Objectives: 1. Launch “Green Meters” project by September 5th 2. Integrate all aspects of the company value chain (marketing or!ering manufacturing shipping service etc"# 3. Integrate $ith I% information management rene$al (IM project
Constraints: 1. 'ersonnel limitations
%here is not enough staff to complete each project !etaile! in the I% plan $ithin the promise! timelines" 2. Skill set
Mc)ann $oul! nee! to go else$here to hire the necessary nec essary technical skills nee!e! for the project" 3. %ime constraint
%he “Green Meters” project is !ue in *+ months $hich ,scar Mc)ann believes is not enough time for successful completion" -e notes that it is likely that this sche!ule may place significant pressure on his team" 4. Soft$are issues
.eb/0 .eb/0 is base! on outmo!e! technology" technolog y" It $as chosen as the front en! of the project but it $ill take a lot of $ork to integrate $ith MM1s MM1s outmo!e! backen! systems" %he in!ustry has agree! on a ne$ stan!ar! an! continue! c ontinue! use of .eb/0 .eb/0 $ill put them out of !ate before “Green Meters” hits the street" 5. )orporate politics
2n IM& issue has arisen that is affecting the status of Mc)ann1s Mc)ann 1s “Green Meters” project" It is note! that this problem has come about !ue to corporate politics" 6. )ommunication
Lin!a the usability !esigner $orking from home is upset because the pro!uct team has been making changes $ithout consulting her" 2s $ell she has also voice! an issue regar!ing her benefits package" %he issue $as brought about after an -& rep left the company"
Underlying Problems
%he e3pe!ite! launch of MM1s ne$ project has reveale! several un!erlying problems the firm has neglecte! to a!!ress" %he first problem pertains to organi4ational culture" ,n several occasions Mc)ann e3presses !iscontent over company politics" -e notes that he $ill not be able to !eliver his man!ate unless he is able to overcome “huge political challenges $ith regar!s to the IM& project"” .ith three months to launch !ate corporate politics issues seem to intensify an! Mc)ann asserts that unless %ompkins s$itches to a ne$ !ata !ictionary for IM& his ne$ “Green Meters” project $ill fail" In a!!ition to this it shoul! also be note! that MM is fairly !isorgani4e! both in terms of corporate values an! structure" Lin!a an at home $orker has been !enie! several health benefits to $hich Mc)ann attributes to an unreceptive attitu!e in -&" %he -& rep for I% has left the company over months ago an! MM has yet to hire anyone to fill this voi!" %he ne3t issue pertains to I% infrastructure" %he soft$are package that $as chosen for the front en! of the “Green Meters” project is outmo!e!" ,ver the last year the in!ustry has !evelope! a ne$ stan!ar! $hich $oul! make the current .eb/0 out!ate!" MM has taken no steps to up!ate their soft$are an! it is likely that at the current point in time they !o not have the necessary resources to up!ate or alter their current soft$are" 2s $ell Mc)ann note! that successful completion of the pro!uct $oul! re6uire outsi!e I% skills" %his means that either there is no one $ithin the co mpany that has the necessary I% skills for this project or they simply !o not have enough I% employees" Raning o! Problems
I ranke! the poor an! outmo!e! I% Infrastructure as the key problem because it is likely the main reason $hy Mc)ann feels he may not be able to complete the project on time" 0p!ating the soft$are $ill likely re6uire both sufficient financial resources as $ell as a resche!ule! launch !ate" Mc)ann1s Senior I% a!visor has ma!e it clear that they $ill either nee! to remain using out!ate! soft$are or resche!ule in or!er to allo$ time for a successful up!ate" .hile it may be costly to up!ate the bigger issue at play here is the launch !ate" %he e3ecutive panel has lau!e! this project as the company $inner an! has provi!e! full scholarship" %hey are counting on a successful an! timely launch in or!er to help boost company performance" 2 lot is banking on this project launch $hich inclu!es company stock price profitability an! perhaps most importantly Mc)ann1s cre!ibility" %hus the outmo!e! I% infrastructure poses as the biggest issue that cou l! potentially si!etrack a successful project completion"
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