Case Study On Xerox

July 23, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Case Study on Xerox



 About Clendenin’s Clendenin’s & M MDC’s DC’s

success • Success  – Clendenin rewarded with 4 promotions since 1984  – Annual budget of MDC grown from $400,000 to $ 4 million  – Staff increased from 4 to 42

• Other facts

 – MDC, the division of Xerox achieved these success while every other staff group reduced reduced it’s funding and staff    – Created resentment among those who had not been successful in

getting resources for their organization

• Inference  – He needs to emphasize that • Since the organization/sub organization grows it is necessary to get

more resources • The resources where the same initially


Clendenin’s background  •

Worked as a major in Marine Corps previously  – Inference • Even though work nature can be different, methods of achieving a task are almost

same in every organization

Joined Xerox even though more beneficial offers were there in investment banking  – Corporate culture of Xerox same as Marine • Inference

 – Even though there can be more beneficial offers, people can still choose that workplace

where they are happy working though compensation is not high

Like Dell, he proved that using direct marketing, i.e. forward integration brings more profit  – Inference • Forward integration obviously brings more savings in profit

Bonding with Gunning – Even though Tom Gunning the new employee did not have any experience, he treated him as his friend and went to lunch together and even attended his wedding  – Inference • Personal working relationships are also required to motivate people and make workplace worth • Qualification should be preferred more than experience


MSDC • Clendenin suggested teamwork  – When one unit has excess inventory it should share

it with other unit who needs it • It saved costs for company as a whole

• CISB – Corporate Information Information Systems Board  – Met four times in a year to review the corporate

systems development  – For USMG (US Division), it is a long process • Each Each continent continental al divi division sion should should have have it’s own own division division and a central information department should be there for everyone • This is because information is vital for taking any decision


New proposal • 3 Multinational groups were formed including


 – Clendenin had no authority • The department went into losses and also faced lot of employee turnover

 – Inference • The company needs to be reasonable and give proper authority if it wants to achieve the targets


Clendenin’s new idea  • Activities

 – Increase staff  – Receive funds  – Coordinate meetings and organize activities by traveling to Europe

• Features of each working group  – Was given it’s primal respons responsibility ibility   – With implementing few tasks

• Results  – Members found it easier to fund projects than to find

manpower or to do it on their own  – Discovered 42 new opportunities


Staffing and managing • Members protest of expense • Clen Clend denin’ nin’s s str strat ate egy   – Clendenin said that he always spoke about

teamwork and that must be thought by keeping ego aside

 – Tried to maintain delicate balance to grow  – Reason • No member should be felt dissatisfied that he was being treated unjustly when we explain with details


Staff culture • Democratic and rumor based setup  – If anyone badmouths anyone, all of them go against  – Results

• Negative evaluations like staffing by random people was baseless

• Clendenin focused on  – More emphasis on intelligence and knowledge than

on formal qualifications  – Reasonable treatment • E.g. If an employee wanted to leave early he could so long he compensated for that some other day or time


Results of such staffing • All mem member bers s an and dc cust ustome omers rs appreci appreciate ated dC Clen lenden denin’ in’s s

approach • Others who were skeptical did not see any concrete

results  – The skepticism needs to be broad minded and needs to be

looked at long-term basis as they did not see below what customers and managers said about this (merely thinking and saying that it was skepticism does not mean that it really is)

• Managers  – As they department was not bureaucratic

• Customers  – Because the staff could attend meetings to see their problems as they were not overstressed


Clendenin as a manager • Motivating, developing and goal setting  – Motivation because he rarely gives a negative

feedback unless absolutely necessary  – Again because of personal relations

• Building trust and managing conflict  – As he builds personal relations with people


Organizing changes affecting the MDC & Clendenin’s future  • After every retirement  – Drastic changes took place in MDC  – Clendenin could again handle any changes as he had good communication skills to convince people as to what they should change or not

• Future of Clendenin

 – Was offered multiple job offers including in Information Management, asset management  – This may be because of his good communication skills,

better understanding of human natureand as others how information and assets would be useful for them etc.



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