Case Study AON Pertemuan 2 (New England Trust)

September 3, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Question 1 •

Identify which nume! e"on# to o!#ani$ation % •

&oston Sym'hony (!chest!a &!i#ham and Women)s *os'ita" Quincy City *os'ita"  The +o!d +o!d +oundation +oundation +ami"y Se!,ice of G!eate! &oston

 Tufts Associated  Tufts Associated *ea"th -aintenance -aintenance (!#ani$ation (!#ani$ation *a!,a!d Community *ea"th ."an/ Inc0 and A"iates

-useum of +ine A!ts/ &oston

-ass'o!t Autho!ity

(2fam Ame!ica Inc0


Boston Symphony Orchestra (BSO) Ticket sales account for a large portion of total revenue Operating costs are subsidized by endowment and other investment earnings, foundation support, and annual public contributions Brigham and omen!s "ospital (B#) $ees it receives nearly break%even with its operating activities "igh rate of bad debt •

 & certain portion portion of hospital services services are delivered delivered as 'charitable care B# owns all of its buildings and is currently rebuilding its labor and delivery ward uincy *ity "ospital  & large portion portion of fees go unpaid unpaid as charitable charitable services services and bad debt Owns its buildings and most of its +ed e-uipment "ospital!s assets have been funded largely by long%term Series & Bonds and mortgage loans The $ord $oundation Operating income strictly from the interest and dividends from its investments *apital appreciation appreciation of its investments is classi+ed as an additional source of non •

operating income .ach year ford grants millions of dollars to support all kinds of organizations around the world


$amily Service of /reater Boston 0ast year, 123 of total funding support represented by government contracts 4early the same amount of revenues generated from client fees, which may take considerable considerab le time to collect ith large operating epense, relies heavily on outside support and returns generated by its investments This past year allocated signi+cantly signi+cantly more to current operations than actual •

return from investments Tufts &ssociated "ealth 5aintenance Organization (T&"5O) T&"5O arranges for the delivery of comprehensive health care services, on prepaid basis To cover costs, T&"5O must at least break even from its operating activities 5ost of its asset base is +nancial, and a large portion of its liabilities are unearned revenues "arvard *ommunity "ealth 6lan, 7nc8 and &9iliates ("*"6) 6rovide comprehensive medical services through their own health care professional and contracts with established multi%specialty multi%specialty medical groups "*"6 relies entirely on operating revenues both to cover its costs and to reinvest •

"*"6 owns and rents its own buildings, e-uipment, e-uipment, supplies, and inventories i nventories as necessary Small account receivable


5useum of $ine &rts (5$&) .hibition for members and paying customers :etail merchandise is stocked and sold to the public 7nvestments and an endowment from which interest and dividends are transferred transferre d to the current fund Both annual and capital gains from investments constitute additional sources of income •

The cost of works of art are not capitalized, but directly charged to the funds available for such purposes 5ass6ort &uthority Owns and operates large%scale air, land, and sea transportation facilities 0arge asset base relative to operating revenues and epenses  &nnual surpluses surpluses from operations operations are an an important part part of +nancing epansionary pro;ects Ofam &merica, 7nc8 :eceives nearly all of its +nancial support from public contributions, contributions, classi+ed as non operating sources of funding Operating revenues consist primarily of its :O7 •

6rogram reimbursements accounting for only < percent of total sources of funding 4o liabilities other than accounts payable and deferred revenues due to its


Boston Symphony Orchestra (BSO) [8] 4o &=: *ollection 0ots of asset are highly depreciated (>?>) Operating costs are subsidized by endowment and other investment earnings, foundation support, and annual public contributions Brigham and omen!s "ospital (B#) [5] $ees it receives nearly break%even with its operating activities •

"igh rate of bad debt  & certain portion portion of hospital services services are delivered delivered as 'charitable care B# owns all of its buildings and is currently rebuilding its labor and delivery ward uincy *ity "ospital [10]  &verage  &ve rage *ollection @A8? Owns its buildings and most of its +ed e-uipment Bonds 12,?2< The $ord $oundation [4] Operating income strictly from the interest and dividends from its investments (@,
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