Case 1- Robin Hood
Short Description
case study for business strategy...
Ti!e "onte#t
The legend emerges in the late 15th century which date from around the reign of Prince John.
Assembly meeting meeting to the Merry Men or or the bands bands and let them them know for for the problem problem arises: Let’s put myself on the shoes of Robin Hood as the CEO. First, is to acknowledge the main problem. Deal with it and discuss the issue arises communicate with them professionally, professionally, consider and listen all the ideas or opinion of both sides, take care to remain open rather than critici!e or "udge the perceptions of the #erry #en and then con$ene back as a team. %&le of the issues to tackle' (the transit transit ta&, the increase si!e of the band and etc). etc). * will address the new set of ob"ecti$es and strategies to them, share my own perspecti$e and ideas on the issue and if there no appeal or +uestions on the proposal, it will directly implemented and p osition are properly delegated to those who d eser$e.
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obin -ood personal crusade against the heriff. The increasing si!e of the band. / mission mission to restore 0ing ichard back to power. ecurity and $igilance because whoe$er wanted to "oin was taken in there could be spies and traitors in the group2. To o$ercome the largest competitor, the sheriff.
Objectives -
Change the old organizational structure to a new one - 3rgani!ing group into one force with a common goal and ob"ecti$e. %stablishing a mission and 4ision for such a big organi!ation ad aligning people with it. Keeping up with ever changing environmental and economic scenarios. Changing from old war methods to newer one which could utilize the workforce better.
There are se$eral problems that need to be considered. Robin Hood’s personal vendetta obin -oods personal $endetta ser$es as the basis for many of the problems encountered by the #erry #en. obins needs to make sure his own p ersonal grie$ances against the heriff, do not lose sight of his initial crusade or dont cloud his $ision on what is in the best interest of his #erry #en as a group. /nother is a competitive forces in the industry which which considered as an external exte rnal environmen enviro nmentt.
The two main threats facing obin -ood are the intensive threat of competitive competitive rivals and rivals and threats to suppliers. suppliers . Prince John and the herriff are obins main ri$als and pose a definite threat to his operation. They are in direct competition with each o ther, and their actions ha$e to constantly be monitored. They pose a high le$el threat, because of the threat of an attack, ta&ations to the residents of the forest, and their persistent efforts to capture obin -ood and his #erry #en. uppliers are a high le$el threat, because at any point those who support obin -ood could be captured by Prince John and the herriff, thus cutting off supplies. /lso, /lso, the bargaining power of suppliers is high simply because of the business obin is in$ol$ed in. -is business is illegal and therefore a high le$el threat to anyone who supplies to him. hreat from buyers is buyers is currently a low le$el threat because an ob"ecti$e of obins is to gi$e to the poor. They They ha$e no reason to pose any threat unless at some time obin -ood begins to ta& them. The threat of new entry is also low gi$en the legality of this endea$or. *ndi$iduals will likely be more willing to "oin obin -ood as opposed to forming their own faction. /lthough it is ob$iously more common to ha$e a threat of new entry when in control of the market while making a profit, in this particular situation it is relati$ely low gi$en obin -ood6s rapport within the forest. The threat of substitute products has been identified as a low to moderate threat. The residents of the forest are assumed to be the customers. Two Two $ariables that that make them a threat include' The further increases in ta&es $ia Prince John and the percei$ed possibility that obin may fail. *n the e$ent of either of these things transpiring, the most probable alternati$e would be the ma"ority of the people lea$ing the forest. This is a low to moderate threat because a lthough obins current status is relati$ely stable his customers face the real possibility of being forced into making alternati$e decisions.
Increasing size of the band obin -ood needs to plan and strategi!e on how to take care of his #erry #en and address the issues to handle o$erwhelming growth of new recruits. -e is responsible for the training, health, morale and safety of the band, as well as its well7being. The rapid si!e increase of the band creates se$eral different issues that obin must deal with as well ' 12 depleting the forest resources for food and shelter causing the band to outgrow its present location 82 find a legitimate market for making re$enues, because tra$elers a$oid forest for fear of being rob 92because of the large number of new recruits, security for the band must be increased to a$oid spies and detection and not gi$e a way their e&act location :2 almost half of his band are unfamiliar to him, so obin needs to know all of his #erry #en or remo$e unnecessary manpower and de$elop a strict and stringent way of determining who can become a band member. Mission to Restore King Richard back to Power
;y assisting the barons to restore 0ing ichard back to power has many pros and cons. The mission is $ery dangerous and 0ing Johns pies are e$erywhere. *f this plan fails, the conse+uences are $ery gra$e. The retributions that would follow will be swift and $ery dangerous. Pros - 0ing ichard will be able to answer to the peasants needs and concerns
heriff will not be in power and hence his threat will be minimal There will be no need to steal from the rich
Dangerous proposition with $ery swift retributions *t would be risking e$erything that the band stood for but the benefits would sure be grand The ;arons or 0ing ichard himself might not li$e up to their words
To overcome the largest competitor, the sheri obin and his #erry #en need to o$ercome their largest competitor, competitor, the sheriff, who has become powerful and more organi!ed. -e is the biggest threat to obin -ood and his organi!ation. The #erry #en can adopt se$eral strategies in order to o$ercome the sheriff. 1. obin -ood and his men can impro$ise internal operations in order to compete by finding internal strengths and o$ercoming their weakness they can capitali!e on ad$antage thus gained. 8. #erry #en can focus on new market opportunity, competiti$e ad$antages, consumer e&pectations, competitors actions and technological ad$ances. 9. obin -ood can choose the e&ternal and internal focus and perform a et e$eryone know that the future does not look promising, that things cannot continue going as they ha$e been, and that the time has come to chart a new course.
top accepting recruits immediately and begin a program to downsi!e the organi!ation.
%ncourage people to lea$e the organi!ation $oluntarily. $oluntarily. Perhaps >ittle John should come down hard on those who are not inclined to obser$e strict discipline as a way of making some people unhappy enough to lea$e.
%mploy a har$est strategy to ma&imi!e short7term cash flow. Perhaps make scattered raids outside herwood Forest to shore up sagging re$enues.
Pursue negotiations with the barons to secure amnesty for all the remaining #errymen, the "ustification being that their efforts ha$e helped generate the monies that obin -ood can contribute to the ransom for 0ing ichard.
/$oid further conflict with the heriff and lessen the urgency for the heriff to secure reinforcements. reinforcements. Try Try to buy enough time in the campaign against the heriff for the efforts to secure the 0ings release to bear fruit. Prepare to cease operations as soon as circumstances permit. -elp the #errymen find alternati$e career occupations. Try Try to bring the organi!ation to a graceful end. -a$e key lieutenants de$elop an orderly e&it strategy.
obin should personally de$ote most of his time and effort to assisting the barons gain 0ing ichards release and making sure that the promise of amnesty is honored.
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