Cara Kerja Alat

June 21, 2019 | Author: Mohammad taufik | Category: Teknik Mesin, Teknologi, Energi dan Sumber Daya, Teknologi (Umum), Sains
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1. To sorted bottles whose contents are not within specification 2. To count the number of bottles produced Target

To sorted bottles whose contents are not within specification To count the number of bottles  produced using RGB sensor and proximity sensor  3D image





This system use 4 important component there is! 1. Conveyor

" con#eyor is a common piece of mechanical handling e$uipment that mo#es materials from one location to another. %on#eyors are especially useful in applications in#ol#ing the transportation of hea#y or bul&y materials. %on#eyor systems allow $uic&  and efficient transportation for a wide #ariety of materials which ma&e them #ery popular  in the material handling and pac&aging industries. 'any &inds of con#eying systems are a#ailable and are used according to the #arious needs of different industries. a. (lat)"pron  b. Ball Transfer  c. Belt d. Buc&et e. %hute f. *rag)%hain)Tow g. +#erhead h. Roller 


2. %ylinder  Pneumatic cylinder(s) ,sometimes &nown as air cylinders- are mechanical

de#ices which use the power of compressed gas to produce a force in a reciprocating linear  motion. i&e hydraulic cylinders something forces a piston to mo#e in the desired direction. The  piston is a disc or cylinder and the piston rod transfers the force it de#elops to the ob/ect to  be mo#ed. 0ngineers sometimes prefer to use pneumatics because they are $uieter cleaner and do not re$uire large amounts of space for fluid storage. Because the operating fluid is a gas lea&age from a pneumatic cylinder will not drip out and contaminate the surroundings ma&ing pneumatics more desirable where cleanliness is a re$uirement. "lthough pneumatic cylinders will #ary in appearance sie and function they generally fall into one of the specific categories shown below. owe#er there are also numerous other types of pneumatic cylinder a#ailable many of which are designed to fulfill specific and specialied functions.

Single-acting cylinders (ingle3acting cylinders ,("%- use the pressure imparted by compressed air to create a dri#ing force in one direction ,usually out- and a spring to return to the home position. 'ore often than not this type of cylinder has limited extension due to the space the compressed spring ta&es up. "nother downside to ("%s is that part of the force produced by the cylinder is lost as it tries to push against the spring.

Double-acting cylinders *ouble3acting cylinders ,*"%- use the force of air to mo#e in both extend and retract stro&es. They ha#e two ports to allow air in one for outstro&e and one for instro&e. (tro&e length for this design is not limited howe#er the piston rod is more #ulnerable to buc&ling and bending. "dditional calculations should be performed as well.

Multi-stage, telescoping cylinder


Telescoping cylinders also &nown as telescopic cylinders can be either single or double3 acting. The telescoping cylinder incorporates a piston rod nested within a series of hollow stages of increasing diameter. 5pon actuation the piston rod and each succeeding stage telescopes out as a segmented piston. The main benefit of this design is the allowance for a notably longer stro&e than would be achie#ed with a single3stage cylinder of the same collapsed ,retracted- length. +ne cited drawbac& to telescoping cylinders is the increased  potential for piston flexion due to the segmented piston design. %onse$uently telescoping cylinders are primarily utilied in applications where the piston bears minimal side loading.

6. RGB sensor  The RGB color model is an additi#e color model in which red green and blue light are added together in #arious ways to reproduce a broad array of colors. The name of the model comes from the initials of the three additi#e primary colors red green and blue. The main purpose of the RGB color model is for the sensing representation and display of  images in electronic systems such as tele#isions and computers though it has also been used in con#entional photography. Before the electronic age the RGB color model already had a solid theory behind it based in human perception of colors. RGB is a device-dependent  color model! different de#ices detect or reproduce a gi#en RGB #alue differently since the color elements ,such as phosphors or dyes- and their response to the indi#idual R G and B le#els #ary from manufacturer to manufacturer or e#en in the same de#ice o#er time. Thus an RGB #alue does not define the same color   across de#ices without some &ind of color management. 4. 7roximity (ensor  " proximity sensor is a sensor  able to detect the presence of nearby ob/ects without any physical contact. " proximity sensor often emits an electromagnetic  field or a beam of electromagnetic radiation ,infrared for instance- and loo&s for changes in the field or return signal. The ob/ect being sensed is often referred to as the proximity sensor8s target. *ifferent





a capaciti#e or photoelectric


sensor might

different be


sensors. for

For a


example target9

an inducti#e proximity sensor always re$uires a metal target. The maximum distance that this sensor can detect is defined nominal range. (ome sensors ha#e ad/ustments of the nominal range or means to report a graduated detection distance. (ome &now these process as thermosensation. 7roximity sensors can ha#e a high reliability and long functional life because of the absence of mechanical parts and lac& of physical contact between sensor and the sensed ob/ect. 7roximity sensors are commonly used on smartphones to detect ,and s&ip- accidental touchscreen taps when held to the ear during a call. :1; They are also used in machine #ibration monitoring to measure the #ariation in distance between a shaft and its support  bearing. This is common in large steam turbines compressors and motors that use slee#e3 type bearings.


1. detected bottle


? > not detected bottle 6. %ylinder !

1 > extract ? > retract

4. %on#eyor!

1 > acti#e


1. %on#eyor 5se *% motor  %an bring 6? bottle +nly for bottle con#eyor  5se *% motor

• • • •

2. %ylinder  5se pneumatic model %an extract and retract %apable to push load until 2 &g

• • •

6. RGB sensor  • • • •

Range #oltage ! 2@ A 3== A %on#ertion from light intentition to high fre$uence ! 23=?? igh accuration Cith 4 leds

4. 7roximity (ensor • • • • •

Range #oltage ! DA36DA *etection distance ! 6? mm ead diameter ! 1= mm +utput ! 7E73E% Type ! capasiti#e

$%& Ta'le

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