixed at either end. The pressure loads, on which the initial design is based, will only occur once the casing has been cemented in place. Under these circumstances the string is axially fixed at the cemented interval and at the wellhead for subsea or land wells, while for offshore platform wells some vertical movement is possible. See Figure F-16. It must be ensured that the incremental stresses (∆σa, ∆σt, ∆σr) in the pipe body resulting from changes in pressure, temperature, and applied point loads relative to the as cemented condition ( σ a, σ t, σ r), do not cause the casing to fail. Also instability, i.e. occurrence of buckling, should be checked for. Its consequences in terms of additional stresses ∆σa) or obstructing geometry for future operations should be evaluated and corrected, if required. With respect to stress in the axial direction, the as cemented axial stress, upon which all subsequent changes are superimposed, is that due to the static load immediately after the cement slurry has been displaced to its final position. The effect of cement gellation on buoyancy is not well known [3]. The design factor, as discussed in Chapter K, takes these unknowns into account. For the uniaxial analysis, calculation of the resulting incremental axial force will enable the total actual axial force to be compared against the pipe axial capacity. Also the reduced axial force, Fa*, as introduced in Appendix 6, can then be compared to the critical buckling force. The collapse and burst loads can be compared to the uniaxial collapse and burst capacities as documented in API Bull. 5C3 [1] or internal documents [6]. For the more advanced analysis the equivalent stress (σVME) should be compared to the yield strength (σy). The following sections describe the pressure, temperature, and point loads that may result in incremental stresses for which a design check is required. Flowchart F-6 gives an overview of the relevant aspects.


Pressure loads Actual axial forces a) The actual axial force within both uncemented and cemented sections of the casing should be determined for the burst and collapse load cases as established in the initial pressure load design. b) The actual axial force resulting from anticipated changes to the as cemented internal and external fluid densities should be calculated e.g. increased internal fluid density for deeper drilling, reduced external fluid density due to mud deterioration with time. c) The actual axial force resulting from anticipated changes to the as cemented internal and external surface pressures must be calculated e g. increased external surface pressure due to a live annulus, increased internal surface pressure due to a pressure test against a retrievable packer. Collapse and burst loads a) If in the initial design the poor cement bond scenario was used in the collapse design, the possibility of a live annulus has already been taken into account. If however, the good cement bond scenario was adopted, but possible annulus pressures are to be checked for, a check should be made of the maximum allowable annulus pressure. Depending upon this pressure, a judgement must be made between design of the casing and control i.e. bleed-off of any such pressures. Also possible leak off at the casing shoe will limit the pressure development in the annulus under consideration.


Possible burst of the outer casing and collapse of the inner casing should be addressed under such circumstances. b) Some well servicing operations e.g. stimulation treatments result in a considerable increase in the bottomhole pressure. Any communication path behind the pipe will allow possible pressurisation to extend outside the zone that is directly affected. This may result in a collapse load being applied to any casing section which is not itself internally pressured, e.g. casing above the packer or bridge plug. It is therefore advisable that the design of the production casing, to be set across the reservoir subject to stimulation operations, is checked for ability to withstand these pressures. Reduced axial forces a) The value of reduced axial force, Fa*, in the uncemented section resulting from changes in pressure as mentioned in section 4.2.1 should be checked against the critical buckling force. 6.4.3

Temperature loads Actual axial forces a) The axial force within both cemented and uncemented sections of the casing, resulting from linear thermal expansion caused by a change in temperature of the casing material, should be determined. Specially the forces generated by injecting cold fluids can be considerable. The effect of wellhead thermal growth for offshore platform wells should be taken into account in such calculations. b) The axial force resulting from thermal expansion of fluids contained in sealed annuli should be determined. Whether the casing should be designed to withstand these loads will depend on the ability to bleed off these pressures. Such pressures will not return once bled off. This in contrast to pressures caused by a live annulus. Collapse and burst loads a) Burst and collapse loads resulting from thermal expansion of fluids contained in sealed annuli should be determined. Whether the casing should be designed to withstand these loads will depend on the ability to bleed off these pressures. Such pressures will not return once bled off. This in contrast to pressures caused by a live annulus. Possible burst of the outer casing and collapse of the inner casing should be addressed under such circumstances. Reduced axial forces a) The value of the reduced axial force in the uncemented section resulting from temperature changes as mentioned in section 4.3.1 should be checked against the critical buckling force. 6.4.4

Point loads Production packer The most common example of a point load is that due to a production packer set in the production casing and to which a load is applied by landing the tubing in compression/tension. The resulting actual axial force, both above and below the production packer, should be checked. Retrievable packer A pressure test with a retrievable packer does not only introduce pressure loads onto the casing but also a change in the axial stress. The resulting axial stress, both above and below the retrievable packer should be checked. Conductor casing One particular form of a point load is the surface loading of the conductor casing of any well. The applied load in this instance is the weight of the inner casing strings, the wellhead and BOP or Xmas tree, and the completion tubulars. Reduced axial forces The value of the reduced axial force in the uncemented section resulting from paint loads as mentioned in sections 4.4.1, 4.4.2 and 4.4.3 should be checked against the critical buckling force.


Reference [1] American Petroleum Institute Bulletin on performance properties of casing and tubing Bull. 5C2, Twentieth edition, 31 May 1987 [2] Wind, J.A., KSEPL Casing collapse design criteria, partial evacuation., building blocks for the Casing Design Manual Note for file 5 DRIG111, 1 June 1992 [3] Bol, G. and van Vliet, J., KSEPL Aspects design related to drilling fluids and cement EP 92-0616 [4] SIPM, EPO/51 Pressure control manual for drilling and workover operations EP 89-1500 [5] de Meyer, T., Shell Expro Subsea development casing design Shell Expro Well Engineering Information Note 177, EP 92-1684 [6] Ooms, R.J. and Klever, F.J., KSEPL Evaluation of casing collapse strength formulae EP 92-0888

7.0 7.1

Load determination Introduction This chapter presents the methods for calculating the magnitude of the loads imposed on the casing as a result of the various load cases described in Chapter F. The structure of this present chapter parallels that of chapter F with a breakdown into; a) pressure loads (i.e. burst and collapse) b) installation loads b) service loads. This reflects the overall structure of the casing design process as illustrated in Flowchart G-1. Pressure loads and installation loads are addressed independently of each other and in a uniaxial manner. The service loads are calculated by determining the tangential, radial, and axial stresses in the cemented casing string and string and performing a triaxial stress analysis. The use of a software program to determine these service loads is demonstrated in Chapter M. The types of stresses resulting from the three kinds of loads are shown in Figure G-1. Load determination for the particular cases of stove pipes, foundation piles, marine conductors and conductors strings is also addressed.


Pressure loads on casing Internal and external pressure profiles are generally independent and therefore separate design loads will be generated following the design criteria as laid down in the relevant chapter. The comparison of the internal and external pressure loads results in either a collapse load line or in a burst load line. In the following paragraphs the methods to quantify the relevant loads will be presented.




Collapse load The collapse load at any vertical depth z, is the difference between the external pressure and the internal pressure at that depth. i.e. Pc(z) = Pe(z) - Pi(z)

for Pe > Pi


The external pressure profile results from the design criterion selected and could be; Pe(z) = Pes + ρe.z where Pes = ρe

external surface pressure

= external fluid density (full fluid column)

Similarly, the internal pressure profile could be given by; Pi(z) = Pis + ρiz where Pis = ρi

internal surface pressure


internal fluid density ( full fluid column)

The collapse pressure profile at any vertical depth z is therefore Pc(z) = Pe(z) - Pi(z) = (Pes - Pis) + (ρe - ρi) z


When represented graphically , this is termed the Collapse Load line


The resulting collapse load line can have one gradient or is composed of sections with different gradients. The chosen design criterion defines its shape. Example Consider a 10,000 ft (3,048 m) vertical string of casing vertical has been partially evacuated. For simplicity the external fluid gradient is taken at 0.6 psi/ft (13.58 kPa/m). The internal fluid level, due to evacuation to a loss zone, is 4,000 ft (1,219 m) and the internal fluid density is 0.65 psi/ft (14.70 kPa/m). In field units, the external pressure profile is given by; Pe(z) = ρez = 0.6z psi

for 0 < z < 10,000 ft

The internal pressure profile is given by; Pi(z) = 0 psi and Pi(z) = ρi ( z - 4,000 ) = ( 0.65z - 2,600 ) psi

for 0 < z < 4,000 ft for 4,000 < z < 10,000 ft

The collapse toad line is therefore (from Eq. G-2); Pc(z) = 0.6z psi

for 0 < z < 4,000 ft

Pc(z) = 2,600 - 0.05z psi

for 4,000 < z < 10,000 ft

Thus the collapse pressure at 4,000 ft will be 2,400 psi, and the collapse pressure at 10,000 ft will be 2,100 psi (see Figure G-2).


In SI units the external pressure profile is given by; Pe(z)

= ρez


for 0 < z < 3,048 m

13.58z kPa

The internal pressure profile is given by; Pi(z) = 0 kPa Pi(z)

for 0 < z < 1,219 m

= ρi ( z-1,219 ) = ( 14.7z - 17,919 ) kPa

The collapse load line is therefore; Pc(z) = 13.58z kPa Pc(z)

for 1219 < z < 3,048 m for 0 < z < 1,219 m for 1,219 < z < 3,048 m

= 17,919 - 1.12z kPa

Thus the collapse pressure at 1,219 m will be 16,554 kPa, and the collapse pressure at 3,048 m will be 14,505 kPa. 7.2.2

Burst load The burst load at any vertical depth, z, is the difference between the internal pressure and the external pressure at that depth. Pb(z)


Pi(z) - Pe(z)

for Pi > Pe


Using the design criteria for the internal and external pressure profiles from the previous chapter that could result in the following burst pressure profile. Pb(z) = Pi(z) - Pe(z) = (Pis - Pes) + ( ρi - ρe) z


When represented graphically, this is termed the Burst Load Line (BLL). The resulting burst load line can have one gradient or is composed of sections with different gradients. The chosen design criterion defines its shape. Example Consider the case of a vertical 10,000 ft (3,048 m) casing string. For simplicity, the external fluid gradient is taken at 0.55 psi/ft (12.44 kPa/m). The internal mud weight is then raised to 0.7 psi/ft (15.83 kPa/m ) for drilling of the next section. Since the surface pressures are zero, in field units the burst pressure profile is given (from Eq. G4) by; Pb( z) = ( ρi - ρe ) z = 0.15z psi Thus at 10,000ft the burst load is 1,500 psi (see Figure G-3). In SI units, the burst pressure profile is given by; Pb(z) = (ρi - ρe) z = 3.39z kPa Thus, at 3,048 m, the burst load is 10,333 kPa.


Formation load Laterally moving formations, such as salt, exert a collapse loading on casing. The loading is generally modelled as a uniform fluid pressure load with a pressure equal to the overburden pressure. No account is taken of the non-uniformity of these types of loads. See Chapter N (Special Designs) for more detail. FIGURE G-3 : BURST LOAD LINE CORRESPONDING TO ACCOMPANYING EXAMPLE

Near-vertical formation loads, such as compaction are complex and usually estimated using computer models. The program CASINT is available for these purposes [l]. See Chapter N (Special Designs) for more detail. 7.3

Installation loads Loads, which are relevant for the installation in phase are made up of some or of the following. According to the principle of superposition, see Appendix 6, these loads can be added algebraically. Chapter F (Design Loads) defines which loads should be considered for the dynamic or the static load determination. - self-weight (in air) loads - pressure (buoyancy ) loads - bending loads - dynamic drag loads - shock loads - static drag loads - temperature loads In the following paragraphs the methods to quantify the relevant loads will be presented.


Self-weight (in air) The self weight (in air) load is the load imposed on the casing string by gravitational effects. This load depends on the weight per unit length and the suspended length below the point under consideration. When referring to casing weight, it is common practice to use the API Nominal Unit Weight as defined in API Bull. 5C3 [2]. This figure is based on the calculated theoretical weight of a 20 ft length of threaded and coupled pipe divided by its length. Together with the allowable dimensional tolerances, according to API Spec. 5CT [3], this means that the actual measured unit weight of an individual pipe length may vary from -4% to +8%. However, the design factor will allow for this variation and for the calculation of the self-weight (in air) load the nominal value can be used. The calculation of the self-weight (in air) load of a curved casing string, in a frictionless hole ignoring the additional normal force created by the stiffness of the pipe, is addressed in Appendix 7. In this appendix it is demonstrated that the contribution of the self-weight (in air) load to the total axial force can be calculated from the vertical projection of the well. Thus, wells A, B, C and D shown in Figure G-4 would all make the same contribution to the axial force at any vertical depth. Find below the application of Appendix 7 for three specific cases.


a) Vertical well For a vertical well, the string weight in air at any point in the string is simply the product of the nominal weight per foot and the length of casing below that point: Fa (z) = wn (ZL-z)


b) Straight inclined well For a straight inclined well , consider a section of casing inclined at an angle θ to the vertical as illustrated in Figure G-5 . The weight of the section is the measured length, L, multiplied by the nominal weight, Wn: WnL. The component of this lead along the axis of the casing is given by wnL cos θ and must be balanced by the force at surface, Fa. The component of the weight normal to the casing axis, WnL sinθ, must be balanced by a reaction force from the borehole wall. L cos θ is equal to the true vertical projection of the section Z L. Thus, the axial force at surface resulting from the weight of the casing is given by: Fa(o) = wn ZL Thus, for straight but inclined wells, the axial force at surface resulting from the weight of the casing is the product of the nominal weight per foot and the true vertical projection of the casing length. Similarly, for any point along the casing, corresponding to a true vertical depth z, the axial force at that point is the nominal weight multiplied by the true vertical length of the casing below that point: Fa(z) = wn (ZL-z)



Curved well Analysis of the axial load due to self-weight in air in a curved well is demonstrated in Appendix 7. By ignoring the fluid densities and the surface pressures, it can be derived from Eq. App. 7-3 that the axial load due to self-weight at any point, s, along the casing is:

Hence for any point along the casing, corresponding to a true vertical z, the axial force at that point is the nominal weight multiplied by the true vertical length of the casing below that point: Fa (z) = wn (ZL-z)


Pressure (buoyancy) In Appendix 6, buoyancy related loads have been explained as a result of hydrostatic pressures acting on the casing surfaces. Appendix 7 calculates these pressure loads and derives the general equation for the axial lead in a submerged curved casing string, suspended in a frictionless hole ignoring the additional normal force created by the stiffness of the pipe. In this Appendix 7, it is demonstrated that the contribution of the pressure loads to the axial force can be calculated from the vertical projection of the well. Find below the application of Appendix 7 for three specific cases. It should be noted that the as landed pressure (buoyancy) load is always calculated from the fluid columns present at the end of the casing cementation. The effect of cement gelation on buoyancy loads are not well known [4]. The design factor, as discussed in Chapter K, takes these unknowns into account. a)

Vertical well For an open-ended casing of length L, wall cross-sectional area As, suspended in a fluid of density ρf, the upward pressure (buoyancy) load, FB, is given by Eq. App. 6-16; FB = ρf ZL As The axial force at any depth, z, is given by Eq. App. 6-18; Fa (z) = wn (ZL - z) - ρf ZL As At the end of a casing cementation however, before the cement sets, the pressures exerted by the hydrostatic columns inside and outside the casing will generally be different. See Figure G-6. The pressure, Pe, due to the contents of the casing annulus (cement and mud) will be higher than the pressure, Pi, due to the contents of the casing (mud). This differential pressure will be exerted across the sealing float shoe, and will affect the pressure (buoyancy) load acting upon the casing. This pressure (buoyancy) load, FB, is now given by Eq. App. 6-19 ; FB = [PeAe - PiAi] L where the subscript L denotes that the pressure term is evaluated at L and Pe = ρmud Zc + (ZL - Zc) ρcem Pi = ZL ρmud where Zc is the depth of the top of cement. Thus the general expression for the axial force at a depth, z, is (from Eq. App. 6-20); Fa(z) = wn (ZL - z) - [PeAe - PiAi] L FIGURE G-6


b) Straight inclined well For a straight inclined well, as for a vertical well, the buoyancy (pressure) load acting on the casing is the integral of the pressure loads acting normally to the exposed surfaces of the casing. Consider a section of open-ended inclined casing, of measured length L at an angle to the vertical of θ, suspended in a fluid of density ρf (as illustrated in Figure G-7). FIGURE G-7 PRESSURE (BUOYANCY) LOAD FOR VERTICAL WELL, STRAIGHT INCLINED WELL AND CURVED WELL

The resulting pressure load acting along the casing axis will be given by Eq. App.6-16; FB = ρf ZL As Thus the axial force at surface Fa, will be given by Eq. App. 6-17; Fa(o)= wnL cos θ - ρf ZL As = wnZL - ρf ZL As Thus the axial force at surface is equal to the axial force for a vertical casing string of length ZL, i.e. the vertical projection of the measured length L. Since the pressure load acts along the entire length of the casing, the axial force at any depth z is given by Eq. App. 6-18; Fa(z) = Wn (ZL - z) - ρf ZL As In the event that the casing has a closed end, the force is given by Eq. App. 6-20; Fa(z) = wn (ZL - z) - [PeAe - PiAi] L where Pe and Pi are evaluated at vertical depth ZL. Integration of the pressure loads normal to the circumference of the inclined casing does give a resultant load normal to the axis of the casing as shown in Appendix 7. Summarising, for a straight but inclined well, the submerged weight at any point in the casing string can be calculated by considering the vertical projection of the well. c)

Curved well Analysis of the axial load in a submerged casing string in a curved well is demonstrated in Appendix 7. It can be derived from Eq. App. 7-3 that the axial load at any point along the casing is:

Hence, for any point along the submerged casing string in a curved well is vertical depth z, the axial force at that point can be calculated by considering the vertical projection of the well: Fa(z) = wn (ZL - z) - [Pe Ae - Pi Ai] L


Bending load Bending affects axial force by increasing tension in the outer, convex casing wall and by reducing tension in the inner concave wall. By the principle of superposition, as explained in Appendix 6, the axial force caused by bending can be added to those due to self-weight (in air) and pressure (buoyancy) loads. The maximum additional axial stress due to bending can be calculated as follows. See Figure G8. From simple proportions it follows that;

L ± ∆ L R ± d0 / 2 = L R Hence, εbo =

d ∆L = 0 L 2R


where εbo is the strain due to bending at the external casing surface of the outer convex casing wall. FIGURE G-8: MODEL FOR CALCULATING EFFECT OF BENDING ON STRESS IN CASING WALL

From Hooke's Law (Eq. App. 6-5), it follows that the stress due to bending at the external surface of the convex wall is: σbo =

Ed 0 2R


The stress due to bending at the external surface of the concave wall has the same magnitude, but opposite sign. Since it is customary to work with the dogleg severity, rather than the radius of curvature, R, an expression in the dogleg severity will be derived for this bending stress. With α expressed in degrees it follows that: R=

360 L 2π α

In field units, for steel and with a dogleg severity, φ in °/100 ft, it can be derived that: R=

360 68,755 x 100 x 12 = [in] 2π φ φ

Then: σbo = 218 do φ [psi] Expressing this bending stress as an equivalent axial force, with do in inches and A, in inches², results in: Fb = 218 do φ As [Ib]


In SI units, for steel and with a dogleg severity, φ, in °/10 m, it can be derived that: R=

360 573 x 10 = [m] 2π φ φ

Then: σbo = 183 x 106 do φ [Pa] Expressing this bending stress in an equivalent axial force, with do in m and As, in m2 results in: Fb = 183 x 106 do φ As [N] Example


For a 9-5/8in ( 0.2445 m ) 47 lb/ft ( 69.9 kg/m) casing with As = 13.57 in² (8.754 x 10-3 m² ) bent through a dogleg of 5°/100 ft (1.64°/10 in), the equivalent axial bending force would be, in field units, using Eq. G-10; Fb = 218 x 9.625 x 5 x 13.57 = 142,366 lb In SI units using, Eq. G-11; 6 -3 Fb = 183 x 10 x 0.2445 x 1.64 x 8.754 x 10 = 642,363 N

If the above casing already had a tensile load of 500,000 lb (2,224,000 N), then the maximum load experienced would be an equivalent force of 642,366 lb (2,866,363 N) at the external surface of the convex wall. At the external surface of the concave wall, the equivalent force would be reduced to 357,634 lb (1,581,637 N). It should be noted that bending loads are independent of well inclination. Current design methods rarely take into account any casing ovality that may occur in high dogleg severities and influence collapse capacity. Casing ovality that occurs as a result of manufacturing tolerances and doglegs is included in the recent work by Shell Research, Rijswijk on collapse strength [5]. The high additional bending stresses in high dogleg severities created by non-externally flush casing couplings due to Bending Stress Magnification [6] - can be estimated using the computer program CASBEND.


Dynamic drag Dynamic drag loads should be estimated using the DRAGTORQ computer program part of OSCP [7]. The theory of drag loading is briefly discussed below, followed by an example. The total friction force, Ffric is the product of the total force normal to the axis of the casing, F n, and the friction coefficient µ. The direction of the total friction force is opposite to the direction of velocity. The velocity profile at any point of the casing may consist of two components; - tripping speed - rotating speed. In the majority of casing design applications, rotation will not be present, and hence the total friction force will act entirely in the axial direction. This is usually called drag. When the pipe is rotated only, as for a liner cementation with a rotating liner hanger the total friction force will be manifested as torque at surface. There is no axial drag force because there is no movement in the axial direction. For simultaneous rotation and reciprocation of a liner during a cementation, the size of the axial component of the total friction force (the drag) and the torque will depend on the relative magnitudes of the rotating and reciprocating speeds. Consider a horizontal pipe being pulled at a velocity Vtrip, and then the same pipe being pulled at Vtrip and rotated simultaneously at ω rotations per unit time. See Figure G-9. In both cases a) and b) the total normal load acting at the contact surface is W, the weight of the pipe, and the magnitude of the resulting total friction force will be the product of W and the friction coefficient µ. The direction of this force will however, be different. Consider the respective velocity and force vector diagrams in Figure G-9. In case b), since the direction of the total friction force is opposite to the direction of velocity, the angle θ defining the velocity direction will be determined by the relative magnitudes of the rotational and axial velocities, i.e. tan θ =

V trip Vrot


Vtrip πd ο ω

where do is the outer pipe diameter and ω the number of rotations per unit time. Thus, the axial component, Fax, of the total friction force, Ffric, is given by:


The rotational component, Frot, of the total frictional force, Ffric, is given by :

Hence the torque, included by the total friction force is : T = Frot x do/2


This torque, as discussed in Appendix 6, will result in a shear stress at radius r within the casing material. Example Consider a 7 in (0.1778 m) liner being pulled at a constant velocity of 1 ft/sec (0.3048 m/sec) and a total friction force of 50,000 lb (222,400 N) is calculated at the liner top. If the pipe is rotated at 30 r.p.m., the axial component of the total friction force would be (from Eq. G-12); In field units:

The torque component of the total friction force would be (from Eq. G-14):

At the top section of this 29 lb/ft liner, the calculated shear stress (from Eq. App. 6-4): at r = ro = 3.500 in


2 x 12 x 9850 x 3.50 π (3.50 4 − 3.092 4 )

=4,490 psi

at r = ri = 3.092 in


2 x 12 x 9850 x 3.092 π (3.50 4 − 3.092 4 )

= 3,966 psi

In SI unit ;

The torque component of the total frictional force would be ;

At the top section of this 43.1kg/m liner, the calculated shear stress is (from Eq. App. 6-4); at r = ro = 0.0889 m


2 x 13,357 x 0.0889 = 30,871 kPa π (0.0889 4 − 0.0785 4 )

at r = ri = 0.0785 m


2 x13,357 x0.0785 = 27,259 kPa π(0.0889 4 − 0.0785 4 )


Shock load When a casing that is being run into the hole is suddenly obstructed at a point somewhere along the casing, two shock waves will be generated: an upwards travelling compression wave above the contact point and a downwards travelling tension wave below that point. A similar effect occurs when the casing is being pulled out-of-hole and it is suddenly stopped. Then the tension wave will travel upwards and the compression wave downwards. The origin of shock load can be found in for example the spider elevator early closing or the casing string hanging up on a ledge or the casing string jumping off a ledge. The velocity of the shock wave is equal to the speed of sound in steel, and the stress associated with this shock wave, σs, is given in Eq. App. 8-2. From this equation it follows that the highest possible additional axial force in the pipe due to the shock load, Fs, is:

(G-15) where ρs =

the density of steel

Vp =


Young's modulus

As = wall cross-sectional area


peak velocity of pipe

Since the peak velocity, Vp, can generally be assumed to be one and a half times the average casing running speed, Vav, the maximum axial force due to shock loading is:

For steel an in field units this results in: Fs = 2700 x Vav As [lb]


with Vav in ft/s and As in inch². For steel and in SI units this results in: 7 Fs = 6.1 x 10 x Vav As :[N]


with Vav in m/s and As in m². This analysis gives a conservative estimate since it assumes a deceleration of the casing string in a infinitely short time. In reality this will not be the case since the object that stops the casing will always have some degree of flexibility. However, it is extremely difficult to estimate the amount of conservatism and it is advised that above approach is adhered to. Example For 9 5/8 in (0.2445 m) 47 lb/ft (69.9 kg/m) casing, with As = 13.57 inch² (8.754 x 10 -3 m²), run at 20 seconds per 40 ft (12.2 m) joint the maximum additional axial force due to shock loading is given by; In field units, using Eq. G-16: Fs = 2700 x 2 x 13.57 = 73,278 lb In SI units, using Eq. G-17: Fs = 6.1 x 107 x 0.61 x 8.754 x 10-3 = 325,736 N


Point load A point load is typically that due to a packer set in the casing and to which a tensile or compressive load has been applied. Alternatively, the applied load could be a pressure load, eg. during a pressure test against a packer. For all these situations the string is only suspended at surface and not yet cemented in place, i.e. there is no fixed end downhole. Consider the situation where a packer has been set on drillpipe at a true vertical depth Zp in a casing string of total vertical depth ZL suspended in a fluid of density ρf. An upward load of Wp is then applied to the packer. The axial force at any depth z below the packer is given (as before) by Eq. App. 6-18; Fa = Wn (ZL - z) - FB

for Zp < z ≤ Z L

Above the point load, the axial force is given by; Fa = Wn (ZL - z) - FB - W p

for 0 ≤ z < Zp


If a surface test pressure, PT, is applied across the full internal cross-sectional area, Ai, above a packer the axial force above the point load is (see Figure G-10); Fa = Wn (ZL - z) - FB + P TAi 7.3.7

for 0 ≤ z < Z p


Static drag These are drag loads which continue to have an influence on the distribution of forces and stresses within the casing after it has stopped moving. Evaluation of these loads requires a knowledge of the movement history of the casing. Subsequent behaviour of the casing depends on the magnitude and direction of these loads. These loads are assumed to be absent in vertical wells. This area of analysis is complex and at present can only be performed by computerised numerical techniques [11].


Temperature load Increased temperature causes the casing to increase in length, and the ability of the casing move to accommodate this change determines the resulting stresses. In the installation phase, for uncemented casing which is free to elongate, no additional stress will result. The amount of elongation is derived below.


If an element, of casing length dz, is subjected to a temperature increase ∆T, the element will expand by an amount given by; α∆T dz where α is the coefficient of linear expansion of the material. A value of 6.9 x 10 per degree -5 Fahrenheit (1.24 x 10 per degree Centigrade) is appropriate for steel. -6

Since the change in temperature, ∆T , will generally be different for each element, dz, the above expression must be integrated over the entire length of the casing to find the total change in length. If we consider a situation in a vertical well where the surface temperature is Ts, then the change in temperature at depth z will be given by; ∆T = (Ts + g iz) - Ts = giz


where gi is the thermal gradient of the hole into which the casing is run. Integrating over the whole length L to find the length change ∆L

Example For a 10,000 ft (3,048 m) string run into a hole with a thermal gradient of 0.02°F/ft, (0.036°C/m) then the change in length is (from Eq. G-21), in field units; -6 6.9 x 10 x 0.02 x 10,0002 ∆L =

6.9 x 10 −6 x 0 .02 x 10,000 2 = 6.9ft 2

In SI units; ∆L= 7.3.9

1.24 x 10 −5 x 0.036 x 3,048 2 = 2.1m 2

Maximum installation load For each point along the string, it must be confirmed that the casing can accommodate the maximum force that the string at that point will have seen during installation. This is best achieved by considering self-weight, buoyancy, and bending first, and then adding shock or drag loads later by the principle of superposition. Consider a point X in a vertical casing string, an arbitrary distance y from the shoe. As the string is run, the axial force at point X is illustrated in Figure G-11. As described earlier, the axial force at any point is given by the weight in air of the casing below that point corrected for the pressure (buoyancy) load. As a string is run deeper into a well, and the hydrostatic pressure at the shoe increases, the pressure (buoyancy) load will increase. As a result, since the weight in air below X is constant, the axial force at point X will decrease. The maximum static axial force experienced by any point in the string during installation, therefore, is the force present when that point is at surface. If the maximum static axial force experienced by any point in the string during installation is plotted against its final as landed depth, line 4 results. This holds for a vertical well. For deviated wells, the true vertical projection of the casing length should be used in all calculations. In a deviated well, or vertical well with localised doglegs, all casing that has to pass through a dog leg must be designed to withstand the bending loads imposed. For each point in the string it is necessary to calculated the sum of the buoyant axial load and the bending load as that point passes through the dogleg. Since the bending load will be constant through the dog leg, the maximum combined load will coincide with the maximum buoyant axial load over the dogleg interval. This latter load will always be at the top of the dogleg interval, when the string is landed. In Figure G-12, for a well which has a constant dog leg of 5°/100 ft (1.64°/10 m) below the kickoff point, line 5 represents the maximum installation axial force, i.e. buoyant weight plus bending experienced by each point along the casing referenced to its final depth. It can be seen that adding the bending force to line 4 overestimates the maximum load by a constant amount. Similarly, adding the bending force to line 3, gives a line that corresponds to the axial force at each point in the casing once installed, but underestimates the maximum axial force experienced by each point in the casing during installation- except at the top of the build-up section.


For a combination string, which will experience different bending loads and will have different tensile capacities along its length, it will be necessary to plot the maximum experienced load line when installing the string to ensure sufficient capacity is present at all depths. This is specially important for the running of liners through high build-up sections into straight inclined sections. Example Consider the following example as an illustration of the difference between installation axial loads and as landed axial loads. A well has the profile shown in Figure G-13. It is necessary to examine the axial loads in a string of 9 5/8 in (0.2445 m) 47 lb/ft (69.9 kg/m) casing run in 0.65 psi/ft (14.7 kPa/m) mud to 8,000 ft TVD(2,438 m).



The force due to bending is given, in field units, by Eq. G-10; For φ = 5°/100 ft

Fb = 218 x 9.625 x 5 x 13.57 = 142,366 lb

For φ = 2°/100 ft

Fb = 218 x 9.625 x 2 x 13.57 = 56,947 lb

In SI units, using Eq. G-11; For φ = 1.64°/10 m

Fb = 183 x 106 x 0.2445 x 1.64 x 8.754 x 10-3 = 642,363 N

For φ = 0.66°/10 m

Fb = 183 x 106 x 0.2445 x 0.66 x 8.754 x 10-3 = 258,512 N

All casing that will eventually sit below 2000 ft TVD (610m) will have to pass through the 5°/100 ft (1.64°/10 m) dog leg and must be designed accordingly. It can be shown that the static forces experienced during installation (excluding drag and shock loads) are greater than those as landed, particularly for those sections that will eventually be below 4,000 ft TVD (1,219 m). Consider such a point in the casing which, when landed, will be 2000 ft TV (610 m) above the shoe. As the casing is run, the maximum force experienced by that point will be as the point passes the kick-off depth. For the purpose of this example, assume that the point of interest, when at the kick-off depth, is 2400 ft TV (731 m) above the shoe. At that time, the axial force at that point is given by the weight in air of the string below that point, minus the buoyancy force. In field units, from Eq. App. 6-18; Fa = (2400 x 47) - (4400 x 0.65 x 13.57) = 73,990 lb The bending force due to the 5°/100 ft dogleg must be added to give a total force of 216,356 lb. When that point is in the as landed condition the axial force due to the buoyant weight will be, from Eq. App. 6-18; Fa = (2000 x 47) - (8000 x 0.65 x 13.57) = 23,436 lb The bending force due to the 2°/100 ft dogleg must be added to give a total of 80,383 lb. In SI units; With the point of interest at the kick-off depth: 3 -3 Fa = (731 x 9.8 x 69.9) - (1341 x 14.7 x 10 x 8.754 x 10 ) = 328,185 N

The bending force due to the 1.64°/10 in dogleg must be added to give a total force of 970,548 N. When that point is in the as landed condition: Fa = (610 x 9.8 x 69.9) - (2438 x 14.7 x l03 x 8.754 x 10-3 ) = 104,131 N The bending force due to the 0.66°/10 in dogleg must be added to give a total force of 362,643 N.


Service loads The previous section presented the methods to quantify the installation and as-landed loads. The purpose of this section is to present methods to quantify the changes in stress in the cemented casing due to departure from the as-cemented conditions caused by changes in pressure and temperature. The temperature related service loads and the estimation of the increase in annulus pressures is discussed in detail in Appendix 9. The resulting changes in stress should be added to the as-cemented stress to result in a new stress state. The as-cemented stress state should be calculated using the casing weight and pressures resulting from fluid columns present at the end of the casing cementation. This is because the effects of cement gellation on buoyancy loads are not well known [8]. The design factor, as discussed in Chapter K takes these unknowns into account. In the following paragraphs the methods to quantify the changes in stresses will be presented for a limited number of service loads. However, it will become clear that the manual solution of these problems is cumbersome. The presented equations are meant to allow a first order approximation of the relevant stresses, but computing tools should assist where in depth analysis is required [9, 10, 11].


Changes in tangential stress As described in Appendix 6 the tangential stress, σt , is solely dependent on the internal and external pressures. As a result, change in this stress, can only result from pressure changes. Thus, from the Lamé equations(Eq. App. 6-1 and Eq. App. 6-2);

∆σt = 7.4.2

Pi A i − Pe A e A A + ( ∆Pi - ∆Pe ) e i AsA As

( G-22 )

Changes in radial stress As described in Appendix 6 the radial stress, σ r, is solely dependent on the internal and external pressures. As a result, change in this stress, can only result from pressure changes. Thus, from the Lamé equations again;

∆σr =

∆Pi A i − ∆Pe A e A A + ( ∆Pi - ∆Pe ) e i As AsA

( G-23 )


Changes in axial stress The general equation will be developed for the change in axial stress in a partially cemented string due to a departure from the as-cemented conditions. A modified form of this general equation will then be presented for a variety of common drilling and production operations conditions. The following analysis is based on a number of assumptions. See Figure G-14. i)

the cement sheath fully restrains the cemented section of casing in the axial direction. Hence the following applies over the cement sheath: ∆εa(z) = 0;

ii) the uncemented section has two fixed points: one at surface and one at the top of cement. Hence the following applies over the uncemented section:

iii) The cement sheath prevents large radial displacements but allows small radial displacements, i.e. buckling and bending are not allowed but ballooning is. Hence the following applies for the total string: equal to 0. FIGURE G-14: MODEL FOR CALCULATION OF AXIAL STRESS CHANGES

The same considerations, as described in Appendix 7, with respect to well profile (vertical, inclined, and curved sections) apply to the uncemented sections as to the suspended casing in the installation phase. That is, inclined sections should be projected into the vertical such that true vertical depths are used in the following analysis. The behaviour of curved uncemented phase sections when subjected to changing conditions is much more complex and requires computerised solution techniques [11]. However, a first approximation can be made by also projecting the curved section into the vertical plane. Well profile is not a consideration in cemented sections since the casing is assumed to be axially restrained. The wellpath can therefore be projected into the vertical for all profiles. It is highlighted that the point where the casing is axially fixed, Zc, is selected with due attention. Fundamental equation From Hooke's Law we have Eq. App.6-6 ;

Similarly ;

From Eq. App. 6-9 we can obtain : ∆σr + ∆σt =

2 (∆Pi A i − APe A e ) As

So ;

Generally ; ∆Ρi(z) = z∆ρi + ∆ρi+∆Ρis

for 0 < z ≤ ZL

∆Ρe(z) = z∆ρe + ∆Ρes

for 0 < z ≤ ZL

where ∆ρi , ∆ρe are the changes in fluid density (and are assumed to be independent of z) and ∆Ρis, ∆Ρes are the changes in surface pressure. Thus;

This equation is valid for vertical and inclined sections as long as true vertical depths are used. a)

Uncemented section (0 ≤ z < Z c) For a fixed wellhead the governing condition is that the total length change is zero, i.e.

where Zc is the depth of the top of cement. Therefore, inserting Eq. G-26;

Giving, ∆σa is constant over the uncemented length :

Therefore; ∆σa =

νA e νA i ( Z c ∆ρ i + 2∆Pis ) − ( Z c ∆ρ e + 2∆Pes ) AS As

for 0 < z < Zc (G - 27)

For a non-fixed wellhead, e.g. offshore platform wellhead, the change in axial stress will depend on similar changes in the other interdependent casing strings. However, the fact that the wellhead is free to move, and thus minimise the additional stresses in all the strings, means that ∆σa for such a wellhead system will always be lower than that for a fixed wellhead. As such, the expression for ∆σa for a fixed wellhead should be used as a worst case approach. This argument should be applied for all the following cases.


Cemented section (Zc < z ≤ ZL) The governing condition aver the cemented section, from the top of cement at Zc to the casing shoe at ZL, is that no movement is allowed at any point, i.e.

∆εa(z) = 0

for Zc< z< Z L

Thus it follows from Eq. G-25 that:

∆σa =

2ν (∆PiAi - ∆PeAe) As 2ν ( z∆ρiAi + ∆PisAi - z∆ρeAe -∆PesAe ) As


( G-28 )

Below the application of these general equations will be demonstrated for a variety of common drilling and production operations. lt should be noted that the complexity of the calculations rapidly increases. The support of computerised solution techniques is therefore required [9, 10, 11]. Solving the complex string interaction effects is manually not possible. Increase in internal pressure with fluid density and/or surface pressure Fluid densities are often increased for deeper drilling, and a pressure test may be carried out once the cement has set, prior to drilling out the shoe. The resulting changes in axial stress may be derived from the general equations generated in the previous section. a) Uncemented section In this case, there are no changes in external pressure, i.e. ∆ρe and ∆Pes are both zero. Therefore, from Eq. G-27; ∆σa =

νA i As

( Zc∆ρi + 2∆Pis )

for 0 10 can prevent this form of corrosion. Whilst contamination of an annulus with CO2 in the packer fluid will lead to attack, rates in an essentially stagnant environment are likely to be relatively low [3(S3.1)]. Assuming such faults are corrected in the short term, damage will remain limited. Contamination of an annulus with O2 for long periods is generally improbable and corrosion forms involving this corrosive, such as pitting (of steel or CRAs) or chloride stress corrosion (of CRAs) are unlikely [3(S3.6, S3.7)]. For beam pumped wells oxygen contamination is a risk and corrosion is possible. It is likely, however, that the use of carbon steel casing will still represent the most economically attractive approach. In the event that a CRA is used for the production casing, the possibility of chlorides in the packer fluid supporting stress corrosion cracking by, for example H2S, must be considered (SSCC).

c) Casing materials liable to attack by H2S All casing strings which may be exposed to sour gas (H2S) should consist of material which is resistant to SSCC at the conditions in which it will be used. NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineers) document MR 0175-91 defines a sour gas environment as one where the total pressure exceeds 65 psia (448 kPa) and the H2S partial pressure exceeds 0.05 psia (0.34 kPa) [5,3(S3.5.1)]. The immersion of stressed, high strength casing materials in such an environment can lead to the rapid and sudden failure of those materials due to SSCC. The ability of the casing material to resist SSCC increases with temperature. The risk of SSCC therefore increases with: - increasing H2S partial pressure; - increasing steel hardness (and hence strength); - increasing stress (residual or applied); - decreasing pH of the solution; - decreasing temperature. The need to design for sour conditions will primarily depend on the wellbore pressure and the H2S concentration. The table below shows, for various well pressures, the H2S concentration above which sour service materials are required.

The relationship between SSCC, heat treatment, and steel hardness has been documented by laboratory and field service data [5]. Since hardness testing is non-destructive, it is used by manufacturers as a quality control method, and by users as a field inspection method. Although a maximum hardness of 22 Rockwell C is specified by NACE, use of API grades up to and including L80, which has a maximum hardness of 23 Rockwell C [3], is accepted based on laboratory evaluation and field experience [5]. Materials which do not meet this hardness requirement, generally all steels with a minimum yield strength greater than 80,000 psi (551,600 kPa), can be qualified for sour service using laboratory-based testing procedures. NACE document TM 0177-90 describes four such SSCC resistance testing procedures [6]. The first of the procedures - known as the NACE Standard Tensile Test - is most commonly applied, although there is discussion within the oil industry as to which of the four test methods is most suitable and reliable [7]. The NACE Standard Tensile Test requires demonstration that the material is resistant to SSCC at an applied level of tensile stress. It is the purchaser's responsibility to specify the required stress level. Manufacturers typically supply proprietary, i.e. non-API sour-rated materials having minimum yield strengths of 80,000 psi (551,600 kPa) and above, which have been qualified using the tensile test at 80%, 85%, or 90% of the minimum yield strength. The second test method - known as the NACE Standard Bent Beam Test or Shell Bent Beam Test - involves stressing the sample specimen beyond its yield strength. A critical stress (Sc) value is calculated from the test data and is used to relate resistance to SSCC. Manufacturers should demonstrate the ability of their material to reach the minimum Sc values indicated in the table below: Minimum yield strength (x 10³ psi) 75-90 90-105 100-115 110-125

Minimum Sc value (x 104 psi) 10 12 13.2 14.7

API Spec 5CT C95 (quenched and tempered) material is acceptable for sour service if supplied to Shell Standard Specification Dr-1-2/3 [8]. This specification includes a requirement for qualification by the Shell Bent Beam Test with a minimum Sc value of 12.

It is important to note that proprietary sour service materials qualified by the NACE Standard Tensile Test method only cannot necessarily be safely used to their full minimum yield strength under sour conditions. It is current Shell policy therefore, to require qualification using more severe testing methods. Results of the NACE Standard Tensile Test are not considered an adequate guide to field performance. Whilst alternative tests are being investigated, the Shell Bent Beam Test is currently recommended. To illustrate the large number of proprietary sour service tubulars available, the table below shows those products supplied with a 95,000 psi (655,025 kPa) minimum yield strength. Prior to the inclusion of any of these products, or any other proprietary sour service materials, in a casing design, satisfactory Shell Bent Beam Test results must be obtained. Manufacturer British Steel Corp. Dalmine Mannesmann NKK Sumitomo Tamsa Vallourec Kawasaki Lone-Star NSC

Product BSC SR-95 D 95-SG MW-95SS NK AC95, NK AC95S, NK AC95MS SM 95S, modified SM 95S TC 95 C-95 VH-1, C-95 VH-2 KO 95S LSS 95 SGS NT 95SS, NT 95SSS

It is often argued that the control of mud pH or the use of H2S scavenging muds make the use of such special casing materials unnecessary. However, studies have shown [8] that when the wellbore is displaced to gas, drilling fluids cannot be relied upon to prevent SSCC. The risk of SSCC decreases with increasing temperature. As a result, high strength, hence high hardness, materials that are not qualified for sour service at low temperatures can be used in parts of the well where the minimum continuous temperature exceeds 150°F (65°C). Still higher strength materials can be used for minimum temperatures exceeding 175°F (80°C) [5]. The application of casing materials in sour service conditions, where SSCC can occur, is summarised in the following SIPM approved table [5,8]:

Note that selection of materials in accordance with the above table does not offer protection against hydrogen induced cracking (HIC). Where a corrosion resistant alloy (CRA) is to be used in a H2S environment the NACE guidelines are less reliable and expert advice should be sought [1(S3.5)]. Internal and external corrosion due to drilling workover and completion fluids a) Annuli between casing strings Some muds or brines left in annuli after the completion of a well can degrade with time, especially at elevated temperature [9]. This degradation can lead to a decrease in pH and the associated increase in corrosivity. Casing exposed to such acid muds/brines (pH < 7) will suffer attack until the acid formed has been depleted. The presence of sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) in muds or brines containing sulphates with a pH below about 9 can lead to the generation of H2S [10] and a further lowering of pH [3(S4.4)]. Highly alkaline (pH > 10), thermally stable muds/brines should, where possible, be selected. Such high pH muds/brines also prevent SRB activity [11] and corrosion by residual oxygen. Where such muds cannot be used, treatment of the mud during drilling should take account of possible H2S removal. Alkaline brine (circulated into a well as soon as possible after completion) assists in corrosion prevention but may be highly damaging to in-flow in certain types of reservoir. Such brines should be selected only in close consultation with the Production Chemistry Department. b) Tubing/production-casing annulus used for gas lift Two possible sources of corrosion in a tubing-casing annulus used for gas lift must be considered: the use of water wet injection gas and the presence of a water pocket above the packer but below the injection valve. The injection of water wet gas can lead to corrosion of both the inside of the casing and the outside of the tubing. Any liquid water which is introduced as a result of condensation in gas lift supply lines or in the annulus itself will tend to drop out in the annulus and will be particularly aggressive. The corrosion mechanisms will depend on the gas composition, with C02 often playing an important role [3(S3. 1)]. The injection of water-dry gas will not lead to the occurrence of corrosion whatever the gas composition involved if the annulus is also water free. For gas lifted wells corrosion has been observed in the water pocket above the packer but below the gas injection valve. Corrosion may be accelerated by galvanic effects if the tubing is a CRA whilst the casing in this region remains carbon steel. The corrosion can be prevented, when dry gas lift gas is used, by the initial displacement of the water pocket to a non-conducting fluid, such as diesel. Where a CRA tubing is present the use of CRA casing up to a point above the gas injection valve could also be considered. Contamination of lift gas with O2 can lead to very corrosive gas mixtures, especially where water is present [3(S3.6)]. External corrosion due to reservoir fluids, formation fluids and surface water a) Outside of casing exposed to reservoir fluids The same considerations apply as for the inside of production casing below the production packer. b) Outside of casing strings exposed to formation fluids Casing may be exposed to water rich formation zones or aquifers. If the water phase is contaminated with CO2, H2S, O2 or other corrosive agents, corrosion may result [3(S3. 1, S3.5, S3.6)]. Particular attention must be paid to zones where H2S may occur, at a level above a partial pressure of 0.05 psi (0.34 kPa) (the NACE MR.01.75 threshold [5]) and at temperatures below 150°F (65°C). Such conditions can produce sulphide stress corrosion cracking (SSCC) in high strength casing steels (see Section 1.4.1) [3(S3.5)]. Differences in levels of such dissolved gases between zones, or other differences in formation water compositions can also lead to galvanic cells which further accelerate corrosion [3(S2.6)]. The primary barrier to corrosion is adequate cementation with a suitable cement which provides an alkaline environment next to the steel surface. At a pH greater than or equal to 10 none of these corrosives (H2S, CO2, O2) will cause attack. However, as even the best cement is considered permeable the pH will stabilise at lower values, because of the interaction with the formation. Poor cement jobs (or not cementing at all) can leave the external surface of a casing exposed to corrosive attack. If circulation problems occur preventing an effective cement job, and serious corrosion of the casing is expected as a result, remedial action should be taken. Whilst not routine practice within the Shell Group, some Opcos apply cathodic protection [3(S7.1)] in special cases. If there is clear evidence of the corrosivity of some formations, and there are no intervening strata of such low electrical conductivity that the penetration of sufficient current to achieve cathodic protection is not feasible, this approach can provide a means of preventing corrosive attack. c) Conductor casing Current designs for offshore platform wells and land wells involve having an open annulus between the marine conductor or stove pipe and the conductor casing. This annulus inevitably becomes filled with (salt) water which promotes oxygen corrosion on the outside of the conductor casing and the inside of the marine conductor or stove pipe, particularly close to the water level. Where a marine conductor is perforated near the mudline this problem is made worse by the inflow and outflow of oxygenated sea water with wave and tidal movements [3(S3.6)]. The design manual for marine conductors [12] is being updated to address this problem. Possible solutions will include cementing the annular space to the highest possible level or sealing the unfilled annulus against oxygen ingress. The former will ensure that any corrosion (of the inside of the marine conductor or stove pipe and outside of the exposed conductor casing) which occurs will be limited to the zone above the top of the cement and should be relatively accessible for inspection (usually by external ultrasonic techniques). The latter solution would also involve resealing any perforations of the marine conductor required during drilling. At present, little is known about the long term stability of alternative "safe" liquids such as inhibited water or gels (especially when oxygen is not also excluded) and they cannot be recommended.


Marine conductors Internal corrosion of marine conductors is addressed in Section 1.4.2. This section will deal with external corrosion of marine conductors. A marine conductor can be divided into three zones with different environments: a zone exposed to the atmosphere, the splash zone and the submerged zone. All zones are subject to oxygen attack which can take the form of general corrosion or pitting [3(S3.6)]. In the zone exposed to the atmosphere above the conductor guides, corrosion can be prevented/controlled by painting [3(S8.4)]. In the splashzone, where corrosion is most severe because of constant rewetting of the steel, maintenance coating of the conductor is difficult. In addition, coatings cannot withstand the sliding forces as the conductor passes through the guides and coatings applied initially are scraped off. Often no coating is applied for this zone but use is made of a substantial corrosion allowance. Information concerning splash zone corrosion rates can often be obtained from jacket inspection data available locally and these should be used to set the corrosion allowance. (As an example, a pitting/general corrosion rate of the order of 0.02 in/year (0.5 mm/year) was found during a review carried out in the early 1980s). Guide damage and difficulty in predicting the exact depth to which conductors will penetrate preclude the use of the splashzone protection methods used for flowline risers. In the submerged zone corrosion is prevented by cathodic protection and allowance should be made for the conductors in the cathodic protection design for the platform [3(S7.1)]. The marine conductor design manual [12] is currently being updated to address a number of corrosion issues in more detail. All-round corrosion Certain forms of corrosion can arise in any part of a casing string. a) Galvanic corrosion If different metals are used within the same string (either for the casing tubulars or the couplings) or adjacent casing strings, and are in electrical contact with each other via an annulus fluid contaminated with a corrosive agent such as CO2, H2S or O2, galvanic corrosion might occur [3(S2.5)]. Under similar circumstances galvanic cells can develop between differently heat-treated zones of the same material. For example "ring worm" attack can occur at the metallurgical different zone produced at the transition between the end and body of a tubular during upsetting. Full length heat treatment after upsetting avoids this problem. In general avoidance of contamination with CO2, H2S or O2 should be achieved to prevent this form of attack. Special forms of corrosion a) Liquid-metal embrittlement Several unexplained high strength casing failures have occurred in deep wells at temperatures above 330°F (165°C) [13]. In one case, the tubular connections had been tin plated, and in others, thread lubricant containing lead, tin and zinc had been used. Laboratory testing at the temperatures to which the connections had been exposed in the well resulted in rapid cracking of the collars. Metallurgical examination showed that the cracking was the result of liquid metal embrittlement. This is a form of intergranular attack. When heated to sufficiently high temperatures, metals such as tin and zinc (which are in connection thread compounds) will melt and flow along the grain boundaries of adjacent metals which have not melted. The grain boundary zone is then weakened and the metal becomes brittle. These results indicate that lubricants should only be applied at temperatures below the melting point of any metallic components they contain.


New developments Two trends in drilling with potentially major impacts on the casing materials used are: - deeper, high pressure and high temperature wells are being drilled, the well fluids sometimes being very corrosive; -

wells are being drilled in more and more remote areas and hostile environments (e.g. deepwater and Arctic wells).

The first trend requires higher strength steel grades for casing. This represents a problem for sour service. At present API is involved with a project to qualify C90 and T95 API grades for sour service (Project 2151). The acceptability of these grades for Shell use will be dependent on the qualification tests and criteria for acceptance used. Until now, qualification for inclusion in NACE MR0175 has been based on the NACE TM0177 tensile test at a stress level which is a proportion (e.g. 85%) of the minimum specified yield strength. This is not considered acceptable since in practice stress levels higher than this level may occur, particularly at couplings. The current SIPM view is that the qualification of this and higher grades (100,000 psi (689,500 kPa) and 110,000 psi (758,450 kPa) minimum yield strength) for sour service should be based on the Standard/Shell Bent Beam Test. It is realised that for some applications involving low amounts of H2S this may be rather conservative. Since the costs of repair and workover operations tend to be very high in remote areas and in hostile environments, wells in such areas should be designed with the aim of low maintenance costs in mind. If conditions are such that casing corrosion can be expected, it might be economically attractive to spend more money at the design/initial construction stage to achieve corrosion prevention than might be the case for wells in more usual areas and environments, in order to avoid the future need for expensive repairs and workovers. This consideration might lead to the use of CRAs for applications where normally low alloy steels are used. Documents describing the application limits of individual CRAs will gradually become available within SIPM. Although the use of Fiber Glass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) has been widely accepted in many surface applications, there is little experience with the materials downhole. Theoretically the material offers excellent opportunities for both Capex and Opex reductions due to its light weight and corrosion resistance over the life cycle. In practice, however, the low pressure rating and the sensitive handling/make-up procedures make application difficult. However, it is perceived that as the experience with and the development of the material increases more applications will be found. As such the API is currently developing specifications for FRP products. At present the use of FRP tubulars is mainly in shallow low pressure water disposal and gaslift wells [13A]. 9.2

Influence of wear on casing strength


Introduction The burst, collapse and axial strengths of casing are directly related to wall thickness, and hence are reduced by wear. The casing must therefore be designed so that wear will not reduce the strength of the casing below that which will enable the well to be drilled and operated safely and efficiently. This chapter describes when and where casing wear is likely to be a problem, the mechanism of wear, models developed to predict casing wear, and practical solutions that can be adopted both at the design stage and during drilling. Unless there is well documented evidence that wear is not a problem, the amount of wear should be monitored closely during the drilling of the well, so that if it becomes excessive appropriate action can be taken. Wear should not be confused with friction. Friction is partially determined by surface roughness. Since surface conditions are strongly affected by the wear process, wear and friction will influence each other. However there is no general, unambiguous relationship between the two. This means that wear and friction have to be evaluated separately.


Site and timing of casing wear It is generally concluded [14,15,16] that the major cause of casing wear is by a rotating drillstring which is pulled firmly against the casing in the curved parts of the wellbore as a result of the tension in the drillstring. Wear due to drillpipe tripping has been calculated to represent approximately 1% of total wear. Wear due to wireline is somewhat greater than that of drillpipe tripping but still of the same order of magnitude. As a result of these observations, research aimed at understanding, reducing or eliminating casing wear has been based almost exclusively on the study of drillpipe rotating in casing. Wear, then, is the result of contact between the rotating drillstring and the casing. In deviated wells this will occur over the build-up, drop-off and tangent sections, and also where casing buckling may have occurred i.e. at the top of cement. In vertical wells, wear points could also develop at the top of cement if casing buckling occurs. Otherwise, wear is likely to be small and uniformly distributed unless there are severe local doglegs. Deep wells are of particular concern. Firstly, drilling time increases, increasing the time for wear. Secondly, the longer drillstrings will cause greater tension and thus generate higher contact forces. Wear is often found in the casing joints just below the hanger [17]. This is thought to be caused by misalignment of the rotary table relative to the wellhead and less than perfect alignment of casing and wellhead housings aggrevated by the high tension in the drillpipe resulting in high contact loads. If the conductor casing and BOP are inclined with respect to the (rig-) vertical the wellhead can be seen as a severe dogleg. The resultant wear to the casing is aggravated by tong marks, caused by make-up and break-out of the drillpipe [18]. These tong marks will wear off, but mainly in the top part of the casing string they cause more than average wear to the casing, casing hanger and wear bushing in the wellhead. A larger wear design margin for 5-10 casing joints just below the hanger may be considered to counter act the reduction in wall thickness. It is also important to ensure that the casing housing, wear bushing, casing hanger, and the first few joints below the hanger have a common internal diameter. Achieving the same throughbore for these components eliminates high localised contact loads.


Effect of wear on different types of casing strength Collapse strength The collapse capacity of worn casing is directly related to the remaining wall thickness. The collapse capacity should be calculated by using the minimum remaining wall thickness in the appropriate collapse formula from API Bull. 5C3 [19]. Since the wall thickness is not usually reduced in a uniform manner, use of the minimum value will give a conservative estimate of the remaining capacity. The stress concentration that may arise from wireline wear does not affect collapse resistance [20]. Burst strength The burst capacity of worn casing is proportional to the remaining wall thickness and should be calculated from the burst formula in API Bull. 5C3 [19] using the minimum wall thickness. This typically applies to drillpipe generated wear. For wireline wear, the reduction in burst pressure is the result of two factors. The first is the reduction due to the reduced wall thickness and the second is due to the stress concentration resulting from the sudden change in geometry. 15 For a groove created by /32 in (11.91 mm) open hole logging cable, the stress concentration factor ranges from ca. 1.2 to 1.4 [14,20]. The burst capacity of casing worn by such wireline is thus the burst strength as determined from reduced wall thickness divided by 1.4. Wireline wear in the vertical part of well is normally negligible, and the reduction in burst resistance due to logging is, in such cases, trivial. In the build-up, drop-off and tangent sections of the well, wireline wear could be greater, but still small compared to that caused by drillpipe rotation.

Note that the burst capacity formula for casing is based on yield of the pipe. In fact, failure will not occur until the pipe material reaches its ultimate strength [2,21]. As a result, the capacity calculated from minimum remaining wall thickness (and any stress concentration factor) can be regarded as conservative. Axial strength Since the resistance of casing to axial loading is the product of the material yield strength and the cross-sectional area of the steel, any uniform (i.e. covering the entire circumference) or localised (i.e. only part of the circumference) reduction in wall thickness will affect this resistance. However, the effect of a given localised reduction in wall thickness on collapse and burst capacity will be much more severe than on the axial load capacity. Strength of connections Connection axial strengths are also calculated based on cross-sectional areas. The axial strength of an internally worn connection should be calculated using the formulas given in API Bull. 5C3 [19] for round thread, buttress thread, and extreme line connections based on the maximum internal diameter of the pin. For premium connections the calculation of remaining strength will vary with connection type and the manufacturer should be consulted. Little analysis has been performed on the internal leak resistance of internally worn casing connections. Early work on this topic (based on the contact stress in API connections) concluded that the internal leak pressure will be independent of casing wall reduction due to wear as long as the wear has not cut through the first sealing point of the connection [22]. In general it is recommended to contact the manufacturer to establish the remaining connection strength for a worn connection. 9.2.4

Wear mechanisms Wear is the result of a complex tribological process taking place in the contact area between the drillstring and the casing, with mud generally present as the intermediate medium. Contact between drillstring and casing can occur at the drillpipe tool joint and along the drillpipe body. At moderate drillpipe tension, using Range 2 drillpipe, and dogleg severities less than 6°/100 ft (2.0°/10 m), pipe body contact with the casing is minimal [23]. In most cases, therefore, wear due to pipe body rotation will be negligible. The main point of contact between the drillstring and the casing will be the drillpipe tool joints, Most research into casing wear, therefore, is based on contact between casing material and tool joint material. Parameters such as contact load, surface roughness, hardness, geometry and chemical composition of both the tool joint and the casing, and the mud composition will determine what kind of wear mechanism occurs. The three types of wear mechanism are [24,25,26]; - two-body adhesive wear; - two-body abrasive wear; - three-body abrasive wear. The rate of wear depends upon the wear mechanism. Laboratory tests using smooth steel tool joints to examine the variation in wear rate, volume of steel per unit of time, with increasing contact pressure [27] show a distinct change in wear rate at a contact pressure around 200 psi (1,379 kPa) (see Figure I-2).


Contract pressure is the contract load divided by the contract area. It is used, instead of contact force, to eliminate the effect of changing contact area during the wear process. For a constant contact load, the volumetric wear rate decreases with time. This is due to the fact that as the casing wears, the resulting groove causes an increase in contact area, and thus a decrease in contact pressure. The wear rate, however, is proportional to contact pressure. At low pressures, three-body abrasive wear dominates with the use of smooth steel tool joints while at higher pressures two-body adhesive wear is the primary mechanism. Within the range 150-250 psi (1,034-1,724 kPa), either mechanism may occur. Two-body adhesive wear Adhesive wear is the dominant wear mechanism for smooth steel tool joints at high contact pressures. It is also termed "galling". It is a mechanism characterised by local solid phase welding which occurs when the two bodies are in intimate contact. The welds are sheared off by the relative motion of the mating surfaces and metal is transferred from the low strength body (casing) to the high strength body (tool joint). The bond of the material to the tool joint is however temporary and ultimately results in the production of flake-like wear debris [18,25]. Two-body abrasive wear This type of wear, also known as "chipping", occurs when sharp particles on a tool joint (e.g. exposed hardfacing material) cut into the casing material as a result of high local contact stress between the sharp particle and the casing. This type of wear produces fine cuttings or chips similar to machining on a lathe [18,25]. Three-body abrasive wear In the case when the smooth tool joint and casing surfaces are separated by solid particles contained in the drilling fluid, e.g. barites, a three-body abrasive wear mechanism occurs. It is also referred to as "grinding" [25,26]. The casing surface is cyclically loaded by the solid particles due to the drillpipe rotation. This causes fatigue and embrittlement of the metalwhich ultimately leads to microfractures at the surface. The rate at which these fatigue cracks develop depends on the peak loads and is thus related to the hardness of the solid particles. The microfracturing process produces a powder-type wear debris. An extreme case of three-body abrasive wear known as "polishing" occurs when the hard particles contained in the drilling fluid can be embedded in one of the contacting surfaces i.e. when a rubber drillpipe protector is used. Now the peakloads are governed and limited by the forces required to push the hard particles into the rubber surface rather than by the particle strength. Consequently a very fine powder-type debris is produced [18]. Three-body abrasive wear represents mild wear conditions and will not usually result in excessive casing wear. The above mechanisms can be characterised by wear factors. The wear factor represents the amount of wear that takes place with each mechanism for a given set of operating conditions the larger the wear factor, the greater the amount of wear.

Typical wear factor values for the various wear mechanisms are given below. These factors are normalised such that polishing has a maximum wear factor of 1. Wear mechanism


Wear factor

Two-body abrasive



Two-body adhesive



Three-body abrasive



In a new casing the initial contact area between smooth tool joints and casing is very small, i.e. line contact, resulting in high contact pressures. In addition, mill scale and irregularities of the tool joint surfaces, e.g. tongmarks, contribute to severe initial wear conditions. Consequently a high wear rate occurs (two-body adhesive) which results in a rapid increase of the contact area, and thus a reduction of the contact pressure to a level that enables mild wear conditions to occur (three body abrasive). This implies that during the first bit run through a new casing, large volumes of steel filings, i.e. flakes, may be produced initially, after which the wear process stabilises at mild wear conditions. During successive bit runs the wearing down of tongmarks may cause accelerated casing wear as well at the start of the runs. Note that the wear rate has so far been expressed in terms of volume casing material removed per unit of time. A more usable and understandable form is to refer to wear depth per unit of time, since this enables the calculation of the remaining collapse, burst or axial capacity of the worn casing. Wear volume and wear depth are related by the geometry of the contacting surfaces. See Figure I-3 [30]. Thus, for the first bit run through a new casing as described above, wear depth will initially increase rapidly due to the high contact pressures. As the wear depth and contact area increase, mild wear results. It results that the rate of increase of wear depth drops dramatically. 9.2.5 Modelling the wear process The aim of wear modelling is to be able to predict in advance where casing wear will occur and how severe it will be. The technique most commonly adopted is to modify theoretical models, usually by the use of wear factors, so that they match field and laboratory observations. A considerable amount of the early laboratory casing wear modelling produced conflicting results and conclusions, with differing solutions proposed. FIGURE I-3 : WEAR DEPTH AS A FUNCTION OF WEAR VOLUME

Shell Research, Rijswijk, and the Bellaire Research Centre, Houston both conclude that these variations are a result of the testing equipment and methods used, and that those results should be used with caution [24,28]. There is general agreement, however, that casing wear models have to take into account the following: - the magnitude of the tool joint - casing contact pressure; - the geometry of the contacting surfaces; - the relative roughness of the contacting surfaces; - the material of the contacting surfaces; - the magnitude of the relative velocity and the time the mating surfaces are in contact, i.e. the wear track length; - the drilling fluid composition. The affect of each of these variables on the wear depth rate is now discussed individually in qualitative terms, and then the computer model for quantification of these effects will be introduced. Contact pressure As described earlier, the wear mechanism and therefore the wear rate for smooth tool joints is determined by the contact pressure. During the initial "breaking-in", the wear mechanism is adhesive due to the small contact area and resulting high pressure. As the casing rapidly wears, the contact area increases and the reduced contact pressure means that the wear mechanism returns to a mild three-body abrasive wear. See line A in Figure I-4. If the contact loads are very high, a significant wear depth may be experienced before the contact area is large enough to reduce contact pressure to a level where mild wear occurs. See line B in Figure 1-4. FIGURE I-4 : REDUCTION IN WEAR RATE WITH TIME

For two body adhesive wear, due to exposed rough tool joint hardfacing material, severe wear results from the extremely high localised contact pressure. Mild wear conditions are never achieved. See line C in Figure 5. For smooth tool joints in weighted mud systems it has been experimentally determined [29] that the contact load must remain below 2,200 lbs (10,000 N) for the mild three body abrasive wear mechanism to be prevalent. Above this contact load, the protective mud solids film fails and adhesive wear occurs. High contact loads can also cause uncemented casing to deflect elastically against the hole wall. For casing with non-flush connections, this causes bending to be concentrated near the connection, as illustrated in Figure I-5. Since the drillstring follows the gradual curvature of the borehole, the tool joints will be parallel to the casing for the majority of the casing joint length. However, in the vicinity of the casing connection the drillpipe tool joints become tilted with respect to the casing and wear increases dramatically. Rough edges on the tool joint further increase the wear rate at these points.

FIGURE I-5 : HIGH CONTACT LOADS CAN LEAD TO CONCENTRATION OF BENDING NEAR CONNECTION Contact surfaces a) Geometry Studies on casing wear generally concentrate on the volume of steel removed from the casing wall. As discussed earlier, this volume must be converted to a loss of wall thickness so that the remaining casing capacity can be determined. The depth of wear is related to the volume of wear by means of the curvature of the contacting surfaces. For a tool joint of a given size, the initial wear depth will be greater for large casing sizes than small casing sizes. This results from the fact that for the larger casing sizes, a greater wear depth has to be achieved to increase the contact area sufficiently such that mild wear conditions occur [30]. Furthermore, the relationship between wear depth rate and casing sizes is very non-linearly dependent on the current depth of wear. If the current wear depth is low, the contact area is small (almost line contact) and the influence which casing size has on the subsequent wear rate is negligible. If the wear depth is high, the casing size becomes more significant in determining contact area, and thus contact pressure and wear rate. Uncemented casing will bend under drillpipe contact loads as described in Section 3.1. Because casing size determines its bending stiffness, the wear in the vicinity of casing connections will be lower for large diameter uncemented casing and higher for small diameter uncemented casing.

b) Roughness Casing wear depends strongly on the type of tool joint used. Plain steel tool joints, or tool joints with smooth hardfacing, give rise to severe wear in brines or unweighted muds, but only mild wear in oilbase muds or weighted waterbase muds. See Section 2.5.4 for effects of drilling fluids. Tool joints with exposed rough hardfacing lead to severe wear irrespective of the drilling fluid. The following types of tool joint can be distinguished (see Figure I-6): Plain steel The tool joint surface is not protected which results in relatively low wear rates of the casing in weighted muds (except for that caused by tong marks). In unweighted mud systems however the smooth tool joints are prone to two body adhesive wear. Tungsten-carbide hardfacing Protection is provided by tungsten-carbide particles which may be deposited on the tool joint surface in an alloy matrix. This type of hardfacing is characterised by a rough and eccentric surface which leads to two body abrasive wear and has to be worn smooth in the open hole before the tool joints can be run in casing. Alternately, the surface can be machined smooth prior to use. Two-phase hardfacing To avoid wear of casing caused by rough tungsten-carbide hardfaced tool joints, an overlay can be applied to give it wear characteristics similar to that of smooth steel tool joints. However proper inspection and maintenance is required to prevent tungstencarbide from contacting the casing as the overlay wears down. Alloy hardfacing An alloy hardfacing is a one-layer application without tungsten carbide. To prevent rapid wear, it is essential that only smooth hardfacing is used and that this hardfacing is flush with the body of the tool joint. If the hardfacing stands proud, the contact area is reduced and the contact pressure increases leading to higher rates of wear. Shell Research, Rijswijk, have made recommendations on acceptable tool joint hardfacing as a result of laboratory tests [31,32,33,34,35] and have also produced a specification for such hardfacing [34]. It is SIPM's standard to only use tool joints with smooth hardfacing flush with the tool joint O.D. [36,37]. FIGURE I-6 : TYPES OF TOOL JOINT HARDFACING

Acceptable hardfacing materials are [34] ;

All other hardfacing materials must be machined in order to meet the specification. Laboratory tests [35] revealed that in a barite weighted waterbase mud the wear rate is negligible provided the smooth tool joints have a total circumferential load-carrying area of at least 46 in² (300 cm²) (see Figure I-7). Only drillpipes of which the tool joints meet this criterion are acceptable for use in cased hole sections. FIGURE I-7: EFFECT OF LOAD-CARRYING AREA OF TOOL JOINT ON CASING WEAR

The load-carrying area of tool joints can be measured using the contact print technique developed by Shell Research Rijswijk. This technique is available as a service from Vetco. In addition to the above, the edges of the hardfaced area on the tool joints must also be inspected for smoothness. See Figure I-8. Hard particles exposed at these edges may contribute to excessive casing damage in the area of the connection. See Section 2.5.1.


c) Material Laboratory wear tests [26,28] examined the role of wear as function of the casing grade and metallurgy. Carbon content of the steel was the only metallurgical property that correlated with wear i.e. the rate or amount of wear decreases as the carbon content (and grade) increases. As the casing strength, and therefore hardness, increases towards that of the tool joint then abrasive wear will decrease. Adhesive wear, however, will increase as the hardness of the contacting surfaces becomes similar. Although the rate of wear was found to vary with grade it was concluded that grade is not a dependable measure of wear resistance. Care should be exercised when taking wear data corresponding to one grade, e.g. P110, and applying it to a different grade, e.g. N80. This should not be done unless there is no other data available. It can be said, however, that when plain steel tool joints are in use, the difference in strength (hardness) between the tool joint and the casing material is important in avoiding adhesive wear. As a result, when designing the casing for burst and collapse, an increase in wall thickness is preferable to an increase in grade. Studies have also shown [26] that casing wear is reduced by internally coating the casing with chrome. Chrome tool joint coatings also reduce casing wear. Hardening or nitriding of the inside of the casing surface has proven ineffective in reducing casing wear. Relative velocity and contact time of mating surfaces The volume of wear "cuttings" is proportional to the rotary cutting distance ( π rpm x contact time x tool joint OD). As a result, for a given tool joint, casing wear is proportional to the drillstring rotation speed and the number of rotating hours. The rate of penetration is also an important factor in that it determines the length of time that a tool joint is in contact with any particular point in the casing. One of the failings of earlier laboratory studies was the omission of axial movement in the testing equipment. To simulate an actual number of field drilling hours, the Wear Track Length (WTL) was introduced [18]. The WTL is defined as the length of tool joint surface passing along a certain point of the casing due to rotation and translation. The WTL should be identical in the field and in the test facility for a representative simulation of casing wear. Drilling-fluid composition Generally rough tool joints, which result in locally very high contact pressures, cause local ruptures in protective mud layers and films. As a result, wear rates will remain high and the drilling fluid composition will have little influence. Only when smooth tool joints are used will the fluid type, and its weighting material, be important. For smooth tool joints in both unweighted and barite-weighted oil base muds (OBM), wear is very low in all cases [24,26,38]. The combination of oilwetting agents and emulsifiers present in unweighted oilbase muds is already sufficient to create a film with a protective action similar to that of barite. Barite addition does not increase the degree of protection. Smooth tool joints in unweighted waterbase muds (WBM) cause severe adhesive wear. See Figure I-9. In barite-weighted waterbase muds however, a protective barite layer is formed that prevents metal-to-metal contact and casing wear is low and identical for all mud weights [24,26,38].


Barite is the most effective mud weighting material for reducing casing wear. Tests using various weighting materials have been performed [24] and the results are shown in Figure I-10. Threebody abrasive wear increases with particle hardness in the sequence barite, iron oxide and quartz. Chalk and drilled solids (clays) have particle sizes significantly smaller than those of the other three materials and do little to reduce casing wear. Tests have been carried out [24,39] to examine the effect on casing wear of muds containing additives (such as lignosulphonate, starch, sulphonated lignite and salts) and various types of lubricants (see Figure I-11). For weighted muds, no additional effect of additives or lubricants on wear was found. For unweighted muds the following observations can be made: - Few of the additives tested significantly improved the lubricity of the seawater/lignosulfonate muds and as a result reduced the casing wear. However, all really effective lubricants identified sofar are more toxic than could be tolerated for use [39]. - The addition of diesel oil (10%v) has no effect on wear. Diesel oil is unable to create a chemically bound lubricant film, since it does not contain any reactive components. FIGURE I-10 : EFFECT OF WEIGHTING MATERIAL ON CASING WEAR (CONTACT FORCE 8kN, 115 RPM, 5 M/HR ROP, SMOOTH TOOLJOINT)



1 mm diameter glass beads (up to 6%w) has no effect on wear at all. The glass beads were simply unable even to reach the contact area, because of their size.


The addition of salt reduces casing wear. Possibly, salts aid in the formation of a corroded layer that (partially) prevents adhesive wear. The addition of 10%w sodium chloride to a bentonite base mud has a similar effect on casing wear as the addition of 2%v lubricant.


The addition of mud additives, such as lignosulphonates, starches and other polymers to a bentonite suspension causes a reduction of wear. The effects, however, are difficult to reproduce with any accuracy and are less pronounced than those obtained with lubricants and high salt concentrations. A different case is the addition of Resinex or gilsonite-type materials. When added in sufficient concentration (1.0-2.0%w), these small insoluble asphaltic particles give a protection similar to that of barite.

With respect to drilled solids it is observed that small quantities of drilled solids i.e. sand and/or silt (2-4%v) have no, or hardly any, effect on wear [24]. In unweighted simple waterbase muds, adhesive wear is so severe that no abrasive contribution of the sand (silt) can be observed. In unweighted, film-forming muds (salts, lubricants, oilbase muds) an occasional increase in friction coefficient was observed when sand reached the contact area. No effect of small sand additions on the overall wear rate as observed, however. In weighted waterbase muds, the sand is so much "diluted" by weighting material that again no effect was observed. However, optimal operation of the solids-removal equipment is required to keep the sand/silt content at these acceptably low levels. The table below illustrates the relationship between wear, tool joint hardfacing, and fluid content.

Summarising for smooth tool joints, mud types and additives can make a significant difference to wear rates. For rough tool joints however, they have no influence as the tool joint surface roughness dominates the wear process. DRAGTORQ wear model A predictive casing wear model can be used to optimise the mud type, mud solids, casing weight, and well path in order to render wear insignificant in the most cost-effective manner. Because of the complexity of the wear process (both abrasive wear and adhesive wear), the wear model must combine computational predictions of the drillpipe contact loads which act on the casing with laboratory measured wear rates (wear factors) which in turn are functions of the contact loads, mud composition, cutting distance (WTL), and the geometry of the contacting surfaces. The program DRAGTORQ, part of the OSCP portfolio, is primarily intended to calculate drillstring drag and torque. However, it also contains a wear calculation model [14,40]. The wear model can be used both as a planning tool during the design of a well, or as a monitoring tool during drilling of the well. In the first of these modes, the wear model will estimate wear depth, together with the amount of metal cuttings, based on a user-input wear factor corresponding to the particular tool joint and drilling fluid combination in use. Used as a monitoring tool, the wear model uses the actual recovered amount of metal cuttings to calculate the wear depth. An estimate of wear factor is also made. The first operation of the program is to calculate the contact force between tool joints and casing, and the variation of this force with depth. This is currently achieved using a method which models the drillstring as a cable in a three-dimensional borehole [23]. The wear depth is then calculated based on the contact force, ROP, RPM, the dimensions of the tool joint and casing, and either the wear factor or the mass of recovered metal-depending upon the mode in which the program is being used. The program also calculates any wear concentrations in the vicinity of casing connections resulting from the bending of uncemented casing caused by the contact forces. See Figure I-5. It should be noted that the program does not calculate the rapid breaking-in wear that occurs due to the "line" contact area in new casing. DRAGTORQ presents wear as percentage wall thickness worn away as a function of depth, alongside other plots. See Figure I-12 for an example application of this package, which is completely worked out in the OSCP guideline [41]. The program cannot however be used for the tapered drill strings, or for strings with rubber protectors installed. The reliability of the results depends on the accuracy of the well survey data input and the accuracy of the steel weight recording procedure. 9.2.6

Controlling casing wear From the previous sections, it is apparent that casing wear is primarily affected by contact load, tool joint hardfacing condition, mud properties, and wear track length. Elimination or reduction of casing wear therefore must concentrate on these four factors. Contact load Wear will be proportional to contact load - although not linearly. It has been determined that the protective layer provided by the mud starts to fail when the contact forces exceed 2,200 lbs (10,000 N), and the wear rate increases significantly at that load. Therefore contact load should be kept below this value. Contact loads, and their influence on casing wear, can be minimised in a number of ways. FIGURE I-12 : TYPICAL OUTPUT OF THE DRAGTORQ PROGRAM

Well path selection High contact loads occur when the tool joints are pulled firmly against the casing over a dogleg zone, i.e. build-up or drop-off section, or a localised drilled dogleg. Thus contact loads can be minimised by ensuring that dogleg severity in the build and drop sections of deviated wells is as low as possible, and that localised drilled doglegs in vertical or straight sections are avoided. Minimising casing wear should be one of the considerations when designing the wellpath, and this can be achieved by using DRAGTORQ to analyse the contact loads and resulting wear for the proposed well path [41]. While the well is being drilled, the actual wellpath can be similarly analysed and the hole plugged back if the actual doglegs will lead to excessive contact loads and hence unacceptable wear during drilling of the next section. Rubber drilling protectors Drillpipe protectors can be used to distribute the contact load over a larger area. By mounting one protector per single (at midjoint) the contact load at the tool joint is reduced by 50%. Two protectors per single triple the load carrying capacity which implies that the maximum acceptable dogleg is three times the maximum obtained when protectors are not used. The wear caused by rubber drillpipe protectors is approximately 5% of that due to plain steel tool joints under the same conditions [42]. Rubber drillpipe protectors are also used (particularly in the USA) to prevent contact between tool joint and casing surfaces [43]. This is achieved by placing a protector, having an OD at least 0.4 inches greater than that of the tool joint, approximately 1 foot above the pin tool joint. However, it is the SIPM's view that such a practice does not prevent casing wear and should not be adopted [17,44]. If applied, the drillpipe protectors should be mounted in the middle of the drillpipe, where their deformation underloading does not negate their purpose, because of the increased allowable compression compared to a position close to a tooljoint. There are significant disadvantages associated with the use of drillpipe protectors, even for load distribution purposes. As the surface of the protector becomes impregnated with sand it will start to add to casing wear. In addition, there is concern about operational problems caused by the presence of protectors i.e. the danger of closing the pipe rams on a protector which has slipped, and the extra time required for stripping operations. Slippage of protectors can however be prevented by rotating the drillpipe through doglegs when running-in and pulling-out since this will reduce the drag.

In general, it is recommended that casing wear is minimised by use of smooth tool joint hardfacing, optimum well path design, and film-forming muds, rather than by using drillpipe protectors [44]. However, for special conditions, after a thorough evaluation and with extra attention for the operational aspects, special types of drillpipe protector can be used. The drilling industry in developing non-rotating protectors, which could assist in the reduction of casing wear. Bending of casing under high contact loads Wear associated with bending of casing in the vicinity of casing collars can be eliminated in a number of ways: i)

Cement the casing over the interval where high contact loads will be experienced.


Install steel rings on both sides of the collars - the thickness of the rings should be slightly less than that of the collar in order to create a gradual transition. These rings should be located at a distance of 6 ft (2 m) from the collars. Rigid centralisers may also be used for this purpose.

iii) Use internally/externally flush casing. iv) Ensure that the tapered sections of tool joints are ground smooth. Hardfacing of tool joints Rough tool joint hardfacing is the most dominant cause of catastrophic casing wear, and hence it must not be used inside casing. Only smooth (machined or field worn) hardfacing is acceptable and the drilling contract must specify quantitatively the smoothness of the hardfacing. For new drillpipe this has been done in the SQAIR document for drillpipe [37]. This document is also applicable for used drillpipe and can be referred to in the drilling contract. It includes the description of inspection techniques for tool joint hardfacing. In the past, common practice has been to run drillpipe with new rough hardfacing exclusively in open hole to wear-in the hardfacing. However, besides the complicated pipe handling, a judgement must still be made as to when the hardfacing is smooth enough. Such practices are therefore not recommended. Drilling fluids Wear is small, with the application of smooth hardfacing when using oilbase drilling muds and weighted waterbase drilling muds due to the development of a protective film. The absence of this protective film causes rapid casing wear. Drillstring rotating hours in unweighted waterbase muds and also in brine should therefore be limited unless effective lubricants are used [39]. Lubricants can significantly reduce wear in the low solids muds. Wear decreases with increasing lubricant concentration up to 2% by volume. Concentrations of over 2% by volume may cause oil wetting and clogging up of mud solids. It is advised that for critical wells Shell Research will be approached for laboratory wear measurements. Wear-track length (WTL) As described earlier, the volume of wear is proportional to the rotary cutting distance or wear track length. This length is a function of the tool joint dimensions, the drillstring rotation speed, the number of rotating hours, and the rate of penetration. Given that the rate of penetration is, for the sake of argument, fixed, then the casing wear can only be minimised by reducing the rotation speed or by reducing the number of rotating hours. This is best achieved by use of a downhole motor so that it is not necessary to rotate the drillstring. Consideration should also be given to possible severe casing wear while drilling out cement plugs. Plugs which have a tendency to rotate should be avoided wherever possible because this can lead to a significant amount of time rotating the drillpipe at the same depth. 9.2.7

Designing for wear Casing wear should be allowed for in the casing design process as described in Flowchart I-1. In the event that the casing wear is significant but not sufficient to justify increased casing wall thickness or immediate use of alternative drilling methods (e.g a downhole motor to avoid drillstring rotation), a wear monitoring programme should be implemented while drilling.



Wear monitoring programme Ongoing wear monitoring is best performed by use of the DRAGTORQ casing wear prediction model [29,41]. As discussed earlier, DRAGTORQ can be used at the casing design stage by input of a wear factor. It can also be used to calculate the amount and distribution of casing wear based on the amount of steel recovered at surface. The main input parameters for the DRAGTORQ model when used for monitoring are the wellbore survey and the weight of recovered steel. The steel removed from the casing has to be collected. For this purpose a number of bar-shaped magnets may be used which are positioned diagonally in the flowline. The ditch magnets should be stacked so that the mud passes more than one magnet [40]. A plastic sheet or bag placed over the magnet enables the steel to be more easily removed. Recording of the weight of steel filings taken from each individual magnet enables the efficiency of the steel collection and possible saturation of the magnets to be assessed. The weight measurements for each individual magnet can also be used to determine the minimum measuring frequency to avoid magnet saturation. Such services can often be obtained as part of a mud-logging contract. The shape of the recovered filings should also be recorded since this can give an indication of the wear mechanism. A plot of the amount of metal recovered versus rotating hours should be used to estimate the final amount of worn steel by extrapolation towards the planned drilling time. This extrapolated value is then input in the DRAGTORQ wear model. If the anticipated wear reduces the strength capacity of the casing below that required to allow safe drilling and operation of the well, appropriate measures, such as the use of a mud motor, should be taken (see Figure I-13). Wear can also be evaluated by the use of wireline logging tools. These services can give an accurate measure of remaining wall thickness. It is strongly recommended that a base log is run prior to commencing drilling operations. This is especially the case for drilling operations conducted inside the production casing. It is evident that measurement of actual wear should be performed with wireline logging tools in order to calibrate the results of DRAGTORQ estimations. Such logging runs should be performed at regular intervals during drilling of the section and the final wear predictions based on DRAGTORQ simulations adjusted accordingly. If it is found that the DRAGTORQ output closely matches the log results, then it may be possible to rely solely on the computer model. See the chapter on Operational Aspects for information on suitable logging tools.



New developments Most developments in the field of casing wear are related to tool joint hardfacing materials. A new hardfacing material - Armacor - has been shown in tests to reduce both casing wear and drillstring friction relative to current hardfacing materials [26]. This material forms a very hard, thin, glass-like layer. When the surface is worn away a new layer is formed. The industry is developing non-rotating drillpipe/casing protectors, which could further assist in the reduction of casing wear. The modelling of axial forces, and hence contact forces, within DRAGTORQ is being enhanced, and development of a computerised wear model capable of accounting for breaking-in wear is also ongoing [30].


Influence of fatigue on casing strength


Introduction Casing failure can have various causes. Casing may fail after one single load exceeding the ultimate tensile or compressive strength, but also after repeated load cycles below the ultimate tensile or compressive strength. This phenomenon is known as fatigue, and practically all materials are subject to it. The effects of surface condition, corrosion, temperature, etc., on fatigue properties have been well documented over the past decades, but only in recent years has the microscopic mechanism of fatigue damage been identified as cyclic plastic deformation of the material at the source of a fatigue crack (crack initiation) or at the tip of an existing fatigue crack (crack propagation) [45]. This chapter describes the various kinds of fatigue mechanisms that can cause casing failure. Possible solutions are mentioned, but the treatment is not exhaustive. Opco structural engineers should be called in at an early stage if fatigue loading is expected.


Fatigue failure parameters This paragraph gives a general overview of the parameters which can influence fatigue failure. More basic and indepth knowledge is provided in the literature [46,47,48,49,50]. Number of cycles to failure Most data concerning the number of cycles to failure are presented in the form of an S/N curve where the cyclic stress amplitude is plotted on log-log paper versus the number of cycles to failure (Figure I-14). Ferrous metals in air show a lower limit to the stress amplitude called the fatigue limit, or endurance limit as illustrated in Figure I-14. This generally occurs after 105 to 107 stress-reversal cycles. Stress reversals below this limit will not cause failure regardless of the number of repetitions. Ferrous metals in seawater, however, do not show this cut-off : S tends to zero with increasing N. Several modified forms of the Goodman diagram (Figure I-15) are used for predicting the stress levels at which cracks will form, but other more extensive plots such as the Haigh diagram can be used to predict in addition the stress level for which cracks, once formed, will propagate. FIGURE I-14 VARIOUS POSSIBLE FORMS OF S/N CURVE SHOWING CYCLIC STRESS AMPLITUDE S AGAINST NUMBER OF CYCLES TO FAILURE N IN LOG-LOG PLOT

FIGURE I-15 : GERBER'S GOODMAN'S AND SMITH'S MODELS FOR PREDICTION OF THE STRESS LEVELS LEADING TO FATIGUE FAILURE Stress history A very important question and one that has been given much attention is the influence of previous stressing on fatigue strength. One theory that has had considerable acceptance is the linear damage law (Miner's law); here the assumption is made that the damage produced by repeated stressing at any level is directly proportional to the number of cycles. It implies that the effect of a given number of cycles is the same, whether they are applied continuously or intermittently, irrespective of the order in which high- and low-stress cycles occur. The linear damage law is not reliable for all stress conditions. Regarding truly random loading, i.e. random distribution of smaller and larger cycles such as due to waves, the theory is reasonably reliable. The fatigue accumulation rules become unreliable for cases where cycles of different magnitudes appear in blocks. For example, the theory cannot distinguish between cases where first all larger cycles and later the small ones occur, as opposed to the reverse. Stress concentrations Fatigue failures occur at stress levels below those necessary to produce the gross yielding which would blunt the sharp rise in stress at a stress concentration. In particular, badly dressed welds form a potential source of stress concentrations. It is important to minimise the number of notches and sharp edges on the casing to maximise to endurance limit. It is also important to treat the object with care as improper handling can also lead to deformation and thus stress concentrations. Residual stress Since residual stresses, whether deliberately introduced or merely left over from manufacturing processes, will influence the mean stress, their effects can be accounted for. The knowledge regarding residual stresses is very limited. Their magnitude heavily depends on the manufacturing process. Range of stress Stressing a ductile material beyond the elastic limit or yield point in tension will raise the elastic limit for subsequent cycles but lowers the elastic limit for compression. A single extreme load, causing plastic deformation at the tip of a crack, leaves a residual compressive stress after unloading. This has a beneficial effect on the endurance as the average and effective peak stress level may be reduced during subsequent stress cycles. Loading method and sample size A uniaxial stress as created in a bench test can be produced by axial load, bending or a combination of both. Since fatigue properties of a material depend upon the stochastic distribution of defects throughout the specimen, it is apparent that the three methods of loading will produce different results. Similarly the size and geometry of a specimen influences the maximum endurance limit. Combined stress Uniaxial stress is not a common feature. Usually an object will be subjected to triaxial or biaxial stress. [49] gives a detailed description of a procedure for designing for fatigue under conditions of combined stress. The procedure described also considers the effect of mean stress on the cyclic stress range. Surface conditions Surface roughness constitutes a kind of stress raiser. Even particle size unsmoothnesses can act like notches or sharp edges and thus cause stress concentrations. Corrosion fatigue Under the simultaneous action of corrosion and repeated stress, the fatigue strength of most metals is drastically reduced, sometimes to a small fraction of the strength in air, and a true endurance limit can no longer be said to exist. 9.3.3

Specific issues Casing fatigue failure can be directly related to casing dimensions, material properties, number of load cycles and types of load amplitudes exerted on the casing. In return the last two are dependent on several other parameters, e.g. movements and mechanical properties of all components connected to the casing. From publications on this subject, it appears that research on casing fatigue has been restricted to rather specific topics, usually vortex shedding and subsea wellhead design in relation to riser movement [51]. However, a separation in two groups of possible fatigue related issues can be made by making a distinction between externally generated loads and internally generated loads on the casing and components coupled to it. External loads are usually caused by waves and currents; while internal loads are induced by the internal fluid flow. Both loads can occur during either Drilling Operations or Production Activities. Below these loads and possible solutions to avert casing fatigue failures will be addressed. Externally generated loads External loads are usually associated with offshore structures. While the current design procedures covering fatigue loading seem to be sufficiently developed for onshore wells enabling the casing designer to work separately on the casing string design, this is not possible any more with the complex offshore wells in hostile environments. An integral design of the whole marine drilling and production system is necessary, requiring a coupled analysis approach to the total system (see Figure I-16). General fatigue theory is still developing and finite element programs are expected to be marketed shortly [52,53]. System integrated calculations are possible. Examples of model systems and load calculations are given in Figures I-17 and I-18. API addresses matters related to offshore design in [54,55,56]. FIGURE I-16 : OVERALL ORGANISATION OF WELL DATA AND ANALYSIS

Wave and current loads induce stresses, either directly in the casing assembly (above the sea bed, incl. the marine conductor), or indirectly in the suspended strings (below the sea bed) through forces being transferred by the subsea wellhead. a) Directly generated loads With respect to direct loads two causes of fatigue can be distinguished: i)

action of waves and (tidal) currents;

ii) vortex shedding.



Waves and (tidal) currents Waves and tidal currents apply a direct force on the marine riser/conductor, by intermittently exerting a sideward force on the marine riser/conductor surface. If these loads exceed the actual technical and/or economic design limits, alternative measures can be taken, for example by defining user limitations. Drilling activities may be limited to spring and summer in order to reduce the environmental loading on the structure. For permanently installed production facilities such limits obviously do not apply, as the structure will be exposed all year round. Vortex shedding During fluid flow around a body laminar and turbulent flow patterns can be observed. Usually the flow will become turbulent at the downstream side of the body and vortices will then be created. At low Reynolds numbers (i.e. relative low flow velocities) vortices are simultaneously shed from each side of the cylinder causing forces in line with the flow. At higher Reynolds numbers the vortices are shed alternately. This will cause forces perpendicular to the main flow. When the frequency of shedding becomes equal to the frequency of the oscillating cylinder, i.e. a structural natural frequency, large hydrodynamic forces will arise. Possible solutions to avert fatigue failures consist of: - detuning of the natural frequency, by for example changing the diameter or applying toptension; - disruption of the excitation by streamlining the flow for example by shaped buoyancy material, i.e. fairings. - disruption of the excitation by breaking the vortex pattern by for example mounting helical strakes. Some documented practical experiences with vibration-induced failure of the conductor casing have been included in [57] and [66]. SIPM guidelines for design and analysis of marine conductors are laid down in [59]. b) Indirectly generated loads Waves, winds and currents do not only act directly on the casing assembly, but also indirectly by exerting loads on other structural components, being the subsea wellhead or mudline suspension system to which the marine riser/conductor is connected. The unit's type will determine the severity of the load. As we are dealing with offshore units we can distinguish: -

floating unit (semi-submersibles, drill ships);


fixed unit (fixed platforms, jack-up rigs).

Floating-unit movements Again, a subdivision can be made into: a) lateral movement; b) vertical movement. Lateral movement of floating unit The floating unit and the attached riser system may be oscillating laterally due to the combined action of currents, waves and winds. This results in loading of the subsea wellhead, foundation pile and casing system. The movement of the subsea wellhead is limited due to the presence of a template, the presence of soil and cement around the foundation pile and the weight of the casing strings. If the soil is relatively strong, the location of the effective reactions of the foundation pile will be near the mudline. If the soil is weak these effective reaction points will be lower and thus the maximum internal loads in the subsea wellhead/casing string assemblies will be higher due to the longer effective lever arm. These conditions will create bending moments (M) and shear forces (F) on the subsea components (see Figures I-19 and I-20). These bending moments and shear forces can be transferred to the seabed through the following mechanisms [60].



Reactive shear at the template A template which is connected to seabed by a long spudcan or driven piles can exert a significant reactive shear on the subsea wellhead(s). This shear reduces the effective movements of the casing assembly below the template. A single well completion without this template or a non rigid template will not have this reactive shear.

The conductor string and foundation pile load paths There are two possible load paths. The first load path is through the wellhead housing, into the foundation pile suspension joint, and then into the seabed. This is the strongest and most desirable load path. The second load path is through the wellhead housing via the conductor string below, and then through the cement to the foundation pile to the seabed. [60] discusses the problem in more detail. Figure I-21 [61] illustrates the possible lateral displacements as a function of riser loads and conductor string supports. A solution to reduce the conductor string loading consists of introducing a two-point contact between the subsea wellhead/foundation pile combination and the conductor string allowing for load transfer through the foundation pile to the seabed [61]. Apart from the above solution the movement of a floating unit may be reduced by increasing the number of anchors. Floating units are often equipped with dynamic positioning systems, aiming to minimise lateral movements. Once the well is taken in production the relatively stiff marine drilling riser may be replaced by a flexible production riser. This will reduce the loads exerted on the foundation pile and wellheads. On the other hand the flexible riser strength will have to be evaluated [62,63,64].

Vertical movement of floating unit This movement induces a movement of the marine riser which will subsequently cause cyclic axial stresses in the connected components. A solution is to apply constant tension to the marine riser by applying active heave compensation systems and decoupling the rig motion from the riser by application of a telescopic riser joint. Another possibility is to limit the vertical platform movement by the fixing the floating unit to the sea bottom with tension cables. Fixed-unit movements Lateral movement of fixed unit A fixed platform is usually connected to the sea floor by piles running through the jacket legs. The same environmental loads act on marine conductors as on the floating unit. SIPM guidelines for design and analysis of marine conductors are laid down in [25] and expert advice should be sought for detailed studies if required. The platform's structure will also be subjected to a cyclic movement. As a platform is not floating there is only a lateral movement. In case of shallow waters this movement will be small. In case of the deepwater fixed platforms, this lateral movement can be considerable and may have to be accounted for in the design of the subsea components. Although the lateral movements of deep water platforms may be more as compared to shallow water platforms, this does not necessarily imply that the situation is less favourable for the marine conductor. The induced stresses do not depend on the overall height of the platform, i.e. the distance between marine conductor guide frames.

FIGURE I-21 : VARIOUS POSSIBLE FORMS OF BENDING-MOMENT AND LATERAL FORCE TRANSFER FROM CONDUCTOR STRING TO FOUNDATION PILE Internally generated loads Contrary to external loads, the internal loads are not a function of the location type, but are caused by fluid movement and temperature cycles inside the casing. We can distinguish the following possible load causes on a casing: internal fluid flow induced vibration, pressure surges and thermal stresses. a) Fluid-flow-induced vibration Fluid particles of the internal flow experience a dynamic force generated by centrifugal and Coriolis accelerations as they travel inside the curved path along the deflected fluid path, eg. deflected production riser. Riser deflection is caused by the combined forces of the currents, winds, and waves. Internal fluid flow and external vortices may occur simultaneously, causing vibrations in the riser [65,66]. Several documents exist about the riser equation of vibration [58]. The influence of production riser tension and internal fluid density on the natural riser frequency is evaluated in [67]. [65] deals with the natural frequency and the mode shape of a marine production riser with an internal flow. b) Pressure surges A casing may be subjected to cycles of pressure changes through the intermittent use as an injection and production well. This is the case for cyclic steam injection during steam soaking operations. Another, though minor, cause for pressure surges of very small amplitude can be the production of oil with sucker rods through non sealed-off tubings. The casing is then continuously subjected to oil level changes. The effect will be minimal and may generally be disregarded. c) Thermal stresses Thermal stress cycles are imposed on casing during steam soaking operations. Large temperature fluctuations may occur. Similarly to pressure surge-related stresses, thermal stresses may be imposed to a casing due to production shutdowns. Figure I-22 [68] illustrates the effect of temperature cycles on the axial stress in a specimen. The magnitude of the temperature cycle is a function of several design parameters [69]. Also here the number of cycles has to be significant to lead to fatigue failure. The Chapter O on Special Cases considers these stresses in more depth in the section on steam well design. FIGURE I-22 : EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE-CYCLING HISTORY ON AXIAL STRESS IN A K55 STEEL SAMPLE. TEMPERATURE-STRESS CYCLES ARE SHOWN


References Corrosion [1] Evans, B., Hamer, P. and Milliams, D., Corrosion Management in Operations Production Newsletter, March 1992, 5-6 [2]

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Introduction The treatment of buckling given in this chapter is based on use of the fundamental equation for the reduced axial force at any point in the casing string. The underlying theory is presented in section 7 of Appendix 6. Equations for calculating the resistance of casing to buckling as a function of well bore geometry are also presented. If the calculated reduced axial force exceeds the calculated buckling resistance, buckling of the casing is likely to occur. Methods of preventing buckling (by raising the top of cement, by use of centralisers or by applying surface forces) are described. It should be realised, however, that the onset of buckling is not synonymous with casing failure. The amount of buckling that can be tolerated can be estimated by post-buckling analysis involving a first-order calculation of the stresses caused by the geometry changes involved. Such calculations are complex, and detailed studies are only possible with the aid of computer tools [1]. The basic equations that can be used for post-buckling analysis are briefly introduced at the end of this chapter.


Fundamental equation for reduced axial force By examining the reduced axial force, Fa*, in a casing string, the operating conditions under which the uncemented portion of the casing will buckle are defined. This leads directly to methods of preventing buckling. As described in a previous section, the axial force is influenced by changes in pressures and temperature that can occur once the string has been constrained by cementing. The actual axial force, Fa, at any depth, z, in a casing string above the top of cement usually depends on; (i)

the cemented-in buoyant weight


changes in fluid gradients and surface pressures from the cemented-in case (i)


changes in temperature from the cemented-in case (i)


changes in surface force from the cemented-in case (i).

Thus; Fa(z) = Wn (ZL - z) - [PeAe - PiAi]L


(from Eq. App. 6-20)

+ ∆Fap


(from Eq. G-27 )

+ ∆Fat


(from Eq. G-44 )

+ ∆Fs


where [PeAe - PiAi] L is the pressure (buoyancy) load evaluated once the cement slurry has been displaced to its final location. Expressions for ∆Fap and ∆Fat can be obtained from those derived in Section G for ∆σa in uncemented sections of casing (Eq. G-27 and Eq. G-44). This is the only part of the casing of concern in buckling analysis.

For the uncemented casing section with a fixed wellhead the following holds:

The pressures Pib and Peb in this expression are those acting at the time of the buckling potential determination and are not necessarily the same as those at the end of the cementation. Therefore we must define the pressures as: Pib(z) = Pi(z) + ∆Pis + ∆ρi z


Peb(z) = Pe(z) + ∆Pes + ∆ρez

where Pi(z) and Pe(z) are the pressure at the end of the cementation and ∆Pis, ∆Pes, ∆ρi, and ∆ρe are the changes from the as-cemented conditions.

where ρe and ρi are the external and internal fluid densities in the uncemented section immediately after cementation. This is the reduced axial force at depth z which must be compared to the casing buckling capacity as discussed in the next paragraph. It can be seen from this general equation that the reduced axial force at the lower end of the casing string is more likely to become negative if: -

the change in internal fluid gradient (∆ρi) and internal fluid surface pressure (∆ρis) from the cemented-in case are sufficiently large and positive;


the change in external fluid gradient (∆ρe) and external fluid surface pressure (∆ρes) from the cemented-in case are sufficiently large and negative;


the change in temperature from the cemented-in case is sufficiently large and positive;


the change in surface force (∆Fs) from the cemented-in case is sufficiently large and negative.

Example 5 Consider a vertical 10,000 ft (3,048 m) string of 9 /8 in ( 0.2445 m) 47 lb/ft ( 69.9 kg/m) casing with a top of cement at 5,000 ft ( 1,524 m ). The mud density at the time of casing installation was 0.6 psi/ft (13.57 kPa/m) and the cement slurry density 0.8 psi/ft ( 18.10 kPa/m ).

For drilling of the next section to a total depth of 16,000 ft (4877 m), the mud weight is raised to 0.70 psi/ft (15.83 kPa/m). See Figure J-1. Annular pressure build-up due to fluid expansion is controlled by bleeding off and is therefore equal to zero. Also the change in annular fluid gradient is ignored because of its stability. During drilling of that section the average change in temperature of the uncemented section of 5 5 the 9 /8 in casing is 27.5°F (15.3°C). See Figure J-2. Will these conditions cause the 9 /8 in casing to buckle? The change in reduced axial force is expressed as per Eq. J-3, whereby Eq. G-45 is substituted for that part of Eq. J-3 dealing with the effects of temperature.

Since ∆ρe , ∆ρis, ∆ρes equations reduces to;


and ∆Fs are all zero, and the initial densities, ρe and pi, are equal, this



Therefore the uncemented section the reduced axial force is ,in field units;


Resistance to buckling


Introduction The buckling theory, described in Appendix 6, showed that for buckling to occur, the reduced axial force, F*a, must be negative. However, it is not necessarily the case that buckling will occur if the reduced axial force is less than zero. The capacity of the pipe to resist buckling will depend upon its dimensions, material properties, the well profile and the supports. Below the different sections of the well trajectory and their influence on the buckling capacity are addressed.


Vertical wellbore sections A distinction is made between the conductor casing buckling capacity and the other casing string buckling capacity, because of the relatively short unsupported length and larger crosssectional area of the conductor casing . i)

Conductor casing A conductor casing may fail in an elastic or plasting buckling mode when subjected to compressional loads. The applicable failure mode is determined by the geometry of the free standing portion of the conductor casing. This geometry is expressed in the slenderness ratio. As demonstrated in Appendix 6, a conductor casing will fail in elastic buckling mode (Euler mode), rather than in yield mode, provided that for the slenderness ratio it holds that (from Eq. App. 6-26):

If this is the case elastic buckling will occur, as illustrated in Figure J-3, when (Eq. App. 6-31):

Fa*= Fa + PeAe – PiAi < -

π 2 EI 2 2 kl

The capacity of the conductor casing to resist buckling is thus determined by I and 1 (assuming k and E are given). A conductor casing will fail in yield mode if,


If this condition is fulfilled the calculation of how to increase the capacity of the conductor casing to resist buckling becomes rather complex. Hence, expert advice should be sought from the local or SIPM Structural Engineering Department [2, 3]. Example 5 Consider a vertical 18 /8 in (0.4731 m) 87.5 1b/ft (130.2 kg/m) K55 conductor casing having an unsupported length of 600 ft (183 m).

For this material, having a minimum yield strength of 55,000 psi (379,225 kPa), the critical slenderness ratio is (in either unit system):

For this pipe, where k is taken as 0.7 the actual slenderness ratio ( in either unit system ):

This particular conductor casing will therefore fail in elestic ( Euler ) buckling model before yield occours. The buckling capacity is then, in yield occours. The buckling capacity is then , in field units

As demonstrated in the above example, the usually low value of the conductor casing to resist buckling is not sufficient to carry the compressive load of the subsequent strings. For this reason, lateral support is to be provided to reduce the slenderness ratio. This is usually achieved by introducing cross bracing and/or centralisers. The calculations of the required spacing will be addressed in a following paragraph. ii)

Surface, intermediate, and production casing For these long casing strings, the term π²EI/k²1² is negligible in comparison to the other terms in the buckling condition. The capacity to resist buckling is therefore zero. For buckling to occur the following condition (Eq. App. 6-32) is to be fulfilled: Fa* = Fa + PeAe - PiAi < 0

10.3.3 Inclined straight wellbore sections In an inclined wellbore, where the casing lies against the low side of the borehole, a restraint is effectively provided against lateral displacement. As a result, the capacity of the casing to resist buckling is higher than that given by the Euler buckling force. It is assumed that the unsupported, i.e. uncemented sections of conductor casing are always near vertical, and therefore are not included in this paragraph. For straight, inclined wells, the critical reduced buckling force, Fc*, for drillpipe is generally accepted as [4]:

where θ


inclination angle



radial clearance between pipe and hole


(dh-do) / 2


reduced weight of pipe per unit weight


W n + ρiAi - ρeAe


internal, external fluid densities for the conditions being analysed for buckling.

W n*

and ρi, ρe

This equation is not fully applicable to a partly cemented casing string due to the assumed end conditions. Here it has been assumed that the lower end of the pipe is free to rotate around an axis perpendicular to the axis of the borehole. However, the cemented lower end of a casing string is not free to rotate in this manner. It has been shown that for the case of a tubing string stabbed into a packer bore, which more closely resembles the casing situation, the critical reduced (non-helical) buckling force for inclined wells is [5]:

This is illustrated in Figure J-4 where the well has a vertical, build-up and straight tangent section. The critical reduced buckling force for the onset of full helical buckling is defined as [5]:

These equations (Eq. J-4, Eq. J-5 and Eq. J-7) indicate clearly that with a small radial clearance, rc, between the casing under consideration and the hole or previous casing a very high resistance against buckling can be achieved. Example 5

It can be seen from the table below that for 9 /8 in (0.2445 m), 47 1b/ft (69.9 kg/m) casing, inside a 12 ¼ in (0.3111 m) hole in 0.48 psi/ft (10.86 kPa/m) mud, the critical reduced buckling force calculated using Eq. J-5 and Eq. J-7 becomes large even at low inclinations.


The example demonstrates that even if the reduced axial force in a casing string is negative, buckling is unlikely to occur in the deviated portion of a well.


Curved wellbore sections The topic of casing buckling in curved well bore sections is complex and subject of recent studies [6]. The analysis requires computerised solution techniques and specialist knowledge [7].

10.3.5 Use of top of cement to prevent buckling The required top of cement, Zc, to prevent buckling can be obtained by setting z = Zc, in the general reduced axial force equation, Eq. J-3. The condition that the reduced axial force must be greater than or equal to the critical reduced buckling force at that depth must then be fulfilled. Since the top of cement is not known, the loads which are a function of Zc, i.e. buoyancy and temperature loads, must be written in full. Solving this equation will lead to the required top of cement. Thus, for the buoyancy load; [PeAe - PiAi] L = Ae [ ρe Zc + ρc (ZL - Zc)] - AiρiZL where ρc is the cement slurry density.

If Fa* (Zc) ≥ F c* (Zc), no buckling can occur in the uncemented section. Since Fc* is generally a function of z (assuming inclination θ varies with depth), solving for Zc will be an iterative process. For the chosen value of Zc, Fa* (Zc) can be calculated and compared with Fc* (Zc). If the required condition is not met, a new value of Zc should be chosen and the calculations repeated. In the case of a vertical well, i.e. Fc* (Zc) = 0, the above expression can be solved for Zc .Hence, the expression for Zc to prevent buckling is: Zc ≤

ZL A + B + C A +D


Example Using the same example as in the previous section (see Figures J-1 and J-2), where ∆ρe, ∆Pis, ∆Pes, and ∆Fs are all zero, the condition for no buckling is given by Eq. J-9; Zc ≤

ZL A + B + C A +D


Use of centraliser spacing to prevent buckling The positioning of centralisers in the casing annuli will prevent the helix, which would occur without centralisers, from establishing. Obviously, onset of buckling must have occurred as discussed in the previous paragraphs. In this section the positioning of centralisers to suppress (Euler) buckling of the conductor casing and the other casing strings is addressed. i)

Conductor casing The compressive load on conductor casing can be very large due to the suspended weight of the subsequent strings. Especially in offshore platform developments placement of centralisers is therefore required to prevent buckling of this string. Since in general the acting compressive stresses are larger than half the yield strength the spacing of the centralisers is based on the theories for plastic buckling mode. These advanced theories are rather complex and expert advice should be sought from the local or SIPM Structural Engineering Department to establish a centraliser spacing [2, 3].


Surface, intermediate, production casing For these slender strings mostly the elastic buckling mode (Euler mode) does apply since the acting compressive stresses are smaller than half the yield strength. The spacing of the downhole centralisers to prevent buckling is therefore based on the elastic buckling theory and is applied below. As given in Appendix 6 the buckling length for a given reduced axial force for hinged (k = 1) pipe is (from Eq. App. 6-30):

Placement of the centralisers at a spacing of 82% of this buckling length is generally accepted and results in a buckling design factor of 1.5 [3].


To prevent buckling by the use of centralisers rather than by cement, the required centraliser spacing, s, is therefore generally taken as see Figure J-5

Note that Fa* will become less compressive at shallower depths and thus the centraliser spacing may be increased. Example 5 Consider a string of 9 /8 in (0.2445 m) 47 1b/ft (69.9 kg/m) casing for which Fa* at the TOC is -100,000 lb (-444,800 N). Using Eq. J-10;

10.3.7 Use of surface force to prevent buckling From the expression for reduced axial force Fa* (Eq. J-3), it can be seen that this force is directly influenced by ∆Fs, the change in surface force. By determining the critical reduced buckling force Fc* for the casing in question, the casing hanger can be landed (after the cement has set) with an additional surface force such that the reduced axial force is greater than the critical reduced buckling force at all points in the uncemented portion of the string. Example If the reduced axial force in a string at the top of cement is -100,000 lb (-444,800 N) and the critical reduced buckling force at that point is -50,000 lb (-222,400 N), then the buckling potential can be eliminated by introducing at least 50,000 lb (222,400 N) of tension into the string at surface. Note that the effects of drag should be taken into account to ensure that sufficient additional axial force is transmitted to the casing at the top of cement.


Post-buckling analyses


Introduction The onset of buckling does not necessarily mean pipe failure. The acceptability of buckled casing must be assessed in two ways, i.e. the resulting stresses in the casing wall, and the access through the buckled casing for drilling and production tools. Stresses resulting from buckling must be added to those existing in the casing prior to the onset of buckling. However, post-buckling analysis is complex and the use of computing tools for detailed analyses is required [1, 8]. This section will only give a first approximation of the relevant stresses and geometry changes. It should be noted that the presented theory is only valid for the elastic buckling mode (Euler mode). The advanced theories for the plastic buckling mode, which should be applied when the compressive stresses are larger than half the yield strength, should be studied in cooperation with the local or SIPM Structural Engineering Department. A distinction is made between the helical buckled casing and the non-helical buckled casing. However, it should be understood that the non-helical buckling mode occurs prior to the helical buckling mode. Refer to Figure J-6 for the description of the relevant geometrical parameters. FIGURE J-6 : GEOMETRICAL PARAMETERS RELEVANT TO PIPE BUCKLING

10.4.2 Helical buckling The bending stress, σb is given by Eq. G-9; σb = ±

Ed o 2R

where R is the radius of curvature. A helix of radius rc, i.e. the radial clearance, and pitch λ has a radius of curvature R given by [5, 9];


λ2 4π 2 rc

The pitch of the helix λ is given by [5, 9];

where Fa* (z) is in lbs rc is in inches is in (inches)4 is in psi


The corresponding dogleg severity in SI units is given by:

φ = 287

− F *a ( z ) rc EI




is in Newton


is in metres


is in (metres)4 is in Pa


( °/10 m)

( J-16 )


Non-helical buckling For non-helical buckling, the wave amplitude is approximately proportional to the square root of the loading in excess of the critical load, Fc*, the load at which non-helical buckling occurs [5]. From this in follows that the bending stress due to non-helical buckling, σbnh, can be approximated by:

where F*ch (z) is the reduced axial force at the onset of helical buckling at depth z. Fc* (z) is the reduced axial force at the onset of non-helical buckling at depth z. Note that for Fa* equal or larger than Fc* no buckling related stresses occur. Once the reduced axial force Fa* is equal to F*ch, the stress becomes equal to that for full helical buckling. As for bending stress, the curvature for non-helical buckling is that for helical buckling multiplied by the same factor, [5].


References [1]

Pittman, W. Commercial casing design software - detailed evaluation EP 92-0473


SIPM, EPD/5 Practice for the analysis and design of marine conductors EP 87-0160


American Institute of Steel Construction Manual of Steel Construction Ninth edition, Chicago, 1989


Dawson, R. and Paslay, P.R. Drillpipe buckling in inclined holes SPE 11167


Stillebroer, C. Forces and pipe-body stress in tubing strings - Parts I and II EP 44706


Schuh, F.J. The critical buckling force and stresses for pipe in inclined curved boreholes SPE/IADC 21942


Love, A.E.H. Treatise on the mathematical theory of elasticity (Reprint of original 1927 edition) Dover, New York, 1944


Kwon, Y.W. A precise solution for helical buckling IADC/SPE 14729


Lubinski, A., Althouse, W.S. and Logan, J.L. Helical buckling of tubing sealed in packers J. Pet. Tech., June 1962, 655-670


Design factors


Introduction This chapter gives the uniaxial collapse, burst, axial and compression design factors, and the triaxial design factor, recommended for use within the Group, together with a brief overview of the considerations which led to the choice of the currently accepted values. Each uniaxial design factor is defined as the minimum ratio required between the corresponding casing strength tabulated in API Bull. 5C2 [1] on the basis of the formulae of API Bull. 5C3 [2] (corrected to take into account the effects of corrosion, wear and fatigue as indicated in Chapter 1) and the estimated design load calculated as indicated in Chapter G. The triaxial design factor is defined as the minimum ratio required between the yield strength (similarly corrected for the effects of corrosion, wear and fatigue) and the Von Mises equivalent stress as described in Appendix 6. These design factors are "combined" design factors, taking into account both the uncertainties in the manufacturing process leading to variations in casing strength, and those in the designload estimation process. Such a combined design factor should not be confused with a safety factor, which is a multiplier to be applied to the maximum design load. The former is based on scientific considerations, while the latter is usually arbitrarily chosen to give a certain resiliency to the design. For casing design within the Group, this safety factor should be set equal to unity. Historically there has been very little rationale behind the choice of casing design factors [3]. The values used in the drilling industry vary quite widely between operators - usually because of variations in the design method used. For instance, some operators include wear or wallthickness tolerances in the design factors for casing strength, while others do not. On the other hand, some operators assume full evacuation to calculate the design load for collapse, while others apply a partial evacuation rule. This difference in approach should be considered when comparing the design factors used by different companies. In view of the current low casing failure rate within the Group, it may be presumed that the design factors used so far are about right or too high. With advances in computing tools and increased knowledge of the subsurface, the anticipated design loads can be estimated more accurately resulting in a more realistic load distribution [4,5]; see Chapter G. Tighter controls in the pipe-manufacturing process have led to an improvement in metallurgical and dimensional properties and hence to more accurately defined casing strengths [6,7]. The above considerations might suggest that the design factors could be reduced. However, there are very few internal or external data on which such a reduction could reliably be based. A full probabilistic evaluation of the existing design code would be required to make technically justified changes in the value of the relevant design factors. However, it is confidently expected that in the coming years the upcoming application of Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) will shed more light on design factors [3,8].


Collapse design factor With the change from a full evacuation to a partial evacuation Design Load case, the load distribution along the casing string is considered more realistic. Also the behaviour of cement and annular fluids with time is documented and applied in the new Design Load cases [9]. The other Design Load cases have not been changed. In general it can be concluded that the Design Load distribution on a casing string will be more realistic. The reliability and characteristics of casing collapse capacities is high as a function of the more tightly controlled manufacturing processes [6,7]. API Bull. 5C2 presents the relevant values for the collapse capacity of the casing, but recent studies reveal that these values are occasionally conservative [3,10]. Based on the above, and since corrosion, wear and downrating because of tension and temperature should be treated separately, the uniaxial Collapse Design Factor of 1.0 is recommended to be kept for collapse design.


Burst design factor The burst Design Loads have not significantly changed, except for the introduction of cement and annular fluid behaviour. However, the expected Design Loads from possible field scenarios can be refined due to the accumulation of experience and application of prediction techniques as discussed in the chapter on Design Parameters, Chapter C. As is documented in API Bull. 5C3 [2], the burst capacity of a casing is related to the yield strength of the material. Hence a conservatism is built into the values as tabled in API Bull. 5C2 [11], since initial yielding in burst loading will not rupture the pipe. However, the whole of the casing design is predicted upon the avoidance of yielding. Therefore, no allowance should be made for the fact that rupture of the casing is unlikely even if the burst rating is slightly exceeded. Also, when evaluating the burst capacity of a casing, a down rating because of wear, corrosion, temperature and applied compression is required before the design factor is introduced. While a collapse failure would normally be expected deeper down the wellbore, the rupture of a casing will most likely be a near-surface event. Hence, the consequences are more severe for such a failure. Based on this consideration, although the probability of the failure mode is low, it is recommended that an unixial Burst Design Factor of 1.1 is kept for burst design.


Tension design factor Software applications can assist in the tension load prediction during the installation phase as well as during the service life time. Accounting for the weight in air load, the pressure (buoyancy) load, the bending load, the dynamic loads like drag- and shock loads, and the changes in axial load by changes in temperature and pressures is now possible [4,5]. However, it should be highlighted that the static drag loads are more difficult to quantify. The uncorrected value for the tension capacity of a casing string is presented in API Bull. 5C2 [11]. However, when evaluating the tension capacity of a casing a down rating because of wear, corrosion and temperature is required before the Tension Design Factor is applied. Based on these considerations, it is recommended that an uniaxial Tension Design Factor of 1.3 is kept in casing design.


Compression design factor It has been demonstrated that casing failure due to compressive loading will be mainly a result of elastic or plastic instability, i.e. helical buckling. Hence a pure compression failure, i.e. casing squashing, is most unlikely in most cases. The casing resistance against buckling can be significantly increased by the placement of centralisers. If the relevant casing is rigidly supported by centralisers, very high compression loads can be carried before buckling occurs. It can be seen that two Design Factors result: •

If buckling is not possible because of the placement of centralisers between the casing string under consideration and the previous casing string it is recommended that a uniaxial Compression Design Factor of 1.0 is used. This can be justified because the calculated centraliser spacing inherently covers a buckling Design Factor of 1.5.

If buckling is acceptable a post-buckling analysis should be carried out to establish the relevant triaxial stress state. In analogy with the discussion on the triaxial Design Factor below, the same Triaxial Design Factor of 1.25 is recommended for these situations.


Triaxial design factor The increasing acceptance of triaxial stress analysis results in a requirement for a triaxial design factor [11,12]. Translation of the load conditions into a three-dimensional stress state is currently possible with the advance of computing tools. As discussed earlier, the refinement of the Design Load cases and the Design Parameter, due to the accumulation of experience and prediction techniques, leads to a smaller distribution in the Design Loads. Wear and corrosion related wall thickness reductions should be taken into account in this stage. As a result the three- dimensional stress state is more realistic. A comparison of this resulting three-dimensional stress state with the, for temperature corrected, yield strength value of the unixial test is commonly achieved via the von Mises Yield criterion. This yield criterion has been extensively used and repeatedly verified. The direct comparison of this von Mises equivalent stress to the yield strength of the material provides a single design factor. Based on field experience with triaxial analyses in tubing design and the analogy with casing design, it is recommended that a Triaxial Design Factor of 1.25 is used for casing design analyses.


Summary Summarising, the following design factors are applicable: -

Uniaxial collapse design factor:



Uniaxial burst design factor:



Uniaxial tension design factor:



Uniaxial compression design factor:



Triaxial design factor:



References [1]

American Petroleum Institute Bulletin on performance properties of casing and tubing Bull. 5C2, Twentieth edition, 31 May 1987


American Petroleum Institute Bulletin on formulas and calculations for casing, tubing, drillpipe and line pipe properties Bull .5C3, Fifth edition, July 1989


Payne, M.L. and Swanson, J.D. Application of probabilistic reliability methods to tubular design SPE 19556


SIPM, EPO/512 OSCP User Guide - version 2.3 EP 91-2156


Pittman , W. Commercial casing design software - detailed evaluation EP 92-0473


American Petroleum Institute Specification for casing and tubing Spec. 5CT, Third edition, l December 1990


SIPM, EPO/512 Technical suggestions for ordering non-API tubulars DEN 17/92


Reeves, T.B., Parfitt, S.H.L. and Adams, A.J. Casing system risk analysis using structural reliability SPE/IADC 25693


Bol, G. and Vliet, van J., KSEPL Drilling fluid and cement related aspects of casing design EP 92-0616


Ooms, R.J. and Klever, F.J., KSEPL Evaluation of casing collapse strength formulae EP 92-0888


Klementich, E.F. and Jellison, M J. A service-life model for casing strings SPE 12361


Klementich, E.F., Jellison, M.J. and Johnson, R. Triaxial load capacity diagrams provide a new approach to casing and tubing analysis SPE/IADC 13434




Introduction The connections between successive lengths of casing play an important rôle in determining the overall technical integrity of the casing string. The casing designer should be aware of the major categories of connections, the different sealing mechanisms used, their strength and the effect of different loads on their performance. All well designed connections form seals when specific make-up requirements are met. Leakage of connections is normally caused by: -

improper design;


failure to meet manufacturing tolerances;


damage due to handling;


failure to comply with the make -up requirements;


loading above the rated capacity or downhole operations.

Structural failure of connections may manifest itself as galling or other deformation of thread or sealing area during make-up, or in the worst case as parting of the connection. Since thread compounds have a direct influence on most of these failure modes, advice is provided in this chapter on which compound to use in a given case, and how to apply it. Details are also given of the SIPM database on approved connection types (CONNEX), the approval procedure for connections and the approval tests involved, and the SIPM- recommended working range for various types of connections. Advice is also given on protection of the threaded parts and seal area of the connection during transport to and use on the rig. For further information on the care, inspection and use of casing connections, see Chapter O (Operational Aspects). A good summary of information on connections can be found in [1]. 12.2

Connection types

12.2.1 General remarks It is desirable that the casing connection satisfies several functional and operational requirements. •

Functional aspects -

to provide a leak resistance to internal or external fluid pressures;


to have sufficient structural rigidity to transmit externally applied loads;


to have a good geometry in order not to increase the outer diameter or reduce the inner diameter of the casing string significantly.

Operational aspects -

easy to make-up in the field;


easy to break-out in the field;



To fulfil these aspects, the connections are provided, in almost all cases, with connection threads. Connections based on welding or glueing techniques and snap-on connectors are available for casing but will not be dealt with here. For many years the API thread connections, with or without a resilient seal ring, have been the standard in well casing strings. These standardised connections are (see Figure L-1): -

the API round thread connection for casing application;


the API buttress thread connection for casing application;


the API extreme line connection for casing application.


However, during the last decades there has been a shift away from relatively simple and inexpensive shallow wells to complicated completions for deep, often corrosive and high pressure/temperature wells. This trend entailed the need for connections with better seals than the API connections, and led to the development of the so-called Premium connections. All connections that have one or more special features, such as higher strength, better sealing properties, faster make-up, smaller outer diameter of the coupling, internally streamlined and recess free, etc. as compared with API connections, are collectively called Premium connections. Threaded casing connections can be divided in two groups, namely the integral connections and the threaded and coupled connections. Each group can further be divided into several types, depending on the sealing mechanism and the existence of a torque shoulder as summarised below.


Integral connection The principle of the integral connection is shown in Figure L-2. The geometry of the pipe ends are different so that they can be connected without using an intermediate part. Two types of integral connections are common: •

Upset type connection : this type of connection has pipe ends with an increased wall thickness. The pipe may be externally upset, internally upset or both.


Non-upset or flush type connection (see Figure L-3) : this type of connection has pipe ends with the same OD and ID as the pipe. It has a reduced strength efficiency, compared to upset type of connections, in all cases. Sometimes the pin-end is swaged to a slightly smaller diameter, which will then affect the drift diameter. Other connections have an increased box diameter or designs with combinations of these. FIGURE L-3: FLUSH INTEGRAL CONNECTION WITH SWAGED PIN


Threaded and coupled connection The principle of the threaded and coupled connection is shown in Figure L-4. The casing joint is externally threaded on both ends of the pipe. The single joints are joined by an internally threaded coupling, to form the connection. FIGURE L-4 :


The coupling can be made with several varying outer diameters, the following having its influences on the dimension: •

Regular, as specified in API Spec 5CT [2].

Special clearance, which have a smaller OD than the regular coupling. In most cases this coupling will have a reduced strength efficiency. However, a coupling with a higher yield strength material might be considered to negate this.

Resilient seal, in order to incorporate a resilient seal and maintain the required crosssectional area to keep the same capacity, it is sometimes required to increase the OD of the coupling.

Matched strength, these couplings are designed in order to achieve a 100% efficiency. These optimum couplings may have an external diameter larger or smaller than the API couplings.

12.2.4 Comparison of integral and threaded/coupled connections In recent years there has been a move, in many Group Opcos, away from integral type connections, towards the use of threaded and coupled connections. Listed below are the characteristics of the integral connections and those of the threaded and coupled connections: •

Integral connections -

Integral connections halve the number of threaded connections, and thus the number of potential leakage paths.


There is no possibility of receiving a coupling made of a different, and thus wrong, material


In general, the integral type of connections has higher torque capacity than the threaded and coupled connection. This is because integral connections are generally designed with an external torque shoulder, while for most threaded and coupled connections the torque shoulder is located at the pin nose.


There is a risk of "ringworm" corrosion. This corrosion can occur at the upset region of joints in the presence of CO2. During the upsetting process the pipe ends are heated and heavily deformed, which results in a difference in steel microstructure compared to the pipe. It has been found that this microstructure is highly sensitive to CO2 corrosion so that pits can form quite rapidly. The observed corrosion has a characteristic morphology called ringworm attack [3]. To avoid this problem it is necessary to use tubulars which have been fully heat treated after upsetting.

Threaded and coupled connections -

Threaded and coupled connections are generally cheaper to produce and the pipe ends can be re-cut should the threads be damaged.


The manufacturing process of threaded and coupled connections is a lot simpler than that of integral connections as no upsetting or swaging is required.


With threaded and coupled connections there is less risk of leakage due to geometric errors in the machined connection parts. Generally, the geometric error in machined couplings is smaller than the error in machined pipe ends. Pins and boxes, machined on long tubulars, may show geometry errors in the shape of a clover leaf [4]. This is usually caused by movements of the long unsupported section of the casing joint.


There has also been a move towards the use of more highly alloyed steel grades which cannot be satisfactorily hot-worked to produce the upset pipe ends necessary for an integral connection.


Thread forms The following thread forms are commonly manufactured today: •

API round type thread, a tapered thread with stabbing and loading flanks of 30° and rounded crests and roots.

API buttress type thread, a tapered thread with stabbing and loading flanks of 10° and 3° respectively, and flat crests and roots, parallel to the thread cone.

API extremeline thread, a tapered thread with stabbing and loading flanks of 6°, and flat crests and roots parallel to the pipe axis.

Modified buttress threads, used for Premium connections. Several thread forms have been developed which are provided with one of the following modifications or combinations thereof: -

the thread profile has thread crests and roots parallel to the pipe axis rather than being parallel to the thread cone;


a clearance at the pin thread crest (see Figure L-5), in order to ensure a better control of the thread friction during make-up;


a change in the angle of the stabbing flank, ranging from +10° to +45° (see Figure L-5) in order to improve the connection stabbing performance;


a change in the angle of the loading flank, ranging from +3° to -15° (see Figure L-5) in order to increase the tensile capacity of the connection;


a change in the pitch of the threads (single or double pitch change) (see Figure L-6) in order to provide a more uniform stress distribution in the connection threads under tensile or compressive loads.

Two step thread, has two sections of different diameter, each provided with free running, non interfering, threads either straight or tapered (see Figure L-7). The figure shows a design with three shoulders which has the advantage of an increased over-torque capacity. In contrast, a non-interfering thread has the risk of inadvertently backing-out of the connection.

Wedge shape thread, is based on an interlocking dovetail thread profile. The loading flank is machined with a greater pitch than the stabbing flank (see Figure L-7) to produce a thread that wedges together during make-up, eliminating the need for an additional torque shoulder. The applicable make-up torques of these connections tend to be higher than that of connections with modified buttress thread profiles and a shoulder.





Connection sealing Threaded casing connections utilise three basic mechanisms to establish a leak tight joint. These mechanisms are:



tapered interference fit thread seal;


metal-to-metal seal;


resilient seal.

Tapered interference-fit thread seal Tapered interference fit thread seals, such as the API round and API buttress threads, are not inherently leak tight, but have helical leak paths included in the design. Leak tightness of these connections is thus obtained by establishing a high contact pressure on the thread flanks and sealing the remaining leak path(s) with a thread compound [5]. •

API round thread: Both thread flanks act as sealing surfaces. They are to be loaded by the make-up torque to such an extent that the contact pressure is greater than the fluid pressure to be retained. The two small leak paths of the API round thread are at the crest and the root of the thread. These paths are very long, approximately π times the thread diameter times the number of threads engaged. The smaller the tolerance, the smaller the cross-section of the leak path (see Figure L-8). Sometimes a soft metal thread surface finish may help in reducing the size of the leak path. Under high axial and bending loads, the sealing capabilities of the API round thread will be strongly reduced because box and pin thread will deform, causing the leak paths to increase in size.

API buttress thread: In made-up condition, contacts between the loading flanks and the crest and root of the threads form the seal. The leak path in the buttress thread form is along the stabbing flank and the crest and root radii, and is bigger than that for the API round thread (see Figure L-8). So, more than the API round thread, this type of thread relies on the compound to seal the leak paths. Under certain conditions, like for instance compressive loads the thread contact can change from the loading flank to the stabbing flank. This shift can result in leakage of the connection [6,7]. FIGURE L-8 : LEAK PATHS IN API THREAD

It should be noted that no amount of torque applied to the connection can close the leak paths in round or buttress threads. Added torque sometimes stops leaks in connections with round thread, but doesn't close the leak path. However, once the elastic limit of the material is reached, the additional torque cannot help and may damage the connection. Hence, in many cases, particularly at high temperatures, with alternating load conditions and/or under gas pressure, these types of connections are not capable of providing a reliable seal. Research performed has led to the conclusion that the amount of pressure a connection can hold, depends on the gap width between the threads. The smaller the size of this gap , the higher the pressure it can hold [8]. Therefore small thread tolerances should be requested, so as to increase connection sealing performance. It has not yet been shown that it is possible to design a thread profile that is capable of providing a reliable gas-tight seal on its own, although some manufacturers have made this claim.

12.3.2 Metal-to-metal seal Connections provided with metal-to-metal seals are commonly referred to as Premium connections [9). Sealing relies on metal-to-metal contact between the two mating sealing surfaces from both pin and box. Therefore, the thread itself does not have a primary sealing function but serves to transmit externally applied loads. At the sealing contact area the surfaces will deform elasticly, so as to be able to seal under changing loads without having a permanently deformed seal. No plastic deformation of the sealing area should occur due to these changes in loads. Although many Premium connections are based on a similar design principle, the details of the design in many cases result in very different characteristics [9,10]. Often this is a result of the compromise necessary to ensure good sealing integrity and acceptable running characteristics in the field. For example, radial seals (see Figure L-9) may be more prone to damage due to galling as a result of the long sliding contact of the seal surfaces during make-up or break-out. Increasing the seal interference, in an attempt to improve the sealing performance, will tend to increase the galling tendency. At the other hand, high angle tapered seals (see Figure L-10) tend to be less prone to galling although there may be a greater risk of losing sealing integrity under high tensile loads or following compression- tension cycles, which may cause the tapered faces to separate. 12.3.3

Resilient seal The API round and API buttress thread connections as well as the Premium connections can all be applied with an additional seal made from polymeric material. Their sealing function is either primary or secondary. In almost all cases the polymeric seal ring is incorporated in the threaded part of the box (see Figure L-11). -

Polymeric seal materials can be divided into two groups [11,12]:


elastomeric materials;


plastomeric materials.

Both these groups react differently to the downhole conditions. The properties of these materials will tend to change with the time of exposure to these conditions, although at a decreasing rate. Both groups of materials will tend to absorb hydrocarbons over long periods of time, thus affecting the properties. However, this occurs in the plastomeric materials to a lesser extent.




The polymers which are used most as sealing material within casing connections are the plastomeric materials [12], for instance, virgin Teflon or reinforced Teflon. There is a general recommendation not to use the same seal ring twice. This represents an operational problem since from testing it has been found out that the use of a new ring, installed prior to re-using a connection, will increase the risk of galling [13], since a new ring may cause misalignment of the pin as a result of grease trapped behind the ring. Therefore, the seal ring should preferably be installed at the factory, because of the need for an absolutely clean environment. The fact that the boxes may not be cleaned any more, once the rings have been installed will lead to additional operational problems. From the viewpoint of design and operational aspects, SIPM does not encourage the use of resilient seals. However couplings with resilient seals may be used as remedial action to solve operational problems with API type connections.


Thread compounds


General remarks Thread compounds are used for three distinct purposes: -

to prevent corrosion of the connection parts during storage;


to facilitate the running of connections during make-up/break-out;


to seal the helical paths in the thread profile of tapered interference fit thread seals.

To serve the first purpose, storage compounds were developed. These compounds can only be used to protect against corrosion during the storage of the tubular, and should never be used as running compound. To serve the second and third purposes, running compounds were developed. These running compounds have to fulfil the following functions: -

during make-up: prevent metal-to-metal contact and thus protect the threads and seal areas from galling and wear;


in made-up condition: seal the helical paths between mating threads to make the nonPremium connection leak tight;


during break-out: ensure that the connection can be broken out, after having served for a long period, without galling and at torques which do not differ excessively with the applied make-up torque.

There has always been a definite distinction between the two sorts of compounds. However, some manufacturers claim to have developed running compounds which offer corrosion inhibition, equivalent to that of a good storage compound. These compounds are called hybrid or multipurpose compounds. In the following two paragraphs, the lubricating, sealing and environmental properties of the running compound will be discussed. At present, the use of running compounds conforming to API Bull. 5A2 [14] is generally recommended. Although the API compounds were developed for API round and buttress thread connections for which the solid constituents have a sealing function, it is also used for connections with metal-to-metal seals. A table of the SIPM recommended storage, running and hybrid compounds will be mentioned.

12.4.2 Lubricating and sealing properties Conventional thread compounds contain relatively weak, ductile, solid particles, suspended in heavy grease [8]. Therefore the compound can be split up in grease base and suspended solid particles. Both of these components have a distinct function. The functions of the grease are: -

to act as a carrier to hold the solid particles in a stable dispersion and permit even distribution over the surface of the connection;


to act as an adhesive to ensure that the coating sticks to the metal surface under condition of application;


to provide sufficient lubricity to overcome the initial friction between the connection thread and seal surfaces during make-up.

The solid particles have two functions: -

To provide reserves in lubrication in extreme operating conditions, where the boundary lubrication regime prevails and the grease component has leached out. If, after some time, the connection will have to be broken out, the solids will act as lubricants. They will then prevent excessive torque required for breaking out, by deforming when the thread surfaces move over them.


To seal the helical leak paths of API type connections. These paths should be sealed by the compound [6,15]. While being made up, the grease will tend to get forced into the leak paths of the particular thread. It has been suggested that over time the grease base will tend to disappear by leaching and evaporation of the volatile parts or fluidization due to exposure to elevated temperatures [6,16]. The solids will be left as sealers. The amount of pressure which can be withstood by the solids, seems to depend on their particle size [8] and the amount of solids suspended in the grease [17,18]. Sealers used are for instance lead powder, copper flake, zinc dust or chunks of Teflon. The latter is only to be used in combination with API buttress and round thread connections, for which it is reported that the "chunky" material performs better than the "flaky" material [8].

Each compound will have a characteristic friction correction factor, which depends on the compound composition. Grease, oil, high pressure additives, Teflon, copper flakes, graphite and certain sulphur compounds decrease the friction coefficient [16,18]. Metal oxides and silicates increase the friction coefficient. The friction correction factor also depends on the hardness, the size and shape, and the number of particles suspended in the grease base. However it is now thought that the effect of different types of thread compound on the make-up characteristics of connections may be smaller than would be suggested by the differences in the friction correction factors [19]. Nevertheless, in the absence of specific recommendations to the contrary from the connection manufacturers, it is recommended that a compound with a quoted friction correction factor of 1.0 be used. The use of too much compound on a Premium connection, in order to increase the lubrication, can have adverse effects. With certain connection types it has been shown that the pressure built up by the thread compound during make-up may have an adverse effect on the sealing performance of the connection [20]. In such instances, more care should be taken in applying the right amount of compound. Based on qualification testing, the manufacturer should provide a value for the amount of compound to be applied. The chapter on Operational Aspects will give advice on the available tools. For better leak testing results, it has been suggested to use a thin oil or diluted compound for the make-up of Premium connections. The Premium connection relies on the metal-to-metal seal for sealing, and not on the compound. When testing this type of connection on its seal, the oil or diluted compound would not influence the result and hence it will be easier to assess whether the metal-to-metal seal leaks [21]. API Bull. 5A2 [14] states the specifications which a thread compound should meet, e.g. a compound should perform up to 300°F (150°C). It has been noted that compounds perform even above this limit. However, one should keep in mind that most of these high temperature results were obtained under laboratory conditions, and may not reflect the actual field conditions. From field experience, a maximum working temperature of 250°F (120°C) evolved, which is the limit SIPM recommends.

12.4.3 Environmental aspects Conventional running compound contains about 64% metal solids by weight. According to API Bull. 5A2 [14], the API Modified thread compound consist of : -

grease; lead powder; zinc dust; copper flakes; powdered graphite.

However, thread compounds can contain a whole range of other chemicals [15], harmful to the environment, like Arsenic, Antimony and Molybdenum disulphide. Concern over the escape of these and also of lead into the environment led to a second generation of compounds without lead [22]. However, although several additives seal nearly as well as lead, they tend to create their own environmental problems. Therefore, apart from other initiatives, the Drilling Engineering Association, Europe (DEA(E)), has started research into metal-free thread compounds, which are environmentally friendly. This is carried out under project DEA(E)-037E. As components which would act as sealers/lubricants ceramic material, graphite and polymers (teflon) have been looked at. The use of biodegradable grease bases has been researched as well, but the problem is that this type of grease is not stable at high temperatures, and therefore not applicable in deep wells. As a result of this study, four hybrid compound compounds are considered to be acceptable and their introduction is recommended. These are: -

Mercasol 633SR Multimake White;


Kendex Enviro Seal;


Bestolife copperfree PTC;


Shell Francaise SF 3646.

The Shell Development Company has done research into a non-lead thread compound: Bestolife 2000 5% copper [23]. Their results are very positive and this compounds is now recommended as an optional replacement for Shell's high pressure API modified, lead bearing thread compound. Also Cats Paw Black 712 S is achieving acceptable results.

12.4.4 Recommended thread compounds In summary, the following list of SIPM-recommended thread compounds is given. It should be noted that a storage compound is not to be used as running compound, and that a running compound is not to be used as a storage compound. Mistakes are still occurring [19]. The amount of compound to be applied is a function of connection sealing mechanism and geometry. The actual value should be acquired from the connection manufacturer. Storage compound Shell Rhodina Grease 2 Geveko Mercasol 630 Jet Marine Imperator 1078 Kendex OCTG corrosion inhibitor TSC thread storage compound Cortec VCl-369 Rust Veto heavy RD5 Running compound (conform to API Bull. 5A2) Calcium hydroxy stearate grease base Aluminium stearate grease base Calcium stearate grease base Thread Kote no 706 Hybrid compound Kendex Enviro Seal Mercasol 633 SR Multimake White Cats Paw black 712 S Bestolife copperfree PTC Bestolife 2000 5% copper Shell Francaise SF 3646


Surface treatments In order to ensure the functional efficiency of a connection, even after multiple make-up operations, surface treatments are applied to the box, the pin or to both. The surface treatments are applied to improve: the resistance to galling; the sealing capability; the resistance to corrosion. Below the effect of the different surface treatments on these phenomena is highlighted. First a brief description of the most common treatment is given.


Process descriptions The following surface treatments are used [24]: •

Phosphating Phosphating is the process by which the steel is dipped into a boiling, almost saturated, acidic solution of metal phosphate, for instance zinc phosphate or manganese phosphate. Reaction of the steel with the solution causes metal phosphate to precipitate and adhere on to the steel surface.

Lacquer coating Anti-friction lacquer, for instance a molybdenum disulphide, is sprayed evenly on pin and box surfaces, which have been heated to harden the lacquer in a short time. In order to provide a good base for the adhesion of the lacquer, the sliding surfaces are roughened by means of grit blasting.

Oxalating Oxalating is the process in which a thin layer of oxalate is applied to steels with a high chrome or nickel content, by dipping the steel into a hot oxalic acid solution. The process is more or less similar to phosphating.

Electrochemical treatments Electrolytic plating can be done with a wide variety of materials such as: gold, silver and its alloys, cobalt, nickel, chromium, copper, zinc, cadmium and tin. The materials deposited by the plating tend to be more finely grained, are usually harder and more brittle than wrought materials.

Ion deposition For high-alloy materials and nickel based alloys the application of a metallic surface coating via ion implantation process is used. Normally, in such case the pin is left untreated. During the ion implantation process, a microscopically thin film of ions from dissimilar metals, such as gold, chromium, copper or aluminium, is diffused into the base material [25].

Grit blasting glass-bead peening Grit blasting and glass-bead peening are performed on the threaded area as well as on the sealing area. The treatment converts the smoothly machined surfaces into surfaces containing pits for oil and grease retention.


Effect on galling resistance Bare tapered threads are extremely prone to galling during power make-up. This galling starts with the occurrence of high contact pressures, which are able to destroy the lubrication film and thus causing a direct metal-to-metal contact. The following treatments are given to improve the galling resistance of the connection during make-up [26,27,28]. •

Phosphating The phosphate layer improves the compound retention and surface hardness. Phosphating is commonly applied to carbon steel connections which are less susceptible to galling problems than more highly alloyed steels. For these materials other techniques have been developed. There is some evidence that manganese phosphate offers better galling resistance than zinc phosphate.

Lacquer coating Lacquer coatings have been applied on connections made from high-alloy steels. However the number of problem-free make-up operations which could be achieved was limited.

Oxalating This process is applied to high alloy steels. The oxalate layer improves the surface hardness and the capacity to hold on to a thin layer of compound.

Electrochemical treatments The most common electrochemical plating treatments used for casing connections are:


Copper plating: The most attractive electrochemical surface treatment in terms of galling resistance is copper plating to a thickness of approximately 10 µm.


Tin plating: Tin plating is an excellent coating material. However, too high contact stresses can pulverise the tin layer and destroy the inter- metallic bonding, effecting the reusability of the connection. Furthermore, there is the risk of liquid metal embrittlement that might occur in the base material at temperatures above 350°F (175°C) [29].


Zinc plating: Conventional zinc plating baths produce fine-grained, smooth and brittle deposits, which however have poorer lubricant-retention properties than tin plating.

Ion deposition It is considered that the process has some potential for reducing the risk of galling for critical applications, particularly for high alloy tubular.

Grit blasting, glass-bead peening As galling may be promoted by too fine a surface finish, it is thought that a slightly rough surface aids lubrication by the thread compound trapped in the surface indentations [10].


Effect on sealing capability The general consensus is that the best surface treatment for Premium connections in terms of galling is copper coating. However, it has been reported that tin plating is more effective than copper in improving the sealing capability of API connections [5]. This is apparently the result of the greater thickness of tin plating which can be achieved, thereby providing an additional filler for the small clearances between the pin and box threads.

12.5.4 Effect on corrosion resistance Find below the effect of the different surface treatments on the corrosion resistance. •

Phosphating The effects of phosphating treatment in inhibiting corrosion are attributed to the ability of the phosphate layer to hold compound. If the connections are cleaned with a solvent and the compound layer is not replaced, the protection is largely lost. It is common practice for some manufacturers to apply phosphating to the field pin ends only as an anti-corrosion treatment. However, SIPM recommends that the same surface treatments should be applied to both ends of the tubular.

Oxalating The effect of oxalating is similar to the effect of phosphating.

Copper plating A layer of copper on top of the steel will increase the risk of bimetallic corrosion. The potential for bimetallic corrosion occurring downhole is, however, limited since oxygen would be required. During storage and transit, it is important to provide adequate protection against the ingress of moisture.

Tin plating The electrochemical potential between steel and tin is small and the risk of bimetallic corrosion can practically be ignored, therefore tin plating gives good protection against general corrosion. However, the designer should be aware of possible liquid-metal embrittlement corrosion. See Chapter I.

Zinc plating Zinc is anodic to steel and sacrifices itself to protect the steel.


Realiability and structural integrity of connections This section addresses the possible loads on a connection and its sealing and structural capacity. It should be highlighted that these capacities do not always produce the same value. Hence, two different paragraphs are dedicated to the topics. The special phenomenon of bending stress magnification is then followed by some possible failure mechanisms.

12.6.1 Imposed loads In general a connection is subjected to two types of load:


Make-up load: Making the connection parts up will impose stresses in the connection. In general, the stress levels are related to the make-up torque applied. Stresses should be sufficiently high to generate good contact between the sealing surfaces, but below yield to avoid plastic deformation.

Service load: The connection is subjected to the same loads as can be derived from the design criteria for the total casing string.

Structural integrity In this context it is important to know that there is only one way of expressing the connection structural capacity. The stresses in a loaded connection should be compared to the actual yield strength of the material in use. However, to present a simple means of assessing a connection capacity the term "efficiency" has been introduced. The efficiency is always expressed as the ratio between an uniaxial capacity of the connection and the pipe body to which it is attached. Hence the efficiency of a connection can be expressed as a tensile -, pressure -, compression -, bending -, or torque efficiency. Since SIPM does not promote to operate a casing string outside the minimum yield envelope, care should be taken when applying the tabulations of API Bull. 5C2 [30] for API connections or when accepting performance values of Premium connection manufacturers. With respect to the API it is imperative to know that this institute defines casing and tubing by providing a cut off based on outer diameter (OD). The API Bull. 5C2 [30] considers 4 ½ in (0.1143 m) OD and larger as casing and 4 ½ in (0. 1143 m) OD and smaller as tubing. This API Bull. 5C2 [30] is based on equations formulated in API Bull. 5C3 [31] where two different equations appear: one for casing connections and one for tubing connections. Here the tensile joint strength of a casing connection is based on the ultimate tensile strength while the tensile joint strength of a tubing connection is based on the minimum yield strength. As the pipe body yield strength is based on the minimum yield strength this will result in two values for the tensile - efficiency as demonstrated in Table 1 below.


As SIPM's position is not to operate a casing string outside the minimum yield envelope, care should be taken when applying the tabulations in API Bull. 5C2 [30]. The industry in general is aware of this discrepancy and has introduced the following terms to describe the tensile capacity: -

Parting load: Load under which the connection will suffer from tensile failure.


Joint Elastic Limit: Tensile load under which the connection will yield. Thus, for 4 ½ in (0.1143 m) OD and larger API casing connections the "parting load" is quoted in API Bull. 5C2 [30]. Most premium connection manufacturers are quoting both limits. It follows that when designing a casing string for the production phase it is important to check with the manufacturer what definition has been used to quote the tensile capacity. Here the "joint elastic limit" should be used. For the casing string to be used in the drilling phase the same rule is strongly recommended. However, the designer should be aware that this will downrate the values quoted for 4 ½ in (0. 1143 in) or larger OD API connections in API Bull. 5C2 [30]. The best approach is to request a full qualification test as described in the following chapter. This would reveal the connection capacity under triaxial load conditions.


Sealing capacity The sealing capacity of a connection is the ability to prevent leakage while subjected to any of the imposed loads [32,33]. Here, leakage is defined as the inability of a connection to withstand a pressure differential over it. Normally a qualification test generates the values for the sealing capacity. -3

It should be noted SIPM accepts a maximum leakage rate of 1 x 10 std cm³ gas/sec at the manufacturer's specified pressure rating. For API connections it should be highlighted that the tables in API Bull. 5C2 [30] only quote the structural and not the sealing capacity of a connection. 12.6.4

Effect of bending loads In a deviated hole, the casing will tend to take the same bend as the hole. However, due to the couplings, the pipe will stand off from the wall (see Figure L-12). The clearance, created by the couplings or centralisers, allows tension to pull the midspan of the pipe inward toward the wall, while the end of the pipe is still offset by the couplings. This causes the pipe to have a different curvature than that of the hole. This difference in curvature increases the bending stress at the ends of the pipe, just outside the couplings, far beyond the stress normally associated with bending through a dogleg. This is called the Bending Stress Magnification (BSM) effect [34]. This BSM effect does not require pipe body contact to occur before the stress is magnified, it begins as soon as tension or compression changes the curve of the pipe. This leads to the advice to try to keep the casing as centralised as possible with centralisers, equally spaced between the couplings. As the distance between couplings and/or centralizers decreases, the size of the BSM effect decreases. With flush connections, the BSM effect will not occur. FIGURE L-12 POSSIBLE TYPES OF CASING-BOREHOLE CONTACT

The influence of bending on the stresses in a casing and its connections can be evaluated with the computer program CASBEND [34]. CASBEND calculates the yield pressure envelope of casing based on axial load, torque and stress from bending through a dogleg. Operating outside this envelope will cause yielding the pipe body. Examples of results of CASBEND and the effect of the BSM factor, can be seen in Figure L-13. CASBEND is written in terms of casing but applies just the same to tubing. CASBEND as well as other casing design software programs, has been evaluated in a screening exercise by SIPM [351.


Failure mechanisms A threaded connection may fail [36] under one or more load conditions. The failure could be a leakage failure or a structural failure. The following failure mechanisms are common: •

Plastic deformation of the sealing area Can be the result of excessive make-up torque or a result from external loads on the casing. Once the sealing area has been plastically deformed and the load conditions are changed again, the seal area will not return to its original state. This will give a reduction in the effectiveness of the seal.


Belling out the coupling Under high tensile or compressive loads, while using an API round thread, the box area may start to bell out. The first thread on the pin stays engaged while the box starts to yield, also the last engaged thread stays engaged. The threads in the middle do not grip into each other any more. For buttress threads this may occur under compression due to the wedging action of the stabbing flank.

Jumping out or "unzipping" of the thread This unzipping of the thread is caused by high axial loads and external pressures [37] and is generally only seen for thick walled connections. The use of too much thread compound might increase the risk of jump out occurring.

Shear of the threads This sort of failure is not very common, certainly not when API buttress thread or modified buttress thread connections are used.

Splitting of the box This can occur when a tapered pin is screwed into a tapered box. It may happen by overtorquing of API connections (no torque shoulder) and when the coupling is made of high grade (more brittle) steel [38] .

Circumferential fracture of the pipe end or coupling High strength connections, e.g. provided with a buttress thread or a modified buttress thread, may fail either by fracture of the pipe end or the coupling, both occuring near the last engaged thread (see Figure L-14). FIGURE L-14: CRITICAL CROSS-SECTION OF A CONNECTION


Testing and qualification

12.7.1 Qualification tests The general accepted method for the qualification of casing connection designs is, at the moment, the conducting of tests on a number of full scale specimens. The aim of such an investigation is to assess the following primary characteristics [28,39]: -

the galling tendency;


the sealing capacity;


the structural load bearing capacity.

The tests to be performed simulate a number of load conditions which can be imposed on connections during service. In general the test programmes comprise: -

repeated make-up and break-out tests at various make-up specifications;


internal pressure sealing tests under different combinations of loading;


internal pressure sealing tests during thermal cycling;


external pressure sealing tests under axial loading;


tensile or burst tests to failure.

In the past, the old test procedure API RP 37 has been used as the basis for the test programmes. In 1990, API RP 37 was succeeded by API RP 5C5 [40]. This document specifies four test classes and a relationship is suggested between the test classes and the service applications. Class I connection tests are intended for the most severe field applications, whilst Class IV connection tests are intended for the least severe applications. See Figure L-15. SIPM recommended [41] that the Class I test procedures should be replaced by an even more stringent set of procedures (Class A) (see Figure L-16), including internal pressure sealing tests under bending and anti-clockwise torsion and an extension of the thermal cycle tests which, in the past, have proved to be very informative. One Opco had a Premium connection tested according to this new procedure. Their experience was that this Class A procedure was too labour-intensive and time-consuming, and this Opco has now established a new test procedure for tubing and production casing connections. See Figure L-17 [42]. This procedure has been approved and accepted by SIPM. Therefore connections planned to be used in the casing string for the production phase are required to comply to this new testing scheme. For connections which may be subjected to gas, in the drilling phase, it is strongly recommended that this testing scheme be used as well.




At present, there is no recognised way of generalising test results for a particular connection to the same type of connection but having a different size, weight, grade/alloy composition or surface treatment. SIPM therefore does not accept the scaling of results to different sizes or grades. Therefore, each connection will have to be tested for approval. However, the following trends may be observed [10]: •

Size Typically, smaller sizes are more susceptible to over-torquing and hence correct make-up torque becomes more important.

Weight Lighter weights of tubing are also more susceptible to over-torquing and tend to be more susceptible to leakage problems because of connection deformation, especially valid for Premium connections with a limited seal lip thickness.

Grade/alloy composition The effects of plasticity in more highly alloyed steels may be more damaging owing to reduced work-hardening. Such steels also tend to be more prone to galling and therefore connection design, surface treatment and handling become more critical.

Surface treatment Generally these treatments have beneficial effects on both the galling resistance and the sealing performance of a connection [43]. Consequentially, successful sealing tests on connections with a typical surface treatment should not be extrapolated to connections with a different surface treatment. It is to be mentioned that connection failures are still frequently encountered, both during field application and during connection tests. Therefore SIPM recommends that: All production casing connections to be used in critical applications are to be qualified prior to use [42]. For drilling casing connections which may be subjected to gas, it is strongly recommended that qualification according to above procedure [42] is also followed.


Other evaluation techniques So far qualification tests were performed with full scale connections under actual loads. There are also other ways of evaluating the connection, although SIPM do not regard these as a qualification, if used in isolation. These methods are: •

Strain gauge measurements, which provide information on surface strains and thus stresses in the connection at applied load conditions, such as make-up and combined axial and pressure loads.

Finite Element Analysis (FEA), which is a calculation method [37,44] for the determination of the deformation and stresses in a connection, in particular contact stresses at the sealing surfaces. It can give a fundamental engineering understanding of the connection design and its behaviour and provide the ability to make detailed comparisons between designs. However, at the moment there are still some difficulties in the use of FEA:

so far the models used in the computer are axi-symmetric, which means that for instance the effect of ovality cannot yet be assessed. It has not been proven possible yet, to input a model which is identical with the three-dimensional connection configuration; -

modelling contact problems with friction is difficult, there is no unique solution and the model may converge to the wrong solution;


it is difficult to assess the accuracy of the models;


there are no sealing criteria yet, i.e. what should be the contact pressure between the sealing surfaces, the contact width, the surface finish, the surface treatment and what is the exact role of the thread lubricant.

Nevertheless there are some software packages available on the market to perform FEA on connections which can predict the stresses of the connection under certain load conditions. It should be kept in mind however, that at the moment these FEA cannot replace the actual laboratory testing [45]. So far they should be considered as an assistance to the actual testing. Some Operators have developed an evaluation procedure based on the combination of full scale tests and FEA [44]. They have also used FEA to develop a new make-up method for API round connections [46]. 12.7.3

SIPM database SIPM is developing a database on all available connections, identified by type, size, weight, grade, and surface treatment, which are: -

API tested;


tested by other operators;


SIPM (Shell Research) tested.

This database is compiled from information gathered from manufacturers world-wide and is called CONNEX [47]. The data base will be available to all Opcos. Naturally other oil companies also perform tests on connections, and SIPM also looks at their results. A document is available which lists tests performed by other oil companies, on casing and tubing connections [48].


Thread protectors

12.8.1 General remarks Before casing joints are installed in a well, they are exposed to a variety of harsh conditions during transport, handling and storage. The threaded pipe ends frequently have to withstand accidental impact loading during shipment from the mill to the wellsite and once at the wellsite, during handling, cleaning and running into the hole. In addition, these threaded ends are often exposed to corrosive environments during storage. Therefore, it is of vital importance to protect the threads and seals against impact loading and water penetration all the way from the mill up to the drill floor, with a thread protector. These thread protectors can be divided into two types: Threaded protector or transit protector : This type of protector for both pin and box, can be used from the mill onwards up to the moment the joint is laid down on the casing rack at the location, where it is taken off to allow removal of the storage compound. Most of these heavy-duty-type of protectors are composed of a moulded polymer body reinforced with a cylindrical steel insert. However they can also consist of a 100% polymer. Non-threaded protector or handling protector: This type of protector is installed on the pin prior to lifting the casing joint up to the drill floor. It is usually either a clamp-on type or an inflatable type.


Performance criteria Until recently there have been no generally accepted performance criteria for protectors and selection of a suitable product has been left to the manufacturer or the customer. From research done at Shell Research [49,50] and by others [51], on protectors for 3 ½ in (0.0889 m) tubing and 7 in (0.1778 m) tubing, a suggestion for acceptance criteria came forward. These criteria were proposed for thread protectors, installed on Premium connections, and were generated on the basis of conditions expected to occur in the field. Find below a summary of these criteria: •

Impact resistance: A protector must be able to absorb impact energy in the axial and radial direction and also in the angular direction, without damage being inflicted on the threads or sealing area of the pipe. Also the protectors should be able to meet these requirements under extreme temperature conditions, as stated in API Spec 5CT-[2].

Protection against water penetration: The protector should be able to prevent water penetration along the threaded area in order to prevent a potential corrosive attack on thread and seals. This criterion must be met with or without the presence of suitable storage grease.

Resistance to thread stripping: A protector should be able to sustain an axial load, uniformly applied around the inner perimeter.

Resistance to vibrational loading: The protector must be able to sustain vibrational loads such as can occur during transport.

Chemical resistance: If subjected to oil field chemicals, like degreasers, and solvents, the volume of the protector should not increase by more than 10%, and the hardness should not change significantly.

Weathering resistance: The protector should not show sensitivity to ageing as caused by climate,

Thread profile: The thread profile of the protector should provide a number of basic functions:


it is the primary barrier to moisture, therefore a good match between protector and threads is essential. Storage grease is considered to be an additional secondary barrier;


the profile should provide a locking fit between the protector and the pipe;


a protector should have a threaded profile all along the threads of the pipe;


the general fit of a protector should be satisfactory, which means that the threads of the protector should have a pitch, a taper and diameter that corresponds within reasonable limits to those of the pipe end.

Additional criteria: The protector should bottom out near the sealing area of the pipe to protect the seal from the inside. Since the time these criteria were suggested new protectors have been designed and marketed. Although they may not be threaded, they do meet the rest of the above mentioned criteria. See Chapter O on Operational Aspects for details on the recommended types and procedures associated with protectors.


Selection and ordering When selecting a casing connection the actual load on the connection should be compared to the connection's capacity. This is applicable for all types of wells: exploration-, appraisal- and development wells. Design load The load can be derived from the same design loads as laid down for the complete casing string in Chapter F: Load cases. With respect to the strength of the connection two aspects should be considered: Structure load bearing capacity With the manufacturer's information (see for example Figure L-18) or the tables in API Bull. 5C2 [30] the structural load bearing capacity of a connection can be obtained. Specific qualification testing is strongly recommended to obtain these values as a function of size, weight, grade/alloy composition and surface treatment [42]. Sealing capacity The sealing capacity of a connection is a function of many factors as discussed in the previous chapters. These include geometrical as well as running thread compound related aspects. The sealing capacity of Premium connections should result from qualification testing. Specific qualification testing is strongly recommended to obtain these values as a function of size, weight, grade/alloy composition and surface treatment. For API connections it should be noted that the tables in API Bull. 5C2 [30] only quote the structural capacity and not the sealing capacity. Therefore SIPM has derived, based on an in-house study [1], the following limits with respect to the field of application of an API connection (see also Figure L-19): -

If the connection could be exposed to an appreciable gas pressure loading for a prolonged period of time then a Premium connection with a metal-to-metal seal should be selected. This applies to all hydrocarbon gasses with or without traces of H2S/CO2.


If the differential burst/collapse pressure is in excess of 4,000 psi (27,580 kPa) then a Premium connection with a metal-to-metal seal should be selected.


If, the temperature is in excess of 250°F (120°C) then a Premium connection with a metal-tometal seal should be selected.



As explained above, these limits do not so much reflect the structural limitations of API connections, which can be far in excess of these values, but the limitations to the application of the compound as the sealing mechanism. It should be pointed out that these limits reflect field experience and are widely used throughout the industry. Although the working range defines a sharp cut off to the use of API connections, special applications, based on thorough testing and qualification, form an exception to this general rule. It is worth mentioning that recent research on the sealability of API round connections under special make up conditions [46] has upgraded this connection to application for maximum 6,000 psi (41,370 kPa). Other research into thread compounds is ongoing, like API PRAC-51 [52] and DEA(E)-037E project, to further expand the working envelope of API connections.


References [1]

Bax, D.J.M. (SIPM) and Bontenbal, P.J. (KSEPL) Casing connections Contribution to the upgrade of the SIPM Casing Design Manual EP 92-1563


American Petroleum Institute Specification for casing and tubing Spec. 5CT, Third edition, 1 December 1990


Waard, de C., Geelen, P.M.H., Smith, L.M., Robbe, C., Thomas, M.J.J. and Ashton, S.A. Principles of materials engineering and corrosion control in E & P operations EP 87-1780


Otten, G.K. and Cernocky, E.P., BRC Gas leakage of inspected, 9-5/8". VAM casing connections due to machining defects, and recommendation of new inspection equipment MRS 9-85


Allen, M.B., Schwind, B.E. and Wooley, G.R. Investigation of leak resistance of API 8-round connector Report from Enertech Engineering and Research Company to API Production Department, 24 May 1985


Raulins, M. How loading affects tubular thread shoulder seals Petroleum Engineer International, March 1984


Maruyama, K., Tsuru, E., Ogasawara, M., Inoue, Y. and Peters, E.J. An experimental study of casing performance under thermal cycling conditions SPE Drilling Engineering, June 1990, 156-164


SIPM, EPO/512 Sealing ability of pipe thread compounds DEN 19/86


Weekers, E.E.A.J. and Graaf, van der W.J.A., KSEPL Premium tubing and casing connections: state of the art and a selection of candidates for testing at KSEPL and use by Group Companies, EP-63893


Snaith, N.N., KSEPL Summary of KSEPL tubing and casing connection tests 1982-1988, EP 90-1862


Ender, D.H. and Allen, R.A., WRC Elastomeric seals for deep sour gas applications, evaluations of O-ring seals EP-65422


Ender, D.H., WRC User guide - Polymeric seals for oil field applications EP-63396


Weekers, E.E.A.J., KSEPL Performance of 7-inch, 29 Ib /ft N80 NL-ATLAS Bradford TC45 tubing/casing connections extended API RP37 tests EP-63001


American Petroleum Institute Bulletin on thread compounds, for casing, tubing and line pipe Bull. 5A2, Sixth edition, 31 May 1988


Bollfrass, C.A. Sealing tubular connections J.Pet.Tech., June 1985


Prengaman, D.R. Anatomy of a thread compound, Drilling, August/September 1986


Allen, F.J. and Noffke, R.B. Thread compounds: where are we and where are we going Drilling, November/December 1987


Prengaman, D.R. Thread compounds - How do they work? Petroleum Engineering International, October 1981


SIPM, EPO/512 Casing and tubing thread compounds DEN 4l/88


Snaith, N.N., KSEPL Influences of thread compounds on tubing/casing connections EP 90-0572


Gaudet, D.R., Scherschel, S.R. and Standen, R. The effects of pipe dope on tubing leak detection Paper No. 87-38-86, presented at 38th annual Technical Meeting of the Petroleum Society of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Calgary, 7-10 June 1987, Vol. 3, 1417-1436


Jacobs, N.L. and Stringfellow, W.D. New standards required for environmental thread compounds 58th Annual Meeting of the National Lubricating Grease Institute (Kansas City, MO), Phoenix, Ariz., October 1991


Cernocky, E.P., Otten, G.K., Valigura, G.A. and Peterson, J.L., BRC Evaluation tests of Bestolife-2000 nonlead thread compound for OCTG service BRS P 3-92


International Research & Development Co. Ltd. Wear resistant surfaces A guide to their production, properties and selection1977


White, G.W. Eliminating galling of high-alloy tubular threads by high energy ion deposition process SPE 12209



Snaith, N.N. and Weekers, E.E.A.J., KSEPL Evaluation of the comparative anti-galling properties of three methods for applying thread compounds to premium connections RKRS.86. 11 Weatherford Tubular Running Manual WF-TR-MAN, August 1991


SIPM, EPO/512 VAM AG DEN 43/91


Krings, R. Coating of gastight special connections to prevent the occurrence of galling Mannesmann, report No. 6336 E


American Petroleum Institute Bulletin on performance properties of casing, tubing and drillpipe Bull. 5C2, Twentieth edition, 31 May 1987


American Petroleum Institute Bulletin on formulas and calculations for casing, tubing, drillpipe and fine pipe properties Bull. 5C3, Fifth edition, July 1989


Kastelein, H.J. and Snaith, N.N., KSEPL The application of laboratory tests to the selection and use of premium tubing and casing connections EP 88-2041


Kelley, J.W., Cernocky, E.P., Peterson, J.L. and Merritt, B.K., BRC Tubular connection evaluation procedures EP-63043


Cernocky, E.P. and Paslay, P.R., BRC The importance of bending in the burst and collapse design with particular application to horizontal wells - based on the computer program CASBEND EP 90-3011


Pittman, W. Casing design software - screening exercise EP 92-0472


Singer, E., Cernocky, E.P. and Visser, F.J., BRC Development of a method to determine the quantitative reliability of casing and tubing connections based on failure test data EP-64498


Morita, Y., Kawashima, H. and Ishihara, K. Finite element simulation of jumpout behaviour of threaded pipe joints used in oilproducing wells J. Energy Resources Technology, March 1988


Rowlands, G.W. and-Booth, N.R. Planning for deep high pressured wells in the northern North Sea EUR244, European Petroleum Conference, London, 1980


SIPM, EPO/512 Qualification of some premium connections DEN 39/91


American Petroleum Institute Recommended practice for evaluation procedures for casing and tubing connections RP 5C5, First edition, January 1990


Snaith, N.N., KSEPL Amendments to API Recommended Practice 5C5 (RP 5C5), Recommended Practice for evaluation procedures for casing and tubing connections EP 93-0109


Snaith,N.N., NAM Test procedure for tubing and production casing connections EP 92-0147


Cernocky, E.P., BRC Ranking of casing connections based on phase I and phase II evaluation tests EP 87-0175


Hilbert Jr, L.B. and Kalil, I.A. Evaluation of Premium Threaded Connections Using FiniteElement Analysis and Full-Scale Testing IADC/SPE23904


van der Valk, C.A.C., KSEPL A state-of-the-art finite element technique for the analysis of Premium tubing connections RKRS.92.01


Day, J.B., Moyer, M.C. and Hirschberg, A.J. New make-up method for API connections SPE Drilling Engineering, September 1990


Chelliah, J.C. and Carmona da Mota, A. Acceptance of tubular threaded connections by "CONNEX" programme Production Newsletter, March 1991


Scholibo, F.C. and Cernocky, E.P., BRC Abstracts of non-SHELL tests of casing and tubing connections EP-65514


Spruijt, E.J.C., KSEPL Performance evaluation of commercially available thread protectors EP 86-0727


Spruijt, E.J.C., KSEPL Performance evaluation of commercially available thread protectors IADC/SPE 17209


Dale, B.A., Moyer, M.C. and Sampson, T.W. A test program for the evaluation of oil-field thread protectors IADC/SPE 11396


McDonald, H. API PRAC 91-51 Status Report American Petroleum Institute, June 1991


Detailed casing design example


Introduction The purpose of this example is to illustrate the application of the preceeding chapters relating to detailed design and analysis. The highly important preliminary design phase is not covered in this example. It covers the design of all the strings in the well, from production liner to conductor casing, and approaches the strings in the sequence described in Chapter A. For each string, the design parameters are combined with the load cases, firstly to generate burst and collapse pressure loads. These loads are compared to uniaxial casing ratings and the lightest suitable casing chosen. The capacity of the selected casing to withstand installation loads is then examined to check for a possible under-design. Finally, the ability of the cemented-in casing string to withstand service loads is analysed for potential over-design. This is achieved using triaxial stress analysis. Since such analysis is laborious when performed by hand, it is only illustrated for one load case for the intermediate casing. The other load cases for this string have been analysed using the WELLCAT casing stress analysis software package, and the ability to perform design changes is demonstrated. The potential for buckling as a result of these service loads is also addressed. It should be noted that the well configuration chosen for this example is only intended to illustrate the techniques for detailed design and analysis (if casing, and does not aim to represent the optimum casing scheme.


Casing scheme and design parameters A deviated development well is to be drilled from an offshore gas production platform. Based upon the given pore pressure profile (Figure M-1) and the required wellpath (Figure M-2), the following casing scheme is proposed:



Provided that the 9 /8 in (0.2445m) casing can withstand the production related loads, a 7 in (0.1778) tubing string will be stabbed into the top of a production liner - thus achieving a monobore completion design. It is assumed that it is possible to bleed off all annuli at surface. A detailed design must now be performed to establish the required casing wall thickness and material grade. Checks must then be carried out to ensure that the selected casing strings can withstand the installation and service loads. The geothermal temperature profile is shown in Figure M-3. The H2S concentration of the reservoir fluids is 15 ppm. Thus at reservoir pressure (5000 psi, 34,475 kPa) the H2S partial pressure is 0.075 psi (520 Pa). This exceeds the NACE-defined threshold of 0.05 psi (345 Pa), and thus sour conditions are said to exist. The formation breakdown gradients at each casing shoe depth are estimated as below:

The drillfloor elevation is 150 ft (46 m) and the water depth is 450 ft (137 m). The following information on temperature dependent yield strength has been obtained from the casing manufacturer (all grades):





13.3.1a Pressure loads - drilling phase FIGURE M-4 : INTERMEDIATE CASING - DRILLING PHASE

Collapse design load a)



Evacuation based on pore pressure profile.




Annulus fluid -

original fluid density (i.e. drilling mud).


good cement bond.


Internal pressure profile


( Figure M-5 )

The pore pressure (at 8400 ft, 2560 m TV) in next hole section resulting in the deepest evacuation level = 3671 psi (25,310 kPa) Column of mud to balance this pressure = 3671 = 5874 ft (1790 m) 0.625 Thus, evacuation level = 8400 - 5874 = 2526 ft (770 m)




External pressure profile (Figure M-6) Annulus fluid

: 0.580 psi/ft (13.12 kPa/m) drilling mud

Cement column : Since there are no permeable intervals opposite the intermediate casing cement column, the pressure gradient in the cement column will be equal to that of the cement mixwater (0.433 psi/ft, 9.79 kPa/m). Collapse load line The collapse load line (obtained by subtracting the internal pressure profile from the external pressure profile) is illustrated in Figure M-7.


It can be seen that the maximum collapse load is 1,465 psi (10,101 kPa) at the evacuation level. As such the following 9-5/8 in ( 0.2445 m) OD casings would be suitable (prior to downrating for design factor and temperature effects).

During drilling at TD of the next (8 ½ in, 0.2159 m) hole section, the temperature profile in the 9 5/8 in (0.2445 m) casing is as shown in Figure M-8.


The maximum temperature to which the casing will be exposed during drilling operations (when the collapse load can occur) is 136°F (57.8°C). The collapse capacity derating factor for this temperature is 0.94. The revised collapse ratings (using a design factor of 1.0) are therefore:

These ratings are then compared with the collapse load line in Figure M-7. The selected casing to withstand the anticipated collapse loading is;

Burst design load a.



Gas from GWC to surface. Well closed in at surface




Annulus fluid - original mud density (i.e. drilling mud) Cement - good cement bond.


Internal pressure profile (Figure M-9) Pressure at GWC (9600 ft, 2926 in TV) = 5205 psi (35,888 kPa) Surface pressure = 5205 - (9600 x 0.15) = 3765psi (25,960 kPa) Casing shoe pressure (8000 ft, 2438 m TV) = 3765 + (8000 x 0.15) = 4965psi (34,234 kPa) This compares to the estimated FBP at the shoe of 5808 psi (40,046 kpa).


External pressure profile The external pressure pressure profile is the same as for the collapse design (Figure M-6).



Burst load line The burst load line (obtained by subtracting the external pressure profile from the internal pressure profile) is illustrated in Figure M-10. The maximum burst loading is 3,765 psi (25,960 kPa) at surface. The following 9 5/8 in (0.2445 m) casings would be suitable (prior to downrating by the design factor and for temperature effects) :

As with the collapse design, these ratings should be downrated due to temperature effects by a factor of 0.94. The use of a design factor of 1.1 gives a total derating factor of 0.855. The revised burst ratings are:

These ratings are then compare with the burst load line in Figure M-10 The casing selected to withstand the anticipated burst loading is:

Combining collapse and burst designs Combining the two designs, and eliminating the 850 ft (259 m) section of K55 40 1b/ft (59.52 m) gives

In this example it is assumed that the pipe manufacturer has qualified the L80 material according to the Shell Bent Beam test for application in a sour environment.

13.3.1b Pressure loads - production phase (Figure M-11) FIGURE M-11 : INTERMEDIATE CASING AND PRODUCTION LINER - PRODUCTION PHASE

A design is now carried out on the basis that the intermediate string will also act as the production string, together with a production liner. The top of the 7 in (0.1778 m) liner is assumed 5 to be 500 ft (152 m) AH inside the 9 /8 in (0.2445 m) casing (at 7650 ft, 2332 m TV). Collapse design load a.


: Evacuation based on pore pressure profile



: Annulus fluid - deterioration of drilling mud to base fluid Cement - good cement bond.


Internal pressure profile Losses of 0.625 psi/ft (14.14 kPa/m) fluid to reservoir pressure was the same criteria used in the drilling phase design of the intermediate string. The internal pressure profile (down to the top of the liner at 7650 ft, 2332 m) will be as in Figure M-5.


External pressure profile (Figure M-12) Annulus fluid : Deterioration of 0.58 psi/ft (13.12 kPa/m) waterbase mud to 0.445 psi/ft (10.07 kPa/m) seawater. Cement : Cement mixwater gradient between top of cement (annulus fluid pressure) and shoe.


Collapse load line The collapse load line is illustrated in Figure M-13. The maximum collapse loading is 1,124 psi 7,750 kPa) at the evacuation level. FIGURE M-13 INTERMEDIATE CASING - PRODUCTION PHASE COLLAPSE LOAD LINE AND DERATED CASING CAPACITIES

The collapse loading is reduced in comparison to the drilling phase because of the degradation with time of the annulus fluid. Taking a geothermal temperature at the top of the liner of 181°F (82.8°C) gives a capacity derating factor of 0.90. Geothermal temperature is used since evacuation of the production string is most likely to occur during workover operations when little circulation has taken place. A design factor of 1.0 is used. Because of the low collapse loading, the previously selected intermediate casing is suitable even after the derating factor is applied (see Figure M-13).

Burst design load a.

Internal : Near surface tubing leak giving CITHP on top of packer fluid.


External : Annulus fluid - deterioration of drilling mud to base fluid Cement - good cement bond.


Internal pressure profile The internal pressure profile down to the top of the liner will be as in Figure M-14. FIGURE M-14 INTERMEDIATE CASING - PRODUCTION PHASE BURST - INTERNAL PRESSURE PROFILE


External pressure profile The external pressure profile will be as for the collapse loading (see Figure M-12). Burst load line The burst loading is illustrated in Figure M-15. The casing capacity temperature derating factor used for the production phase burst loading (based on an operating temperature at the top of the liner of 200°F, 93.3°C - see Figure M-18 ) is 0.89. Combining this with the burst design factor of 1.1 gives a total capacity derating factor of 0.81. Thus for the casing used in the intermediate casing the revised ratings are :


Thus, it can be seen from Figure M-15 that if the intermediate casing is upgraded to L80 40 1b/ft (59.52 kg/m) throughout its length, it can be used as a production casing, with a production liner across the reservoir. The selected casing is therefore:

Since the casing is designed to withstand full displacement to gas, qualified premium connections with a metal-to-metal seal should be selected. The L80 material must pass the Shell Bent Beam Test to verify its suitability for sour service in the upper section of the well where temperatures below 65°C (150°F) may exist.


Production liner


Pressure loads - production phase Collapse design load a.



Full evacuation




Annulus fluid Cement


Internal pressure load


not present good cement bond.

Since the production tubing is stabbed into the top of the liner, the entire liner length forms part of the production conduit. As such, it should be designed for full evacuation. b.

External pressure profile (Figure M-16) Pore pressure is taken opposite permeable (reservoir) intervals. The cement mixwater gradient is used between the bottom of reservoir and liner shoe, and between the top of reservoir and the top of liner (top of liner assumed to be sealed). FIGURE M-16 : PRODUCTION LINER - PRODUCTION PHASE COLLAPSE - EXTERNAL PRESSURE PROFILE


The maximum collapse load is 5426 psi (37,412 kPa) and the following 7 in (0.1778 m) casings would be suitable (prior to downrating by the design factor and for temperature effects):

The production temperature profile for the production liner/casing is shown in Figure M-18. FIGURE M-18 : PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE PROFILE

The temperature derating factor for a bottom hole temperature of 230°F (110°C) is 0.87. The design factor is 1.0. The revised casing capacities are:

Thus the casing selected for the anticipated collapse load is (see Figure M-17)




Displacement to gas from GWC. Closed in at surface.




Annulus fluid


not present



good cement bond.


Internal pressure profile The internal pressure profile (below the liner top at 7650 ft, 2332 m) will be as shown in Figure M-19. FIGURE M-19 : PRODUCTION LINER - PRODUCTION PHASE BURST - INTERNAL PRESSURE PROFILE


External pressure profile The external pressure profile is the same as that derived for the collapse design (see Figure M-16).

Burst load line The burst load line is illustrated in Figure M-20. FIGURE M-20 PRODUCTION LINER - PRODUCTION PHASE BURST LOAD LINE

Between the liner top and the top of the reservoir, the maximum burst load is 212 psi (1,462 kPa). Between the top of the reservoir and the liner shoe, the internal and external pressure profiles are identical and therefore there is no loading. Any 7 in (0.1778 m) casing will be able to withstand this loading. Combining burst and collapse designs Combining the two designs gives;

Note that since the minimum temperature at the top of the liner (the geothermal temperature) is greater than 65°C, 150°F (see Figure M-18), the L80 material does not have to be qualified for sour service. Since the liner forms part of the production conduit, it must have qualified premium connections with a metal-to-metal seal.

13.4.2 Installation loads Axial loads a.

Loading when suspended at surface i)

Self-weight Measured length of liner

= 12636 – 9165

= 3,471 ft (1,058 m)

Vertical depth corresponding to 3,471 ft (1,058 m) AH = 3,453 ft (1,052 m) TVD. Self-weight in field units = 3,453 x 29 = 100,137 lb Self-weight in SI units = 1,052 x 43.15 x 9.8 = 444,859 N ii)

Pressure load (while suspended in mud) From Eq. App. 6-16, FB = ρf As ZL In field units, FB

= 0.625 x 8.45 x 3453 = 18,236 lb

In SI units, FB

= 14.14 x 10 x 5.45 x 10 x 1052 = 81,070 N



iii) Bending load The bending load is given in field units by (Eq. G-10); Fb = 218 do φ As [lb] and in SI units by (Eq. G-11); 6 Fb = 183 x 10 do φ As [N]


from surface to 2500 ft (762 m) TVD, max. allowable dogleg severity = 2°/100 ft (0.66°/10 m). Thus in field units Fb = 218 x 7 x 2 x 8.45 = 25,789 lb In SI units Fb = 183 x 106 x 0.1778 x 0.66 x 5.45 x 10-3 = 117,037 N


from 2,500 ft (762 m) TVD to liner shoe, max. allowable dogleg severity = 5°/100 ft (1.64°/10 m). Thus in field units Fb = 218 x 7 x 5 x 8.45 = 64,475 lb 6


In SI units Fb = 183 x 10 x 0.1778 x 1.64 x 5.45 x 10 = 290,819 N iv) Dynamic drag load These loads should be calculated using the computer program DRAGTORQ. In this instance, drag loads are assumed to be small compared to the shock loads. v) Static drag load It is not possible to calculate these loads by hand at present.


Shock load When the liner is suspended at surface (from its top) the shock load, Fs, is given in field units by (Eq. G-16); Fs = 2700 VAV As, [lb] and in SI units by (Eq. G-17); Fs = 6.1 x 107 VAV As [N] If it is assumed that a 40 ft (12.2 m) joint is run in 13 seconds, then VAV is 3.1 ft/s (0.94 m/s). Therefore, in field units: Fs = 2700 x 3.1 x 8.45 = 70,727 lb In SI units: 7 -3 Fs = 6.1 x 10 x 0.94 x 5.45 x 10 = 312,503 N

Summary of dynamic axial installation loads The total dynamic installation load consists of the buoyant weight together with the bending load and the larger of the drag load and shock loads (in this case, the shock load).

Axial capacity Casing tensile capacity (body yield strength) = 676,000 lb (3,006,848 N). Derating using a design factor of 1.3 gives a capacity of 520,000 lb (2,312,760 N) The axial installation loads when the liner is at surface are well within the casing capacity.


Loading when top of liner at kick-off depth i)

Self weight True vertical length of liner when suspended (on drillpipe) from the kick-off point is 2888 ft (880 m). Self-weight in field units = 2888 x 29 = 83,762 lb Self-weight in SI units = 880 x 43.15 x 9.8 = 372,236 N


Pressure load (while suspended in mud) TV depth of liner shoe = 2500 + 2888 = 5388 ft (1642 m) From Eq. App. 6-16, FB = ρf As ZL In field units, FB

= 0.625 x 8.45 x 5388 = 28,455 lb

In SI units, FB = 14.14 x 103 x 5.45 x 10-3 x 1642 = 126,537 N iii) Bending load From the kick-off point to the end of the build-up section, the max. allowable dogleg severity = 5°/100 ft (1.64°/10 m). From before Fb = 64,474 lb (290,819 N). In the tangent section, the max. allowable dogleg severity = 2°/100 ft (0.66°/10 m) From before Fb = 25,789 lb (117,037 N) iv)

Dynamic drag load It is assumed for simplicity that all the drag loading is taken by the drillpipe rather than the liner. More accurate analysis will require the use of the DRAGTORQ program.

v) Static drag load It is not possible to calculate these loads by hand at present. vi) Shock load Although the liner is now suspended on drillpipe, shock waves will still travel through the liner. Thus, from before: Fs = 70,727 lb (312,503 N) Summary of dynamic axial installation loads

These axial loads are still well within the capacity of the selected casing.


Loading when liner at setting depth i)

Self-weight True vertical length of liner at setting depth = 2450 ft (747 m). Self-weight in field units = 2450 x 29 = 71,050 lb Self-weight in SI units = 747 x 43.15 x 9.8 = 315,884 N


Pressure load (while suspended in mud) TV depth of liner shoe


From Eq. App. 6-16, FB =

10,100 ft (3078 m) ρf As ZL

In field units, FB = 0.625 x 8.45 x 10,100 = 53,341 lb 3 -3 In SI units,FB = 14.14 x 10 x 5.45 x 10 x 3078 = 237,200 N


Bending load In the tangent section, the max. allowable dogleg severity = 2°/100 ft (0.66°/10 m). From before Fb = 25,789 lb (117,037 N)

iv) Dynamic drag load It is assumed for simplicity, as before, that all the drag loading is taken by the drillpipe rather than the liner. v) Static drag load It is not possible to calculate these loads by hand at present. vi) Shock loads As before: Fs = 70,727 lb (312,503 N) Summary of dynamic installation loads

These axial loads are still well within the capacity of the selected casing.

Summary of static-post cementing loads The total static post-cementing load consists of the buoyant weight in mud and cement, together with the bending load. The buoyancy force is given by Eq. App. 6-19; FB = PeAe - PiAi If the cement slurry density is 0.8 psi/ft, (18.10 kPa/m) and the top of cement is at 7650 ft (2332 m) then; in field units Pe = (7650 x 0.625) + (2450 x 0.8) = 6741 psi Pi = 10,100 x 0.625 = 6313 psi Thus, PeAe - PiAi = (6741 x 38.48) - (6313 x 30.04) = 69,751 lb In SI units: Pe = (2332 x 14.14) + (747 x 18.10) = 46,495 kPa Pi = 3078 x 14.14 = 43,523 kPa Thus, PeAe - PiAi = (46,495 x 103 x 2.48 x 10-2 ) - (43,523 x 103 x 1.94 x 10-2 ) = 308,730 N With the addition of a 3000 psi (20,685 kPa) pressure test on bumping the cement plug, the buoyancy force is: In field units: FB = ( 6741 x 38.48) - (9313 x 30.04) = -20,369 lb In SI units: -3 -3 -3 -3 FB = (46 495 x 10 x 24.8 x 10 ) -(64,208 x 10 x 19.4 x 10 ) = -92,559 N

These axial loads are still well within the capacity of the selected casing. These static post-cementing axial forces are now used as the base case for all subsequent service load checks.

Pressure loads a)

At the end of cementing Internal pressure at shoe = ρf ZL In field units : Pi = 0.625 x 10,100 6313 psi In SI units : Pi

= 14.14 x 3,078 = 43,523 kPa

External pressure at shoe = ρfZc + ρc (ZL - Zc) In field units : Pe = (0.625 x 7,650) + (0.8 x 2,450) = 6741 psi In SI units : Pe = (14.14 x 2332) + (18.1 x 747) = 46,495 kPa Collapse load at shoe = 428 psi (2,972 kPa) Casing capacity = 6,107 psi (42,108 kPa) b)

During pressure test at end of cementing The typical test pressure of 3000 psi (20,685 kPa) is smaller than the nominal burst rating for the selected casing of 8160 psi (56,263 kPa).

13.4.3 Service loads Pressure loads a)

Triaxial stress analysis A triaxial stress analysis should now be performed to determine whether the cemented casing is overdesigned for the load conditions it may experience. This involves calculating the tangential, radial, and axial stresses within the pipe, which are determined by the internal and external pressures and the axial force. Due to the complex external pressure profile for the liner (see Figure M-16), this is a calculation best performed by computer. An example hand-calculation of triaxial stress analysis is performed for the intermediate casing.


Buckling potential analysis Since the liner is cemented over its entire length, buckling cannot occur, and the reduced axial force is thus of no interest. Temperature loads a)

Triaxial stress analysis Introduction of temperature effects during for example stimulation operations will have a significant effect on the axial stresses in a casing, which in turn affect the triaxial stress. Because of the complexity of the liner external pressure profile, a hand calculation example of temperature effects is presented for the intermediate casing only.


Buckling potential analysis As discussed under Pressure loads above. Point loads Loads applied to production packers when installing the completion are typically 30-50,000 lb (130,000-220,000 N). However, for the cemented liner, such loads are taken up as a shear force in the cement. There is no change in the axial force in the casing.


Intermediate/production casing


Pressure loads This has already been covered in Section 3.1.


Installation loads Axial loads i)


Self weight Self-weight in field units

= 8,000 x 40 = 320.000 lb

Self-weight in SI units

= 2.438 x 59.52 x 9.8 = 1,422,076 N

Pressure load (while suspended in mud) From Eq. App. 6-16. FB In field units. In SI units.




ρf As, ZL = 0.58 x 11.45 x 8000 = 531,128 lb = 13.12 x 103 x 7.40 x 10-3 x 2.438 = 236,700 N

Bending load The bending load is given in field units by (Eq. G-10); Fb = 218 do φ As, [1b] and in SI units by (Eq. G-11): 6 Fb = 183 x 10 , do φ A s, [N]


From surface to 2500 ft (762 m) TVD, max, allowable doglet severity = 2°/100 ft (0.66°/10 m). Thus, in field units, Fb = 218 x 9.625 x 2 x 11.45 = 48,050 lb Fb = 183 x 106 x 0.2445 x 0.66 x 7.4 x 10-3 = 218,527 N

In SI units -


From 2500 (762 m) to 4500 ft (1372 in) TVD, the max. allowable doglet severity = 5°/100 ft (1.64°/10 m). In field units., Fb


218 x 9.625 x 5 x 11.45 = 120,125 lb

In SI units,


183 x 106 x 0.2445 x 1.64 x 7.4 x 10 -3 = 543,007 N


From 4500 ft (1372 m) to 8000 ft (2438 m) TVD, the max. allowable doglet severity = 2°/100 ft (0.66°/10 m) Thus Fb = 48,050 lb (218,527 N). Note that all casing that will eventually sit below 2,500 ft (762 m) TVD will have to pass through the 5°/100 ft (1.64°/10 in) build section and must be designed accordingly. However, the maximum combination of bending and tensile loads will occur in the aslanded condition at the top of the build section (i.e. the kick-off point). Thus, a check at this point will be sufficient since the string is uniform below this depth.


Dynamic drag load From DRAGTORQ the following values were obtained, Ffic = 39,000 lb (173,366 N) pulling out full string = 32,000 lb (142,249 N) running in full string


Static drag load It is not possible to calculate these loads by hand at present.

vi) Shock load The maximum shock load, Fs,is given in field units, by (Eq. G-16); Fs = 2700 VAV As [lb] and in SI units by (Eq. G-17); Fs = 6.1 x 107 V AV As [N] If it is assumed that a 40 ft (12.2 m) joint is run in 13 seconds, then VAV is 3.1 ft/s (0.94 m/s). Therefore, in field units: Fs = 2700 x 3.1 x 11.45 = 95,837 lb In SI units: Fs =



6.1 x 10 x 0.94 x 7.4 x 10 = 424,316 N

Summary of dynamic axial installation loads (for full string, at as-landed depth) The total dynamic installation load consists of the buoyant weight in mud together with the bending load and the larger of the drag and shock loads (in this case, the shock load).

Summary of static post-cementing axial loads The total static post-cementing load consists of the buoyant weight in mud and cement, with and without a 3000 psi (20,685 kPa) pressure test, together with the bending load. While suspended in 0.58 psi/ft (13.12 kPa/m) mud and 0.75 psi/ft (16.97 kPa/m) cement slurry (top of cement at 6000 ft, 1829 m) the buoyancy force is given by (Eq. App. 6-19); FB = PeAe - PiAi In field units: Pe = (6000 x 0.58) + (2000 x 0.75) = 4980 psi Pi = 8000 x 0.58 = 4640 psi Thus FB =

(4980 x 72.76) - (4640 x 61.31) = 77,866 lb

In SI units: Pe

= (1829 x 13.12) + (610 x 16.97) = 34,348 kPa


= (2438 x 13.12) = 31,987 kPa

Thus FB (34,348 x 103 x 46.95 x 10-3 ) - (31,987 x 103 x 39.55 x 10-3 ) = 347,553 N With the addition of a 3,000 psi (20,685 kPa) pressure test on bumping the cement plug, the buoyancy force is: In field units: FB = (4980 x 72.76) - (7640 x 61.31)

= -106,064 lb

In SI units: FB = (34,348 x 103 x 46.95 x 10-3 ) - (52,672 x 103 x 39.55 x 10-3 ) = -470,539 N

The static axial load without the pressure test is now used as the base case for all subsequent service load checks. See Figure M-21 for a plot of dynamic and static axial load, against depth.


Axial capacity The minimum axial capacity of the casing (body yield strength) is 916,000 lb (4,074,370 N). Downrating of this capacity by the design factor (1.3) gives 704,615 lb (3,134,130 N) Further downrating of the axial capacity due to temperature effects is not necessary at surface where the temperature of the casing will still be at ambient when landing. Deeper in the well, the casing temperature will rise to the geothermal temperature at that depth. The maximum downhole axial force is the dynamic loading at the top of the build-up section (2,500 ft, 762 m TVD). The geothermal temperature at this depth (from Figure M-18) is 78°F (25.6°C). At this temperature the derating factor is 0.99, giving an axial capacity of 697,570 lb (3,102,790 N). Thus the selected casing is easily capable of withstanding the axial installation loads.

Pressure loads a.


At end of cementing Internal pressure at shoe


4640 psi (31,987 kPa)

External pressure at shoe


4980 psi (34,348 kPa)

Collapse load at shoe


340 psi (2361 kPa)

Casing capacity at shoe


2905 psi (20,027 kPa)

During pressure test at end of cementing The applied pressure is less than the burst capacity of each section in the string. The fluids internally and externally are either the same or give a collapse loading and thus only help the situation.


Service loads Pressure loads a)

Triaxial stress analysis A triaxial stress analysis should now be performed to determine whether the cemented casing string is, in reality, overdesigned for the load conditions it may experience. At each depth of interest this involves calculating the tangential, radial, and axial stresses in the pipe. An example hand calculation is performed for the drilling phase collapse load, followed by a computerised analysis using the WELLCAT software package. i)

Tangential stress The tangential stress, σt , is given by Eq. App. 6-2; σt =

AeAi Pi A i − Pe A e + ( Pi - Pe ) AsA As

where Ai


61.31 in² (39.55 x 10-3 m²)



72.76 in² (46.95 x 10-3 m²)



11.45 in² (7.4 x 10-3 m²)

From Figures M-6 and M-7, the values of Pi and Pe are tabulated below:

Inserting these pressures in the expression for σt gives the following value :


Radial stress The radial stress, σr, is given by Eq. App. 6-1 ;

Inserting the collapse load pressure into the above expression for σt gives the following value :


Axial stress The axial stresses can be calculated from the static post-cementing axial forces together with the changes to these forces that occur as a result of new internal and external pressure profiles (relative to those existing at the end of the cementing process). In this case, the changes in these profiles can be summarised as follows: Internally :




change in mud density from 0.58 psi/ft (13.12 kPa/m) at the time of cementing to 0.625 psi/ft (14.14 kPa/m) during deeper drilling. evacuation of 0.625 psi/ft (14.14 kPa/m) mud to 2526 ft (770 in) during deeper drilling reduction in fluid density below the top of cement from a slurry density of 0.75 psi/ft (16.97 kPa/m) to a cement mix water density of 0.433 psi/ft (9.79 kPa/m)


Increase in internal fluid density Above the top of cement, ∆Fa due to increase in fluid density is given (from Eq. G-29) by; ∆Fa = υAi Zc ∆ρi Thus, in field units: ∆Fa = 0.3 x 61.31 x 6,000 x 0.045 = 4,966 lb In SI units ∆Fa = 0.3 x 39.55 x 10-3 x 1829 x 1.02 x 103 = 22,135 N Below the top of cement, ∆Fa due to the increase in fluid density is given (from Eq. G-30) by: ∆Fa = 2υ Ai ∆ρi z where z is the depth of interest Thus, in field units: ∆Fa = 2 x 0.3 x 61.31 x 0.045 x z = 1.66 z lb Thus, at 6000 ft, ∆Fa = 9,960 lb at 8000 ft, ∆Fa = 13,280 lb In SI units: ∆Fa = 2 x 0.3 x 39.55 x 10-3 x 1.02 x 103 x z = 24.2z N Thus, at 1829 m, ∆Fa = 44,262 N at 2438 m, ∆Fa = 59,000 N


Partial evacuation Above the top of cement, ∆Fa due to the drop in fluid level is given (from Eq. G-31) by:

Below the top of cement, ∆Fa due to the drop in fluid level is given (from Eq. App. G-33) by : ∆Fa = -2νAi ρi Ze Thus in field units: ∆Fa = -2 x 0.3 x 61.31 x 0.625 x 2526 = -58,076 lb In SI units: ∆Fa = -2 x 0.3 x 39.55 x 10-3 x 14.14 x 103 x 770 = -258,368 N


Reduction in external fluid density Below the top of cement, ∆Fa due to the reduction in fluid density is given (from Eq. G-28) by:

Drilling phase - collapse:

Division of the final axial force by the casing wall cross-sectional area As gives the axial stress in the outer wall of the casing (A = Ae). This is because the effects of bending loads are calculated at the outer wall. To determine the axial stress at the inner wall (A = Ai), the bending stress at the inner wall needs to be used. This has been done in the tabulation of σVME below.


Von Mises Equivalent stress The Von Mises Equivalent stress, σVME, which is to be compared with the casing material yield strength, σy, is given by Eq. App. 6-14;

By inserting the values determined above for σt, σr, and σa in this equation, the following values of σVME are obtained : Drilling phase - collapse


Use of the WELLCAT program The above casing design software program was used to analyse the same collapse load condition. The program output is summarised below : Drilling phase - collapse

It should be noted that the program calculates σVME at both the inner wall (A = Ai) and the outer wall (A = Ae) of the casing and presents only the highest value. The triaxial design factor is the ratio of the material yield stress to σVME. The software alone has been used to calculate the axial forces and triaxial stresses for the drilling burst load condition. The output data is presented below.

Drilling phase - burst

The program also provides a plot of triaxial design factor against depth. Such a plot for both collapse and burst loads during the drilling phase, together with the landing condition, is shown in Figure M-22. FIGURE M-22 : INTERMEDIATE CASING - DRILLING PHASE TRIAXIAL DESIGN FACTOR VS. DEPTH


Figure M-23 represents a plot of the load conditions, in terms of pressure and axial force, relative to the casing capacity as stated in API Bulletin 5C2 and also relative to the material yield elipse. These limits have been downrated by the appropriate design factors. The plots are called Design Limit Plots. The program has also been used to analyse the triaxial stresses for the production phase collapse and burst loads. The results are tabulated below and also presented in Figures M-24 and M-25. Production phase - collapse

Production phase - burst



From the triaxial design factors generated by the program for the four load cases, it appears that there is scope for using a lighter casing or using material of a lower grade. Figure M-26 illustrates the variation of triaxial design factor with depth for the production load cases (since they are the most severe) for a 9-5/8 in (0.2445 in) 40 1b/ft (59.52 kg/m) string with 75,000 psi (517,125 kPa) yield strength material. Figure M-27 is the same plot for a similar string with 55,000 psi (379,225 kPa) yield strength material. Figures M-28 and M-29 are the Design Limit Plots for these cases. FIGURE M-26 - INTERMEDIATE CASING (75,000 PSI (517,125 KPA)) - PRODUCTION PHASE TRIAXIAL DESIGN FACTOR VS. DEPTH




It can be seen that reducing the material yield strength to 75,000 psi (517,125 kPa) would be acceptable, but a further reduction to 55,000 psi (379,225 kPa) yield strength material would give triaxial design factors very close to, and on occasions below, the triaxial factor of 1.25. Note that if the unit weight of the casing is changed at this stage, then the installation load checks must be performed for the new string.


Buckling potential analysis The most likely subsequent operation to cause buckling is an increase of internal fluid density during deeper drilling. Ignoring temperature and applied surface load the expression for the reduced axial force, Fa*, at any depth, z, is (from Eq. J-3); Fa* = Wn (ZL-z) - [PeAe - PiAi] L + z ( ρeAe - ρiAi) - (1 - 2v) ( ∆PisAi - ∆PesAe) + (vZc- z) ( ∆ρiA i - ∆ρ eAe) Since ∆Pe, ∆Pis, and ∆Pes are all zero, this reduces to Fa* = Wn (ZL - z) - [PeAe - PiAi] L + zρe (Ae - Ai) + (vZc - z) (∆ρiAi)

where [PeAe - PiAi] L is the cemented-in pressure (buoyancy) load and has a magnitude of 77,866 lb (see calculation of installation loads) Therefore; Fa* = 247,100 - 36.12z lb At the top of cement ( 6000 ft) this gives; Fa* = 30,380 lb In SI units

where [PeAe - PiAi] L is the cemented-in pressure (buoyancy) load of 347,553 N. Thus: Fa* = 1,097,420 - 526.5 z N At the top of cement (1829 m) this gives: Fa* = 134,452 N Since the reduced axial force Fa* is positive, buckling cannot occur.

Temperature loads a)

Triaxial stress analysis i)

Linear casing expansion The thermal linear expansion of the casing will depend on the change in temperature between the as-cemented conditions and those temperatures generated either while drilling at TD, or during production. Determination of which case (drilling or production) provides the most severe loading will require a simulation of the respective temperature profiles. It is assumed for the purposes of this example that the drilling case is the most severe. The relative temperature profiles are illustrated in Figure M-8. For the uncemented interval the change in axial force is given (from Eq. G45)

Where; ∆T1

= change in temperature at the top of the uncemented interval

∆T 2 =

change in temperature at the bottom of the uncemented interval (i.e. the top of cement).

From Figure M-8,

∆T1 = 80°F (44.4°C) ∆T2 = -17°F (-9.4°C)

Below the top of cement, the change in axial force at any depth z is given (from Eq. G-46) by; ∆Fa = -Eα ∆T As where ∆T is the change in temperature at depth z. Thus at the top of cement (from Figure M-8) ∆T = -17°F (-9.4°C) Thus, in fields units: ∆Fa = 30 x 106 x 6.9 x 10 -6 x 17 x 11.45 = 40,293 lb In SI units: ∆Fa = 2.1 x 1011 x 1.24 x 10-5 x 9.4 x 7.4 x 10-3 = 181,134 N At the casing shoe (from Figure M-8) ∆T = -52°F (-28.9°C) Thus, in field units: ∆Fa = 30 x 106 x 6.9 x 10-6 x 52 x 11.45 = 123,248 lb In SI units: ∆Fa = 2.1 x 1011 x 1.24 x 10-5 x 28.9 x 7.4 x 10 -3 = 556,891 N

The final axial forces due to these temperature effects are tabulated below:

It can be seen that temperature reduction in the cemented portion of the string caused an increase in tensile force, while the uncemented portion experiences a decrease in tension. These changes in axial force (and therefore axial stress) due to temperature loads should be added to the changes resulting from pressure loads. The resulting axial stress is then used in the triaxial stress analysis. Note that during production, when all the strings are interconnected at surface, the change in axial forces due to thermal effects in the uncemented sections are interdependent. The change in axial force (and hence stress) in each string should therefore be calculated as in Chapter G, section 5.4. b)

Buckling potential analysis i)

Reduced axial force The reduced axial force in the uncemented casing as a result of the change in temperature and the change in fluid density resulting from deeper drilling is given by; Fa* = Wn (ZL - z) - [PeAe - PiAi] L + zρe (Ae - Ai) + ( νZc - z) (∆ρiAi) – EAsα∆ΤΑV This the same calculation as performed when analysing pressure loads, but with the additional term, - EAsα∆ΤΑV In field units:

Thus, the total reduced axial force is, in field units: Fa* = 247,100 - 36.12z - 74,660 lb Fa* = 172,440 - 36.12z lb At the top of cement (6000 ft) this gives; Fa* = -44,280 lb The total reduced axial force in SI units is: Fa*

= 1,097,420 - 526.5z - -337,218 N = 760,202 - 526.5z

At the top of cement (1829 m) this gives: Fa* = -202,767 N


Buckling resistance The critical buckling load, Fc*, for the casing at the top of cement is given by Eq. J5;

It can therefore be seen that the reduced axial force at the top of the cement is greater (more positive) than the critical buckling load at that point and therefore buckling will not occur.

Point loads There will be no point loads applied to this casing string.


Surface casing

13.6.1 Pressure loads - drilling phase FIGURE M-30 :SURFACE CASING - DRILLING PHASE

Collapse design load a. Internal


Evacuation based on pore pressure profile



Annulus fluid - original annulus fluid (i.e. drilling mud) Cement - poor cement bond.



Internal pressure profile (Figure M-31) Pore pressure gradient in next hole section

= 0.445 psi/ft (10.07 kPa/m)

Mud weight in use in next hole section

= 0.58 psi/ft (13.12 kPa/m)

Pore pressure at TD of next hole section

= 3493 psi (24,086 kPa)

Column of mud to balance this pressure 3493


Thus, evacuation level = 8000 - 6022 = 1978 ft (603 m)

3493 0.580

= 6022 ft (1835 m)



b. External pressure profile (Figure M-32) Annulus fluid


0.52 psi/ft (11.76 kPa/m) drilling mud.

Cement column


Since there are no permeable intervals opposite the surface casing cement column, the pressure gradient in the cement column will be equal to that of the cement mixwater (irrespective of the cement bond quality).

Collapse load line The collapse load line is illustrated in Figure M-33. FIGURE M-33 : SURFACE CASING - DRILLING PHASE COLLAPSE LOAD LINE AND DERATED CASING CAPACITIES

It can be seen that the maximum collapse load is 987 psi (6,789 kPa) at the evacuation level. As such the following 13 3/8 in (0.3397 m) OD casings would be suitable (prior to downrating by design factor and temperature effects).

During drilling at TD of the next (12 ¼ in, 0.3111 m) hole section, the temperature profile in the 13 3/8 in (0.3397 m) casing is illustrated in Figure M-34. FIGURE M-34 : SURFACE CASING - DRILLING PHASE TEMPERATURE PROFILE

The maximum temperature to which the casing will be exposed during drilling operations (when the collapse load can occur) is 112°F (44.4°C). The collapse capacity derating factor for this temperature is 0.96. Using a design factor of 1.0,

The casing selected to withstand the anticipated collapse loading is :

Burst design load a)



Gas from TD to surface. Well closed in at surface




Annulus fluid - original mud density (i.e. drilling mud) Cement - poor cement bond.


Internal pressure profile (Figure M-35) Pressure at next section TD (8,000 ft, 2438 m), = 3493 psi (24,086 kPa) Surface pressure = 2293 psi (15,810 kPa) Casing shoe pressure (5,000 ft, 1524 m), = 3043 psi (20,981 kPa) This casing shoe pressure compares to the estimated FBP at the shoe of 3375 psi (23,271 kPa).


External pressure profile The external pressure profile will be the same as that used in the collapse design (Figure M-32).

Burst load line The burst load line is illustrated in Figure M-36. The maximum burst loading is 2,293 psi (15,810 kPa) at surface. FIGURE M-35 SURFACE CASING - DRILLING PHASE BURST - INTERNAL PRESSURE PROFILE


The following 133/8 in (0.3397 m) casings would be suitable (prior to downrating by the design factor and for temperature effects):

As with the collapse design, these ratings should be downrated due to temperature effects by a factor of 0.96. The use of a burst design factor of 1.1 gives a total derating factor of 0.87. The revised burst ratings are;

These ratings are then compared with the burst load line in Figure M-36. The selected casing is;

Combining collapse and burst designs The two designs are identical and therefore do not need modification. The material yield strength is sufficiently low to with stand sour service stress corrosion cracking.


Installation loads Axial loads i)


Self-weight Self-weight in field units

= 5000 x 54.5

= 272,500 lb

Self-weight in SI units

= 1524 x 81.1 x 9.8

= 1,211,245 N

Pressure load (while suspended in mud) From Eq. App. 6-16, FB = ρf As ZL In field units, FB = 0.52 x 15.51 x 5000 = 40,326 lb In SI units, FB = 11.76 x 103 x 0.01 x 1524 = 179,222 N


Bending loads The bending load is given in field units by (Eq. G-10); Fb = 218 do φf As [lb] and in SI units by (Eq. G-11); Fb = 183 x 106 x doφ A s [N] From surface to the kick-off point at 2500 ft (762 m) the maximum allowable dogleg severity is 2°/100 ft (0.66°/10 m). In field units, Fb = 218 x 13.375 x 2 x 15.51 = 90,447 lb In SI units, Fb = 183 x 106 x 0.3397 x 0.66 x 0.01 = 410,290 N Over the build-up section from 2500 ft (762 m) to 4500 ft (1372 m) TVD the maximum allowable dogleg severity is 5°/100 ft (1.64°/10 m). In field units, Fb = 218 x 13.375 x 5 x 15.51 = 226,116 lb In SI units, Fb = 183 x 106 x 0.3397 x 1.64 x 0.01 = 1,019,508 N Over the tangent section from 4500 ft (1372 m) to 5000 ft (1524 m) TVD the maximum allowable dogleg severity is 2°/100 ft ( 0.66°/10 m). The forces due to bending will be as given above. Note that all casing that will eventually sit below 2,500 ft (762 m) TVD will have to pass through the 5°/100 ft (1.64°/10 m) build section and must be designed accordingly. However, the maximum combination of bending and tensile loads will occur in the aslanded condition at the top of the build section (i.e. the kick-off point). Thus, a check at this point will be sufficient since the string is uniform below this depth.


Dynamic drag load These loads should be calculated using the computer program DRAGTORQ. In this instance drag loads are assumed to be small compared to the shock loads.


Static drag load It is not possible to calculate these loads by hand at present.


Shock load The maximum shock load, Fs, when the string is suspended from surface is given, in field units, by (Eq. G-16); Fs = 2700 VAV As [lb] and in SI units by (Eq. G-17); Fs = 6.1 x 107 V AV A, [N] If it is assumed that a 40 ft (12.2 m) joint is run in 13 seconds then VAV is 3.1 ft/s (0.94 m/s). Therefore, in field units: Fs = 2700 x 3.1 x 15.51 = 129,819 lb In SI units: Fs = 6.1 x 107 x 0.94 x 0.01 = 573,400 lb

Summary of dynamic axial installation loads The total dynamic axial installation load consists of the buoyant weight in mud together with the bending load and the larger of the drag and shock loads (in this case, the shock load).

Summary of static post-cementing axial loads The total static post-cementing load consists of the buoyant weight in mud and cement, with and without a 1000 psi (6,895 kPa) pressure test, together with the bending load. While suspended in 0.52 psi/ft (11.76 kPa/m) mud and 0.64 psi/ft (14.48 kPa/m) cement slurry (top of cement at 1500 ft, 457 m) the buoyancy force is given by: (Eq. App. 6-19); FB = PeAe - PiAi In field units: Pe = (1500 x 0.52) + (3500 x 0.64) = 3020 psi Pi = 5000 x 0.52 = 2600 psi Thus FB (3020 x 140.50) - (2600 x 124.99) = 99,336 lb In SI units: Pe = (457 x 11.76) + (1067 x 14.48) = 20,824 kPa Pi = 1524 x 11.76 = 17,922 kPa 3 Thus FB = (20,824 x 10 x 0.091) - (17,922 x 103 x 0.081) = 443,302 N With the addition of a 1,000 psi (6,895 kPa) pressure test on bumping the cement plug, the buoyancy force is: In field units: FB = (3020 x 140.50) - (3600 x 124.99) = -25,654 lb In SI units: FB = (20,824 x 103 x 0.091) - (24,817 x 103 x 0.081) = -115,193 N

The static axial load without the pressure test is now used as the base case for all subsequent service load checks. See Figure M-37 for a plot of dynamic and static axial load against depth. FIGURE M-37 AXIAL LOADS IN 13 3/8 INCH (0.3397 M) SURFACE CASING

Axial capacity The minimum axial capacity of the casing (body yield strength) is 853,000 lb (3,794,144 N). During installation and cementation the temperatures close to surface, where the maximum axial loads occur, will be relatively low. As a result, the capacity is not derated for temperature. Derating by the design factor of 1.3 gives 656,154 lb (2,918,572 N). It was shown in the design of the intermediate string that, at the kick-off point, where forces are also high, the downhole temperature has a very minor affect on the casing capacity.

Pressure loads a)

At end of cementation Internal pressure at shoe


2,600 psi

( 17,922 kPa )

External pressure at shoe


3,020 psi

( 20,824 kPa )

Collapse load at shoe


420 psi

( 2,902 kPa )

1,085 psi

( 7,479 kPa )

Derated casing capacity at shoe = b)

During pressure test at end of cementation The applied pressure (1000 psi, 6895 kPa) is less than the derated burst capacity of the string (2735 psi, 16376 kPa). The fluids internally and externally are either the same or give a collapse loading and thus only help the situation.


Service loads Pressure loads a)

Triaxial stress analysis See the intermediate casing design for an example of triaxial stress analysis by hand calculation and by the application of computerised techniques.


Reduced axial force A buckling potential may be created by the increase of internal fluid density during deeper drilling. Ignoring the effects of temperature, the reduced axial force is given by Eq. J-3;

where [PeAe - PiAi] L is the cemented-in pressure (buoyancy) load and has a magnitude of 99,336 lb (see calculation of installation loads). Therefore Fa* = 176,539 - 53.93 z At the top of cement (the point of least reduced axial force) Fa* = 95,644 lb In SI units

where [PeAe - PiAi]L is the cemented-in pressure (buoyancy) load and has a magnitude of 443,302 N (see calculation of installation loads). Therefore Fa* = 783,045 - 787.4z At the top of cement (the point of least reduced axial force) Fa* = 423,203 N Since the least reduced axial force is positive, there is no buckling potential.

Temperature loads a)

Triaxial stress analysis i)

Linear casing expansion The thermal linear expansion of the casing will depend on the change in temperature between the as-cemented conditions and those temperatures generated either while drilling at next section TD, or during production. Determination of which case (drilling or production) provides the most severe loading will require a simulation of the respective temperature profiles for the surface casing. It is assumed for the purposes of this example that the drilling case is the most severe. For the uncemented interval the change in axial force is given (from Eq. G-45) by:

where ∆T1 = change in temperature at the top of the uncemented interval ∆T2 = change in temperature at the bottom of the uncemented interval (i.e. at the top of the cement.

Below the top cement, the change in axial force at any depth z is given (from Eq. G-46) by; ∆Fa = -Eσ ∆T As where ∆T is the change in temperature at depth z. Thus at the top of cement (from Figure M-34) ∆T = 44°F (24.4°C) In field units : ∆Fa, = -30 x 106 x 6.9 x 10 -6 x 44 x 15.51 = -141,265 lb In SI units : ∆Fa = -2.1 x 1011 x 1.24 x 10


x 24.4 x 0.01 = -35,376 N

At the casing shoe (from Figure M-34) ∆T = -16°F (-8.9°C) In field units : ∆Fa = 30 x 106 x 6.9 x 106 x 16 x 15.51 = 51,369 lb In SI units : ∆Fa = 2.1 x 1011 x 1.24 x 10- 5 x 8.9 x 0.01 = 231,756 N

The final axial forces due to these temperature effects are tabulated below:

Thus, in the uncemented section and at the top of cement the loading becomes less severe than initially. At the casing shoe the loading will change from a small compressive load to a slightly larger tensile load. These changes in axial force (and therefore axial stress) due to temperature loads should be added to the similar changes resulting from pressure loads. The resulting axial stress is then used in the triaxial stress analysis. Note that during production, when all the strings are interconnected at surface, the change in axial forces due to thermal effects in the uncemented sections are interdependent. The change in axial force (and hence stress) in each string should therefore be calculated as in Chapter G Section 5.4. ii)

Annulus fluid expansion Since the top of the cement outside the surface casing is above the conductor casing shoe, the fluid trapped in that annulus will expand as the well is heated by deeper drilling or production. A collapse pressure load will then be imposed on the surface casing. Calculation of such pressures is complex and ideally requires computerised models, see Appendix 9. For the purpose of this example, it is assumed that control procedures are in place such that the annulus pressure will be bled of when it reaches 500 psi (3,448 kPa) - compared to the derated casing collapse capacity of 1085 psi (7,479 kPa. The change in axial force in the uncemented casing resulting from the annulus pressure is given (from Eq. G-35) by: ∆Fa = 2ν Ae ∆Pes In field units : ∆Fa = -2 x 0.3 x 140.5 x 500 = -42,150 lb In SI units : ∆Fa = -2 x 0.3 x 0.091 x 3,448 x 103 = -188,261 N Thus the axial loading over the uncemented sections becomes less severe due to the annulus pressure. The resulting axial stress in the casing should then be used in the triaxial stress analysis together with the appropriate radial and tangential stresses.


Buckling potential analysis i)

Reduced axial force The reduced axial force in the uncemented casing as a result of the change in temperature and the change in internal fluid density resulting from deeper drilling is given by:. Fa* = Wn (ZL - z) - [PeAe - PiAi] L + zρe (Ae - Ai) + ( νZc - z) (∆ρ iAi) - Eα As ∆TAV This is the same calculation as performed when analysing pressure loads, but with the additional term, - Eα As ∆TAV In field units :

Thus the total reduced axial force in field units is: Fa* = 176,539 - 53.93z - 166,950 lb = 9589 - 53.93 z lb At the top of cement (1500 ft) this gives; Fa* = -71,306 lb The total reduced axial force in SI units is: Fa* = 783,045 - 787.4 z - 751,254 N = 31,791 - 787.4 z N At the top of cement (457 m) this gives: Fa* = -328,051 N . ii)

Buckling resistance The condition for buckling to occur in this vertical section of the wellbore is; Fa* < 0 Thus, there is a potential for the surface casing to buckle when drilling the next (12¼ in, 0.3111 m) hole section. To prevent buckling, rigid centralisers will be placed on the surface casing above the top of cement at a spacing, s, given by Eq. J-10;

where Fa* = the reduced axial force at the top of cement: In field units: Ι=

π 4 4 (13.375 - 12.615 ) = 327.75 in4 64

Thus for a joint length of 40 ft (12.2 m), a rigid centraliser should be placed on every other joint.

Point loads There will be no point loads applied to this casing string.


Conductor casing

13.7.1 Pressure loads - drilling phase FIGURE M-38 CONDUCTOR CASING - DRILLING PHASE

Collapse design criteria a.


: Evacuation based on pore pressure profile



: Annulus fluid - original annulus fluid (i.e. drilling mud) Cement - poor cement bond.


Internal pressure profile (Figure M-39) Pore pressure gradient in next hole section,

= 0.445 psi/ft (10.07 kPa/m)

Mud weight in use in next hole section,

= 0.52 psi/ft (11.76 kPa/m)

Pore pressure at TD of next hole section,

= 2158 psi (14,879 kPa)

Column of mud to balance this pressure,


2158 = 4150 ft (1265 m) 0.52

Thus, evacuation level = 5000 - 4150 = 850 ft (259 m)




External pressure profile (Figure M-40) Annulus fluid

: 0.48 psi/ft (10.86 kPa/m) drilling mud

Cement column

: Since there are no permeable intervals opposite the conductor casing cement column, the pressure gradient in the cement column will be equal to that of the cement mixwater (irrespective of the quality of the cement bond).

Collapse load line The collapse load line is illustrated in Figure M-41. FIGURE M-41 CONDUCTOR CASING - DRILLING PHASE COLLAPSE LOAD LINE AND CASING CAPACITIES

It can be seen that the maximum collapse load is 396 psi (2,730 kPa) at the evacuation level. 5

As such the following 18 /8 in (0.4731 m) OD casing would be suitable (prior to downrating by design factor and temperature effects).

During drilling at TD of the next (17½ in, 0.4445 m) hole section, the temperature profile in the conductor casing is illustrated in Figure M-42. FIGURE M-42 : CONDUCTOR CASING - DRILLING PHASE TEMPERATURE PROFILE

The maximum temperature to which the casing will be exposed during drilling operations (when the collapse load can occur) is 66°F (18.9°C). The collapse capacity at this low temperature does not need to be derated due to reduction in yield strength. The design factor for collapse is 1.0. The selected casing to withstand the anticipated collapse loading is

Burst design load a)



Gas from TD to surface. Well closed in at surface


External :


Internal pressure profile (Figure M-43)

Annulus fluid - original annulus fluid (i.e. drilling mud) Cement - poor cement bond

Pressure at next section TD (5,000 ft, 1524 m) = 2158 psi (14,879 kPa) Surface pressure = 1408 psi (9,708 kPa) Casing shoe pressure (2,000 ft, 610 m) = 1708 psi (11,777 kPa) This compares to the estimated FBP at the shoe of 1250 psi (8,619 kPa). As a result, the pressure in the gas column will leak off at the casing shoe until the pressure at that depth equals 1250 psi (8,619 kPa). The surface pressure will then be 950 psi (6,550 kPa).



External pressure profile The external pressure profile will be the same as that used in the collapse design (Figure M-40). Burst load line The burst load line is illustrated in Figure M-44. The maximum burst loading is 950 psi (6,550 kPa) at surface. FIGURE M-44 : CONDUCTOR CASING - DRILLING PHASE BURST LOAD LINE AND DERATED CASING CAPACITY

The following 18 5/8 in (0.4371 m) casing would be suitable to withstand this load (prior to downrating by the design factor and for temperature effects):

As stated in the collapse design, the capacity of this casing does not need downrating for temperature effects. The use of a burst design factor of 1. 1 gives the following revised capacity.

This rating can be seen (from Figure M-44) to be sufficient to withstand the design burst loading Combining collapse and burst designs The two designs are identical and therefore do not need modification.


Installation loads Axial loads i)


Self weight Self-weight in field units =

2000 x 87.5


175,000 lb

Self-weight in SI units

610 x 130.2 x 9.8


778,336 N


Pressure load (while suspended in mud) From Eq. App. 6-16, FB = ρf As, ZL In field units: FB = 0.48 x 24.86 x 2000 = 23,866 lb In SI units: FB


= 10.86 x 10³ x 0.016 x 610 = 105,994 N

Bending load The bending load is given in field units by (Eq. G-10); Fb = 218 do φ As [lb] and in SI units by (Eq. G-11); Fb = 183 x 106 do φ As [N] The maximum allowable dogleg severity in this vertical hole section is 2°/100 ft (0.66°/10 m) The axial force due to this bending is given by: In field units: Fb = 218 x 18.625 x 2 x 24.86 = 201,876 lb In SI units: Fb


= 183 x 106 x 0.4731 x 0.66 x 0.016 = 914,256 N

Dynamic drag load It is assumed that there will be no dynamic drag loads in this vertical hole section.


Static drag load It is assumed that there will be no static drag loads in this vertical hole section.


Shock load The maximum shock load, Fs, when the string is suspended from surface is given by in field units by (Eq. G-16); Fs = 2700 VAV As [lb] and in SI units by (Eq. G-17); Fs = 6.1 x 107 V AV As [N] If it is assumed that a 40 ft (12.2 m) joint of casing is run in 13 seconds, then VAV is 3.1 ft/s (0.94 m/s) Therefore, in field units: Fs = 2700 x 3.1 x 24.86 = 208,078 lb In SI units: Fs = 6.1 x 107 x 0.94 x 0,016 = 917,440 N

Summary of dynamic axial installation loads The total dynamic axial installation load consists of the buoyant weight in mud together with the bending load and the larger of the drag and shock loads (in this case, the shock load).

Summary of static post-cementing axial loads The total static post-cementing load consists of the buoyant weight in mud and cement, together with the bending load. While suspended in 0.48 psi/ft (10.86 kPa/m) mud and 0.64 psi/ft (14.48 kPa/m) cement slurry (top of cement at 600 ft, 183 m), the buoyancy force is given by (Eq. App. 6-19); FB = PeAe - PiAi In field units: Pe = (600 x 0.48) + (1400 x 0.64) = 1184 psi Pi = 2000 x 0.48 = 960 psi Thus FB = (1184 x 272.45) - (960 x 247.59) = 84,894 lb In SI units: Pe = ( 183 x 10.86 ) + (427 x 14.48) = 8,170 kPa Pi = ( 610 x 10.86 ) = 6,625 kPa Thus FB = (8170 x 10³ x 0.176) - (6625 x 10³ x 0.160) = 377,920 N

This static axial load is now used as the base case for all subsequent as-service load checks. See Figure M-45 for a plot of dynamic and static axial load against depth.


Axial capacity The minimum axial capacity of the casing (body yield strength) is 1,367,000 lb (6,080,416 N) During installation and cementation, the temperatures will be relatively low and the capacity need not be derated for temperature. Derating by the design factor of 1.3 gives 1,051,539 lb (4,677,243 N)

Pressure loads a)

At end of cementation Internal pressure at shoe

= 960 psi (6,625 kPa)

External pressure at shoe = 1,184 psi (8,170 kPa) Collapse load at shoe

= 224 psi (1545 kPa)

Casing capacity at shoe

= 630 psi (4,344 kPa)

The collapse capacity of the casing is capable of withstanding the collapse loading at the shoe.


Service loads Pressure loads a)

Triaxial stress analysis See the Intermediate casing design for an example of triaxial stress analysis by hand calculation and by the application of computerised techniques. The axial force (and stress) should be calculated taking account of the temperature loads and point loads discussed below.


Buckling potential analysis Since the conductor casing carries the buoyant weight of the inner strings, the wellhead, and BOP or Xmas tree, it is during application of this total surface load that buckling is most likely to occur. Pressure loads are generally negligible due to the shallow depth of the top of cement and the low fluid densities.

Temperature loads a)

Triaxial stress analysis During drilling of the next hole section, heat up of the conductor casing will cause an unrestricted elongation of the casing since it is not fixed at surface. Therefore there will be no additional axial stresses. During production, temperature changes will occur for all strings in the well. The resulting changes in axial stress for each string and the resulting wellhead movement for this well is calculated in the example in Chapter G Section 5.4. This indicates an increase in axial force in the conductor casing of 272,676 lb (1,231,440 N).


Buckling potential analysis The change in axial force in the conductor casing due to production-related temperature changes is 272,676 lb (1,231,440 N). This additional tension will reduce the buckling potential.

Point loads Point loads will be applied to the conductor casing at surface as successive casing and tubing strings, as well as BOPs, are landed on it. The resulting change in axial force and wellhead movements resulting from these loads is calculated for this well in the example in Chapter G Section 5.3.2. The change in axial force for the conductor casing is -581,560 lb (2,592,525 N). Although this compressive force is well below the axial capacity of the casing material, it may lead to buckling. For the conductor casing to be liable to elastic buckling, rather than by plastic buckling, the following condition (from Eq. App. 6-26) must hold:

This particular casing will therefore fail by elastic (Euler) buckling and the load to cause buckling can be calculated as below.

If the self weight of the conductor casing (52,500 lb, 233,520 N) is neglected, together with the pressure loads, the axial force at the onset of buckling is; (from Eq. App. 6-25); Fa =

− π 2 EI I2

In field units: I=

π 4 (18.6254 - 17.7554) =1028.7 in 64

The compressive load in the conductor casing greatly exceeds the buckling load. Buckling can be prevented by the use of centralisers. The axial loading of -581,560 lb (2,592,525 N) is 43% of the body yield strength of 1,367,000 lb (6,080,416 N). Since this loading is less than half the yield strength, the centraliser spacing, s, can be calculated based on elastic (Euler) buckling using Eq. J-10;

Thus, assuming a joint length of 40ft (12.2 m), a centraliser should be placed on every joint. This approach to the calculation of centraliser spacing leads to a first-approximation solution. The use of centralisers means that lateral loads will be transferred from the marine conductor to the conductor casing. As a result, advice should be sought from the Structural Engineering department on the resulting stresses in the conductor casing.


Appendix 6 :



Theories and definitions

Casing design is basically a problem in stress analysis. Stresses in a casing wall can result from: -

self-weight (in air) loads


pressure (buoyancy) loads


bending loads


dynamic drag loads


shock loads


point loads


static drag loads


temperature loads


buckling loads.

Triaxial stress analysis allows the effect of these loads on the selected casing to be assessed in terms of a single stress, which is then compared to the yield strength of the casing material. The complexity of a full and detailed triaxial stress analysis means that, in practice, it is only performed in special cases. As its name implies, it is also analysis rather than design, and material strength and dimensions have to be chosen before the process can begin. The vast majority of designs are therefore performed by separately comparing uniaxial loads with casing uniaxial capacity - calculated in accordance with the formulae in API Bull. 5C3 [1]. These casing capacities are tabulated in API Bull. 5C2 [2]. However, the introduction of computerised casing analysis and design programs will significantly reduce the work involved in performing triaxial stress analyses [3]. As a result, this type of analysis will become more and more commonplace and an understanding of this approach will be essential. Such an understanding will also serve to make the casing designer more aware of the background and limitations of the uniaxial approach. The objective of this appendix is, therefore to present: i)

stress analysis theories as applicable to casing design and analyses,


casing material failure theory,


the general theory on buoyancy related aspects,


the general theory on buckling related aspects.

Text books [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] can provide more in-depth knowledge on these subjects.


Definitions Prior to examining stress analysis techniques, it is first necessary to define the terms commonly used in mechanical engineering and thermodynamics. Load The term load is used to describe the effect on the casing of its operating environment. Such loads may be static or dynamic in nature. Static loads comprise self-weight, pressure, temperature, point loads, bending, and static drag. Dynamic loads are shock loads and dynamic drag. Force A force within the casing wall results from the imposition of a load as described above. Stress ( σ, τ) Stress is the force per unit area exerted by one of the adjacent parts of a body upon the other across an imaginary plane of separation. When the forces are parallel to the plane the stress is a shear stress (τ). When the forces are normal to the plane the stress is a normal stress (σ) and is either compressive when acting inwards or tensile when acting outwards (see Figure App. 6-1). FIGURE APP. 6-1 NORMAL STRESSES (σ) AND SHEAR STRESSES (τ)

Principal Stress ( σ1,σ2, σ3) Through any point in a stressed body pass three mutually perpendicular planes, the stress on each of which is purely normal, i.e. there are no shear stresses. The stresses on these Principal Planes are the Principal Stresses σ1,σ2, σ3 When one of the principal stresses is zero, the condition is one of biaxial stress, and, where two principal stresses are zero, the condition is one of uniaxial stress. Strain (ε) Strain is the deformation resulting from imposed loads. Elongation (positive) or contraction (negative) is caused by normal forces and is measured in terms of the change in length per unit of original length (see Figure App. 6-2a). Shear forces cause a shear strain measured, for small strains, in terms of the change in angle (radians) between two lines originally at right angles (see Figure App.6-2b).


Elasticity Elasticity is the ability of a material to sustain stress without permanent deformation. For linearly elastic materials a proportionate relationship exists between stress and strain (Hooke's Law). Plastic Deformation Plastic deformation is the permanent deformation of the material occurring at stresses above the elastic limit. Elastic Limit The Elastic Limit is the least stress that will cause a permanent deformation (see Figure App. 63). This will occur at a total strain of between 0.12% and 0.2%, depending on steel grade, i.e. the yield strength. FIGURE APP. 6-3 : STRESS-STRAIN RELATIONSHIP IN CASING MATERIAL

Ductility Ductility is the ability to sustain appreciable plastic deformation without rupture. Non-ductile materials are referred to as being brittle. Modulus of Elasticity or Youngs Modulus (E) The Modulus of Elasticity is the rate of change of stress with strain in an uniaxial condition within the Elastic Limit. In general the modulus of elasticity is the same in tension and compression. For isotropic materials, such as steel, E is the same in all directions. A value of 30 x 10 psi (2.1 x 108 kPa) is usually used for tubular steel. At yield strength the actual value will be lower than the published value, but this is usually ignored in calculations. Poisson's Ratio (ν) Poisson's Ratio is the ratio of lateral strain to longitudinal strain under uniform, uniaxial longitudinal stress within the elastic limit. For steel a value of 0.3 is usually taken. Yield Strength or Yield Stress (σ γ) The Yield Strength or Yield Stress is the uniaxial stress at which the material exhibits a specific deformation (see Figure App. 6-4). The yield stress is taken as a measure of the maximum allowable stress for most engineering applications, including casing design. FIGURE APP. 6-4 : DEFINITION OF API YIELD STRENGTH, VALID UP TO 95,000 PSI (655,025 KPA)

API Spec. 5CT [10] defines the yield strength as uniaxial nominal stress occurring at 0.5% total strain for materials up to 95,000 psi (655,025 kPa) minimum yield strength, at 0.6% total strain for 110,000 psi (758,450 kPa) minimum yield strength, and at 0.65% total strain for 125,000 psi (861,875 kPa) minimum yield strength. In many other engineering applications a 0.2% permanent deformation is used to establish the yield strength, and this will sometimes be found in non-API publications on tubular performance (see Figure App. 6-4). Yield strength is temperature dependent. For most steels the yield strength decreases as temperature increases [11, 12]. For some low strength casing grades (J55) yield strength will initially decrease as temperature increases, but as temperature further increases, the yield strength will rise to a level above that evident at room temperature.

Lowest estimates for yield strength corrections with temperature are collected from casing manufacturers [12] and presented below by way of example. The values apply to L80, C95, P110 and Q125 material. Temperature (°C/F)

Yield strength correction factor











Such data should be obtained from the manufacturer of the casing material in use. Ultimate Tensile Strength (σUTS) The ultimate tensile strength is the maximum nominal stress that a material can sustain under uniaxial loading. It is calculated on the basis of the ultimate load and the original unstrained dimensions (see Figure App. 6-3). Fatigue Fatigue is the tendency of materials to fracture under repeated loading to a stress below the ultimate tensile strength. Second Moment of Area, or Moment of Inertia of an Area (I) The second moment of area, with respect to an axis in the plane of that area, is the sum of the products obtained by multiplying each element of the area by the square of its distance from the axis. For an annular ring with outer diameter do and inner diameter di:

This second moment of an area should not be confused with polar moment of inertia. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (α) The coefficient of thermal expansion defines the (linear) relationship between a temperature change and the resulting thermal strain in a homogeneous body subjected uniformly to that temperature change, i.e. ε = α∆T -6 A value of 6.9 x 10 /°F(1.24 x 10-5 /°C) is usually taken for tubular steel.

Volume Thermal Expansivity (CT) Volume Thermal Expansivity of a fluid is the expansion per unit of original volume caused by a unit increase in temperature Volume Compressibility (Cp) Volume Compressibility of a fluid is the compression per unit of original volume caused by a unit increase in pressure.


Stress analysis theories


Introduction Casing stress analysis requires the determination of the stresses that exist within a casing wall. These stresses are the axial stress (σa), the tangential (or hoop) stress (σt), the radial stress (σr) and the three shear stresses (τat, τtr,τta). See Figure App. 6-5. FIGURE APP. 6-5 : STRESSES IN CASING WALL

The above stresses, and changes in these stresses, can be analysed with the use of the following ; -

the sign convention


the Lamé equations ( σt, σr)


the equation for axial stress (σa)


the equation for shear stress (τat, τtr, τra)


Hooke's Law


the principle of superposition

The following paragraphs will address these topics. 14.3.2

Sign conventions In rock mechanics, a compression positive sign convention is often adopted, whereas in structural engineering and most mechanical engineering work, a tension positive sign convention is usual. Since casing string design is primarily concerned with stress within a steel tubular member, the normal sign convention for mechanical and structural engineering will be adopted here, i.e. tension






fluid pressure -



Lamé equations The Lamé equations are derived from the differential equation of equilibrium, the compatibility equation and the boundary conditions expressed in polar coordinates. For a hollow cylinder submitted to uniform pressure on the inner and outer surfaces, the radial and tangential stresses within the cylinder walls are given by [6]:

These are known as the Lamé equations. It should be noted that σ r and σ t are not a function of the axial stress, σa. It also follows that the sum of σ r and σ t is constant over the wall thickness. In the case of a cylinder subjected to equal internal and external pressure, P, the radial and tangential stresses are; σr = P

( Ai − Ae) = -P As

σt = P

( Ai − Ae) = -P As

Thus the radial and tangential stress are equal, and are constant through the casing wall. It is also important to note that radial and tangential stresses still exist in the absence of a differential pressure. They will only be zero when both Pi and Pe are zero. In the case of a cylinder subjected only to external pressure, Pe, the radial and tangential stresses are;

Similarly, for the case of a cylinder subjected only to internal pressure, Pi, the stresses are;

Two important observations can be made at this stage. Firstly, the normalised value of σt is always largest at the inner surface of the casing wall (A = Ai). Secondly, the tangential stress is much larger than the radial stress. Indeed, to simplify stress analysis, the radial stress is often ignored. Note that in order to simplify manipulation of the Lamé equations, it is best to work in areas, i.e. Ae, Ai, As, rather than diameter or radius. 14.3.4

The axial stress equation In general, the axial stress is given by;

σa =

Fa As

(App. 6-3)

where; Fa is the actual axial force resulting from some or all of the following; - self-weight - pressure (buoyancy) loads - bending loads - drag loads - shock loads - point loads - temperature loads - buckling loads It should be noted that due to the principle of superposition (see Section 3.7) axial stress is best treated by addressing the individual components. Temporary loads such as shock loads and dynamic drag loads can also be added in this manner. 14.3.5 The shear stress equation In general in casing design the shear stresses τtr and τra are usually negligible compared to the other stresses. However, special cases, like compaction require their inclusion. The torsional shear stress τat at radius r is given by [8];

τat =

2Tr 4 4 π (ro − ri )

where; T


torque (moment causing torsion of casing along centre-line axis)



inner wall radius



outer wall radius



radius at which the stress is being evaluated.

(App. 6-4)


Hooke's Law For small strains, steel behaves as a linearly elastic material. This means that the components of stress are related to the components of strain by Hooke's Law. This law states that for an uniaxial stress, the magnitude of the unit elongation of an element is given by; εa =

σa E

(App. 6-5) where E is Young's Modulus.

Extension in the axial direction is also accompanied by lateral contractions in the radial and tangential directions. For isotropic materials, E is the same in all directions and therefore; εr = -

νσ a νσ a and εt = E E

where; ν is Poisson's ratio. If the element is simultaneously subjected to normal stresses σa, σr and σt, the resultant components of strain can be obtained by superimposing the strain components produced by each of the three stresses;

The strain component of particular interest to the casing designer is in the axial direction. An application is the integration of this strain over the total length of a suspended uncemented casing string which would give the total length change:

Using the above equation for the axial strain and given that the sum of the radial and tangential stresses, following the Lamé equations, is:

For an axially constrained, i.e. cemented casing, ∆L= 0. Hence a relation between the change in pressures and change in axial tension results. This leads to the link between the change in radial, tangential and axial stresses in a casing which is axially constrained.

14.3.7 The principle of superposition This principle states that the stress, strain, or deflection produced on an elastic system by any final state of loading is the same whether the loads are applied simultaneously, or in any sequence, and the total result is the algebraic sum of the effects that the several loads would produce if acting alone. The principle is only valid for linear systems having small deformations and linearly elastic material behaviour. It cannot be applied for systems having large deformations (geometrical nonlinearity), non-linear elasticity, and/or plasticity (material non-linearity). 14.4

Failure theory Casing design is presently based on the stresses remaining below the yield strength, and by assuming an ideal elastic/plastic material behaviour (see Figure App. 6-6). The API yield strength is taken as a measure of the maximum allowable stress. This is a simplified assumption of actual material behaviour as illustrated by Figure App. 6-4. In reality, exceeding the Yield stress, does not necessarily lead to failure of the casing material, and in some special cases yield may be tolerated, or even designed for.


The yield strength or yield stress is derived from uniaxial tests. To relate this uniaxial yield stress to the three dimensional stress system that exists in reality, the concept of "strain energy of distortion" is used. The yield of ductile material such as steel occurs at a critical value of this strain energy of distortion. The strain energy of distortion per unit volume of material, UD is given by [4];

where σ1, σ2 ,σ3 are the three principal normal stresses. For steel, it is usually assumed that yielding is defined by the Von Mises yield criterion. This criterion states that yielding starts when UD reaches a critical value. This critical value Of UD is determined from the uniaxial test in which σ1 = σy at yield and all other stresses are zero, whence UD =

(1 + ν ) 2 [ 2σy ] 6E

Thus for a three-dimensional system, the yield locus is; 2σy² = [( σ1 - σ2)² + ( σ2 - σ3)² + (σ3 - σ1)²]

The above relationship, known as the Von Mises yield criterion, can be diagrammatically represented as a cylindrical yield envelope, passing through the origin of the σ1,σ2,σ3 coordinate system and being inclined at equal angles to the three axes. See Figure App. 6-7. Points calculated to represent the stresses within a material, that lie inside the cylinder have not reached yield, whereas yielding has occurred for all points that are calculated to fall on the surface of the cylinder. FIGURE APP. 6-7 : VON MISES CYLINDRICAL FAILURE ENVELOPE

It should also be noted that yield occurs as a result of differences between the principal stresses, and not as a result of their absolute values. With particular reference to casing string analysis, the normal stresses σa,σt and a, and shear stresses, τat, τtr, and τra must be included in the Von Mises yield criterion. It can be derived that the Von Mises yield criterion expressed in these stresses is:

Thus for determining whether a material has a sufficient yield strength to withstand the stresses induced in the material by imposed loads, the Von Mises Equivalent (VME) stress, σVME, is calculated and compared to the yield stress. So,

This approach should be handled with care, but if acceptable the problem has been reduced to one of two dimensions and represents a biaxial approach. The new relationship defines a 'slice' through the triaxial cylindrical yield envelope at σr = 0. The result is an ellipse as shown in Figure App. 6-8.



Buoyancy theory


Introduction It is important to realise that buoyancy related loads occur as a result of hydrostatic pressures acting on surface areas. The use of 'Archimedes Law'- that the buoyancy load is equivalent to the weight in air of the fluid displaced - often gives an incorrect answer for calculating the axial forces in a casing since it is only valid for objects that are completely submerged [13]. Consider the example presented in Figure App. 6-9.


An open ended hollow steel cylinder has been given an external chamfer at one end, and an internal chamfer at the other. In situation A, the cylinder is held down and the annulus filled with mercury. The hydrostatic pressure of the mercury will be applied to the cross-sectional area of the cylinder, resulting in a buoyancy load. When the cylinder is released, it will rise and then float. If the cylinder is then inverted, as in situation B, and the same procedure carried out, the cylinder will not rise when released because there is no end area for the hydrostatic pressure of the mercury to act against. In both situations a similar related amount of fluid was displaced, but only in situation A was a pressure (buoyancy) load observed at surface. This chapter is meant to clarify the general aspects of this phenomenon. Appendix 7 gives a complete detailed analytical derivation of pressure (buoyancy ) loads acting on a submersed curved casing.


Pressure (buoyancy) load Buoyancy is the integral effect of the pressures exerted by a fluid (or fluids) on the surface of an internal and external body immersed in that fluid (or fluids). Consider an open-ended casing of length L, and weight per unit length Wn suspended vertically at the surface of a fluid of density Wn psi/ft, as shown in Figure App. 6-10. Fluid pressure loads will act normal to all exposed surfaces. As such all the loads acting in a horizontal plane (acting normal to the vertical casing walls) will be balanced by equal loads diametrically opposite. FIGURE APP. 6-10 : AXIAL FORCES IN SUBMERGED OPEN-ENDED CASING

However, load acting in a vertical direction on the submerged end of the cylinder, of crosssectional area As, will not be balanced by similar loads at the opposite end. As such, there will be an upward pressure load. The magnitude of this upward pressure (buoyancy) load, FB, is given by the hydrostatic pressure of the fluid, P, at vertical depth ZL, multiplied by the cross-section area As: FB = PAs = ρf ZLAs

(App. 6-16)

Thus the total axial force at the surface,Fa, resulting from the weight of the casing in air, W, and the pressure (buoyancy) load, FB, will be given by Fa = W - FB = WnZL - ρfZLAs

(App. 6-17)

Hence, the axial force at any depth, z, in a vertically submerged open-ended casing is given by the weight in air of the casing below that point minus the pressure (buoyancy) load acting on the end of the casing (see Figure App. 6-11).


Thus; Fa(z) = Wn, (ZL - z) - FB = Wn (ZL - Z) - ρfZLAs

(App. 6-18)

When the casing shoe is sealed, closed-ended casing, the upward pressure (buoyancy) load is given by; FB = PeAe - PiAi

(App. 6-19)

where P, and Pi are the external and internal fluid pressures at the vertical casing shoe depth (see Figure App. 6-12). FIGURE APP. 6-12 : PRESSURE (BUOYANCY) LOADS ON CLOSED-ENDED AND OPEN-ENDED CASING

Hence, the axial force at any depth, z, can then be expressed as Fa(z) Wn (ZL - z) - FB = Wn (ZL - z) - PeAe + PiAi

(App. 6-20)

In the event that P, and Pi are equal, then the buoyancy load becomes; FB = P (Ae – Ai ) = ρfZLAs which is as for the open-ended casing. The casing collars also present horizontal surfaces for hydrostatic pressure (buoyancy) loads to act upon. However, because of the relatively short interval of these outer diameter changes, their effect can be neglected compared to the pressure (buoyancy) loads exerted at the casing shoe.

Example: Consider a vertical 10,000 ft (3048 m) string of 9 5/8 in (0.2445 m) 47 1b/ft (69.9 kg/m) casing with Buttress connections, in a drilling mud of density 0.75 psi/ft (16.97 kPa/m). The upward pressure (buoyancy) load at each collar will be the product of the extra cross-sectional area and the pressure increment over the length of the collar. If each collar is approximately 1 ft long (0.305 m), this pressure increment will be 0.75 psi (5.2 kPa). The extra cross-sectional area A of the coupling (OD = 10.625 in, 0.270 m) is given, in field units by A=

π 2 2 2 ( 10.625 - 9.625 ) = 15.90 in 4

In SI units: A=

π (0.270² - 0.2445²) = 0.010 m² 4

Thus the upward load at each coupling is given, in field units by: F = 15.90 x 0.75 = 11.93 lb In SI units: F = 0.010 x 5.2 x 10³ = 51.7 N For a 10,000 ft (3048 in) string, made up of 40 ft (12.2 m) joints, the number of couplings is approximately 250. The total upward pressure (buoyancy) load FB caused by the casing collars is, in field units: FB (collars) = 250 x 11.93 = 2,982 lb In SI units : FB (collars) = 250 x 51.7 = 12,940 N This compares to a buoyancy load at the casing shoe given by; FB (shoe)

= ρf ZL As

In field units: FB(shoe) = 0.75 x 10,000 x

π (9.625² - 8.681²) = 101,793 lb 4

In SI units: FB(shoe) = 16.97 x 10³ x 3,048

π (0.2445² - 0.2205²) = 453,368 N 4


Buoyancy factor The axial force at surface for an open-ended casing resulting from the weight of this casing in air, W, and the pressure (buoyancy) load, FB, is often conveniently calculated by using buoyancy factors. Using, Wn = ρsAs and Eq. App. 6-17, the axial force at surface can be written as;

These factors are usually tabulated for various values of ρf. It is important to note that buoyancy factors only apply to the actual force observed at surface for an open-ended casing. This reduction in weight at surface is equivalent to the pressure load at the open-ended shoe. However, this load applies throughout the entire string, as illustrated in Figure App. 6-10. 14.5.4 Neutral point for actual axial force (Fa = 0) The neutral point, defined as the point where the actual axial force is zero, can be determined by setting Fa(z) equal to zero. This point should not be confused by the neutral point relevant to buckling, i.e the point where the reduced axial force, Fa*, is zero. This will be discussed in the Section 7.4. For example, for the neutral point for actual axial force in a submerged casing it follows from Eq. App. 6-18 that: W n (ZL - z) = ρfZLAs Since Wn = ρsAs, where ρs is the density of the casing steel, the above expression becomes: ρs (ZL -z) = ρf ZL Thus, the depth of the neutral point is;

Example, For steel casing (density 3.41 psi/ft, 77.13 kPa/m) in fresh water (density 0.433 psi/ft, 9.79 kPa/m), the point of zero axial force will be located 87% of the total casing length from surface. For a heavy drilling mud of density 0.85 psi/ft (19.23 kPa/m), the neutral point will be located 75% of the total length from surface.


Simple stress analysis example The application of the previous theories will be demonstrated in the following simple example. However, the same theories hold and could be applied to more complex cases. This example addresses a triaxial stress analysis at surface and at 5,000 ft (1,524 m) of a 10,000 5 ft (3,048 m) string of 9 /8 in (0.2445 m) 47 1b/ft (69.9 kg/m) L80 casing suspended in 0.6 psi/ft (13.57 kPa/m) mud and subject to a 3,000 psi (20,685 kPa) pressure test against a packer at the casing shoe. See Figure App. 6-13. FIGURE APP. 6-13 : DATA FOR ACCOMPANYING STRESS - ANALYSIS EXAMPLE

To calculate the triaxial stresses at surface, first σ t and σr will be calculated from the Lamé equations (Eq. App. 6-1 and Eq. App, 6-2) using; Pi = 3000 psi (20,685 kPa)

Ai = 59.19 in² (38.18 x 10-3 m²)

Pe = 0 psi

As = 13.57 in² (8.75 x 10-3 m²) A e = 72.76 in² (46.94 x 10-3 m²)

σr =

Pi A i A A - Pi e i As AsA

σt =

Pi A i A A - Pi e i As AsA

For the casing in question: σr σt

= 0

at A = Ae

= -3000 psi (-20,685 kPa)

at A = Ai

= 26,171 psi (180,515 kPa)

at A = Ae

= 29,171 psi (201,224 kPa)

at A = Ai

The axial force at surface is given by the string weight in air minus the pressure (buoyancy) load acting on the casing.

The Von Mises Equivalent stress (from Eq. App. 6-14) is;

It can seen that at both the internal and external casing wall surface the equivalent stress is not greater than half of the yield stress of 80,000 psi (551,600 kPa).

Using the two-dimensional biaxial version of the yield criterion for the same example; σr





26,171 psi (180,515 kPa)

at A = Ae


29,171 psi (201,224 kPa)

at A = Ai


41,720 psi (287,494 kPa)


These calculations indicate the stress in the casing at surface only. To determine the stress in the casing at 5000 ft (1,524 m), for example, the calculations must be repeated based on the internal and external pressures and on the axial load at that point. To calculate the triaxial stresses at 5000 ft (1,524 m), first σt and σr, will be calculated from the Lamé equations (Eq. App. 6-1 and Eq. App. 6-2) using the internal and external pressure at that depth; Pi


6000 psi

(41,370 kPa)



3000 psi

(20,865 kPa)

For the casing in question: σr σt


-3000 psi

(-20,685 kPa)

at A = Ae.


-6000 psi

(-41,370 kPa)

at A = Ai


23,171 psi

(159,830 kPa)

at A = Ae


26,171 psi

(180,515 kPa)

at A = Ai

Note that the radial stresses are equivalent to the imposed pressures, and that the tangential stresses are 3000 psi (20,685 kPa) lower than at surface. This latter fact arises due to the presence of hydrostatic pressures, and illustrates that tangential stress is dependent on absolute pressure values, not pressure differentials. The axial stress at 5,000 ft (1,524 m) is given by the weight in air of the casing below that point minus the buoyancy load.

In field units: Weight of casing below 5,000 ft = 5000 x 47

= 235,000 lb

Buoyancy load, FB (at 10,000 ft)

= -96,150 lb (as before)

Total load at 5000 ft, Fa

= weight in air - FB =331,150 lb

Axial stress, σa =

Fa = 24,403 psi As

In SI units: Weight of casing below

1,524 m

Buoyancy load, FB (at 3,048 m)

= 1524 x 69.9 x 9.8 = 1,043,970 N = -427,630 N (as before)

Total load at 1524 m, Fa= weight in air - F B =1,471,600 N Axial stress, σa =

Fa = 168,183 kPa As

The Von Mises Equivalent stress (from Eq. App. 6-14) is

A comparison of the results of these two stress analysis examples is given below:

It can be seen that the Von Mises Equivalent stresses are lower at 5000 ft than at surface where the pressures are lower but the tension is higher. For the calculation of the neutral point, where Fa(z) = 0, the following two cases will be considered: •

Neutral point before pressure test;

Neutral point during pressure test.

The general equation for the actual axial force is (Eq. App. 6-20): Fa(z)


W n (ZL - z) - FB


W n (ZL - z) - PeAe + PiAi


W n (ZL - Z) - ρf ZL As

Solving for Fa(z) = 0 gives, in field units 0 = 47 (10,000 - z) -( 0.6 x 10,000 x 13.57) In SI units: 0 = (69.9 x 9.8) (3,048 - z) - (13.57 x 103 x 3,048 x 8.754 x 10-3 )

It follows that the neutral point occurs at z = 8268 ft (2519 m). During the pressure test, solving for Fa(z) = 0 gives, in field units 0 = 47 (10,000 - z) - (6000 x 72.76) + (9000 x 59.19) In SI units: 6




0 = (69.9 x 9.8) (3,048 - z)-(41.37 x 10 x 46.94 x 10 )+ (62.05 x 10 x 38.18 x 10 ) It follows that the neutral point occurs at z = 12,046 ft.(3672 m) This neutral point is deeper than the casing shoe at 10,000 ft (3,048 m). Hence, during the pressure test, there is no neutral point in the casing string.


Buckling theory


Introduction Consider a vertical cylindrical pipe of length L, pinned at both ends, to which an end force Fa is applied (see Figure App. 6-14). FIGURE APP. 6-14 : EULER BUCKLING

For small compressive values of Fa, elastic axial strain will result. When Fa reaches a certain critical compressive values, a sideways displacement will occur. This behaviour is known as buckling. Buckling is a stability failure, and can occur at stress levels well below the yield strength of the material. The total potential energy of the system determines whether a tube immersed in a fluid will buckle. A true minimum system potential energy corresponds to a stable equilibrium, and it can be shown that this exists if the reduced axial force, Fa*, in the tube is positive [9]. However, buckling will occur if the system is in unstable equilibrium, and for this it is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition that the reduced axial force is negative. In the literature the reduced axial force, Fa*, is also called fictitious or effective force. The following paragraphs describe the relevant buckling aspects.


Buckling potential of pipe in air The helical buckling of vertical weightless pipes in the absence of pressure is determined from the beam-column equation as follows [9]:

where (see Figure App. 6-14); Fa is the externally applied load causing buckling u is the pipe sideways displacement z is the vertical depth Solution of this equation for the fundamental buckling mode gives, for a pipe of length L hinged at both ends [14]; Fa = -

π 2 EI (the Euler buckling load) L2

(App. 6-24)

where I is the second moment of area given by; I=

π 4 4 (do - di ) 64

Because, in reality, both ends of a pipe may not be hinged, an "effective length" factor, k, is introduced, [15] such that; L = kl where (see Figure App. 6-15); L


effective column length



actual column length

In addition, a term, r, known as the "radius of gyration", is introduced such that the critical Euler buckling stress can be written as follows:



In Figure App. 6-16, this critical buckling stress is plotted against kl/r, which is known as the "slenderness ratio". It can be seen that for slenderness ratios less than a certain value, the material will yield compressively before the critical buckling load is reached. The transition between yield and elastic instability occurs at a slenderness ratio which is dependent on the yield strength. However, experimental results show a smooth transition between the two types of failure, as illustrated in Figure App. 6-17, due to non-ideal elastic/plastic material behaviour and pipe imperfections. FIGURE APP. 6-17 : CORRECTED EULER CURVE

This means that for slenderness ratios in the region of the transition, failure is likely to occur at a stress lower than anticipated. As a result of this, a critical slenderness ratio is generally defined as corresponding to a Euler buckling stress of 50% of the yield strength [15]. The critical slenderness ratio, C, is given by;

For slenderness ratios less than or equal to this value, the failure is effectively one of yield If this condition is fulfilled the calculation of the stress at which buckling will occur is rather complex. Hence, expert advice should be sought from the local or SIPM Structural Engineering Department [15, 16]. For slenderness ratios larger than C, failure will be due to elastic instability, and will occur at (from Eq. App. 6-25); Fa = -

π 2E . As (kl / r ) 2

The critical slenderness ratio, C, varies with yield strength, σy, as shown below:

The slenderness ratio per unit length, i.e. k/r, for common casing sizes, together with the critical length, i.e. when kl/r = C, is shown below. A value for k of 0.7 is used corresponding to being fixed in terms of axial translation and rotation at the lower end, and fixed in terms of axial translation only at the top end. See case (b) in Figure App. 6-15.

The above table shows that for all common casing design sizes, failure due to compressive loading in air will be as a result of elastic instability (buckling) rather than yield provided that the unsupported length is more than one or two joints, assuming a joint length of approximately 40 ft (12.2 m). To prevent elastic buckling, the unsupported length must be kept below the critical length indicated in the table.


Buckling potential of pipe in fluids The presence of external and/or internal hydrostatic pressure complicates the issue by introducing an additional force in the pipe in the event of curvature. This force, Fn, is normal to the casing centreline, acts downwards for upwardly curving pipe and upwards for downwardly curving pipe, and the vertical gradient of this force is expressed by [9];

where Pe, and Pi are the external and internal pressures at depth z. The effect of this force is either to restore the pipe to its original straight condition or to increase the buckling tendency, depending on its magnitude and direction. If this fluid force term is added to the beam-column equation (Eq. App. 6-23), then;

The term Fa* is known as the reduced axial force although it is also referred to as the fictitious or effective force. The solution of the beam-column equation is now

A general conclusion can be drawn from this statement, namely: -

buckling is more likely to occur as internal pressure increases;


buckling is less likely to occur as external pressure increases.

For surface, intermediate, and production casing, the combination of casing dimensions and 2 unsupported length means that the term π EI/k²I² is negligible in comparison to the pressure terms.

Thus for these casing strings the condition for buckling is; Fa* < 0 or

(App. 6-32) Fa + PeAe - PiAi < 0

2 For conductor strings, which are shorter, the π EI/k²I² term must be retained.

The practical consequences of the foregoing are best described graphically in the following example. Consider a vertical string of casing of length L, of wall cross- sectional area As, in a fluid of density ρf . The actual axial force, Fa, within the casing is due to the casing self weight and the pressure (buoyancy) load, FB. See line 2 of Figure App. 6- 18. Now the condition for buckling to occur at any depth, z, is (from Eq. App. 6-32); Fa* = Fa + PeAe - PiAi < 0 If the density of the fluid inside the casing is the same as that outside, then this condition is reduced to; Fa* = Fa + ρf As z < 0

(App. 6-33)

By plotting this condition on the axial force graph, i.e. by adding lines 2 and 3 to give line 4 in Figure App. 6-18 it can be seen that at no point along the string this condition is met. Therefore buckling will not occur for such a freely suspended string. It should be noted that line 4 of Figure App. 6-18, which represents the reduced axial force, is equivalent to that obtained by multiplying the weight in air at any depth z, line 1, by the buoyancy factor for the fluid density in use. This can be shown to be the case as follows; Actual axial force (from Eq. App. 6-18): Fa = Wn (ZL - z) - pf As ZL

(line 2)



Neutral point for reduced axial force ( Fa* = 0) If the string is fixed at its lower end and a uniform compressive load, F, is imposed on the string, due to thermal effects for example, the actual axial force changes by an amount of F throughout the length of the casing (see line 3 of Figure App. 6-19).


It can be seen, by adding lines 3 and 4 to give line 5, the reduced axial force, that, due to the shift of the actual axial force line, the buckling condition is satisfied at all depths below point P. At point P the reduced axial force is equal to zero. Point P, where the reduced axial force is zero, is the neutral point with respect to buckling, while point Q is the point of zero actual axial force. Note that if the imposed load, F, is large enough, the buckling condition will be satisfied along the entire string. See Figure App. 6-20. The common assumption that buckling can only occur in sections of the casing that are in compression can also be shown to be incorrect.



If it is assumed that during deeper drilling the mud weight is increased considerably such that PiAi > PeAe, but that the original buoyant weight axial forces are "locked in" by the cementing process, buckling can occur in sections of the casing that are in tension. See Figure App. 6-21. In this case, the neutral point for buckling, P, is shallower than the point of zero axial force, Q. This means that the section between P and Q, although in tension could buckle since the reduced axial force is smaller than zero. Note that the actual axial force will in fact be different from the as-cemented case due to the change in internal fluid density. This does not, however, affect the principle illustrated. 14.8

References [1]
















American Petroleum Institute Bulletin on formulas and calculations for casing, tubing, drillpipe and line pipe properties Bull. 5C3, Fifth edition, July 1989 American Petroleum Institute Bulletin on performance properties of casing and tubing Bull. 5C2, Twentieth edition, 31 May 1987 Pittman, W. Commercial casing design software - detailed evaluation EP 92-0473 Case, J. and Chilver, A.H. Strength of materials - an introduction to the analysis of stress and strain E. Arnold, London, 1971 Benham, P.P. and Crawford, R.G. Mechanics of engineering materials Longman, London, 1987 Timoshenko, S.P. and Goodier, J.N. Theory of elasticity McGraw-Hill, New York, Third edition, 1970 Love, A.E.H. Treatise on the mathematical theory of elasticity (Reprint of original 1927 edition), Dover, New York, 1944 Young, W.C. Roark's formulas for stress and strain McGraw-Hill, New York, Sixth edition, 1989 Bazant, Z.P. and Cedolin, L. Stability of structures Oxford University Press, 1991 American Petroleum Institute Specification for Casing and Tubing Spec. 5CT, Third edition, 1 December, 1990 Holliday, G.H. Casing design for thermal recovery wells - a preliminary report EP-36299 Krus, H., Shell Expro High pressure task force report Shell Expro Well Engineering Information Note 023, EP 90-2572 Goins, W.C. Better understanding prevents tubular buckling problems World Oil, January 1980 Boef, W.J.C., KSEPL Effective tension and its influence on the behaviour of pipes, risers and hoses EP 88-0547 SIPM, EPD/5 Practice for the analysis and design of marine conductors EP 87-0160 American Institute of Steel Construction Manual of Steel Construction Ninth edition, Chicago, 1989


Appendix 7 : Calculation of axial and normal forces


Introduction This appendix describes the calculation of the axial forces (along pipe axis) and normal forces (perpendicular to pipe axis) in a casing suspended stationary from surface in a fluid. Find below the model assumptions. Consider a pipe cross section (perpendicular to pipe axis) at a certain depth (distance s to surface, measured along pipe axis). Let F(s) be the total load exerted by the lower part of the string upon the upper part of the string at point s. This total load is the sum of the following constituent forces: -

The weight Fw(s) of the lower part of the string.


The load Fpi(s) at the lower part of the string resulting from the internal pressure Pi (exerted by fluid inside casing); the fluid is assumed to have a uniform density ρi throughout the casing.


The load Fpe(s) at the lower part of the string resulting from the external pressure Pe (exerted by fluid outside the casing); the fluid is assumed to have a uniform density ρe.


The "buoyancy load" FB acting at the casing shoe; this load is the sum of the load due to the internal pressure Pi (acting at inside of shoe) and the load due to the external pressure Pe (acting at outside of shoe).


The load Freact(s) at the lower part of the string resulting from the reaction force exerted by the well bore on the outer part of the pipe (normal to pipe axis).


The shear stresses normal to the pipe axis resulting from e.g. bending. This load should be taken into account in case of large doglegs for pipes with a large bending stiffness. In this Appendix it has been assumed that this load can be neglected, i.e. the casing string is modelled as a cable.


The load at the lower part of the string resulting from the friction force exerted by the well bore on the outer part of the pipe (parallel to pipe axis) has been neglected.


Other types of loads e.g. shock loads, point loads, dynamic drag loads, etc. have not been taken into account in this appendix and should be added to complete the evaluation.

Since shear stresses (resulting from bending and/or friction) are neglected, it follows that we assume that the force F(s) points along the axial direction. The following paragraphs contain detailed calculations of the above loads for the cases of a straight inclined casing and a curved casing, respectively.







The above formulas provide expressions for the axial force F(s) = Fa(s)es and the normal reaction force Freact(s). For straight casing, R = ∞, θ = constant, integration of the above formula leads to the formulae quoted for straight casing.


Appendix 8 : Shock loads in casing


Introduction When a casing that is being run into the hole is suddenly obstructed at a point somewhere between the top end and the bottom end of the casing, two stress wave will be generated: an upward travelling compression wave above the contact point and a downwards travelling tension wave below that point. A similar effect occurs when the casing is being pulled out-of-hole and is suddenly stopped. Then the tension wave will travel upwards and the compression wave downwards. In this appendix the quantification of these shock loads will be addressed followed by a qualitative evaluation of concurrent shock and drag loads.


Shock-load quantification The propagation of the stress waves is discussed in [1]. The main argument of the article is as follows: When a casing string being run into the hole is abruptly stopped, shock waves start travelling through the string with an acoustic velocity, co, given by: Co = √ (E/p)

(App. 8-1)

where E is Young's modulus and where ρ is the specific density. The stress associated with these shock waves, σs, is given by: σs = vρ Co = V √(Ep)

(App. 8-2)

where v represents the velocity of the casing string before it was suddenly stopped. These stresses should be superimposed on the axial stress due to weight of the casing. The running speed v is the only parameter that can be controlled to avoid excessive shock loads while running casing. The generation of shock waves as described above relies on the conservative assumption that a perfect impact occurs, i.e. that the velocity of the casing at the impact point is reduced to zero in an infinitely short amount of time. In reality, the deceleration will take place in a finite amount of time, due to e.g. the elasticity of the rock that is being hit by the casing collar. The stress waves will then not be step functions, but a somewhat more gradual increase in tension or compression. Furthermore, the finite impact time may be longer than the time needed for a wave to travel to one of the ends of the casing and to return to its starting point. In that case the stress level will be lower than when the impact has completely taken place before return of the stress wave. This is caused by the sign conversion of the returned wave. For impacts that occur close to the top end of the casing, no matter whether pulling-out-of-hole or running in, it seems reasonable to assume that the impact time vastly exceeds the return time of the stress wave in the top part of the casing, and therefore the stress wave in the top part can be disregarded. A similar argument holds for the stress wave in the bottom part of the casing when the impact occurs dose to the bottom end. As observed earlier, a recent study of shock loads in wellbore tubulars confirms that the running speed v is the major factor to control to avoid high dynamic stress [2].


Concurrent drag and shock loads Although high drag loads and high shock loads may occur at the same time, it can be argued that it is improbable that they act in the same direction. Especially in the top part of the casing, where high drag loads are present due to high axial tension, one can reason as follows. While running in, the drag gives rise to a compressive force, i.e. reduces the tension caused by the casing's own weight, while a shock load caused by suddenly stopping the string at a point dose to the top-end gives rise to a significant tension force (and an insignificant compression force). While pulling out of hole a similar argument holds. Downhole, the drag loads are in general much lower because the axial force is much lower. Although they may now act in the same direction as the shock loads, it should be noted that the shock load calculation is conservative. Finally, high drag loads are indicative of high wall contact forces. Therefore, stress waves will damp out rapidly in those parts of the casing that experience high drag loads.


References [1]


Vreeland, T. Dynamic stresses in long drillpipe strings Petroleum Engineer, May 1961, 58-60 Lubinski, A. Dynamic loading of drillpipe during tripping IADC/SPE 17211


Appendix 9 : Pressure build-up in heated sealed annuli


Introduction The problem of annular pressure build-up due to heating of the casing string and the (packer) fluids it contains, when producing the well, will typically arise in HP/HT wells with subsea completions [1]. In such completions one or more of the annuli are usually sealed, at top and bottom, and bleeding off the pressure, as done routinely for surface wells, is impossible. Hence for such wells the casing design should take into account that high pressures may develop in the tubing/casing and casing/casing annuli. A first order description of the phenomenon consists basically of an evaluation of the pressure increase of a heated fixed volume of fluid, corrected for the thermal and hydraulic expansion of the vessel in which the fluid is contained [2]. These corrections are in principle straightforward applications of the laws of thermal volume expansion for steel and mechanical expansion due to pressure differences between the fluids in and outside the casing. Since the latter depends on the thermally induced pressure increase this results in a linear set of equations, implicit in the pressure rise [3]. This will be discussed in sections 3 and 4. Finally, to demonstrate the magnitude of the resulting pressure increase, example calculations will be carried out for a simple case. These calculations will also demonstrate that for complicated multi-string casing designs, manual evaluation of the pressure increases in the various annuli and their consequences for the mechanical integrity of the string, will be cumbersome and timeconsuming. Hence such analysis is best carried out with an appropriate numerical package [4]. A comparison between the results of crude manual calculations and results obtained with a computer program may however serve to eliminate errors, either in the program input or the program logics. Effects which are more difficult to quantify, but nevertheless of considerable potential importance, will be discussed briefly in the concluding section. These effects merit further investigation, possibly by conducting dedicated field tests with instrumented casing strings, over the coming years. Such tests are expected to contribute to improved casing design, reducing completion costs and safeguarding the mechanical integrity of wells.


Basic model for the annular pressure increase Consider an annulus between two casings, filled with a drilling fluid, closed- in at surface. At bottom the annulus is sealed by the cement between the casings, which allows no radial or axial movement of the strings. At surface the wellhead of the subsea well is axially fixed by the cemented foundation pile, which, likewise, allows no axial displacement and consequently no transfer of axial forces between the casings. Initially the casings are considered to have assumed the geothermal gradient. Note that owing to the circulation of drilling fluids prior to cementation, actual temperatures downhole can be considerably lower than geothermal. If this is considered of interest, an estimate for circulating temperatures can be obtained with a well performance simulator such as TEMPEST [5]. When the well is produced over a prolonged period, the hot well effluent, in particular in a HP/HT well, will increase the temperature of the annulus. Since axial displacements are not allowed in the geometry described, both the annular fluids and the annulus walls will tend to expand. Thermal expansion of the base fluids of which drilling mud consists, ∆Vfluid (∆T), is considerably larger than the thermal expansion of carbon steel,∆Vcas(∆T), i.e. the pressure in the annulus will rise to the extent that volume increase of the annulus fluid is suppressed by compression, ∆Vfluid(∆P). In itself this pressure increase will give rise to some ballooning of the casing walls, which creates some extra volume for the liquid to expand, ∆Vcas(∆P). Eventually a new equilibrium between the casings is obtained.

Mathematically this can be expressed as follows: ∆Vfluid (∆T) + ∆Vfluid (∆P) = ∆Vcas (∆T) + ∆Vcas(∆P)

(App. 9-1)

In order to evaluate the resulting pressure increase, ∆P, the volume changes, , have to be expressed as functions of the (known or estimated) temperature change, ∆V, the unknown pressure change, ∆P, the properties of the annular fluids and the casing steel, and the annulus geometry. For the first term of the L.H.S. of Eq. App. 9-1, this is simply the thermal expansion of the initial volume of the annular fluids: ∆Vfluid (∆VT) = Vfluid.CT. ∆T

(App. 9-2)

where CT is the coefficient of thermal expansion of the annular fluids. Similarly the fluid volume change caused by the increase in annular pressure can be expressed in terms of the isothermal fluid compressibility, Cp : ∆Vfluid (∆P) = -∆Vfluid.Cp. ∆P

(App. 9-3)

Note that in a completely rigid, non-expanding casing string the terms of the R.H.S. of equation Eq. App. 9-1 would vanish. By inserting Eq. App. 9-2 and Eq. App. 9-3 we then obtain for the pressure increase: ∆P =

CT .∆T (completely stiff casing ) CP

( App.9-4 )

Typical values for the properties of some fluid systems are listed below. An extensive overview of properties of drilling fluids and their dependence on pressure and temperature can be found in [6], a description of the program MUDPACK which calculates these properties for subsequent use in TEMPEST, e.g. to evaluate circulating temperatures during drilling. For quick-look calculations the values listed in the table below can be used.

However, the following additional information should be noted: -

These thermal properties of water based muds occasionally vary unpredictably with temperature. Additives give rise to this behaviour.


For pure brines the thermal expansion is hardly pressure dependent, the increase with temperature is approximately 0.4%/K. Compressibility decreases with pressure, at pressures of 14,500 psi (100,000 kPa) values are roughly 20% less than those at ambient pressure.


Oil base muds behave similar to the base oil of which they consist. A PVTPACK run can be made as input for MUDPACK for such systems. Inserting the values for water based mud in Eq. App. 9-4 and assuming an average temperature increase in the casing/casing annulus of ca. 125°F (70°C), an increase in annulus pressure of more than 12,000 psi (82,740 kPa), would be predicted. This indicates that the pressures that can develop in sealed annuli can indeed be substantial and unless measures are taken to prevent pressure build-up, the well design has to take this effect into account. In practice, both terms of the R.H.S. of Eq. App. 9-1 are non-vanishing. Their evaluation however is less straightforward than the other terms. This will be discussed in the next sections.


Thermal expansion of the casing steel If the thermal volume expansion of the annular fluids would equal thermal expansion of the casing steel the two terms of Eq. App. 9-1, depending on ∆T, would cancel. Since the remaining terms are both linear in the pressure increase, this pressure increase would effectively vanish. Thermal expansion of steel is considerably less however than that of e.g. a water based mud. Hence, even in the absence of elastic effects (ballooning) a pressure rise would develop in a sealed annulus which is heated by the well effluent. To evaluate the casing steel expansion first note that all casings have been considered fixed at both ends. This implies that only radial expansion has to be taken into account. In general the increase in diameter, d, of a cylinder which is raised in temperature is given by: ∆d = d.α. ∆T

(App. 9-5)

where α is the coefficient of linear thermal expansion of the steel. A typical value for carbon steel -6 -5 is 6.9 x 10 /°F (1.24 x10 /°C). In terms of the resulting volume change of the cylinder: ∆Vcyl =

π 2 2 . L . [ ( d + ∆d) - d ] 4

(App. 9-6)

By neglecting the quadratic term, ∆d², in Eq. App. 9-6 and inserting Eq. App. 9-5 we obtain for the volume change of a cylinder fixed at both ends: ∆Vcyl = 2.Vcyl.α.∆T

(App. 9-7)

The total change in the volume of an annulus between an outer and an inner cylinder on heating is given by: ∆Vcas = ∆Vcyl.o - ∆Vcyl.i

(App. 9-8)

By inserting Eq. App. 9-7 and assuming that the temperature change and steel properties in both casings will be the same, which is correct in most cases, the change in the annular volume caused by thermal expansion can be written as: ∆Vcas(∆T) = 2.Vcas.α.∆T

(App. 9-9)

Note that this result can be included easily in Eq. App. 9-4 by replacing the annular fluid coefficient of thermal expansion by a corrected coefficient, CT-2.α i.e.: ∆P =

C T − 2.α ∆T CP


Hydraulic expansion of the casing steel With increasing pressure in the annulus the confining casings will tend to balloon, which gives the fluid additional volume to expand. Again no axial displacement is owed: fixed-fixed casings. This implies that only radial expansion has to be taken into account. The change in diameter corresponding to a tangential strain change, ∆εt, caused by the pressure change, is given by:

∆d = d . ∆εt

(App. 9-10)

This strain has to be expressed as a function of the pressure change in and outside the cylinder. Assuming that most casings can be treated effectively as thin-walled cylinders and neglecting the effect of axial stresses [2], the change in casing diameter can be written as [7,8]:

∆d =

d 2 . ∆P 2 .E . t

(App. 9-11)

where E is Young's modulus and t is the casing wall thickness. In the case considered so far the pressure change is the increase inside the cylinder. If pressure also builds up outside this pressure change has to be subtracted from the inside to obtain an effective pressure change. This applies to both the inner and outer casing of the annulus. At this stage only pressure change inside the annulus is assumed. Similar to Eq. App. 9-7 the change in diameter can be converted to change in cylinder volume: ∆Vcyl = Vcyl .

d . ∆P E.t

(App. 9.12)

For the resulting total volume change of the annulus the contraction of the inner cylinder and the expansion of the outer cylinder have to be added:

assuming that the elastic properties of both casings are equal. This expression can be inserted for the second term of the R.H.S. of Eq. App. 9-1, which can now be solved for the case of a single annulus in which pressure build-up occurs. For more annuli a simultaneous solution should be sought as will be indicated in the next section in which application of the equations will be demonstrated.


Application of the models To illustrate application of the models presented in the foregoing the casing scheme used to demonstrate the use of TEMPEST [5] will be examined. The annuli between casings 2, 3 and 4, containing water based mud, will be considered sealed. The geometrical, fluid and steel data are as follows:

Initially the well is at the geothermal gradient 0.018°F/ft (0.033°C/m) with an ambient temperature of 40°F (5°C). Hence the average temperature of annulus 2/3 is ca. 55°F (13°C), the average of the annulus ¾ is ca. 93°F (34°C). For a worst-case estimate it is assumed that during prolonged production both annuli assume reservoir temperature 260°F (126°C). Thus annulus 2/3 heats up about 205°F (113°C) and annulus ¾ heats up about 166°F (92°C). With the data from the above table the volumes of the non- cemented sections of the two annuli can be worked out. First the annuli between casings 2 and 3, and 3 and 4 will be considered in isolation. 2 The volume of the /3 annulus is Oven by:

In field units :

Hence the volume increase of the annular fluids (unconstrained) when subjected to this temperature rise would be (from Eq. App. 9-2): 2 ∆Vfluid (∆T) = V /3 CT ∆T

In field units: ∆Vfluid (∆T) = 1514 x 3 x 10 x 205 = 93 ft3 -4

In SI units: ∆Vfluid (∆T) = 42.88 x 5.4 x 10 x 113 = 2.62 m -4


Since casing 2 is cemented to surface, this casing is assumed not to expand or balloon. Thermal expansion of casing 3 will actually reduce the annulus volume. This volume is given (from Eq. App. 9-7) by: ∆VCAS (∆T) = 2Vcyl α∆Τ

In field units:

The volume change of the annular fluids with pressure is (from Eq. App. 9-3): ∆Vfluid (∆P) = -V 2/3 Cp ∆P In field units: -6 -3 3 ∆Vfluid (∆P) = -1514 x 3.1 x 10 ∆P = -4.7 x 10 ∆P ft

In SI units: ∆Vfluid (∆P) = -42.88 x 4.5 x 10


∆P = -1.93 x 10 ∆P m -8


The volume change of casing 3 due to the pressure build-up is (from Eq. App. 9-13):

The terms for the change in volume can now be brought together (as in Eq. App. 9-1) to determine a value for ∆P. ∆Vfluid (∆T) + ∆Vfluid (∆P) = ∆VCAS (∆T)+ ∆VCAS (∆P) In field units: 93 - (4.7 x 10-3 ∆P) = -4. 46 + (1.37 x 10-3 ∆P) Giving ∆P = 16,056 psi. In SI units: 2.62 - (1.93 x 10-8 ∆P) = -0.125 + (5.56 x 10-9 ∆P) Giving ∆P = 110,418 kPa.

The volume of annulus ¾ is 1895 ft³ (54.31 m³). Unconstrained thermal expansion would give a volume increase of 94.4 ft³ (2.70 m³). Thermal expansion of casings 3 and 4, over the uncemented sections, changes this to 92.1 ft³ (2.64 m³). Fluid compression gives a volume -3 -8 change of -5.87 x l0 ft³/psi (-2.44 10 m³/Pa). Ballooning of casing 4 (uncemented section) -8 -3 -9 gives 1.58 x 10-3 ft³ /psi (0.635 10 m³/Pa), and 1.37 x 10 ft³/psi (5.56 10 m³/Pa) for the uncemented section of casing 3. A pressure increase of 10,700 psi (74,900 kPa) is estimated. In the above the interaction between the annuli has been neglected, leading in both cases to lower pressures than actual since the ballooning of casing 3 has been considered beneficial for pressure relief for both annuli. Since pressures in both annuli are seen to build up to similar values a crude estimate for the effect of interaction is obtained by neglecting the hydraulic expansion/contraction of casing 3. This raises the pressure in annulus 2/3 by 29% and the 2 pressure in annulus ¾ by 15%. Pressure in the annulus /3 is higher than in casing ¾ so that this overestimates somewhat for the former annulus and underestimates for the latter annulus. The exact solution of the problem of pressure interaction is complicated, since it involves Eq. App. 9-1 for multiple annuli simultaneously. This is best done with an appropriate software package [4]. Calculations as carried out above serve to check on the numbers generated with such a numerical tool, e.g. to detect false input data, logical errors, etc. The example calculations indicate that in sealed annuli a temperature increase can give rise to considerable pressure build-up, which in most cases will exceed casing capacities. Hence proper attention should be given to this phenomenon where it is likely to occur, e.g. by providing means of pressure relief in the design of the casing string. 17.6

Shortcomings of the models Annular fluid heat-up may give rise to considerable pressure increase in closed annuli. The equations presented to estimate the magnitude of the pressure rise are however based on a number of assumptions of which the validity is hitherto unknown: -

The cement closing off the annuli at the casing shoe is considered perfectly sealing and impermeable. Obviously leak-off of annular fluids to the surrounding formations could have a large impact on pressure build-up.


Similarly the casings have been considered perfectly leak tight. Again, transfer of limited amounts of annular fluids between casings would have a large impact on eventual pressure.


The annuli were assumed to be filled completely with fluid, so that small temperature changes give large pressure rises, due to the low compressible nature of fluids. The beneficial effect of the presence of more compressible fluids or components needs to be investigated.


References [1]

MacEachran, A. and Adams, A.J. Impact on casing design of thermal expansion of fluids in confined annuli SPE/IADC 21911


Oudeman, P., KSEPL Pressure build-up in heated sealed annuli EP 92-1696


Adams, A. How to design for annulus fluid heat-up SPE 22871


Pittman, W. Commercial casing design software - detailed evaluation EP 92-0473


Oudeman, P., KSEPL Casing temperature calculations with TEMPEST: contribution to revised Casing Design Manual EP 92-0521


van Zandvoord, W.E.J.J., KSEPL Mud circulation in TEMPEST using a new program (MUDPACK) to calculate mud properties EP 91-0668


Benham, P.P. and Crawford, R.G. Mechanics of engineering materials Longman, London, 1987


Timoshenko, S.P. and Goodier, J.N. Theory of elasticity McGraw-Hill, New York, Third edition, 1970


Casing design in special cases


Introduction The core text addresses the detailed aspects of casing design and analysis for the standard well. Application of this knowledge will lead to a casing scheme of acceptable technical integrity. Special design considerations are required in a number of more complex cases. In the following paragraphs issues relevant to these cases are addressed and highlighted in a qualitative manner. Detailed information is available in the EP-reports referenced. It is stressed that the information presented is not complete and a full open-literature search is required to add the industry experience on these topics. The casing designer is invited to apply the relevant knowledge to his specific case. Only such an approach, in a project environment, will lead to a complete review of the existing experience resulting in an optimised design. To enhance the dissemination of information, Opcos are invited to pass relevant reports on to SIPM for further distribution.


High-pressure/high-temperature well In such environments, high differential pressures often lead to the use of high strength, thickwalled, and occasionally nonstandard, casing [1,2,3]. High temperatures compound the design problem by reducing the yield strength of the casing steel, by causing significant thermal linear expansion of the steel, and by generating high pressures in sealed annuli due to thermal expansion of the trapped fluid. The following areas should be given particular attention. They have been divided into factors which affect the load experienced by the casing, and factors which influence the capacity of the casing to resist loads. Casing loading -

The effects of high tensile or compressive axial forces on the ability of the casing to resist collapse and burst pressures. Although the effects occur in all wells, they are more significant in HP/HT wells because of the high forces and pressures involved. A triaxial stress analysis is therefore recommended.


Build up of annulus pressures due to thermal expansion of fluid in sealed annuli which cannot be bled off, e.g. subsea wellheads [5]. Such pressures, which may become very high with continued production, are best estimated using computerised programs [6].


High buckling potential due to the linear expansion resulting from large temperature increases [4] during deeper drilling and subsequent testing/production. The increase in internal fluid density during deeper drilling adds to this potential.


The testing programme to ensure the casing is capable of withstanding the anticipated burst loads need careful design when combination strings are used. The axial loading resulting from use of retrievable test packers should be checked as part of the pressure test preparation. Casing load bearing capacity


High H2S partial pressures, i.e. sour conditions. Due to the high pressures involved, the partial pressure for H2S which defines sour conditions (0.05 psia) is achieved for relatively low H2S concentrations. Because of the high temperatures in the well, sour-rated tubulars are usually only required at shallow depths, however, due to the high pressure loads heavy wall pipe could result.


The requirement for gas-tight connections operating at high temperatures and differential pressures is not easily satisfied. Only suitably qualified connections should be selected [7,8,9].


Effects of dimensional tolerances on casing performance influences casing selection. Rather than use non-standard casing sizes, the desired casing rating may be achieved by a tightening of manufacturing tolerances.


Reduction of casing material yield strength at high temperatures. The capacity of the casing should be downrated according to the downhole operating temperature [1].


Several drilling liners might be required to allow for deeper drilling. This is because the anticipated mud gradients to balance the high pore pressures are usually close to the formation breakdown gradient [10,11].


References [1]


Krus, H., Shell Expro Well Engineering Information Note 23: High pressure task force report EP 90-2572 Wind, J.A., KSEPL Notes on the high pressure drilling forum, held at KSEPL Rijswijk, 30.10-1.11.1989 EP 90-0131




[6] [7]





Wind, J.A., KSEPL Research related to high temperature/high pressure operations EP 92-0032 Oudeman, P, KSEPL Casing temperature calculations with TEMPEST, contribution to the revised Casing Design Manual EP 92-0521 Oudeman, P., KSEPL Pressure build-up in heated sealed annuli of subsea wells EP 92-1696 Pittman, W. Commercial casing design software - detailed evaluation EP 92-0473 Snaith, N.N., KSEPL Test procedure for tubing and production casing connections EP 92-0147 Krus, H., Shell Expro Qualification testing of the 9-5/8 inch new VAM connection and the 97/8 inch VAM ACE connection for HP wells EP 91-1283 Bax, D.J.M. (SIPM) and Bontenbal, P.J. (KSEPL) Casing connections EP 92-1563 Wind, J.A. and Marchina, P., KSEPL Formation strength for casing design EP 92-1454 Hage, J.I., Surewaard, J.H.G. and Vullinghs, P.J.J. Application of Research in kick detection and well control KSEPL Publication 1116, June 1992


Squeezing salt well When a hole is drilled through a salt formation, and subsequently casing is set, the salt will gradually move and make contact with the casing. The following paragraphs describe the loading on the casing, and then the capacity of the casing to withstand such loading. Casing loading The plastic behaviour of salt formations may result in casing opposite this formation being subjected to the full formation overburden gradient. The value of the overburden gradient will vary with depth but may be as high as 1 psi/ft (22.6 kPa/m). As such, the collapse loads, whether designing for full or partial evacuation, will be extremely high. This phenomenon is time dependent such that during the drilling phase increased external loading due to moving salt may be minor, while in the production phase, however, salt loading might play a greater role. Another important factor is that the loading that results from the moving salt is not uniformly applied. If the hole is washed-out unevenly and the casing is not perfectly cemented, the salt will reach the casing at different times. This will cause one side of the casing to be exposed to the full overburden gradient, while the other side is completely unsupported. This type of point loading, resulting in high shear stresses, can cause casing failure at much lower loads than when applied uniformly [1]. It is also possible that, even if the casing does not immediately collapse, it may start to bend into the wash-out opposite the moving salt. The resulting increase in axial stress on one side of the casing may lead to a reduced collapse pressure or the casing may fail due to bending stresses alone. Casing load bearing capacity Studies have shown that to withstand this type of non -uniform loading, the diameter/thickness (d/t) ratio of the casing would have to be less than 4 [2]. The thick-walled casing often used to withstand the high (uniform) collapse pressures have d/t ratios between 9 and 11. At present, it is seen as impractical and uneconomical to design the casing to withstand these forces [3,4]. Instead, non-uniform loading effects are reduced by operational practices such as minimising hole enlargement during drilling, and ensuring that the casing is cemented over the entire salt interval in order to distribute the load uniformly over the casing circumference [3,5,6,7]. Following this approach, the casing is designed to withstand a concentrically uniform external pressure - equivalent to the overburden pressure at the depth of the salt formation - in the same manner as for fluid pressure.

18.3.1 References [1]







Muecke, N.B., NAM Heated mud systems: the solution to squeezing salt problems SPE/IADC 25762 Cheatham, J.B. and McEver, J.W. Behaviour of casing subjected to salt loading EP-103 NAM A review of the use of MUST casing strings across salt intervals Report 18.464 (not an EP report yet), November 1992 Cernocky, E.P., Nordgren, R.P. and Scholibo, F.C., BRC Interim guidelines for Cognac casing design EP 87-1779 van Kleef, R.P.A.R. and van Oers, P.J.M. Setting properties of saline cement slurries and dissolution rates of formation haline salts during primary cementations EP 88-1364 van Kleef, R.P.A.R. Optimised slurry design for salt zone cementations EP 88-2627 Brakel, J.D. Drilling through squeezing salts EP 89-1957


Steam well Casing in conventional wells is designed to be capable of resisting burst, collapse, tensile and compressive loads while remaining in the elastic range of the casing material. However, the design of steam wells is complicated by the fact that the axial stress exceeds the yield strength in compression during heating and exceeds the yield strength in tension during subsequent cooling. As such, a design is required which incorporates post yield behaviour of both casing and connections [1,2]. A brief discussion of the issues involved in steam well design is given below, firstly dealing with the loading of the casing, and then its capacity to withstand these loads. Casing loading i)

Axial loads Casing in high temperature (steam) wells is generally cemented from TD to surface for a number of reasons [3,4]: -

it prevents loads resulting from the thermal linear expansion and contraction of the casing being transmitted to the wellhead;


it avoids the problem of annulus pressures resulting from thermal expansion of fluids in a sealed annulus;


it prevents buckling.

However, the cement prevents elongation of the casing during heating and this causes large axial stresses which yield the casing in compression. Similarly, the cement prevents contraction of the casing during cooling, causing large tensile stresses close to or above yield [5]. Current steam well casing design models are based on the isotropic hardening plasticity theory [6,7]. The basic features of this theory are the 1 non-ideal elastic/plastic behaviour and stress relaxation under conditions of constant high temperature and pressure. The behaviour of different grades of steel means that the maximum loads are not constant but are a function of grade [8]. Generally, higher grade materials give higher loads. The computer program STEAM85 is based upon this theory [7] and can be used to determine maximum tensile and compressive stresses during the operating cycle [9,10]. The computer program CASINT [11] can also be used to evaluate the casing behaviour. Refer to the section on Reservoir Compaction for more details. ii)

Collapse and burst loads Precise collapse and burst loading conditions will depend on the well type. In general, it is the collapse loading which determines casing wall thickness and grade for steam injection wells.


Biaxial effects Selection of casing for steam well application is based on a requirement to withstand collapse loads while subject to axial stress near or beyond yield in a high temperature environment. API Bull 5C3 provides guidance on the biaxial derating of casing collapse capacity in the presence of tension. However, this approach is based on theoretical behaviour in the elastic range only, and the collapse capacity is assumed to be zero when axial tension reaches yield strength. Casing does, in fact, retain some collapse capacity once tensile yield is reached, although the degree to which this occurs depends on the material grade [1]. At tensile yield, about 65% of the uniaxial collapse strength remains in K55 casing, and at approximately 145% of tensile yield, about 40% of the uniaxial collapse strength remains. For C95, however, only 15% of collapse strength remains at 105% of tensile yield. Biaxial test data indicate that compression does not decrease collapse strength.

Casing load bearing capacity i)

Yield strength reduction At high temperatures, casing materials exhibit a decrease in yield strength [11]. The derated collapse capacity should be obtained by substituting the new yield strength into the appropriate collapse formula and the corresponding regression coefficients. The reduction in collapse capacity due to temperature is usually small in comparison with the reduction due to tension.

ii) Casing connections The production casing connection must provide reliable structural strength and gas tight sealing under the high temperatures and loads of the steam well operating cycle [13]. Gas tight sealing is required to seal the steam (in the event of a tubing leak) and also to seal nitrogen sometimes used as a packer blanket. Because of these severe conditions, a connection should not be used unless it has been tested and qualified accordingly [12,14]. 18.4.1 References [1]














Cernocky, E.P. Guideline for the design of steam well casing EP 89-0682 Smith, R.A. Improved well model for thermal stimulation EP 88-1144 Zijlker, V.A. Review of thermal casing design in PDO, past, present and future EP 89-1372 van Bevervoorde.B.S. Thermal well completion for steam injectors - a state-of-the-art for conditions in the Schoonebeek oil field, the Netherlands EP-50317 Prats, M., BRC Casing shear failures in steam drives TIR-1862 Cernocky, E.P. and Paslay, P.R., BRC Accuracy and implications of different casing design models for steam wells EP-63405 Cernocky, E.P. and Scholibo, F.C., BRC Explanation of the isotropic hardening steam well casing design model EP-64596 Cernocky, E.P., BRC Thermal cycling behaviour of K55, L80, N80 and C95 casing steels for steam well casing design EP 87-0045 Zijlker, V.A. Thermal casing design - an implementation EP 89-2513 van Bevervoorde, B.S. New selection criteria for thermal casing according to Cernocky, E.P. implications for the Schoonebeek high temperature steam flood wells EP 89-1479 Fokker, P.A., Klever, F.J. and Marchina, P.J.M. User manual and background theory to the program CASINT EP 92-1961 Cernocky, E.P., BRC Evaluation of casing connections for thermal well applications EP-63404 Cernocky, E.P., BRC Increasing the casing wall thickness can fail steam well casing connections EP 86-1066 Cernocky, E.P., BRC Limited tests of thread compound sealing capabilities in API buttress casing for medium and high temperature steam well service TIR-1729


Horizontal well There are a number of areas in horizontal well casing design that may differ from a standard well [1,2,3,4,5,6]. These mostly relate to the casing loading, although there can be instances where the capacity of the casing is purposely reduced. Casing loading Firstly, for the horizontal section itself, the stability of the formation must be determined in order to assess whether the casing in this section has to withstand the full overburden pressure [7]. The computer program STABOR [8] has been developed by Shell Research, Rijswijk, for this purpose. In the case that the casing will be subject to formation loading, the computer program CASINT [9] should be used to determine the casing behaviour. Refer to the section on Reservoir Compaction in this Chapter for more details. For short radius build-up sections, the bending stresses can be significant. For particularly high build rates, localised bending stress concentrations can occur near casing couplings due to the difference in outer diameter of the casing body and the coupling. The magnitude of these bending stresses, and their effect on the collapse and burst capacities of the casing, can be determined from the computer program CASBEND [10]. Note that all casing that has to pass through these high doglegs must be designed to withstand the bending stresses generated. Due to the high contact forces between the casing and the borehole wall in highly deviated sections of the well, dynamic drag and torque loads will be high [11]. Drag loads may be such that once the casing string passes a given depth, the total axial force required to pull the string upwards exceeds the axial capacity of the pipe. Optimum cementation of the casing in the horizontal section is obtained by rotating the casing/liner [12,13]. Thus consideration must be given to the torque required to achieve this rotation, and the ability of the selected couplings to withstand this torque. Selection of couplings should be based on the maximum anticipated torque [14]. Drag and torque loads can be simulated using the computer program DRAGTORQ, part of the OSCP portfolio [15]. The program STUCK is a tool to quantify the ability to run the next work string or casing if high doglegs are to be considered, taking into account bending stiffness [16]. Casing load bearing capacity Liners set in horizontal sections are often pre-drilled or slotted to avoid the need for complicated perforating operations [13,17]. When running these liners, the reduction in axial capacity due to the holes should be considered. This is best achieved by calculating the stress concentration factor that results, from the presence of the hole and comparing the resulting stress with the casing material yield stress.


References [1]

SIPM, EPO/51 Drilling and completion of horizontal wells EP-64354 [2] SIPM, EPO/51 Drilling spearhead documentation, Volume 1, 2 and 3 EP 89-0115 [3] SIPM, EPO/51 Maersk DAN-field horizontal well project EP 87-1477 [4] Maersk Olie og Gas A/S Tyra field development plan, Denmark EP 92-1857 [5] Sabah Shell Petroleum Co. ERB West-126 horizontal well: drilling and completion operations, ERB West field, Sabah, East Malaysia EP 89-1218 [6] de Jong, W. and de Blok, G.L.J. Review of the drilling operations for a large radius horizontal well, Dan field, Denmark EP 87-1565 [7] Shell Oil Co., Houston 1992 Geological and Petrophysical Engineering Conference, Houston, Texas, 6-8 April 1992 EP 92-1146 [8] Wong, S.W. and Kenter, C.J., KSEPL Borehole stability analysis Part 1: Theoretical formulation of STABOR RKRS 91.15, KSEPL, February 1992, 59-64 [9] Fokker, P.A., Klever, F.J. and Marchina, P.J.M., KSEPL User manual and background theory to the program CASINT EP 92-1961 [10] Cernocky, E.P., BRC The importance of bending in the burst and collapse design of casing with particular application to horizontal wells - based on the computer program CASBEND EP 90-3011 [11] Driessen, R.W.J. Buoyant casing and its impact on extended reach drilling EP 89-1063 [12] de Jong, J.W. and Ashley, P. Liner rotation contributes to success of liner cementation EP 87-1575 [13] Pastor Sanz, G., KSEPL A review of cementing and perforating technology for horizontal wells EP 92-1953 [14] Green-Armytage, D. DA-42 horizontal well, Dunlin Alpha, UK North Sea, planning and operations report EP 90-3474 [15] SIPM, EPO/51 OSCP User Guide - version 2.3 EP 91-2156 [16] Cernocky, E.P., Paslay, P.R., Sims, N.L. and Wahleithner, J.P. BRC The computer program STUCK: a model to quantitatively estimate the ability to run a work string into a well with kinked casing or to run casing into a well with a severe dogleg Explanation and User Manual EP 92-1507 [17] M.E. Amory Sand control in PDO : A framework for the Nineties EP 91-1911


Slimhole well The determination of casing sizes is the most important phase of casing design in terms of well cost. This is part of the preliminary design phase and is performed well in advance of the detailed casing design. The final hole size or production tubing size determines the well configuration. It is the task of the casing designer to engineer the most cost- effective well around this final hole size or production conduit [1]. Reduction of the final hole size will therefore lead to significant cost savings. New drilling, formation evaluation and completion techniques have made smaller hole sizes possible across the reservoir [2,3,4,5,6]. The difference between a possible slim hole casing scheme and a conventional casing scheme for a deep high pressure/high temperature well is illustrated by way of an example below [7,8]:

For a shallower, lower pressure reservoir the difference in casing scheme between a slim hole and a conventional design could be as follows :

For a slim hole casing design all the design loads, inclusive burst, collapse, and tensile load requirements, should be determined as for all other wells. For a fixed influx volume and assuming a single bubble of gas, the smaller annular cross section causes a greater influx height than in conventional holes. This might influence the casing setting depth and indicates the need for more sensitive kick detection techniques [9]. It is important, especially where non-standard casing sizes are introduced, that geometrical clearances, drilling hydraulics, and cementing hydraulics are closely examined: Geometrical clearances The following checks should be made for all proposed casing schemes: -

clearance between the bit and the drift diameter of the casing


clearance between the open hole and casing connections.

Drilling hydraulics Pressure losses in slim hole drilling, both in the annulus and in the drill string, are higher than for conventional hole sizes where 5 in drill pipe is used and large annular clearances exist [10]. The computer programs HYDRAUL and SWABSURGE, part of the OSCP portfolio [11], should be used to calculate pressure losses and resulting equivalent circulating densities. The rheology of the mud should be carefully selected, and then controlled, to ensure pressure losses are minimised. Selection of casing and drillpipe sizes should be made such that the low flowrates required for drilling small holes do not cause problems with respect to hole cleaning. Introduction of several drilling liners might be a solution.

Cementing hydraulics Because of the high density and viscosity of cement slurries, pressure losses can be high in slim hole wells with small annular clearances. In some instances this may restrict pumping rates such that the slurry flow is not turbulent [10]. Low pump rates may mean long pumping times and cement properties should be adjusted accordingly. The computer program MUCEDI, also part of the OSCP portfolio [11], should be used to predict cementation pressures at different pump rates. Attempts should also be made to include casing couplings in computer program string descriptions where annular clearances are small. The result of these simulations may indicate the requirement for flush couplings to reduce pressure losses [10]. A good review of drilling/cementing hydraulics in slim well design can be found in [10]. 18.6.1 References [1]











SIPM, EPO/51 Making the most of well planning EP 92-2500 Worrall, R.N., van Luijk, J.M., Hough, R.B., Rettberg, A. and Makohl, F., KSEPL An evolutionary approach to slim hole drilling, evaluation and completion SPE 24965, KSEPL Publication 1129 van Hoogstraten, J.W, Technical and economic aspects of slim hole drilling EP 90-2947 Ross, B., KSEPL Innovative slim hole completions SPE 24981, KSEPL Publication 1130 Kroell, E. Drilling and production aspects of slim hole wells, 41/8 inch and smaller wellbores EP 90-3138 SIPM, EPO/51 Drilling spearhead documentation, Volume 1, 2 and 3 EP 89-0115 Wind, J.A. Notes on the High Pressure Drilling Forum, held at KSEPL Rijswijk 30 October till 1 November 1983 EP 90-0131 Krus, H., Shell Expro Well Engineering Information Note 23: High Pressure Task Force Report EP 90-2572 Hage, J.1., Surewaard, J.H.G. and Vullinghs, P.J.J. Application of research in kick detection and well control KSEPL Publication 1116, June 1992 Eide, E., Shell Expro Well Engineering Information Note 139: Review of slimhole casing schemes, drilling hydraulics, cement hydraulics EP 93-0104 SIPM, EPO/51 OSCP User Guide - Version 2.3 EP 91-2156


Permafrost well Permafrost is defined as permanently frozen soil. Soil at temperatures below freezing point may or may not contain ice, depending upon pare fluid salinity, pore pressure, and soil type. Permafrost can be continuous from the surface or discontinuous with intermittent unfrozen zones. The presence of permafrost, and particularly the consequences of permafrost thaw resulting from increased surface temperatures during drilling and production, affect casing design in a number of ways [1,2,3,4]. The following practices are taken from the Shell Canada procedures for permafrost well casing design. They directly influence casing setting depths (part of the preliminary design phase) and casing load determination. Casing capacity is assumed to be unaffected. The experimental data upon which these practices are based is mostly location-specific and should not be assumed to be generally applicable. Casing setting depths i)

Stove pipe As the well is drilled and produced, heat generated will cause the permafrost to thaw around the wellbore, thereby reducing or eliminating any cement- formation bond within the permafrost interval. This in turn may cause casing subsidence and/or annular gas migration, as well as a disturbance to the permafrost environment. To offset this effect, the stove pipe, usually set at around 60 ft (18 m), consists of :



One or more joints of insulated casing made by welding a joint of 26 in (0.66 m) casing inside a joint of 30 in (0.762 m) casing and either leaving a dead air space or placing insulation material in the annular area between the casings.


One joint of refrigerated casing at surface made by a process similar to the insulated casing but instead running a number of refrigeration coils in the annular area between the casings. A refrigeration unit is used to continually circulate a refrigerant through the coils during both the drilling and production phases to ensure no permafrost melting.

Conductor casing (permafrost casing) A string of 20 in ( 0.508 m) conductor casing, also known as permafrost casing is required by Canadian government regulations when the permafrost is in unconsolidated formations and/or is more than 500 ft (150 m) deep. This requirement is also recognised as prudent operating practise in order to limit exposure of permafrost to the warm drilling mud and hence minimise hole enlargement and subsequent hole cleaning/cement displacement problems. The string is set at 500 ft (150 m).


Surface casing Assuming permafrost casing is set, a 16 in (0.406 m) surface casing is set to ensure all remaining permafrost is cased off as soon as possible. Canadian government regulations require this string to be set between 500 ft (150 m) and 1650 ft (500 m). To allow for the greatest flexibility in setting the intermediate casing, the surface casing is usually set at 500 m.

Detailed casing design Two effects have to be taken into account when designing casing set in permafrost. i)

External freezeback When a well is shut-in during or after drilling, or after a short production period, thawed permafrost and waterbase fluids outside the casing will refreeze and generate inward radial loads around the wellbore. This process, referred to as "external freezeback", can produce significant collapse pressures. The difference between the external freezeback pressure and the internal fluid pressure must not exceed the casing collapse pressure. This problem can be overcome in three ways:



modify drilling practices to limit permafrost thaw and freezeback [5];


cement any annulus within the permafrost zone;


if not cemented, ensure the annulus is displaced to high salinity waterbased fluid or non-freezing fluid.

Axial strain resulting from permafrost thaw subsidence Experience indicates that stove pipe, conductor casing and surface casing failures may occur as a result of thaw-subsidence generated compressive and tensile loads [6]. As the pore ice melts and reduces in volume, a decrease in pore pressure results. This in turn leads to an increase in intergranular stress, and soil compaction takes place. This compaction is not reversible during external freezeback. Permafrost lithology determines the nature of loads induced by such thaw subsidence and field tests indicate the presence of both compressive and tensile loads within a string depending on depth and formation. Strain, not stress, is the governing criterion for axial load design of permafrost casing. As a result, it is the casing strain limit, not the yield stress, which is important for casing design. Since the movement is gradually imposed, and also limited, large post-yield pipe body strains can be sustained without catastrophic failure. The computer program CASINT [7] can also be used to evaluate the casing behaviour due to such formation movement. Refer to the section on Reservoir Compaction for more details.


References [1]


[3] [4]




Atlantic Richfield Corp. Prudhoe Bay field permafrost casing and well design for thaw subsidence protection EP-44918 Volume 85 Completion Technology Co. Exploratory drilling permafrost data for design of development wells - Beaufort Sea and Bethel Marsh EP-44918 Volume 118 Garrett, D.L. Effects of permafrost on Arctic development EP-48509 McLellan, P.J. Survey of geomechanics research on wellbore stability and well stimulation conducted in Canadian universities EP 90-2662 Cook, R.L. Arctic drilling practices to control hydrate gas influx and internal/external freezeback EP 89-1244 Fischer, F.J., BRC Permafrost subsidence and associated casing strain BRC-38 Fokker, P.A., Klever, F.J. and Marchina, P.J.M., KSEPL User manual and background theory to the program CASINT EP 92-1961


Gravity structure With time, a concrete gravity platform structure will induce considerable deformation within the supporting soil. The casing, particularly the marine conductor, will have, at least in part, to follow the displacements that take place in the soil. The marine conductor and possibly the conductor casing therefore have to be designed such that the loads caused by soil settlement shear forces does not cause yield to occur [1,2]. Casing capacity is not affected by this environment. Modelling of these shear forces is generally performed by computer analysis. Within Shell, the program CASINT is available for such analysis [3]. External consultants can also provide computerised analysis. In their analysis, such programs take into account: -

self weight of marine conductor or conductor casing;


any loading from other strings and the wellhead/BOP;


temperature changes due to production;


platform settlements;


frictional forces from guides due to platform settlements;


bending moments due to platform rotation.

The loads are applied chronologically according to their appearance. It should be noted that, as well as specifying the well geometry, the program user has to provide a production mode temperature profile. A soil settlement profile and soil/cement properties are also necessary. The output typically consists of a plot of axial stress against depth, which can then be compared with the marine conductor or conductor casing yield strength. While yield of the marine conductor may be tolerable, the conductor casing should be designed to withstand a combination of loads from the inner strings, wellhead, and soil settlement without yielding. This can be achieved either by selection of an appropriate steel grade for the conductor casing, or by setting the marine conductor some 100 ft (30 in) below the depth of the deepest soil displacement, so that the conductor casing does not experience any soil settlement. Transfer of settlement loads from the marine conductor to the conductor casing will, however, result from the existence of cement between the two pipes. Careful consideration should therefore be given to the cementation programme for the conductor casing, and this aspect should be included in computer simulations. 18.8.1

References [1]



Potts, D.M. Calculation of stresses in a well installed underneath a gravity structure EP-49196 Stage 2 design study of condeep T-300 for the Troll field, Block 31/2, Norway North Sea - conductor stress analysis EP-58227 Fokker, P.A., Klever, F.J. and Marchina, P.J.M., KSEPL User manual and background theory to the program CASINT EP 92-1961


Reservoir compaction environment Production of hydrocarbons will, in time, lead to a reduction in reservoir pore pressure if pressure is not maintained by a drive mechanism. The resulting increase in effective stress leads to reservoir compaction and deformation of the overburden [1,2]. The vertical strain caused by this compaction of the producing interval is transferred to a certain extent to the casing string(s) set across that interval. This casing will thus undergo axial deformation and, in the case of deviated wells, lateral deformation, such as bending, ovalisation or crushing. These lateral loads are comparable in type to lateral loads in squeezing salt formations but are thought to be significantly less in magnitude. Excessive overburden deformation can lead to localised slip across faults and bedding planes. This results in shearing of casing [3,4,5]. These effects are briefly dealt with below, followed by guidance on how compaction loads can be allowed for in the detailed casing design, and possible operational techniques to minimise their impact. Casing capacity is not affected by this environment. i)

Axial deformation Axial compression will take place over compacting intervals, while axial tension will be induced over any decompacting intervals, i.e. formations overlying and underlying the reservoir. The transfer of strain from the formation to the casing will depend upon the behaviour of the formation/cement/casing interface. Generally, the casing strain can be assumed of similar magnitude as the formation strain. Axial compression will tend to initiate buckling. The extent and type of buckling will depend on the amount of lateral support the casing receives. Column-like buckling will only occur in zones where support is small or non- existent e.g. long, badly cemented intervals or zones with cavities due to sand production. After the onset of buckling, deformation of the casing will depend on annular clearance. The local mode of buckling or bulging occurs where the cementation is locally bad, e.g. geometrical irregularities such as casing collars and casing transitions. Also a weak, low strain resistant, box/pin design could lead to these failure modes [6]. Axial extension may occur if surface subsidence is not equal to the amount of compaction in the producing intervals. The resulting tension may reduce the collapse strength of the casing or even cause tensile failure.


Bending Bending of the casing in deviated wells occurs due to different compaction strains above and below the reservoir boundary [7]. Excessive bending may lead to loss of roundness or, at an extreme stage, tensile failure on the convex side. The transition interval length determines the dogleg severity.


Ovalisation Lateral loads resulting from reservoir compaction will depend on the rock type, in-situ stresses, and the tectonic setting. Although this type of loading is less severe than experienced in squeezing salt formations, any non- uniformity of the radial load distribution will result in a stress concentration that may lead to failure. Experiments show the diameter reduction to be in the order of the compaction strain if well cemented.


Shearing Due to slip of formations in the overburden or reservoir, significant shear stresses can develop in the casing wall. Experience shows that the risk for shear failure increases within thick and relatively shallow reservoir sections.

Detailed casing design Analysis of the stresses and strains in casing set across compacting and decompacting intervals is complex [8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18]. The computer program CASINT [19] has been developed and experiments have been carried out by Shell Research for this purpose. The program CASINT comprises two modules. The first, CASINT1, is a one- dimensional program that calculates axial stresses and strains in a homogeneous casing string. The only external loading considered is the (vertical) compaction of the reservoir. Lateral loadings (perpendicular to the axis of the wellbore), nor bending moments in deviated casings are considered. The modelled casing can have any deviation. The second module, CASINT2, determines analytically the onset of buckling due to axial loads and internal pressure loads for a given external lateral support. As a result, CASINT can, for a given casing scheme, a given compaction profile, and a given set of mechanical and geometrical data, determine when and where casing buckling will be initiated. Operational techniques It can be shown that at typical casing depths and stress conditions, axial deformation of the casing cannot be avoided. Therefore, solutions must be designed to accommodate it with a minimisation of associated damage. The concept common to most of these techniques is to localise axial casing deformation in given zones, which will by design not undergo severe damage. The deformation of the remaining length of casing is therefore limited. Proposed techniques involve sliding couplings, partly corrugated casing joints, and external sleeves sliding along the casing [20]. These solutions add operational constraints and no field evidence of successful implementation has yet been reported. With regard to bending, careful selection of well trajectory offers the best solution. However, if severe doglegs can not be avoided, the program STUCK [21] offers a tool to quantify the ability to run the next work string or casing, taking into account bending stiffness. Ovalisation can either be accommodated by more flexible casing and larger clearance or resisted by stronger casing. In the latter case the casing should be designed for full overburden load, as in the case for squeezing salts.


References [1]

Hansen, K.S., Mody, F.K. and Shew, R.D. Compaction subsidence estimates and rock properties, Canyon Block 194, Cognac field, Mississippi, USA EP 92-1624 [2] Bonnie, J.H.M., KSEPL Deep compaction monitoring: a scouting study for alternative techniques EP 91-2078 [3] Veeken, C.A.M. and Wahleitner, J.P., BRC Casing deformation in a compaction reservoir BRC 88-92 [4] Wahleithner, J.P. and Young, L.M., BRC Casing damage study for the Cognac field BRC 104-92 [5] Veeken, C.A.M. Review of Tyra gas field chalk production, offshore Denmark EP 92-0927 [6] Wahleithner, J.P., BRC Testing of LTC connections in axial compression BRC 101-92 [7] Fokker, P.A., KSEPL The modelling of deviated wells in compacting areas RKSR.90.024 [8] Marchina, P.J.M., KSEPL Casing integrity in the Tyra fields offshore Denmark EP 92-1554 [9] Kenter, C.J., Fokker, P.A., Marchina, P.J.M., Klever, F.J. and Quint, E.N.M., KSEPL Casing integrity in compacting reservoirs RKRS.92.DW1 [10] Cernocky, E.P., BRC Casing compaction design: Development of guidelines for the ability of casing to resist cross-section deformation under non-uniform transverse load and pressure acting on the cross-section EP 87-2172 [11] Cernocky, E.P., BRC Casing compaction design: Development and calibration of a finite element model of casing cross-section subjected to non-uniform transverse loads EP 88-0034 [12]






Cernocky, E.P., BRC Casing compaction design: Influence of internal and external fluid pressures on the crosssectional deformation of casing subjected to non- uniform transverse loads EP 88-1070 Cernocky, E.P. and Scholibo, F.C., BRC Status of research into casing design for compacting reservoirs BRC-2422 Cernocky, E.P., BRC Casing compaction design: Crushing resistance of casing in the presence of axial tensile and compressive loads EP 90-3172 Peterson, J.L. Casing design: Deformation considerations and transverse loading design recommendations EP 91-0003

Cernocky, E.P., Nordgren, R.P. and Scholibo, F.C., BRC Interim guidelines for Cognac casing design, Canyon field, Mississippi, USA EP 87-1779 Maersk Olie og Gas A/S Study of perforating damage on chalk formations EP 92-1886






Cernocky, E.P., Mai, H. and Wong, G.K., BRC Influence of perforation holes on the ability of casing to resist non- uniform, transverse point loads induced by formation compaction EP 87-2028 Fokker, P.A., Klever, F.J. and Marchina, P.J.M., KSEPL User Manual and background theory to the program CASINT EP 92-1961 Wicks, M., WRC Physical and mathematical modelling of the fluid flow characteristics of a casing bellows for project Auger WRC-2252 Cernocky, E.P., Paslay, P.R., Sims, N.L. and Wahleithner, J.P., BRC The computer program STUCK. a model to quantitatively estimate the ability to run a work string into a well with kinked casing or to run a casing into a well with a severe dogleg Explanation and User Manual EP 92-1507

Deep-water well Deepwater wells present two problems for the casing designer, casing setting depth, and environmental loading above the seabed. Firstly, these environments have lower fracture gradients than equivalent depths for land wells, or offshore wells in shallow water. As the water depth increases, fracture gradients are significantly different, particularly in the shallow sections of the well. Selection of casing setting depths must take into account these reduced fracture gradients [1,2]. Secondly, current and wave loading can result in direct and indirect loading on the marine conductor, subsea wellhead system and foundation pile [3,4]. Generated fatigue loads should be addressed in dose cooperation with the Structural Engineering Department. Since it is not desirable to cement the conductor casing-marine conductor annulus above seabed, a centralisation program will be required which also takes into account the transfer of loading between conductor casing and marine conductor. Also here the Structural Engineering Department should assist.

18.10.1 References [1]




SIPM, EP/29 Effect of abnormal pore pressure on deepwater drilling EP-47228 Merer, Y. and Assen, G. 1984 deepwater campaign, operations review well Z2-lx and well Kn-lx, offshore Brunei, N.W. Borneo EP-62152 Novacek, L.L. Exploratory drilling experience with moored semi submersibles in 1100 ft deep water EP-48196 Rhind, P.B. Performance of the Petrel - a dynamically positioned drillship drilling on wells 206 / 2-1 and 206 / 2- la, N.W. of the Shetlands Isles, Summer 1980 EP-54256


Gas-lift well Casing designs for wells in which gas-lift completions are to be installed are based upon different design load cases from standard wells [1,2]. They have to be treated differently from standard wells in two respects: (i)

definition of the possible pressure profiles within the "live" tubing/production casing annulus (A-annulus).


design of the intermediate casing to withstand the consequences of a leak in the production casing for subsea wells.

A-annulus pressure profiles for the production phase should be constructed, in close cooperation with the Production Technologist, for the following production-mode cases [3,4]: -



gas lift;


closed in, and assuming a leaking gas lift valve;


evacuation to unpressured injection gas.

Casing design for the drilling phase is based on the standard design criteria. 18.11.1 References [1]




de Meijer, T. Well Engineering Information Note 177: Subsea Development Casing Design EP 92-1684 Hombroek, J.A.R., Hartog, J.J., Carmona da Mota, A.L. and Gresham, J.S. Maraven, Lagunillas, Maracaibo, Venezuela: lake well completions review EP-6071 Nederveen, N. and Overboom, G.R., KSEPL Heat transfer calculations in TEMPEST for gas-lifted and dual string production wells EP 90-2942 Oudeman, P., KSEPL TEMPEST: a computer program for the prediction of well temperature and pressure profiles for production, injection, dual string, and artificial lift wells - User Manual 1990 version EP 90-3023


Operational aspects


Introduction Once the casing design has been completed, the casing still has to be purchased, transported, installed and monitored (see Figure O-1). During each of these stages, correct procedures and practices must be implemented to ensure that the capability of the casing to perform its designated functions is not reduced. Early awareness of these considerations during the design phase is important and can have a substantial impact on overall well costs. Technological advances, meanwhile, have led to improvements in the safety and efficiency of casing-handling operations. This chapter therefore examines the following post-design aspects: -

ordering casing;


storage, handling and transport of casing;


preparation of casing prior to running;


running and testing casing;


condition monitoring of installed casing.

It should be emphasised that this chapter is not intended as an operational manual, nor as a replacement for Opco-specific operation manuals addressing these issues. It serves mainly to increase awareness of available reports and manuals, and to highlight areas where improvements can be made by adding to specifications and introducing new equipment or techniques. 19.2

Ordering casing i)

Timing Casing is one of the most critical well consumables with respect to timing. Total elapsed time for procurement of Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTGs) varies from 6-8 months. This includes tendering procedures, placing of the purchase order, manufacturing and delivery to the required location. Normal delivery time from a mill once an order has been placed is in general, 3-4 months far API materials J55 and K55, 4-5 months for materials N80, L80, P110, and Q125, and six months for C95. Casing with premium connections requires approximately two weeks more than API connections. Group Materials can provide up-to-date information on delivery times [1]. In case required delivery times cannot be met by the mills, the following options are available: -

order from a stockist (but selection may be limited and the cost higher);


borrow from other Opcos or operators;


use surplus of other Opcos - Group Materials can provide details of available surplus [2].


SIPM MAIP/12, The Hague have agreements with Japanese and European mills for Opcos in Europe, the Middle East and the Far East. These agreements provide security of supply by guaranteeing a maximum delivery time of 3-4 months, a maximum price and flexibility in terms of allowing late changes to order specifications. For other Opcos, MAIP/12 tenders worldwide. ii)

Vendor selection Four criteria have to be met by vendors, i.e.: - commercially attractive; - quality management system as per ISO 9001; - technically acceptable to manufacture OCTGs; - acceptable delivery performance. Refer to SIPM MAPC/3, The Hague for vendor information.


Buying description Reference should be made to API Specification 5CT [3] and API Standard 5B [4]. These documents contain specifications for casing, tubing and threads and should be referred to in purchase orders. Additional information can be found in a specially prepared DEN [5]. API Specification 5CT also includes suggestions for the minimum contents of a casing purchase order (with references to the appropriate sections of the Specification) together with a list of optional specifications which may be selected. Optional specifications are available in Specification 5CT for such areas as pipe coatings, drift requirements, hydrostatic test pressures and thread protectors. Refer to the specification for a full list of options. Materials departments within the Opcos and Group Materials in SIPM use standard buying descriptions consisting of the basic pipe and thread requirements in accordance with Specification 5CT and Standard 5B, together with selected options from those documents. Operational requirements should also be addressed during preparation of the buying description as described below. Where handling and storage arrangements permit, API "long" casing (Range 3) should be specified to minimise the number of connections, the running time and, as a consequence, the overall cost of a casing string. Note that API Specification 5CT gives the maximum allowable length of Range 3 casing as 48 ft. In certain cases pipe of this length may cause handling and transport difficulties and transport surcharges may be imposed. Under such circumstances a maximum Range 3 length of 45 ft is often specified in the purchase order. 7 3 In order to eliminate the need for odd bit sizes (e.g. 5 /8 in, 8 /8 in and 12 in), " alternate drift" casing should be specified whenever possible. Standard drift sizes are given in API Specification 5CT Section 5, while sizes for alternate drift casing are given in Section 6. Pipe which is drifted with the larger mandrels should then be marked as such as in accordance with Section 10 of the same document.

At the time of ordering it should be checked that all eventual components of the casing string are dimensionally compatible with the selected pipe and couplings. It may be necessary to specify smaller dimensional tolerances than are given in API Specification 5CT in order to ensure compatibility and sealability, specially for premium connections. For example, API Specification 5CT cites pipe body outside diameter tolerances as +1.0%/0.5%. Reduction of the pipe body tolerances to +0.75%/-0.5% will eliminate these problems [5] and improves the collapse load bearing capacity.

It should also be ensured that, where necessary, these components are at least as strong as the weaker of the pipe or the connections [6,7,8,9,10,11]. Such components include pup joints, crossovers, casing hangers, liner hangers, tie-back packers, float equipment and multi-stage cementing equipment. A minimum check on these components should include: -

through bore; body and coupling OD; tensile, collapse and burst rating; material specification; thread type; temperature rating. Suppliers of accessories (e.g. float equipment) should be encouraged to purchase threaded casing and pup joints for use in their products direct from the mill which supplied the casing to Shell. Otherwise, the cost of cutting threads on the finished product is often excessive. Drift mandrels for casing as set out in API Specification 5CT, are a minimum 12 in (0.3048 m) in length, whereas those for tubing are a minimum 42 in (1.0668 m) in length. It should be noted that this is based on API nomenclature where tubulars having a body outer diameter off less than 4½ in (0.1143 m) are referred to as tubing and larger sizes are termed casing. In Shell's worldwide operations however, 5½ in (0.1397 m) and 7 in (0.1778 m) OD pipe is often used as tubing and pipe having an OD of 4½ in (0.1143 m) or less may be used as casing in slimhole drilling. Thus, drifting practices should be based on the application of the tubular rather than purely on size. Casing drift mandrels should ideally be at least 36 in (0.9144 m) in length to confirm passage for long full-bore tools [12].

It should be ensured that the connection thread is concentric with the pipe internal diameter. One way to achieve this is to specify that the machine tool chuck is placed on the internal diameter of the pipe body when cutting the thread.


Storage, handling and transport The following is taken from the Group Materials document Guide to Materials Administration [13]. Particular reference should be made to Chapter 10 "Warehouse and Yard Operations". i)

Storage The design of pipe racks is largely dependent on local conditions, such as the required load bearing capacity and the degree of permanency. Racks can be made with pipe supports (known as stringers) set on concrete, or on large wooden bases provided with recesses to accommodate the stringers. They should be spaced in such a way as to adequately support the longest as well as the shortest joint in stock. This requires a spacing of around 6.5 ft (2 m) which allows 20 ft (6.1 in) joints to be stared on two stringers and 40 ft (12.2 in) joints on four stringers. For temporary stringers timber is often used. The dimensions will depend on the soil bearing capacities but 10 x 10 in (25 cm x 25 cm) is generally sufficient. Casing should be stacked with separators between layers. Tubulars should never be nested. Separators in successive layers should be vertically in line to avoid bending moments on the pipes. As separators, timber of around 2 x 3 in (5 x 7.5 cm) can be used with a wedge at both ends. The use of fresh timber should be avoided as the moisture in the timber is squeezed out by the weight of the tubulars causes local corrosion and pitting of the casing in contact with the separators. Where casing is stored for long periods in wet climates, it is advisable to separate the joints on the racks to allow for drainage. This is achieved by use of a plastic wedge or Tpiece. Furthermore, the rack should be tilted towards the pin-end to enhance self drainage (open-ended thread protectors should be used in this instance). In determining space requirements for casing, the following points are to be considered: -

height of stack; diameter of casing (including coupling); range of casing and total footage; size of pipe racks; working space.

In accordance with API Recommended Practice RP 5Cl [14], Section 3, the height of the stack should not exceed 10 ft (3 in) including the pipe rack. If the height of the rack above the ground is taken to be 20 in (0.5 m) then the maximum height of casing on the rack should not exceed 8 ft (2.5 m). In case of temporary storage where casing is stacked on the ground, it is even more advisable for safety purposes, to limit the height of the stack. The length of each pipe rack should be sufficient to accommodate Range 3 tubulars. The width of the rack can vary, but for the limited quantity of each type of casing held in stock, the width should not be more than 40 ft (12 m) nor less than 20 ft (6 m). A lane not less than 20 ft (6 m) wide should be allowed on either side of the racks for transport and handling operations, with a space of approximately 5 ft (1.5 m) between racks. For small quantities, particularly small diameter casing/tubing it is impractical to build a stack to the maximum height. Here the stacking height must be reduced and the stack width increased in proportion. (A rough guide is that the height of tubulars in a stack should not exceed the base width). Therefore when planning pipe racks, allowance must be made for small quantities which require more space than the table indicates.


Preservation The corrosivity of the atmosphere depends on the degree of contamination which can vary considerably from place to place even though they may only be a few hundred metres apart. Significant corrosion occurs if the air is polluted. The usual contaminants are the result of domestic and industrial combustion and when close to the sea, wind borne salt. The presence of moisture alone, even prolonged rain, will not cause significant corrosion of steel. Sand and dirt collecting on steel can increase corrosion by holding contaminants on the surface. Cost should be taken into account when choosing a preservative. Some types are expensive and can only be justified by the high cost or critical nature of the material to be protected. It does not always follow that the most expensive method of preservation is the most suitable. There are publications on methods of preservation, and systems change from time to time as new products become available or new demands occur. In this section only the broad outlines will be touched upon. Detailed information is available from SIPC [15]. a)

Pipe body Unless otherwise requested at the time of purchase, casing is ordered in accordance with API Specification 5CT and therefore the pipe body will have a mill coating. The purpose of the mill coating is to protect the casing from rusting in transit. Since API is not specific in this respect, the type and quality of these coatings vary as does the length of time the coatings gives protection in storage. If casing is to remain in storage for a long period, the mill coating could be supplemented or the casing completely cleaned from the mill coat and re-coated. The internal and external surfaces of production tubulars may be grit blasted and then re-coated prior to storage. This cleaning minimises any loose material that might cause problems during completion, the operation or workover of the well. There is evidence to suggest that mill coatings and other applied coatings affect the signals from acoustic cement evaluation devices such as CBL, CET, and SBT (Atlas Wireline's Segmented Bond Tool) [16]. The log will indicate weak or even no cement bond when this is not in fact the case. There is also some evidence that the presence of an external coating might adversely affect the actual hydraulic bond [16]. As a result, for casings where it is important to be able to detect the quality of the cement bond accurately, all mill coating should be removed by grit blasting but no coating should then be applied unless necessary for corrosion purposes. Where coatings are applied, this fact should be recorded on the headers of cement bond logs. Whenever grit blasting is carried out, extreme care should be taken to ensure that the proper thread protectors are fitted to prevent damage to the threaded connections during the blasting operation. Where internal surface coating is required, the use of coatings which give a thick film should be avoided because of potential problems running wireline tools. Particular care is required to prevent the corrosion of notch-sensitive casing such as C95 and P110. If storage for more than three months is foreseen, unless adequately coated when delivered, casing of these grades should be cleaned and coated internally and externally. As already mentioned thorough cleaning is essential for effective conservation and all scale, rust, dirt, oil and grease should be removed before any coating is applied. If any deposits on or in the tubulars have contained salts, such as from sea water spray during shipment, the surfaces should be washed with fresh water and then dried.

Recommended storage coatings for internal and external casing surfaces are given below. Pipe body storage compound Internal External

: :

Blacksmith CP 914 Agma 273 Agma 865 Agma 5601 Shell Ensis HP

Several external coatings have been identified as acceptable only provided that the tubulars are covered (with a tarpaulin). These are: b)

Malacote 400 Oil Centre Research Inc. 911 Shell Ensis MD

Threaded connections Recommended storage compounds for thread corrosion protection are given below [17,18]. Whilst in storage, thread protectors should be removed from time to time to check that the thread compound is in good condition. If in doubt, washing, brushing and re-application of the compound should be carried out. Thread storage compound Shell Rhodina Grease 2 Geveko Mercasol 630 Jet Marine Imperator 1078 Kendex OCTG corrosion inhibitor TSC thread storage compound Cortec VCl-369 Rust Vetco heavy RD5 It should be noted that a storage compound is not to be used as a running compound and that a running compound is not to be used as a storage compound [18,19]. There are hybrid compounds available which can be used for both storage and running. The recommended products are: Hybrid compound Kendex Enviro Seal Mercasol 633 SR Multimake White Cats Paw black 712 S Bestolife copperfree PTC Bestolife 2000 5% copper Shell Francaise SF 3646 Most running compounds contain chemicals that are harmful to the environment such as lead, copper, zinc, arsenic, antimony and molybdenum disulphide. The Drilling Engineering Association (Europe) has carried out research into metal-free compounds, which can be used for both storage and running [17]. See Chapter on Connections for details.


Handling in the pipeyard Reference should be made to the Guide to Materials Administration [13], Chapter 10, "Warehouse and Yard Operations".


Transportation Road Always ensure that tubular goods are adequately secured, irrespective of how short the journey may be. Forces are generated on the load when a vehicle brakes, accelerates, changes direction or crosses road undulations. These forces are frequently greater than the frictional restraint between load and platform which means that all loads must be secured by a restraining device. The device must be sufficient to withstand a force equal to not less than the total weight of the load forward and half of the weight of the load backwards and sideways. The design and construction of anchorage points through which the securing device can be attached must allow twice the specified capacity acting in any direction. Anchorage points must be firmly attacked to the chassis or to a metal cross member or outrigger and where practical with doubling plates. Prior to moving off with the loaded vehicle all tensioning devices should be checked by the driver and after a few miles the lashings should again be checked, thereafter at regular intervals during the journey. Water The stowage and transportation of casing by marine craft will be the sole responsibility of the Master. The safe handling of tubulars to/from the vessel will follow closely the guidelines indicated above. It is good operating practice to ensure that casing, where possible, be bundled in preparation for handling offshore. When bundled the slings are doubled wrapped and secured with a bulldog grip and a plastic tie-wrap. The bulldog stops the loops of the sling round the bundle from becoming loose during transit, the tie-wrap is an extra precaution to stop the bulldog from slipping. The reason why the joints are bundled in this way is in case there is a snatch- lift, i.e. while the load is being unloaded from the vessel, the vessel heaves and dips due to wave action leaving the load to be supported by the crane suddenly, the load will be secure and joints will not become loose and fall.


Identification Electronic tagging of casing is a development that will improve pipe identification and inventory control. This involves attaching to the casing a small passive electronic chip which has a unique identity number. Against that number the user can store any information he chooses, e.g. pipe dimensions, material grade, date of manufacture, thread inspection records. Electronic tagging devices are under development by, among others, Den-Con Tool Company of Oklahoma, USA, and Eur-Tra of The Netherlands.


Low-temperature environments Low ambient temperatures substantially reduce the size of the flaw necessary to cause failure. The following procedures, while being applicable in all circumstances, are particularly important for low temperature environments: -

Do not drop, bend, or scratch the pipe. If lengths of pipe have to be forcibly separated due to ice accumulation, take care not to scar the metal surface.


Thread protectors should be removed without hammering or shock loading.


Extra precautions should be taken when stabbing the pipe, since low temperatures reduce the impact resistance of the metal.


Box and pin should be of equal temperature to ensure proper make-up. Use Arctic grade thread lubricant.


Preparation for running Proper preparation of casing before running serves two purposes [17]. Firstly it should ensure that the pipe body and threads are adequately protected from possible damage when being moved to the drill floor. Secondly, the preparation should be such that handling of the casing on the drill floor (and hence the time to run the casing) is kept to an absolute minimum. These goals can be achieved by use of the following equipment and procedures: a)

Identification and measurement Electronic tagging will eliminate the need for casing length measurement at the wellsite. Numbering of each joint with paint will still be necessary, however, to enable quick visual identification.


Bucking units These should be used in the pipe yard or at the wellsite to make up casing accessories such as float collars which are time consuming to install at the rotary table.


Cleaning of threads Prior to inspection of the casing threads, the storage compound should be fully removed from the threads using fast drying solvents. The threads should then be blowdried, making sure no excess solvent is left on the threads. Diesel should not be used as a cleaning agent. The subsequently applied dope may be contaminated and will have difficulty adhering to a surface cleaned by diesel. Furthermore working with diesel can be detrimental to health by contact and inhalation of the fumes. Also, diesel should be disposed of in a controlled environmentally friendly way. Hybrid (i.e. multi-purpose) thread compounds eliminate the need for this cleaning process.


Inspection With the casing still on the pipe rack, the threads should be inspected for damage to the thread itself or to the sealing area [20]. While the casing is being run, an inspection party could be considered to check that the casing is run according to approved practice, including whether the coupling has moved during make-up (by reference to a pre-marked scribe line) and whether the torque-turn graph is within specification. All inspection could be performed by an independent quality control surveyor, often a third party [21].


Dope applicators To eliminate the need to manually apply thread running/sealing compound (dope) at the drillfloor and to improve the quality (and quantity) of its application, automatic dope applicators can be used while the casing is still on the pipe rack. Portable equipment, such as Weatherford's Accukote Applicator [22], can be used to apply lubricant to the box thread of pipe ranging from 2 3/8 in (0.0603 m) to 20 in (0.5080 m) O.D. As well as saving time, such a method offers the following additional advantages: -

accurate control of the volume applied and thus reduction of downhole contamination by internal extrusion;


uniformity of application (i.e. not operator dependent);


lubricant temperature can be controlled for colder climates, making it easier to apply;


filtering mechanisms ensure lubricant consistency and cleanliness.


Thread running compounds The recommended running compounds to be applied to the threaded connections are listed below [17,18]. All conform to API Bull. 5A2 [19]. Running compound Calcium hydroxy stearate grease base Aluminium stearate grease base Calcium stearate grease base Thread Kote No. 706 It should be noted that a running compound is not to be used as a storage compound and that a storage compound is not to be used as a running compound. Hybrid compounds which can be used for both storage and running do exist. The recommended compounds are: Hybrid compound Kendex Enviro Seal Mercasol 633 SR Multi make White Cats Paw black 712 S Bestolife copperfree PTC Bestolife 2000 5% copper Shell Francaise SF 3646 No distinction is currently made between the type of connection (premium, buttress, API round) in selecting thread running compounds. Most running compounds contain chemicals that are harmful to the environment such as lead, copper, zinc, arsenic, antimony and molybdenum in disulphide. The Drilling Engineering Association (Europe) has carried out research into metal-free compounds, which can be used for both storage and running [17]. See Chapter on Connections for details.


Thread protectors for handling casing The basic function of a thread protector is to protect threads and seals against impact loading and corrosion. Thread protectors can be divided into two types: Threaded or transit protector This type of protector, for both pin and box, can be used from the mill up to the moment the joint is laid down on the pipe rack, where it is taken off to allow removal of the storage compound. Most of these heavy-duty type of connectors are composed of a moulded polymer body reinforced with a cylindrical steel insert. However they can also consist of 100% polymers. Shell Research, Rijswijk, and Exxon Production Research (among others) have performed evaluations of such commercially available thread protectors [23,24]. In general, the installation procedures for these protectors, as stated by the manufacturers, are poorly defined. A clear description is of particular importance since proper functioning of a protector is closely allied to the way it is fitted on the pipe end. Figures for the required installation torque, are available from some manufacturers, whilst from others no figures are available but simply definitions like: "handtight followed by a sudden tightening with a steel bar". Note that transit protectors are guaranteed to protect only individual lengths during movement. Protection is not guaranteed, when joints are bundled together, since the applied impact load experienced by the protector on a single protruding joint will be considerably greater.

Handling or non-threaded protector The non-threaded protector, also called handling protector, is installed on the pin prior to lifting the joint up to the drillfloor. In most cases it is either a clamp-on type or an inflatable type. Clamp-on style protectors designed for API connections can cause seal area damage when used for premium connections. The operating mechanism can contribute to seal area damage if the protector is incorrectly installed. A recommended alternative protector which has been field proven is the Klepo Inflatable Thread protector. This protector, available in sizes from 2 3/8 in (0.0603 m) to 30 in (0.7620 m) pipe, is a solid circular ring manufactured from polyurethane. It is inflated using rig air supply once it has been installed over the pin end threads. The protector then provides a uniform 360 degrees grip and is independent of thread type. Once the joint is ready for stabbing, the protector is deflated and removed [25,26]. h)

Centralisers A11 centralisers must be qualified by test for the application in question [27-30]. Centralisers should be installed while the casing is on the pipe rack whenever possible. A development by Weatherford in the area of casing centralisation are centralisers which can be activated once they are downhole. This can be achieved either by pressure, temperature or chemical activation. These centralisers will reduce drag forces while the casing is being run, will pass through casing spiders, will prevent damage to wellheads, but will still provide centralisation of the casing during cementing.


Float equipment Float equipment should always be qualified by test prior to use [11,31-371. For situations where tubulars can be run without a BOP, automatic-fill float equipment may be used. This equipment is available in casing sizes from 4½ in to 20 in and allows the casing to be filled from below while being run. Conversion from the "open" configuration to conventional mode is achieved (depending on the type) either by dropping a ball or by circulating at a predetermined rate.


Magnetised casing joints Magnetised joints of casing, placed at the shoe, have been identified by Shell Research, Rijswijk, as increasing the range of passive homing-in tools used in relief well drilling [383 40]. For casing ODs from 4½ in (0.1143 m) to 13 /8 in (0,3397 m) detection ranges between 75 and 140 ft (23 to 42 m) can be obtained with regular electronic magnetic surveying tools. Especially for slimhole projects artificial magnetisation is required to keep the option of magnetostatic homing-in. The magnetising procedure can be carried out by preparing the casing in a shop or on site before it is run. Tuboscope offer these services. Tests have shown that the accuracy of neither logging tools nor surveying tools is adversely affected by running through one or two magnetised casing joints. However, the azimuth accuracy of some gyrotools may be affected when they perform their initial North-alignment downhole in close proximity of these joints. An along-hole distance of ±130 ft ( ±40 m) to the nearest pole is regarded a safe spacing.


Running and testing To ensure that the casing is run efficiently to the correct depth and in the desired condition, use of the following equipment and techniques should be considered in the design phase [17]: a)

Rig hoisting capacity The casing designer should be aware of the hoist capacity of the rig which is to drill the well. Where deep, heavy strings are required, it may be necessary to set a liner and tieback instead of a complete string. Alternatively, the drilling sequence may be rearranged to allow the use of a larger rig for a particular well. Floating devices, different from the float shoe/collar, could be considered. However, thorough evaluation of these tools and their applications is required in the design phase.


Handling Handling of casing between pipe deck and drillfloor should be carried out in accordance with the EP Safety Manual [41]. Particular care should be taken when handling casing hangers and housings with pup joints above and below, that the lifting point is above the centre of gravity. This ensures that the load is stable when lifted. Some service companies have developed in-house tubular handling and running manuals [42].


Safety clamp The traditional type of safety clamp, mainly used when running extreme line casing, requires manual tightening of a torque nut - invariably using a sledge hammer. This technique inevitably leads to variations in the amount of "set" taken by the clamp and can be time consuming. The Clamp Master from Bros Services uses a hydraulic piston instead of the torque nut which ensures that the clamp is always tightened to the same degree. It is also quicker, safer (since no hammering is required), requires fewer personnel and reduces the risk of dropping tools downhole.


Casing hand slips and casing spider Poorly fitting slips or bushings could cause severe damage to the casing which may not be noticed while running. Make sure this is thoroughly checked at the early stages of the job. Before use check whether: - the size of the slip assembly matches the casing OD; - there are sufficient segments to grip the casing all around; - all dies are present; - all segments are in full contact with the casing.


Single joint weight compensator Positioning of the pin in the box during make-up is critical. If no weight is transferred to the box, make-up cannot take place. If too much weight is transferred, stabbing and alignment becomes difficult and galling may occur due to high contact loads. It is extremely difficult for the driller to achieve accurate weight transfer with the standard rig hoisting system. The same problems also apply to connection break-out. Although the susceptibility of connections to stabbing damage and galling can be minimised in the connection design process, controlled and accurate weight transfer is the key to successful make-up. By the installation of a compensating device between the rig's travelling block and the single joint elevator, the weight of the pipe is neutralised and controlled downward penetration of the pipe is possible during make-up. This is highly recommended for both make-up and break-out of premium connections and/or corrosion resistant alloy (CRA) tubulars. Casing service companies can supply single joint compensators in different weight ranges to cover all casing sizes.


Multi-size rig tongs Automatic rig tongs are now available which can make up and break out drill pipe, drill collars, casing and tubing in one machine. The size range is 2 3/8 in (0.0603 m) to 21 in (0.5334 m), and torques of up to 140,000 ft.lbs (189,805 Nm) are possible. Associated computer equipment monitors and records each make-up. One example is the Weatherford Torque Wrenching Machine.


Non-marking jaws In corrosive operating environments where defects or stress concentrations in the casing may have catastrophic consequences, the use of non-marking jaws should be considered, not only on the rig floor (tongs, slips, elevators) but also in the threading plant. Such jaws, based on elastomers, are available from Weatherford in sizes up to 7 in (0.1778 m) casing. Frank's International and Weatherford can supply power tongs which grip the entire circumference of the pipe by means of fluid pressure applied to a non-metallic gripping surface. As a result, the tubular surface is not penetrated, and stress concentrations are avoided. Low stress tong dies are available from, amongst others, Cousino (USA).


Connection make-up torque Reference should be made to Shell Research, Rijswijk, connection qualification tests for selection of optimum make-up torque to allow for adequate sealing capability [17]. This torque is often significantly different from those quoted by manufacturers. It should also be noted that make-up torque will vary with different thread compounds and may also vary for different manufacturing batches of the same compound (see Chapter L on Connections). The correct make-up of any threaded connection cannot, however, be judged on torque alone. Correct make-up torque can be reached under a variety of unacceptable circumstances such as crossed, dirty, or galled threads. Surface finish variations may also influence the required torque. It is important that adequate pin penetration into the box is achieved to assure design stress levels are achieved in the connection. As a result, torque-turn data are published by the connection manufacturers and can be compared with that measured in the field using portable equipment (e.g. Weatherford JAM system). These data are usually based on the use of an API 5A2 formulated compound. The use of a thread compound other than this requires the use of a correction factor to accommodate the differences in friction coefficient. Critical on-site analysis of torque-turn graphs is, at present, seen as the best practical means of identifying potentially leaking connections before they are run into the hole. Even with premium seal connections incorporating a torque shoulder, in which final torque is a reasonable indicator of adequate seal pressure, torque- turn measuring equipment is recommended because of the accuracy of the torque gauge.


Soft-torque tongs (from Camco/Bilco or Frank's International) and/or Weatherford's A-QTork system are recommended to prevent overtorque due to the inertia of the rotating pipe/tong mass. Connection leak testing Field leak detection equipment is mainly used while running tubing, although it would also be highly applicable to production casing in gaslift wells. Evidence to date concludes that gas-based leak detection tools, which use a spectrometer to detect the leak, work better than the hydrostatic pressure leak detection tools [43,44]. Examples of such gas-based tools are the HOLD and Supra HOLD, both manufactured by Weatherford [45]. The HOLD system works with a gas mixture of 99% Nitrogen and 1% Helium. It requires a considerable amount of gas and strict safety measures. The SUPRA HOLD uses a small volume of pure Helium gas. Water is used to pre- pressure up the system, after which Helium is used to attain the required test pressure. The advantage of the SUPRA over the older HOLD system is that as less gas required, it is safer and more sensitive. A pressure test can be performed on the connection from both sides, i.e. from the inside to the outside, or from the outside to the inside.

Field leak detection equipment may not be capable of detecting all leaking connections within a reasonable period of time, since it may take a considerable amount of time for the gas to percolate through the running compound trapped between the threads. The response time can be improved by limiting the quantity of thread compound applied to the connections but this increases the risk of galling and may result in high shouldering torques. The use of ultrasonic measurements of contact stresses to assess the sealing integrity of connections in the field is being investigated. A field trial on a prototype tool was successful, although further work is necessary. The tool was developed to be able to check Finite Element Analysis stress predictions.


It is based on the fact that the amplitude of an ultrasonic beam reflected from an interface is dependent on the contact pressure at that interface [46]. Polymeric seals


Connections that incorporate polymeric seals will require a high degree of on-site supervision of the installation procedures to ensure that the seal is present, clean and undamaged [47]. Mill-end leakages The major cause of mill-end leakage appears to be improper make up at the mill as indicated by the movement of the mill-end during field connection make-up. This can be detected by observing a scribe line marked across the coupling/pipe body interface. The movement causes an unfavourable redistribution of the thread compound solids which were originally plated on the threads when the mill installed the couplings. Field tests indicate that floating on the coupling, with make-up occurring simultaneously at both ends of the coupling, eliminates the tendency for leakage to occur on the mill- end, provided fresh thread compound is used [48,49]. This, however, necessitates the use of slip-type elevators and safety clamps rather than collar elevators when lowering the string for the next connection. API Specification 5CT recognises the leakage problem encountered with mill- installed couplings, and states that cleaning and inspecting threads and applying fresh thread compound before using the pipe results in less chance of thread leakage. These standards make provision for ordering API tubular goods with couplings screwed on hand tight or shipped separately from the pipe. However, it is recommended that casing the ordered with mill-installed couplings; but if any movement of the coupling is observed during field make-up, the connection should be backed out, cleaned, re-doped and remade.


Casing running speeds Use should be made of swab/surge calculations to determine the maximum allowable running/pulling speeds. Note that swab and surge pressures are exerted upon the formation irrespective of the location of the casing being run relative to the previous shoe. This means that care should be taken even when still inside cased hole. Since shock load calculations used in designing the string are based on typical running speeds, it may be necessary to run casing slowly to reduce these potential loads.


Drifting casing while running Although not always recommended, when making up connections to torque values significantly greater than the manufacturers recommended figures, a check should be made for reduction of internal diameter at the connections. This can be achieved by vertically drifting the casing after (for example) every ten connections. Since the API casing drift is short 6-12 in (0.1524-0.3048 m), relative to some downhole tools, it can be useful to construct a long dummy tool, 42 in (1.0668 in), in aluminium for drifting purposes.


Circulating devices For rigs with top drive, the TAM or La Fleur casing circulating packers allow casing to be circulated through tight sections of open hole without the use of a circulating head. It is made up to the top drive via a drill pipe pup joint. As each casing joint is made up, the packer is stabbed into the top of the joint as the elevators are lowered. This casing is filled through the uninflated packer as the joint is lowered. At tight sections the packer is inflated to seal to internal diameter of the casing and circulation can then be established. The packer can later be returned to filling mode if desired. For rigs without top drive, a Kwik Koupler circulating head is available from Baker Oil Tools which uses a seal pack-off unit to seal over the casing collar. (Similar equipment is available from other companies such as Halliburton and Dowell Schlumberger). This simplifies installation compared to threaded connection circulating heads and minimises stoppage time. This tool can also be used as a cement head. It is available in sizes ranging from 2 3/8 in (0.0603 in) to 13 3/8 in (0.3397 m).


One-way strings Use should be made of the DRAGTORQ program within OSCP to predict drag forces while running in or pulling back a casing string. In some instances, the load required to pull back the casing, once it reaches a certain depth, will exceed the tensile capacity of the casing at surface. Such a string is known as a "one-way" string [50]. Drag forces can be minimised by optimising the wellpath design. This will generally be achieved by use of the lowest possible dogleg severity in build and drop sections. Drilling equipment and practices should be implemented so as to accurately follow the desired wellpath and to eliminate severe localised doglegs [51].


Pressure testing Pressure testing of a cemented casing string (either immediately after installation or during a workover) will be limited by a number of factors, namely: i) the pressure rating of exposed cementing accessories; ii) the minimum burst rating of the casing (taking into account any suspected wall thickness reduction due to wear or-corrosion); iii) the tensile load that results from the pressure test; iv) the possibility of damaging the cement bond during pressure testing as the casing expands radially; v)

the pressure rating of the surface equipment. Pressure tests for combination strings, where the burst rating and tensile rating vary along the string, need to be carefully planned and usually require a retrievable packer to be used to isolate the weaker sections. Also damage to the cement sheath can be avoided by application of such tools.


Perforating A good overview of perforating techniques and related operations is given in [63]. It is concluded that a significant part of the explosive energy of a shape charge is absorbed by the production casing. As a result damage may occur in the form of deformation and cracks or splits in the casing. Several authors have investigated casing damage caused by jet perforating, and their main findings and recommendations are summarised: - Hollow carrier steel shaped charges cause little casing deformation and no significant damage. - Large expendable guns of charge loads >20 gram are likely to cause damage if the casing is in poor condition and/or unsupported. - All types of shape charge guns can be used in well cemented casing with minimal damage. In cases where it is suspected that the condition of the production casing is poor or the casing is unsupported, it is recommended to (re)perforate using hollow carrier guns.


Monitoring the condition of installed casing Once a casing string has been successfully cemented in place and tested, subsequent operations must be planned to ensure that the casing remains fit for purpose. Condition monitoring systems should be implemented to highlight the potential problems so that timely action can be taken. a)

Drillpipe tool joint hardfacing Tool joint hardfacing on drillpipe should be designed so as to minimise casing wear (see Chapter on Casing Wear). Acceptable specifications, hardfacing techniques, and inspection procedures have been recommended by Shell Research, Rijswijk [52]. Hardfacing specifications are also included in the SQAIR for drillpipe [53]. These requirements should be included in all drilling contracts, and the condition of the hardfacing should be checked once the rig comes under contract, and at regular intervals thereafter. Field re-hardfacing is a problem and can now be eliminated by the use of a new material. This new hardfacing material - Armacor - has been shown in tests to reduce both casing wear and drillstring friction relative to current hardfacing materials [54]. The material forms a very hard, thin, glass-like layer. When the surface is worn away a new layer is formed, i.e. it is self repairing. The manufacturer is Amtech, based in Houston.


Drillpipe casing protectors Rubber casing protectors can be placed close to the drillpipe tool joints with the aim of preventing contact between the tool joint hardfacing and the casing wall. Alternatively, they can be placed in the middle of the pipe, thus increasing the number of contact points with the casing wall and hence lowering the contact forces that lead to wear. Tests and field studies have lead to the understanding that drillpipe protectors will not prevent severe casing wear when placed next to the tool joint [55-58]. It has been found that the protectors themselves wear quickly and deform enormously under loading. Loss of protectors is common, due to the weak gripping mechanism and the "snowballing" of protectors can lead to well control problems due to annulus pack-off. They also create complications when closing pipe rams in a well control situation. If the protector location is not measured, or the protector has slipped, there is a risk of closing the pipe rams on a protector and deforming the pipe body. The duration of stripping operations will be extended by the presence of protectors and the task made more complex if their location is not accurately known. Hence, in general, drillpipe protectors should not be used for casing wear prevention. Alternative approaches to reducing casing wear - such as the use of machined-smooth tool joint hardfacing - are preferable. Protectors may have an application, however, in reducing torque and drag in extended reach drilling. Specially the development of nonrotating protectors is mentioned here.


Monitoring and predicting wear while drilling The computer program DRAGTORQ (part of the OSCP portfolio) can be used to predict casing wear at the well design stage and to monitor casing wear while the well is being drilled. It can model the wear distribution, wall thickness reduction and metal recovery at surface. The DRAGTORQ program should be re-run once the casing has been installed and a survey has been performed to determine the actual wellpath. Magnets should be installed in the mud flowline upstream of the shale shakers to collect steel. They should be cleaned regularly to avoid the collected steel being washed off. Recovered steel should be weighed and compared with the computer predictions. Removal of steel filings from the mud will have the additional benefits of improved survey quality and increased pump life. Once casing wear has been identified as a problem, appropriate drilling techniques should be implemented to minimise wear (e.g. use of downhole motors). However, it is essential that this is considered in the well design phase.


Wear/corrosion logging Reduction in casing wall thickness due to wear or corrosion can be established using wireline logging tools and calipers. They are used mainly as repair-decision tools. In areas where casing corrosion is a known or potential problem, such logs can be included in workover programmes as appropriate. These logging tools fall into three categories: i)

Electromagnetic tools Electromagnetic tools are further divided into three types: -

Cathodic protection profile tools: Such tools are used to predict rather than measure corrosion. This is achieved by measuring the casing potential drop between the tool sensors and from this, calculating the current flow in the casing wall. The presence of such current flow indicates that corrosion is taking place. These tools can be used to determine a potential profile for casing in its native state and also when protection systems (such as cathodic protection [59]) are in place. For the latter case, they will give an indication of the effectiveness of the protection. Examples of such tools are Schlumberger's Corrosion and Protection Evaluation Tool (CPET) and the Atlas Casing Potential Profile (CPP) instrument.


Flux leakage tools: These tools use a combination of electromagnetic flux leakage and induced eddy current measurements to detect localised problems (such as pits and holes) on both internal and external surfaces. The size and depth of pits can be determined. Examples of such tools are Schlumberger's Pipe Analysis Log (PAL) and Atlas's Vertilog [60]. 3 The PAL tool has an outer diameter of 3 /8 in (0.0857 in) and can be used in casing sizes up to 10.2 in (0.2591 m) internal diameter. It will detect defects greater than 0.3 in (7.6 mm) in diameter. The flux leakage response is proportional to the depth of the defect.

The Vertilog instrument comes in a number of sizes and can be run in casing 3 ranging from 4 ½ in (0.1143m) to l3 /8 in (0.3397m) outer diameter. The depth of any defect is expressed as a percentage penetration. -

Electromagnetic thickness tools: These tools utilise an induced eddy current system to detect areas of general metal loss both internally and externally. Low vertical resolution means this method is best suited for detection of large scale wall loss such as generalised thinning, large holes, or vertical splits. When combined with acoustic thickness measurement, this device can be used to detect metal loss from casing outside the one in which the tool is run. Examples of such tools are Schlumberger's Multifrequency Electromagnetic Thickness Tool (METT) and Atlas's Magnelog. The METT comes in two sizes. The 2¾ in (0.0699 in) OD tool is suitable for casing sizes up to 9 5/8 in (0.2445 m) OD, while the 4½ in (0.1143 m) OD tool is suitable for casing up to 13 3/8 in (0.3397 m) OD. The tools can measure casing internal diameter with an accuracy of ±0.025%. The Magnelog also comes in two sizes. The 3½ in (0.0889 m) OD tool can be used in casing ranging from up to 7 5/8 in (0.1937m) OD, while the 5½ in (0.1397 m) tool can be used in casing sizes from up to 13 3/8 in (0.3307 m) OD. Accuracy of measurement of the casing diameter is again ±0.025%.


Ultrasonic tools These are often based on tools originally designed for other purposes, e.g. cement bond evaluation. Acoustic cement evaluation tools can be used to determine the location and extent of metal loss by analysis of the waveforms of reflected signals. They are most suited to the detection of general wall loss, large holes, internal scaling and casing deformation. An example of these tools is Schlumberger's Cement Evaluation Tool (CET). Other ultrasonic acoustic tools measure transit time and amplitude of a reflected signal and provide information on the condition of the internal casing surface. No information is given on wall thickness (although see below). These tools are generally used to evaluate short sections of corroded or damaged casing that have been identified as such from earlier runs with other tools. An example of this type of tool is Schlumberger's Borehole Televiewer Tool (BTT), which provides a "visual" image of the casing internal surface. It can only be run, however, in solidsfree fluids (e.g. brine). A recent development from Schlumberger is the Ultrasonic Imager (USI) which combines the capabilities of the CET with those of the BTT. As a result wall thickness information is available as well as a "visual" image of the internal casing surface.


Mechanical tools These are mechanical caliper tools which directly measure the internal diameter of the casing at a number of points around its circumference (depending on the number of caliper arms). No direct information is provided on wall thickness. The vertical resolution is dependent on the running speed. Examples are Schlumberger's Multi-Finger Caliper (MFC) and Tubing Geometry Tool (TGS), and Atlas's Multi-Finger Caliper. The Kinley caliper is also available from a number of sources. The Schlumberger MFC tool is available in three sizes which cover casing ranging rom 5 in (0.1270 m) to 13 3/8 in (0.3397 m) OD. Smallest vertical resolution is 0.2 in (5.1 mm), while maximum radial accuracy is ±0.01 in (0.3 mm). 3 The Atlas' MFC tool comes in five sizes and covers casing from 2 /8 in to 10¾ in OD. Radial accuracy is ±0.02 in (0.5 mm) for the smallest tool and ±0.05 in(1.3mm) for the other sizes.


Visual techniques In a limited number of cases downhole video camera techniques can be used. These cameras can be run on coiled tubing or wireline. Applicability is restricted to cases where a clear fluid is present (e.g. gas or clear brine) and work best when detecting "large" damage or leaks. The application of the tools mentioned above can be summarised as follows: Corrosion prediction -


Small localised pitting or small holes -

PAL, Vertilog (internal and external surfaces).


BTT, USI (internal surface and qualitative only).

General metal loss, large holes, or splits - METT, Magnelog, USI, CET (internal and external surfaces). - MFC, TGS, Kinley (internal surface only).

Since each of the above tools is generally more suited to detecting one form of metal loss than another, some prior knowledge of the nature of the problem is necessary when selecting logging tools. It may be necessary to combine several tools or to make a number of runs with different tools to properly determine the condition of the casing. Consideration should also be given to the capability for real-time display. Some tools (e.g. Kinley caliper) have no real-time output and cannot be readily processed on site. The importance of this capability will depend upon the operation. Real-time display does allow extra passes to be made over intervals that are identified as experiencing metal loss. If casing wear or corrosion is anticipated from the outset, it is advisable to run a base log immediately after the casing is installed. This will allow manufacturing defects to be differentiated from in-situ wear or corrosion. e)

Pressure testing Pressure testing of worn or corroded casing is often a cost-effective alternative to wireline logging. However a successful pressure test only indicates the minimum casing strength (and thus the minimum wall thickness) at the time of the test. No information is gained on the presence or rate of any corrosion which may reduce the casing strength with time. The test pressure should be chosen so as to ensure that the casing is capable of withstanding any loads to which it may be subjected in subsequent operations, together with a margin to allow for any further wall thickness reduction during that time.


Casing patches Internal casing patches [61] generally must have an ID large enough to allow the passage of large tools or packers. As a result the relatively thin wall means that they have little collapse resistance. The patches thus collapse or leak when exposed to external pressure or drawdown and must be avoided where these conditions will or can exist. An alternative solution to an internal patch is to cut and retrieve (if possible) the damaged casing and then run new casing with an external casing patch [62]. Unless such a patch contains a tested metal-to-metal seal, it cannot be considered gas tight. Tristate (amongst others) can provide selective back-off tools that enable damaged joints to be unscrewed and retrieved and then new joints run and screwed back in.


DRILLING EQUIPMENT NEWSLETTERS ON ISSUES RELATING TO TUBULAR Frequent reference has been made throughout this chapter to Drilling Equipment Newsletters (DENs) issued by SIPM. There are a number of these DENs which are not directly relevant to the operational aspects covered in this chapter, but which do cover OCTG-related matters. These DENs are listed below: #01/83

20 in ERW/SAW casing


Ultrasonic pipe tally


Testing of casing and tubing rams


5 API casing out of OD tolerance (2 x 9 /8 in + 7 in)


3 More API casing out of tolerance (13 /8 in)


Gauge rings x packer runs


Casing and accessories specs (colour code)


Talon connectors remedial treatment


Sealing ability of thread compounds (API PRAC 84-51)


ERW (types of heat treatment)


API Specification 5 (June 1986 standardisation conference)


7 in VAM ACE qualification test (unsuccessful)


Insulated steam injection tubing


COM 13-3/8 in ERW 54.5# X56 BTC casing


Conductor cementing/centralising practices EP 87-0160


Tubular preservation field trials


Downhole failure of a 20 in94#K55 ERW API BTC connection


Explosive cutters (9-5/8 in)


Casing cutting, section milling and casing milling


Loss of 20 in Weatherford centralisers and stop collars


Tubular specification API Spec 5 CT and 5 D


IADC/SPE 1988 Drilling Conference (Dallas, Texas) #17177

30% evacuation OK @ Philips


Influence of quantity of grease compound @ NSteel


Evaluation of thread protectors @ Shell's RnD


Gear oil replacing API thread compound @ O-G-S


Magnetised shoe track @ Shell's RnD


Gearhart tubing - chemical and jet - cutters


Casing stabbing board incident


Sidetracking in casing using AZ packstock


Optimisation of sidetracking workovers (Metal Muncher)


Perforating heavy-wall casing/limited penetration charges


PDC drillable float equipment/cement plugs


Performance properties of casing (API Bull. 5C2 misquoted)


Fasdrop cementing head


API LTC casing versus gaslift


Baash Ross casing spider derating


2-7/8 in 8.7# NK3SB-SS connection qualification (Class 111)


4.5 in 12.75# L 13% Cr NK3SB connection selection


SOC Drilling Engineering Conference #508

Annulus pressures


Unusual casing schemes


Casing collapse


5 9 /8 in casing body leak


Follow-up #44/89 - Baash Ross casing spiders derating


Follow-up #83/89 - 9-5/8 in casing body leak


Another stabbing board incident


Collar type air operated elevator


Slip type elevator upgrade


Sumitomo's VAM-AG mod KO (5 inl5# 7 in32#13%Cr)


Mechanical casing cutters vs. subsea heads


Setting modified Teledyne Merla casing patches


Qualification of premium connections 13%Cr L 80 4.5 in 12.75# Hydril CS mod OK; 7 in 29# Hydril 500/563 KO 5.5 in 17#+15.5# Hunting For mod OK and Vallourec NV KO 5.5 in 15.5# Mannesmann BDS-SC OK if min. seal compound


Qualification of premium connections (5.5 in 17# 13%Cr L 80 VAM AG; VLRC torque=leak)


CPH liner top packer obsolescence


13-3/8 in Halliburton Float Equipment


Plug container systems

#03/92 #06/92

TAM inflatable casing circulating packer Hydraulic Power Tong (field modification)


Parallel perforating system


Technical Suggestions for ordering Non-API Tubulars


References [1]

SIPM, MAPC/3 Schedule of delivery times for materials and equipment Quarterly publication


SIPM, MAPC/3 Selected surplus Quarterly publication


American Petroleum Institute Specification for casing and tubing Spec. 5CT, Third edition, 1 December 1990


American Petroleum Institute Specification for threading, gauging and thread inspection of casing, tubing and line pipe threads Std. 5B, Twelfth edition, 1987


SIPM, EPO/512 Technical suggestions for ordering non-API tubulars DEN 17/92


SIPM, EPO/512 Coupling line connections on housings and hangers DEN 26/85


SIPM, EPO/512 Casing and tubing tensile properties DEN 9/86 SIPM, EPO/512 Change of casing OD tolerances us. wellhead seal pockets DEN 8/88



SIPM, EPO/512 Follow-up to DEN 8/88 DEN 32/88


SIPM, EPO/512 Casing hanger through bore DEN 60/90


SIPM, EPO/512 Cementing float valves and rubber plugs DEN 1/84


SIPM, EPO/512 Casing drift (effective diameter vs. apparent diameter) DEN 8/86


SIPM, MA Guide to Materials Administration Note that this document is gradually being updated and replaced by the Guide to Materials Management


American Petroleum Institute Recommended practice for care and use of casing and tubing RP 5C1, Sixteenth edition, 31 May 1988


Shell temporary protectives for corrosion prevention SIPC Booklet


Rambow, F.H.K. and Cowan, K.M., BRC Bond log quality: effects of mill varnish left on casing P5-91


Bax, D. (SIPM) and Bontenbal, P.J. (KSEPL) Casing connections Contribution to the update of the SIPM Casing Design Manual (EP 50600) EP 92-1563


SIPM, EPO/512 Casing and tubing thread compounds (storage and running) DEN 41/88


American Petroleum Institute Bulletin on thread compounds Bull. 5A2, Sixth edition, 31 May 1988


Hill, T. H. What you should know about OCTG inspection World Oil, August-September-October 1984


SIPM, EPO/512 Cleaning and inspection services for tubular goods DEN 14/85


SIPM, EPO/512 Weatherford dope applicator DEN 69/88


Spruijt, E.J.C., KSEPL Performance evaluation of commercially available thread protectors EP 86-0727


Dale, B.A., Moyer, M.C. and Sampson, T.W. A test program for the evaluation of oil-field threaded protectors IADC/SPE 11396


SIPM, EPO/512 Klepo thread protectors DEN 29/86


SIPM, EPO/512 Field experience with 9-518" Klepo inflatable protectors DEN 46/86


American Petroleum Institute Specification for bow spring casing centralisers RP 10D, Fourth edition, January 1991


SIPM, EPO/512 Centralisers DEN 4/85


SIPM, EPO/512 Casing centraliser DEN 2/87


SIPM, EPO/512 Centralisers update DEN 31/85


SIPM, EPO/512 Cement float equipment and plugs DEN 5/85


SIPM, EPO/512 Baker float equipment DEN 49/85


American Petroleum Institute Recommended practice for performance testing of cementing float equipment 34 RP 10F, First edition, June 1989


SIPM, EPO/512 Float equipment information DEN 3/86


SIPM, EPO/512 Float equipment (follow-up) DEN 6/86


SIPM, EPO/512 Float equipment DEN 51/86


SIPM, EPO/512 Float equipment DEN 34/91


Lange, de J.1. and Darling, T.J. Improved detectability of blowing wells IADC/SPE 17255


Lange, de J.1. and Darling, T.J. Improved detectability of blowing wells KSEPL Publication 821, December 1987, EP 88-0068


Lange, de J.I. and Darling, T.J. Improved detectability of blowing wells EP 88-2042


SIPM, EP EP Safety Manual EP 55000-34, revision July 1991


Weatherford Tubular Running Manual WF-TR-MAN, August 1991


Weekers, E.E.A.J. and Kastelein, H.J., KSEPL Performance testing of well completion components under simulated downhole conditions SPE 13066


SIPM, EPO/512 Helium leak detection DEN 43/85


Snaith, N.N. and Kastelein, H.J., KSEPL Field tests on Weatherford's leak detection system (HOLD) for premium tubing and casing connections RKRS.86.07


Slack, M.W., Salkin, H. and Langer, F.H. Technique to assess directly make-up contact stress inside tubular connections IADC/SPE 19924


Ender, D.H., WRC User guide - polymeric seals for oil field applications EP-63396, WRC 305-84


SIPM, EPO/512 Tubular mill end leaks DEN 14/88


SIPM, EPO/512 Tubular mill end leaks (follow-up to DEN 14/88) DEN 33/88


SIPM, EPO/51 ABC of stuck pipe EP 91-1908


SIPM, EPO/51 Borehole surveying manual EP 05-9300


SIPM, EPO/512 Tool joint hardfacing specification DEN 60/86


SIPM, MAMS/43 SQAIR for drillpipe AA 0330001110, Revision 01-90


Maurer Engineering Drilling Engineering Association - project 42: casing wear


SIPM, EPO/512 Tool joint hardfacing vs. casing wear DEN 13/85


SIPM, EPO/512 Casing wear - case history DEN 22/86


SIPM, EPO/512 Monitor casing wear while drilling DEN 53/87


SIPM, EPO/512 Drillpipe I casing protectors DEN 37/88


SIPM, EP Introduction to materials and corrosion engineering in production operations Production Handbook, Volume 9


SIPM, EPO/512 Casing corrosion logging - Schlumberger PAL (Pat E) DEN 17/91


SIPM, EPO/512 Internal casing patch DEN 04/86


SIPM, EPO/512 External casing patches DEN 6/87


SIPM, EPD/41 Completion design - perforating EP 92-1455


List of symbols used in text dform

= true vertical depth of the formation below derrick floor


= drillfloor elevation above reference level (usually ground surface)


= true vertical depth of Free Water Level, below derrick floor


= depth of seabed below derrick floor


= depth of gauge below derrick floor


= seawater density (equivalent mud gradient)


= equivalent mud gradient of the FBP


= minimum horizontal stress


= hole diameter


= principal stresses


= gas compressibility factor


= reduced pressure


= reduced temperature


= equivalent mud gradient of FBP at shoe


= equivalent mud gradient of leak-off at shoe

ρ lim,shoe

= equivalent mud gradient of limit test at shoe


= mud density


= density of fluid used in kill operations


= equivalent circulating density


= effective stress


= total stress


= stress gradient


= pore pressure

θx, θz

= hole inclination in x and z planes


= tensile strength (of rock)


= depletion constant


= ratio of rock grain compressibility to rock matrix compressibility


= volume of mud required for Psurf


= total volume of mud in drill pipe, annulus and pocket below the shoe


= combined compressibility of mud and hole


= surface test pressure


= surface leak-off pressure


= surface limit pressure

PFB, surf

= surface breakdown pressure


= surface fracture closure pressure


= surface fracture re-opening pressure

υ or ν

= Poisson's ratio


= internal pressure


= external pressure


= axial stress


= radial stress


= tangential stress


= Von Mises equivalent stress


= yield strength


= Shear stress


= collapse pressure


= burst pressure


= internal surface pressure


= external surface pressure


= test -pressure


= internal fluid density


= external fluid density


= steel density


= fluid density


= cement density


= point load (at packer)


= total normal load acting at contact surface


= nominal weight per unit length


= internal cross-sectional area


= external cross-sectional area


= wall cross-sectional area


= drillpipe external cross-sectional area


= outer diameter


= inner diameter


= ultimate tensile strength


= bending stress


= bending stress on outer fibre


= torque


= modulus of elasticity


= dogleg severity


= radius of curvature


= downward axial component of force which is exerted by lower part of string on upper part of string.


= force due to bending


= downward normal component of force extended by lower on upper part of the string


= force due to buoyancy load


= force due to shock load


= total frictional force


= axial component of total frictional force


= rotational component of total frictional force


= angular velocity (force per unit length)


= velocity direction


= friction coefficient


= total measured length


= vertical depth


= vertical depth at total measured length


= vertical depth at TD


= vertical depth of annulus fluid level


= vertical depth of evacuation level


= vertical packer setting depth


= vertical depth of top of cement


= vertical distance from wellhead to casing hanger (mudline suspension system)


= pipe velocity


= axial tripping velocity


= rotational velocity


= average casing running speed


= inclination angle of a string


= initial thermal gradient


= operating thermal gradient


= drilling operations temperature profile


= drilling production temperature profile


= average temperature


= initial temperature


= operating temperature


= Surface temperature


= temperature at TD


= coefficient of linear thermal expansion


= stiffness (force per unit length)


= effective pressure


= elastic collapse pressure


= yield strength collapse pressure


= ovality


= wall thickness


= tangential stress at yield (in the presence of axial tension)


= critical stress related to sulphide corrosion testing


= bending stress due to helical buckling


= bending stress due to non-helical buckling


= stress due to shock wave


= acoustic velocity of the string


= radial clearance


= changes to Fa resulting from pressure changes


= changes to Fa resulting from temperature changes


= Change in applied surface force


= reduced axial force


= reduced axial force at onset of non-helical buckling


= reduced axial force at onset of helical buckling


= pipe body yield strength


= effective length factor


= reduced weight of pipe per unit length


= radius of gyration


= critical slenderness ratio


= sideways displacement


= unsupported length (buckling analysis)


= centraliser spacing


= r/R (r = pipe radius)


= axial strain


= radial strain


= tangential strain


= shear strain


= second moment of area


= strain energy of distortion per unit volume


= measured length


= isothermal fluid compressibility coefficient


= fluid thermal expansivity coefficient


= outer radius


= inner radius


= force exerted by the "lower" part of the string on the upper part of the string


= load due to weight of steel


= load due to internal and external pressures


= coordinate along pipe axis


= unit vector in y-z plane pointing parallel to axis (downward)


= unit vector in y-z plane pointing normal to axis (downward)


= normal to pipe axis, which makes angle ϕ to x-axis


= position of pipe axis [ = ses]


= position of a point on the -pipe


= centre of curvature of pipe


= angle between normal to pipe axis and x-axis


= change in casing volume due to either pressure or temperature


= change in fluid volume due to either pressure or temperature


= volume of cylinder


List of abbreviations used in text AISI

American Iron and Steel Institute


along hole


along hole below derrick floor


along-hole depth


American National Standards Institute


American Petroleum Institute


American Society of Mechanical Engineers


American Society for Testing Materials




burst load line


blowout preventer


barrels per minute


Bellaire Research Center


bending-stress magnification


borehole televiewer tool


Bulletin (series of API publications)


coring after drilling


cement-bond log


cost-effective casing design


Committee for European Normalisation


Committee for European Normalisation (Electricity)


cement-evaluation tool


closed-in tubing-head pressure


collapse load line


SIPM connection data base


corrosion and protection evaluation tool


casing-potential profile


corrosion-resistant alloy


Central Secretariat (part of ISO)




Drilling Engineering Association (Europe)


Drilling Engineering Newsletter (series of SIPM publications)


design engineering practices


design factor


dogleg severity


drilling supervisor


drill string test


European Community


European Norm


Exploration and Production Drilling Operations Reporting System


electric resistance welding, now EW (electrical welding)


formation breakdown gradient


formation breakdown pressure


fracture closure gradient


fracture closure pressure


finite-element analysis


fluid intake test


fracture propagation pressure




fracture reopening gradient


fracture reopening pressure


fiber glass reinforced plastic


free water level


gas-oil ratio


gas-water contact


hydrogen embrittlement


hydrogen-induced cracking


high-integrity corrosion-resistant (grading for tubular goods)




International Association of Drilling Contractors


Integrated Computing Environment for Petroleum Engineers


inner diameter


invert oil emulsion mud


instantaneous shut-in pressure


International Standardisation Organisation


injection-tubing-head pressure


kick-off point


Koninklijke/Shell Exploratie en Produktie Laboratorium




limit gradient


Left hand side (of equation)


leak-off gradient


leak-off pressure


leak-off test


limit pressure


maximum allowable annular surface pressure


monobore (completion)


multifrequency electromagnetic thickness tool


multi-finger caliper


measuring while drilling (logging tool)


National Association of Corrosion Engineers


National Fire Protection Agency


net present value


overburden gradient




ail-based mud


oil-country tubular goods


outer diameter


operations subsurface computing portfolio


Offshore Technology Conference


oil-water contact




pipe analysis log


productivity index


production improvement factor


pore-pressure gradient


parts per million


Production Research Advising Committee (API)


pounds per square inch


pounds per square inch, absolute




quantitative risk assessment


Right hand side (of equation)


repeat formation tester


rate of penetration


Recommended Practice (series of API publications)


revolutions per minute


rotary table


submerged are welding


segmented bond tool


stress-corrosion cracking


specific gravity


slimhole drilling, evaluation and completion


système internationale


Shell International Petroleum Company


Shell Internationale Petroleum Maatschappij B.V.


cyclic stress amplitude/number of cycles


Society of Petroleum Engineers


Specification (series of API publications)


Shell quality and inspection requirements


sulphate-reducing bacteria


sulphide stress-corrosion cracking


Standard (series of API publications)


sidewall sample


Technical Committee (part of ISO)


total depth


tubing-geometry sensor


top of cement


true vertical depth below derrick floor


true vertical depth


ultrasonic imager


Von Mises equivalent (stress)


water-based mud


well-inflow quality indicator


well site drilling engineer


wear track length


Christmas (tree)

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