CASE01 Alibaba

May 9, 2018 | Author: Jb99 | Category: Alibaba Group, Strategic Management, E Commerce, Innovation, Market (Economics)
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Short Description

The objective of this case is to evaluate Alibaba's strategic choices and its direction of the use of organizational...



Having achieved its objective of becoming one of the three largest internet companies in the world and having executed a successful IPO, Corporations strategic calculations will now determine whether the compan! proceeds on a path toward global domination in its industr! or becomes a prime ta"eover candidate in the d!namic e# commerce mar"etplace.s recent IPO secured the capital and profile necessar! to position the compan! globall!, and recent management actions substantiate the firms intent to pursue a global growth strateg!. $he objective of this case anal!sis is to evaluatess strategic choices and to direct the use of organi%ational resources to ensure success. &uring the anal!sis, it is critical to address the following strategic issues. 

'hat are the implications of the compan!s new ownership structure and shareholder expectations( How important is a rapidl! expanding domestic mar"et inss strategic assessment( 'hat are the merits of proposed changes tos pricing strateg!( How can the compan! position itself competitivel! against )*) giant, +lobal ources(

ANALYSIS General Environments general environment is primaril! defined b! the regional scope of Chinese mar"ets, which consist of heav! bu!er b u!er and supplier fragmentation and inefficient distribution and communication communication networ"s. China is an extremel! populous nation, and the booming domestic econom! is driven b! an explosion in -s,s target mar"et. Anticipated growth in in -s coupled with continued government promotion of rd /  part! e#commerce platforms provide a fertile domestic environment for the compan!s operations. However, foreign foreign exchange controls and inade0uate credit s!stems s!stems do interfere with the trade process. Industr Environment

$he internet and e#commerce are emergent emergent phenomena in China. Although the! are onl! surpassed b! the number nu mber of 1.. users, Chinas 23* million internet users represent just 2*4 of the countr!s population. $he /4 annual increase in internet internet  penetration does not ade0uatel! reflect the rapid pace of technological change occurring in the industr!. industr!. Online purchases are experiencing double#digit growth each 0uarter. 'ith a current e#commerce utili%ation rate of onl! *54 in China and government # 2 encouragement for -s to promote their businesses with /rd part! online services, the  potential for )*) e#trade to grow dramaticall! in the upcoming !ears is great. ssentiall! a )*) e#commerce compan!, is faced with limited domestic competition as barriers to entr! are high. $he mar"et is composed of small# and medium#scale regional and local enterprises. Communication channels for promotion of  products and services are limited. Heav! fragmentation reduces the power of individual suppliers and customers. $he threat of substitutes is industr!#specific, and competition with other mar"eting service providers is indirect. However, such a growth mar"et with a low level of competitive intensit! is li"el! to attract competitors. A case in point, the direction ta"en b! +lobal ources immediatel! creates competitive ris"s for And maintaining dominance in its home mar"et is critical to the success of the compan!s global growth strateg!. Com!etitor Environments triumph over e)a!s ach6et is a real domestic success stor!.  6onetheless, international competitor +lobal ources poses a direct challenge to the compan!s domestic position and international opportunities with its portfolio of )*) services. +lobal ources online revenues are increasing dramaticall!, despite the fact that the compan! is media#centric, originall! founded on the exchange of information rather than trade transactions. As the competitor grows its online revenues, it can be expected to expand intos transaction arena unless somehow deterred. A direct comparison between the two companies can provide insight into the extent and nature ofs rivalr! with +lobal ources. $he following table has been constructed based on data from the case. Online -ar"etplaces Products89istings Annual ales 9eads torefronts Auxiliar! Products8ervices
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