The Challenger Disaster of 1986 Background: The Challenger was a shuttle shuttle which was supposed to carry cargo, a satellite, and the Shuttle-Pointed Shuttle -Pointed Tool for Astronomy (SPAR (SPART TAN2!" into space# $t was the %rst e&er shuttle to 'e part of the Teacher in Space programme# The crew was made up of a mis mission sion commander, a pilot, three mission specialists, and two payload specialists including the teacher, Sharon Christa cAullife )*+#igure * )2+ shows the 'asic structure of the Challenger# The Disaster: riginally, The Challenger was scheduled for ta.e-o/ on 0anuary 22nd *13 'ut it was then rescheduled to the 24th, then the 25th, and then the 26th due to 'ad weather conditions )!+# $t was then further delayed 'ecause the ground ser&icing e7uipment hatch closing %8ture couldn9t 'e remo&ed from the or'iter hatch so had to 'e sawed o/# $n addition this, there was also a pro'lem with the hardware which was supposed to detect %re# At **:!: a#m# ;ST on the 2th 0anuary *13, the Challenger %nally too. o/# Sadly, there was an e8plosion 6! seconds after launch, and the crew of se&en died )6+# What happened? igure 2 )4+ shows how a Solid
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