Case Analysis_United Breaks Guitars

June 25, 2018 | Author: Anonymous P5qttCEYz | Category: Digital & Social Media, Social Media, Mass Media, Communication, Business
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Case Analysis_United Breaks Guitars...


Case Analysis United Breaks Guitars Submitted byAkshay Nagare (008) Aryan Singh Chouhan (01) !irti "atidar (0#$) "riyanshu Nagar (08) Somnath Chakraborthy (0%#) &hy do you think 'ae Carolls ideo s*read so +ast to so many *eo*le, Dave Caroll’s “United breaks guitars” music video on YouTube has 15,85,!15 vie"s as o# no"$ no"$ This video "as %osted b& Dave’s #riend '&an (oore at 1) %$m on *ul& !th, +))$ -& .th *ul&, . %$m, the video had +))) vie"s and !1 comments, most o# them maligning United /irlines$ -& the end o# the month, the video had been vie"ed $! million times$  The reasons reasons "h& this video s%read s%read so #ast to so man& man& %eo%le are0 1 Bad *ubli relations. United /irlines had a bad re%utation "hen it came to customer service$ The #act that the video had !1 comments "ithin a da& maligning United /irlines suggests that the& alread& had bad %ublic relations$ 2eo%le 2eo%le "ere not ha%%& "ith their service and this "as evident #rom the comments received on the video$ This caused %eo%le to vie" and share the video$ + /he *oer o+ soial media.  The video "as %romoted %romoted "idel& through through social media b& Dave’s #riends initiall&$ initiall&$ The& %osted the video to Digg and other social %lat#orms to "hich %eo%le could submit stories and vote them u% and do"n$ (oreover, the video had made its "a& to Consumerist$com, Consumerist$com, a "ebsite a3liated a 3liated "ith Consumer’s Union and the %ublisher o# Consumer 'e%orts maga4ine$ The video then made a%%earance in os /ngeles Times, 6u3ngton2ost$com and 7-CChicago$com 7-CChicago$com "hich added to the h&%e$  ainstream media.

(ainstream media started calling Dave #or intervie"s "hich subse9uentl& increased the number o# vie"s on the video$ C77, the C-: sho" and the /ssociated 2ress began calling Caroll #or intervie"s$  'ae Caroll. Dave Caroll "as a success#ul musician$ 6is %o%ularit&, cou%led "ith %eo%le’s negative %erce%tion to"ards United /irlines led to the video being %o%ular$ 5 United Airays *oor res*onse. United /ir"a&s’ %oor res%onse to the social media comments and ignorance to"ards the case caused %eo%le to hate them even more$

2o do you ealuate the airlines res*onse, &hat ould you hae done di3erent in this *osition, United /irline’s behaviour to"ards the com%laint "as ver& ignorant$ The& ke%t on #or"arding his com%laint "ith a com%lacent behaviour$ Dave’s call "as #or"arded to ;ndia several times and "hen he
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