Car Rental System for Auto Fantasia (CRS)

August 31, 2017 | Author: Razman Othman | Category: Php, Information Technology, Technology, Computing, Computer Engineering
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This report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Computer Science (Database Management)



-Ihe pro-ject that had been develop is going to be concerning about the car rental manage'ncnt by Auto Fantasia Car Rental Company. The project will be known as the 4i1to I-antasia Car Rental System (CRS). There are six modules in the Car Rental S? \trln included in the Rental Car lnformation module, Customer Information module,

Hooking module. Renting Car module, Returning Rented Car module and Report Producins module. This report contains the introduction, methodology, analysis, design, ~m;>lzmentation.testing and the project conclusion of the project that is developed. The 0 . 1 t-t methodology used is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Problems of I i~rrentsystem of the car rental management had been analyzed and from that, I L V L...cment analysis had been made. CRS is going to be online using the Wide Area h'c1.v ork (WAN) and going to be used by three different users. ITPMS is developed u PHP as the programming language and MySQL as the database. To develop the reai bystem. designs had been made that covers the system architecture, user interfaces a n ( +database designs. This system is hoped to he4p the Auto Fantasia management team in handling the car rental management. I


lr'c!iok >ring dibangunkan adalah merangkumi pengendalian penyewaan kereta ?an$ dikcndalikan oleh Syarikat Kereta Sewa Auto Fantasia. Projek ini dikenali dengan nama Sistem Pengurusan Sewaan Kereta bagi Auto Fantasia (CRS). Terdapat enarn mndul di dalam CRS iaitu modul maklumat kereta sewa, modul maklumat pelanggan, modul tcmpahan. modul sewaan kenderaan, modul pemulanagn kenderaan sewaan dan nlodul penianmn laporan. Laporan ini mengandungi pengenalan, metodologi, analisis, rek:~hentuk. pelaksanaan and kesimpulan bagi projek yang dibangunkan. Metodologi r I\ y ang digunakan adalah System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). MasalahITLI tlah yang dihadapi oIeh sistem semasa yang mengendalikan proses sewaan h~lldLraantelah dianalisa dan hasil dari itu, analisa keperluan telah dilakukan. CRS yang dihilngunkan adalah online yang menggunakan Wide Area Network (WAN) dan akan d~grinakanoleh tiga pengguna yang berbeza. CRS dibangunkan menggunakan PHP sebagai bahasa pengaturcaraan dan MySQL sebagai pangakalan data. Untuk mi-;:>bangunkan sistem sebenar, rekabentuk yang merangkumi senibina sistem, antsramuka pengguna dan pangkalan data telah dibina. Sistem ini diharapkan akan dapat melnbantu pihak pengurusan Syarikat Auto Fantasia dalam mengendalikan proses sewaan kenderaan. 4



The system that is going to be developed will be known as the Car Rental S! stcm

(CRS) for Auto Fantasia. Currently, there is no any computerize system being used b! Auto Fantasia in handling the car rental operation. This system is going to be used b ~ . three groups of users that are the customer, administrator and staff of Auto Fantasia. The purpose of this system is to overcome problem faced by Auto Fantasia using the manual way. Therefore, it will make all the processes regarding with car rental operation easier

to manage.


Project Background

In coping with the globalization of information technology, computer had played

an important role in an organization or company. Most of the organization used computerized system in handling all their activities regarding with data processing in order to make the organization operation more efficient. All the manual activities are now can be done using computerized system. Although computerized system had been implemented within an organization, the manual system can still be used as guidance.

CRS is a web application system that is developed for Auto Fantasia in order to replace the current manual way used by the organization. Using the manual way, there

arc: a !ot problems arise that can cause difficulty to the car renter and also lo the ,:;-.qagcrnent team of the organization. Hopefully. by developing this system. it mill help 232

a t i r e user to overcome the problem faced by them and make the car rental operation



Problem Statement (s)


Data Growth

As we know, data increase by day. So, it is very difficult to store and maintain all the data manually. Therefore, proper and systematic database must be used to afford these data growth and to allow user to update or maintain data efficiently ..


No Computerized System

This system is developed to 'upgrade' the manual system into computerized system. Currently, there are car rental is still using manual system in recording some data. If the data are not managed carefully and efficiently, it will cause problems to that company where the loss of data and data redundancies may occur.


Data security is not assured This is due to the manual way of recording the data. As we know, in manual way, data are being stored by recording it on paper. Therefore, it may easily get damage or misplace that will lead to data loss.


N o database to store information

By using manual system, data are only being stored in files. Therefore. the potential of data loss is high since the file may easily get damage or lost if' it js not being taken good care of.


Objective In overall, the main objective of this system is to provide convenience to the

management team by developing a computerized system to make processes regarding car rental easier. In distinctive, the objectives of CRS are:





To provide direct access to customers through web application system. -


I o view current status of all cars such as available, being rented or not available.

To provide report generation and analysis such as the car rental report and statistic from time to time.



The system that is going to be developed is known as the Car Rental System (CRS) for Auto Fantasia Company whereas the system is a web based application system. The main users of this system are administrator, customer (renter) and staff.

This system also includes car rental report by month.

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are six modules in the Car Rental System. The modules are:

Rental Car Information In this module, user can add. find. view, update and delete the rental car information.



Customer information In this module, user can add, find. view, update and delete the customer information.

0 . .


Booking The fiinction of this module is for staff to book car for certain date and time and for certain customer. Customer can also make an online booking according to specific term and condition. Besides that, the booking that had been made can also be changed or cancel also according to the specific term and condition.


Renting Car In this module, user can view the booking information that had been made and proceed with the rental process where the rental particulars such as the pick up date and time.


Returning Rented Car In this module, when customer comes to return the rented car, user can view the rental information of that customer and proceed with the renting calculation. All the particulars in returning rented car such as the date and time and the condition of the car when returned.

vi .

Report Producing This module is responsible in producing the reports associated with the renting car such as car rental report and statistic from time to time. The system is a multi user system since it is used by different groups of users. It

is developed to be used on the Windows platform. The database system that is going to


' Y I I I I Ii)r the system is using MySQL. The methodology that is going to be used in ,?ing the database is the Database Lifecycle (DBLC). DBLC describes the history


:database within the information system. But the methodology used to develop the

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of time required to be spent on each car

It,\c.l oi'qilality. The goals in these areas are to minimize the

~!!ic-!c>s y c n ~ i!no\in2 o r waitin9 unnecessarily. What follows is a brief

process that occurs in the rental car lot.

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Case Stud? 2 - !!!


\\hc!hc.r tl~cvehicle is being used, being

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tictailcc! inf(>rrnationabout the car that they had

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3li.l!:ilcs ir! g i \ i r y \c~hicle !hc correc! cus!erner due to data redundancies that

occt~rrcJ~ C C ~ U SoCf tlic lnrtntral \\a!. I\.

Kt.c.pi!lg rrack of' \zhic!c.s is a bit difticult to be done since it is using manual \va>.

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Djf!icu!tics i!? re!;crring


the previous data that had been recorded since all the

checking are done manuall>.

.C;p ~~tern to

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Provide convenient to user to do the car rental process. Customer can make vehicle rental anytime without relying to certain rules such as office hour.



In each system development. gathering information and defining the requirements for the system is very important. There are several methods that can be used in gathering information and requirements for the to-be system such as refening to previous thesis, observation, questionnaire, interviews and through the internet. For CPC the requirements are gathered by interviewing the Auto Fantasia director and it

staff: Related documents such as the rental form and list of cars available also had been

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31cn;. trio

mc.!hoJologics had been used. The methodologies

clt ( 1lHI.C') and Sotiuarc. I)e\,elopment Life Cycle (SDLC).

DGLC i s going

TO bi.

use i ! ~developing the &!abase of the project. The Database

L i i i Cycle (DBLC) describes the histor!. of the database within the information s m . 'i ( i . 2 dBLC is composing of sis phases: the database initial study. the database design,

in;,lernentation and loading. testing and evaluation. operation, and maintenance and evoiution.




irnplsrnzn~t~it\n and 1.oading



Operation I


Maintenance and Evolution


Figure 2.1 : Database Life Cycle (DBLC)


Database Initial Study

In this phase, analysis on the company situation is being made. The main purpose of the database initial study is to analyze the company situation, define the problems statement and constraints of the current system. Beside that, it also defines what are the objectives, scope and boundaries of the system to be. The initial study also yields proposed problem solutions.


Ilatahase I ) r * i ~ n


Implementation and l_c,ading

In this phase. the I?Jr t!lc s~s!cLn! is i!?s!alled and rhe

databases used are also bein2 created. 1'ht.n. the J:1t3 li)r the s?stt.m

IS going

to be load

or converted. Beside that. during the implcn~enrarjc!n and loadin2 phase. the performance. security. backup and recovery. integrit?. cornpan) standards. and concurrency control are also being addressed.

Testing and Evaluation


Once the data have been loaded into the database. the DB.4 tests and fine-tunes tlii ~?ional. At this point, the database, its management, its users, and its application programs constitute a complete idormation system. In this phase, the required information flows such as all the queries are produced.




iamrd Evolution

In this phase, routine maintenance activities within the database are going to be performed.

Systems nevc!ppficn!

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Information Technolog!- ccmsitieratiori... \i ;~~~.r-tiiil I. ;,Iht,


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development or application J c \ c l ~ ~ p m c ..I!! n ~ . \i ;!tc~!;i!!k!!t>11!J rt-.!! system that meets or t.scecdt; cu51omcr c\p~~ir;irion>. \ \ rrhin rinlc




!?ic!! ql~a!ity


works effectively and efjicient!! i ! ~!he currt'!?! ;ind p!a!?nc>!f in!iin??:liic!!? ~cchnn!oc\ .. infrastructure. and is cheap to maintain and c.c~s~-ctf'ecii\~ to enh;lncc. \i.;trcriills model is a systematic approach to prob1t.m so!\-ins and ih c.ornpc~sci! c l t ' st.\-crnl phases. each comprising multiple steps. This mcthodolog~ has t i ~ ephascs: Planning. Analysis. Detailed System Design. implementation and illainrena!?ce.

/Zd\,antagesof waterfall model are: I.

Testing is inherent to every phase of the \vated>ll model.

It is an enforced disciplined approach. .-


It is documentation driven. that is. documentation is produced at every stage.

Figure 2.2: \Vaterfall Model



In this phase, it determines the objective and scope of Car Rental System (CRS). J'Lre are several planning that should be made such as the schedule planning. This describes the plan that had been made in developing the systems from start until1 finished. Besides that, there is also feasibility planning that is on cost and time planned c \ T be system.




In this part, firstly, analysis about software that is going to be use to develop the system need to made. Therefore, PHP had been chosen as the programming language and MySQL as the database system. The main output from the analysis is specification for software. That means given explanation function of software which going to be used to develop the system and make sure the objective of the system is achieved.


Detailed System Design

Detailed system design is to show h o n the .;.n>\ j i o i ~ ! , j h. C I I ~ ? ~ ~ I ~ ' ~ ~ ! ! ~ >I:! : jklL re; : environment. 'There are many acti\-ities ir? hi p ~ ~ r!!I(, t.

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design of CRS. database design and algorithm ot'tht. s! btCnl f l o . ~



Generate code to develop Car rental S! stern (('Kt; !. ! h ! ~iy!cr?~i l l b ~ ,t!p~r!g p!:~r?~. assigning resources to tasks. tracking progress. managing hudgct.; and ,innl! /!rig workloads Microsoft Offlce Visio

Microsofi Visio is diagramming software for Microsofi Windous. I t uses vector graphics to create diagrams. The 2007 Standard and Professional versions share the same interface, but the latter has additional templates fbr more advanced diagrams and layouts as well as unique functionality that make it eas) for users to connect their diagrams to a number of data sources and display the information graphically. Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)

Hypertext Preprocessor is also known before as Personal Home Page Tools (PHP). PHP is an open source technology that is supported by a large community of users and developers. Open source software provides developers with access to the s o h a r e ' s source code and free distribution rights. PHP is platform independent; implementation exists for all major Windows, UNIX and Linux operating system. PHP also provides support for a large number of databases, including MySQL. PHP code is embedded directly into XHTML documents. This allows the document author to write XHTML in a clear manner, without having to use multiple 'print' statements. PHP code is inserted between

tne scripting delimiters '('?php' and '?


I't 11' coJe can





XHTML markup. as long as the code is enclosed in thr'sc ,crlrtlns L ! ~ ' l ~ n ~ ~ t ~ . r ~ b.

Operating system/sewer Apache sewer The Apache HTTP server. cornmonlj referred to simp!^


1 p a c . h ~r >

web server notable for playing a key role in the initial gro\\l!? of'?hc I\

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