Case Study on Steel Plants

August 17, 2018 | Author: Ravi Sharma | Category: Economies, Business, Nature
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CASE STUDY ON STEEL PLANTS SUMMARY  The given case case talks about the the steel plant po!ects po!ects state" state" b# the $oven%ent $oven%ent o& in"ia' (t )ante" to set up * steel plants an" thee )ee * locations %ake" &o it+ na%el# ,i-ag+ Sale% an" ,i!a#naga' Since these plants )ee PSUs+ the pessue )as high &o% the goven%ent' The &actos )hich a.ect the location o& steel plant ange &o% the content o& ion oe an" coal as a) %ateials+ to tanspotation /ail+ sea+ ai0+ connectivit#+ hu%an esouces+ in&astuctue etc' Acco"ing to the &actos a.ecting the location o& the plant+ ,i-ag )as anke" 1st+ Sale% secon" an" ,i!a#naga thi"' So a&te the evaluation+ steel plants )ee set up in the 1st 2 locations /,i-ag 3 Sale%0 an" the# an success&ull#' A&te)a"s+ then PM (n"ia $an"hi visite" ,i!a#naga an" lai" the &oun"ation stone &o the plant' 4ut the poble% )as that the plant coul" not be set up at all thee an" it appeae" as !ust a tick b# politicians to &ool the votes "uing elections' 4ut then a&te so%e #eas+ a pivate entepise a&te getting license+ state" that plant an" bought bought latest technolog# along )ith so%e othe "evelop%ents to %ake the plant po1table like like othe palnts' 5'6 7hat ae the essential &actos &o locating a steel plant an" )h#8 Ans' the %ost essential &actos &o stating a steel plant ae the &ollo)ing9 6' 2' *' ;' ' ?'

Availabilit vailabilit# # o& a) %ateia %ateials: ls: ion ion oe oe 3 coal Availab vailabili ilit# t# o& o& labou labou (n&ast (n&astuctu uctue e /oa"+ /oa"+ ail)a ail)a#+ #+ sea+ sea+ ai0 7aste aste "isp "isposa osall &acili &acilit# t# Cli%ate Co%% Co%%un unit it# # attit attitu" u"e e E.ect E.ect on envi envion% on%ent ent E.ectt on hea healt lth h

5' 2 E@plain ho) political pessues an" pulls e.ect "ecision %aking an" "ela#s in stating in"usties8 Ans' (n"ia is the lagest "e%ocac# in the )ol"' 4ut at the sa%e ti%e+ it is the %ost co%ple@ legal stuctue also since the poce"ues involve" in an# kin" o& )ok take longe ti%e than actuall# euie"' Sa%e happens in the case o& stating the in"usties also+ speciaal# )hich ae un"e the "iect contol o& the goven%ent' The inBuence o& politics an" the political paties behin" those politics is huge an" causes %a!o poble%s such as "ela#s in cleaance o& the po!ects+ accusations+ blockage o&  &un"s+ couption etc' 5' * E@plain ho) it )as possible to %ake ,i!a#naga plant visible8 Ans' (t )as possible to %ake ,i!a#naga plant visible /set up0 onl# b# binging latest &oeign technolog#' So the pivate pla#e (nal $oup state" that plant b# binging technolog# an" po"using onl# sheet po"ucts' The# kept the %ini%u% )ok&oce an" e@ecutives to keep thei costs %ini%u% since inception' Mean)hile+ boa"

gauges )ee built an" so%e poble%s )ee esolve" on thei o)n "ue to that' An" thus+ that unit coul" beco%e po1table in !ust * #eas onl#' 5' ; Technolog#+ R+ natual &acilities pla# vital ole to stat ne) entepise' E@plain #ou vie)s'

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