Case 2
September 23, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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D_M 7 445 57 6=
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Bpmc mcfmf obhhmcts bc survmy odrfs9
Wdrk`cj d hmss Dff d skylbx Jmt lmttmr onmmramdfmrs Fbulam tnm pdrk`cj dttmcfdcts Mvmrytn`cj `s bkdy Vbb orbwfmf _mdts tbb cdrrbw Jrmdt ebbf Wn`a E. ebr Wrms`fmct! @ shmaamf frujs lm`cj shbkmf _tdf`uh `s dco`mct _mdts drm a`km rboks Cbt mcbujn obps ebr trdee`o Jdhm stdrts tbb adtm N`rm hbrm trdee`o obps Cmmf cmw ldcf Jrmdt!
Hbrm nbt fbj stdcfs _mdts drm daa hmtda Cmmf skylbxms _mdts st`ck Jb _Z]! A`cms drm dweua _mdts drm ucobhebrtdlam @ w`aa pdy hbrm ebr lmttmr v`mw Jmt d cmw stdf`uh _tufmct frmss obfm cmmfmf @ wdct ousn`bcmf smdts Cbt mcbujn pba`om _tufmcts tb rbwfy Wdrk`cj tmrr`lam Vb`amts wmrmc‐t oamdc Cbt mcbujn ndcf`odp spbts `c abt Zmaa fbcm, _Z]
Wut `c l`jjmr smdts Er`mcfay usnmrs Cmmf lmttmr smdts Mxpdcf pdrk`cj abt Ndtm tnm lamdonmr smdts Nbt fbjs obaf $? ebr d obeemm2 Cb wdy! Jmt sbhm skylbxms Abvm tnm cmw uc`ebrhs Vbbk dc nbur tb pdrk Obdon `s tmrr`e`o Hbrm wdtmr ebuctd`cs Lmttmr smdts _mdts cbt obhey L`jjmr pdrk`cj abt @‐h tbb baf ebr lmcon smdts Obaf obeemm smrvmf dt jdhm
F`souss`bc Tumst`bc9
]s`cj dt dt amdst twb twb f`eemrmct f`eemrmct quda`ty quda`ty tbbas, tbbas, dcdayzm dcdayzm tnm tnm fdtd dcf dcf prmsmct prmsmct ybur ybur obco obcoaus`b aus`bc2 c2
67. Vnm`r ebucfmrs wmrm Hmtnbf`st h`ss`bcdr`ms; tnm ]c`vmrs`ty obct`cums `ts dee`a`dt`bc w`tn tnm ]c`tmf Hmtnbf`st Onuron tbfdy. .
_butnwmstmrc ]c`vmrs`ty‐s hd`c obcomrc rmvbavms drbucf tnm f`ssdt`sedot`bc be ebbtldaa edcs. Vnm dcdayst be tnm odsm `ctmcfs tb usm smvmrda Vbtda Tuda`ty Hdcdjmhmct (VTH) tbbas suon ds tnm Onmok _nmmt, tb suhhdr`zm tnm obhhmcts, E`sn Lbcm F`djrdh, tb fmtmrh`cm tnm odusms be obhpad`cts, ds wmaa ds Wdrmtb Ondrt tb brjdc`zm tnm fdtd jdtnmrmf ebr eurtnmr dcdays`s `c sbav`cj tnm `ssum. _nm dasb d`hs tb f`souss tnm rmdsbcs nbw tnm survmy odc lmobhm hbrm usmeua tb rmdfmrs dcf tnmc prbv`fm `cs`jnts dlbut tnm sulsmqumct stmps tb tdkm detmr dcdayz`cj tnm fdtd prmsmctmf. F. DAVM DAVM\C \CDV DV@U @UM M B]\_ B]\_M_ M_ BE D V@ V@BC BC
Vb trdcsadtm tnm omctrda `ssum, tnm dcdayst w`aa pmrebrh twb smpdrdtm VTH tbbas dppa`odt`bc. Vnm e`rst dpprbdon w`aa dppay bc tnm _dt`sedot`bc _urvmy \msuats f`spadymf `c Vdlam 5.5, dcf tnm smobcf dpprbdon w`aa ebous bc tnm bpmc-mcfmf obhhmcts bc tnm survmy odrfs. d.
_dt`se _dt`sedot dot`bc `bc _ur _urvmy vmy \msuat \msuatss U`mw U`mwpb` pb`ct ct
Ldsmf bc Hs. Jdr Ldsmf Jdrfcm fcmr‐s r‐s rdcfbh rdcfbh sur survmy vmy,, fdtd fdtd odc lm obaamo obaamotmf tmf erb erbh h wn`on wn`on prbla prblamhs mhs odc lm fmfuo fmfuomf. mf. _ulsmqumctay, tnmsm prblamhs drm fbouhmctmf `c d tdlam dcf jrbupmf. @t `s `hpbrtdct tb dppay tnm ‑Odusm-dcf-Meemot‘ tnmbry tb mdon `tmh sb tndt tnm sburom be mdon fbouhmctmf prblamh odc lm ebucf. Vnm tdlam lmabw snbws tnm obcvmrs`bc be amttmr jrdfms `ctb cuhmr`oda sobrm. _ulsmqumctay, tbtda wm`jntmf sobrm dcf ouhuadt`vm wm`jntmf sobrm wmrm obhputmf. (D)
ZM@JNV_ ( )
07 =7 6= 457 55 47= := 45 4== ?=
> 57 456 7
Jdhm Fdy
D. L. O. F. M. V`okmts D. L. bcomss`bcs D. L. O.
Wdrk`cj Vrdee`o _mdt`cj Mctmrtd`chmct Wr`ctmf Wrbjrdh Wr`o`cj _mdsbc V`okmt Wadc Wr`oms Ebbf _mamot`bc _pmmf be _mrv`om
6>7 56: :4= 66? 555 6:4 =54 556 ?04 >?=
Zm`jnt 8 Dss`jcmf Zm`jn`cj Edotbr x Cb. be \mspbcsms
Vnm survmy fdtd erbh Vdlam 5.5 wmrm wm`jntmf w`tn tnm ebaabw`cj dssuhpt`bcs9 Amttmr Jrdfm D L F M
Cuhmr`oda _obrm
Mxomaamct Dlbvm Dvmrdjm _dt`sedotbry Lmabw Dvmrdjm Wbbr
4 < ? 6 =
_`com tnm odsm stufy `s try`cj tb sbavm tnm f`ssdt`sedot`bc debrmhmct`bcmf `c tnm odsm, tnm wm`jnt be mdon amttmr jrdfm w`aa lm nmdv`mst bc M.
Vdkm cbtm tndt tnm `fmct`e`mf prblamhs drm jrbupmf ldsmf bc tnm`r odusms. Zm`jnt`cj be fdtd `s fbcm `c brfmr tb rmldadcom tnm fdtd tb hbrm doourdtmay rmeamot tnm pbpuadt`bc. Detmr hmdsur`cj, `fmct`ey`cj, dcf tdluadt`cj tnm prblamhs, tnm cmxt stmp w`aa lm `fmct`ey`cj tnm`r `hpbrtdcom. Vnm dcdayst brjdc`zmf tnm `cvmctbr`mf prblamhs `c rdck`cj brfmr erbh tnm hbst `hpbrtdct fbwc tb tnm amdst `hpbrtdct `c fmsomcf`cj brfmr. Cb. be V`hms
% be Vbtda
Cb. be Wrblamhs ( uhuadt`vm)
% ( uhuadt`vm)
_pmmf be _mrv`om _mdt`cj Wr`ctmf Wrbjrdh Wr`oms Vrdee`o _mdsbc V`okmt Wadc Wdrk`cj Wr`o`cj Mctmrtd`chmct Ebbf _mamot`bc
>?= :4= 555 556 56: =54 6>7 6:4 66? ?04
46% 4% >% >% :%
>?= 4==7 6=5> =7?0 =6>< =>:?
46% % 60% 57% :7% :>% >5% 0?% 477%
Vypm be Wrblamh
Cbw tndt daa prblamhs ndvm lmmc jrbupmf, tnm hdrks br sobrms drm dffmf. Vnm jrbup w`tn tnm n`jnmst sobrm hust lm j`vmc tnm n`jnmst pr`br`ty `c brfmr sb tndt tnmy odc lm fmdat w`tn. Vn`s `s wnmrm tnm hbst rmsuats odc lm bltd`cmf `c tmrhs be bpt`h`zdt`bc. Vnm fdtd odc lm obcvmrtmf `ctb d jrdpn odaamf d Wdrmtb Dcdays`s F`djrdh.
Cb. be V`hms % (Ouhuadtvm)
]s`cj tnm Wdrmtb Ondrt, tnm cuhlmr be t`hms daa `tmhs wmrm jrdfmf w`tn tnm abwmst rdt`cj ‑M‘ wds pabttmf. Ldsmf bc tn`s ondrt dcf bc tnm >7-
46 0 = = < 4
4 ?
\M_]AV_ LP VBW@ Edo`a`t`ms
_mdts Wdrk`cj Cmmf _ky Lbxms Btnmr Ldtnrbbh Vrdee`o
? 4 4
Doomss/Udr`mty Tuda`ty Wr`om
Wbs`t`vm Obhhmcts (+); Cmjdt`vm Obhhmcts (-)
Wrmsmctmf lmabw `s tnm rmsuats be suhhdr`zmf vmrs`bc be cmjdt`vm obhhmcts9 Vbp`os _mdts Wdrk`cj Cmmf _ky Lbxms Btnmr Doomss/Udr`mty _tufmct Lmndv`br Ldtnrbbh rbwfmf Vrdee`o Tuda`ty Wr`om nmmramdfmrs Wrbjrdhs
Mctmrtd`chmct Ldcf Obdon
% be Vbtda
Cb. be Wrblamhs ( uhuadt`vm)
% ( uhuadt`vm)
46 0 = = ? ? < < 4 4 4 4 4 -
cbcm be tnm hmct`bcmf smjhmcts. Vnm struoturm be tnm survmy obuaf ndvm lmmc smjhmctmf ly edouaty, dauhc`, jumsts, dcf stufmcts ebr dc dffmf pmrspmot`vm bc quda`ty. Hbrmbvmr, s`com tnm survmy wds suppbsmf tb dffrmss obhpad`cs be tnm dttmcfmms, `t obuaf ndvm lmmc hbrm usmeua `e ttnm nm tbba wds fms`jcmf tb fmtmrh`cm ‑ed`aurm‘ `cstmdf be jrdf`cj `tmhs bc d sodam. But be tnm 47 `tmhs, tnm hdcdjmhmct obuaf ebous bc `fmct`e`mf dspmot w`tn d ed`amf rdt`cj dcf tnm surjm be bvmrwnmah`cj fdtd wbuaf lm dvb`fmf‖ ds mxpmr`mcomf ly tnm dcdayst be tnm odsm. E.
T]DA@VP BCV\BA9 Zndt‐s tnm cmxt stmp2
Dppa`odt`bc be VTH tbbas `s st`aa rdw `c brfmr tb don`mvm quda`ty jbbfs dcf smrv`om. @c brfmr tb a`vm bc tnm obrm pr`co`pam be tn`s dpprbdon, tnm cmxt stmp `s tb `hprbvm quda`ty ly lmj`cc`cj `hprbvmhmct w`tn tnm n`jn-ermqumcoy `tmh bc tnm amet amet be tnm Wdrmtb Wdrmtb Ondrt Ondrt ebr m`tnmr m`tnmr tnm sur survmy vmy br bpmc-m bpmc-mcfm cfmff cmjdt` cmjdt`vm vm rmspbc rmspbcsms sms.. Eba Ebaabw abw`cj `cj tnm Wdrmtb Wdrmtb Wr`co` Wr`co`pam pam,, hdcdjmhmct snbuaf m`tnmr dffrmss tnm obhpad`cts bc _pmmf be smrv`om, _mdt`cj, dcf Wr`ctmf Wrbjrdh‖ `e mvmr tnmy fmo`fmf tb ebous bc tnm survmy rmsuats, br dffrmss tnm obhpad`cs bc _mdts, Wdrk`cj, dcf Cmmf _ky Lbxms‖ `e mvmr tnmy fmo`fmf tb fmda w`tn tnm bpmc-mcfmf obhhmcts, ds tnmy drm odus`cj >7% be tnm obhpad`cs. Z`tn tnm prmsmctmf obursms be dot`bcs dlbvm, DOD Cb. 4‖ wn`on `s Mcjdjmhmct be _mrv`oms be d Vn`rf-Wdrty Wrbpmrty Hdcdjmhmct Obctrdotbr, `s tnm onbsmc sbaut`bc `c brfmr tb dffrmss huat`tufm be `ssums _butnwmstmrc ]c`vmrs`ty `s ourrmctay edo`cj. Detmr daa, fms`jc`cj tnm prbfuot, hdcdj`cj tnm smrv`om prbomss, hdton`cj oustbhmr mxpmotdt`bcs tb tnm prbfuot, dcf prmpdr`cj ebr mxompt`bcs drm tnm kmys tb quda`ty smrv`om.
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