Case Studies

November 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Shamlaji River bank and Ghat Development Shamlaji, 2011 - Ongoing  Tourism  T ourism Corpo Corporation ration of Gujar Gujarat at limited (T (TCGL) CGL) in olla!oration "ith irrigation dept# has proposed Shamlaji Ghat $ %i&er!an' de&elopment to de&elop Shamlaji (esh&o %i&er) into a religious and rereational to"n in the &iinit# * length of +00 m of ri&erfront ri&erfro nt along "ith 200 m of ghat and ri&er !an' de&elopment is proposed "ith an elusi&e pedestrian aess onneting the temple to the ri&er# Shamlaji %i&er !an' and Ghat e&elopment proposes the ri&er aess from from the temple in a manner that "ill integrate it "ith the proposal of the temple omple as "ell as "ith the o&erall master plan of Shamlaji To"n# The projet also aims to and protet the northern ri&er !an' through multiple design i nter&entions suh as ghats, ri&er promenade, em!an'ments et# inter&entions

 The projet projet "ill also inlude the rede&elopme rede&elopment nt of the old /agdhara 'und "ith separate male and female areas# This "ill !e euipped "ith hanging failities# T"o proposed he' dam near the eisting ause"a "ill ensure that there is "ater "ith suient depth present at most times of the ear in the projet

area## This an !e utilied for promoting area promoting !oating ati&ities for  

 There "ill !e a ri&er promenad promenade e along the entire entire length length of the ri&er !an' !et"een the he' and esh"o dam onneting all the proposed failities# This isdam done 'eeping in mind all the religious and leisure ati&ities that are lin'ed to the temple and their signi.ane at speial oasions suh as 3arta' 4unam# On normal das this "ill pro&ide a peaeful and serene en&ironment lose to the "ater for the tourists and pilgrims to sit and rela#

   The ri&er aess aess and main ghats ghats "ill also ha&e pro&isions pro&isions for tourist failities, food stalls and pu!li toilets# The design of the entire projet projet "ill ta'e into onsideration loal arhitetural stles and language in order to preser&e the harater of the plae# *dditionall, the design for the projet aims to !e uni&ersall aessi!le as far as possi!le# 6a'Tourism Corporation of Gujarat limited (TCGL) in olla!oration "ith irrigation dept# has proposed Shamlaji Ghat $ %i&er!an' de&elopment to de&elop Shamlaji (esh&o %i&er) into a religious and rereational to"n in the &iinit# * length of +00 m of ri&erfront ri&erfro nt along "ith 200 m of ghat and ri&er !an' de&elopment is proposed "ith an elusi&e pedestrian aess onneting the

tem te m le to the the ri& ri&er er##


Sabarmati Riverfront Development Project *hmeda!ad, 1778 - Ongoing  The Sa!armati %i&erfront %i&erfront e& e&elopment elopment 4r 4rojet ojet is an en& en&ironmental ironmental impr impro&ement, o&ement, soial uplift and ur!an reju&enation reju&en ation projet that "ill rene" *hmeda *hmeda!ad# !ad# The projet is !eing de&eloped de&eloped ! the Sa!armati %i&erfront e&elopment Corporation Ltd# (S%9CL), a ompan "holl o"ned ! the *hmeda!ad uniipal Corporation#  The projet projet "ill re relaim laim approimatel approimatel 200 he hetares tares of land fr from om the ri&er!ed ri&er!ed## To relaim the lland, and, protet lo" ling de&elopments from :oods, and to pre&ent erosion of the ri&er retaining "alls ha&e !een !uilt on !oth sides of the ri&er# Sine Sa!armati is a seasonal ri&er, "ater is !an's, hanneled into the ri&er from /armada anal, "hih intersets the ri&er upstream from *hmeda!ad and a nd is retained in the ri&er using the ;asna ;asna 6arrage "hih is loated do"nstream# To pre&ent untreated se"age from :o"ing into the ri&er, t"o se"age intereptor lines "ith ne" pumping stations ha&e !een onstruted along !oth the relaimed !an's# These lines arr untreated se"age to the augmented se"age treatment plants south of ;asna 6arrage# Slum d"ellers li&ing on the ri&er!ed, and a housing "ith seured tenure#  The relaimed relaimed land "ill ma' ma'e e *hmeda!ad>s ri&erfront, a pu pu!li !li asset# 9or !ette !etterr aess to the ri&erfront and failities !uilt along it, a num!er of streets leading up to the ri&er "ill !e strengthened# an more "ill !e added so that people an easil "al' up to the ri&er# The projet "ill pro&id pro&ide e *hmeda!ad "ith 11#? 'm long pedestrian promenades at the "ater>s edge along !oth the !an's of the ri&er# @n addition to the promenade, man ne" par's and gardens "ill !e !uilt on the relaimed land# an ne" pu!li failities "ill !e !uilt on the relaimed landA ultural enters, museums, sports failities, failities, trade fair grounds and open air mar'ets# * small portion of the relaimed land "ill !e sold for ommerial de&elopment# The sale of the relaimed land "ill .nane the projet#  The projet projet has "on 4r 4rime ime inister>s /ational /ational *"ar *"ard d for Bel Bellene lene in r!an 4 4lanning lanning and es esign ign in the ear of 200D#

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