Case (Criminal Law) - PP Vs Ayaya

October 10, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, vs. PRAXEDES AYAYA, G.R. No. L-29396 November Novembe r 9, 1928 52Phil 354 Summary:  The accused(Ayaya) jabbed and hit her drunk husband(the victim) in the eye with an umbrella to prevent her son from being crushed by the door. door.  The drunk vi!im vi!im !ried !o lok lok him"el# $lone in !heir hou"e hou"e $nd %reven!ed %reven!ed bo!h !he !he $u"ed $nd her)omeho' "on #rom m$n$&in& en!erin&. The l$!!er$!ried #ored !he door bu! '$" b( !he vi!im. !o o%en "m$ll!o&$% 'ideo%en enou&h #or !he "on !o %reven!ed %oke hi" he$d, !he vi!im "hoved !he door b$k, !o %reven! her "on*" he$d #rom bein& ru"hed b( !he lo"in& door, !he $u"ed +$bbed $nd hi! !he vi!im 'hen "he "$' $ h$ne hi!!in& !he vi!im in !he e(elid $nd 'oundin& !he "$me. The vi!im died #our d$(" l$!er.

The Informa!on F!"e#:  Th$! on or $bou! $bou! $nu$r( 15, 1928, in !he munii%$li!( munii%$li!( o# P$&bil$o, P$&bil$o, Provine Provine o#  T$($b$",  T$($b$", Phili%%ine Phili%%ine "l$nd", "l$nd", $nd 'i!hin !he +uri"di!ion +uri"di!ion o# !hi" our!, !he $bove-n$med $bove-n$med $u"ed, 'i!h !he in!en! !o kill her hu"b$nd eni!o del$ /ru0, 'i!h 'hom "he '$" uni!ed in l$'#ul m$rri$&e, 'i!h !re$her( $nd b( me$n" o# $n umbrell$, did volun!$ril(, unl$'#ull(, $nd #eloniou"l( $""$ul! $""$ul! $nd $!!$k her "$id hu"b$nd eni!o de l$ /ru0, ini!in& $ mor!$l 'ound in !he u%%er le#! e(elid, $" $ re"ul! o# 'hih "$id eni!o de l$ /ru0 died ve 5 d$(" !here$#!er. n viol$!ion o# $r!ile 42 o# !he Pen$l /ode.

RT$ ru"!n%:  The !ri$l our! our! #ound !he de#end$n! de#end$n! &uil!( &uil!( o# !he rime $lle&ed $lle&ed in !he in#orm$!ion, in#orm$!ion, $nd $nd !$kin& in!o $oun! !h$! !he de#end$n! did no! in!end !o ini! "o &r$ve $n in+ur( $" "he did, $nd !h$! !here h$d been %rovo$!ion on !he %$r! o# !he oended %$r!(, "en!ened her !o #our!een (e$r", ei&h! mon!h" $nd one d$( relu"ion !em%or$l, 'i!h !he $e""orie" o# !he l$', $nd !o %$( !he heir" o# !he dee$"ed !he "um o# P5 b( '$( o# indemni!(, %lu" !he o"!" o# !he $!ion.

Issue a&ou: 

7em%!in& irum"!$ne, /rimin$l Li$bili!(

Su'reme $our ru"!n%: n !he $b"ene o# $n( re$"on$ble re$"on$ble mo!ive !o %rom%! "$id de#end$n! !o in+ure her hu"b$nd, 'e $re om%elled !o onlude !h$! in !hru"!in& her umbrell$ in !he o%enin& o# !he door in ue"!ion, "he did "o !o #ree her "on #rom !he imminen! d$n&er o# h$vin& hi" he$d ru"hed or bein& "!r$n&led: $nd i# "he !hu" $u"ed her hu"b$nd*" in+ur(, i! '$" b( $ mere $iden!, 'i!hou! $n( #$ul! or in!en!ion !o $u"e i!. This being so, we believe that she incurred no criminal liability in accordance with article 8, o. 8, of the !enal "ode, because, it being a licit act to free her son from the grave danger threatening him, and the fact of having touched the left eye of her husband, who was behind the door, with the end of her umbrella, does not make her criminally liable. ;ei"ion liable. ;ei"ion o# !he )u%reme /our! o# )%$in o# November 3, 1888.
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