Case Study Questions

December 27, 2018 | Author: Ankit Goyal | Category: Swot Analysis, Strategic Management, Leadership, Leadership & Mentoring, Market (Economics)
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Case Study: Camp Wahanowin

1. What What is Bruce Bruce Nashman Nashman’s ’s marke marketin ting g challeng challenge? e? 2. Assess Assess Camp Wah Wahano anowin win’s ’s intern internal al capabilit capabilities ies and its fit within within the eternal operating en!ironment. ". #erform #erform a consum consumer er and compet competiti iti!e !e anal$sis anal$sis for Camp Wahan Wahanowi owin. n. What are the implications from $our anal$sis? %. &esign a marketin marketing g plan for Wah Wahanowi anowin. n. 'nclude 'nclude $our $our rationale rationale for the chosen target market( an$ necessar$ pricing changes and a promotional  plan. )ustif$ $our marketing plan from both a *ualitati!e and *uantitati!e point of !iew. +. As Bruc Brucee Nash Nashma man( n( owner owner and and direc directo torr of Camp Camp Waha Wahano nowi win( n( do whate!er anal$sis $ou deem necessar$ and de!elop a comprehensi!e marketing plan for Camp Wahanowin. Wahanowin. Case Study: The Montreal Stars

1. What is the the relationship relationship between between the the CW,- and the the ontreal ontreal /tars? What What are the the implications of this relationship for ,ewings and the implementation of possible recommendations? 2. What are are the issues issues facing facing ,ewings? ,ewings? ,ow would would $ou $ou prioriti0e prioriti0e them? them? ". What is the the nature of of the ser!ice ser!ice eperience eperience offere offered d b$ the ontreal ontreal /tars? ,ow ,ow would $ou profile the customers for this ser!ice or ser!ices? %. ,ow would would $ou $ou e!aluate e!aluate the performan performance ce of the CW,CW,- and of the the ontreal ontreal /tars? /tars? What constraints do both these organi0ations face? +. What What is the the natur naturee of the the compe competiti tition on?? 3. 4he case describes describes the commun communication ication strateg$ strateg$ of of 2511612. 2511612. What What is $our $our e!aluation e!aluation of this strateg$? 7. What recommen recommendation dationss would $ou $ou make to ,ewings ,ewings for 251+81 251+813 3 and in the the longer longer term? Case Study: The Ontario Hockey League

1. Conduc Conductt a /W94 /W94 anal$sis anal$sis of the 9,-. 9,-. What are the biggest biggest strengths strengths(( weaknesse weaknesses( s( threats and opportunities for the business in its current state? 2. What are some some of the ke$ ke$ !ariables !ariables from $our $our anal$sis anal$sis that are related related to attendan attendance? ce? What do these anal$ses impl$? ". Assess Assess the three three most struggl struggling ing franch franchises ises in terms terms of attend attendanc ancee figures. figures. ake ake a decision on the following *uestions regarding each franchise: &o the$ need to be relocated? 'f so( wh$? •

Are there franchises that need to be closed for good? 'f so( wh$? %. &e!elop a marketing plan for one of the three worst 9,- franchises. 4he plan must increase attendance. A successful plan will pro!ide interesting( original and uni*ue ideas for price( promotion( product and placement. •

Case Study: Bank of merica Sports Sponsorship

1. What decisions would $ou make on each of the four situations;NA/CA
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