Carlson Screed EZ III MS10 Parts &amp Maintenance Manual #1600

July 14, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download Carlson Screed EZ III MS10 Parts &amp Maintenance Manual #1600...



Carlson Paving Products Inc. Parts & Maintenance


Carlson Paving Products Inc. 18425 50th Ave. E. Tacoma WA 98446 Phone: (253) 875-8000 Fax: (253) 846-0100




Manufacturer (Carlson Paving Products, Inc.) warrants, commencing with the date of shipment to first end user and for a period of 12 months thereafter or 1,000 hours of operation, whichever occurs first, all machinery and parts manufactured by Carlson Paving Products, Inc. to be free from defects in workmanship and material. Warranty remains in force for the above time period only if all Manufacturers operational procedures are followed and recommended maintenance is performed.   If, within such warranty period, any machinery or parts shall be proved to Manufacturer’s performed. satisfaction to be defective, it shall be repaired or replaced, at the Manufacturer’s option, F.O.B. Manufacturer’s warehouse. All failed parts or components must be returned to Manufacturer prepaid for inspection before credit will be issued for new parts or components. Manufacturer’s obligation hereunder shall be confined to such repair or replacement and does not include any charges, direct or indirect, for removing or replacing defective machinery parts. Wear parts such as: conveyor chains, screed plates, and track pads, are warranted only if found to be defective at time of shipment, but are not warranted for the warranty period as far as wear or abuse. No warranty shall apply to machinery, or parts or accessories which have been furnished, repaired or altered by others so as, in Manufacturer’s judgment, to affect the same adversely or which shall have been subject to negligence, accident, or improper care, installation, maintenance, storage, or other than normal use or service, during or after shipment. With respect to machinery, parts, or accessories to Manufacturer’s products which are furnished but not manufactured by Manufacturer, Manufacturer’s warranty obligation shall in all respects conform and be limited to the warranty extended to Manufacturer by its supplier or, if none, to the warranties expressed herein. THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND MANUFACTUERER SHALL NOT BE SUBJECT TO ANY OTHER OBLIGATIONS OR LIABILITIES WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TO MACHINERY, PARTS, ACCESSORIES, OR SERVICES MANUFACTURED OR FURNISHED BY IT OR ANY UNDERTAKINGS ACTS OR OMISSIONS RELATING THERETO. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL MANUFACTURER BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES, EXPENSES, LOSSES OR DELAYS HOWSOEVER CAUSED. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES THAT EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION OF THE FACE HEREOF.

Carlson Paving Products, Inc. Tacoma, Washington


Angle of Attack Adjustment The Easy Screed exte nsio n has an external angle of atl atlack ack adjustment on each extension. This is a critical adjustment for mat texture between the main screed and Easy Screed extension. Whenever changing this adjustment t is necessary to turn the berm jack in the same direction that you turn the angle of atlack. The berm jack has a course thread and the angle of atlack jack is a fine thread. When you turn the angle of atlack jack, go to the outside of the Easy Screed extension and unlock the berm jack and turn the berm jack in the same direction until null. Then re-Iock the berm jack. By raising the bull nose on the Easy Screed extension, we force more mix under


extension. If you raise the bull bull nose up too high high a shiny mat will occur behind the extension. Too low and a loose mat will occur behind the extension.

When the angle of atlack on the extension is too high, the main screed will lay a loose mat because we are transferring the weight from the main screed to the extension. When the angle of atlack is too low, the main screed will be tighter than the extension. IS

...Summary: OUR OBJECTIVE TO LAY A UNIFORM MAT. Whether Whet her the mat is loose and open or tight and shiny behind the exten extension, sion, it must


uniform. If the mat under the main screed is loose and open and the mat under the extension is tighl and shiny You must lower the angle of attack under the extension until the entire mat is uniform.

If the mat under the main screed is tight and shiny and the mat under the Easy Screed extension s loose and open you must raise the angle of attack on the extension until the entire mat is uniform. The following pictures explain what to do to correct the mat. 1 1 ~ - ~   •

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11/17/97 11:26AM ang1.doc  

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