Carbon 2185 - Berlin Megacity 2185 (v1.0) (2023-06-28)

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Download Carbon 2185 - Berlin Megacity 2185 (v1.0) (2023-06-28)...


B E R L I N MEG ACITY 2 1 8 5

WRITER Darren W. Pearce


BASED ON CARBON 2185 BY Robert Marriner-Dodds

INTERIOR ART Fortis Design, Tithi Luadthong, Angelina Strogan, RM Studio, Liu Zishan

PROOF READER. Cassandra Dodds EDITORS. Sandy Bancroft, Robert Marriner-Dodds

LAYOUT. Sam Vail

Copyright © 2023 Robert Marriner-Dodds, Dragon Turtle Games Ltd. All rights reserved. Dragon Turtle Games, the Dragon Turtle Games logo are copyright Dragon Turtle Games Ltd. Carbon 2185, and the Carbon 2185 logo are registered trademarks of Robert Marriner-Dodds. All content herein are copyright Robert Marriner-Dodds, officially licensed to Dragon Turtle Games Ltd. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contain herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Dragon Turtle Games Ltd.

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1 The People 21 Berlin’s Cyberpunks 21 Contents 2 Who Does What, and to Whom? 21 Underground Undermind 22 Welcome to Berlin 3 Character Options 23 City Overview 6 Public Enforcement Officer 23 Mandated to Grow, Protected Berlin Mandate Group Media From Greed 6 Officer 23 Live Safe, Work Hard 6 Berlin Mandate Group Scientist 24 Under The Dome 6 Berlin Mandate Group Agent 24 Not So Weird Science 7 Eco-Punk Ganger 25 Cutting-Edge Tech & Ethics 7 Drone Operator/Tech 25 Public Enforcers 7 Media Personality 26 Berlin Zoned For Efficiency 7 Construction Engineer 26 Paradise of Not 9 Vices 27 Culture 10 Life Inside The Walled City 10 The City 30 London Punk, German Twist 11 Science Park 30 The Movers & Shakers Of The Housing Sectors 32 Scene 11 Culture Sector 34 Berlin’s Cultural Diversity 12 Commerce Sector 34 Mix & Match People 12 Governance Sector 37 Construction Sector 39 Aesthetics 15 Health Care Sector 40 Through The Das Grosse Tor 15 Civic Amenities Sector 42 Berlin, Friendly, Fun, Futuristic 16 Fire Suppression Sector 43 Corporation Oversight, Tech Regulation 16 The Cabal and Undercity 44 Sector Planning, Blueprint for 2485 18 A City of Shadows, In The Heart Eco Friendly, Eco Safe 18 Of Disaster 45 Languages of Berlin


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WELCOME TO BERLIN Berlin has always been at the forefront, the cuttingedge of progress in the world and thanks to many of its social reforms, progressive attitudes and opposition of many of the norms that make up the rest of the planet in 2185 it stands as a paragon of virtue. Berlin is a place of two worlds. The one brought into being by the Berlin Mandate Group, and the other crafted by shadowy Cabal of figures who pull the strings in the underground and attempt to override the status quo in their favour. One of these worlds has a future, and the other is going to find out just how Cyberpunks do things. At least that’s how it’s supposed to go down. Berlin is all about giving you the tools to make the city your own, take our vision and twist it how you want to – if you want the good guys (if you can call them that) to lose, and the shadowy Cabal to win, that’s fine. Canon-wise however, it’ll lead onto a brighter andmore interesting future for the Carbon 2185 universe – somewhere in 2485. You get to play with new classes, new equipment, and new options in the book to play with. Amongst the new weapons, new gear, and new vehicles you’ll also find a section on how Berlin approaches augmentation, and their advanced technology division’s breakthrough projects. You’ll get an overview of Berlin, find out what makes this place unique compared to other cities in the Carbon-verse and learn all the secrets that hide away in the nooks and crannies.

From the over-city, to the underground of the Cabal it’s all in here, and a few other things too. A break-down of each of the districts of Berlin, what they look like, what you might find there and what dangers lurk in the dark. What food and drink are popular, what’s the style, what’s the most popular venues and more? Berlin offers you a plethora of places to explore and a complete adventure for your Cyberpunks to go on which takes them from the glitz and glamour of the over-city to the very depths of the Cabal’s Underworld and beyond. You also get a selection of random encounters per district, and these are themed by district and are designed to provide even more flavour for your Cyberpunks. Berlin 2185 is the next city book in the Carbon universe, but it also marks an important step in the whole Carbon journey as the timeline moves onward. Technology advances, and Berlin’s Mandate is just the shape of things to come. Eventually the Carbon world will change forever, and your Cyberpunks will be at the forefront of that change – just as global water levels rise, they can also fall and Berlin is the first step in the BMG’s plan to usher in that change. Be Cyberpunk, save the Future!

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CITY OVERVIEW Berlin, the city of the future, a single gem in the vortex of disasters that has engulfed the world due to corporate greed, and interference. An example of a city fuelled by the people, allowed to grow and prosper with the aid of a benefactor known only as the Philanthropist.


Industrious, hard-working, and extremely focused on tech and environment – the people of Berlin live inside their walled city protected and surrounded by wonder on a daily basis.

A walled city of titanic proportions, where hightechnology meets environmental protection, and the very last ring of real trees lies jealously coveted by the outside world.

Their environment Is carefully controlled with the aid of proprietary technology, and cutting-edge materials/methods which ensure the careful balance and climate control provides a stable, and healthy place to live.

Berlin, a model for what’s to come. A city that hums quietly with a network of advanced drones, which leave all other drone technology behind.

They have some of the best health care on the planet, and want for nothing. For many who seek to move to the city, Berlin is ‘the’ place to live.

20 million people and growing.



The wall has been constructed around the massive city, in the first step of a design project which may one day ensure that the planet’s approach to city The Berlin Mandate Group guards this city carefully, design will change, atop the wall are towers every established early on by the Philanthropist to one hundred meters which support a high tech, safeguard the future and protect what was left of highly advanced and intelligent A.I. network of the past, the city is an example of what happens baseball-sized drones. when someone uses their vast fortune for the good This is the drone system and a wonder of the for all – rather than to blast their bodies into space Philanthropist’s science and research. The drones on a stellar joyride. ensure that the city below them avoids the worst Rather than billions of Won poured into the pockets of the UV radiation, and other contaminants of corporations, or the individual, wealth in the city brought about by the endless violation of the Earth is shared and supports the concept of the Universal at the hands of the likes of Crown Estate, and Income in a big way. This has allowed the B.M.G. to Tusk Interplanetary. eliminate homelessness, and provide a place for all using advanced state-of-the-art building techniques Every aspect of the city’s weather and temperature is monitored and controlled by Drone Control at and methods which for 2185 seem as though they the centre of Berlin, with a special focus on the belong in the future. flora that grows in harmony with the rest of the city Berlin has, over the years, reinvented itself and around it. grown over the top of the older parts of the city. The drones ensure that the public parks, and their Providing an interesting juxtaposition of old trees get just the right amount of rain and nutrients architecture, and new environmentally friendly designs which are both energy efficient and eco safe. to keep them growing, and protects the city from the ravages of a world that spirals out of control. At the core though, the vision of the Philanthropist Each one is capable of projecting an energy field, has remained steadfast and strong. barely seen as a heat haze, and interlocking into A city for the people, by the people, protected and a hexagonal pattern of energy to protect against nurtured to safeguard those who live there. environmental harm.


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Drones are a big part of everyone’s life in Berlin, from protection against the worst of the environment problems, to health care, fire suppression and more.

ever broke out, then they are also armed with an array of non-lethal devices and weapons which are designed to incapacitate and render the target unable to fight back.


The weapons and gear are also designed to do this with minimal impact to the criminal, suspect, or target in question.

Throughout history Berlin, and Germany have been known to be at the forefront of science and technology, pushing the boundaries, allowing for less-invasive cyber-technology and refining neurolink research to allow for quicker access times, and more compatibility with the human brain. Berlin is the hub for the Philanthropists Research & Development and houses numerous labs and facilities in the Science Park at the centre of the city – the park itself is surrounded by woodland and serves as a home base for the foresters who tend to them.


From environmental protection, reconstruction (early terraforming), 3d printing (early nanomachine construction tests) and medical technology – Berlin hums with incredible ideas and untapped potential thanks to the environment, work day ethic, and focus on mental health.

The P.E.O. are also chosen through a rigorous process; their chief is voted in by democratic means and also subject to the same physical and psychological testing. Thanks to this, there are little to no incidents which result in a fatality, and crime in the city usually comes from rebellious youths or instigators from outside interference – aka – corporate agitators and agents attempting to rock the boat. The Crown Estate’s Kill-Team 101 has been caught red-handed a few times attempting to destabilise the city, or steal tech secrets from the Science Park. They literally killed to get their hands on the drone network protection tech.


As previously mentioned, the New Berlin has been modelled as part of the fledgling Berlin Mandate, People want to invent, work, and study because they a set of guidelines, designs, rules, and blueprints to are not forced to. They don’t do 9-5, they don’t create a new breed of city for the future. work every day that comes around and they have It’s a beta test for a city type that the Philanthropist access to physical and mental health care 24-7. wants the rest of the planet to adopt, their goal If it all sounds too good to be true, then for once, would be to terraform and repair the planet (if scepticisms aside – it really does work for Berlin. possible) by 2485 at the latest. Their concept of a Supervision of Local Administration is the first step After all, the city is proof of that, and the to this plan. construction techniques remain a closely guarded secret. Berlin has still got a long way to go as far as this.


Iron fist, velvet glove is a good way to describe Berlin’s Public Enforcement Officers, the forerunners of a new-kind of law enforcement and much like Berlin, the blueprint of things to come in the future. These highly trained individuals are taught to control situations, prevent escalation, and defuse a problem before it can get to the shooting stage. If a firefight

The city is divided into sectors, and you can imagine the aerial view of the drone protected and walled construction as a pie-chart with zones equally spread around a central ring. A brief overview of these sectors follows;

Science Park Sector

Unlike London, the Centre Ring or Science Park is free for all citizens of the city to enter and explore – designed to be harmonious and also functional.

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The Drone Control, R&D labs, tech facilities, and science division of the Berlin Mandate Group are all found here – along with the forester’s homes, and the largest concentration of trees in the city.

Housing Sectors

Using high-tech affordable construction methods, houses in Berlin are built on an aesthetic, functional, and eco-friendly model – they can be found in the various sectors around the city designated for people to live within. There are no homeless in the city, everyone has a home, and if there isn’t a home – the City Construction Team will ensure they don’t have to wait long.

Entertainment & Culture Sector

Berlin’s night life, and cultural centre can be found in this sector. It’s the very beating heart of the youth of the city, and the oldest members – here you can find the German Industrial and Techno scene, rubbing elbows and tech with the Classical and Neo-Opera crowd. There are still some of the oldest buildings in the city, which date back to the past, preserved and translocated to this sector to ensure they are kept up to code and protected for future generations to come – along with the rich cultural history both past and present of the city’s art and music movements. The many broadcast, film, and radio studios also make their homes here having access to network resources. Berlin’s Sphere Port Prime can also be found in this sector.

Commerce Sector

Here you can find the largest concentration of adverts in the city, monitored, and chosen to reflect the daily needs of the people. They are all produced using low-power, high efficiency holographic protection technology and sit in harmony with the rest of the shops, malls, and businesses which make up this sector. Berlin allows other corporations to trade here, but they fall strictly under hawk-like supervision at the eye of the Berlin Mandate Group. There are no corporate buildings in Berlin which belong


to the likes of Tusk, Crown Estates, or any other corporation. Each one is allowed a single trade headquarters, and only a limited number of staff.

Governance Sector

Rather than putting their government buildings, law enforcement, and other city-services smack-bang in the middle of Berlin, this sector is de-centralised like the other surrounding ones. You can find all the important government and civic buildings here. You can also find the embassies which belong to the various nations of Earth, and again, these are monitored and fall under the B.M.G. City law in the case of any incidents. Berlin has yet to transfer to a wholly democratic governance in terms of who acts as the city governor, but the woman in charge of the city at the moment Hannah Steelbeck, was voted in by democratic vote by the people and so far, she’s doing an extremely good job.

Construction Sector

The secrets of the city’s highly-coveted construction methods lie here, along with the City Construction Group offices. Whatever technological marvels Berlin uses to make tech, buildings, and the drones that protect the city is a heavily guarded and monitored secret. Since the tech is still in the beta stages according to the Philanthropist, they are not quite ready to go public with it – but the plans to share this technology are in place – sooner rather than later. It’s quite a common site to see the construction barges lift off, and float across the city to repair a site, or to begin the construction of a new home in the city. The spectacle draws quite a crowd when it happens and their near-silent travel is often stewarded by the drones that trail in their wake.

Health Care Sector

Putting the rest of the world to shame in terms of physical and mental health care, Berlin’s stateof-the art medical facilities offer 24-7 care to the citizens and provide teams of highly trained medics, doctors, nurses, surgeons and more to deal with medical emergencies in the city.

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For quick resolutions and pain relief it’s also possible for the Drone Control to launch medical drones to seek out patients and provide help before the medics arrive. Medical professionals travel using quiet and lowenvironmental impact air vehicles, equipped with the best medical equipment and gear.

Civic Amenities Sector

Water, power, and other controls lie in this sector – each building is monitored for its overall environmental impact, and a fleet of drones ensure that any potential pollution is scrubbed, rendered harmless and outputted back into the city.

Fire Suppression Sector

The efficient and effective Fire Suppression teams are always on hand to deal with any blazes, or disasters that may befall the city as the result of careless citizens or outside influence. Armed with high-tech gear, drones, and a fleet of air vehicles designed to fight fires – the people of the F.S.T. are capable of responding to calls in minutes and can cross the city quickly and safely.


With all this in mind Berlin is one of the safest cities in 2185, yet there are still threats which lurk beneath it, still corporate agents who infiltrate and seek to establish their own breed of chaos. There are street gangs, operating from hidden places in the city, under the noses of the P.E.O. Cyberpunks have their work cut out for them still, and whilst Berlin continues to prosper it has a darker side that flickers on the underside of the nights. Greedy corporate eyes want the tech and resources they feel they’re owed. Berlin stands ready to resist.

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CULTURE Berlin is a place of rich cultural significance, it has always been so, and 2185 is no different – marked by the sector in the city which is focused entirely on cultural appreciation and entertainment. It’s also a melting-pot of cultures living together in harmony, something which no other city on the planet has managed so far. Over the years, Berlin has been a city of immigration, with many people coming in from all across the globe. Especially Turkish, and Arab workers. These people brought with them their culture, and their cuisine. As time passed, through the early years, and into 2185 this aspect of the city has only grown deeper.

has only grown stronger over the years – Berlin is THE place to be for many of them.


To live in Berlin is to work hard, play hard, and enjoy access to the finer things in life without having to break your back to do it. Many of the people outside the city, have the view that Berlin is soft, the people are coddled, and it would be easy pickings if they ever marched on the city in force.

They mistake compassion, understanding, and awareness for weakness. Berlin’s culture is one of strength given through adversity, and temperance through understanding. Every aspect of city life Immigration to Berlin is perhaps stricter now than it has been curated by the Philanthropist’s design to was, what with corporate agent interference, but the ensure that life is good, and fair. seeds of the cultures that had taken root in the city Beyond the great gate into Berlin, the city is are still there and spread around Berlin to this day. a colourful, vibrant, and impressive place – a There is no cultural divide in the city, and no testament to the people and the technology which concept of ‘have’ and ‘have not’ as found in cities ensures the city is also the cleanest place to live on like London. the planet. Berlin is a beautiful place, a modern aesthetic Berlin’s people present themselves as a glorious wonder, which oozes culture and sophistication along mix, from the trans men and women, non-binary, with high-tech everywhere you look. gender-fluid, queer, and all other colours of the rainbow. They are out, proud and safe here in The old meshes with the new, and flora thought the city. to be extinct flourishes to add a touch of hope to the walled marvel. Not a trace of pollution is found They walk hand in hand, in harmony with here, and it echoes in the cultural nature of the city straight and cis folk. From the celebrities of the as well. entertainment sector, to the doctors, nurses, and sex workers, all occupations in Berlin are valid and all Even the drones are designed to be aesthetically genders are respected. pleasing. Many of the street side cafes are packed with people from all walks of life, enjoying the dishes It has the largest concentration of queer and trans such as Currywurst, a favourite amongst the citizens people on the planet due to this. Immigration sees going back as early as 1949. more and more apply each day, many refugees from the darker parts of the Earth attempt to enter this It’s often said of Berlin, the only wall exists to keep much vaunted high-tech city of dreams. the culture and people safe, not to keep them in. A far cry from the original Berlin Wall, though to Berlin remains strong to its 1920’s roots of being remind people of the city’s dark past, there is a the, “Gay Capital of Europe.” 70-meter reconstruction carefully preserved in one So, it’s common to see sex workers, rubbing of the smaller parks. shoulders with wine drinking TV hosts, metal-clad Punks have flocked to the city to enjoy the modern punks, and suit-wearing bodyguards of all ethnicities. combination of Punk and German hard industrial music; the German Punk scene began in 1970 and


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The UK’s influence remains strong in Berlin, especially in the city’s youthful Punk movement and many of them sport slogans which ridicule the establishment of London, and more. One of the favourite T-Shirts of the city’s younger members depicts the Macc Lads mooning the Tower of London with the phrase. “Vollmond heute Abend Jungs!” “Full moon tonight lads!”

A popular slogan of the Berlin Punk movement is, “Keine Unternehmen mehr, keine Lügen mehr!” Roughly translated to, “No more Corporations, no more lies!” This is baked into the music of the city’s punks, and appears on holograms and media all across Berlin. During one rebellious phase, a Punk Gang known as the Tententen hacked the Drone Control holobanner to display the phrase for a month.

As long as they don’t get too rowdy, or confrontational, the P.E.O tend to let them be since they know the value of allowing people to express themselves in a non-destructive manner.

The P.E.O. were happy to leave it up for the duration, showing again, the vast difference between Berlin and the rest of the cities outside it.

Some P.E.O even take cheeky selfies with the youths, as a form of bonding, and comradery. Another cultural change, compared to the other cities in the world which enforce the law like an iron boot.



Throughout history music has been a big part of Germany, and Berlin especially has been home to music – from classical to punk and such venues as The SO36 which were highly popular back in the day. In 2185 that music scene has exploded, transformed, and echoes the earliest raw teeth of the 80’s and 90’s punk scene. Mixed with some elements of rap, industrial, and even pop – these NuWave Punk musicians of Berlin have taken the city, and outside world by storm. Berlin’s Punks are still true to the core of that ideal, only they have been shaped and moulded by the society they live in. Fiercely protective of the city, her people, and its ideals they rail against the injustices of the outside world, and sing songs of reform and confrontation aimed directly at the likes of Tusk and the other corporations. They still want to smash the system, but they understand the difference between a set of rules that ensure fairness for all, and a set of systems designed to crush the poor, and break the less fortunate.

London might have the Macc Lads, Cindy Attack, Chrome Grandad to name but a few bands; with Junk for Joy and their non-Binary lead singer topping the charts regularly. Berlin though has a bigger emphasis on gay bands and music aimed at encouraging gay people to accept who they are. Kiss Dark, Große Liebe (Big Love), Lords of the Underworld, Drohnenbastarde (Drone Bastards) are all notable bands with the majority of gay members, and trans performers. Honig auf Neon (Honey on Neon) is the top headliner band for Berlin, with a mix of punk, rap, and industrial aimed firmly at the younger generation. Darlene Schicksal – a trans woman who has lived in Berlin for 30 years, fronts the lesbian band and they are in demand across the city and world to perform their set which includes: Schlinge um Tusks Hals (Noose around Tusk’s neck) – a highly charged political song which when performed during a Berlin concert streamed live in 2183 saw a record rise of vandalism across the globe against Tusk Interplanetary holdings. Darlene’s only comment was, “It was a good night, and the fuckers deserved it.” These are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the Berlin Punk Movement scene of course.

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There is a diverse array of people in Berlin, from a wide range of cultures, backgrounds, genders, and ethnic groups. Many of the same cultural groups exist in the city as they do in London and across the world, only they are not segregated as they are elsewhere. Industrial music remains the core focus of many of these people, compared to the Punk of London, but they also bring in influences from that genre too. Brit-Punks: Fans of loud punk, Macc Lads, getting drunk, being louder, potentially obnoxious and more confrontational than the other groups – the Brit Punks have taken to Berlin like a duck to water. Fierce opponents of the corporations, and accepting of anyone as long as they’re not an arsehole, these young people came to the city to escape the bollocks of London and stayed for the Currywurst. Canto-Punks: A small percentage of the CantoPunks have taken root in Berlin, they brought with them their flair, style, and ‘dress to impress’ mentality. Their fusion of Chinese and German Industrial music, mixed with punk elements has gone down a storm in the city and a group of three youths has formed Dragon of the Machine – a small but popular band which plays a few gigs here and there.

Euro-Punks: The capital of Euro-Punks and their movement is Berlin, there’s no doubt about that, so it’s only to be expected that the most proportion of this movement comes from the native German citizens and their culture which has been the cornerstone of the city since it was founded. With them come the French, Swedish, Italian, and more. Just like in London, Don Lanzarotti’s Aria Bastards is popular, and whilst they no longer live in Berlin, the female-fronted ex-soldiers of Lock the Target are still popular in the city even though many feel they ‘sold out’ to move to London. Ragna-Punks: With the Norse brand of music being more and more popular in the 20th Century, a splinter-group of anti-fascists, Scandinavian Punks formed their own group to reclaim their music, and their culture, as well as ethos from people who sought to embrace it for hate. These Ragna-Punks came to Berlin in 2180 and have spent 5 years coming to grips with the city. Their music mixes the traditional Norse vocals, with German Industrial and a hefty dose of ‘Destroy the Reich’ anti-Fascism all whilst displaying the symbols of their gods and daring the Alt-Right to come for them.

Blood-Moon Ragnarök is the most popular band, Afro-Caribbean Punks: Black Punks, a lot of them and the six strong group of mixed genders rocks out gay, flocked to the city in 2155 and brought with in Berlin, where they enjoy fame and adoration from them their food, music, culture, and mysticism. They impressionable young fans, especially elements of fuse their traditional instruments with punk, and the Brit-Punk movement who are enamoured with a heaping helping of Berlin’s staple industrial flair. the old Norse itself. Poppa Midnight is a punk reggae band which mixes Thor Bastardson is the lead singer of the band, and some Soul into the formula. Mr. Midnight fronts this he wears heavy plate armour and sings into a mic band, and this enigmatic mysterious figure is never shaped like a hammer. Miclojnir is a popular aspect seen without a mask to cover their face. of their shows. Middle-Eastern Punks: Whilst the movement has only been going in London for a few years, these MIX & MATCH PEOPLE punks have been in Berlin for a long as most people Whilst many of the cities outside of Berlin seek to can remember. Descendants of the original Arab categorise, pigeonhole, and segregate the people and Turkish immigrants, they flooded the city with based on the social standing and wealth levels – their art, culture, food, and unique musical style. Berlin ensures everyone has enough to live on, works Now in 2185 their movement is strong and powerful. the job they want to do, and is happy at their dayThe quirky conglomeration of belly-dance and to-day assignments. ‘in your face’ punk lyrics mixed with hard driving You can find every single Origin from Carbon 2185 industrial beats can make your head spin, in a spread out anywhere in the city, and unlike London good way.


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on San Fran, there’s no concentration of specific Origins per sector of the city.

and a little to spend on things outside of their basic living allowances.

Obviously, common sense dictates the various Origins like Badlanders might not be found inside the city all the time, but they might come to visit.

Regular Joes make up a lot of the city, people just being people and getting on with having fun and working hard.

Korporate Kids are few and far between, or at least as you might know them. Any Korporate Kid in the city is really the offspring of anyone who works for the corps in the carefully monitored businesses.

Gutter Punks, there’s a lot of Punks in the city, so expect a lot of Gutter Punks, only they again, would have a different outlook to Berlin unless they’re an outsider looking in.

High Flyers and Sleekers can be found in Berlin, again, with some changes to their backgrounds – remember everyone in Berlin has enough to get by

Bruisers and Scavengers could find work in the city, but jobs would be for outside contracts and not inside Berlin itself.

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AESTHETICS With its population of 20 million people, Berlin is not only a cultural touchstone – it’s a marvel of oldstyle architecture meets modern high-tech beautiful designs. The city has been rebuilt over the years following the environmental disasters which caused wide-spread pollution, and catastrophic water level rise.

Outside Das große Tor the lands are being slowly reclaimed by Berlin’s environmental scrubbing tech, and fleets of bigger drones which chew through the pollution carefully and relentlessly. Converting it to harmless materials, and even power so they can keep running as their A.I. directs them to clean up the area.

What does not kill it, makes it stronger.

Smaller scanner drones flit around like colourful orbs, cataloguing and recording information on the environmental clean-up progress.

It is a far cry from its 13th Century roots, and unlike London, only parts of the city are preserved to save them for posterity. The rest have been built over to safeguard the people. As much as the architecture has been lost, the New Berlin of 2185 stands over the top of much of the old city which lies below it. The water level changes, and environmental upheavals meant the city needed to rise, to save the people from a catastrophic fall. Instead, New Berlin has embraced the style of the old and new to mesh the designs together into visually pleasing elements that take advantage of cutting-edge building materials and strengthening technology to ensure the safety of the citizens. The city is extremely accessible, and it boasts a wide array of features to aid disabled people in their day to day lives. With the aesthetically pleasing drones whispering around, Berlin truly appears as though it’s stepped from the pages of a very far future novel about Utopia and Hope. What a city it is too!


A visitor to Berlin passes first through the scans at Das große Tor (The Great Gate) and they are checked for health, hidden items, weapons, and even identity fraud. The response varies on the person in question, and can sometimes involve a personal visit from the B.M.G agents who enforce immigration laws. Das große Tor is a magnificent structure that houses technology, and high-tech equipment allowing for hundreds of staff to work there and functions as the central transport hub in and out of the city, connected to external high-speed anti-grav train lines which whisper day and night to and from the city.

Once through Das große Tor and onto the main street, the city itself is presented like a pie-chart with clearly defined districts (sectors) and ringed by the gigantic wall, hundreds of feet high and topped with towers that allow the drone system to operate. The wall was constructed to protect against water levels, then over time as the tech began to right Germany’s environmental disasters, the wall took on a new function. It became a staging point for the Drone Towers which allow fleets of repair, atmosphere scrubber, and other drones to flit about the city and ensure it’s a clean and healthy place to live. Like the city itself, this wall is not a stark soldier against the world, it is beautiful in design and features embossed designs in the surface which echo many of Berlin’s more beautiful images of the past. On the outer part of the wall, there are scenes of Berlin’s history from the Second World War and beyond carved into the exterior. The main street runs down to the central area of Berlin, and then many streets also run in a spiderweb like pattern around the city. Every single one has a small Drone Pillar and a functional selfrepairing self-maintaining street lamp. For any areas that are darker than they should be, a citizen or visitor can call a light drone to come and illuminate their nightly walk – it’s a common sight to see groups of people illuminated outside a doorway by one of these drones, sipping coffee and listening to music as they while away their leisure time. Situated around the central (Science Park) area are the sectors, each one like a segment of a pie chart which contains the various buildings and locations that make up the city. Carbon 2185 | BERLIN MEGACITY 2185 炭素 2185 | 前澤マガジン


Berlin is designed to be functional, beautiful, and take your breath away. Berlin is also home to holograms, banners, and other symbols which make up the LGBTQ+ communities and culture of the city. It remains, the “Gay Capital of Europe” even now. From the trans flag, to the ENBY flag and the rainbow of Pride, it’s all there as you walk to every street of the city, and look at the beautiful NuModern architecture. Berlin has truly become a home to those who are often outcast elsewhere, and especially those who don’t want to live in London’s accepting, but chaotic Outer City.


No one ever gets lost in Berlin, the roads here are clearly marked, the signs easy to read and can be presented to a neurolinked individual in their chosen language. Cars are all eco-friendly and have anticrash/anti-accident systems in place which have been thoroughly and rigorously tested, unlike Tusk’s failed attempts. At many key points in the city there are small drone stations, these guide drones can be accessed and will guide a vehicle, or a pedestrian to their chosen location free of charge. With built-in construction tech, the drone kiosks can supply any demand for guides and once the job is done, the drone Is added to the number of working models. There are strict checks in place to ensure that drones are not over populated, and those drones which are surplus to requirements are reassigned to scrub duty, or environmental scanning. Waste not, want not. With the efficient, logical, and careful planning of this new city – stress is reduced and chaos on the roads (and air) is eliminated.

CORPORATION OVERSIGHT, TECH REGULATION The Berlin Mandate has a bunch of clauses, subclauses, sections, and more red tape than you can shake a politician at. It’s all designed to protect the people, and leave the corporations high and dry. Painstakingly created by the immense mind of the Philanthropist. There are no excessive adverts, no adverts which contain subliminal messaging, and no harmful adverts allowed in Berlin at all. The advert drones, holograms, and more are all carefully monitored by Berlin’s Drone Control and the A.I. which is linked to the city, a construct known as the Guide. Not much is known about the Guide, the general population know it oversees and ensures the city operates to peak efficiency, but apart from that – that’s the only public knowledge. THE GUIDE So, what’s really going on with the Guide, what is it, he, or she or? There’s no simple answer, only that the Guide is a highly advanced and extremely intelligent AI construct which monitors Berlin. There are a few people who know the very truth of the matter, that the Philanthropist, a non-Binary person suffered an illness and was transferred into the city as an AI where they still continue to utilise their incredible intellect for the good of all. This information is something that should really never come to light during normal play, and has massive implications for the world of Carbon in 2485 and beyond. The Guide will do all they can to ensure the city operates correctly, and is capable of making very tricky decisions with a near-human level of intelligence – not surprising considering who they are of course, but the scientists who oversee the Guide are the only ones who know it has that kind of capability. The Governor of the city is the only person who knows the truth.


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The Guide aside, there are oversight committees which monitor and, in many cases, censor the worst offenders, if they don’t outright refuse them. Nothing gets through their safety net and the people of Berlin are never subjected to the more extreme machinations of the corporations through advertising.

SECTOR PLANNING, BLUEPRINT FOR 2485 Key members of the city planning council, and the construction teams know the plan for the future, a plan for a bigger, more expansive city that works on many of the same principles which Berlin 2185 operates on. New Berlin is the first step in something that the Berlin Mandate Group hopes to introduce into the wider world – they have an estimated roll-out year of 2485 for all of it. The Zone Cities come as a package of building systems, environmental reforms, and pollution reduction as well as a whole change of governance and the installation of a new concept known as the Supervision of Local Administration. Berlin (as always) will be the first to trial this expanded design, and key to the creation of the Zone City are the sectors that make up the piechart style design. The Sectors have the sector walls, these are only to divide the sectors up for ease of planning and not to keep anyone out or provide some kind of privacy screen for the rich and famous. They delineate a clear and present boundary which contain high tech systems, designed to ensure the city operates at peak efficiency and provide a little bit of smoke and mirrors to the proceedings.


sold by unscrupulous businesses back in the very past. Berlin does not want that to happen, and so far, has been excellent in protecting itself from such espionage. This aside, the sectors are unified in their theme (entertainment, civic, and so on) and also unified in their aesthetic design. Berlin isn’t a city of mishmashed half-baked designs in its architecture. New Berlin ensures that the sectors not only match their theme, but they keep to the overall design blueprint of the old city in terms of building look/ feel whilst presenting things with a more modern, futuristic approach. The various metro-style transit systems are elegantly entwined with the buildings, and they are carefully placed as to not disturb residence and workers as they pass by. The sector walls are designed to be beautiful, protective, and non-intrusive, blending in with the rest of New Berlin’s stunning architecture and complimenting it, rather than presenting a pure eyesore. There are entries to the various sectors beyond them, and again, they are designed for ease of movement – not restriction. The roads and streets all share a unform design, they are functional, effective, and crafted to ensure there is zero congestion, a feat which would drive the vehicle corporations wild with envy, and has.


After all, a magician should never truly reveal what lies behind the curtain.

When you talk about New Berlin’s approach to architecture, sector design, uniformity and aesthetic wonder in the buildings and layout, you also need to address the most important feature beyond all the technology – one feature that stands hand in hand with high tech systems and clever planning.

In this case, the magic is technology, and the curtain is designed to obfuscate the systems from prying eyes. Corporate agents and others who might seek to replicate, and steal the city’s propriety technology.

The real trees, not fake trees, or holographic trees. Real trees are found in Berlin, around the city perimeter and close to the inner part of the giant wall, but also in the central (Drone Control and Science) area, and many of the other sectors.

Stealing corporate secrets has been s staple of that ilk since the very first designs were copied and

All carefully husbanded by a mix of drone, and human care. Carbon 2185 | BERLIN MEGACITY 2185 炭素 2185 | 前澤マガジン

Berlin has a big target on its proverbial back due to this, these incredible barely seen resources are like magic Won to the corporations – they sit back and observe Berlin with jaundiced, greedy, avaricious eyes and rather than look in wonder at the fact there are real trees in the city.

and in the care of human and drone – but the mind behind the city knows there will come a time when the corporations can’t resist. The bounty inside Berlin is too tempting, too rich, and they are far too assured of their own might for their own good.

They see Wonlong signs, and profit margins, a bunch Berlin must remain an eco-safe city, must work in of commodities which can be cut down, cut into bits, harmony with the natural world and create a better packaged, marketed, sold and delivered. aesthetic and protected environment for its people – Berlin is the blueprint for a brighter and more The Berlin Mandate Group, and the Philanthropist impressive future. are adamant they will protect these natural resources at all costs. Her gentle buildings and towering skyscrapers, capped with pollution scrubbers and environment They know the trees perform a vital role in keeping monitoring tech stand proud and tall against a dark the city safer, they ensure the trees are well cared corporate sky. for and protected. These trees could save millions of lives, and are the cornerstone of the Philanthropist’s plan for 2485 – for now they are safe enough behind the walls,

She can see the stars at night, one of the only cities on Earth to do so.

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LANGUAGES OF BERLIN Berlin boasts an average population of 20 million, with around 14 most popular languages and their fluency in the city listed here. Virtually everyone speaks some form of German, the lower form, and many of the scientists speak high German. Thanks to exceptional schooling, the majority of people in Berlin speak three or more languages.




German (low)


German (high)


























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A secret which they battle on a day-to-day basis, a secret which is rather hard to dislodge and eliminate for the time being. With this in mind, the kind of work that Cyberpunks find in Berlin varies in type and scope.

Whilst the rest of the world tumbles further and further into chaos, with corporate agenda on the rise, and all-out war between classes and values in London – Berlin is doing something right, something almost magical in a world of corporate vampirism and greed. The city is growing, prospering, pushing back the pollution and reclaiming the lands outside slowly as it scrubs the excess of humanity’s failings away.

Docs: Berlin is a city of science and medicine as well as culture, Corp Medics don’t really exist in Berlin due to the limited presence of corporate assets. Combat Medics are part of the mixed teams of medical professionals sent out to deal with more extreme cases, or even dispatched as part of an outreach program to help other parts of Germany or even further afield. Cybersurgeon Docs are in high demand in the medical sectors, and those who practise the less-invasive operations can find a lot of work in neuroscience areas. There are no above-ground illegal clinics in Berlin, so all work is legal and well compensated for.

“If you touch our trees again, we are going to have serious words. The kind that begins and end with pain, for you friend. I didn’t become a Forester just to let some corporate swank-boy rub their grubby mitts over First though, we’ll talk about the role of the various their bark and pocket their leaves.” ~ Sharon Hofmann, Cyberpunks and how they fit into Berlin as a whole before we tackle the secret stuff. Head Forester.

Berlin is a high-tech playground, full of hard-working, hard-playing citizens and almost all of them are staunchly dedicated to the city’s defence, and growth. No one lords their wealth over anyone here, and for the most part the city is extremely safe and peaceful. That’s not to say there aren’t issues, and where you have humanity, you have a lot of issues – even in a Utopian Ideal such as Berlin. Cyberpunks are valued in the city, and outside agents who prove themselves to the current government (and the Philanthropist by extension) will find a plethora of jobs and opportunities come rolling into their lives at breakneck speeds. It’s also important to remember that Cyberpunks aren’t working for the man in Berlin, they’re working for the Philanthropist who is non-Binary and dedicated to the betterment of humanity through superior technology, and education. They are also Punk as Fuck!

WHO DOES WHAT, AND TO WHOM? Cyberpunks in Berlin are going to discover secrets of the city, and the more they enter Berlin’s inner circle they will realise there’s bigger threats than any of the citizens know about. What might appear a completely safe haven as a city, has a dark secret, that only the Berlin Mandate Group and their closest allies know of.

Enforcers: Right away they find work alongside the Public Enforcement Officers, but must pass rigorous testing to do so. Bodyguards are in high demand for when B.M.G. team members go further afield and leave Berlin, but can also find work as bodyguards in the city due to corporate agents. Muscle isn’t needed, so no one really hires them for criminal work aboveground (below is a different matter). Marines are in high demand for operations conducted in secret by the B.M.G. and find a lot of opportunities, even Swordsmen can be useful for certain work that requires a silent and precise approach. Hackers: Berlin has an active hacker community, and the B.M.G. employ a few hundred hackers to ensure they can battle against net-based and Sphere-based corporate intrusion. Combat Hackers are in very high demand in the B.M.G’s offices, and Robomancers often find work alongside the city’s drone techs. Scoundrels: The under-city has work for anyone who does anything illegal. The B.M.G. won’t admit it, but they also engage the services of the Smuggler and Trouble Maker, usually for operations outside the city walls where they need to send aid to another place and require someone who doesn’t dump their cargo at the first sign of a corporate sniffer team. Carbon 2185 | BERLIN MEGACITY 2185 炭素 2185 | 前澤マガジン


UNDERGROUND UNDERMINED You might be asking us right now, hold on, underground, secret what? Further on we’ll talk more about what’s happening under the city, but we won’t be going into too much detail since these are catalysts for 2485 and beyond. Just be aware that operating under Berlin is a group of allied corporate individuals who term themselves the Cabal, a showy, flashy, and cliched name. They are the Tusk and Crown Estate sponsored troublemakers who have a vested interest in making Berlin just as much of a hell-hole as the rest of the planet, whilst taking, and profiting off the tech here for their own ends. We also advise against letting the players play agents for the Cabal, that’s not what Berlin or Carbon2185 is all about. Cyberpunk isn’t about doing missions for corp execs, and cops, it’s about blowing their sleezy secrets out into the open like a storm and trashing their dreams like they trashed the planet. Fight, resist, and break the Cabal by any means!



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You can use any Background from the core rules, or you can use the ones that are commonly found throughout Berlin. Refer to the rules for background generation on page 54 of the Carbon 2185 Core Rulebook.


Comprised of Berlin’s citizens and trusted applicants, the P.E.O. is highly trained in de-escalation and non-lethal resolution. They have been given basic firearms training for self-defence but their precincts monitor them with hawk-like scrutiny, and so does the Berlin Mandate Group. The P.E.O enforces the law, but does so fairly and by the book, with a view to ensuring that criminal activity is approached carefully in all situations. They do not go in guns blazing, and anyone who violates this golden rule is ejected from the force, and the city. Injury DC. DC8 Skill. Athletics, Investigation, Perception, Presence, Streetwise, Tracking, Vehicles (Air), Vehicles (Land). Language/Tools. One of your choice. Wage. 2d8 x 8 000₩


The B.M.G. has two faces, the one that the public sees and presents itself as the eco-friendly non-violent, non-aggressive concerned citizens they are, and the other. The Media Officer of the B.M.G. is skilled at diplomacy, covering things up, and smiling to the public whilst hoping that the agents don’t draw any kind of attention to their activities. It’s what you get when you put PR in the front of a veritable spec ops and spy agency who are focused on saving the planet by any means necessary from the corporations. Injury DC. DC7 Skill. Acrobatics, Bureaucracy, Performance, Presence, Religion, Sense Motive, Streetwise. Language/Tools. One of your choice. Wage. 3d4 x 6 000₩ Retirement payout. 4 Terms. 25 000₩ 5 Terms. 45 000₩ 6 Terms. 65 000₩ 7 Terms. 85 000₩ Each additional term. 30 000₩

Retirement payout. 4 Terms. 35 000₩ 5 Terms. 55 000₩ 6 Terms. 75 000₩ 7 Terms. 95 000₩ Each additional term. 30 000₩

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Injury DC. DC8 Skill. Computing, Engineering, History, Investigation, Mechanics, Navigation, Streetwise, Sense Motive. Language/Tools. One of your choice. Wage. 3d4 x 10 000₩

Injury DC. DC8 Skill. Deception, Hacking, Intimidation, Performance, Presence, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Streetwise. Language/Tools. One of your choice. Wage. 3d4 x 6 000₩

Retirement payout. 4 Terms. 40 000₩ 5 Terms. 60 000₩ 6 Terms. 80 000₩ 7 Terms. 100 000₩ Each additional term. 30 000₩

Retirement payout. 4 Terms. 30 000₩ 5 Terms. 50 000₩ 6 Terms. 70 000₩ 7 Terms. 90 000₩ Each additional term. 30 000₩

To be part of the cutting-edge of social, environmental, medical, and engineering tech is to be a B.M.G scientist. These highly skilled professionally have a vast knowledge of numerous scientific subjects, and work with the latest tech which Berlin has to offer. There is no other job on the planet like it, and the group’s access to technology is second to none. Simply put, B.M.G scientists who work in the R&D departments have a literal toybox of possibilities, thanks to the Philanthropists investments and contacts. We’re not saying their tech is alien, but it very much seems like it at times.


Whilst the Media Officer might be the B.M.G’s public face, the smile of their camera persona. The Agent is the forerunner of something new in the Cyberpunk’s world. Part spy, part merc, part spec op, these individuals are often drawn from the various ranks of the Cyberpunks and do the tough assignments which the public know nothing about. A B.M.G Agent opposes the Cabal and ensures that Berlin is safe, as well as its people. They also go out on field missions to other locations on Earth, and may even engage in wetwork if there’s no other option. They don’t exist, so really, you shouldn’t even be reading this.

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Berlin’s Punk Movement is about as strong as the Industrial music movement, and with the government’s approach to how they manage the city, comes a new kind of ganger. The Eco-Punk, fierce and dangerous, just like their Brit-Punk and counterparts from the rest of the world, these Punk Rockers have taken it on themselves to fight back at the corporations with demonstrations (always peaceful in Berlin) and non-violent means inside the city. They hold rallies, and they sing songs about the likes of Shenzen and more. Outside the city, when they go abroad, they are very much like the other Punks. Though when it comes to environmental matters, many of them are trained in basic Environmental Science and they can hold their own in a conversation on conservation. Injury DC. DC9 Skill. Acrobatics, Athletics, Medicine, Navigation, Perception, Tracking, Vehicles (Aircraft), Vehicles (Land). Language/Tools. One of your choice. Wage. 2d8 x 11 000₩ Retirement payout. 4 Terms. 40 000₩ 5 Terms. 60 000₩ 6 Terms. 80 000₩ 7 Terms. 100 000₩ Each additional term. 30 000₩


Berlin has large, medium, small, and gigantic drones which move inside and outside the city. The small drones, which suck up pollution and contamination are ideal for self-governing A.I. tech to keep in check. They can be operated by a manual user if so desired. The bigger drones have a variety of control systems, regardless of the drone size the Drone Operator, or Drone Tech comes into their own in this field. They can make these complex machines work miracles, or the smaller ones, literal nanomachines can be flown through the eye of a needle. They are responsible for all aspects of drone care and control, usually assigned their own personal drone with numerous sub-routines and modules. Injury DC. DC7 Skill. Gambling, Hacking, Investigation, Mechanics, Navigation, Perception, Persuasion, Presence. Language/Tools. One of your choice. Wage. 2d4 x 7 000₩ Retirement payout. 4 Terms. 25 000₩ 5 Terms. 45 000₩ 6 Terms. 65 000₩ 7 Terms. 85 000₩ Each additional term. 30 000₩

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Berlin has always had a history of film and television, opera, music, and more. So, little wonder then that the Media Personality is big in the Berlin of 2185. They come from all walks of life and are vastly skilled in their chosen area of expertise, be it presenting the news, weather, children’s programming or current affairs. Media Personalities in Berlin are highly valued, and they are well respected, enjoying stellar gigs and audience turn-outs if they’re musicians and entertainers. News reporters and journalists have a strict code in Berlin, so they are skilled at presenting the news as it happens, without spin or doctoring. Berlin boasts some of the best sports/athletic personalities in the world as well, and many of them have unique personalities and quirks which make them entertaining as well as thrilling to watch. Injury DC. DC6 Skill. Acrobatics, Bureaucracy, Performance, Presence, Religion, Sense Motive, Streetwise. Language/Tools. One of your choice. Wage. 2d8 x 7 000₩ Retirement payout. 4 Terms. 25 000₩ 5 Terms. 45 000₩ 6 Terms. 65 000₩ 7 Terms. 85 000₩ Each additional term. 30 000₩



A very important role in Berlin is that of the person who knows how to operate the construction equipment, because unlike the rest of the world, Berlin’s construction equipment is light-years ahead of everything else. Just like the city itself. There’s a kind-of high-tech wizardry here, and the Construction Engineer is one of those wizards. They know the ins and outs of every machine, all the construction drones and what they’re capable of. They have a personal engineering drone to help them out, which can be set to autonomous operation or controlled manually. They oversee new building projects, and the repair of every single architectural feature in the city. It’s a common sight to see the Construction Engineer using their drone to get a bird’s eye view of the project, whilst balanced like some kind of sky-boarder on the top of it. Injury DC. DC5 Skill. Athletics, Computers, Gambling, Mechanics, Perception, Persuasion, Sense Motive, Vehicles (Land). Language/Tools. One of your choice. Wage. 3d4 x 5 000₩ Retirement payout. 4 Terms. 15 000₩ 5 Terms. 35 000₩ 6 Terms. 55 000₩ 7 Terms. 75 000₩ Each additional term. 30 000₩

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VICES Characters in Berlin 2185 are no different to the rest of the world in terms of their vices, perhaps some hide them better than others. When you create a character for Berlin based games, you can roll on the table below, or work with your GM to determine

what your vice might be. If you choose to roll, roll on the following table three times and pick the Vice that suits your character the best, or the once you like the most.






I am nervous about Sphere diving; it gives me headaches just thinking about it.


I know where a Pandora’s Box of secrets is buried, and people want me dead.


I have to collect every single thing to do with my favorite punk band, no matter the cost.


I stole technology from Tusk Interplanetary and their agents are after me.


I have a dark secret; I am reformed Cabal Agent and I am trying to change my life.


I am a reformed arsonist.



I caused the death of someone important outside Berlin, now I hide that fact inside the city.

I dream of the apocalypse every single night and I wake up drenched in sweat.


I believe I died once, and I came back as a different person a day later.


I love Currywurst, really, I cannot get enough of that stuff.



I secretly don’t like Punk music, I’m more into Jazz. Problem is, I play drums in a Punk band.

I believe I’m secretly a time traveller, and I’m observing this city whilst my ship is repaired.



I can’t stand the sight of oil, there’s something alien about it.

I am addicted to numbers, I can’t get enough of them, so much so that I stop to count things like ammo.



Berlin is really an alien city, it’s all an illusion, and they’re coming for me any day! I know it!

I believe I have magical powers, and one day they will manifest.


I fall in love too easily.


The truth is out there, and I need to bury it, and anyone who gets too close.


I hate corporate advertising in any form.

I believe that I’m part drone, and I seek to find others of my kind.


I despise my once best friend, they joined the corporations and ratted me out.


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I believe demons are real, there’s one watching me from that cab across the way.


I covered up a secret for a corporate friend, and then his corporation found out – I’m laying low because I have the evidence on me.


I always want to do the best; I cannot settle for second place. 34

I used to be a Private Eye, and now I am convinced a killer is after me. I was nearly run down the other day by an autonomous car.


I’m not what you’d call motivated, I don’t mind coming last.


Heavy lifting is my style; I’ll always try and do the lion’s share of the work.


I know zombies are real, it’s why the corporations want off this rock, they know what’s coming and I’m ready for them!


I want to be a famous media personality, and go on live holo broadcasts. 36

Fast food is my jam; I am addicted to it and I burn calories like I’m inhuman.

I believe that I’m in a video game, and thus I have lives. I’m not going to recklessly throw them away though, respawning hurts!


I feel the need for speed.




I am convinced Aliens live under the city, I’ve heard them at night, scurrying about.

I have a hole in my mind; I get flashes of being in a secure Military HQ.



I believe that I came here from beyond the stars, but I cannot remember where my ship is, or who I really am.

I’m firmly convinced that my neighbour is a superhero, they have a secret lair in their back garden.


I form long-lasting bonds and I’m fiercely loyal.


I find it hard to adjust to life in Berlin, the city is too open and too alien for me.


I believe a shady organisation beyond the corporation’s controls everything, a super-corporation based on the Illuminati.


I can do anything as long as there’s enough booze involved.

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Berlin has changed over the years as previously mentioned, many of the old city buildings lie under the new road and foundation surfaces – an under-city waiting to be explored by brave, and perhaps foolhardy spelunkers who seek to look into the past and reclaim artifacts of the time before the disasters. The Berlin of 2185 is a different beast entirely, encircled by the wall, and protected by the drone network which ensures pollution and other threats never hit the population.

The whole city is a mix of modern and retro design, keeping with the look and feel of Berlin circa 2022 in many places only built via a cutting-edge (you’ll hear that a lot) tech which can appear like magic to the uninitiated. It’s not magic, far from it, just very advanced science and technology from the Philanthropist. What follows is a brief overview of every sector in the city above ground, don’t worry, we’ll get to detailing some of the under-city in the next chapter for all you eager punks that want to brave the labyrinthine old-city!


Doctor Gemma Carder is in charge of the dayto-day operations of the HQ and ensures that the systems operate at peak efficiency. 2. Park Land: Surrounding all of the buildings are the public parks, effortlessly melded into the mix of science and technology – here there are fountains, trees, plants, and even some wildlife to provide If you want to see near-extinct species of plant and a perfect place for the citizens to relax. Public tree, this is where you come. It’s one giant park for littering is not tolerated, and the P.E.O as well as the citizens to relax and enjoy the wonders of nature drones work to ensure that refuse is not a problem. in a world that’s been determined to ravage natural 3. R&D Labs: This series of interconnected domes resources to the point of exhaustion. provides the research and development labs for It is here that you’ll discover the Centre Ring the city. Here new tech is researched, prototyped (Science Park) is home to the R&D labs, tech and tested before it’s transferred to the tech facilities, science division, and Drone Control – these facilities for manufacture and further testing. elegant yet futuristic buildings captivate the eye and Professor Ethan Falk is the person in charge of somehow still remain harmonious with the natural this installation as a whole, and they have a brilliant surroundings. Beautiful faceted glass walls, and crystal mind for problem solving as well as designing energy collectors reflect the abundance of trees in new technologies. their many surfaces. 4. Tech Facilities: Flat-roofed and covered in ecofriendly panels, these are the manufacturing Dotted around the Science Park are the small buildings and tech facilities of the Science Park. dwellings of the Foresters, the people who ensure that Each one houses complex machines which can the plants and trees of this area are well protected take output from R&D systems, and turn them from those who might seek to do them harm. into working models and units. Highly advanced 1. Drone Control HQ: A high-tech pyramid-style 3d printers can produce complex working tech in construction in the middle of the sector, this is the hours, compared to the previous models which drone control master controller and houses a vast only allowed for simple parts to be constructed. array of high-tech gear and systems to facilitate Chief-Tech Gunter Rith ensures that everything the drone-web network across the whole city. here functions as it should. The Science Park could be said to be the heart of the city, lush, lavish, and festooned with flora of all kinds kept in perfect condition by the efforts of the Foresters, and the drones which patrol the area dealing with imbalances in environment and ensuring the conditions are perfect for continued growth.


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5. Science Division - Berlin Mandate Group: The BMG Science Division operates out of small domelike buildings that are hidden away in a secluded grove, blocked by a carefully placed line of trees and patrolled by helpful Foresters who will escort people to the grounds outside this ‘tree sanctuary’. This is the home of the more clandestine operations for the city, and where the punks can get their nice shiny new toys if they become an agent for the BMG. Mr. King looks after the BMG operations here, and no one knows his real name. 6. Foresters Houses: These small pyramid-like buildings serve as the homes for the Foresters who maintain, watch over, and ensure the trees and plants of the city are well looked after. They have similar powers to the P.E.O but only over their forested areas in the park. Lisa Artemis is the head Forester in the sector and she is just as good a hunter and archer as her namesake.

The feel of the Science Park

Whilst Berlin has fresh air, there’s something about the Science Park with its scent of real flora which cannot be experienced anywhere else in the city. Couple that with the scent of the clean water from the fountains, and the gentle whisper of their nozzles and you’d think that you were in paradise, a regular Garden of Earthly Delights. At night the park is even more impressive with a myriad of solar-driven lighting systems and tiny drones ready to provide illumination at a moment’s notice. It’s not an uncommon sight to see couples strolling hand in hand, whilst a small light drone follows them to provide a romantic radiance to their outing.

Food and Drink

Many of the meals are catered for by the various buildings dotted around the sector, this isn’t to say there aren’t places where a visitor or citizen can get a coffee or a bite to eat. You can get some of Berlin’s simple snacks from small vendor machines placed in strategic areas, next to picnic zones, and the same goes for the food. There are no cafes or restaurants

operating outside their respective buildings, and those facilities are for staff only. Currywurst, a staple of the city for as long as anyone can remember, is sold in the food vendor machines along with such fare as: Schnitzel, and Pretzels. Basically, quick-energy snacks.

Secrets of the Park

Apart from the aforementioned BMG complex hidden away in an area marked ‘tree sanctuary’ there are not many secrets to talk about in this part of the city. Though rumour has it there is a hidden entryway to the under-city here through a ruin of an old botanical garden, a remnant of pre-2185 Berlin.

Encounters d10

1. A small gang of youths has lost a playball up a tree, they are milling about and looking for a way to get it. 2. A shady individual is eyeing one of the trees with intent, eagle-eyed punks can spot a saw or knife ready to take a ‘sample’. 3. A young couple walks by hand-in-hand and without a care in the world. 4. Someone tries to sell the punks a second-rate Currywurst, and really, you should only be buying this stuff from the machines in the park. 5. A Forester is seen questioning an individual, the person in question seems to be acting suspiciously to the outside observer. 6. A ball lands at the punks’ feet, it belongs to an eager robotic dog – K1nDLY. 7. A few clandestine figures are seen going toward the ruin of an old botanical garden, near the outskirts of the sector. 8. A band strikes up on a nearly band-stand and begins to play traditional German music on relic instruments. 9. A woman runs past the punks, she looks terrified and her eyes snap-back to the treeline where a man dashes off into the distance – he seems to be holding a gun. 10. An eager Forester comes up to the punks and begins to interrogate them, one of their number matches the description of someone seen loitering around the ‘tree sanctuary’.

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SECTOR 2 • HOUSING SECTORS More a collection of sectors than an actual sector, the housing sectors of Berlin respond to the needs of the population, with the City Construction Team stepping up to fill any gaps as the city grows in size. As previously stated, there are no homeless people in Berlin, everyone has a place to go and a place to live. Houses are built on a 3d printed blueprint, but they still retain the original feel and aesthetic appeal of the oldstyle buildings from a bygone era. It’s a magical juxtaposition of the old and new, and thanks to the designer’s eye for detail and balance it never looks out of place or garish. The road ways, and travel paths are all laid out with efficiency, and designed to eliminate congestion, vehicles and pedestrian included. At the core of each Housing Sector there’s also an automated repair, and drone callout HQ which serves to begin the process of new home construction, or fixing ones that are broken/damaged/or faulty.


The Housing Sector is clean, it’s efficient, and it’s also quiet, with adequate sound-proofing for all homes and low noise levels. There are designated places, small parks, street benches, but no other entertainment/shops/facilities. If someone wants a meal, or a snack, or they can’t be bothered to hit up the Entertainment Sector, then they can call in a delivery drone and have what they want sent right to their door or even window. It feels in many ways older than it should do, this is in part to the excellent preservation, and reconstruction of many iconic looking Berlin buildings from pre-2185. People move around quietly, doing their day to day and there’s an air of serenity not seen elsewhere in the world.

Food and Drink

There are no street vendors, and no restaurants in this sector, all food and drink is either brought in from the designated restaurants, shops, or just flown in by drones as previously mentioned.

Secrets of the Housing Sectors

There are secret entries to the fast-response network of tunnels built between sectors, usually for drones, but people can use these in times of crisis to get around the city unseen – BMG Agents know them like the back of their hand.



d6 1. A parcel drone buzzes past the characters, heading at some speed to a location nearby. 2. A window shatters, someone falls out of it, did they fall, were they pushed? 3. A glitched out drone is found just circling over a hole in the floor, partially open. 4. An intoxicated person babbles about aliens to anyone who’ll listen. 5. Someone claims to have seen a ghost in a nearby alley between two buildings. 6. Public Enforcement Officers are checking up on people to see if they’re OK.

Entertainment and Culture Sector

This is one place where you can truly see a proper mix of old, and new buildings in Berlin. The Entertainment and Culture Sector is the pulse of all night life, culture, and ways to let off steam in the city. The youth of Berlin flock here at all times, especially in the evening to take in the best that the sector has to offer. Many of the old Berlin buildings are here, either given new purpose, or kept as is – all of them have been preserved using the modern construction and preservation techniques which make Berlin unique in the landscape of 2185.

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If you want a mix of music, food, entertainment and more you’re in the right place with the Entertainment and Culture Sector. 1. The Bannerhall: One of the older buildings of 5. Berlin TV Tower: Another historic landmark in a Berlin, now rebuilt, repurposed and turned into a city that’s over 700 years old, is the TV tower. really rocking night club, the Bannerhall caters to One of the tallest buildings previously in the the hammering beats and grind of the Industrial city, this massive tower served as an observation Techno music. Boasting live bands, holo AI platform and a gourmet restaurant – a quick performances and seventeen dance floors. Every high speed lift ride allowed visitors a great dining Wednesday the D.J. Hammerstein plays his set to experience, and a fantastic view of the city. Now, record crowds of club-goers. it’s a small intimate music club at home in the vista above the city. 2. Berlin Opera House: Operated now by the Nu Berlin Opera Company, the building is one of the 6. Restaurant Alley: More than an alley, a long old ones rebuilt stone by stone and moved here. street plays out across a vast array of eateries, The BOC performs classic Opera, and also makes gourmet restaurants, street vendors and small sure they support the growing new wave of Neobusiness designed to provide the best and most Opera and keeps itself relevant in the field. Hans nutritious food the city has to offer. You can still Tallor is the current owner of the Opera House, visit the iconic Zur Letzen Instanz as well, where and also the BOC. His wife, Greta Tallor is one of both Napoleon and Beethoven dined. the best singers in the company and her modified 7. Network Plaza: Berlin News, News 242, and voice box can be used as a weapon if needs be. Network Berlin can all be found in this expansive 3. The Playhouse: Berlin has a storied history of art, plaza where broadcast, film, and radio studios sit music, and performance – in 2185 the premier comfortably all in one place. Movie Magic, Klass place for this kind of entertainment in terms Studio, and Movie Prime are three examples of theatre is Claudia Katze Playhouse, a superb of many more which operate inside the city. modern style fusion of old and new theatre The Plaza is also home of Jonny Doggs, the nestled in the heart of the sector. Claudia has city’s homegrown radio presenter who has his spent their life dedicated to playing various roles, own station – Dogg’s B4775 which reflects his first in amateur dramatics, and later professional NuPunk attitude. plays. She owns a complete set of Shakespeare 8. Sphere Port Prime: Like many places across the plays in print and has them under lock and key. globe (that can afford to install them) Berlin has a 4. SO36: Frequented by headliners such as sphere port allowing access to the virtual halls and Tententen, the SO36 venue retains much of playgrounds of the Sphere. The ancient Reichstag its classic style as it always had. Based on the Building has been converted into a bustling network postcode of the area in Berlin, pre-city reform hub, centre, and major terminal for access into the and redesign, the iconic building still functions digital highway of 2185. Unlike the rest of the planet as a premier music club in the city and hosts access to the Sphere in Berlin is heavily monitored, an incredible roster of bands. Punk is at the users are protected by state-of-the-art protection, forefront, but since Berlin is a melting-pot of and each small room or large group room has a cultures, there are other music genres to be guard or two to ensure the connected travellers to found in these intact hallowed walls of history. the network are safe and sound. It also costs nothing to access to residents of Berlin.

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SECTOR 3 • CULTURE SECTOR During the day, it’s vibrant and full of people. There are all kinds of people here, from approved visitors, tourists, residents, bands, and street performers – the whole city sector buzzes with the kind of vibrant community hardly seen elsewhere in the other cities on the planet. It’s a testament to the new design for Berlin, and the quality of life for the people who make it their home. The sound of street music, the smells of the food from the various vendors, and the endless chatter of the people around combine to paint a picture unlike anywhere else in the city too. Organised chaos is the best way to describe it, and that means life, people who are living their best lives far away from the shadows and claws of the corporations. Night time is when this sector really comes alive, lit with neon lights, holograms and full of people who dress to impress or just show their true selves to the city at large. It’s big, bold, fun, and frenetic here. There are lots of old buildings to be found too, the ones that survived the previous events which wrecked the city and tumbled many into the undercity below. Still, there’s enough of Berlin’s iconic buildings left to grant this sector the honour of housing many of the oldest buildings in the city, even if they have been carefully transplanted in many cases to preserve them for future generations.


Beyond the street vendors, all approved for sale, who sell Currywurst, and variants on that particular staple of Berlin there are numerous restaurants and eateries. Some of them sell themed foods, and pastries, others are fine dining and gourmet dishes. If you can find the food in the rest of the world, you can find it here in some way shape or form. Spätzle, Berlin’s take on pasta, Königsberger Klopse (a meatball dish), and Döner Kebab are just some of the snack foods that are available.

Encounters d10

1. A group of band fans mistake the characters for a famous band, they approach them and ask for autographs. 2. A fight breaks out, and shots are fired, this is so rare in Berlin that it shocks everyone around the fracas. 3. The P.E.O. arrest a corporate agent who is illegally in the city. 4. A band asks the characters if they would like some free tickets. 5. A media personality is looking for bodyguards, As for drink, there are non-alcohol versions of every approaches the characters and asks if they’d be able beverage, cocktails, beers, and more to be found to help for an hour or two. here. Again, if it’s available elsewhere then it’s likely 6. A couple of writers argue plot for a book at a imported. Berliner Weiße mit Schuss Is a famous nearby table. drink, made using a sour cloudy beer, a shot of red 7. Someone mistakes a character in the group for an or green syrup, and again like the street food it can old friend. be found across the sector in abundance along with 8. A chatty person stops the characters to talk many brands of Pilsner. about films. 9. The characters are asked if they would like to be Secrets of the Entertainment and extras in a filmed piece of media. Culture Sector 10. A famous actor wants a tour of the city, he’s from There is a hidden BMG access only Sphere Port in London. Benedict Grant Stewart is his name. one of the many buildings, far away from the public eye. The BMG Agents use this highly protected facility to respond to dangers and keep their presence as clandestine as possible.


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SECTOR 4 • COMMERCE SECTOR This is the trade and commerce hub of the city, packed with specially and carefully chosen holo-adverts which reflect the wants and needs of the people. There are no predatory adverts here, NFT’s or the like. Just ones which the city’s governing A.I. knows will most likely benefit the populace. You won’t find the Crown or Tusk operating in the commerce area of Berlin, their corporations are banned. The others, they operate from a single building, with a skeleton crew of staff and one rep. They’re watched by agents of the government, and strictly monitored in every single deal they do. The moment one steps out of line, they are investigated and if they break one of the many rules – they’re exiled from the city and their building is given over to a smaller home-grown business. Not a single corporation so far, has overstepped the mark. The rest of the sector is made up with the venues that people want to keep them happy, content, and interested. If you need to buy it in Berlin, not only is it reasonably priced but it’s also available from any one of the specialist dealers who operate under license in the sector. High end cars, clothing, low end things, everything you’d need for civilian and cyberpunk life can be found here if you know where to look. (If you want it from any of the books, you can get it here with a generous discount too – as long as the GM permits). This is just a sample of what you can find in the sector.

ever lived, but for the most part she’s nearly there. She built her business from nothing, and moved to 1. Shopping Gala: To call this a mall, or a super-mall Berlin a few years ago – now she operates a classy would be a misnomer. This gigantic stadium sized and youth-driven store which sells the latest tech complex is a mini town inside Berlin, taking up an that comes fresh out of the R&D manufacturing incredible amount of real estate in the sector, but facilities of Berlin – and anything else she just also perfectly and aesthetically designed to fit in. imports from elsewhere. Clara is also a Berlin You can find every single shop and service under Mandate Group Field Agent who has operated one roof in the Gala and this includes more food outside the city for over 10 years until she decided vendors and smaller restaurants to keep people fed to run her network store. and watered. 5. Lady Garment Clothiers: When you tire of London 2. Auto Barn: Auto Barn has a two-fold name, it’s a life, and when you marry into Berlin family you get play on words for the relic roadway Autobahn which Lady Diana Carlson nee Lewellen – a rich aristocrat remains partly intact in Germany, and a place where who moved to Berlin and opened a high-end fashion you can get every kind of ground and air vehicle store in the city along with her husband Manfred available in the city, barring the specialist vehicle(s) Carlson. Lots of chic clothing can be found here, for used by the agents of the Berlin Mandate Group. slightly higher prices, still kept in check by Berlin’s The most popular ride is the Citizen Auto, the stipulation on fairness and trade. efficient all-electric vehicle that Berlin 3d prints for 6. Clothing Row: If you want clothes from working a nominal fee so that anyone who can drive one, is styles, to punk and out-there outfits, alternative, able to get a vehicle for themselves or family. goth, classic and more you can find pretty much 3. Gunnar’s Firearms: The Enby owner, Gunnar Strom every kind of clothing store and convenience along looks after the only place in the city where you can this huge street festooned with fantastic outfits. If pick up a firearm for mercenary needs. They/he you want a rainbow of clothing options, this is your cater to cyberpunks exclusively and has a selection port of call! of weapons found elsewhere in the world. As with 7. Gamer’s Paradise: Games, video games, holoeverything in Berlin it’s all monitored and above games, net-games, all of it are important to the well the counter, barring the BMG Agent gear which being of Berlin’s society old and young. This is the Gunnar carries a very small supply for quick restocks premier place to get anything like that in the city. available to agents. 8. The Market Street Heroes: A huge plaza of market 4. Network of the Gods: Clara Walden flirts with stalls which cater to every kind of oddity you’d find the idea of becoming the greatest hacker that has Carbon 2185 | BERLIN MEGACITY 2185 炭素 2185 | 前澤マガジン


with a market like this, surrounded by eagle eyed food and drink vendors and covered in sun shades. 9. Corporation Circle: As long as it’s not the Crown or Tusk, you’ll find a single corporation office and a few workers here in the circle. Apart from that, there’s regular patrols and government officers are a regular sight as they stop by daily to check on things.

Feel of the Commerce Sector

With ground and air vehicles at a minimum, and the design of the sector crafted in such a way as to optimise foot traffic – what should be a bustling and chaotic, stifling and perhaps even terrifying experience for shoppers is actually relaxed and serene with numerous places to sit and relax thrown in. It feels like a place where people want to be, comfortable, friendly, and patrolled by hidden eyes which are keeping an overview not on the people of the city, but the visitors, and the corporate execs who are allowed within. Without the intrusive targeted ads, the people pushing the latest and greatest into your hands, or slamming you with questions every few feet down the street, the Commerce Sector is a great place to be.

was in 1920, only rather than Europe, it seems to be the world.

Food and Drink

There are smaller restaurants here, but a lot of fast-food and easy snack meals (still healthy and nutritious as per the law of the city) are found strategically placed. Alcohol isn’t sold here, but refreshing drinks are.

Secrets of the Commerce Sector

There are a few, one of them is the Stockpile, this happens to be a BMG Agent restock point and gear collection facility. Then there’s the BMG Vehicle Depot where agents can request specialist air and ground vehicles for both in country, and out of country operations. Finally, there’s a dangerous undercurrent being perpetuated by two sleeper corporate agents hidden in the Shopping Gala – they’re trying to recruit for the Cabal using subtle means. Agents Faust and Rickland (using aliases as Sarah (Faust) and Richard (Rickland) they hope to elude the watchful eye of the BMG.

Encounters d6

1. The agents of the Cabal previously mentioned It also smells great, thanks to Berlin’s drones which mistake the characters for sympathisers, or pull bad smells out of the air, and recycle the potential recruits. pollutants created by people and their lives. The only 2. A group of angry shopper tourists cause a fuss. other place in the city that’s as serene as this is the 3. A group of youths ask the characters fashion advice. Science Park Sector. 4. An old woman critiques the characters clothing, style baby, style – when she was younger… The Commerce Sector is active both day and night, blah blah… with an increased foot traffic during the night as 5. BMG Agents approach the characters, they need many of the city’s clubbers love to hit the shops prehelp. Easier if one or more of the characters are club so they can arrive with that NEW shiny outfit already BMG Agents. and blow everyone away. Also, the whole sector is 6. A new prototype is being flown around the sky, this lit at night by holographic bunting that reflects the air car is brand new and has never been seen before. very fact that the city is still the Gay Capital as it


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SECTOR 5 • GOVERNANCE SECTOR This decentralised sector is where every iota of government, all the law buildings, and all the civic buildings can be found in the city. Again, a mix of old and new architecture attempts to convey the very modern approach to government the city has. As it moves towards a truly democratic governance, the changes can be seen physically as well as across the laws and mandates. The current Governor is Hannah Steelbeck, who operates out of the Governor’s Office in the Government Block of the sector 1. Government Block: Here you’ll find Governor Steelbeck’s office amongst other government buildings. Her door is always open, and she has a skeleton crew to protect her comprised of highly trained agents. 2. Law Block: Many of the older buildings of Berlin have been used as the law block, from lawyers’ offices, to courts, to the Berlin High Court – you can find them all here. 3. City Hall: Less of a government meeting point, and more a Forum where residents can congregate to air issues and talk to an appointed rep. There are always more reps than needed, so no one has to wait very long. Unless you’re one of the corporations, in which case, good luck. 4. Public Enforcement Officer HQ: Not a police station per-se, more a place where the officers of the city can take a rest and catch up with reports. They do have holding cells, but they are a far cry from the cells of the past. These are like small hotel rooms, though they are highly secure and fitted with high tech systems. Gilded cage, or not? 5. City Planning: Berlin is carefully crafted, and designed to be as efficient and as safe as possible. Whilst much of this was down to the Philanthropist, the city planners who follow the vision through are a talented bunch of designers and architects who understand environmental, social, and societal issues. This is where they reside in the city and this zone is their playground. 6. Nourishment Block: This is where the people of this sector get their food, drink, and nutrition from. It’s simple no-nonsense food, with German flair and style – any food mentioned previously is here in terms of snacks. There is one gourmet restaurant (the Falcon) and that’s it.

Feel of the Governance Sector

Order and law, but not oppression is the feel here. It’s monitored, strictly, but the PEO do not hand out punishment unjustly, nor do they meddle in any minor fracas that happens to kick off. They will bring a stop to it, using de-escalation techniques and so forth. These are not police; they are people looking after their own and as such the whole sector has a friendly feel to it. In the 20th Century there was a lot of Copaganda, Berlin doesn’t tolerate such things, so they don’t laud the officers and put them on pedestals. They do a job, they enforce the law as much as they can, and that’s it. So, never make the city feel like it’s an oppressive regime like say London or San Fran etc. The same goes for the government, the people know they have a say in who takes over, and they have their favourites. No on in Berlin who rules per-se has a target on their back from inside their own walls – unless it’s an outside force like KT-101 or a hired gun or two who managed to sneak in. Councillors and even the governor can be seen walking around, usually without a guard and interacting with the people here. A note though, the BMG agents are watchful and without Hannah’s knowledge they are always there to keep an eye on her as well as her civil servants. At night, this sector is quieter, not quite like a Ghost Town, but near enough. Only late-night workers and staff are around, and the PEO presence is slightly increased when trouble rears its ugly head for a few hours or days after.

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Food and Drink

Like much of Berlin, this particular sector has delivered meals, and a few vendors on the outskirts – especially kebab trucks and stalls. There’s one gourmet restaurant which has a massive capacity – the Falcon. The rest of the eateries and cafes are carefully placed to ensure all zones of this sector are covered by some way to get sustenance. As for the food and drink itself, any of the Berlin snacks available elsewhere are sold here and no alcohol is permitted – it doesn’t go well with creating working rules for society. Secrets of the Governance Sector There’s only one, somewhere in one of the many nondescript buildings there is a secure lift entry to one of many Berlin Mandate Group Agent safehouses and stockpiles.

Encounters d6

1. Two lawyers stand talking about a recent case they heard in Tokyo. 2. A PEO is posing for a selfie with a friend. 3. The governor’s aide (Donna Carter) asks the characters to meet with her later regarding a job. 4. A hovering food drone tries to tempt the characters with Currywurst, half price. It’s a hacked drone, run by Miller Lyte, a local hacker kid (he’s 8) trying to make a quick Wonlong. 5. A shady corporate agent observes the characters, making notes on a data device. 6. Someone has a questionnaire they want answering, this is a corporate spy who is trying to discover more about the city for their chosen business.



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SECTOR 6 • CONSTRUCTION SECTOR This is the heart of Berlin’s construction system, a vast mini-town of hubs and buildings designed to keep the city’s structures in top condition, and ensure repairs are effective and swift. The City Construction Group’s offices are a massive complex of buildings (separate from the planners elsewhere) and operate the secret tech which makes this city totally unique. The hexagonal drone hubs, and launch bays of the construction barges are a sight to behold and it might be one of the few places in Berlin, where it truly does look like it’s pure science-fiction, or even an alien planet. Apart from the CCG’s offices, the rest of the sector is pretty much off limits to the public and patrolled by sentry drones, construction mechs, and workers who have orders to contact the PEO if they spot any suspicious activity. 1. City Construction Group: This space-age complex of buildings, factories, and 3d printers the size of houses is where the magic happens to create many of the wonders of Berlin. The offices of the group’s leaders are here, and it’s all overseen by Klaus Olsen, who ensures the operation runs like clockwork. 2. Drone Stations: These can be found everywhere in the sector, containing the network controls, drone printers and much more allowing the Philanthropist to move their plan forward for the city. Not only do they contain construction drones, but the defence network drones as well. 3. Barge Launches: These massive vessels do the heavy lifting, working alongside construction drones, they fly to a location in Berlin and deploy massive 3d printers which nano-print at ridiculous speeds. They can throw up whole residences and apartment blocks in hours, and days, even neighbourhoods in under a week. 4. Observation Watch: These areas are designed to let residents of nearby sectors view the barge launches from a safe and well-ventilated platform.

Work breaks are mandatory, and fair, with time given over to self-care and exercise.

Food and drink

Alcohol is prohibited in this sector, and only refreshing drinks are served by vending machines and canteens. Meals are provided by work canteens, and delivery drones if someone wants something a little more exotic for lunch.

Secrets of the Construction Sector

One of the factories houses the printers which are working on a secret project for the Philanthropist (one of many) which will allow them to brace for what is coming later in their future. Whatever this is, has put the factory into overdrive and it works 24/7 quietly and out of sight. Only a few BMG agents know it even exists.

Encounters d6

1. A fleet of delivery drones whispers past, all of them laden with components. Feel of the Construction Sector 2. A truck has broken down, it has a driver and she Industry, but clean, vast, and truly next-generation appears to be annoyed at the vehicle. are the watch-words for this sector. It thrums with 3. One of the characters spots a stranger lurking with a low noise from the various printers, factories, and a camera drone, the drone is camouflaged and drones which populate it. By day it has delivery and the stranger is wearing generic clothing. What’s transport vehicles both air and ground flitting about going on? it, like worker ants. At night it continues, only the 4. A group of youths are climbing into the no-go zone, floodlights and headlights of the vehicles and drones they appear to be unaware of a drone there which is now make it look like high-tech fireflies are swirling doing work using a welder. over a grand technological pool. 5. One of the construction spider-mechs has broken There are designated walk-spaces for workers, since down, a suspicious person is seen running away with most of the delivery and so forth is automated. a key component. These are designed to prevent accidents and a trip to 6. A foreman approaches the characters, they’re the Health Care Sector. conducting a safety review of a nearby structure.

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SECTOR 7 • HEALTH CARE SECTOR Welcome to the prime place for healthcare in the world, Berlin’s health care puts the rest of the world to shame, and with state-of-the-art facilities both for physical and mental wellbeing, it’s a reflection of the Philanthropist’s love for their fellow beings. This massive sector is totally focused on health care, with a Berlin Central Hospital, and other satellite medical facilities dominating the sector and providing 24/7 care to anyone who needs it, visitor or not. Medical drone towers dot the sector and ensure there is a coverage for hundreds, if not thousands of issues which can arise in a city as big as Berlin. It’s no mean feat that if there was a city-wide injury with thousands hurt, the system could cope and deal with the various levels of injury quickly. There are designated vehicle lanes and fly zones for non-medical vehicles, but the rest of the sector is medical travel only. 1. Berlin Central Hospital: To call this a hospital is to undervalue just how massive it is, it takes up most of the central area of the sector and stretches for miles – it’s almost a town inside the city. 2. Outlier Medical Facilities: These smaller suburblike medical zones are not as impressive visually as the main hospital, but they have the same tech and many of the same facilities on site. They also act as a connection to the medical drone network. 3. Medi-Vehicle Launch: Not only can the hospitals and clinics launch their own vehicles, but there are satellite bays around the sector as well. Clear fly zones are set up throughout Berlin for medical response, so their time is extremely fast. It takes a few minutes for a responder to get to a further location for example. 4. Plaza of the Mind: All the central mentalhealth facilities are here, packed with tech, and staffed with understanding and caring mental health professionals. 5. Medi-Drone Towers: These are placed at the borders of the sector, and can provide quick relief for minor and medium injuries across Berlin. 6. Health Food Paradise: This huge area of health food shops, restaurants, and the like makes up this zone in the sector. It delivers to other places across the city as well.

The Feel of the Medical Sector

It’s clinical, right out of the gate. Professional and stunning in terms of the aesthetic. Again, a spaceage looking part of Berlin, with clean and sterilised-


looking buildings (they are regularly decontaminated by drones and cleaning mechs) making up this vast metropolis of medical science. With designated zones for civilians, the sector is thrumming day and night as people come for all sorts of issues – from diseases, to broken bones. Then you have the psychologists and therapists of the Plaza of the Mind, where people take in the sights and sounds of the zone – which is serene and designed to promote a high quality of mental health. Night sees some increased activity, mostly from tourists who always tend to take things too far. Medical drones, vans, and air vehicles flit around the sky effortlessly and the whole sector smells clean.

Food and drink

Only places allowed to serve food and drink have them here, and they’re carefully controlled in terms of diet and health. Health Food Paradise, which also delivers to the hospital, outlying facilities, and Plaza of the Mind. Nothing is cooked on site at the BCH.

Secrets of the Health Care Sector

Hidden from the public eye is an incredible technological wonder, the most advanced medical facility known to the Philanthropist – it can be used to save lives that were thought impossible to save even in 2185 Berlin. It’s not public yet, but the early trials have been highly successful.

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Encounters d6

1. An injured man stumbles past the characters, still with the knife in his side – what happened? 2. An air ambulance touches down, and two armed medics rush out. They spot the characters and question them as to the whereabouts of an individual – the person has just shot and kidnapped another individual. What’s going on?

3. A doctor and nurse share a drink by the side of the road, they appear to be heading to the BCH. 4. A wheelchair rolls past, a bright young woman grins at the characters, then scoots off into the air using a new anti-grav system. 5. Two medical drones buzz the characters, they scan them for issues and zip off if they find nothing. Do they find anything? 6. A couple of good Samaritans are helping an elderly man to the ambulance zone.

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SECTOR 8 • CIVIC AMENITIES SECTOR There is no public allowed in this sector at all (Barring the Hall of Monuments), any issues can be directed to the relevant offices elsewhere in the city. This sector is the hub of water, power, and other civic controls which lie at the thrumming heart of Berlin. Workers, drones, and mechs are the only other inhabitants (unless you count the BMG Agents who patrol) allowed in the sector unless specifically stated or allowed. Every building is carefully monitored, every location carefully chosen, and the whole of the system is connected to the spider’s web like grid through the whole city. Fleets of specialised ‘scrub’ drones ensure that any pollution is cleaned, rendered harmless and then outputted back into this system, with a central drop-off point here. At night the area is well lit, and small drones patrol hard to reach places. 1. Power Plant: This highly advanced design power plant supports the city, and can adjust for excess power, and load. It’s connected to the solar panels (high quality and high performance) found throughout Berlin and the various rooftops. 2. Water System: Fresh, scrubbed, and monitored water is managed here. 3. Scrubbing System: This location houses all the systems which keep the city clear of pollution and feed scrubbed pollutants back into the city itself, or turn it into useful resources. 4. Waste Disposal: Waste is managed here from all sources. 5. Hall of Monuments: People die, and they are brought here in this monument area. Rows and rows of holograms display images of the dead, or messages. The bodies are long gone and only a token remains made from compressed ashes.

The Feel of the Civic Amenities Sector

Aloof and out of bounds, the CAS is a place where only the invited go, or families and mourners who visit the very eerie Hall of Monuments. The whole sector should feel off limits, unfriendly in that kind of industrial way with questions constantly asked of anyone who doesn’t have the authority to be there. Getting access into the civic buildings here is nigh on impossible for anyone but the PEO, BMG Agents, or other mandated individuals. The worker drones, and mechs are the inhabitants with a skeleton crew of human workers to keep things under watch. At night it’s floodlit, but creepy. However, the Hall of Monuments is creepier still and only a few token


mourners are found here brave enough to walk amongst the digital spirits of the dead.

Food and drink

Delivery only here, and since there’s a skeleton crew of workers in the sector, people often prefer to bring their own lunch and then go for a decent meal after work.

Secrets of the Civic Amenities Sector

One BIG secret is the power plant. Taken from a design found aboard a craft, discovered by a team dispatched a while ago by the Philanthropist, the power plant of Berlin’s heart is otherworldly. This extremely high tech, retrofitted design is capable of staggering output and performance, guarded by deadly drones and combat mechs as well as monitored 100% by the ‘City AI’.

Encounters d6

1. A figure is trying to get information on the power plant, they ask anyone nearby about the ‘odd building’ in the sector. 2. Inspection drones buzz the characters, why are they there? 3. A worker asks for help, a drone has malfunctioned and it’s trying to attack a friend of his. Is he telling the truth? 4. A character spots a strange object on a nearby water conduit. Is that… a bomb? 5. A welder drone mistakes a character for a girder. Why? 6. A tourist is lost, and comes to the characters for help. Are they really lost, are they really a tourist? Carbon 2185 | BERLIN MEGACITY 2185 炭素 2185 | 前澤マガジン

SECTOR 9 • FIRE SUPPRESSION SECTOR Whilst Berlin is designed to be efficient, and as eco-friendly as possible, there’s also the human factor, the tech factor, and the corporate saboteur factor which has to be taken into account. Hence, the Fire Suppression Sector and the impressive tech it boasts to keep the city safe and sound. This sector is the HQ of all fire suppression operations in the city, in terms of human teams, mechs, and drones. It’s extremely efficient and the fire suppression drone network covers 100% of Berlin inside and out, with clever access routes and optimised paths to allow for rapid deployment and response day or night. The FST’s fight fires from their HQ building, and have smaller vehicle bays around the sector. Their high-tech gear and training mean they’re the best of the best at what they do, and their surroundings reflects it. 1. Fire Suppression Team HQ: This impressive central HQ is where the FST officers reside and it’s packed with air vehicles capable of reaching anywhere in Berlin and deploying drones and mechs to help battle sudden conflagrations. 2. Fire Support Bays: These are storage bays for the air vehicles, and have officers stationed there who can deploy quickly as well. 3. Fire Drone Station: These stations launch the FSD (Fire Suppression Drones) to help combat blazes across the city.

The Feel of the Fire Suppression Sector

Another ghost-town feel to this sector, and again, only authorised officers and mandated individuals are allowed here. Public enquiries and so forth are dealt with at the Governance Sector. This is to keep the sector clear for deployment and reduce the risk of public injury. Anyone who visits here is scrutinised and asked to leave, unless they have an authorised reason to be there. Fire Suppression Team Officers are extremely friendly, but pointed when they question people about their reasons to be in an off-limits sector. At night this sector is extremely well lit, and roving patrols of drones make sure that it remains free of unauthorised visitors.

Food and drink

Another sector where the food and drink are delivered, or cooked on site at the Fire Suppression Team HQ (or outliers). There are no vendors, or eateries, or restaurants, and no booze whatsoever.

Secrets of the Fire Suppression Sector

There is a stand-by team of mech fire-fighters which can replace the human officers should something disable the facility. This hidden area in the zone is heavily guarded by squads of mechs, and drones. If the human firefighters ever go down all at once, this team will be activated and under direct control of the Philanthropist.

Encounters d6

1. A man stands ready to jump off a bridge nearby, he’s yelling at two FST officers in Swedish. 2. A fire suppression drone zips past, on the way to a minor blaze. 3. A box full of Molotov cocktails is found stashed nearby, with a message: The Reich Will Rise Again. 4. A message is scrawled on the nearby wall in blood. “Who watches the watchers, burn?” 5. A curious young woman mistakes one of the characters for her friend, is she just mistaken or is there something else? 6. One of the drone launch doors has been welded shut, who did it and why?

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THE CABAL AND UNDERCITY This is the super-secret part of Berlin no one tells you about, in fact, only a few people are in the know about the CABAL and even less know what they’re truly up to. So, this is a brief look at them, and their operation to destabilise utopia – as well as the usual desire to rule the world. Also, finally, the Undercity quick-look so your Cyberpunks have a place to explore which echoes some of those old school dungeons of yore!


Origin. Germany, USA, England Language. German, English Reach. Limited for now, aiming for all sectors and the city. Businesses. None, still in progress. Aiming to establish petty crime, upscaling later. Leader. A group of corporate bully-boy asshole white-supremacist fanatics who are collectively ruled by a figure known as the Big Father. Notable Members. Grumman Son, Big Reich, Ana Brown Rivals. SOLA, BMG, other gangs as they see fit.


The CABAL is the new face of white supremacy in 2185. Hidden beneath the utopian city of Berlin, in what might be one of the biggest stealth operations by the nuAlt-Right in a long time. Established by a man who owns a tattoo of a famous Reich leader from World-War II, now known as the Big Father – the CABAL has been created to bring Berlin down once and for all. Why the leader of this group hates the city, and the BMG is a matter for some discussion, the top rumour is that he was passed over for a contract to build the city by the Philanthropist and he’s now hell bent on ruining it for everyone else.


Does he need any other reason? Plenty, he’s also xenophobic, homophobic, racist, and a whole other bingo-card full of bigotry enough to fill a book the size of War & Peace. His operation is currently small, but it’s getting bigger and bigger, as more and more bigots join the cause. He operates a secret way into the city, using old under city tunnels and blind spots which were created when the old Berlin disaster happened, and the city was almost destroyed. Much of the old city was lost and the rest of New Berlin built atop it. Big Father brought his closest allies in to help him, and together they have taken over sections of the undercity from the radiation mutated things which lurk below it. These things were once human, they’re not now and they’re a huge secret under the city not even the BMG knows about. Yet. Big Father’s campaign against the BMG is jut getting started, and he is already dispatching agents to push things and start the chaos ball rolling. It won’t be long before the BMG learns what’s going on, and the Cyberpunks get called into action. Big Father has no idea what’s coming.

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The Undercity of Berlin, in the wake of global catastrophe and disaster has become a true horrific location for anyone who dares to venture beneath. We’ve not chosen any specific buildings to use as a primary set for this location, because we feel like you should be able to curate Berlin above and below with your own take on our 2185 sandbox. So, this is a quick look at the location, what you might expect, and even a small encounter table at the end just to get you started.

Have fun letting your Cyberpunks explore this location, and if you want some kind of feel for this – check out the fantastic Metro series of video games which have this crumbling old world undercity vibe down to a T!


Big Father’s operation is hidden out of sight, and safe in this cavern below the city. Set in a backdrop of faded glory, like his beloved Reich, this building has been better days and is often rocked by tremors as the ground still complains over what the corporations endless fracking did to it.

disturbed and they don’t take kindly to nap time being disrupted at all. They will attack anyone they detect, and then follow the scent trail back as far as they can.

Old Bus

An old bus from the previous world before 2185 lies here on its side, rusted, burnt out and still with the skeletons of the trapped upon it.

Old Train Station

One of the many train stations found in Berlin at the time of the big disaster, this is a haunted place. Strange lights are seen inside at times, and even the CABAL stays clear. Is it just gas and reaction, or is there more to it? That’s up to you if you want to seep a little supernatural horror into Carbon 2185.

Encounters d10

1. A group of CABAL Agents are on patrol, fortunately they’re not very quiet so they’re easy to hear. 2. Some creatures from the Nest are sniffing out the trail of a fresh CABAL kill. The Drop 3. A dead body from the upper city, who is it, why are A large sink hole in the middle of the cavern floor, they down here? the drop is often used by CABAL Agents as a 4. A cache of relics from the old world, cellphones, and dumping ground for organic rubbish, bodies, and the like. Even a Luger. Who owned it, why is it here? their refuse. This has, over the years, begun to 5. A trap – do the characters detect it, what does attract the wrong kind of attention and several of it do? mutated creatures which have not been seen before 6. A broken mech, combat model, perhaps it fell down atop the ground in Germany have begun to stop by a hole previously and ended up here? to sniff about. 7. A group of BMG Agents on a mission. 8. An assassin from the CABAL hunting The Nest the characters. If you want to put the mutated creatures into the 9. A rockfall! mix, you can use any kind of D&D 5th Edition 10. Three sinkholes open up, and out of one there is the monster to fill it out, or pick something from sound of an ominous chittering? What’s in there? the core book and throw that in too. Whatever it is, there’s a lot of them dormant here unless

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