Case Digest - Corpus vs Cuaderno

May 29, 2018 | Author: Meriam Wong | Category: Constitution, Common Law, Government Information, Public Law, Crime & Justice
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CORPUS VS CUADERNO (3-31-65) Facts: Petitioner R. arino Cor!"s# is a $S!ecia% Assistant to t&e 'oernor# n C&ar*e o+ t&e E,!ort De!artent$ o+ t&e Centra% an/# a !osition 0ec%are0 2 t&e t&e Pres Presi0 i0en entt o+ t&e t&e P& P&i% i%i! i!!i !ine nes s as &i*& &i*&%2 %2 tec& tec&ni nica ca%% in nat" nat"rre# as as a0inistr a0inistratie atie%2 %2 c&ar*e0 c&ar*e0 2 seera% seera% e!%o2ee e!%o2ees s in t&e e,!ort e,!ort 0e!arten 0e!artentt it& 0is&onest2# inco!etence# ne*%ect o+ 0"t2# an04or a"se o+ a"t&orit2# o!!ression# con0"ct "necoin* o+ a !"%ic ocia%# an0 o+ io%ation o+ t&e interna% re*"%ations o+ t&e Centra% an/. &e onetar2 oar0 s"s!en0e0 t&e !etitioner +ro oce an0 create0 a t&ree-an inesti*atin* coittee. A+ter A+ter a t&or t&oro" o"*& *& ine inest sti* i*at atio ion n t&e t&e co coit itte tee e +o"n0 +o"n0 no asi asis s to reco ecoe en0 n0 0isci!%inar2 action an0 recoen0e0 t&e ie0iate reinstateent o+ t&e res!o es!on0e n0ent nt.. 7oe 7oee er# r# t&e t&e oar oar0 0 iss" iss"e0 e0 a reso% eso%"t "tio ion n consi consi0e 0eri rin* n* t&e t&e res!o es!on0 n0en ents ts resi* esi*na nati tion on as o+ t&e t&e 0a2 0a2 &e as as s" s"s! s!en en0e 0e0 0 0"e 0"e to t&e t&e stateent o+ t&e Centra% an/ 'oernor t&at &e &a0 %oss con80ence o+ t&e res!on0ent. Cor!"s oe0 +or t&e reconsi0eration o+ t&e aoe reso%"tion# "t t&e oar0 0enie0 it# a+ter &ic& &e 8%e0 an action +or certiorari# an0a"s# 9"o arranto# an0 0aa*es# it& !re%iinar2 in"nction# it& t&e Co"rt o+ First nst nstan ance ce o+ ani ani%a %a.. &e &e co"r co"rtt ren0e en0erre0 "0* "0*en entt 0ec% 0ec%ar arin in* * t&e t&e oar oar0 0 reso% reso%"ti "tion on n"%% n"%% an0 oi0# oi0# an0 or0er or0ere0 e0 +or t&e !a2e !a2ent nt o+ 0aa*e 0aa*es. s.  &e a!!e a!!ea% a% o+ t&e t&e Cent Centra ra%% an/ an/ an0 an0 its its one oneta tar2 r2 oar oar0 0 is !%an !%ante te0 0 on t&e t&e !ro!osition t&at ocers &o%0in* &i*&%2 tec&nica% !ositions a2 e reoe0 at an2 tie +or %ac/ o+ con80ence 2 t&e a!!ointin* !oer# an0 t&at s"c& !oer o+ reoa% is i!%icit in section 1# Art. ;# o+ t&e Constit"tion. ss"e:
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