Case Chronic Renal Failure Discharge Planning

July 15, 2017 | Author: Fatima Dorcas Roxas Labausa | Category: N/A
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Discharge Planning

Medication > Instructed to complied strictly with the following home medications >avoid aspirin products. To prevent bleeding. Exercise >Bed rest Treatment > Encourage use of soft toothbrush, avoiding straining forstool, and forceful nose blowing >Patients who are sent home should be monitored daily by health care providersor temperature pattern, volume of fluid intake and losses, urine output (volume andfrequency), warning signs, signs of plasma leakage and bleeding, hematocrit, andwhite blood cell and platelet counts.

Health teaching > D- discuss the possible source of infection of the disease. > E- educate the family/patient on how to eliminate those vectors. > N- Never stocked water in a container without cover. > G- Gallon, container and tires must have proper way of disposal. > U- Use insecticides at home to kill or reduce mosquito. > E- Encourage the family of the patient to clean the surroundings to destroy the breeding places of mosquito. Outpatient > Remind patients that regular check-ups are important to ensure that the patient condition is constantly monitored by the doctor. Diet >high carbohydrate diet provides caloric requirements of the body > Encourage nutritious foods like vegetables, meat and fruits.

> Encourage oral intake of oral rehydration solution (ORS), fruit juice and other fluids containing electrolytes and sugar to replace losses from ever and vomiting. Spiritual >Provides emotional support coming from family. Encouraged the patient to participate in the community services to promote social supportive relationship.

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