Case Study On Bookmyshow

September 1, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Case Study on Bookmyshow


It was an idea that led Hemrajani to become an entrepreneur Backpacking from Johannesburg to Cape Town, he struck upon the idea of selling movie tickets online to eliminate the queue outside theatres in India This was in !!!, and the countr" was just about waking up to computers, customer are not comfortable to use credit cards and net banking for online transection #$ "ears old Hemrajani came back to India and quit his job with J %alter Thompson& To start off, Hemrajani sent an email to Chase partners describing his business plan& '(even da"s later, he got a call from them asking how much mone" he wanted)& %ith half a million dollars of funding, Hemrajani launched Bookm"show& The lack lack of e* e*ti tick cket etin ing g so soft ftwa ware re in th thea eatr tres es and and sing single le sc scre reen enss mean meantt  bookm"show&com  bookm"show& com had to b bu" u" tickets in bulk from theatres in advance and then sell this inventor" to customers& Initiall" da"s, the" suffered losses %hen the" could not sell the tickets and there was the opportunit" loss because the booking wasn wa sn+t +t ha happ ppen enin ing g real real ti tim me, 'It 'It wa wass a no non* n*sc scal alab able le mo mode del& l&))   Th Then en the" the" introduced their own online inventor" software& %hich is deal with cinema halls inventor" s"stem& B" #--#, Bookm"show&com Bookm"show&com had a team of .-, w when hen it ran into the dotcom bust The Compan" shrunk to just si/ people& Between #--# and #--$, as the number of multiple/es across India grew,  bookm"show&com  bookm"show& com turned into a so software ftware solutions provider that sold automated ticketing& B0( has been growing at $- per cent "ear*on*"ear and holds over  !-1 market share in the online entertainment ticketing space& B0( has also ensured that it sta"s ahead of the competi competition tion b" selli selling ng lo"alt" software softwa re to all multipl multiple/es& e/es& The The" " have e/clusive tie* tie*ups ups with theat theatres& res& The" also started focusing on sporting events, theatre and, more recentl", live events in cities&


In #--2 there was internet boom in our Countr" because of following reasons& • • •

Broadband speeds improved& Call rates of mobile phone dropped  3et banking arrived with the usage of debit and credit card&

  4ft 4fter er increase increase in business th thee compan compan" " (et up own call cente centerr for booking movie ticket and handling customers quer"& B" #--! compan" was selling a million tickets in a month& B0( became top five transacted web portal in Indi India& a& B0( became 5rd highest valued brand in e*commerce space& The compan" converted all customer and all transection to the B0( platform& •

The" started call centres and generated a toll free no& for the customers&

Tied up with event organi6ers and I78& 9eveloped mobile application The" The " hav havee ins instal talled led aut automa omated ted spe speech ech recogni recognitio tions ns soft softwar waree for call call

• •


Industry and Competition

Toda" the compan" has ticketing partnerships with over #.-- screens across ##-cities& . million 4pp downloads and there are #--- cinema partnership p artnership Competitors :  • • • • •

7;< Cinemas =un Cinemas Ticketfinder&Com Tickets&Com (eetickets&Com

Business strategy









Bookmyshow.  • • • • •

9eveloped own online inventor" s"stem& Tied up with different corporate and event organi6ers (et up own call centre Connectivit" with social network sites 0obile application

Advantages of bookmyshow. com • • •

4void the queue and rush in movies hall counters 4void 7ool of option for choice the movie, location and movie hall Booked ticked instantl" and preferabl"

Payment mode • • • •

Credit card  3et banking 9ebit card 4vailable 4v ailable in social network site and mobile application

Revenue Mode



The" charged. * 7ositioned as Indias largest entertainment ticketing website

Reationship marketing • •

Build network via social networking site =acebook 9eveloped mobile application


Concusion  • •

The" made new era for booking movies tickets& 9eveloped online Inventor" s"stem software was D(7 D(7&&

Tie ups and different collaboration gave them huge edge& Call centre and Connectivit" with social network sites build consumers

trust& (oci (o cial al si site tess an and d 0o 0obi bile le so soft ftwa ware re are are he help lped ed them them to mak akee more more

• •

connectivit" to consumers& The" have reliable manpower& The" Th e" de deli live vered red go good od qual qualit it" " of serv servic ices es ac acco cordi rding ng to cons consum umer erss e/pectations

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