Carmen Astrologicum Books III - IV.pdf
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The third book of Dorotheus which he wrote with respect to the haylijand the kadhkhudah, which are the governor and the indicator of thetime of the years of life.
In the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful. [Here] beginsthe third book of Dorotheus which he wrote with respect to the haylajand the kadhkhudah, which are the governor and the indicator of thetime of the years of life. At the beginning of this he says: consider Saturn, Jupiter, andMars. If you find them eastern or in one of [their] stations1, [thenthey are used], but if they are under the Sun's rays in the degree ofthe Sun, then this is not counted2, [or if it is] western. If youfind them seven days before the nativity or seven days after it in thepositions which I named for you in the term of [one of] these three,then it will be governor of the nativity. heliacalrising $%&'(
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iFjk)l]mnopKq F34r+ heliacal setting[ 2\]^ F cazimi Tst:-.>uvwxopy"M-.zu{|}~) 7y?F
, Omar D7/ Omar of Tyberias 11 \ “Dorotheus said that when Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars are oriental,or with the Sun in one degree, or in a station, or before these placesor after thems through seven days while from there they have sometestimony to the Hyleg, it moderates or perhaps rules over the Hyleg orAlcocoden.”
A planet is eastern if it is behind the Sun and western if it isbetween its [the Sun's] hands. If there are fifteen degrees betweenSaturn and the Sun, and similarly ••• degrees between Jupiter and theSun, and eighteen degrees between Mars and the Sun, and ••• degreesbetween Venus and the Sun, and nineteen degrees between Mercury and theSun -- whenever you find them behind the Sun by
these degrees, then sayconcerning them [that they have] the power of being eastern. If one ofthem is under the Sun's rays, then it will be one which will not beseen. \ -.0
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! heliacal rising
F0kzF0sgD9B ] the beginning of wisdom 113 Mathesis ¡¢ See also on the third day from the nativity in the term of whichplanet the Moon is because, if this planet is a benefic and its lord isin a good place aspecting the Moon from a good place from trine whilethe Moon is in a cardine or what follows a cardine, then say that allof the nativity's condition is good. But if the lord of the Moon's termis a malefic and it is in a cardine while the lot of fortune is inopposition to the Moon, then say [that there is] no doubt that thenativity is bad. If the lord of the term is a benefic or a malefic andis in a good place aspecting the Moon, then it will be mediocre. 9:> =£aJBF¤ !F term*
©¦ I ¥ [@¥¦,£ag¥ªG«£aJ¬¦ succedent houses %'%§ )*+£aF term ruler K® IJ¬¦«¯~,£a°±%²³ \9:> =£aF34´µ Valens ¶Dorotheus mn° terms F© · Look at the conjunction of the Moon and both halves of its courseand [its] opposition, which is [its] fullness, because if the Moon isin one of these situations, then the lord of the Moon's term rules thenativity. If you do not find the lord of the Moon's term in a cardineor in what follows a cardine, then consider the lord of the ascendant'sterm because the degree of the ascendant becomes the governor in it[the nativity]. If it is as I mentioned, then look at the lord of the[ascendant's] house, which [planet] it is, as, if it is eastern in agood place, then it will be governor. If you find the lord of the[ascendant's] house under the [Sun's] rays, then see which is its lordand see whether that place in which it is is masculine or feminine. ¸£¹£º»£6£aF term ruler K%&'( ) term ruler 7MJB cadent houses ) term ruler JB cadent houses¼½ asc F term¾K asc F0s¿|%&F
'( r+ asc F term ruler À°[Á+ asc s|K hyleg FR[ ) asc F term ruler @JB cadent houses¼½ asc FOG
! eastern I
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\7NO?É+ÊË°V heliacal rising F34)³QÌÍ
ÃÄÅ+NOF \LÏK?Ð"ÑÒÓÔ¹£"#$ Hyleg¾K£aÂÕ7M#$¹£ hiÂÖÕ¹£ 12 0×Ø Bonatti «¸£@Ù+_`+£aÂÖÕFÚÛ³ -.K8 Ü?ÐiÝ@zÞß term rulerà$ alcocoden F¬á7M cadent ³Kâ:&e8 If the lord of the Sun's term is in a good place, then it will bethe protector of the haylaj. If the Sun is in the seventh or eighthsign, which sign is masculine, then the lord of the Sun's term will beruling in it, but if the Sun is in a feminine sign, then it will not bethus because the Sun has been feminized twice — once [by] the sign inwhich it is and the other time by its position among the twelve[places]. If you find the Sun in this position in a nativity, thenconsider the Moon. Cu?Ð"MãÒ asc OG
f-.F term ruler J¥¦ term ruler "| alcocoden ?"Mêë-.J ì¦×hFªíçQ f-.J.Ç îFrÚ¾5?É"M+f69D`a bO° Dorotheus Fbs \´- Omar of Tyberias 11 “And commingle with the Hyleg [any] planet which is in theAscendant or in the Midheaven. And its commingling is such that youshould look at the planet which is in the Ascendant or in theMidheaven; if it has any dignity in the [ place of] the Hyleg bydomicile, exaltation, triplicity or bound, it will be called a sharer,that is, it will be similar to it and it(*) will be held more worthythan a planet which has one part, that is , one dignity.” (*alcocoden?) ³utu Primary Directions Now I will explain to you the length of life and the number ofyears as I attempt [to compute it]. because sometimes you will want toconsider it in a horoscopic diagram as I will show you. The native wasborn in the ninety- sixth year of the years of Darinus [Diocletian] inthe month Mihr on the second day in one and a half equinoctial hours ofdaylight. I wanted to know the places of the haylaj among which he wasborn because they are five places, and none of the planets was in themexcept in the ascendant in which the Sun was; and it is the best of theplaces.
But I calculated for this nativity from the degrees of the ascendant,and its degrees progress in the clime in which the native was born,which is the fourth clime. Saturn is in Taurus four degrees and thirtyminutes, so it is casting rays from sextile to five degrees of Pisces.Because the ascendant is in eighteen degrees count from the ascendantto the rays of Saturn, and it does not come down to it. Then Mars inTaurus twenty-four degrees and fifty minutes casts rays to twenty-fivedegrees of Pisces. Jov 0 &ªwx0ûasc Jwx0û
Jov 24 0 50 &
ªwx 0 ?+ Primary DirectionDorotheus iÝ?78 converse ¾5 « diurnal motion {z asc ASC K significator
F&ª7y³z asc
K promissor
I wanted to know in how many years the ascendant would conjoinwith the rays of Mars. I took the eighteen degrees of the ascendant andI found in the [tables for] my clime and the twelve parts [signs][that] placed under it [was] three hundred and fifty-two [time] degreesand thirty secondsr + minutes À°; I wrote this down separately. ³×Y asc | F&ª ASC K significator }z~ Asc F OA K 352 0 30 Then I took the twenty-four degrees and fifty minutes where Marscast its rays to Pisces and I found
the rising-times under this [to be]three hundred and fifty-six [time] degrees and forty-eight minutes; soI subtracted the three hundred and fifty-two [degrees] and thirty[minutes] which belong to the ascendant, and there were left four[time] degrees and eighteen minutes. I said that the degrees of theascendant would conjoin with the sextile rays of Mars in four yearsand a fifth and a tenth of a year. F&ªwx 24 0 50 OA K 356 0 48 356 0 48 – 352 0 30 = 4 0 18 0 \
ÏKr+ Dorotheus®
F&ª@"³. Directing by Terms
Ð Because Venus [is] in this term, it dissolves the fear and miserythat Mars indicates and he will not die, but this misery will pass byhim because whenever the rays of the benefics are found with the raysof the malefics, then the benefic dissolves whatever the maleficindicates; but if the malefic and its term cast rays without thebenefics, then it will not be long before he dies. \@Ù+øÌÍUg¥ FªG®
ÃDºF bounds Éu.M®ï¥
³u?Ðtuõ`hi Omar DF Directing by Terms)gXS9B Then, when the degrees of the ascendant depart from Aries, theywill descend to the [first] term of Taurus, which [is] the place inwhich Saturn is. L%
0 Jovî Term Éu
I computed this thus in the [table for the] clime in which I was,and I found the rising-times under thirty degrees of Aries [to be]nineteen [time] degrees and twelve minutes. 9:î%&F0}z~ OA K 19 0 12 I wanted to subtract from these the [rising-]times which [were]under the degrees of the ascendant. Because they were greater than thenineteen [degrees] and twelve [minutes] which [are] in Aries and I wasnot able to subtract it, I added to it [19; 12] a complete rotation,which is three hundred and sixty degrees, and I subtracted from it[379; 12] the three hundred and fifty-two [degrees] and thirty[minutes] which [were] under the degrees of the ascendant; thereremained twenty-six [degrees] and forty-two [minutes]. I said [that]the degree of the ascendant will depart from Aries in twenty-six yearsand a half and a fifth of a year. L% Asc |ov0F ascensions K 26 0 42 This makes clear that the conjunction of the degree of theascendant with a malefic indicates a great misery unless there are someof the benefics which cast their rays to this term 1
becausesometimes misery and death will come to him before the conjunction ofthe degree with a malefic.2 This [was] in twenty-six years and ahalf and a fifth of a year. 1\YU,® ÃDº/ bounds5çÁiÝ ª@/y" 2\?U±²þ
&ªGJ01 24 0 50 DF term K01 19³26 0
D'(F termì? term gªGF
)+ iÝ7ÏK£aì
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pµ 20 0 10
LÏK"MF¾g\åæ5%ßp£a-.F term ruler*+F term ruler JB cadentIg, hyleg gªG hyleg 7§ 1\L7NO?+ÊÄË°Ã!à$ hyleg 6F term ruler[+¨ SAN F term ruler[ 2\+Ê@MJä|%'g hyleg):%zT7eåæçè07Ð[)7y ?ÉÒ¨9Ã!F[term ruler 7ÇJB cadentI, hyleg gªGFÚÛ \term ruler éLCì:%äêëëªí?Юuõ`©·Ã !F termruler ì hyleg ×ÑFí8ö÷+7ÇÃ!F termruler @ cadentÏfÃ! LMõ hyleg F6óÃ! cadent *+ 5[ If you find amalefic casting its rays to the degree of the haylaj, it will harm him[the native] and injury will come to him in the period during whichthis malefic is governor of the prorogation or ray. L%&g®
ªG hyleg®
Y algebuthar ¥Ì® '(F bounds ®
ªGDÌF bounds ×6
* hyleg J~Cg'(Èîï
Avraham Ibn Ezra F 120 Aphorisms F 20 (\” If the baleful is in anascending sign and has within it any power, its influence will be lessharmful; if it is retrograde, it will heap evil on evil.” Ifthe Sun is in opposition to Mars from the ascendant, consider that thisis an indicator of the squandering of his father's property, andstriking and grief from the nobles of men, and ruination will harm himand a pain in his leg, and this will come to him in the period duringwhich Mars is the governor of the ray. -.J¦ì °±%'sðñòóFôZ¾õö¶÷«ÎkøsÎÈû ?XrÚst: D'(F period Beause the nativity was diurnal, I looked in search of the haylaj atthe Sun, and I found the Sun cadent. I also looked at the Moon, and Ifound it cadent. I found the lot of fortune and the fullness [of themoon ] also in cadent. There was nothing obvious from which thehayIaj might be found except the ascendant. The lord of the term of theascendant, Mars, was above the earth and near the East and the fourparts which have been mentioned and [in] the place of good fortuneaspecting the ascendant and casting [its] rays to that term in whichthe ascendant is, from above it, because it casts to the house and termtogether; if that casting were to the house only, it would not havethis power. There is left of the term one degree that belongs toMars. Ã!¯~º SAN ý cadent¾5¼½ asc=ù&0 ì asc gªGI, asc DF term @gªG5]
FªGôn by sign @g by termû
* FªGÄg by sign 7sgdeFk#$ alcocoden \g >~ hyleg ì'( _`@s+ alcocodenUgªGí8 Ü?É1ªGFª8Cr+úe aspect by sign º aspect by bound«>iÝ@ +û¦ªGü©FA+¨ý¾5?r@M8äÑÒþÔe8 hyleg ×6Fª ír8 P>*+5¬0«7L% hyleg e8×?iÝ©·ßf (K/ 6'(¨ýs×b©³uP>ðÐ
î'(ì bound '
³uÐtuì Directing by Term Fr8ªí So Mars takes over the governorship of the prorogation and ray.1Until this degree in its prorogation and its ray ends without the rayof any [other]2, Mars indicates in this year3 injury from fireand disease. Even though Mars is in a good place, it is necessary thatit indicates like this. 4This misfortune is worse for him [thenative] because the Moon aspects it [Mars].5 If it were not that theSun stands between its ray and the ascendant and breaks the power ofMars 6, it would be worse. 1\Asc 0J
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term T'(=ùУaLMKÅ!FDÆñ 6\-.FÃ"
!FªGraysF r8 )Zõg5F
XY Then the prorogation of the ascendant comes to the term of Venus tillthe eleventh degree. Because Mars has left and Venus has entered it isnecessary to mix the power of these two together. Because of thisthe native will be blessed with love from his parents because both ofthese [planets] are in a good place, and moreover pain will reach him. =ù 7³11 0+o
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bound ×> Òßo
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Then till the nineteenth degree is the prorogation of Mercury, and inthis period he will increase [his] learning and culture and thelike. =ù 11³19 0+p '(F bound?Ð6Ñ%'sPrO33×hF \
?F Directing by Terms +1
Then the prorogation at puberty1 reaches Jupiter, and it willindicate praise on account of [his] culture and good from [his]eloquence and the manifestation of [his] ways which are pleasing topeople.2 Even though Jupiter is retrograde in motion and does notaspect the Moon and the ascendant, this will not decrease3 itbecause, whenever the planets are thus, their power is weakened and itsgift is muddied. If Jupiter were in a better place than this, it wouldincrease the good. =ù 19³24 0K
^Ig,£aì asc gªG
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2\LÏK?É@g"M%'Î|$7D 3\ Avraham Ibn Ezra F 120 Aphorisms 13 ( “If the helpful planets should be in a position opposite to theircharacter, in the house of their dishonour [detriment], in the house oftheir hatred [fall], or in the falling [cadent] houses, and if
noaspect lies between them and the ascending sign, then it will exertabsolutely no influence. Likewise if the unfavourable are in thatposition, their harm will be slight.” ] Bonatti F AnimaAstrologiae 57 ( “To consider whether the significator be in the Eighth from the Ascendant? For if he be there, and a Fortune, though he do not harm, he will do nogood; and if he be an Infortune he will do greater mischief than in anyother place of the Figure……..” Then the prorogation comes toSaturn while Venus casts [its] rays to the twenty-seventh degree ofScorpio from quartile, so that Saturn and Venus govern this prorogationtogether1. Saturn indicates his slowness in work and disease anddistance from his land and grief and obstruction and difficulty, andthis is worse because Mars is elevated over Saturn. If it were not thatJupiter aspects Saturn it would be worse.2 Because of the place ofSaturn his mother will die in this period, but he will acquire goodsbecause Saturn indicates these, and he will many a wife with a dowry,and [a child] will be born to him who will live a short while and diein the third year3; his enjoyment of women and children will be fromVenus, but his lament and the death of his child will be from Saturn. =ù 24³30 0+ '(F bound %'56!¸«o ? bound Éu¾5?6Î
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±9{ 16 0?ôõ8 whole signaspectÊ moiety aspect by bound ý vw|7þ899ä¼?VwiÝß>F+ aspect bytermTUg¥
7§F bound Éu®Ç"JCu¢ Directing byTerm F:.uåæ” L%
”F34« whole sign aspect°±|7³uP>Ð
\?iÝ@"ÑÒÔù aspect by bound m»ª8C[L% aspect by sign K ' 3\"M+¾K=ù 24 0Ìo 67 27 0 ªFí8[ [ Then the prorogation arrives at Sagittarius, the first term, which isthe house of Jupiter and its term. Because Jupiter makes this place itshouse and its term, it governs the prorogation alone without any[other] of the planets [and] it increases its power.1 It indicatesfor the native leadership and honor among groups of men, and hiselevation among them. Because Saturn is in the twelfth degree, itindicates the last day of his life, and he will live after the twelfthdegree forty-eight nights because Saturn is in the beginning of thedegree [at 12; 8"]2. ÒßAB;îº;î boundÎ bound¾5
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