CARESCAPE R860 Ventilator Quick Guide JB77395XXz

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NCXA^NCRA   X652 Uait`lctor Su`nj Xaearaina Gu`da




Tfa kctar`cls noitc`iad `i tf`s donukait cra `itaidad eor adunct`oicl purposas oily. Tf`s donukait doas iot astchl`sf span`e`nct`ois, oparct`ig pronaduras or kc`itaicina katfods eor ciy oe tfa produnts raearainad. Clwcys raear to tfa oee`n`cl wr`ttai kctar`cls (lchal`ig) prov`dad w`tf tfa produnt eor span`e`nct`ois, oparct`ig pronaduras cid kc`itaicina raqu`rakaits.



Noitaits Haeora Rowar`ig tfa ^ystak Oi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Rowar`ig tfa ^ystak Oi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 .4 Rct`ait Rct`a it ^atup ^atup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 ^ystak Nf Nfanj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ^att`ig c Uait`lct`oi cid Hcnjup Koda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ^tcrt`ig Rct`ait Uait`lct`oi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Kcj`ig Uait`lctor Nfcigas Wfai `i ci Cnt`va Koda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Clcrk Kcicgakait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 .6 Iahul`za Iahu l`zarr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Rronaduras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Icv`gct`oi Icv`g ct`oi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3> To Xav`aw Rct`ait Dctc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3> To Xav`aw Rct`ait Traids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Rcus`ig Uait`lct`oi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Rowar`ig tfa ^ystak Oe e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31


Iota! Clwcy  Clwcyss raear raear to tfa tfa Qsar Qsar Xaearain Xaearaina a Kciucl Kciucl haeora haeora usa. Xaear to tfa Qsar Xaeara Xaearaina ina Kciucl Kciucl eor `ieorkct`oi oi cll wcri`igs cid prancut`ois. >


Haeora Rowar`ig tfa ^ystak Oi 3.  Noiiant tfa @isp`rctory ^ceaty Gucrd (@^G) to tfa `isp`rctory port. 8.  Noiiant tfa Axfclct`oi Uclva Cssakhly (AUC) to tfa axfclct`oi port. >.  Eck`l`cr` Eck`l`cr`za za yoursale w`tf tfa fcrd jays oi tfa d`splcy.


c. 8-k`iuta cud`o pcusa


h. @inracsa O8


n. ^icpsfot d. Lonj/Qilonj


a. Foka


e. Tr`k Jioh



4.  Cttcnf tfa tfa hractf`ig n`rnu`t cid cll cnnassor`as cnnassor`as tfct w`ll ha usad to vait`lcta tfa pct`ait.

Carogai® iahul`zar Noiiant`oi

Onnlus`oi port

Fcrd jays oi tfa NCXA^NCRA X652 Uait`lctor d`splcy

> >c







Rowar`ig tfa ^ystak Oi 3.  Noiiant tfa c`r cid oxygai supply fosas to tfa gcs supply sourna. 8.  Rlug powar nord `ito ci cpprovad alantr`ncl outlat. >.  Rrass tfa powar sw`tnf to turi oi tfa vait`lctor. Iota= • Wc`t >2 sanoids to cllow tfa systak to powar oi. • L`stai eor 8 d`st`intly d`eearait cud`o toias to kcja sura tfa pr`kcry spacjar cid hcnjup huzzar cra worj`ig proparly. • Wctnf cid var`ey tfct tfa clcrk l`gft oi tfa top top oe tfa d`splcy nynlas tfrougf hlua, yallow cid rad.




Rct`ait ^atup 3.  ^alant IAW RCT@AIT . 8.  ^alant Cdult, Rad`ctr`n or Iaoictcl pct`ait typa. Iota= Wfai salant`ig iaoictcl, c iaoictcl elow saisor `s ranokkaidad eor `kprovad t`dcl voluka dal`vary cid koi`tor`ig.


>.  ^alant Rct`ait @D (@dait`e`nct`oi), `e ianasscry, cid aitar 32 nfcrcntars cid salant Noie`rk. Iota= Oily Aigl`sf clpfc-iukar`n nfcrcntars kcy ha aitarad. 4.  ^alant Gaidar  (kcla  (kcla or eakcla). 1.  ^alant Fa`gft . 5.  ^alant Wa`gft . 7.  ^alant Tuha Typa (Aidotrcnf, Trcnf, or ---). 6.  ^alant Tuha D`ckatar . 0.  Uar`ey cid noie`rk satt`igs hy hy prass`ig Noie`rk.

8 > 4 1







^ystak Nfanj N`rnu`t ^atup 3.  ^alant N@XNQ@T ^ATQR. 8.  ^alant nfanj hox eor tfa FKA or Fuk`d`e`ar .


Iota= ^att`igs cra noie`rkad wfai tfa satt`ig `s nfcigad.


>.  ^alant V  to  to nlosa tfa kaiu. Iota= Qsa N`rnu`t ^atup to salant satt`igs tfct kust ha nokpaisctad eor `i tfa pct`ait n`rnu`t kacsurakaits.


Xuii`ig c ^ystak Nfanj 3.  Erok ^tcidhy, salant ^P^TAK NFANJ . Iota= Tfa Xui ^ystak Nfanj kaiu sfows. 8.  Cttcnf tfa hractf`ig n`rnu`t cid cll cll cnnassor`as tfct w`ll ha usad to vait`lcta tfa pct`ait. Iota= Nokplata tfa systak nfanj us`ig tfa cppropr`cta elow saisor par pct`ait typa. Qsa tfa iaoictcl elow saisor wfai nokplat`ig c systak nfanj eor c iaoictcl pct`ait.

3 1

>.  Onnluda tfa tfa pct`ait wya us`ig tfa tfa onnlus`oi port. Iota= Tfa onnlus`oi port s`ts halow tfa axfclct`oi vclva cssakhly (AUC).


4.  ^alant ^tcrt . Iota= Wfai pareork`ig tfa ras`stcina nfanj, tfa wya-p`ana cid tfa hractf`ig cnnassor`as (D-l`ta+ℨ or Rad`-l`taℨ ^aisor cid FKA) sfould rakc`i oi tfa onnlus`oi port. 1.  ^alant tfa `ieorkct`oi `noi to saa tfa ^ystak Nfanj Datc`ls kaiu.


c. Cs tfa systak nfanj `s ruii`ig, tfa rasults oe acnf nfanj w`ll ha d`splcyad.

Iota= Eollow cll oi-snraai systak nfanj `istrunt`ois. C graai nfanj kcrj w`ll d`splcy `e tfa nfanj pcssas. @e tfa nfanj ec`ls, c rad V `s sfowi, cid c Falp `noi d`splcys iaxt to tfa ec`lad nfanj to prov`da poss`hla ncusas cid falp eor trouhlasfoot`ig.




^att`ig c Uait`lct`oi cid Hcnjup Koda 3.  ^alant Nurrait Koda. 8.  ^alant tfa das`rad vait`lct`oi koda.


c. Dapaid`ig oi tfa ecn`l`ty daecult satup eor vait`lct`oi kodas, tfa Koda ^att`igs kaiu kcy noitc`i 8 `nois, c pcrt`cl l`st cid c eull l`st.

>.  ^alant Css`st Noitrol Noitrol, Lacj Nokp or Tr`ggar Nokp, `e das`rad. Iota=  Css`st  Css`st Noitrol `s UN, oilyC/N cvc`lchla tfa eollow`ig vait`lct`oi kodas= C/N RN, C/N`iRXUN. 4.  ^at tfa das`rad satt`igs eor tfa vait`lct`o vait`lct`oi i koda cid noie`rk. Iota= Wfai tfa vait`lctor satt`igs cra noie`rkad, tfa Koda ^att`igs kaiu nlosas, cid tfa salantad vait`lct`oi kodas sfow `i Nurrait Koda.


1.  To sat c Hcnjup Koda, salant Nurrait Koda. 5.  ^alant Hcnjup ^att`igs.


c. ^at tfa das`rad satt`igs eor tfa hcnjup koda cid noie`rk.

7.  Noie`rk cll vait`lct`oi vait`lct`oi koda satt`igs hy prass`ig

> 8

Noie`rk Hcnjup.








^tcrt`ig Rct`ait Uait`l Uait`lct`oi ct`oi 3.  Erok ^tcidhy, salant ^tcrt Uait`lct`oi. 8.  Cetar vait`lct`oi fcs stcrtad, stcrtad, noiiant tfa hractf`ig n`rnu`t to tfa pct`ait. Iota= • @t `s ranokkaidad tfct c systak nfanj `s nokplatad nokplatad pr`or to stcrt`ig vait`lct`oi. • @e tfa ^tcrt Uait`lct`oi huttoi `s yallow, tfa Nokplata ^ystak Nfanj wcri`ig clart w`ll d`splcy tfa eollow`ig=   „ ^alant Noit`iua to hypcss ^ystak Nfanjout Nfanjout cid stcrt vait`lct`oi. ^alant Ncinal to rakc`i `i ^tcidhy.

Kcj`ig Uait`lctor Nfcigas Wfai `i ci Cnt`va Koda



3.  ^alant tfa pcrckatar to nfciga us`ig tfa vait`lctor qu`nj jays. 8.  Turi tfa Tr`k Jioh to cdmust tfa satt`ig. >.  Rrass tfa Tr`k Jioh or salant tfa qu`nj jay to cnt`vcta tfa nfciga.

Clcrk Kcicgakait




Clcrk Hcr  G`vas v`sucl `id`nct`oi ` id`nct`oi oe pcrckatar cid tanfi`ncl clcrks. • @e tfara cra io nurrait cnt`va cnt`va clcrks, tfa clcrk stctus sfows io clcrks cid tfa clcrk hcr `s graai. • @e tfara cra cnt`va clcrks, tfa clcrk stctus stctus sfows tfa clcrk kasscga eor tfa kost ranait clcrk w`tf tfa f`gfast pr`or`ty. Tfa clcrk hcr nolor sfows tfa pr`or`ty oe tfa clcrk. Tfa clcrk l`st noitc`is cll oe tfa cnt`va clcrks, cs wall cs prav`ous clcrks raqu`r`ig usar cnjiowladgkait. • @e tfa clcrk hcr `s gray, tfara cra io cnt`va clcrks, hut c prav`ous clcrk raqu`ras usar cnjiowladgkait.

3.  Cud`o Rcusa 8.  Clcrk ^tctus >.  Clcrk ^atup 4.  Cud`o Rcusa Rcusa T`kar 1. Cnt`va Clcrk Nouit






Clcrk Rr`or`ty Cud`o cid v`sucl `id`nctors tall tfa pr`or`ty oe tfa clcrk.







Elcsfas rad

^ar`as oe e`va toias tw`na



Elcsfas yallow

^ar`as oe tfraa toias



^ol`d hlua

^`igla toia

Clcrk ^atup 3.  Cpiac T`ka= T`ka= ^at cpiac t`ka up to 52 sanoids. 8.  Clcrk L`gft Hr`gftiass= Hr`gftiass= ^at tfa hr`gftiass laval oe tfa clcrk l`gft. Tfa rciga `s 3 (Low) to 1 (F`gf). >.  Clcrk Uoluka= Uoluka= ^at tfa clcrk voluka oe tfa clcrk toia. Tfa rciga `s 3 (Low) to 1 (F`gf). 4.  F`gf Clart Cud`o= ^at tfa dalcy t`ka `i wf`nf c f`gf-pr`or`ty clcrk kust ha rasolvad haeora tfa cud`o toia p`tnf cid voluka `inracsas to tfa kcx`kuk laval. Tfa rciga `s 2 to >2 sanoids or Oee. C gaiarcl kasscga sfows wfai F`gf Clart Cud`o `s sat to Oee.


8 4

> 1


1.  Clcrk L`k`ts= ^alant tfa nfanj hox to sfow clcrk l`k`ts cdmcnait to tfa kacsurad dctc `i tfa pct`ait dctc worjspcna. Tfa Tfa clcrk l`k`t clwcys sfows wfai ci clcrk onnurs eor tfa kacsurad dctc, avai `e `t `s sat to Oee. 5.  Cuto L`k`ts L`k`ts== ^alant to sat cuto clcrk l`k`ts hcsad oi nurrait kacsurad dctc eor=


c. KUaxp-Low KUaxp-Low cid F`gf


h. UTaxp-Low cid F`gf


n. Xcta-Low cid F`gf


d. AtNO8-Low cid F`gf


a. RAARa-Low RAARa-Low cid F`gf

To Cdmust tfa Clcrk ^att`igs= 3.  ^alant a`tfar tfa Low or F`gf clcrk l`k`t, cid tfai usa tfa Tr`k Jioh to cdmust tfa satt`ig.  


8.  ^alant w`tf`i tfa hordar oe tfa cnt`va clcrk oi oi tfa kacsurad dctc snraai to opai tfa Clcrk ^atup kaiu. @e ianasscry, usa tfa Tr`k Jioh to cdmust tfa satt`ig eor tfa clcrk l`k`t. Iota= • Clcrk satt`ig nfcigas tfct cra iot noiffirkad pr`or to to tfa aid oe c t`kaout par`od cra ncinallad. • Clcrk L`k`ts eor AtNO8 , AtO8 cid RAAR` cra oily cvc`lchla wfai ci c`rwcy kodula w`tf tfasa kacsurakait ncpch`l`t`as `s `istcllad. @e tfa pct`ait typa `s Iaoictcl, tfasa clcrk l`k`ts cra iot sfowi. 0


Iahul`zar Wcri`ig • Do iot usa c e`ltar, fact-ko`stura fact-ko`stura axnfcigar or fact-ko`stura axnfcigar e`ltar hatwaai tfa iahul`zar cid tfa pct`ait c`rwcy. • Qsa oe c fact-ko`stura axnfcigar axnfcigar or iahul`zar `i tfa tfa hractf`ig n`rnu`t nci suhstcit`clly `inracsa elow ras`stcina wfai c iahul`zar `s cnt`va. Koi`tor tfa hractf`ig systak e`ltar eraquaitly eor `inracsad ras`stcina cid hlonjcga. • Qsa oe ci axtaricl piaukct`n iahul`zar iahul`zar kcy s`gi`e`ncitly `kpcnt voluka dal`vary cid koi`tor`ig, danracsa tr`ggar sais`t`v`ty, cid ncusa clcrks `e axtaricl elow `s `itrodunad cid Riaukct`n Iahul`zar Elow Nokpaisct`oi `s iot usad.

Ncut`oi • @t `s stroigly ranokkaidad to usa ci axp`rctory e`ltar wfai c iahul`zar `s usad to falp protant tfa axp`rctory elow saisor.

T`ka (k`i) Uoluka (kl)















Iahul`zar Tractkait Tfa vait`lctor supports tfa Carogai® Rro @i-l`ia Iahul`zar cid Carogai® ^olo D`sposchla @i-l`ia Iahul`zar Iahul`zar.. Tfa iahul`zar t`ka nci ha sat eor span`e`n durct`oi dal`vary t`kas or eor tfa voluka oe kad`nct`oi tfct w`ll ha dal`varad to tfa pct`ait. C gaiarcl kasscga sfows tfa iahul`zar tractkait t`ka rakc`i`ig. 3.  ^alant Kaiu. 8.  ^alant Iahul`zar .





>.  ^alant Carogai. 4.  ^alant T`ka or Noit`iuous. Iota= T`ka cid cpprox`kcta voluka oe iahul`zad kad`nct`oi cra sfowi `i tfa tchla. 1.  ^alant ^tcrt . Iota= To aid iahul`zar tractkait haeora tfa sat t`ka, salant ^top.




Wcri`ig • Do iot usa c e`ltar, fact-ko`stura fact-ko`stura axnfcigar or fact-ko`stura axnfcigar e`ltar hatwaai tfa iahul`zar cid tfa pct`ait c`rwcy. • Qsa oe c fact-ko`stura axnfcigar axnfcigar or iahul`zar `i tfa tfa hractf`ig n`rnu`t nci suhstcit`clly `inracsa elow ras`stcina wfai c iahul`zar `s cnt`va. Koi`tor tfa hractf`ig systak e`ltar eraquaitly eor `inracsad ras`stcina cid hlonjcga. • Qsa oe ci axtaricl piaukct`n iahul`zar iahul`zar kcy s`gi`e`ncitly `kpcnt voluka dal`vary cid koi`tor`ig, danracsa tr`ggar sais`t`v`ty, cid ncusa clcrks `e axtaricl elow `s `itrodunad cid Riaukct`n Iahul`zar Elow Nokpaisct`oi `s iot usad.

Riaukct`n Iahul`zar  Tfa vait`lctor nci nokpaiscta eor cdd`t`oicl elow `itrodunad hy c piaukct`n iahul`zar iahul` zar `ito tfa pct`ait n`rnu`t.


WCXI@IG! oe ci axtaricl piaukct`n iahul`zar kcy s`gi`e`ncitly Qsa kod`ey tfa k`xtura oe gcs tfct `s dal`varad to tfa pct`ait.

• Qs`ig axtaricl piaukct`n iahul`zct`oi iahul`zct`oi kcy s`gi`e`ncitly `kpcnt voluka dal`vary cid koi`tor`ig, danracsa tr`ggar sais`t`v`ty cid ncusa clcrks `e axtaricl elow `s `itrodunad cid Riaukct`n Iahul`zar Elow Nokpaisct`oi `s iot usad.





• Wfai tfa Riaukct`n Iahul`zar Elow Nokpaisct`oi `s Oi, elow cid voluka cnnurcny kcy ha danracsad. • Lacjs cid elow saisor clcrks kcy iot ha `dait`e`ad hy tfa vait`lctor wfai Riaukct`n Iahul`zar Elow Nokpaisct`oi `s Oi. 3.  ^alant Kaiu. 8.  ^alant Iahul`zar . >.  ^alant Riaukct`n. 4.  ^alant Elow vclua. Iota= ^at tfa elow to kctnf tfa ckouit oe elow tfct w`ll ha `itrodunad to tfa n`rnu`t. 1.  ^alant ^tcrt . Iota= C  C gaiarcl kasscga sfows wfai Iahul`zar Iahul`zar Elow Nokpaisct`oi `s Oi. To aid tfa iahul`zar tractkait, turi tfa piaukct`n iahul`zar elow sourna oee, tfai salant ^top. 5.  @itroduna tfa piaukct`n iahul`zar `ito tfa pct`ait n`rnu`t. Iota= Eor hast rasults, `itroduna tfa piaukct`n iahul`zar `ito tfa n`rnu`t w`tf`i cpprox`kctaly 31 sanoids cetar salant`ig ^tcrt .



Rronaduras ^unt`oi


Ciy vait`lct`oi koda kcy ha usad w`tf c nlosad sunt`oi nctfatar. Rct`ait d`snoiiantad, XX low, KUaxp low, Utaxp low, Cpiac cid otfar clcrks kcy onnur dur`ig usa oe c nlosad sunt`oi nctfatar.


To pareork c sunt`oi`ig w`tfout iu`scina clcrks, ci opai sunt`oi pronadura `s prov`dad hy tfa vait`lctor= 3.  ^alant Kaiu. 8.  ^alant ^unt`oi.


>.  ^alant ^tcrt . 4.  Wc`t eor tfa pra-oxygaict`oi pra-oxygaict` oi pfcsa, cid tfai d`snoiiant tfa pct`ait ct tfa wya. Ci cud`hla toia souids to `id`ncta tfa pct`ait `s d`snoiianta d`snoiiantad d cid vait`lct`oi `s pcusad. 1.  ^unt`oi tfa pct`ait. pct`ait. 5.  Xanoiiant tfa pct`ait to rasuka vait`lct` vait`lct`oi. oi. Iota= Tfa sunt`oi pronadura w`ll aid cetar tfa oxygaict`oi pfcsa nokplatas `e ^top `s salantad.

Rareork`ig ci @inracsa O8 Rronadura


3.  ^alant Kaiu. 8.  ^alant Rronaduras .


>.  ^alant @inracsa O8 or prass tfa @inracsa O8 fcrd jay. 4.  Qsa tfa ecntory daecult satt`ig eor tfa @inracsa O8% (iota= ecntory daecult satt`ig eor iaoictcl `s +81% cid +322% eor cdults cid pad`ctr`n pct`aits) or cdmust tfa O8% to tfa das`rad noinaitrct`oi cid noie`rk tfa satt`ig. 1.  ^alant ^tcrt . Iota= Tfa oxygai gaiarcl kasscga sfows cloig w`tf tfa prograss hcr cid c 8-k`iuta nouitdowi t`kar. Tfa pronadura w`ll aid wfai c.) tfa t`ka fcs alcpsad or h.) wfai ^top `s salantad or n.) wfai tfa @inracsa O8 ecvor`ta `s salantad or d.) wfai tfa @inracsa O8 fcrd jay `s prassad.



1 4


Icv`gct`oi 3.  Rcst/F`stor Rcst/F`stor`ncl `ncl Traids Worjspcna. 8.  Rrasait/Rct`ai Rrasait/Rct`aitt ^tctus Worjspcna. >.  Eutura/Nl`i`ncl Dan`s`oi ^upport Worjspcna.




To Xav`aw Rct`ait Dctc= 3.  Tounf tfa `noi to d`splcy tfa Rrasait/Rct`ait ^tctus Worjspcna or sw`pa to tfa r`gft or laet to kova erok tfa Rcst cid Eutura worjspcnas.


8.  Erok tfa Rrasait/Rct`ait ^tctus Worjspcna, Worjspcna, nfoosa ciy opt`oi halow=


c. Hcs`n U`aw= Qsa tf`s v`aw to saa kacsurad dctc `i c lcrga eorkct tfct nci ha acs`ly v`awad erok c d`stcina.


h. Hcs`n Wcvaeork U`aw= Qsa tf`s v`aw to saa pct`ait wcvaeorks cid kacsurad dctc.


n.  Cdvcinad Wcvaeork Wcvaeork U`aw= U`aw= Qsa tf`s v`aw to saa cdd`t`oicl kacsurad dctc csson`ctad w`tf tfa pct`ait wcvaeorks.


d. ^pl`tsnraai U`aw= Qsa tf`s v`aw to saa sp`rokatry,

8 8c





kacsurad dctc, cid wcvaeorks. ^alant tfa uppar r`gft noriar oe tfa sp`rokatry wcvaeork to nfciga satt`igs.  

a. Nfcrt`ig U`aw= Qsa tf`s v`aw to saa c nokplata l`st oe pct`ait dctc.



To Xav`aw Rct`ait Traids= 3.  Tounf tfa `noi to d`splcy tfa Rcst/F`stor`ncl Traids Worjspcna or sw`pa to tfa r`gft to kova erok tfa Rrasait/Rct`ait ^tctus Worjspcna.


8. Erok tfa Rcst/F`stor`ncl Traids Worjspcna, nfoosa ciy opt`oi halow=

c. Grcpf`ncl Traids U`aw= Qsa tf`s v`aw to rav`aw f`stor`ncl wcvaeorks cid pct`ait traids.  


h. Iukar`ncl Traids U`aw= Qsa tf`s v`aw to rav`aw pct`ait vait`lct`oi kodas cid satt`ig, kacsurad dctc, cid clcrk satt`igs.


n. Traids Log U`aw= Qsa tf`s v`aw to rav`aw pct`ait clcrks cid satt`igs, cid avaits tfct fcva onnurrad dur`ig vait`lct`oi.


d. ^icpsfot Traids U`aw= Qsa tf`s v`aw to scva pct`ait dctc.


Rcus`ig Uait`lct`oi 3.  D`snoiiant tfa pct`ait erok tfa hractf`ig n`rnu`t. 8.  ^alant ^tcidhy. >.  ^alant Rcusa Uait`lct`oi. Iota= ^alant Rcusa Uait`lct`oi to go `ito ^tcidhy. Uait`lct`oi cid koi`tor`ig w`ll ha stoppad. ^alant Ncinal  to noit`iua vait`lct`oi `e c wcri`ig kasscga `s d`splcyad.

> 8






Rowar`ig tfa ^ystak Oee  3.  D`snoiiant tfa pct`ait erok tfa hractf`ig n`rnu`t. 8.  ^alant ^tcidhy. >.  ^alant Rcusa Uait`lct`oi. Iota= ^alant Rcusa Uait`lct`oi to go `ito ^tcidhy. Uait`lct`oi cid koi`tor`ig w`ll ha stoppad. ^alant Ncinal to noit`iua vait`lct`oi `e c wcri`ig kasscga `s d`splcyad. 4.  Rrass tfa powar sw`tnf oi tfa hcnj oe tfa vait`lctor

to tfa Oee pos`t`oi. Iota= @e tfa vait`lctor `s turiad oee dur`ig vait`lct`oi, ci clcrk souids, cid vait`lct`oi cid koi`tor`ig noit`iua. Tf`s aisuras tfa vait`lctor nciiot ha cnn`daitclly sfut oee dur`ig vait`lct`oi.

> 8



Rrodunt kcy iot ha cvc`lchla `i cll nouitr`as cid rag`ois. Eull produnt tanfi`ncl span`e`nct`ois cra cvc`lchla upoi raquast. Noitcnt c GA Facltfncra Xaprasaitct`va eor kora `ieorkct`oi. Rlacsa v`s`t www.gafacltfncra.nok. Dctc suhmant to nfciga. © 8282 Gaiarcl Alantr`n Nokpciy „ Cll r`gfts rasarvad. GA, tfa GA Koiogrck, NCXA^NCRA, D-l`ta+, Rad`-l`ta cra trcdakcrjs oe Gaiarcl Alantr`n Nokpciy. Carogai `s c rag`starad trcdakcrj oe Carogai, @in. Xaprodunt`oi `i ciy eork `s eorh`ddai w`tfout pr`or wr`ttai park`ss`oi erok GA. Iotf`ig Xaprodunt`oi `i tf`s kctar`cl sfould ha usad to d`cgiosa or tract ciy d`sacsa or noid`t`oi. Xacdars kust noisult c facltfncra proeass`oicl. To datark`ia wfatfar `id`v`ducl eacturas cra stcidcrd or opt`oicl, noisult w`tf your GA Facltfncra sclas raprasaitct`va. Kcrnf 8282 MH77>01VV

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