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January 5, 2017 | Author: gddurham | Category: N/A
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tft?a DsrL a



tsa ne^vENrY F rxD ('lolxEr Josriu^) 2ND BE^ENLY


Tom McD!fr.


BY Roub 'n N l r m o u l 'a n D\ r . r s uY As n. r D. Nlillc s Er r r Nis r v J o M i. lz io. . . os r r ' M ! s s Y M ilc s whr lc Dv L' * t 'n c ' l i n s n c r d d

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Robci I'ns'rl I nla! JoscPn DIR(soi, riusrc^roaclBrMrroNs BY Don Walkcr

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ACT ONE I SceneOne I w^LTz FRELIJDE: Ca.ourcl. scFtlE: Aa


Potk os th. N.v Edsland Cost. ^mus.m.zt r E: Lat. alt..aoo . E,bndnts lrod tta9. ight to tI. ..nt., it d m.rry-sorcrnd lab.l..l "Mrllins Cdtott.l." B.loe th. m.tty sorcund, riRht c.nt.r. i! rh. staad ol rrlly EroELow. rfi" batL.. lot th. to.out.I. L.ft c.nt.. t tick.t-s.ll.r't b pt.tid.s. Up on ttc .ttt6.l ||h.t. ttRs. I.|ULLTN h.n.I tt.n'z is a rlalom ba.k d bt on onal. show t.nt occtpi.d by "7h. B.dutics ol Eu.op.." B.lotu thk pldtaoea, ir ahoth.r saad @cupi.d b! the ba.k.. hn, Thc tto ba*.. standt a/. .l.vat.A to lot th. "Bauti.s." that tlt.s. two chatuct.ry cat b. .asily t.c^ abor. th. h.adt ol th. crowd- Mrs. MULr-rN it on a high stool behin.l h.t ttadd so l@t sI. it alio tnihl. at a tinat- Irowdltosc .'ft.m. ,ieht it d llok, ?oky Ic. sdgon: d M^N standing upttas. it it t.llins cornucoNorE: T|tir r..n. i' t.t to th. mn'i. ol . eohz ttit.- Th. otlt sotuA con.s l@n lc orch.tltd pit. Th. paatomidic action it synchrcni..d to thc mutic, but it it i^ no s.nt. o

RIS€: FI5HERMtrN,S^TLORS,I,''i' WWE!, CIIILDREN, CIRLS ^T lrcn c locdl nill, aad oth.. trp.s ol a coastdl toea arc t..a moving obout th. pdtk, pottunirins th. vaio6 conc.tsions on.I ia E.naal "t..in8 th. tightt." fh. catous.l k ia luf notion at th. ct ai^ *.r, th. "Tht.. A.auti.t ol Eutop." arc .lancins on th. ptatlom, d iusel.t it butr I.ft. brLLr it sta^di^t dowastag. ol hk iursli^s do|'Ntoe. tton.l and l.anihs aeaint th. ttn.l iat wotchins th. prouhol. stdg. to b. aliv. o^d.r.rrof,. ...dines.7h. is hoein| a goo.l tim.. intn.dial.l, v. r.. rr. JUaoLEr. crost to th. Almott


c^R orj srl -

..nt.r ol th. ttaee to iu89l. o hot o^ one trick dnd d plar. od onoth.r. ttt h. do.s thit ttt..d.out.I con$ to a stop. 'I'h. AmE^s d.t..nd hoh th.i anintak oa.! leav. t,. otttlo.n h dll dn.ctiors to mil a.ouad wirh th. c.ofl.!. Th. "Thr.. a.auti.t ol Eu,op.' tbp .tancia|. Th.y ttip i^to tob.t lot pe.iod. Oh. KtD o^ th. carcut.l lu.ins oll thtt moe.d.nt hat ubbonly cluns ro hn hott., aad n.ith.t hit l'{oiBt^ nor hit bte sts r..on srt him on. 7r. srsTER,a tat crdl. ttp., tkipt happitt loth.t, eho is talkine to anothi Sh. pu , st his tl..r. an,I poi^k to h.t t.b.llioas b,oth.r r,^v r. MR. lorhiddbt. l. o|| wirh si.tebum' or hi' ond a h.trt sold |9atch-.haiaac@il hi' b.lly. out |'ith hit druchto to ai.! hit rilc dsaia hit tccdkit,onr to^. Wh.^ h. th.t. h. tra\dt in bock o./ DAvrD. Jr., |'i t that tt.r" look h. r.t..!.t lo. tuch occ6ao8. Thdt t aU th.r. & to it. E^wD k^ort tle ii9 it up. H. o0 t. ho6., oad lhc fonilt now walk acrctt th. ttoe. drh,he ponp lhat b.ftt th. richast clon in th. locdliry. Thc, ofn th. B8cohb. Couon Milk, "d lit . walt q h. rit.t.' S.v.ral p.opl. et..! thE'n |9ith t.sp.ctlul d|'., and th.y t.finn a 8ru.ious but .lisaif.d bo|| to all. Lt. ruaoLEi, ..n1., ttog., hdt b! thit tim. sloppcd iuestin? aad o^. oJ th. dadc.,t oa h. rlatlo.m n6 .om. .loin and it p6!i"s a hat amons th. c.o|9.I lo' a lit . .oll..tion. lt th. JucnLEN sa.t bocl to his co,n.r .to|9r, and a s^tLo .nt., l.od ,iaht. They crcst down in lrcat ol ttLL.t, and at rh.y pasr hid th. ntRL turnt to look ar BfLLf. .Jl.!.t th. va"tt to tntk to hin. ro rh. c.orr.r to h.r tailo. l.i.hd a\d 6rr him b bat h.r som. icz, Ir. sarloR ctott.t to th. ic.-.naDl waSoa to but th. con.s, and as h. .lo.t. th. ctNL dorcs to atLL'. o^d tdlks to hid. Th. s^n.o(, havihe botsht thc back to thc tpot wh.te h. b,as,out t..t no eirl. H. twB rpttas., t..t h.t fntine vith BILL\. Ctoshts lp^ !h. r|'o, h.lookt ane,ily at atLLr, twn! to hit gnl,.nd kllt h., to hd.l th..on.t. Sh. do.t. Th. s^tLo tu.nt to 6tLL-r an.l Lt iust obout to tak. o soo.l tock at him wh.n h. notic.s that Bt|'Lt toe.rt ov.. him. EtLt.r td .t dnd ti. s^tloR's look it aov onc ol "l d b.u.. I.o!. thit tut oloa.." H. tounr.rt oA h h. l.h with rlir ai'1. Brlry : th.^ crott.s up,o MRs. Mur.t.rn,d rdarl grow ol odotins


93 youa I.ndl.t lollowids his.v.., mot.nt.n: n:fi *utrhtp ,'fr.yri MRs, MuLrtN i, .o,nptat.t, ,noltih.d t,. tlk hnt. dx.anon aa.t giv., ,ir a ni.. bi, hu, . ^ e ^ 'r u , d r u r .l r .n tu t,o d d o |4 ; r 4 t..M tL I a JuLt B ntorc cohpk.\, qni.t.r, d..p.,. Th., too* a.oral d: Bay y9htr. rwo ni snk on an ah.troon o0. )uLtts :hc c r o t q t , , t t 9 h t ..n tn . c^ n FJ, i , d tr i n A h ti i th . ..o \d |'d! h. n.o y bunps into ru:lrt. .r.s a ntam.nt. Th.n h. so.s on, About thir tn. th. s^ ol,,Ih. B.auri., ol Eutop... .oas. our na.l g.ts oa hB aa.t an.! trt., to dtxa.t th. cfo\'d n, potnti|a ro htt v.a,, dan.6, Bx, dow 6tLLf sraat hs spt.t and th. .ntt. ,tae.lut tlr^, to].dd htm aad rn,. catou.t ehit. th. propn.r.$,, on rh. ,t.g. la , to ,tv.! ur.odKrousrt erth trt.-rhlthm ol B| L,t,s Eot.!, ( br th.

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6!r rulrE. ruj"rl irt ,tond,, tootins a!

th. -_-' ol the o nt, her yze stcady, her iodt
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