Villegas vs Subido Subido GR No. L-31711 September 30, 1971
Poete! "erado, #.
"a$ts! A letter dated June 31, 1968, respondent respondent Eduardo Z. Romualdez, Sec. of Finance, auto autoriz rized ed respo respond ndent ent Jose Jose R. !loria !loria of te te "#ice "#ice of te te $it% $it% &reasu &reasurer rer of 'anila 'anila to assume te duties of Asst. $it% &reasurer e#ecti(e June 1, 1968. )ice Felino Fineza retired from *o(ernment *o(ernment June 1+ 1968, petitioner Antonio )ille*as, )ille*as, 'a%or of te $it% of 'anila, 'anila, directed respondent respondent Jose Jose !loria to desist desist and refrain from from e-er e-erci cisi sin* n* te te duti duties es and and func functi tion ons s of Asst Asst.. &rea &reasu sure rer r,, on te te *rou *round nds s tat tat respondent Romualdez is not empo/ered to ma0e suc desi*nations. Januar% 1, 1969, 'a%or )ille*as appointed petitioner petitioner 'anuel . 2apid, $ief of te Eac i(ision of te "#ice of te $it% &reasurer of 'anila as te Asst. $it% &reasurer. Feruar% 14, 1969, in a 1 st indorsement, $i(il Ser(ice $ommissioner 5 Aelardo Suido dispro(ed dispro(ed te appointment of 2apid esed on Sec. of Justice opinion, Septemer 19, 1968 tat said te appointment appointment of Asst. &reasurer is still *o(erned % te Sec. 788 A: of te Re(ised Administrati(e $ode, and not % Sec. 4 of te ecentralization 2a/, R.A. ;o.
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