Cashvertising Notes

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notes on cashvertising. enjoy...


Ca$hvertising ############## WHAT PEOPLE REALLY WANT: Life Force 8:  !" rviva%& en'o()ent of %ife& %ife e*tension+ ," En'o()ent of foo- an- .everages+ /" Free-o) fro) fear& 0ain& an- -anger+ 1" e*a% co)0anionshi0+ 2" Conforta.%e %iving con-itions+ 3" To .e s0erior& 4inning& 5ee0ing 0 4ith the 6ones+ 7" Care an- 0rotection of %ove- ones+ 8" ocia% a00rova%+ ote:

9Peo0%e .( .ecase of e)otion an- 'stif( 4ith %ogic+ Force an e)otiona% .( toching on a .asic 4ant or nee-+9  Learne- H)an Wants:  !" To .e infor)e-+ ," Criosit(+ /" C%ean%iness of .o-( an- srron-ings+ 1" Efficienc(+ 2" Convenience+ 3" ;e0en-a.i%it( < =a%it(+ 7" E*0ression of .eat( an- st(%e+ 8" Econo)( < 0rofit+ " >argains+ !7 Fon-ationa% Princi0%es of Cons)er Ps(cho%og(:  !" The Fear Factor  e%%ing the care+ Fear se%%s+ ?t -rives the) to s0en- )one(+ Fear Fear cases stress+ tress cases action+ Ta0 e*isting fears+ For ?ngre-ient Reci0e for @sing Fear: !+ ?t scares the he%% ot of 0eo0%e+ ,+ ?t offers a s0ecific reco))en-ation for overco)ing the feararose- threat+ /+ The reco))en-e- action is 0ercieve- as effective for re-cing the threat+ 1+ The )essage reci0ient .e%ieves that he or s he can 0erfor) the reco))en-e- action+ Fear can a%so 0ara%(Be+ @se s0ecific& .e%ieva.%e reco))en-ations+ @se fears that are s0ecific an4i-e%( recogniBe-+" ," Ego or0hing  ?nstant ?-entification+ 9>( 0rchasing the Dright stffD 4e enhance or o4n egos an- rationa%iBe a4a(+9 a4a(+9 AA+ Retai% thera0(+ /" Transfer Transfer  Cre-i.i%it( .( Os)osis+ ().o%s& i)ages& or i-eas+ Ces+ ?nstittions& ce%e.rities& athorities+ E*0erts i+e+ 9White %a. coats+9 1" The >an-4agon Effect  ive The) o)ething To 6)0 On+ 9Consenss?)0%iesCorrectness9 heristic+ Peo0%e 4ant to .e%ong+ !+ As0irationa% gro0  to 4hich (oD- L?E to .e%ong+

,+ Associative gro0  to 4hich (o HARE i-ea%s an- va%es+ /+ ;issociative gro0  to 4hich (o ;O NOT WANT to .e%ong+ 2" The eansEn- Chain  The Critica% Core+ 9;onDt .( for 4hat it -oes to-a(  .t for 4hat it 4i%% -o to)orro4G9 Ftre o.'ective+ 3" The Transtheoretica% o-e%  Persasion te0 .( te0+ tage tage tage tage tage

!: ,: /: 1: 2:

Preconte)0%ation: ignorant of (or 0ro-ctDs e*istence+ Conte)0%ation: a4are an- thoght a.ot sing it+ Pre0aration: thin5ing a.ot .(ing fro) (o& .t nee-s )ore infor)ation a.ot .enefits+ Action: 9HereDs )( cre-it car-+9 aintenance: contine to .( again an- again+ 0art of their -ai%( %ives+

!+ Create a-s that a--ress a%% five stages+ ,+ Create a series of a-s that 0rogress over a 0erio- of ti)e fro) stage one to stage five+ 7" The ?nnoc%ation Theor(  a5e The) Prefer Yo for Life+ ive the) arg)ents against co)0etitors+ 9Or co)0etitors 4i%% te%% (o+++9 8" >e%ief ReRan5ing  Change Their Rea%it(+ A00ea% to either e)otions %i5e fear& h)or& or gi%t  or facta% evi-ence an- e*a)0%es+ " The E%a.oration Li5e%ihoo- o-e%  A-'st Their Attit-e+ Ces fee% goo-& .t Centra% Processing )a5es the) PREFER (o+ T4o Rotes to Change: !+ Centra% Rote  0ersa-ing sing %ogic& reasoning& an- -ee0 thin5ing+ AA+ creating Preference ,+ Peri0hera% Rote  0ersa-ing sing the association of 0%easant thoghts an- 0ositive i)ages+ AA+ Ces Centra% Rote Processing: 0or on the facts& stats& e vi-ence& testi)onia%s& st-ies& re0orts& ancase histories+ Weave an arg)ent+ Peri0hera% Rote Processing: %oa- (or a-s f%% of co%orf%& 0%easant i)ages& h)oros or 0o0%ar s.'ect )atter& or ce%e.rities+ isa% anchors+ !I" The 3 Wea0ons of ?nf%ence  hortcts to Persasion+ !+ Co)0arison: The 0o4er of (or 0eers+ >an-4agon effect+ ocia% 0roof+ Nee- to .e%ong+ Ever(.o-( is -oing it+ ,+ Li5ing: The >a%ance Theor(+ 9? %i5e (o+++ ta5e )( )one(G9 Attractive 0eo0%e have greater inf%ence+ Consi-er trst4orth( an- %i5a.%e+ /+ Athorit(: Crac5ing the co-e of cre-i.i%it(+ enta% shortct+ an in the 94hite %a. coat9+ 1+ Reci0rocation: What goes aron- co)es aron-+++ 0rofita.%(G Free sa)0%es an- giving stff a4a( creates goo-4i%% an- o.%igation+ 2+ Co))it)ento* the) in+ E%icit s)a%% actions an9(es9 res0onses that c%tivate to a %arger re=est+ 3+ carcit(: et De) 4hi%e the( %astG One -a( sa%e& %i)ite- offer& one 4hi%e s00%ies %ast& first co)e first serve-& etc+ !!" essage OrganiBation  Attaining Critica% C%arit(+ A-s )st .e organiBe- an- 4e%%strctre-+ Confsing a-s an- creatives 4onDt se%% an(thing+ !," E*a)0%es vs+ tatistics  An- the Winner is+++ E*a)0%es .( far+ E)otion is the 5e( to sa%es+ Testi)onia%s an- en-orse)ents are )ore engaging+ !/" essage i-eness  ;a% Ro%e Persasion+ Ta%5 a.ot .oth (o an- (or co)0etitors+ !1" Re0etition an- Re-n-anc(  The Fa)i%iarit( Factor+ Peo0%e -onDt start seeing (or a- nti% (o

rn it seven ti)es+ !2" Rhetorica% estions  ?nteresting& ArenDt The(J 9ArenDt (o g%a- (o se- ;ia%J9 9Ho4 -o (o s0e%% re%iefJ9 9What 4o%- (o -o for a %on-i5eJ9 !3" Evi-ence  ic5G e%% e The FactsG Evi-ence can .e fac ts& figres& testi)onia%s& en-orse)ents& research& charts& vi-eos+ As %ong as itDs rea%+ !7" Heristics  erving >i%%ions of LaB( >rains ;ai%(+ 9Length i)0%ies strength+9 Long co0( 0ages& %ots of )e-ia& testi)onia%s& etc+ Long K goo-+

!" The Ps(cho%og( of i)0%icit(  @se 4or-s effective%(+ Write so 0eo0%e can n-erstan-+ !+ @se hort& i)0%e Wor-s+  No $!I 4or-s+ 2th gra-e %eve% 0referre-+ ,+ The horter Yor entances& the >etter  E*0ress on%( one thoght in a sentance+ No )ore+ /+ The hort& hort Paragra0h Tric5  Li)it reg%ar 0aragra0hs to 12 short sentances+ Less in so)e cases !," for eas( rea-ing+ 1+ Pi%e on Persona% Pronons  ?& (o& )e& he& she& hi)& the(& the)& etc+ ives h)an f%avor+ ote:

9Write to the chi)0anBee .rain+ i)0%(+ ;irect%(+9 Egene ch4artB ote:

9Li)it (or o0ening 0aragra0h to a )a*i)) of e%even 4or-s+9 ;avi- Ogi%v( ," >o).ar- Yor Rea-ers With >enefits  >enefits are 4hat (o get fro) attri.tes+ ote:

9Cons)ers .( .ase- on 4hat the 0ro-ct 4i%% -o for the)& not on 4hat ingre-ients it has+9 Ne4s0a0er Association of A)erica /" Pt Yor >iggest >enefit ?n Yor Hea-%ine  A%4a(s+ ee0 n-er 3 4or-s+ !, a*+ >est is / or %ess+ ote:

9@n%ess (or hea-%ine se%%s (or 0ro-ct& (o have 4aste- I 0er cent of (or )one(+9 ;avi- Ogi%v( ote:

9hort hea-%ines en'o( higher rea-ershi0 than %ong hea-%ines+ As hea-%ines gro4& rea-ershi0 shrin5s+9 tarch Research 1" Cran5 @0 The carcit(  Har- -ea-%ine: 9a%e En-s Agst ,!st9+ oft -ea-%ine: 9antities %i)ite-+9 9First !II >(ers on%(G9 2" ,, Ps(cho%ogica%%( Potent Hea-%ine tarters: ote:

9There are for i)0ortant =a%ities that a goo- hea-%ine )a( 0ossess+ The( are: !+ e%finterest+ ,+ Ne4s+ /+ Criosit(+ 1+ ic5& eas( 4a(+9 6ohn Ca0%es !+ ,+ /+ 1+ 2+

FREE: 9Free >oo5 ho4s Yo Ho4 to Write nea5( A-vertising That+++9 NEW: 9Po4erf% Ne4 e)inar Teaches+++9 AT LAT: 9At Last++ A >a5er( That On%( @s es+++9 TH?: 9This Ne4 ?nvention to0s+++9 ANNO@NC?N: 9Annoncing The Hottest Ne4 an-4ich+++9

3+ WARN?NG: 9WarningG o)e ;og roo)ers Wra0 a Noose+++9 7+ 6@T RELEAE;: 96st Re%ease-: Ps(cho%ogistDs t-( Revea%s Litt%eno4n+++9 8+ NOW: 9No4 Yo Can to0 An( Attac5er9 + HERED: 9HereDs Ho4 A 2Pon- rann(++9 !I+ THEE: 9These Three er( ?ta%ian en a5e a PiBBa+++9 !!+ WH?CH OF: 9Which of these Hot >o-ies Wo%- YO@ Li5e to ho4 Off9 !,+ F?NALLY: 9Fina%%(+++ A e%f?)0rove)ent e)inar++9 !/+ LOO: 9Loo5G No4 Yo Can >( Cotton Can-(+++9 !1+ PREENT?N: 9Presenting the Easiest Wa( Ever to+++9 !2+ ?NTRO;@C?N: 9?ntro-cing the On%( ?ce tan- in Phi%%(+++9 !3+ HOW: 9Ho4 to ing Li5e an A)erican ?-o% in I ;a(s9 !7+ AA?N: 9A)aBing Ne4 ;; Lo4ers Yor >%oo- Pressre+++9 !8+ ;O YO@: 9;o Yo no4 Ho4 to to0 a Wi%- ;og Attac59 !+ WO@L; YO@: 9Wo%- Yo Tra-e $2 For *9 ,I+ CAN YO@: 9Can Yo >e re Yor Chi%- WonDt+++9 ,!+ ?F YO@: 9?f Yo Hate C%eaning Yor Poo%& +++9 ,,+ TART?N TO;AY: 9tarting To-a( Yo Can ;ance 7M >etter9 3" !, Wa(s To Lre Yor Rea-ers ?nto Yor Co0(: ote:

E*a)0%e Hea-%ine: 96st Re%ease-G Ps(cho%ogistDs t-( Revea%s Litt%eno4n 0ea5ing Patterns That ?))e-iate%( Pt R-e a%es0eo0%e in Their P%ace+9 !+ Contine the Thoght ?n The Hea-%ine: 9Yo 5no4 the r-e sa%es0eo0%e 4e )ean+ The ones 4ith the .ig )oths+++9 ,+ As5 a estion: 9Ho4 4o%- (o han-%e (orse%f in a sitation %i5e thisJ9 /+ ote a Res0ecte- Athorit(: 9Accor-ing to co))nication 0s(cho%ogist R+ >t%er inc%air& there+++9 1+ ive DE) a Free Taste: 9The ne*t ti)e (oDre confronte- .( a 0sh( sa %es0erson& -o this: Wait nti%+++9 2+ Cha%%enge The) to Prove it Wor5s: 9HereDs 4hat 4e 4ant (o to -o+ Rea- 0ages 8 an-  of this .oo5  no )ore+ Then go++9 3+ tart 4ith a tor( of 5e0ticis): 9When 4e first receive- the )anscri0t fro) the athor& 4e 4ere s5e0tica%+++9 7+ Te%% What Others are a(ing >an-4agon Effect": Testi)onia%s: 9No.o-( hates*ios sa%es0eo0%e )ore than ? -o++9 8+ P%a( Re0orter: 9Phi%a-e%0hia& PA  A Ne4 Yor5 0s(cho%ogist+++9 + et Persona% With Yo& Yo& Yo: 9Have (o ever .een hass%e-+++ ;o (o hate 4hen 0eo0%e+++ Wo%- (o %i5e to 5no4+++ 9 !I+ Te%% a ;ra)atic tor(: 9Accor-ing to co))nication 0s(cho%ogist R+ >t%er inc%air& thereDs no %onger an( nee- for an(one to fee% inti)i-ate-+9 !!+ ive 0er;etai%e- 0ecs: 9This a)aBing ne4 .oo5  a heft( 8+2*!!inch %eather.on-& har-cover .eat(& is 'a)e- 0ac5e- over 11/ 0ages++9 !,+ Lre The) With a er( hort entance: 9;onDt (o hate itJ9 9?t )a5es )e sic5+9 99 7" /3I;egrees of Attentionetting Po4er  @se circ%esha0e- a-s instea- of co))on s=aree e*tre)e%( s0ecific an- -escri0tive 4hen (or 0ro-ctoost the Po4er of Yor Co0(  Po4erf% isa% A-'ectives+ 9Ra5e in $,2II Cash Wee5%(G9 !8" ;irecting enta% ovies  !+ ,+ /+ 1+ 2+

isa% 4or-s sight" A-itor( 4or-s son-" inesthetic 4or-s fee%ing or e)otions" O%factor( 4or-s s)e%%" stator( 4or-s taste"

!" >att%ing H)an ?nertia  et 0eo0%e to ta5e ACT?ONG !+ a5e it eas( to ac t+ ,+ As5 for action+ ,I" Esta.%ish Yor @ni=e e%%ing Pro0osition  Te%% the) the rea% reason 4h( the( sho%- PREFER (oG >e serios an- -escri0tiveG ote:

9;onDt tr( to .e a)sing+ 0en-ing )one( is a serios )atter+9 C%a-e Ho05ins ,!" >( Yor O4n ?s%an-  ;onDt 0a( for a f%%0age a-+ @se a Ha%fPage ?s%an-& 4hich is a centere- ha%f0age a- that ta5es 0 s0ace+ ,," Athorit( Positioning  >eco)e an athorit( in (or in-str(+ hare a%% of (or e*0ertise in free re0orts an- gest 0osts+ ,/" A a%es Letter in rve(Ds C%othing  As5 =estions a.ot their re%ationshi0 to (or 0ro-ct+ Than5 (o for 0artici0ation is OFFER+ ,1" Po4er Yor A-s With Pictres  A-s 4ith 2IM visa%s K /IM reca%% rate+ A-s 4ith 72M visa%s K 2IM reca%% rate+ ho4 the 0ro-ct  in se+ even >est T(0es of Photos: !+ Chi%-ren an- .a.ies+ ,+ others an- .a.ies+ /+ ro0s of a-%ts+ 1+ Ani)a%s+ 2+ 0orts scenes+ 3+ Ce%e.rities+ 7+ Foo,2" ra. De) With ra..ers  @se s o)ething %i5e a -o%%ar .i%% or shot of change to gra. attention+ Tai%or to niche+ ,3" Long Co0( vs+ hort  Long co0( consistent%( otse%%s short+ ,hor sa%es visit vs+ 2)inte visit+ Who c%oses )oreJ ,7" Offer Testing  Fin- ot 4hat the( 4ant an- give it to the)+ ?f the( -onDt %i5e (or offer& change itG ,8" rve( Po4er  What -o 0eo0%e 4antJ As5 the)G ?ncentiviBe srve(s+ ?t a%% .egins 4ith research+ a5e it eas( to re0%(+ ," E-itoria% EnergiBers  a5e (or a-s %oo5 %i5e Ne4s E-itoria%s + 9Ca)of%age9 ote:

9?t has .een fon- that the %ess an a-vertise)ent %oo5s %i5e an a-vertise)ent& an- the )ore it %oo5s %i5e an e-itoria%& the )ore rea-ers sto0 an- rea-+9

;avi- Ogi%v( /I" The Co0on Persa-er  A-- a .ro5en 9co0on st(%e9 .or-er to gra0hic a-s+ Peo0%e are con-itione-+ @se 9;o.%e Co0onsG9 Light (e%%o4 .g tint+ /!" 7 On%ine Res0onse >oosters  !+ >est Fre=enc( for Eai%ing  /!/2M K !(ers fee% v%nera.%e+ @se a %ong an- strong garantee+ /1" The Ps(cho%og( of iBe  >igger a-s 0erfor) .etter+ /2" The Ps(cho%og( of Page an- ection Positioning  enera%%( ' st -oesnDt )atter+ A- creative )atters )ost+ ote:

9A goo- a- 4i%% get notice- irres0ective of its 0osition 4ithin the ne4s0a0er+9 Ro0er tarch Wor%-4i-e /3" The Fantastic For  on%( a00%ies to 0rint" /7" Cons)er Co%or Preferences an- Ho4 Co%or Affects Rea-ershi0  !+ >%e+ ,+ Re-+ /+ reen+ The o%-er the .%er+ >est co).o: >%eYe%%o4 then >%eRe/8" The Ps(cho%og( of Pricing  O-- 0ricing conve(s va%e $77+2" Even 0ricing conve(s =a%it( $!&III" He%0s 'stif( sa%e for 9teeterers9+ /" The Ps(cho%og( of Co%or  9;ar5er is heavier9 A00arent 4eight is higher as (o get -ar5er+ White& (e%%o4& green are %ightest+ 1I" Wra0 Yor A-s in White  Wra0 (or a-s 4ith %ots of 4hite s0ace+ ?t garners 4a( )ore attention+ Pro ti0+ 1!" ive Yorse%f a 9C%everecto)(9  ?n a-vertising& itDs not c%ever to .e c%ever+ e%% the .enefits+ No c%ever 4or- 'o5es+

,, Res0onse 0erchargers:  !" Forget st(%e  se%% instea-G ," crea) 9Free ?nfor)ationG9 /" Write short sentances an- 5ee0 the) rea-ing+ 1" @se short& si)0%e 4or-s+ 2" Write %ong co0(+ 3" >oi% it -o4n& ct ot the f%ffG 7" tir 0 -esire .( 0i%ing on the .enefits+ 8" ho4 4hat (oDre se%%ing  action shots are .est+ " et 0ersona%G a(: (o& (o& (o+ !I" @se se%%ing s.hea-s to .rea5 0 %ong co0(+

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13Point 9i%%er A-9 Chec5%ist:  Hea-%ine: !" Q ;oes it featre (or 0ro-ctDs .iggest .enefitJ The #! ost ?)0ortant R%e" ," Q ?s it a rea% gra..erJ ;oes it e%icit an e)otiona% res0onseJ /" Q ;oes it se an( of the ,, Potent Hea-%ine tar ts sho4n a.oveJ 1" Q ?s it significant%( %ar ger than (or .o-( co0(J >o%-face- tooJ 2" Q ?s it 0o4erf% enogh to get 0eo0%e to rea- (or .o-( co0(J 3" Q ;oes it )a5e so)e 5in- of offerJ 7" Q ?s it athoritative an- not 4i)0(J 8" Q ?s the hea-%ine set in ?nitia% Ca0s+ e+g+ This ?s ?nitia% Ca0s" @se ALL CAP on%( if 2 4or-s or %ess+ " Q ?s it in =otesJ This can .oost rea-ing ,2M+ >o-( Co0(  First entance: !I" Q Are (o sing .o-( co0( ')0starters fro) a.oveJ !!" Q ;oes it natra%%( f%o4 fro) the hea-%ineJ !," Q ;oes it get right into the .enefits& an- not a.ot co)0an( .raggingJ !/" Q ;oes it a%)ost force the) to rea- the secon- sentanceJ !1" Q ?s 9(o9 one of the first fe4 4or-sJ >o-( Co0(  enera%: !2" Q ;oes it focs on ho4 the rea -er 4i%% .enefitJ !3" Q ;oes it te%% (or rea-ers 4h( the( sho%- .( fro) (o rather than co)0etitorJ !7" Q ?s (or 0ro-ct
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