Case Study 1: Statistical Thinking in Healthcare. R!ana Aguilar "r#essr: PEI-H PEI-HWA WA LO Strayer Su$$er %&1'
Statistical thinking is essential in healthcare as it is in $any ther #ields. Like in all ther #ields (here the statistical thinking is e!)ressed as a )rcess that ha))ens in a syste$* (ith cnsideratin t all +ariatins and classi#icatins* the sa$e is als e!)ressed in healthcare t $ake signi#icant i$)r+e$ents that lead t in#r$ed decisins t sl+e cha llenging issues. H,"har$acy is riddled in a challenge that can )artly e sl+ed thrugh critical statistical thinking. The )rle$* as it has een nted y the "har$acy/s $anager* is $a0rly in their )rescri)tin )rcess. The key )rle$ here is that The The H,-/s )har$acy )rescri)tin )rcess is lacking uality cntrl checks t sa#eguard the )atient/s sa#ety due t inaccurate )rescri)tin disursed t )atients. )atients. It is there#re lgical that (e start ur reasning #r$ the asis in an e##rt t identi#y the rt cause* and suseuently de+el) the slutins. 2irst* (e ha+e t de+el) the )rcess $a) aut the )rescri)tin #illing syste$. 3sing the SI"-C $del 45SI"-C diagra$5* %&1'6* (e can nte d(n the )ssile glitches #aced y y the )har$acy.
The a+e SI"-C $del re+eals re+ea ls the entire )rcess # an H,- "har$acy ser+ices. The chart re#lects clear $a))ing # the )rcess alng (ith )ints in the )rcess that re)resent the SI"-C ele$ents* su))lier* su))lier* in)ut* )rcess ste)* ste)* ut)ut and cust$er. cust$er. This $ethd underlies underlies the $a0r reasn (e ha+e t keenly analy8e the the SI"-C $del. At a high le+el le+el descri)tin # the $del* it starts (ith the 9ctr )rescriing the $edicine and e!act dsage* "atient dr))ing )rescri)tin at the )har$acy cunter* Technician Technician recei+ing rder and in)utting the )rescri)tin in the syste$* ,edicine eing )re)ared* and )atient recei+ing the drugs 45SI"-C diagra$5* %&1'6. It is i$)rtant t nte n te that in tday/s tda y/s (rld (rld there are $ultitudes # drugs (ith si$ilar na$es es)ecially i# they c$e #r$ the sa$e #a$ily # drugs and a $iniscule $istake can result in releasing a (rng )rescri)tin. A #e( things need t e cnsidered c nsidered (hen analy8ing this )ractice in rder t )lan an e##ecti+e )rcess i$)r+e$ent. There are se+eral areas (here i$)r+e$ents can e i$)le$ented t reduce the chances # a )atient recei+ing an inaccurate )rescri)tin. S$e # the $st ntale rt causes # the )rle$ en are ha+ing resided in the #ll(ing areas. 2irst* his entire )rcess )rcess is nt (ell rgani8ed hence the )har$acy estalish$ent estalish$ent is )raly nt (ell stck nr rgani8ed #r the )rcess #l( t (rk (ith less #rustratin and $istakes #r the sta## and $st i$)rtantly #r the cust$er 45SI"-C diagra$5* %&1'6. There is a lack # )rescri)tin +eri#icatin. Checking the in#r$atin eing )resented at the cunter and cn#ir$ing (ith 9ctr/s ##ice (hen necessary shuld e $andatry. This (uld uali#y as in)ut since the )har$acist/s assistant assistant needs t ensure he is rdering the crrect $edicine and t a+id $isinter)retatin due t 9ctr/s hand(riting that can ulti$ately result as the )har$acy/s negligence. 9ata $anage$ent is nt accurately eing recrded. The )har$acist $ust kee) in check all $edicines against )atient recrds r the (rng $edicine can e s(a))ed t anther )atient. I# "har$acist is nt $easuring )rescri)tin )rescri)tin accrdingly is an indicatin that the
eui)$ent eing used $ust e slete. It is i$)erati+e #r the Technician Technician t $easure the $edicine accurately r the (rng dses can e ad$inistered. Incrrect )rescri)tin is handed ut t the )atient. 9uring the ut)ut ste)* the )har$acist needs t ensure that he is )r+iding the crrect $edicatin t the )hysician assistant. And lastly* lastly* there is e+idence # e!tre$ely )r cust$er ser+ice. Success#ul usinesses stri+e #r e!cellent cust$er satis#actin (hich in this case (uld translate as indicating the )atient h( t take the $edicatin and t i$$ediately cnsult his. Career Training. (n.d.). Retrieved from
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