Case Study

October 29, 2018 | Author: rssarin | Category: Iso 9000, Evidence Based Practice, Quality Management, Patient, Quality (Business)
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a) Discuss Discuss at least six operational operational challenge challenges s that can prevent prevent CVAMC CVAMC in meeting the needs of the dierent types of their customers and the orga or gan nis isat atio ion’ n’s s rol ole e in the co com mmun unit ity y and wit ith h res espe pect ct to it its s competition. !") !. #ot availa$ili availa$ility ty of facilities facilities which are are close to the inherent inherent location location of  the veterans. %t includes &nding locations and cost involved in the same. '. #o #ott ha havi ving ng en enou ough gh st sta a fo forr th the e res estt of th the e co comm mmun unit ity y. Cu Currren entl tly y physician sta is only !"( and its di*cult to &nd good resources. +. #on availa availa$ili $ility ty of goo good d tec techno hnolog logy y and good good ins instru trume ments nts to $e use used d for treatment ,. As Assi sign gnin ing g sa same me ph phys ysic ician ian every every ti time me to th the e sa same me ve vete tera ran. n. Du Due e to shortage of resources same physician cannot $e assigned to veterans. -. he families families of veteran veteran patients patients need to $e informed informed a$out a$out the care care of  their loved ones. hey want to $e a$le to participate in educational activities. hey wish to $e a$le to support the patient when treatment decisions are $eing made. hey want convenient access to care for the veteran patients/ as they are often responsi$le for getting the patient to the appointments. 0. Mee Meetin ting g veteran veterans s demands demands and needs needs at eve every ry time time as there there is no automated process to record veteran needs and medical history. 1. 2igh Cost Cost is a ma3or factor factor for many veteran veteran patient patients/ s/ since they they have little or no out4of4poc5et expenses for care provided at the CVAMC. Accessi$ility is critical/ since patients are often unwilling to tolerate long waits for appointments or long delays on the day of their visits. 8. Many patients show strong preferences for local access to care/ the a$il a$ ilit ity y to av avoi oid d $r $rid idge ge or do down wnto town wn tr tra* a*c/ c/ an and d ea ease se of pa par5 r5in ing. g. Continuity of care is important to many patients. Many patients want their providers to $e a$le to coordinate their visits and tests/ with good comm co mmun unic icat atio ion n of res esul ults ts am amon ong g th thei eirr pr prov ovid ider ers. s. 6t 6ta a co cour urte tesy sy// empathy and eorts to educate the patients may also $e factors of  importanc impo rtance e to healt health h car care e custo customers mers.. Anot Another her are area a rec receiving eiving great attention at this time is achieving increasingly strict customer service standards. $) 6upp 6uppos ose e th ther ere e is a va vaca canc ncy y fo forr an op oper erat atio ions ns ma mana nage gerr at CV CVAM AMC. C. 7hat should $e a 3o$ description of the new operations manager8 !")

The staffing requirements at the facility include contract, contract-to-hire and direct hire  placement services. A background in medical staffing is helpful but not mandatory. Our  healthc healthcare are staffin staffing g segmen segmentt includ includes es clinica clinicall and non-cli non-clinic nical al positio positions ns for physici physician an

 practices, clinics, hospitals, outpatient surgery centres, 3rd parties and other medical facilities. This is a salary plus commission compensation plan with unmatched opportunity for advancement and growth opportunities. Our business model provides the recruiter with ecellent support resources and advanced technology and tools allowing the recruiter to maimi!e their time with high value candidates and clients.

"ob #equirements$ •

This opportunity requires a recruiter who is willing to participate closely with team members across multiple clients and %ob orders.

&ou must be fleible with a demonstrated ability to manage a blended portfolio of  temporary and direct hire placements.

&ou must have a strong commitment to individual growth, personal and team success.

'ave a sense of urgency and a pro-active mindset

(ust be an ecellent communicator, verbal and written

)etailed oriented and ability to prioriti!e

Ability to work independently and as part of a team

c) he 9oard of CVAMC has decided to follow a low cost leadership strategy. Discuss the content of an operations plan to support this decision hint : study &gure '., of the prescri$ed $oo5 page 1+)). !-)

;atient4Centered Care< CVAMC is em$racing patient4centered care/ which means that CVAMC will design its extensive services around the individual needs/ values/ and preferences of our Veterans and

their families. %n order to $e patient4centered/ CVAMC will need to $uild an environment that is safe/ secure/ comforta$le/ and supporting of healing. CVAMC will $ecome Veterans preferred provider of health care services. •

 eam Care< eams are the means for providing care and services in CVAMC’s 2ealth Care system. eams will map their processes and de&ne the roles and responsi$ilities of each mem$er= they will $e trained and pro&cient in team s5ills= and they will develop a stronger culture of civility/ respect/ trust/ and integrity/ and provide each team mem$er opportunities to shape how to $est do their wor5. >ur teams will involve Veterans’ families and internal customers as mem$ers of the team and colla$orate with other teams to ensure fully coordinated care and services. Continuous %mprovement< CVAMC is committed to continuous improvement as a core operating principle. his means that all levels of the organi?ation will $e involved from each employee to national programs in improvement eorts/ understanding that @improving our wor5 is our wor5. CVAMC will $ring the 5nowledge and s5ills of system engineering to $ear on all elements of the operation and promote a culture where every employee ta5es responsi$ility for the improvement of Buality of care. CVAMC will ensure that continuous improvement eorts lead to results for immediate and long4term health outcomes for our Veterans. Data4Driven/ vidence49ased Approach< CVAMC will provide the highest Buality of care to all Veterans using a data4driven/ evidence4 $ased approach. his means CVAMC will use sound measurement and analysis to identify successful practices and then methodically implement them across the organi?ation and ensure high relia$ility in delivering evidence4$ased care. CVAMC will develop valid/ useful metrics that cover all domains of health care Buality/ including eectiveness/ safety/ timeliness/ patient4centeredness/ cost eectiveness/ and eBuity. ;opulation 2ealth2ealth ;romotion< CVAMC is increasingly focused on health promotion/ disease prevention/ and population health. CVAMC will assist Veterans in achieving healthier life styles and focus on reducing health ris5s. CVAMC will develop a system that measures health outcomes for $oth individual Veterans and the Veteran community. CVAMC will develop systems to improve the health of the Veteran community/ concentrating on those areas where supports outside VA are limited.

d) @Euality is a$out meeting customer reBuirements. 6uggest with full motivation how at least two Buality improvement approaches can $e used to improve Buality at CVAMC. !-) •

Fnderstanding customers and ma5ing a point of assigning same physician to the same veteran. Fsing automated techniBues to record medical history and medical items of the veterans.

e) 7hat will $e the advantages and disadvantages of implementing an %6> G""!
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