Cash Book

April 27, 2019 | Author: Indu Gupta | Category: N/A
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Q1) Enter the following transactions in a Single Column Cash Book and post the same in the relevant ledger accounts. 1998 s. !ul" 1 Cash on hand #$%%% !ul" # &oods purchased for cash '%% !ul" ( aid Carriage *nwards '% !ul" + Cash Sales ,%% !ul" - aid Salaries 1$1%% !ul" , Cash received from Shankar 1$1%% !ul" 1% Sale of old machiner" 8%% !ul" 1# Cash Sales '%% !ul" 1+ &oods purchased from amal / Co. on credit ,%% !ul" 1, &oods sold to Sath"an on credit -%% !ul" 18 Stationer" purchased +%% !ul" 19 0ent to ignesh 1#% !ul" #% eceived from 2inesh 1-% !ul" ## 3ithdrawn from 4usiness for private use 1+% !ul" #( Cash Sales 1-% !ul" #+ aid for repairs ,% !ul" #- aid ent 1-% !ul" (1 ignesh ignesh repaid his loan 1#% Q#) Enter the following transactions in a two column Cash Book and prepare discount account in the ledger  1998 s. !ul" 1 Cash on 5and 1$#%% !ul" # eceived from 6 ($9%% 7llowed him discount 1%% !ul" - urchased goods for cash +$1%% !ul" ' aid to  8-% 2iscount allowed 4" him -% !ul" 9 Cash Sales +$9%% !ul" 11 3ithdrew from 4ank -$-%% !ul" 1- Credit purchase from  ($%%% !ul" #1 aid to  in full settlement #$8%% !ul" ## eceived from  1$#-% 7llowed him discount -% !ul" #( 2rew Che:ue for office use #%% !ul" #- aid office rent 8%% !ul" #8 eceived interest on investments ($%%% !ul" (1 aid into 4ank ($1-%

Q() ;rom the following transactions given 4elow "ou are re:uire to prepare three columnar Cash Book. 1998 s. !ul" 1 Cash on hand ,%% Cash at 4ank 9$,'% !ul" # eceived cash from 7rul 1$9%% 7llowed him discount 1%% !ul" + aid 7
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