Negotiable Instruments cases compilation ready for printing...
July 31, 1948
BENJAMIN ABUBAKAR, petitioe!, "#. $%E AU&I$'R GENERAL, !e#po(et.
%ll postmasters and all ban&s were instructed not to pay anyone of the money orders if presented for payment. he #an& of %merica received a copy of said notice three t hree days later.
0ne of the above:mentioned above:mentioned money orders numbered 1 bone of contention is with regard to reuisite )d- set forth above. It is noted that ;r. imoteo P. 26"U*ID #%/E iang iangco, co, 2ecuri 2ecurity ty #an&>s #an&>s #ranch #ranch ;anage ;anagerr way bac& bac& in 19+ bone of contention is with regard to reuisite )d- set forth above. It is noted that ;r. imoteo P. 26"U*ID #%/E iang iangco, co, 2ecuri 2ecurity ty #an&>s #an&>s #ranch #ranch ;anage ;anagerr way bac& bac& in 19+et>e! o! ot t>e Re2l E#t2te Mo!t2e eeute( y andor other forms of credit accommodations obtained t>e pl2iti@@# i @2"o! o@ (e@e(2t Me!2to! i2e from the ;ortgagee )defendant ;ercator !inance "orp.o!p. i# ull 2( "oi(. amounting the P+44,=et>e! o! ot t>e et!2Cu(ii2l @o!elo#u!e e o#t# o@ #uit. $%E 'N$EN$I'N ' RE)/'N&EN$) )ALA=AR AN& $%E BA)I) ' $%E )U/REME 'UR$ RULING* LAME) REAL$ : &E;EL'/MEN$ 'R/.* 1- #oth respondents 2alaar and Lamecs are innocent purchasers for value and in good faith, since they relied on the validity of the title of ;ercator. et>e! o! ot t>e Re2l E#t2te Mo!t2e eeute( y t>e pl2iti@@# i @2"o! o@ (e@e(2t Me!2to! i2e o!p. i# ull 2( "oi(. %EL&* No. $>e Re2l E#t2te Mo!t2e eeute( y t>e pl2iti@@# i @2"o! o@ (e@e(2t Me!2to! i2e o!p. i# ot ull 2( "oi(. REA)'N)* 1- he sub$ect promissory notes were signed in the personal capacities of the petitioners, and as officers of said debtor corporation )6mbassy !arms, Inc.-. ee, Il2o >2(, it> !e#pet to t>e
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