Car and Driver Buyer's Guide 2010

May 28, 2016 | Author: Robert Ivan | Category: N/A
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nr. ~""" ..._ nc..._ w ..... ,...,_ .. ___ .. ""~/ . lW'_~~_ '.,.... _",,,"Ir}.'JO ..... · _ ....... _ _ 14l _ _ _ """"_~_~ ,.".,.....,..., .._ _ _ " .... _·"_"""'-_,, __ _ ,., ..." " " _ .. F--,-Mtyl!l1il'l Ii.w _ _ •...,. 1w.'-ro..F _ _ _ .. iIl_e.. . 116.0in Lengthlwidthlhl'ight Xl2.5f79.0f74J in Tuming cirde. .. J9,Oft ClIIbweight .. .60S0-63S0 Ib [PA Cityihighwaympg 20/21(2WD only) Fuel-tankcapocily/range .14.5 gtop gently, and it will briefly use only electricpower. Takes asoft touch 10 get decent fuel economy.


00000 10


6.i)..liter pushrGd 16-valV!' V-8, m hp. 367 1tr-ft +80-hp. 236-lb-ft elfflri( motorasSist (com bined fXlwer rating. m hpj; COIltinuousiy variable auto with 4fixed ratiOS SUSPENSION

F, R

. ind, uneq ual- length co ntrol arm~ coD quality, luxurious interior, a highway inhaler with

Novel, expensive, and sure to be rare, the gasolineelectric hybrid GS450h is al so heavy, insulated, and not as smooth or sporting as the all-gasoli ne GS. Fuel efficiency is commendably improved, but it function s best as a high·tech and luxurious conversation starter at the country club.

class-beating fuel ewnomy. Lows: Numb steering. hybrid operation isherky-jerky, price\! for people who don', ask the price.

wilt's new: Introduced for 2007; it has anew grillefor 2010.

ae"tnd tIt whtd: Agreat technology lab, the GS is also saddled with hundreds of extra pounds aimed by dead steering. Serenityis lost tothe hybrid system's endless cycling.



Base pri(e: $57,425 Vehide type: fronH'ngifle. rear-dri ve; 4-door 5-p.1SS€ngtf


Intenorl'O lume, FlRJcargo (cu h). .54/43/11 Whl'eI oo\e .. .1 1U in Length /Width/ht'i ght 190.0171 .7/56.1in Tuming Circle .. . ..36.7 1'1 .4lQO lb Cllfbwdght EPA City/highway mpg ....... .22125 Fuel-taokCap.1city/Jange . 17.2 POWERTRAIN 15-liter DOHC 14-~all'!' V-6, 19l hp, 167 1b-h + 197-h p, :!03-I b-ft electricmoto rassist (wmbioed power rating, 34{) hpj; cootinuousiy variabl e auto SUSPENSION F . ind, unl'q IJaI-length control arrn~ cod spring~ ant i-rol l bar R .in d, multil ink, coft spring~ ant i -r~ 1 bar SAFETY Brakes. FIR. . . .. . ........ vented dis(/VI'Ilted diS( ABS. . standard Stability/traction cOIltroi stlooard/stamlard Pas>ive restra ints. dril'!'r and passenger !root, side, knee, aodcurtain airbag;; rea rside iII1d curta in aimags

',:''' Z010 Lexus HS2S0h The first hybrid-only lUXUry car, the HS250h is a compact fi ve-seater using the powenrain from the Camry hybrid. With a 2A-liter four-cy li nder and a Prius-style transmission, it's opulent but not quick or particularly fun to drive. Think Prius with a Lexus badge and a $5000 premium.

HI,hs: Best mpg of anyluxury

Base pri(e: $35,075 Vehide type: fro nt-engfle, front-oove; 4-tblr S- passenger

car, opulent interiorwithloads of features, lexus dealer experience.


Lows: Way, way heavier than a Prius; numb and dumb on the road; a budget car underneath. Wiat'snew: Introduced for 2010. Ifiind tit wheel: lexus hybrids are not heart-rate raisers, and this one is no exception. Robotic steeringand brakes make it a snooze 10 drive. The HSis strictly for folks who Just have 10 have the lexus of Priuses.


000 Lexus LS600hL A mild styling change for 2010 puts a fresh face on this low-volume, high-tech limo. At more than 5000 pounds, th is 43S-hp, all-wheel-drive gas-electric hybrid is rated at 20 mpg (city) and can hit 60 mph in 5.4 seconds. It's a V-8 freeway bolide with V- 12 power and a si x-digit price.

Hi'Jhs: As tound i ng~ smoothand hushed ride, five -star interior, high-tech hybrid powertrain. Lows: 2.5 tons of non-fu n, suspension and steering not tuned for passionate drivers. Will's new: Introduced in2008; receives a mild restyle for 2010_ Beiind tie wheel: The loudest sound isthe ticking of your Patek Philippe as the lS600hLwafts forwa rd_It lips in a straight line but is too soft for curvy-road fu n, A21st-century airport limo.


00000 14

InteriorI'O lume, FfR/cargo (cu 1'1) . . . . 50/40/12 11)j3 in Wlu'eloo \e _ Length /Width/hl'i ght 184,81703/593 in Tuming Circle. ..J7,4ft Curb weight . .3700-3&10 Ib EPA city/highwaympg _35/34 Fuel-tankcdp.lcitY/JilJlge , 14.5gal/50S ml POWfRTRA1N 2.4-liter DOHC 16-~alve inli ne-4. 147 hp, 138 Ib-ft + 141-hp, 199Ib-ft electric a\~>t (coml::i ned power rat ing. 187 hpj; cootinuousiy variableauto SUSPENSION r. ,ind, strut~ cod springs. .nti-roI l bar R ,i nd. tJail ingarrn~ (O~ springs. ant i-rol l bar

SAFETY Brakes, FIR.. vented dtcJdisc ABS.. . .. standard St.Oility/traction cont~ ..... ..... sta ooard/standard Ptl)sive restra ints _ ,dril't'f dnd p.lSsenger front, side, knee, iII1d curta in alJbilgs; rear side and curtain almags

Base pri(e: S110,(00 (est) Vehide type: front-engine. 4-vmeel-drive; 4-door 4-5p.1SS€ngersediln InteriorI'O lum e, FIRJcargo (cu h) . ,5S/5l/U Whl'eI OO\e .. . 121.7in Length /Widthlhf'i ght ,202,8173.8!S8Jin Tunt ing Circle .. . ..39,41'1 _5050 Ib Cllfbwdght EPA cityihighwaympg 22.2 mi Fuel-taokCap.1citY/Jange , POWERTRAIN S_O--liter OOHC 3l-~31 1'!' V-8, 389 hp, 385 Ib-ft + nl-hp electric rootor assist (combi ned ~wer rating. 438 hpj;cOlltinoously ~ariabl e auto SUSPENSION f ind, mult ili nk, air spring~ ant i-rol l bar R ind, mult ili nk, air spri ng~ ant i-r~ 1 bar

... 20m

SAFETY Brakes, FIR. . . .. . ........ vented dis(/'II'Ilted diS( ABS.. standard Stability/traction cOlltroi stlooard/standard Ptl)sive restra ints _ driver and passenger !root, lide, knee, and curtain allb3gs; fear ~ de (opt) and curta in aimags 2010 BUYERS GUIOE


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",:''' l010 Lexus RX4S0h The original hybrid luxury SUV is rede signed for 2010, and fuel economy is up despite a massive weight gain and

more power. New interior and exterior styling update the look, butthe RX remains instantly recognizable. Powertrain improvements make this hybrid better to dri ve.

Hl,hs: Cushy ride, good fuel mileage, polished look inside and out, improved power delivery. lows: Pricey, driving experience is asnoozefest. What'suw: Redesigned for 2010. .ehitd linief); This gaselectric is fa rbetter to drive than before The jumpythrottle and grabby brakes of the last model are gone infavor of controls that feel more conventional. lmerplay I:tetween gas and electricpower is greatlysmoothed out, too.

Base price: $42,535; 4wd, $44,125 Vehide typt!: froot-engine, Iroot- 1)1" 4--Mll'E'I-dri\'e; 5-doo r 5-paslenger wogoo Interior '/OIume, FIR(cuft) .. ............. .57/46 cargov~um e. \eatsu p/maxim um (cuft) ........... .40/80 Wneelb.J\e . 107.9 in Ll·tHlthlwidth/hei~t 187.8/74.1/663 in Turning Circle ............ .37.4ft Cu mweight. ..... ....... 4550-4700 lb EPAeitylhigliway mM 30-32/18 filet-to nk cop , dri\'et clnd pdlSffifj€ rfroot, Side, knee, aoo curtain airruqs; [('clrcu rtain aimago;



",:''' l010 Mercedes-Benz ML4S0 BlueHybrid The ML450 utilizes the hybrid system co-developed by GM , BMW, and the old DaimlerChrysler. A gas V-6 and two electric motors combine to put out a V-S- like 335 horsepower, and Mercedes claims a fuel-economy improvement of 30 percent compared with the V+8 ML550.

Hi,hs: Improved fuel economy, little to no loss in performance, as refined to drive and luxurious inside as otherMLs, lows: Price, the diesel ML offers superiorfuel economy. Whit'sHew: Introduced for 2010. 'thitd lie wite): The gas engine shuts off al stoplighls, and the ML4S0cancreep away from a stop using onlythe electric motors. The gas engine and the electric mOlors worKtogelher in aseamless manner,

Base price: SS8,OO) (~I) Vehide type: froot-l'flglne, 4-II'heeI-drivt; S-door 5-passtnget wagon Imerurmume, fi R(eu h) 58/55 Cargovolume, IM, up/maximum (eu h) 'Em Wheelbase , . 114.7 in leogth/wldth/height 188.51763/71.5 in(~t) Turni ng Circle . .. .37.9 fi (u rb wel(j ht .5200 Ib EPA(~yfhighway mpg .. 1 7m (~I) Foo lankcap.3eity/ratlqt , 25.1901/427 mi POWERTRAIN 3.S liter DOHC24-vall'€ V·6, 268 hp ((,51), 258 lb-h (es1) + 80 hp (est), 236--Ib-/t (est) elearle motor a,';Ilt (eomblJloo power ming, 335hp); [0Il1lnuoo~ y variable autowith 7fixed ratios SUSPENSION F. . . ... ,illd, unequa l-length (onlr~ anm, air,pring), anli-roIl ba r .ind, multillnl, air,prings, anti-roll ba r R

SAFETY Bra~es, rIR , ...... .. vented di>C!venled disc 1)1" di)( ASS. Slaoda rd Stability/traction (ootrol standardfSlaoda rd PasSive restraint; ,.. .. driver and pdS>enfj€rfroo~ Side, knee, clod curtclin clirrugo;; feclrcu rlain aimago;



cr ",:'

Mercedes-Benz S400 BlueHybrid The S400 BlueHybrid is a mild hybrid, so its small , electric Illotor and lithium-ion batteries are called upon only for accelerative punch and to run the accessories . Hybrid operation is largely transparent, and, unusual for a gaselectric, it's the least-expensive car in the S-class lineup.

Hi,hs: Seventeen-percent more economicalthananSSSO, as luxurious as any olher S-dass, seamless stop/start funct ion. lows:(an't run on electricity alone,lypical hybrid-ybrake feel, slower Ihan the SSSO. What'snw: Introducedfor2010. .ehitd linief): It's an S-class through and through, albeit a slower one, which means a supple ride, sybaritic appointments, and lots of gad gels and safety technology,


Base price: S88,825 Vehide type: front-engine, t€af-drive; 4-doo r 5-passenger


Imeriorvolume, f/Rlwgo(eu h) .54/55flO Wneelb.Jse .. . ...... 124.6in . ,"&6.5173.7/58,0 in Ll'flgthl ....idt hlhei~t . Tu rningcircle .........4O,Oft Cu mw ght .4lJ50 Ib EPA eitylhighway mM ......... 19/26 . ... 23.8ga1/452 mi FlM'I-ta nk capacitylrange .. POWERTRAIN J 5-liter DOHC 24-vatve Hi, 275 hp, 258 Ib-h + 2{)- hp, 118-lb-/t elecu;c motor a,'iist (com bined power rating. 195 hp); 7-sp auto ....ith manu matic shifting SUSPENSION F. .ind, multilirt, COil ~i ngs, ami-roll ru r .ind, multilirt, coil~i ngs, ami-ro ll ru r R



SAFETY Blakes, FIR , ,vented disc/vented di)( ASS. Slanda rd Stabnity/tr:Celien! (VT manumaticfunction. the way it doesn't offend anyone. Lows: Bland, slow. reduced trunk wact', hybrid price premium,

limite\! availability. Wilt's new: Introduced for 2007; no major changes for 2010. ae"tnd tIt whtd: Shuts off the engine at stoplights and can drive on electric -only power. Unlike most hybrids, it acts pretty normal and isactual~ slightly sporty compared withrivals.

Base pri(e: S27,SOO Vehide type: Wo nt-t'Ilg lle. froot-O'il'{'; 4-cIoo r 5-p.1SSengtf


Imenorl'O lume, F/RJcargo (cu h). Whl'eI OOIe .. Length /Width/ht'i ght Tuming Circle .. Cllfbwdght EPA City/highway mpg Fuel-tankcapacity/lange. POWERTRAIN

2.5-liter OOHC 16-~alw inhne-4, 158 hp, 162 Ib-ft + 141-hp, 19~- l b -ft el ~tric motor a\~1t (combi ned pO'" riJtin9, 198 hpj; cootin uOlJs/y variable auto SUSPENSION

SAfETY !\rak6. r/R. . vented diSPIings, anti-roll bar . ind, trailing arms. roil springs

realize you're not part of the driving experience, SAFETY

Brakes, FIR , .. . vented (h e/diS( ASS.. . ... Slandard Stclbnity/triKllOO wntrol standard/Slandard P.r;sive restraints, .. dri'll'l and passenger froo~ side, knee (dri'll'r only), and curtain airbags; fl'ar curtain airbags



CAR-DEALER TRICKS TO WATCH FOR Not all car dealerships are unscrupulous. But there is a simple reaso n so many people dread buying a new car: The potential fo r ri p-off is astronom ica l, and com mon practices have often j ustified consumers' fears. If you catch a whi ff of any of t he scams below, be on the alert.

afford, and you tack on another 50 b ucks. In you r mi nd, you were theorizing, but to the salesman, you just committed to a $500 minimum monthly payment. Instead, when asked how much you ca n pay each month, say t hat you wil l not discuss monthly payments and only wa nt to ta lk p urchase price.

JUGGLING THE FOURSQUARE Th is isn't really a trick, but awareness here is im portant. During negotiations, the salesperson may use a "foursquare" worksheet to figu re out the terms of the deal, record ing pu rchase p rice, down payment. monthly payments, and tradein value. He wi ll fi ll in t he sheet as you ta lk, working the dea l like a shell game. If you seem preoccupied with a fair tradein, he m ight g ive you a good p rice for that and then nudge u p the pu rchase price. Focus on one ite m at a time and be com fortable with each aspect.

FHS AND EXTRAS Delivery charges, t itling fees, and other closing costs are inevitable extras. But most fees or extra-cost items are inflated or altogether unnecessary. Negotiate fees down, or outrig ht refuse to pay them. Deny ext ras offered by the finance and insurance manager; particu larly egregious are paint and fa b ric protection- essentia lly wax and 5cotchgard for w hich dealersh ips often ch.:Hge hund reds of dollars.

INTEREST-RATE BUMPING PROFITING FROM REBATES Don't let a dealer tel l you tha t you are getti ng a good deal because of a rebate; rebates come from the maker and usually apply regardless of the p urchase price. Negotiate as if there are no rebates. Also, make sure rebates are deducted from t he purchase price. If you allow a check to be mai led to you after the sale, you pay tax and interest on the rebate. Never let an incentive like a low APR or a rebate rush you into a purchase; if there's an incentive on a car today, odds are there wi ll be later, too.

INFLATING PAYMENTS A salesperson asks how m uch you are wil ling to pay, and you t hrow out, say, $450. He asks how much more you could

You should always shop fo r finanCi ng before you head to the dealership, Maybe you 'll get a better rate; maybe you'l l Just get a better idea of what rate you qualify fOLlt's not uncommon for the dealership to secure financing for you at o ne APR but offer you a rate one percentage poi nt higher-and then pocket t he d ifference.

the lot u nti l all the paperwork is fil led out completely,

RANSOMING YOUR CHECK You'll negotiate a price, and the sa lesma n will leave to get app roval from t he sa les manager, pa inti ng himself as you r ally and the manager as a common enemy, Be wary if asked for a chec k to p rove to the manager you are serious. Sometimes your offer wil l be rejected, but your check won't be returned right away- it's been "misplaced" or some simila r nonsense. Now they have your money, and you fee l p ressured to concede to their terms. Remembe r that you ca n always wal k away and ca ncel the check later,

LYING ABOUT YOUR CREDIT SCORE In addition to shopping around fo r finanCi ng, you shou ld learn you r credit score before you go to a dea lershi p. Many of the best offers to be had on new cars are contingent on the buye r having qualifying credit, and dea lersh ips have been occaSional ly known to lie to customers about thei r credit scores and t he financing for w hich they qualify.

MISPLACING TRADE-IN KEYS ALTERING THE BILL OF SALE Never sig n a bil l of sale with bla nks or terms that are'subject to ban k approval" or have similar wording. Some dealerships w ill let you sig n suc h a document, only to ca ll later to say that the loan fell through and you need to return to sig n new paperwork, w hich just happens to cost you more than the negotiated price. Never d rive your car off

If you are think ing of trading in your old ca r when you buy a new one, someone m ig ht borrow your keys to evaluate your ri de. If negotiations stal l and you try to leave, you mig ht find that your keys have been "misplaced "in order to prevent you from leaving and entice you to ma ke a deal you aren't comfortable with , If you bring two sets of keys with you, this won't be a p roblem,


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11- 12117- 18' 11- 13/17- 20 12- 14119-20 17- 23126-30 21129 9/15 10/17 13-14{20 11/17 17- 19124- 29 13- 18110-27 11- 15/17- 23 8/14 15- 16125- 26

20.5 21.1 21.1 16.9- 17.1

50/18/7 50/18/7 52/NA/ll 52132111- 13

14.5- 15.9 25.4 23.8 16.6 18.5 '4.5 16.1 18.5 26.4 18.0

48INAl9 53/NA/11

BMWMl BMWM6 BMWl4 BMW3-series BMW6·series Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport (IInro1et (orvette/Grand S])Ort

$286,400 $199,620 $1l6,SOO $42,825- $59,075 $41,625- $49,725 $370,095 $207,795- $237,695 $69,025 $111,725 $46,575- $52,475 $45,375- $51,525 $87,425 $2,200,000 $54,530- $59,530

5413619 5113319 52130!11 SIINA/8 5113319 52130f11 - 12 50INAfl 52fNAf8- 11

39.4 39.4 36.5 37.4 36.0 40.4 37.4 38.4 41.0 35.1 36.1 37.4 39.3 39.0

Dodge Viper 5RTlO Fenari California Ford Shelby GT500 Infinhi G37 JaguarXK/XKR Lamborghinl Gallardo lP561H lamborghini Murdelago lP640 lexus 5(00 lolUS Elise Maserati GranTurismo Mercedes-Benz sl·dass/Sl6J/Sl6S Mercedes-Benz slK·dass/SlKSS

$89,000' $197,350 553,175 $44,800' $89,000- $102,000 $226)00' $390,000' 568380 $48,375- $56,115 $150,OI:XI' 5102,0I:XI- $2OO,OClO' $47,775- $67,525

13m 13/19 14-18122- 26 16-17n4- 25 15- 16/22 12- 13120 9- 10/14-16 16/23 20- 21n6-27 11/19' 11- 13118- 21 14- 19122- 26

16.0 20.6 16.0 20.0 16.1 21.1 26.4 19.8 10.6 19.8 21.1 18.5

48INAf7 52/23/8-12 53128110 54/25110 51/1917-10 49INAf4 491NAf6 50125/9 46INAf4 51/29/6' 51/NA/l0 49/NA/ll

40.5 NA 37.7 36.1 35.8 37.7 41.2 36.7 32.8 NA 37.9 34.5

Ponelle Bonter Ponelle 91 1 CabrioletfTurbo Cabriolet

548,550- 558,950 589,750- $144,750

19- 20{.16-19 15- 19124-27'

16.9 16.9- 17.7

48/N,lJl0 4711614

35.8 36.0

RolIs·Royce PI1antom Dropllead Coupe saab 9-J Tesla Roadster I

$.wg,ooo $45,500'-$48,500 $110,950- $130,450

11/18 19- 20m- 19 NA

21.1 16.4 53 kWh

54/40/11 51/31/8- 12 46IN,lJ4

43.0 39.0 36.7

181.Sn1.0{54.8 191.81710{54.2 166.9170.5{SO.8 180.6170.2f54.5 190.21710/54.1 175.7178.7/45.1-47.4 174.6-175.6172.6-75.91 48.7- 49.0 175.6175.2/47.6 179.6174.9/51.5 1&8.2173.9/56.1 183.3172.9/55.1 1&8.7174.5/52.3 171.1174.8/46.6 181.5181.0/44.7 178.5172.0/53.1 149.0167.7/44.0 192.2175.4/513 178.5171.5/51.0 161.5170.4- 70.6/ 50.7- 51.1 172.1/70.9/50.9 17S1- 176Jfi1.2- 72.9/ 511- 51.6 220.8n8.2/62.2 181.4169.3/56.4 155.4/68.0/44.4

$28,590- $35,445 $26,845- $33,845 $39,365- $44,815 $13,560- $29,000 $24,950- $34,700 $28,519- $33,548

16-20{.16-19 14- 18122- 26 18- 21{.15- 19 21 - 22/28 24- 228/32- 36 16-19{.14-26 18m 33141 21 - 22f29- 31

16.9 16.0 17.2 12.7 13.2 17.7 19.0 8.7 14.5

54/34- 35/13 53/28110 53/24/11 49--50/NA/5 4712516 5312315 52/NA/4 451NAf8 5012817- 11

36.5 33.4- 37.7 33.5 30.8 35.1 40.0 32.8- 34.1' 28.7 35.8

193.8171.5/58.5 1&8.1173.9/55.9 182.5170.9/55.7- 55.9 157.3/67.7/49.0-49.4 145.6- 146.2166.3/55.4 180.4172.2/54.4- 54.7 167.1/7l.8/S1.l 106.1161.4f60.7 173.6170.5f56.8

Auon Manin D89VoIanit Aston Martin Y-8 Vantage Alldi A5I55 AlldiTTfTT5 Bentley Azure T

Bentley Continental GTC

(hrysler Sebring Ford Mustang l.exus Is2SOC/Is3SCK Mazda MH Miata Mini Cooper MitstJbishi Edipse spyder Himn 1701 Smart Fortwo Volkswagen Eos I



185.9/75.0/50.4 185.5173.8/50.0 172.4173.4/49.4

182.1m.0/54.4 164.5- 165.3/7H/53.1-53.5 212.6174.8f58) 189.1175.9/~.6-55.0

4050 4100--4200 3800 3900--4250 3350- 3450 6000 5600 4150 4400 3300- 3550 3800-4150 4300 4750 3300 3450 4150 4000 4100- 4150 3900- 4100 3800 4100 39M 2000- 2050 4400 4250-4700 3250- 3500 2950- 3050 3300- 3750 5800 3550- 3900 2750

3750-4100 3550--4000 3850- 3900 2450- 2550 2750- 2950 3500- 3800 3450-3500 1850 3550- 3600


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j)"irq\.anti-roll iJa r R . ind, uneqwl-Ie rqth cootrol arms, coil >j)"irqs, anti-roll iJa r


flra~(1. r/R. .vented. g roo~d di>c/I'ffited. groO'led disc ASS. Slanda rd Stability/tracnon control . standard/Slanda rd Passive restraint> ............ driver and passtrlger front and Side airbags



",:''' 2010 Audi AS/55 The ragtop A4 and S4 are no more, as they have been repl aced by the fetchi ng andenticingA5 and S5 convert ibles. The 55 uses the S4 sedan's supercharged V-6; the A5 gets Audi's fuel-efficient, turbocharged four-cylinder engine. Both are e legant and ente rtain ing to drive.

Hi'fhs: Fuel-efficient turbofour, Slrong superchargedV-6, elegant styling, interior quality, available all-wheeldrive. Lows: Small bad seat, 55 gets expensive, porky curbweighl Wh,t'SIeW: Introducedfor 2010.

Base prite: A52.m, $42,825; 2.0TQu.Jttro, $44,925/55 Qu.Jt!ro, $59,075 Yehide type: from-engine, front- or 4-wh eel-drive; 2-door 4-pas'it'nger cotlVl'ltibie Iml'fior lUIume, FIR/cargo(eu It). ..52/32111 13 Wheelba'it' 1(18} in If'llgthl ....idthlheiljlt . . . .. 182.1/73.0/54.4 in TurningCircie ............. .37.4 ft Cu rb wght Jo:o:J---4250 lb EPACity/highwaymfXj. . .... 17-23/26-30 FLJeI-ta nkcapacitylrange .......... 16,9-17.1 gaI/287-393 mi PQWERTRAIN

Belriad Inwiefl: Sporty and entertaining, these handsome convertibles drive like theircoupe counterpans, whichis toSJy that they are veryrefined and Germanicin their manners. 5peed brokers should step up 10 the 55.

turbocharged and intercooled l ,(}- li ter OOHC 1 6-val~ inlill€-4, 21 1 hp. 2S8lb-fI; supercharged and intftcooled 3.(}-liter DOlte 24-vaIve V-6, m hp. m lb-ft;6-sp .!\Itowith manumall(shifting, 7-sp dual-dutch automated man, continuously variable auto with manumclliCshifting SUSPENSION F•• R•

SAFnY flrak(1, r/R,

...... .. vented di>Uvented disc or disc ASS. Slanda rd Stabdity/tracllon control. standard/Slanda rd ...... .. driver and pa\>e!lgerfroot and PasSive restrain~ , Side airbJgs


00000 AudiTTITTS Unlike the TI coupe, the ragtop TI is a two-seater. The 2.0T is plenty strong, but for those with more money to spend, the TIS is quicker and olTers more direc t responses . Structural rigidity is excellent, and the convertible offers a baseba ll-g love-stitched interior that is beautiful to behold.

Hi'fhs: Adesign iconwithout the iconic roofi ine, can't go wrong with eitherengine, powerful brakes, h~h -qu ality interior. Lows:Quattro version handles like a fronl-drive carat the limit. n01 as sporty as a Porsche Boxster, What'snw: Re{!esignedfor 2008, TTS introduced for 21Xl9;V-f; version is dead, Belriad lie wi eel: Feels deft, qUick, and small. The TT droptoD isan interesting, if no! as sporty, alternative to the Porsche Boxster.

.. indomultilirt, COil>j)"i rq~ anti-roll lJa r . ....... ind, multilirt, COil SlXirqs, anti- roll tJa r

Base price: 11. $41,625;TIS, $49) 25 Yehide type: front-engine, 4-wheel-oove; l -dOOI 2-pa5>e!lger


Iml'fior lUIu me, F/ca rgo(euIt). . ......... 48/9 Wheelbase.. . ....... 97,l in lengthl ....idt hlheiljlt .......... 164.5-165.3/72.5/53.1-53.5 in Tu rningcircle .........36,Oft Cu rb w ght J 3SQ-J450 Ib EPA (ity/highway m~ ........ . FlI('l-tank capacitylrange .......... 14.5-15.9 gal/305- 334 mi POWERTRAIN tu rbocharged and intercooled 2.0-liter OOHC16-valve inline-4, 200 or 265 hp,107or 258 Ib-ft;6-sp dual-dutch automated man SUSPENSION F•• . ....... ind, struts. COil SlXirqs, anti- roll tJa r . ind, multilirt, coil >j)"irqs, anti-roll iJa r R


00000 2010 BUYERSGUtDE


SAFnY flrak(1,f /R,

...... .. vented di>Uvented disc or disc ASS. Slanda rd Stabnity/tracllon control standard/Slanda rd PasSive restraint> ....... dw and paSstrlgel froo~ Side, and kneeairbags

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Bentley Azure T

Hi,hs: Yacht-like style. yacht-like thrust, yacht-like appointments,

Bigger than life, the Azure is an ultraexclusive convertible. Think Brooklands sans roof. Powered by an ancient turbocharged V-8 that provides 50 more horsepower for 20 I0, the perfectly finished Azure is just the thing to show that you can afford a $370,000 car.

yacht-like presence. Lows: Yacht -like fuel economy,

yacht -like handling. yacht-like price, yacht-like practicality

Wilt's new: Redesigned fOf 2007; sails into 2010 with SO additional

Base pri(e: mo,ws Vehide type: fronH'ngifle. rear-dnve: 2-door cOIlvertibie Imeriorl'O lume, F/RJcargo (cu h). Whl'eIoo\e .. Length /Width/ht'i ght Tum ing Circle .. Cllfbwdght EPA City/highway mpg Fuel-taokcapacity/lange .


53INNl l . 122.7in .212.6f74.8/SS.7 in . .. 4O.4h .6000 Ib ......... 9/15 25.4g.a1/219mi



twin-turbocharQCd and imerrooled 6.8-hter ~shrod 16-valve V-8, SOO hp, 738I b-It:6-sp auto with manumalic llilfilng

Ifiind tit whetl: TheV-8 moans


.ind, uneqLklI-lt"Ilgth control arm~ (O~ sprillgs, clnti-roIl bar


. ind, uneqLklI-l t"Ilgth control arm~ cod springs. ant i-roll bar

but mo~es the giant Azure with


aplomb. Otherwise, the carfeels huge. expensive, and alot like your grandfather's Bentley,

SAfETY &rak6. fIR . . . ..... .Vt"llted disc/vented disc ABS standard Stability/tracuoo cootrol ..... ..... stardard/standard Pal~ve restraintl. .. . .. oover afld passengl'f fro nt iIIld si(» airbags. rear ~(» aimags


000 Bentley Continental GTC The open-air Continental gives up little to the GT coupe in terms of style and performance, but it is the most expensive member of the standard Continental line. Regular GTCs have 552 horsepower; the new Speed model gets 600 horses and a sportier chassis that quickens its reflexes.

Hi,hs: The top goes down, looks good, goes quite fast in Speed guise, unabashedly de ............ driver and pa$>e!lger front and Sideairbags



IOBest Winner

BMW 3-series/M3 T his convertible's fo lding hardtop provides top-up refinement and outward visibility to go along with trademark 3-series dynamics, A 328i finished first in a comparo of five luxury droptops, and no convertible combines practicality and road-shredd ing ab ility as well as the M3 does.

Hi'fhs: Fa ntastica l ~ supportiVl' and comforlable seats, silken sixcylinders, 335i is a rocket. M3's V-8 power and exhaust note. Lows:Quite heavy, steep bonom line, small trunk with top down. Whlfsuw: Re\lesigned for 2007, M3 for '08; unchanged for 2010. lellid Inw.eel; The r~ul a r carsoffer precise steering and brakes as well as enthusiastsatisfying agility through the Iwislies; the M3 is the world's best droptop with four realseats,

Ba ~


\'eIlted. (foss-drilled diS( or\'eIlted di>d vented, cross-drill ed (Ise orvented disc ASS. startda rd Stabdity/tractron control . standard/standa rd PasSive restrain~ , ...... .driver and paSSEflgt1" Iront,Side. andknee airbags


00000 BMW 6-series/M6 There's nothing really wrong with the way the 650i drives- it just isn 't as good as some of the sponier competitors from Mercedes, Porsche, and l aguar. The M6's sell ing points are styli ng and presence, since the cheaper M3 droptop outperforms the M6 and has a real back seat.

Hi'fhs:Wonderful race-car sounds, great handling, luxury trimmings, polarizing styling. Lows: M6's jerky sequemialmanual. useless back seats, small interior and Irunk for a sucha big car, polarizing st~ i ng. what's JeW: Introduced for 2004, M6 reintroduced for lfiJ7; no changes for 2010, lellid t.ew.eel: The 650i is built fo rcruising, but the M6's high-strungV-10 begs to be unleashe\l on back fwds.

prlte: 32&, $45,375; 335i, $51,525; M3, $69,025 Vehide type: from-engwoe, fl'a r- drive; 2-doo r 4-passenger corll'ertible Imerior lUIume, F/R/cargo(CU It) . . .......... 51133 /9 Wheelba'it'.. . ...... lM.7 in lenglh/Wldth/heiljlt 100.6- 181 .8/70.1-71 .0/545-54.8 in Tu rningCircie ........ 36,1 -3S.4 1t Cu rb weight. ..... . ...... 3300-4150 Ib EPAcityfhigliwaymM 13-t8/20- 17 FlI('l-ta nk(apacity/rarH}E:' .......... 16,1-16.6 gal/216-290 mi PQWERTRAIN Jo-Ilter OOfl( 14-valve inlirf-6, 130 hp, 100 Ib-It; IWinturbocharged and intercooled 3.o-li ter OOHC 24-valve iolill€-{), 300 hp, 300 Ib-It; 4.I)..U!er OOIl( 32-valve V-a. 414 hp. 295 Ib-ft : 6-sp man, 6-sp ilUtOWIth rrunurnatic shilting. 7-sp dua l-cl utch ilUtomated man SUSPfNSION F. .ind, struts, coil ~i ng~ anti-roll b.J r R• .. indomultil iri, coil~i ng~ anti-roll b.J r

Ba~ prite: 65Oi, S87,425; 1.16, S111}25 Vehide type: front-engill€, rEar-drive; 2-doo r 4-pa5>e!lger co!wertible Imerior lUIu me, F/R/cargo(eu It). ..52/3011 1 12 Wheelba'it'.. .10'1.4- 109.5 in lenglh/.,.,iclthlheiljlt .......... 1'XJ,2-191.8/73.0/54.1-54.2 in Tu rningcircle ... 37.4-41.0ft Cu rb werght .4300-4400 lb EPA cityihighway mM .11 15/17 13 FlI('l-tank capacitylrange. . 18.5 gaI!204-278 mi PQWERTRAIN 4.8-llter OOHC 32-valve V-8, 360 hp, 360 Ib-It; 50-liter OOHC 40valve V-10, 500 hp, 383 Ib-It; 6-sp man, 6-sp auto with rnanu mallc shifting, 7-sp ilUtOOIated man SUSPENSION F. . ind, Slruts, coil ~i ngs, anti-roll b.J r R .ind, multil iri, coil~i ngs, anti-ro ll b.J r




. vented, cross-drilled disc orI'ffited ri>el vented. cross-drill ed (Ise or vented disc ASS. Slartda rd Stabnity/tractlon wmrol standord!Slartda rd PasSive restraint>. . . ....driver and paS'it'ngt1" Iront side, and knee airbags ilfa~E"i.F/R ,


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Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport Bugatti now offers a convertible version of the Veyron that costs more than $2 million. The Grand Sport hits 253 mph with its clear plastic top, the same speed as the coupe; the topless maximum speed is a "mere" 224 mph. With the fabric "rain" top in place, 81 mph is the suggested li mit.

Hi,hs: So fast you won't know what to do with iI, I~en da ry performance. 1001 horsepower.

Lows: The price. Ferraris and

Lamborghinis sound better. chintzy fab ric lop_ wilt's new: Introduced during 2009, nochanges for 2010. ae"tnd tIt whtd: The Veyron convertible is every bit as fast and every bit as overthe top as the r~ularVeyron_ Surprisingly sharp steering and responses from such

Base pri(e: $2,100,(0) Vehide type: mid-engine, 4-wheel-driYe; 2-cIoor 2-p.1SSengtf

targa Imeriorl'O lume, F/cargo (cu h)

.... 50/1 .11)).7in Wheeloo\e .. Length /Width/ht'i ght ....... 175.7178.7/45.1-47.4in Turn ing Circle .. . ..39.3h Cllfbwdght .4750 1b EPA City/highway rnpg ......... 8/14 Fuel-tankcapacity/lange . 26.4g.a1/211mi POWERTRA1N quad-tu rOOcharged and intercooled 8.o-hter OOHC 64-~al '/(' W-16, 1001 hp, 922Ib-It; 7-sp mao with automated shihing anddutch SUSPENSION r. .ind, uneqLklI-l t"Ilgth control arm~ co~ sprillgs, anti-roil bar R . ind, uneqLklI-l t"Ilgth control arm~ cod springs. anti-roil bar

aheavy car.


Brakes, FIR ..

ve nted. cross-drilled cerMTlic disc/vemed, UIlli-drilled ceramicdisc ABS. . standard Stability/traction control ...... .... stardard/standard Pas>iVl' Jl'Straints. . .. drlvl'rand passenger front aimags


00000 Chevrolet Corvette/Grand Sport There have been Corvette droptops si nce the beginning in 1953, and continuous development has given it venerated status among open sports cars. Fast, furious , and relatively comfortable, although the chassis flexes more than those of its competition, and the automatic is a bit slow to react.

Hi,hs: Plentifu l power, improved seats, luggage capacity,lovely exhaust note.

Lows: Electric push-bunondoors, ease of entryand exit. some interior plastics look cheap. Wilt's nrw: Redesigned for 2005; 2010 models get launch control on manual models; Grand Sport model replaces lSI package.

Bast' pritt': $54,530: Grand Spor~ $59,530 type: front-l'flgioe, rear-drive: 2-door 2-pa\\enger roodster InteriorVOIIlllll', F/cargo (cu h) 52/8 11 . .. 105.7 in W"heeIoose .. Lengt h/Width/hei ght t 74.6- t7S.6f72 .6-75 .9f48.7-49.0 in Tum ing cirde .390h .. 3300 lb 15-16125-26 r~eI -tank cap.l(ity/range . . ......... tS.0g.a1/27Q-2S8mi Vehid~

~~c~t~~ay'mpg POWERTRAIN

6.2-hter pushrod 16-valve V-8, 430 OJ 436 hp, 424 OJ 428 1trh: 6-sp man, 6-sp autoWIth manu matic shlhing SUSPENSION


Bf.ind tbwktll: Heavy

low-speedsteering, quick and accurate otherwise. Eager responses, outstanding brakes.



vented, cross-dril led disc OJ vented (jSC/ vented, uos,..(hlled diS( or '/('!lted disc ASS standard Stability/traction control ........ .. stardard/standard PasJjVE rest raints. .roVErafld passenger ITont ao d siOe aimags

Brakes. F!R ..


0000 Chrysler Sebring Value and convertible-top packaging are the Sebring's strong points, blll things can get expensive quickly. You 'll want to pass on the tepid four-cy linder and head straight for a V-6 if you want to get anywhere soon . A new hood aims to tone down the funky looks.

Hi,hs: Choice of power-lOp materials, room for bad-seat passengers, decent trunk space.

Lows: Hardtop version starts above S3SK, Iacks passion and refinement, rental-fleet stalwart. Wiat's ntw: Redesigned for 2008; new hood offers smoother looks, while revised gauges and active fro nt headrests are also new. Btkind tbwhtd: There is a

distinct lack of sportiness inthis comerllble, especially withthe wheezy four-cylinder.

. .. indo unequal-length control arms. tran~~€"F.>e leaf spring. anti-rol l bar ... ind, unequal-length control arms. trans~er>e leaf spring. anti-roil bar

Bas~ prite: LX, S28.s~: LX I. S29,950; limited, S35.445 Vehide type: front-l'flglle. front-Iii\'{'; 2-cIoo r 4-passenger convertible InteriorVO I Illll~, F/R!cJfgo (cu h) 54/34-35113 Wheeloo\e .. .108.9in Length /Width/hei ght 193.8f71.5fSS.5 in Turn ing Circle .. . ..36.5h Cllfbwdght 375D-4100 Ib EPA city/highway mpg 16- 20/26 29 Fuel-rankcapacitY/lange . .............. 16.9g.a1127Q-338mi


2.4-liter OOHC 16-va lve inline-4, 173 hp, 166 ltrh: U-liter [)QHC 24-~a l ve V -6, 186 hp, 191Ib-h: 3.5-liter SOHC 24-~alve V-6, m hp, m Ib-It; 4-spauto,6-sp auto I'.ith manumaticshihing SUSPENSION

ifld, strut~ cod springs. anti-roil bar ind, mu ltilin k, coil springs. ant i-roll bar

f R


Brakes, FIR ..

vented disc/disc

ABS ..


o 24


.. standard Stability/rractioo cootroi ........ optiooal (seifft models)! optioJldllseifft models) Passive Jl'Straints. .ooverand passenger fro nt ao d side aimags 2010 BUYERS GUIOE

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Dodge Viper SRTlO

Hi,hs: POWl'r, sunshine. envy.

The Corvette Z06 is a better value and more civilized, but

it only comes as a coupe and has two fewer cylinders-and if it's a Viper you're after, "civilized'" likely isn't high on your priority list. Available in more than 80 color combos, there are few better ways to get noticed than th is snake.

Lows: Gas-guzzler extraordinaire, rough ride on poor roads, storage

spate is laughable, stretching limbs is out ofthe question

whlt'suw: Redesigned for 2003; Ianleather interiorand tancanvas top are nevvlyoffered for 2010.

Base price: S89,!XXl (~t ) Vehide type: front-erqine, rear-drive; 2-doo r 2-pa5>e!lger


Iml'fior lUIu me, F/ca rgo (cuIt). Wheelba'it' .. length/wic!t h/heiljll Tu rningcircle Cu rb w ghl EPA (ityfhighway mfXj .. FlM'I-ta nk (apacitylra nge ..

. ......... 4817 . ....... 9a ,8 in

,175.6/75.2/47,6 in .........4O.5ft 3450 lb . ............. 13122 . ... 16,Ogal/203 mi


B.4-llter pushroo 2O-valve V-1 0, 600 hp, 560 Ib-It;6-sp man SUSPENSION

lehid lit witt!; AslOunding~ fasl and loud. the Viper can beat

F ...... ind, unequal-Ierqth (ootrol arms, roi l S(Xirqs, anti- roll ba r R...... indo unequa l-Ierqth cootrol arms, roi lSl)"irq\, anti-roll lJa r

almost anything from a stoplight. You'll want to put the top down to vent heat from the cabin-

and hear the glorious exhaust.

SAFETY flra~(1,f /R , , vent~ diSc/vented disc ASS. Slandard Stability/tracnon control .... ..... not available/not available Passive restraint> ......... driver and passeogl'f front airbags



Companion Test • Winner

Ferrari California Until a 458 !tal ia Spider is created, the California is the company's only convertible. It has FetTari 's first folding hardtop and dual-clutch transmission, as well as a stunn ing V-8 engine and great handling. The rear seat is best suited for golf bags or cases of villo.

Hi'fhs: Snarling V-8engine, superfast seven-speed tranny, composed road manners.

lows: Folding hardtop forces compromised rear-end st~ing, small rearseats, price. Whlfsuw: Introduced during 2009; nochanges for 2010,

lellid Inw.eel: With453 horsepower, the Californiagoes from 0to 60 mph inless than four seconds. It stops well, too, but the steering is very light at aroundtown speeds.

Ba~ prlte: $197.150 Vehide type: front-engine, redr-drive; 2-door 2+2-pa5>e!lger convertible Iml'fior lUIu me, FIR/cargo(eu It). . .. 52/23/8 11 Wheelbase .. . .......... 105,1 in len gth!wic!t h/heiljll ,179.6/74.9/51.5 in lu rningcircle NA ....... ,4150 Ib Cu rb weight. EPA (ityfhighway mfXj .. . ......... 13/19 rlI€l-Mnk capacity/ra nge .. 2O,6gaI/268 mi


4,l-lner DOHC3l-valve V-8, 453 hp. 358 Ib-It: 7-W dua l-clutch automated man SUSPENSION

r....... ind, unequa l-Ierqth cootrol arms, roi l S(Xirqs,anti-roll OO r R.

SAFETY Bla~('S, F/R ,

vented, (ross-drill ~ (erami( dischented, cross-d rill ~ ceramiC disc ASS. Slartdard Stabdity/tractlon control. standard/Slartdard PasSive restrain~ , ...... .. driver and PiJ\>e!lgerfronl and Side airbags


00000 Ford Mustang/Shelby GTSOO The original pony car shows no signs of slow ing down as it rolls into its 46th year. A subtle freshening and V-S power increases lead a list of 2010 tweaks. The ragtop's chassis could use a little more starch, but th is all-American classic is stil l a treat, and the GT500 is a menac ing cruiser.

Hi'fhs: Seductive rumble of optionaIV-8s; looks great inside and out, lOp up ortop down; a retro classicdone right.

lows: Live-axle rear suspension i)elongs to an earlier era, cowl shake, Shelby's price premium.

. .ind, multiliri, coil ~i rq~ anti- ro ll ba r

Ba~ prite: $26,845; 61 $33,845; 5he111)' 61500, $53,175 Vehide type: front-erqine, rear-drive; 2-doo r 4-pa5>e!lger convertible Iml'fior lUIu me, FIR/cargo(eu It). . ..... 53/18/1 0 . ...... 107,1 in Wheelba'it' .. length/wic!t h/heiljll ....... 188,1-188.2173.9/55.9-56 ,1 in Tu rningcircle ... 33.4-37.7 ft Cu rb w ght .3550-4000 Ib EPA cityfhighwaym~ .14 18m 26 FlM'I-ta nk capacitylrange .. 16.0gal1224-288 mi


What'snw: Redesigned for 2010.

lellid In w.eel; Predictable responses andgood ride, but don't expect asports car. The GT500 reso l ute~ understeers in hard cornering, but its straightline thrust islii)erating.

4.Q-lller SOHC 12-valve V-6,110 hp, 140 Ib-It; 4.6-lite r SOH( 24valve V-S, 315 hp, 325 1b-It; 5IJpercharg~ and i ntercool ~ SA-lite r DOHe 32-valve V-B, 540 hp. 510 Ib·ft; 5- Gr 6-sp man, 5-sp auto SUSPENSION F. R



. ind, SlrutS. roi l ~i rqs, anti-roll lJa r rii}d axle, roi lSl)"irqs, anti-ro ll ba r

SAFHY flrak(1,f /R , , vent~ diSc/vented disc ASS. Slartdard Stability/tractlon control. standard/Slartdard Passive restraint> ............ driver and pa$>e!lger front and side airbags


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Infiniti 637

Hi'Jhs: Retains the (oupe's ,ery shape and strong V-6, retractable

Given the success oflhe G37 and the ex istence of a conve rtible Nissan Z-with which the G shares its underpinnings-thi s convertible was an inevitability. It finall y arrived last year, and if s a looker, with a three-piece folding hardtop. Pack light. though, as the top ealS cargo space.

hardtop allows year-round use. Lows: Compromised trunk spate,

fold ing metal roof ups weight Wiat's nN: Introduced for 2009; 2010 models gel an updated center console and gaugeduster.

ae"tnd tktwhtd: The droptop is moreof agrand tourer thanthe sporty Gcoupe. BMW's 3-series

Base pri(e: S44.800 (est) Vehide type: front-engine, rear-dri\'€ ; Hoor 1+2-p.1SS€ngtf cOllvertibie Imeriorl'O lume, F/RJcargo (cu h), ,54/25/10 Whl'eIOOI(' , , ,1 12.2 in Length /Width/ht'i ght 183.3172.9/55,I in .. J6,lh Tuming Cirde " Cllfbwdght 4100-4150 1b EPA city/highway mpg 16-17124- 25 Fuel-tookcap.1city/Jange , ............. , 20,09.11/3 20-34. . .dw and paS>erlger froo~ Side, and kneeairbags


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Lotus Elise The purest driving experience on the road is essentially unchanged for 20 IO-wh ich is no bad thing , as it retains the direct, race-car-like handling, supple ride, and excellent performance we love. The trade-off, of course , is a lack of weather protection or any creature comforts whatsoever.

Hi'Jhs: Looks like it's from another planet. balanced and communicoti~e chassis, formidable track-day weapon. Lows: Buuy Toyota engine. difficult to get into and out of.

wilt's new: Introduced fo r2005; unchanged for 2010.

ae"tnd tktwhtd: Quick and jnformatj~e steering, balanced and reactil'f' handling, track-ready

Base pri(e: $48.375; sc. $56,115 Vehide typ4!: mid-engil1€, reclr-dri~e; 2-door 2-passeng€f torga Interior volum e, r/cargo (cu It) .... 4614 Wlu'eloo\e .. .. ~, 5 in Lengthlwidthlheight 149,0/67.7/44,0 in Tuming Circle .. . .. .32,8fr Curb Weight. ,2OO}-2050 Ib EPAcitylhighwoy mpg 20-21116-27 Fuel-tookcapacitylraflge ,.... ............ 10.6gall212- m mi POWfRTRAIN l 8-liter DOHC 16-vol\'(' in li ne-4, 189 hp, 133 Ib-It; supercha rged l 8-liter DOff( 16-v olve inhne-4, 118 hp, 156 lb-It; 6-sp rrnn SUSPENSION F,.. . .ioo, unequal-Iffigth control a!TTIs. coil springs. anti-rol l bar R • • • • • • • • • •• ind, unequal-Ienglh control arms. COil spriog'i

but still entertaining on the streel Supercharged version is smoother

but nOl much faste r.

SAfETY !\rak6. rIR. .

vent€'d, cros,-Ii"illed disc/vented, cross-drilled disc ABS.. standard Stabilityltraction control .... ......... not ava ilableloption.ll Pas>ive Jl'\traints . . ..drl\rerand pa\\eIlgeI front aimags


00000 Maserati GranTurismo The drophead version of the GranTurismo is as equally alluring as that coupe. There is just one model , fitted with a 433-hp V-8 engine. The car uses a folding metal hardtop, which alTects trunk space, but it looks great. and the rear seats can fit humans, albeit small ones.

Hi,hs: Pininfarina styling that's as good as it gets, sonorous V-8 engine, it's exclusive Lows: Serious~ expensive, serious~ heavy, the folding hardtop impinge-:; on trunk space.

Wilt's nrw: Introduced for 2010. ae"ind tbwhtd: This is atruly special car, from the way it looks 10 the snarlingV-S. Because of its bulk, however, it's not as fast as one might expect-but that just give-:; bystanders extra time toget insanely jealous.

Base prite: $l SO,OOO {est) Vehide type: front-engine. rear-drive; 2-door 4-pass€ng€f conl'fflibie Interiorvolume, F/RJeargo (cu h) . 51/1916 (est) .1 15,8io W'heeIoo\e .. Lengt h/Widthfhei ght 192,2/75.4153.3 in Tuming Circle .NA Curb weight. .. 4400 lb EPA cityfhighway mpg 11119 (est) ruel-tankcap.lcitylrange , ..... ..... 19,8gaI1218 mi {est) POWERTRAIN 4.7-lner DOff( 32-valve V-8, 433 hp, 361 Ib-h; 6-sp auto with rrnllUrrnne sllIhing SUSPENSION


. ioo, unequal-length control a!TTI~ co~ springs. .nti-roI l bar


. ioo, unequal-length co ntrol a!TTIS, coil springs. onti-roIl oor

SAFETY !\rakes, FIR..

.. ventt'd, uoss-Ii"illed disc/verut'd, crO>s-dril led disc ASS standard Stabilityltraction control ..... ..... staooardlstandard p.,JjV€ restra ints. .rover and passeng€f ITont C! \'!:'flted, [loss-drilled orvroted diS( ASS.. .. .. el \'€"!lted. cross-drilled di>e ASS. Slandard Sta bility!tracnon control . standard/Slanda rd Passive> ....... dri'/('t and POS>l'rlgel froo~ lide, and curtain airtlags


0000 Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupe Somehow- and we're not quite sure how- the Rolls Phantom convertible manages to be both ostentatious and tastefuL Nothing quite spell s "money" like thi s 5800pound behemoth, yet the elegant interior and optional teak decking are old-world craftsmanship at its finest.

Hi,hs: Tradition, quality, luxury, and allthe best-things-thatmoney-can-buy-type stuff that its name represents, including an available stainless-steel"bonnet" and teakdecking.

Lows: Not exactly the right statement intough times. whit'slew: Introduced for 2008; no changes for 2010.

Ba ~ prlte: $448,1XXl Vehide type: from-erqltle, rear-drive; 2-doo r 4-pa\\CIlger convertible Interior 'iOIu me, F!R/cargo(eu It) .. . .... .54/4j)irqs. ami-roll ba r

lelriad li ewiee): For a carofits size and mass, motions are well controlled. There's plenty of power for quick, ifnot spirited, dri~ing.

SAFETY flrakt"S.f /R . .venled dWvenled di>e ASS. Slartdard Sta bdity!tracllon control . standard!Slartda rd Paslive . ....... driver .od pd\\CIlgerfronl and lide Ilirtlogs


00000 Saab 9-3 The best parts oflhe 9-3 convertible are its strong turbo engine, cool interior design , and distinctive looks. But its demeanor is pretty soft compared with that of its best rivals, and it is quite pricey, too. Droptop customers don ' t get the all~wheel-drive option available on other 9· 3s.

Hi,hs: xandinaviandesign, excellent seats, strOllg turbo engine, roomy rear seat.

Lows: Some torque Sleer, minor turbo lag, gets expensi~e as you climb the lineup, cowl shake. whit'SJIew: Refreshed for 2008; the turbo V-6engine is dropped for 2010. lelriad li ewiee): The 9-3 is beginning tofeel dated, and although the engine is terrific, the car's handling is merely average, with a low fun factor.

ind, \!Iur;, co il Ipri n~>. anti-rol l ba r ind, multil irt, co il Iprin~>. . nti-roI l ba r

Ba ~ prite: $45,sOO ({'It); Aero. $48.500 Vehide type: front-engi ne. front-drive; 2-door 4-po\\CIlger convertible . .. 51!31/812 Imerior 'iOIu me, F!R!cargo(eu It) .. WheelbaIC .. . ...... 105.3 in . .182.4/69.1/56.4 in ll'flgthl ....idt hlheigJt . Tu rniogcircle ........ .39.0ft Cu rtlwelght ,355O-3900 lb EPA cityfhighway mpg . 19 20117 19 FU€I-ta nkcapacitylrange .. 16.4ga1/11H28 mi POWERTRAIN turbocharged and intercooled 20-liter OOHC16-vaJve inline-4, 210 hp, ll1 lb-ft; 6-lpman, 5- 1J16-sp.UIO withII13numaticshifting SUSPENSION f.. . ....... ind, struts. w i >j)irKJs. anti-roll ba r . ind, multilirt, coil >j)irqs, anti-roll ba r R



SAFETY flrakt"S.f /R . . ....... vented di>C!vented disc IJI disc ASS. Slartdard Sto bnity!tracllon wntrol slandord/Slartdard Paslive restraint> ............ driver aod pa$>I'rlgerfroot and lideairtlags


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Smart Fortwo

Hi,hs: Roll-cage-like safety cell keeps it rigid. the (heape'll

Miniaturized motoring exemplified, the Smart Fortwo fulfills the basic needs of urban commuters with two spacious seats and enough cargo room to haul a few bags of groceries . It's cheap, blll amacti ve inside, and the power top can also open halfway to act as a sunroof.

{On~ertible in the U.S.

Lows: Top doesn't stow fully and omtru(ts rear view when retracted, same dim-witted transmission as thecoupe.

Base pri(e: S17,635; Brabus, S21,635 Vehide type: mid-el1gine, rear-drive; l -door 2-p.1SS€llgtf rwdster InteriorI'O lume, F/cargo (cu h) .... 45/8 Whl'eIoo\e .. ..73.5in Lengt h/Width/ht'i ght 106.1161.4/60.7 in Tuming Circle .. . .. 28.7h Cllfbwdght .1850 1b EPA City/highway mpg ....... . 13/41 Fuel-tankcapacity/lange . 8.7 g,lII287 mi POWERTRAIN

wb t's new: Introduced for 2008; no majOr changes for 2010

Ifi ind lit wktll: Controls are heavy for such alight car, which

1.O-liter OOf( 12-valw inlioe-3, 70 hp, 68 lb-h; S-sp aU1l)mated


gives it asporty feel until you try 10 accelerate. Gear changes might take longer than your commute.


SAfETY !\rak6.r/R.. disc/lium ABS standard Stability/tracuoo cootroi ..... ..... stlndard/standard PaI~VI' restraints. . .. . ..... driver and palsengedroot and side aimags

Hi,hs: HummmmslO 60 mph in about four seconds, range of upto 240 miles, starts asan Elise.

Base prite: $110,950; Sport, $130,450 type: mid-engine, rear-driVl'; 2-door 2-passengl'l targa InteriorI'O llJIIle. F/cargo ((U hJ 46/4 Whl'eIoo\e.. .. 92.6in Ll'Ilgth/Widthlhf'ight 155.4/68.0/44.4io TumingCircle. . . .36.7 h

o Tesla Roadster Proving that electric cars aren't just slow+moving cubicles, the Tesla is a I 22+mph screamer powered by 6831 lithiu m-ion batteries. A two-seat roadster based on the sublime Lotus Elise, it carries a Pentagon price tag and has limited practicality but kilowatts of eco-cachet.

Cllfbwdght EPAcitylhighwoy mpg il.111et)' capacity/range

Wilt's nrw: Introduced in 2008; arevised interior and aharderedged Sport are new for 2010.

POWERTRAIN AC petmanl'llt-mognet s)1lchroooo> etee!lger corwertible Interior lUIume, F/R/wgo (eu It) .. . .... .. 49mI5 . .... ... 9a,g in Wheelbase .. length/wic!t h/heiljlt ,161.1/67.9159,1 in Turningcircle ..... ... .35,8ft Curbwght .3250 Ib EPA cityfhighway mfXj .. . .... ......... 20/28 FlM'I-tank capacitylranqe .. . .. . 14.5 9al/290 mi PQWERTRAIN

whit'slew: Introduced for 2003; there are on~ minor trim changes forlhe 2010 model year. Belriad tiewieel: Built on a previous-generation Golf chassis, this ragtop feels Eurofirm-jusl don't expect athleticresponses.

IS-liter [X)HC lQ-valve inline-5, 1SO hp, 170 Ib-It; 6-sp auto with manumcllicsliifiing SUSPENSION f.. R

5AFfTY Bra~es, FIR , vented ,j>e/di>e ASS.. . ... Slandard Stability/tractiOll cootrol . standardlSlandard P.r;sive restraints, .. .. .... driver and passenger front and


00 Volvo (70 Like most Volvos, the C70 is high on style but lacking in driving excitement. The folding metal hardtop gives the security of a coupe and year-round usability, but it lacks the dri ver appeal of a BMW, Aud i, or Infin iti convertible. For 2010, there's overhau led styling inside and out.

Hi'fhs: Folding metal roof provides the security of acoupe and the joy of aconvertible, handsome exterior st0ing.

Lows: Not much trunk space with the top down, dull to drive. WhIt'SUW: Rej)"i ng~ anti- ro ll bJ r




· .... ind, SlrutS. COil>j)"ings, anti-roll lJa r ind, tra ili l"H] anm, coil >j)"ings, anti-roll lJa r

rushed overhau ls of entire prod uct lineups, we could be on the verge of industry-wide corner- and costcutting prac tices that result in a slow deterioration of the modern ca r from its current state.

THE ONLY CERTAINTY IS UNCERTAINTY Of course, the re are plenty of reasons not to buy a car now, too. It's unwise to get in over your head on a loan, and now is proba bly not the time to ra id the college fund for a midl ife-crisis sports car. These are uncertain t imes, and the appropriate course of act ion is different for each of us. But apprehension need not scare customers away from the showroom. Everybody needs a new ca r sooner or later, and in today's market, sooner might be smarte r.


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inlerior volume



fuel In""

front /rnr/cargo,



curb weight.

dtylhw)' mpg

IiIIIHo ... ,

cubic ' H I




5266.350 $186,1200 1850 2350- 2400 35


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Aston Martin DBS The DBS is Aston's top-of-the-line supercar, next to the very-limited-edition One-77. Essentially a DB9 with more power and grip but less weight, it's highly capable and a joy to listen to, but it 's not as focused as other 500-plus-hp exotics from Italy and GelTllany.

Hi'Jhs: Looks like James Bond's caf should, fa st enough to escape most baddies, seductive shape. Lows: lighter than the OB9 but still feels heavy, power upgrades to the DB9 shrinkthe performance gap.

Base pri(e: $266,350 Vehide type: front-engine, rear-drNe; 2-door 2- or 2+2passengercoop€ Imeriofl'O lume, FlRJeargo (cu II) .

· SOI18/7 . 107.9in Wheeloo\e .. Lengt h/Width/ht'i ght 185.9175.0/50.4in Tuming Circle .. . ..39.41'1 Cllfbwdght .3IlOO Ib EPACity/highway mpg 11-12/17-18 Fuel-tankcapacity/lange . . ............. 21.19.11/212-253 mi POWERTRAIN

wbt'suw: Introduced for 2008; six-speed automatic available as of late 2009. minor trim changes added for 2010.

5.9-liter DOHC48-vaivl' V-1 2. 510 hp. 420 Ib-II; 6-W man, 6-W auto ....ith manumat iC shilling SUSPENSION


.iOO, unequal-lt"Ilgth control arm~ co~ sprillgs, clnti-roI l belr


. ioo, uneq ual-lt"Ilgth control arm~ codsprings, anti-roll belr

ae"ind tit wheel: Composed handling. great brakes, and a hair-raising V-12 yowl.

SAFETY Brakes, F/R ..

ve nted. cfOSs-dolied Cl'filrTliCdi;c!ventf'd. cro;s-drilled Cetclmicdisc ABS standard Siability/tracuoo cootroi ..... ..... stardard/standard PaI~V\' restraintl . .. . .. liiver and pas>enger fro nt iII1d side aimags


0000 Aston Martin DB9 The pricey, largely handmade, v- 12- propelled DB9 is a beautifully detailed grand tourer that packs enough leather trim, style, and performance to impress any enthusiast. [t lacks the agility of a true sports car, and its back seat is mostly for decoration, but ifs sti ll mighty e legant.

Hi,hs: Gorgeous >tyling, V-12 power and sound, responsive automatic transmission, a bargaincompared with the DBS, incredible cabin. Lows: Heavy, not as fun to drive as other exotics, pricey, upstaged by its v-aVantage little brother.

Wilt'S new: Introduced for 2004; changes for 2010 are limited to minor equipment tweaks.

Base prite: S186, 120 type: from- t"Il~n~, rear-drive; 2-doo r l+2-pas\enger

Vehid~ COO~

Imeriorvo lume, FlRJeargo (cu II) . W"heeIoo\e .. Lengt h/Width/hei ght Turn ing cirde


r~eI-lan k Cclp.l(ily/rallge .

· SO/18/7 . .. . 108.t in t85.5173.8/5O.0 in .39.411 4050- 4150 1b 11-13/17-20 . .... ..... 21.1gal/232-274 mi


5.9-hter DOHC48-vaivl' V-12, 470 hp, 443 Ib-II; 6-W man, 6-sp amo with manumat iC shiflln~ SUSPENSION

. ind, unequal-lt"Ilgth control arm~ co~ sprillgs, clnti-roI l bell . ioo, unequal-Iffigth control arm~ codspri ng~ anti-rol l bar

r. R

ae"ind litwhtd: The DB9 sounds great but has to bedriven deliberately tobe driven fast.

SAFETY Brakes,f/R ..... .vented, grooved disc/Venlf'd. grooved disc ABS standard Stilbility/tracuoo comroi ..... ..... stardard/standard PasJjV\' rest raints. .roverand passenger front iII1d ,ide aimag,



',:''' Z010 Aston Martin One-77 Limited 10 77 units worldwide and sporting a carbon monocoque chass is, a 7.3- liter V-12 with at least 700 horsepower, and a hand-formed aluminum body, the near-twomillion-dollar One-77 is what happens when an automaker builds a car without ever saying "no" to its engineers.

Hi,hs: Super high-tech, beautifullyfinished everywhere, impressive performance figures. Lows: Super-duper, hyper-limited availability; almost too ridiculous; no! being able10 see all oflhe craftsmanship; good luck trying 10 gel on the lis! for one.

Wi.t'snfw: Introduced for 2010.

ae"ind Ibwhtel: Despiteits show-car body and exquisite detailing, the Dne-77 is acutting-edge, racing-inspired sporls carunderneath. st~ i sh,


00000 36


prite: S1)50'()(X) (est) Vehide type: from- ffigine, rea r-drive; 2-door 2-pas\enger Bas~


Interiorvo lume. r/cargo (cu It) .5On(est) Whl'eioo\e. t09.9in ..... ... t80.2n1.0 (est)/48.2in Length /Widthlhei ght Turn ing(irde . .. 39.01l(est) · .3350 Ib lOllS (est) 21 .t gal (est)/l11 ml (est) Fuel-tankcclp.lcity /rclnge

~PAbc~~~~ay'mpg POWERTRAIN

7.3-liter DOH( -IS-valve V-12. 700 hp (es!). 516 1b-ft (est); 6-sp au!Omiltf'd man SUSPENSION

F. R

. ioo, unequal-Iffigth control arm~ codsprings. anti-rol l bar . ioo, uneq ual-ll"rlgth control amls. codsprings. anti·roI l bar


ve nt!'\!, cross-drill!,\! CffMTlicdisdvenl~ . cross-drilled ceramicdisc ABS .. standard Stclbility/tractioo control . .... ..... stardard/standard Passive restraints. driver clnd passenger froot and side almags 2010 BUYERS GUIDE

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Aston Martin V-8 Vantage Although it's the smallest and least-ex pensive car in the Aston lineup, the Vantage is a true driver's car, not j ust a beautifully crafted one. When new, it lost to the Audi R8 and the Porsche 911 Turbo in a camparo, bur it now has more power to back up is spine-tingling exhaust wail.

Hi,hs: The most affordableand best-driving Aston to date, exotic look and feel, the solid wall of sound bsuing from theV-S. Lows: Heavy for atwo-seater, c05ts more than aPorsche 91 1

Wh,t'sJleW: Introduced for 2006; anewsix-bar grille and small equipment and trim updates are newfor2010, Belriad liewieel: It wants to bum brakes, drill sideways, and I:Iomb down straights. Bener connected than any Aston yet.

Base price: sm,800 Vehide type: front-erqine, rear-drive; 3-doo r 2-pa5>e!lger batchbJck Interior lUIume, F/cargo (cuIt). . .... .... 52/11 Wheelba'it' .. . .... .. 102.4 in lengthlwic!t h/heiljlt ,172.4/73.5/49.4 in Tu rningcircle ..... .. . .36.4 It Cu rb w ght J600-3700 lb EPA(ityfhighway mfXj .. . ... .. 12-14/19-20 FlM'I-tank (apacitylrange .. 21.1 gaI/253-295 mi PQWERTRAIN

4) -liter OOOC 32-val\'e V-8, 420 hp. 347 Ib-ft; 6-W man IJt 6-W

automated man SUSPENSION

r....... ind, uneqwl-Ie rqth control arms, COil>j)"irq\, anti-roll iJa r

SAFETY flr"a~(1, rIR ,

,vented. grOO\'eddi>cl\'ellted. grooved disc ASS. standard Stability/tracnon control . standard/standard Passive restraint> ............ driver and pasSl'rlger front and Side airbags


00000 Audi AS/S5 Arguably the most beautiful models inAudi 's lineup, the AS and S5 serve up refinement and luxut)'. A new engi ne is the big news for 2010. A fuel-effi cient and pu nchy turbo four from the A4 is now available in the AS , and the S5 soldiers on with the great-sounding 340-hp, 4.2-1iter V-S.

Hi,hs: Sexy body, luxurious interior, handling nears sports-car lewis, improved fuel economy, Lows: Premium pricing, heavy, tight backseat.

What's lew: Introduced for 2008; for 201O,theV-6 isno longer availablewith amanual, and a 2.0-literfour isnew tothe AS Belriad IiI wi,,): Apleasing compromisebetween sportiness and luxury The S5 is seriously quick, make51ustworthy noises, and is ahoot todrive.

Ba~ prlte:A52,0T. $36.825: A5 l2, $44.825; 55, $54,525 Vehide type: front-ffi gine. 4-wheel-oo\'e; 2-door 4-pa\>e!lger coo~

Interior lUIume, F/R/cargo (eu It) . . ..... 55137/12 Wheelbase.. . ...... I08J in If'llgthl ....ictthlheiljlt . . . ..182.1/73.0/54,0 in lu rning circle J7.41t Cu rb w ght J600-3950 Ib EPA(ityfhighway mfXj . .. ... 14-22122-30 FlM't-tank (opacity/range .......... 16,6-17.2 gal /m-378 mi PQWERTRAIN

1\Irbocharged and intercooled 20-liter OOHC 16-valve inline-4, 211 hp, 2S8 lb-It; 3.2-liter DOHC14-va lve V-6, 165 hp. 243 Ib-It; 4,2liter DOlle 32-wJi ve V-8. 354 hp, 325tb-It;6-sp man, 6-sp autowith IDilnumalicshifting SUSPENStON F•• R•

Brakes, FIR Vl'flted lise/disc ASS. standard Stability/tractlon control . standard/standard Passive restraint> ....... driver and paSSl'rlgel froo~ Side, and curtain airbags; rear curtain air1Jags

00000 Practical for a supercar and beautiful to behold, the R8 is a true-blue supercar that will thrill the driver and passersby alike . T he V-8 version offers e noug h for some, but for about $30K more, the new V-I 0 offers a Ferrari- and Lamborg hini-grade driving experience and soundtrack .

Hi,hs: Strong 4.2-literV-8, monger S.2-literV-1O, just look at it. comfortable enough for daily use, gated manual shifter, Lows: Audi badge does not have as much cachet as anItalian badge, clunky automatej)"irqs, anti-roll iJa r


Base price: 4,2 FSI, S117,500; 5.2 FSI, S150,200 Vehide type: mid-engi ne. 4-wheel-drive; 2-door 2-pa5>e!lger

"'~ Interior lUIume, F/cargo (cuIt). . .... ..... 4914 Wheelba'it' .. . .... .. 1()43 in lengthl ....ictthlheiljlt .......... 174.5-174.6/75.0-76.0/493 in Tu rningcircle ........ .38.7 ft Cu rb w ght J550-1700 lb EPA citylhighway m ~ . 12 13118 10 FlM'I-tank (apacitylra nge. . 23.8 gall286- 309 mi POWERTRAIN

4.2-llter OOHC 32-va1ve V-8. 420 hp, 317 Ib-It; 5.2-llter DOHC 40~al ve V-10, 525hp, 391 Ib-It;6-sp man, 6-sp autom ated man SUSPENStON

F....... ind, unequ.J l-terqth (ootrol anlls, COil IIXirqs, anti- roll ba r R . ind, uneqw l-Ie rqth control arms, coil >j)"irqs, anti-roll ba r




llfakE'SJ/R ,

...... vented, cross-drilled discJvented,

cross-drilled disc ASS. standard St.3 bnity/tractlon control standard/standard PasSi\'e restraint>. . . ....driver and passeng('r front. side, andknee airbags


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Hi,hs: konic good looks, quickshifting dual-clutch gearbox.

A design icon, the a luminum and steel IT is a sports car that is easy to drive quickly. Base versions have a 200-hp, 2.0-li ter turbo engine that returns good fuel economy. The TIS offers even more power and even sharper handling. Both versions have tiny rear seats.

trusty handling, feels light and small,

Lows: Tiny backsea ~ behaves at thelimit like afront-dril'l'f. even with AWD; ride can be harsh,

Base pri(e: n,S38,625:TIS, $46,725 Vehide type: front- engine, 4-lI1leel-drive; 3-door 4-p.1SSengtf hiltchbilck Imeriorl'O lum e, FlRJeargo ([uh). .4I!/16/B ..97.2in Wheel oo \e .. Lengt h/Width/ht'i ght .164.5-165.3172.5/53.0-53.5 in Turn ing Circle .. . ..36.0h Cllfbwdght 3200-3300 Ib EPACity/highwayrnpg ........ 21/29 Fuel-tankcapacity/lange . ......... 14.H5.9gal/305-334mi POWERTRA1N

wbt's new: Redesigned for 2008, ns introduced for 2009;V-6

rurbochargl'd and intercooled l.O-liter OOHC1 6-va l~ inline-4,200 (K 265 hp, ~7 or 258 Ib-h; 6-1P ooill-cl utchautomilled miln

discontinuedthis year,


Bekind lit whtd: Sporty and


.indostru!~ co~ sprillg>. elnti-roIl belr ind, rn ultilin k, cod sprillgs, anti-rol l belr

refined. Rear-drivecompetition

might be more satisfying on a track, but theTT isstill ajOy.

SAfETY !\rak6. r/R. . .vented di';(/vented diSc (K" disc ABS standard Siability/tracuoo cootrol ..... ..... stlndard/standard Pas~V\' restraints . . .. . ..... driver and pa5l/'rlger!root. ~de, and knee aimags


00000 Bentley Brooklands Named after an old racetrack in jolly old England, the Brooklands is a coupe version of the Azure convertib le. It's rare and beautiful, and a lthough it feels special and expens ive, it also feels heavy and a bit old. The 6.S-liter, turbo V-8 offers serious thrust and is seriously thirsty.

Hi,hs: Rare,leather-lined interior, classicand clmy exterior, the thrust of thebig V-8on boost. Lows: Holycrap, this thing isbig; fuel thirst; costsafortune; you'll probablynever see one, much less drive one.

Base prite: $343,085 type: Irom-l'Ogioe, rear-drive: 2-door 4- pa\\engl'l

Vehid~ roo~

Interiorvo lum e, FIRJcargo (cuh) . W"heeIoo\e .. Lengt h/Width/hei ght Turn ing cirde


r~eI -teln k (elp.l(ity/relnge .

.53/47/14 · t22.7in .213.0174.8/SB.Oin .40.4h ..6000 Ib ....... 9/15 25.4gal/219mi


Will's new: Introduced for 2009; unchangedfor 2010.

Bflind titwhtll: TheV-8 doesn't make particula~y pleasing sounds, but it moves the Brooklands withauthority; never stops feeling huge~ massive.

tw in-turlxxho rged and interrooled 6.8-liter ~shmd 16-va lve V-8, 530 hp, 774l b-h; 6-sp aUla with manumaticshihing SUSPENSION

r. R

SAFETY !\rakes.. r/R.. ASS Stilbility/tracuoo cootrol P.,JjVE rest raints.


0000 Bentley Continental GT The entry-level GT helped Bentley boost its sales to newfound heights. TIle shape is sporty yet elegant, and the twin-turbo W-12 has no trouble moving the heavy GT with furious anger. Bent into comers, the GT proves willing, but its massive weight conspires against it.

Hi,hs: UnmistakableBentley good looks,leathery interior, effonless1UrOO W-12. Lows: Abit obese,tiny rear seat. atouchhard to see out of, slightly dull reflexes. Wilt'S ntw: Introduced for 2004; new Supersports model is lighter and has 21 morehor5es than the 600-hpGT Speed.

Btlind titwhtd: Quickand quiet,the GT i5 moreabout high5peedcrui5ingthanback-road bruising. Theride can bebrinle.


0000 38

CARaoxlDRIVER.( om

.ind, unequal-ll'Ogth control arm~ co~ sprillg>. elnti-roI l belr . ind, uneq ual- ll'Ogth co ntrol arm~ cod spri llg~ anti-rol l bar

..... .. vl'O ted disc/vented disc standard ..... ..... stlndard/stlndard .roVErand passenger fro nt . reelrJjde elimags

Bas~ prite: CiT, $t89,095: GT S!X'l'd. S213,995; SUpefSpO rtI, $273,295 Vehlde type: front-l'Ogioe. 4-YAl~I-dri~; 2-door 2-4passengercou pe Interiorvo lum e, FIRJcargo (cuh) . .54/36/13 Vo'heeloo\e .. · .. lOS. 1 Lengt h/Widthlhe able to strike a deal.

Lows: Less attractive than other Ferraris, getting a bit long in the tooth.

Ba~ prlte: $12O.D38 Yehide type: front-erqme, rear-drive; l -door 4-pas>e!lger coo~

Iml'fior lUIu me, FIR/cargo (eu It). Wheelbase .. leng!h/widt h/hei~1

lu rningcircle Curbweight. EPA Cityfhighway mfXj .. rlI€l-lank capacity/ra nge .. PQWERTRAIN

5.7-lner OOHC48-v.lve V-12, ~" SUSPENSION

lelriad lie wiee); Despite its physicalsize, it drives like a small, powerful. and lightweight sports car,

R...... ind, urteqw l-Ierqth control anns, (oil >j)i rq~ anti- ro ll bJ r

r....... ind, uneqw l-Ierqth control arms, COil >j)irqs,anti-roll bJr


vented, cross-drill ed cf'ramk dischented, cross-drill €'d ceramiC disc ASS. Slandard Slabdity/tra(uon (ontrol . standard/Slanda rd PasSive restrain~ , ........ driver and pa\>e!lger fronl and Side airbags

00000 Formal coupes are rare in the current compact segment, and if the two-door Focus isn't quite as sexy as its few rivals, it 's reasonably priced and offers lots of sophisticated electronic extras, such as the Sync infotainment and communications system. Do not expect excitement.

m hp, 414 Ib-ft; 6-sp automated

whit'sJlew: Introduced for 2004; unchanged for 2010.


Ford Focus

. ..... . 53/36/9 . ...... 116,1 in ,193.0177.0/52,9 in .4O.1ft .. 4100- 4150 Ib . .......... 9/16 28.5 9al/257 mi

Hi,hs: Long list of safety fealu res, VQice-operated Sync, respectable mileage, maxheadroom.

Lows: FOKjellable styling, lacks hatchthlck u5efulness, aging platform, low comfort quotient. Wh,t'sJleW: Redesigned for 2008; keyle5s entryand 5tability control now come as standardfeatures on allmodels for 2010. lelriad lie wiee): Competent, quiet, and smooth, but soft in its response5; the idealdriving position i5 difficult to find.

Base price: SE, S17,570: SES, $19,180 Yehide type: front-engi ne, frOnl-drive; 2-door 5-pa5>e!lger

"'~ Iml'fior lUIu me, FIR/cargo (eu ft). . ..... 51/43/14 . ...... 102,9 in Wheelba'it' .. . ,1 75.0/67.9/58 ,6 in length/ ....idt hlheiljlt . Tu rningcircle ... 34,2-36.5/t Curbwght .2100-2800 Ib EPA (itylhighway m~ ..... 24/34 35 FlI('l-tank capacitylrange .. . ... 13.5 gal/324 mi PQWERTRAIN In-liter OOHC 16-v.lve inhnr--4; 132, 140, or 143 hp; 1331)1136 Ib-/t; 5-sp rrnn, 4-sp auto SUSPENSION . ....... ind, Slruts, COil >j)ir9$, anti- roll bJ r F•• . ind, multiliri, COil >j)irqs, anti-roll ba r R




flrak(1,f/ R, ,venteddi:.cbtum ASS. Slandard St.3 bnity/rracuon wntrol stand.rd/Slanda rd PasSive restraint> ....... dw and pa$strl9l'f froo~ Side, and curtain airbags; rearcurtain airbags


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Comparison Test

.. Winner

Ford Mustang/Shelby GTSOO America's pony car gets fresh sheetmetal, a nicer interior, and suspens ion tweaks for '10. Better materials in side and sharper dynamics make the Mustang- V-6, GT, or GT500-tons (literally) of fun. The Camara and the Challenger are morc sophisticated but aren't as enjoyabl e.

Hi'j'hs: Pony-car roar, fun, broad

model range, 5equential turn indicators are just plain (001, GT500's superchargedpower. Lows: Lackssophistication, sucks

fue l, small backseat wilt's nrw: Redesigned for 2010. aekind Ib whtd: More con fi dent and less fioaty,the 2010 Mustang is imprO'led in dynamics and fit and fi nish. The Track pack iseven better, though theridesuffers. TheGT500 rides hard but launches hard, too.

Base prite: V-6, $21,845; GT. $28,845; GTSOO. $48,175 Vehide type: fronH·ngifl€. rear-drive; 2-door 4-p.1SS€ngt'l" COO~

InteriorI'O IWIle. F/RJeargo (ru It) ..... ....52 53/28 31110 13 . ..... 107,1in 'Nl"ll'f'lbillt .. Length/Width/hti ght .188,1-188,2173.9/54.5-56,1in Tumingcirde 314-37.7 1t Curb weight. ..... . 3450-3'nl lb EPA {ity/highwaympg 14-18122-26 fuel-tank{apocity/range . . ......... 16.0gal/224-288 mi POWERTRAIN

4.o-liter 50HC1l-valve V-6, 210 hp, 240 Ib-It; 4.6-lller )()HC24valve V-B, 315hp, 325 Ib-It; superehilrgl'd and intercooll'd 5.4-liter OOH( 32-valw V-S, 540 hp, 5to Ib-It; 5- OI 6-sp man.5-spauto SUSPENSION

.ioo, strut~ coa spri ng~ anti-roll bar rigid axle. coD spring~ anti-roll bar

F. R

SAFETY Brakes, F!R. .Vl'fltl'd disc/ventl'd disc AS5 standard Stability/tractioo comrol ..... ..... staooaJd/standaJd Pa,~V\' ({'ltrainl, . . .. ... .... driver andpa,ltnger froot aoo side airbags



10Besl Winne,

Honda Accord

Hi,hs: Bigger and roomier

The distinction between Accord coupe and sedan be· came more pronounced with their 2008 redesign, and this two-door acquired some tfuly sexy sheetmetal. With the dem ise of the 52000, the V-6 Accord is the hottest Honda going except for perhaps the Civic 5i .

than its predecessor, stylish and functional interior, potent engines, first-rate fit and fi nish.

Lows: Pricey toward the top of the range, four-cylinder could use a six-speed transmission.

Wlat'suw: Redesigned for 2008; minor detail changes for 2010 aekind tb wkttl: It's not a sports car, but this big (oupe is exceptionally agile by front-drive standards. Six-speed manual and V-6 add up to serioushustle.

Base prk e: LX-S, $23.265: [ X, $24,590: [X-l, $26,790: [ X-l V-6, $30.015 Vehid ~ type: fro nt-l'flglle, froot-oove; 2-000r 5-paSS€llgl'l ,OO~

InteriorI'O llIIlle. F/RJeargo (cu It) . .5H6/l6I12 .. ... 107,9in Yhil'f'lbillt .. Length /Width/hl'ight IW.9/72.8/56.4in lumingcirde 371-38.61t .m0-3550 1b Curb weight .. EPA {itylhighwaympg 17-22125-31 fuel-tankcapacity/range , .......... 18.5gal/315-4(17mi POWERTRAIN

H-Iller OOHC16-v.11Ie inllnH, 1 ~ hp, 162Ib-It; 3.5-liter SOOC 24-valll(' V-6, 271hp, 251or 254Ib-ft; 5- or 6-sp man, 5-sp auto SUSPENSION R

SAfETY Brakes. f/R. . ventl'd diSddisc AB5 standaJd 5tability/tractioo cootrol ..... ..... staooaJd/standaJd Pas~V\' restraints . . ,drill('! andp.1sseogerfroot >ide, iWld curtain airbags; I€ar curtain airbags


00000 Honda CiviC/Civic Si The stylish Civic coupe comes in two flavors: standard and the 197-hp Si. Build quality is excellent. reliability is beyond reproach, and all models are nothing if not affordable. Though upstaged by hotties such as the Mazdaspeed 3, the Si is still one of our favorite pocket rockets.

.ioo, unl'qIJaI-Il'flgth control arm~ co~ spring~ anti-roll bilr ,ind, multilink, cod spring~ anti-roll bar


Baseprice: OX, S16,165; LX,SIB,1 15; EX, SLD,165; EH S21.715;

Hi,hs: Artful exterior design,

$i , $22,765

solidstructure, bulletproof reliability, highcomfort quotient. lOIS of fun for nOI much money.

Vehide type: fro nt-l'flglle. froot-o-iV{'; 2-0001 5-p.mengt'l"

Lows: Multilevel dash draws mixed reviews, cramped back seat. Si could use more power.


Interiorl'O lume, F/RJeargo (cuIt). Vlhl'f'lbil\e.. Length/Widthlh/"rlgel froo~ side. and curtain airlJaqs; \('arcurtain airbago;


0000 Hyundai Genesis Hyundai breaks ground with an all-new, rear-drive fOUTseat sports coupe with shapely lines and tight handling. Based on the Genesis sedan, the coupe comes with a 2.0liler turbo four or 3.g-l iter V-6, all for thousands less than a Nissan 370Z. Think Korean Mustang.

Hi,ks: Rear-wheel drive, low base price, manuals available on all !Jims, Track pack has serious equipment. ahandsome devil. Lows: Somecheapness inside, slower than a370Z, heavy clutch, Track models' brutal ride. wkit'sleW: Introduced for 2010. lehid IbwieeJ: Natural steering feel and solid grip mean Hyundai nailed the handling. The Genesiscoupe may not be asfast as aNissan 370Z, but it'scheaper and sounds manly.

Base price: 2.0T, $22]SO; 2.0T Premium, $2S,00J: 2.0TTrack, m,5OO; 3.8, $25}5O; 18 Grand bJring. $28.250; 18 Track, $30,250 Vehide type: frnm-engl~, rear-drive; 1-door 4-pasSl'flger j)'i ng~ anti-roll oor


Infiniti G37

..... indoSlruts, COil >j)'ing\,anti-roll lJar .ind,trailing arms. coil springs

Base price: $36)65; .kJumry, $37,515; Spon6MT, $37,865:G3h. $39,565 Vehide type: front-engine, t€ar-driv€; 2-door 4-passenger 'OO~

Iml'fior lUIume, FIR/cargo(cuItl . WheelbaSl' .. l€'llgthiwic!t h/hei~t

lurningcircle Curbwght. EPA Cityfhighway mfXj .. Filel-tankcapacitylrange ..

. .. 51 54/31/7 . .. ........ 112.2 in 183.1/71.8/54.7-55.3 in 36.1-361ft . J650- 3850 Ib .. 17-t8125-26 2O.0gal/HO-360 mi


J 7-lner OOHCl4-valve V-6, 330 hp,l7O Ib-ft; 6-sp man, 7-Ill auto ....ithmanurrutic shifting SUSPENSiON F. .ind, urteqUclI-length cOlltroi anm, COil \!Xings, ami-roll lJar R .ind, multiliri:, coil >j)'ings,ami-ro ll bar


00000 2010 BUYERSGUtDE

SAfETY Bra~es, F/R . .vented disc/vented diS( ASS.. . ... Slandard Stclbility/tractiOll (l)ntrol . standard/Slandard Passive restraints .drivl'f ondpa\Sl'flget frOOL side,and curtain airooqs; rearcurtain airbago;

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Hi'Jhs: Superb road manners, supple ride. qUick-shifting

Th is is a handsome and elegant coupe that perfectly blends luxury and sportiness. Interior trappings are first-rate , and the ride is supple yet taut, Rear-seat space is a joke, but the rest oflile XK is so well executed that it can be forgiven . The XKR is a seri ously quick and competent sports coupe.

six-speed automatic. gorgeous interior and exterior st~ i ng.

Lows: uteriorstyling subtle by Jaguar's breathtaking standards, we'd like amanual transmission.

Base pri(e: XK, S83,OOO:XKR, $96,000

Vehide type: front-engine, rear-dri\'€ ; 3-door 2+2-p.1SS€rlgtf hiltchback ,51/14/10 InteriorI'O lume, F/RJ(argo ([u h) , Wheeloo\e , , .IOSJ in Length /Width/ht'i ght 1S8.7f74.5/52,Oin .. .35,gh Tuming Circle " Curbwdght 3300-4000 Ib EPA City/highway mpg 15-16122-24 Fuel-tankCap.1(ity/range , .............. 16.19.111242-258 mi POWERTRAIN


wbt's new: Redesigned for 2007; all-new engine lineup seriously boosts power for 2010. Btkind lit whtd: Precise and communicative steering. eager responses, powerful brakes, and

5.0-1iter OOHC3l-~a lve V-8, 385 hp, 380 Ib-h; SlJpeKh.Jrged and intef(ooled 5,0-lite rIX)flC 32-valve v-a,510 hp,461Ib-h;ti- Ill auto with rnanumaticshihing SUSPENSION R

gratifying thrust and sound.

SAfETY !\rakes, r/R. . . .... .. vented diS(/vented diS( ABS standard SiabilitY/lra[UOO cootroi ..... ..... stardard/standard Pas~ve restraints . .. . .. Oiver and p.1ssengl'f front iII1d side aimags


0000 Kia Forte Koup

Hi,hs: Standout good looks;

The company 's first-ever coupe definitely continues the trend of dramatic improvement from the Hyundai/ Kiajuggernaut. With a positively stylish look, a well-laid-out interior providing excellent back-seat space for its class, and loads of standard features, this is an impressive new entry.

best-in-class performance; lots of standard equipment including stability comrol, six ai rbags, and an iPod hookup.

Lows: Excessively stiff suspension, limited headroom,lOuchythronle hampers smooth starts.

Interior I'O l lJIIl ~, F/RJcJrgo ([u h)

YhIee1oo \e..

54/36/13 . ... . 104.3 in

Ll'flgth /Widthlheight 176.4/69.5/55,1in luming cirde 33.'1--35.4h Curbwdght 2750-2950 1b [PA City/highway mpg 22-25/11-34 Fuel-rankcapacity/range,. . ... .......... ll 79.1I!lOI-141 mi POWERTRA1N

Ifiind titwktel; Competent


0000 Hi'Jhs: Looks like a Lambe, sounds like a lombo, smells like lombo, new rear-drive LP550-2 is sportier than the LP560-4.

Lows: Price, annoying brake feel, the crowds it attracts.

Will's new: New in 2004, revised in 2008; lPSSQ-2 is new

Ifiind tie wheel; With an engine that sounds like Krakatoa, the Gallardo is sun: to draw a crowd whe rever it g0e5.lnsanely QUid, but the ceramic brakes are grabby and unrewa rding.


00000 46


2.0-1iter OOOC 1 6-~al\'€ inline-4, 154 or 156 hp, 139 or 144 Ib-ft; H -liter OOOC 16-~al\'e inlinH, 165 or 173 hp, 161 or 168 Ib-h; 5- or 6-sp man, 4-sp auto. 5-spauro with manumatic shihing


Shocking in person and a bona fide supercar, the LP560-4 wil l put its driver into sensory overload. The allwheel-drive LP560-4 has 552 horsepower from its 5.2-liter V-10. The new-for-20lO LP550-2 has 10 fe wer ponies but drives only the rear wheels to save weight.

Base prite: [X, S17,l(I; SX, S18J'Xl Vehide type: fro nt-engine, froot-Ii'ive; 2-cIoor 5-p.1ssengtf

Will's new: Introduced for 2010. dynamically, other than a too-stiff ride, but it doesn't quite have the Ol'l'rall ride-and-handling polish of a Honda Ci~ i c or a Mazda 3.

Lamborghini Gallardo LPS60-4/ LPSSO-2

. ind, unl'qIJilI-Il'ngth control arm~ codspring~ anti-roll bar •ind, unl'qIJilI-Il'ngth control arm~ coft springs, anti-roHbar




ind, struls, co~ springs, anti-roll bar ,ind, llilillngarm~ codsprings, anti-roll bar

SAfETY !\rakes, r/R. . vented diSddisc ABS standard StdDility/rra[tioo (ootrol ..... ..... stardard/standard Pas~VI' restraints . . ,dri\'el and p.1\\eIlger froot. side, iII1d curtainairbags; I€ar curtainaimags

Base prite: LP560-4, S201,100; LP550-2, sm,':lOO Vehide type: mid-engine, I€ar- or 4-wheel-dri\'€ ; 2-ooor 2p.1SS€ngerCOO[lE 49/4 Interior I'O l lJIIl~, F/cargo (cu h) . 100,8in Wheeloo\e .. Ll'flgth /Widthlheight 171.1f74,8/45 ,9 in Turning Circle .. ...37.7 h Curbwdght ,3350 1b EPA citylhighway mpg 12 14/20 Fuel-rankCap.1(ity/range , .............. B.89.1tl286-m mi POWERTRAIN

5.1-liter OOHC 4O-valVl' V-IO, 541 or 552 hp, 398 Ib-h; 6-'11 man, 6-1Il autom.3 ted rrnn SUSPENSION

F,. R

.ioo, unl'qIJilI-lengthcontrol aml~ cod springs, anti·roIl bar . ioo, unl'qIJilI-Il'ngth control arm~ codsprings, anti-roll bar

SAFETY Stakes. FIR..

ventl'd, cross-Ii'illed disc/lIl'fltl'd, ClOSs-drilled disc ABS standard StdbilitY/lraclioo cOfltroi stardord/standard Pas~VI' II'ltraints . . .. ... Oiver and p.1ssengl'f front iII1d side aimags 2010 BUVERS GUIOE

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Lamborghini Murcielago LP6401 LP670-4SV From the mellifluous sound of its 6.S-liter V-12 to its much-copied sc issor doors, the big Lambo never fail s to draw attention. But it's not all show: The LP640 and the new LP 670-4 are refined, blisteringly quick, and entertaining to drive. They're surprisingly easy to live with, too.

Hi,hs: Styling that makes you weak in the knees, dee!lger

"'~ Interior lUiume, F/cargo (cuIt) .. . ...... ... 49/6 . ...... 1()4,9in Wheelba'it' .. Lengthlwiclt h/heiljll tSI.5-185.2/SI.0/44.7 in Turningcircle .........mlt Curbwght J85Q-4050 Ib . ........8-9/13-14 EPA CityfhighwaymfXj .. FlI('l-tank capacitylranqe .. 26.4 gaI/211-238 mi PQWERTRAIN 6.5-llter OOHC48-vatve V-11, 631 or 661 hp, 487 Ib-It; 6-sp man, 6-spautomatt'd man SUSPENSION r....... ind, uneqwl-Iength COIltroi arms, COil >j)"ing\,anti-roll iJar R .ind, uneqwl-Iength cOIltroi anm, coil >j)"ings, ami-roll iJar

SAFETY flr"a~(1, r/R , vented. cross-drilled ct1"ami( (opt) disc/vented, cross-drill t'd ceramic(opt) disc ASS.. . ... standard Stability/tractiOll (Gntrol . standard/standard PasSive restraint> .. . ..... driver and paS'it'ng f'r front airbags


00000 Lotus Exige S

Hi'fhs: Race-car reflexes; organic

This track-ready miss ile shares its chassis and interior

with the Elise but has a fixed roof, different body panels, and a rear wing to increase downforce. The S has 240 horsepower; the limited-edition 260 Sport gets 257. For

2010, there's a front-end refresh and revised wing.

sleering; monsler grip; headturning, aggressive looks.

lows: Aloud and confined cabin, minimal comforls, relatively expensive.

WhIt'S I!W:Introduced for 2006; there's aminor restyle for 2010, l ellid luWietl Undiluted driving at itsbest with fantastic steering and brake fee l, and unstoppable on aracetrack Only masochists would use this as a daily driver.

Ba ~ prlce: S240, $66,815; S260 Sport, $76,120 Vehide type: mid-engine, rear-drive; 1-d!XJf l-pas>e!l~er COIJpt' Interior lUiume,F lcargo (eu It) .41/4 Wheelba'it'.. . ....... 'Xl.5 in

Lengthl....iclthlheiljlt . . .. 149.5/&8.0/45.6 in Turningcircle ........ J2,8ft Curbwght J l00 lb EPA cityihighway m~ ......... 20/16 FlI('l-tank capacitylrarH}E:'. . .. 10,6gal/212 mi PQWERTRAIN supercharged and inten:ooIed I.S-litt1" DOH( 16-~alve inline-4, 240 IX 157hp, 170 or 174 Ib-It: 6-sp man SUSPENSION r....... ind, uneqwl-Iength COIltroi arms, COil >j)"i ng~ anti-roll bJr R• ind, lIIlequal-length oontrol arms, coit springs

SAFnY flr"a~(1, r/R ,

..... ventt'd, cross-drillt'd disc/l'ented, cross-drilled disc ABS.. . ... standard Stab~ity/t ractiOll WllIrol . nO! clI'a ilabie/opliOllal PasSiI'e restraint> , .... driver and passengt1" front airbags


0000 Maserati GranTurismo/S

Hi'fhs: Sensuous sheetmetat

Too portly to be taken seriously as a sports car, this elegant four-seat coupe delivers respectable performance along with seductive Pininfarina styling and gorgeous interior decor. Offered in regular form and a more potent S edition, these are pricey- but exclus ivity never comes cheap.

l:Ieautiful interior craftsmanship, lovely engine sounds, useful rear seat rarity.

lows: Seats lack lateral support, substantial mass, small trunk.

Wh,t'SJleW: Introduced fo r 2008; no changes for 2010.

lelriadli ewiee!: Although the steering is a bit numb and mass issubstantial, this seductil'i' and exclu5ive coupe is5ure-fOOled and far from slow, particularly with the 4.7-literV-8.

Base price: SI11,400; S, $115,400 V, hide type: front-engine, tEar-drive; 2-door 4-pa5>e!lger

"'~ Interior lUiume, FIR/cargo (cu It) .. . ...... 51/31/9 . ...... l1 S,8in Wheelba'it' .. . ,192.2172.7/53J in Lengthl....iclthlheiljlt . Turningcircle ........ J5,tft Curbwght .4400 lb EPA cityihighway m~ ......... 11/19 FlI('t-tank capacitylranqe .. . ... 22.7 9al/272 mi PQWERTRAIN 4.1-llter OOHC 31-va1ve V-8, 405 hp, 340 Ib-It; 4.7-llt('[ DOHC 31~al ve V-8, 433hp, 361Ib-It; 6-sp auto\11th manumatic shilting SUSPENSION F....... ind, uneqwl-Iength (ootrol anlls, COil \!Xings,anti- roll bJr R .ind, uneqwl-Iength cOIltroi arms, coil >j)"ings, anti-roll bJr



SAFnY BrakE'S, F/R,

. . .... ventt'd, cross-drilled disc/vented, cross-drilled disc ASS. standard Stabnity/tractlOll wllIrol standard/standard PasSive restraint> ....... dw and paS>l'flger froo~ Side, and curtainairbags


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Mazda RX-8

Hi,hs: Ugh! and hyper-agile, a

The lone survivor of Mazda's rotary-eng ine program , the lightwe ight RX-8 is a sweet-handli ng but odd two-plus-two

sports car. The pair of small half-doors helps access to the rear seats but also makes for an awkward roofl ine. Revised sty ling and an R3 performance pack were new in 2009.

9CKXl-rpm redline. usableback seats, €9,500 Vehide type: fronl-engine, front-drive; 3-door 4-pa5>e!l ger hatchbJck Iml'fior lUIu me, F/R/wgo (eu ft). . ..... 47m/16 Wheelba'it'.. . ....... 97,1 in length/wic!th/heiljll 145,6-146.2/66.3/55.4 in Tu rningcircle ........ .35,1ft Curhwght .255o-mO lb EPA City/highway rnfXj.. . ..... 24-28/32-37 FlI('l-tank capacitylrange .......... lQ,6-13.2lf'.rm-317 mi PQWERTRAIN 1,6-llter DOHC 16-valve inline-4, 118 hp, 114Ib-ft; turboch.Jrgl'd and intefcool'd 1.6-liter OOH( 16-vdlve inline-4, 172 or 1()g hp, 192 Gr "JfJ7Ib-/t; 6-,p man, 6-'>P autowith maoumatic,rifting SUSPENSION

F. R•

briskly-especially the highperformance versions.

5AFfTY Bra~es, FIR, vented ,j>e/di>e ASS.. . ... Slandard Stability/traction wnt rol . lIaodardlSlanda rd P.r;sive restraints, ... driver and pilssenger froo~ SIde, and curtain airbags


0000 Mini Cooper Clubman

Hi'fhs: Same cheeky Mini styling

A Mini Cooper with added length in the wheelbase, extra legroom in the rear seats, and a half-door on the passenger's side to ease ingress and egress to the back, the Clubman has all the fun and cuteness of the smaller Mini with a (s lightly) more hospitable rear seat.

and handling dynamks, more cargo room than regula r Cooper.

lows: No extra power from eithe r engine to offset added hefL still not comfortable in the back, 5illy split rea r doo rs block rear view. whifsJleW: Introd uced fo r 2008; no major changes for 1OlD.

'elriad liewieeJ: longer wheelba5e lessens the nervousness ofthe regularlength Minis but maintains the tOSS9,128 Vehide type: front-engi ne, fronl-drive; 3-door 4-pasSl'flger hotchback Interior volu me, FIR/cargo (eu ft). ..5(}-S2129/16 Wheelba'it' .. . ...... 101.4 in 180.4172.2/53.5-53.8 in ll'flgth/ ....ic!t hlheiljlt . Tu rningcircle .........4O,01t Curhwght 33llO-3650 1b EPA city/highway m~ . 16 ::>0/24 18 FlI('l-tank capacitylrange .. 17.71f'./3S3-354 mi PQWERTRAIN H-Ilter SOHC 16-vatve inline-4, 161 hp. 161 Ib-ft; l8-liter SQHC 14-vaM- V-6. 265 hp, 161 Ib-ft; 5- or 6-sp mon, 4- or 5-sp auto ....'th manUrn.ltKshifting


F. R



_ind, SlIUI'i, coil ~i ngs, ami-roll bar _ind, multiliri, coil~i ngs, ami-roll bar

SAFHY Brakes, FIR _vented discfveml'd ,jS( or di>e ASS .. . ........ standard Stability/traction control . . standard/standard P.r;sive restraints _driver ond pilssenger fron~ side, and curtain airbags; rearcurtainairbags


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Nissa n Alti rna A shortened and two-door version of the sporty Altima sedan, the coupe has unique and attractive styling and offers buyers a choice of a fuel-efficient four-cylinder or a very powerful V-6. Predictably, the rear seal is small , but the Alti ma does offer affordab le sty le and performance.

Hi,hs: PowerfuI V-6. unique

Base pri(e: 2.5S, m,I60; 3.SSR, $30,320 Vehide type: Wo nt-t'Ilglle, froot-t il'{'; 2-cIoo r 5-p.1SSengtf

5t~ i ng. fuel-sipping



Lows: (ramIX'd rearseats, shallow trunk. slightlycheapfee ling texture to interior plastic. V-6 overwhelms the front wheels. wilt's new: Introduced for 2008;

IntenorI'O lume, F/RJcargo (cuIt) , 49 53/37/8 WheelOOIe, , , 105,3 in Lengt h/Width/ht'i ght 180,9170.7/55,9in j4,H6,11t Tuming Circle" Cllfbwdght 3100-mO lb EPACity/highway mpg 18-B/2H2 Fuel-tankcapacity/lange , ............. , 20,09.11/360-460 mi POWERTRAIN

ae"tnd tktwhtel: Not really

2.5-liter OClHC 16-~al'((' inline-4, 1701)1" 175 hp, 175 1)1" 180 IbIt; 3.5-liler OOf-K: 24-~al '((' V-6, 270 hp, 258 Ib-It; 6->p man, contin uoosly variable auto

any different than thesedan. the


no major changes for 2010.

two-door retains the sporty feel of the four-door The V-6version ol'erwhelmsthe front tires; the four-banger is abit dull.

SAFETY &rakes, FIR" vented diSddiIC ABS.. standard Stabilityltractioo control sta ndardlsWldard PaIli've Jell:ra intl . ,driver and passengerfront, side, ...,d curtain alrbags; rear curta in arrbags


0000 Nissan GT-R The GT-R is a successful attempt to create a Ferrari riva l with a Porsche price tag. Its turbo V-6 is stun ning, lhe grip ridiculous, and its performance numbers are a match for cars that cost twice as much. It can feel a bit massive, but it's a supercar, and a surprisingly affordab le one at that.

Hi,hs: Seriousthrust serious grip, serious look, serious all-wheeldrive system, serious curbappeal, serious bargain, Lows: Serious~ small rear seats, serious~ massive and heavy. wilt's nrw: Imroduced for 2009; five e~tra horsepower for 2010, ae.ind tb whtel: TheGT-Ris fast, agile, andexceptional~ responsi ~e for acarlhal weighs nearly400) pounds. The steering is precise, grip isplenliful; it's the supercaryour momcoulddrive.

ind, strut~ codspring~ anti-rol l OOr ,ind, multilin k, coft spring~ anti-roH bar

f R

Base prite: $81,7'1J front- engine, 4-l'Aleel-dri~; 2-dlXJf 4-pa\sengl'f

Vehid ~ typ~: 'OO~

InteriorI'O lume, F/RJcargo (cuIt) . WheelOOIe .. Lengt h/Width/hei ght luming circle


r~eI -tank cap.lcity/range ,

.53/26/9 .1(l9,4in 183. tI74,9/54,0 in J6.6ft . J'nl lb . ..... 16/21 19.5 gal1312mi


tw in-turlxxha rged and intercooled l8-liter OOHC 24-val\'e V-6, 485 hp, 434I b-ft; 6->p dual-clutchautomated man SUSPENSION

r, R

. ind, unequal-lt'Ilgth (Ontrol arm~ (O~ springs, anti-rol l OOr ,ind, multili nk, codspri ng~ anti-rol l bar

SAfETY &rakes, FIR..

.. vented, cross-tilled disc/vented, cross-dril led disc ASS st.3ndard Stability/tractioo control ........ .. srar"Kiard /standard PasJjve rest ra ints. ,dri \'el" and passengerfronl,Side, ...,d curtain airbags; rear curta inairbags



Comparison Test

Nissan 370Z Redes igned last year, the two-seat 370Z is a potent combination of serious horsepower and a will ing and griptastic chass is. It can occasionally feel like a really quick tank (heavy and cramped), and the V-6 still groans unflatteringly. The 350-hp NISMO Z turns the chassis tune 10 II .

Hi,hs: Ultraman woulddrive one, incrediblegrip, powerful brakes, quick acceleration, solid structure, attractive base price. Lows: V-6 cansound coarse, sealing position uncomfortable for some, abit loud and unrefined. wbt'suw: Redesignedfor 2009; unchangedfor 2010. If.ind Ib whetl: Solid, quick, and readyfor the track, the Z can feel abit too stiff, noisy, and unrefined for dailyuse.


0000 50


• WlJUIer Base prite: $30.500 (f'St); NISMo. S40500 (est) Vehid~ type: front- en~ioe, rear-drive; 3-door 2-passengl'f hatmOOck InteriorI'O llIIlle. FIcargo (cu It) .. ..... 5217 . .... loo,4in Yhu'elOOIe .. Length /Width/ht'i ght ...... 167.1- 1743/72.6/51,8in lumingcircle J4.1ft ,33S()-3400 lb ~~~c;;t~h~ay'mpg ..... 18/26 ruel-tankcap.l(ily/range , 19.0gall342mi POWERTRA1N

H -Iner OOHC24-valve V-6, m OJ 350 hp. 270 or176 Ib-ft: 6->p man, 7->p autowith manu matiC shifting SUSPENSION


. ind, unequal-length co ntrol .3rm~ co~ spring~ anti-rol l OOr ,ind, multili nk, codspring~ ant i-rol l bar

SAFETY &r.3 kes, FIR. .'(['flted diIC/verued diIC ABS.. standard Siability/tractioo control .......... standard /standard I'osJjve rest ra ints. ,dri\'el" and p.lssengerfronl, side, ...,d curta inairbags 2010 BUVERS GUIDE

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lOBes! Winne,

Porsche Cayman Basically a Boxster with a helmet, the WBest-winning

Cayman offers track-rated poise with superb steering, deft body control, and a pair of willing six-cylinder engines. The PDK transmission is one of the best automated manuals,

but it's hard to beat a traditional Porsche manual.

Hi,hs: Bener-Iookingthan a Boxster, stiff structure. laserprecise handling. Lows: Pricier than aBoxster and

the roofdoesn't come down. whlt'sl!w: Introduced for 2006; unchanged for 2010. lehlId titwkeel; The power, lowweight, and terrific gripare well balanced. It's a91 1-rivaling

experienceat a largediscount and the new engine') and dualclutch transmission added for 2009 only made it bener.

Base price: S52,350; S, S62,4S0 Vehide type: mid-engine, rear-oove; 3-doo r 2-pa5>e!lger hatchbJck Iml'fior lUIume, F/cargo(cuIt). . .... .... 48/14 Wheelba'it' .. . .... ... 95.1 in letlgth/wic!t h/heiljlt 172.3/70.9/5 1.3-5 1.4 in Turningcircle ..... ....36.4ft Curbwght .295Q-3050 Ib EPA cityfhighway mfXj .. . .... . 19-20/26-29 FlM'I-ta nk capacitylrange .. 16.9 gaI/321- 338 mi PQWERTRAIN

19.. llter DOHC24-valve flat-6, 265 hp, 221 Ib-It; 3.4-liter OOHC 24-valve flat-{). 320 hp, 273 Ib-It; 6-sp man, 7-sp dua l-cl utch automated manual SUSPENSION

F. R•


. .... ..... .Vl'flted. cfOSs-drilied oi>C/ \'['flted, cfOSs-drilled disc ASS.. . ... Slanda rd Stability/traction [l)ntrol . ,tandard/Slanda rd P.r;'iive restraims. . ..dri'll'f and passengedroo~ SIde, and curtain airbags Brakes. FIR .


00000 Porsche 911 CarrerafTarga The 997-generation redesign restored much of the vi sceral nature of earlier air..cooled 911 s. Lots of engine and drivetrain options are available, and all are different flavors of delectable. We still prefer the manual , but the optional PDK is one of the best dual .. clutch automated boxes.

Hi'fhs: Sleering perfection; ,tid, 10 comer,; mighly brake,; Targa islike aconvertible, bUl stiffer; superb Iransmissions.

Lows: As commonascarrolS, bounds on short wheelbase, back seat is for show only.

Bue pnl'flger targo Int('f ior lUIume, F/Il,f cargo (eu ft). . .. . ........ 48/16/4 WheelbaSE. . . ..... .. 92.5 in 175.8I71.l-72.9/51.1-51.6 in Ll'flgthlWlc!th/heiljlt Turningcircle ..... ....36.01t Curb weight. . . ... .3200-)400 Ib EPA citylhighwoy mpg . 18- 19125-27 rU€1"Mn! capacity/rJ ng€ ..... ..... 16.9-17.? gaI/304-32 1mi

whifsJlew: Carreraredesigned for 2004, Targa for 2007; unchanged for 2010.

PQWERTRAIN 3.6.. lner DOH( 24-valve flat-6, 345 hp, 188 Ib-It: 3.8-liter OOH(

Belriad tiewieeJ: Thefiat..six is fabulous at full wail, the steering issublime, andgrip is abundant It's hardtotoptheexperience.


24-valve flat-6. 385 hp. 310 Ib-It; 6-sp man, 7-sp dua l-clutch automated manual R•

Blakes. FIR .

. .. . ........... .Vl'flted. OW-drilled di >C! \'['flted, cross-drilled diS( ASS . standa rd standard/Slanda rd Stability/traction wntrol . .dri'll'f and passenger froo~ side, and P.r;'iive restraims. curtain airbags

00000 After a one .. year hiatus, the GT3 is back and better than ever. A larger and more powerful engine now revs to a gio.. rious 8500 rpm . Active engine mounts are new, as is stabil .. ity control, which can thankfully be shut off completely. The RS has a wider stance, more power, and less weight.

. .... ind, strul'i, coil ~i ng~ anti- mil ba r . ... ind, multilirt, coil \!X ings. anti- roll ba r



Porsche 911 GT3/GT3 RS

.ind, Slrul'i, coil ~i ngs, ami-roll ba r . .... ind, Slrul'i, coil ~i ng~ ami- roll ba r

Lows: Far from subtle, factory roll cage not offered intheStates.

Base prite: G13, Sl1 3,IS0; G13 RS, S133,595 Yehide type: t€a r- engillE. rear-drive; 2-door 2-passengercoo~ Int('f ior lUIum~, r/cargo{cuIt). . .... ... . 48/20 Wheelba'it'.. . .... ... 92.7 in Ll'flgthl!th/heiljlt .1 76.4/71.1150.4 in Turningcircle ..... ....36.0fi Curb weight. ..... .. .3250 Ib EPA cityfhighwoy mpg 14/21 FlM'I-Mnk capacity/range ..... ..... 17.7 23.8 ga1l248 333 mi

Whit's JleW: Reintroduced for' 1O.

3.8-I ~er OOHC24-valve Hat-{). 435 IX 450 hp. 317Ib-fi ;6-spman

Hi'fhs: Aturnkey track monsler, still manual-only,load5 of high.. tesen gercOlJp€ ImeriorI'O lume, F/RJ caI!1l (cu It) .. .48/16/4 Wheeloole .. ..92.5in Length /Width/ht'i ght 176.3/72.9/51 .2in Turning Orde .. . ..36.01t Cllfbwdght 3500-3(:{J(l lb EPA City/highway rnpg ... 16IB(estl Fuel -tankcapacity/lange . .............. 17.7 gaI1283rni(est) POWERTRAIN twin-turbocharged and irItl'fcooled 3.8-litl'f OOHC 14-vall'l' Oat-6, SOO hp. 479 or 516 Ib-It; 6-sp man, 7-sp dual-dutch automated



ind, strut~ cod spring~ anti-mil oor .Ind, multilink, coft spring~ ant i -r~ 1 bar

SAFETY Brakes, FIR..

veOH'd, cross-otilled discJverul'd. cross-drilll'd disc ABS. . standard Slability/tractioo cOrltmi .......... sta ndard/standard PasliV!' rNra ims. .driver and p.lssenger froot. side, ...,d curta in aimags

Base pri(e: $41 3,000 type: fro nt-engine, rear-wheel -drive; 2-door 4-


passenger coupe InteriorI'O lume, F/RJcar!1l (cu h) . W"heeIOOIe .. Lengt h/Width/hei ght luming cirde


.53/40/11 .130.7in .2lO.9f78.2162.9 in A30 1t .. 5800 Ib ...... 11/18 26.4 gal/290 rni

r~eI -tan k capacity/range . POWERTRAIN 6.7 -hter DOH( 48-vallle V-U, 453 hp, 531 Ib-It; 6-sp aUlo SUSPENSION r. . .ind, uneqllal-Iength control arms. air springs, anti-mit bar R .ind, multilink. air springs, anti-mit bar

SAFETY &rakes, r/R. . . ...... ventl'd disc/l'eIltl'd disc ASS st.3ndard Stability/traction COrltr~ ........ .. standard/standard p.,JjI'l' rest raints. .dri l'el and p.lssenger front. Side. ...,d curtain aimags; rear curt.3inaimags

Base pri(e: $17,670 Vehide type: fro nt-t·nglle. froot -otive; 3-cIoor 5-passenge-r hiltchback InteriorI'O lume, F/RJCJlgo 49/36/13 . 11)).3 in Wheeloole .. Length /Width/hf'i ght 174.0/69.1155.7 in Turning Orde .. . ..36.1It Cllfbwdght 195O-3000 lb EPA citylhighway rnpg "fJ- n/17 19 Fuel -tankcapacity/lange . .............. 14.5gal/29J-305mi POWERTRAIN 2.4-liter OOHC 16-valve inline-4, 161 hp, 161Ib-It; S-sp man, 4-sp auto SUSPENSION f .. . .... ind. struts, cod springs. anti·mll bar R ind, multilink, cod springs, anti-mil oor


&rakes, FIR ..

vt'fltl'd disc/disc ABS .. standard Slability/tractioo cootrol .... l\Ot aVJilable/not available PasJjI'l' rest raints. ..driver .3 nd passenger frent Jjde. knee (driVl'f only), and curtain almags; rear curta in almags 201 0 BUYERS GUIOE

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Smart Fortwo Longa fixtureon Euro roads, this diminutive and striking

Daimler product is sold here through Penske Automotive Group. It is the smallest car on the U.S. market (nearly 40 inches shorter than a Mini Cooper), but that doesn't translate to the smashing fuel economy you mi ght expect.

Hi,hs: Workswell inurban areas, huge insidefor two people, easy to park, fairly nimble. Lows:JlUeryon the freeway, laughable transmission, fuel el' .. .103.9 in Length fwidth/hl'i ght 167.4/70.2/57.0 in . .. 38,1ft Tuming circle .. .mo-nOO lb Curb weight .. EPA cily/highwcly mpg 21f29-30 fuel-tclnkcapacily/rafllJe , 15.9gat/334 mi POWERTRAIN rurbochargl'd and intefcooll'd 15-liter OOHC 1()-va lve inline-5, 127 hp, 236 lb-ft:6-sp man.5-:.p iI\IlOw~h manumatiCshiftill9 SUSPENSION F, ,ioo, strut~ codsprill9s. anti-rol l bar R . md, mu ltilink, coa springs. anti-rol l bar Vt'hid ~

SAFETY Brakes, FIR.. vented diSddis.:: ASS st.3ndard Stobility/trclctioo cootrol Stlrd.3rd/standard Passive Jeltraints. ,driver .3 nd passenger froot. side, and (urtlin aimags: f\'a r (urtain aimags


000 WHAT TO KNOW BEFORE GOING TO THE DEALER KNOW THE INVOICE PRICE Look up a veh icle's invoice price in our online Buyer's Guide (buyersguide, CARa With the exception of all-new or very popu lar cars, you should be able to get a deal close r to invoice than MSRP. GET YOUR OWN FINANCING Better interest rates can often be had from your loca l bank or credit union, or you can present the rates you were offered elsewhere to your sa lesperson and ask him or her to match or beat them. That being sa id, promotiona l rates from the carmakers ca n be tough to beat. CHECK YOUR CREDIT HISTORY Knowing you r credit history will give you a better idea of what to expect. You 54

can get a free copy of your credit report once a year from each of the three major c redit-reporting agencies. Pay the extra few bucks to get your credit score as well.

TIME YOUR PURCHASE At the end of the month, many dea lers need to reach sales goals to qual ify for manufacturer bonuses. Also, if you shop on a midweek morni ng when business is slow, the salespeople are more likely to make a good deal. DON' T BUY ON YOUR FIRST VISIT Use the first visit to exami ne and testd rive. Be clear that you will not be buying, but watch what you say- especial ly if you're asked how much you are prepared to pay. Your answer may be used as a starting point for eventual negotiations.


CHECK FOR REBATES Be awa re of all the rebJtes for which you qual ify and make su re you receive them. GET MULTIPLE INTERNET QUOTES offers free online pricing quotes from you r local dealers. Get quotes from multiple dea lers before you ever visit any of them, If dealers know they are competing, it wi ll be easier for you to get their best offer immediate ly. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT Once you're ready to buy, call and make an appointment. By doing so, you communicate that you are serious about t his purchase and know what you are doing. Also, your chances im prove of getting a stra ight-shooting salesperson who knows you won't be easy fodder. 2010 BUVERS GUIOE

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WORLD CLASS PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING At Falken, we believe a race is not just a race, It's a test bed. Our nch motorsports expertise spans from Japan's Super

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interior volume


b •• o price



16/22 11/17' 14-18119- 28 16123 10117 11115' 14- 23/20- 36 11- 18117- 28 11 - 18/17- 28 13-15/18- 22' 12- 14118- 19 15122- 23 15- 18/22- 27 14- 17/20- 25 15- 16/21- 25 15- 16/22- 25' 17- 19/24- 26 16-21/23- 29 16123-24 16-17123- 25 16/24 11/17- 18 10/16

fueilflnk, lI·lI lonl

fro ntlrel r /UI', 0, cubic'" ,

OVER $40,000

A(Ur;1 Rl Mlon Manin Rapid. Alldi .1.6156 AudiA8

Bentley Continental Flying Spur

B."tl.y MulSe!lger hatchbJck . SfJ/4D/26 (est) Iml'fior lUiume, F/R/cargo (eu It). Wheelba'it' .. .. ..... 11 7.7 in letlgth/wic!t h/heiljlt t97,6f76,0(estl/515 in Turningcircle .... 4O.01t (est) Curbwght .4350 Ib . ........ 11/17 (est) EPA (ityfhighway mM .. FlM't-tank (apacitylrange .. .23.9 g.at1263 mi (est) PQWERTRAIN

whit'sleW: Introduced fo r 2010.

lehid llewleel; Essentially a fou r-door DB9, the stunningly styled Rapide isa graceful, high· spee\! cruiser that will actually hold four full-size occupants plus some luggage,

5.9-llter OQHC 4Il-valve v-n, 470 hp, 443 Ib-It; 6-sp auto with manumaticsliifiing SUSPENSION r....... ind, uneqwl-Ierqth COIltroi arm" COil >j)'irqs,anti-roll iJar R . ind, uneqwl-Ierqth cOIltroi anm, coil >j)'irqs, ami-roll iJar


flra~(1,f IR, , 1'eIl1~ dWl'ellt~ disc ASS. standard Stability/tracnon control . standard/standard Passive restraint> ....... dri'/('r and paS>l'llgel' froo~ side, and (urtain airbags; rear(urtain airba g>



Comp.nuon Ttsf

Audi M/S4 With sleek styling reminiscent of the AS coupe, the re-

fined and eminently pleasing A4 enters 2010 with only a few changes. 11le V-6 option is dead, so all A4s have the torquey turbo four. The S4 rejoins the lineup after a year off, packing a 333-hp, supercharged 3.0-liter V-6.

Hi,hs: Dynamically pleasing; strong engines; the lOBestwinning S4 dethrone\! the BMW 335i in acomparison test, but. Lows: The A4 is no matchfor a 328i, can feel a bit grittier than the competition, pricey.

whifsJleW: Redesigned for 2009; 3.2-literV-6 model isdead, S4 is all-new fo r 2010.

lelriad Ile wlee); Solid, responsive, and chuckable, the A4 deliversloads of luxury, and the 54, plenty of sport.

lOBe,! Winner

",:''' Z010 • Bue prl(e: 2.01, $32,275: 2,OT Owttro, SH,175; S4 Quattro,

.- Winner

%,725 Vehide type: front-engme, front- or 4-wherl -dri'/c; 4-door 5paslengel'sedan Int('rio.- lUiume, FIR/cargo ((u It) . .. . ....... 53141/12 WheelbaSE.. . ...... 110.7 in .185.2-185}171.9/55.4-56.2 in LetlgthiWlc!th/heiljlt Turningcircie ... 37.4 37.71t Curb weight. .. .... 3600-4()SO Ib EPA cityfhighwJ)' mM . 18-23/27-30 rlI€l-Mnk capacity/ra llg€ .......... 16,9-17.2 gaI/304-- 396 mi POWERTRAIN

and intercool~ 2.0-tit('r ooHC 16-valve intine-4, 211 hp. 258 Ib-ft: supercharged and i nterr:ooI~ lQ-lit('r DOH( 24-~al ve V-6. m hp, 325 Ib-ft: cootinoousl)- ~a riable auto, 6-sp mao, 6-sp auto with manumallcsliilting. 7-sp dual-dutch aUiomat~ man 1UrOO::haflJ~


. ... ind, muttilirt, COil IIXirqs,anti-roll oor · .Ind. ntultilirt, COil >j)'i rq~ anti-roll lJar

SAFnY flrak(1,fIR, vented o:.::/disc ASS. startdard Stabdity/tractron control . standard/standard Passive restrain~ , ... dri'ler clnd passenger froot side, and curtain ail'bJgs; rear side (opt) artd curtain clirba g>



Companson Tnt .- Winntr

Audi A6/S6

Hi,hs: Fetching inside and out,

Base A6s get a ho-hum 265-hp V-6, but moving up to the supercharged V-6 yields far more power and effonless acceleration- so much so that the V-8 seems entirely unnecessary. For those who want it all, the sporty $6 alTers a Lamborghini-based y . [0 with 450 horsepowe r.

light on its fee!. supercharged V-6's thrust, 56's strong V-l0 sounds fantastic.

Lows: Heavy, V-8 is a bit pointless, 56 has arough ride.

Wh,t'sJlew: Redesigned for 2005; revised 12-literV-6 thisyear.

lelriad Ilewlee); The A6 is a quiet and comfortablecruiser when you want it to be, but when driven more aggressively, it shines with precise handling, good brakes, and power to spare.

Base price: A6 12, $46,025; 10 Qual1ro, S51,0l5; 4,2 QWl1ro, 561 ,775/S6, $78,225 Vehide type: front-engine, front- or 4-'MlI;'eI-drive; 4-door 5-passeng('r sedan . ..... 51145/16 Iml'fior lUiume, F/R/cargo (eu It). 'NneelbaSE .. .t1t.9-112,1 in ........ 193.5/7l0- 714157.0- 57.4 in ll'Jl gthi.,.,lc!th/heiljlt ........ J9,01t Turningcircie Curb weight. . . .3900-4500 Ib EPA (ityfhighway mM . . 14-18/19-28 FlM't-Mnk capacity/range .. 21.1 gaI/295 380 mi POWERTRAIN

supercharged and interr:ooI~ lQ-liter DOlI( 24-valve V-6, }()(l hp, 310 III-It; 12-liter DOHe 24-vdlve V-6, 165 hp, 243 III-It; 4,2-liter 001-( 32-~cll l'l2 V-S, 350 hp,325 Ib-ft; 5.2-li ter 001-( 4O-valveV-l0, 435 hp, 398lb-It; 6-sp auto .,.,ith manumaticsliifting. cootinuou~y variableauto SUSPENStON F•• R•



· .ind, multitirt, COil >j)'i rq~ anti-roll lJar · .ind, multitirt, COil >j)'i rq~ ami-ro ll bar


flrak(1, rIR, ....... vent~ disc/solidor YeIlt~ disc ASS. startdard St.3bnity/tractlon cootrol standard/startdard Passive restraint> .... .... driv/'r and paS>l'llgel' froo~ side, and curtainairbags; rear ~de (opt) artd (urtain airba g>


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AudiA8 Now in its final year before a redesign, Audi 's aluminum flagship loses the W- 12 version and the sporty S8 for 2010.

An iconoclastic alternative to the more popu lar Mercedes S-class, the AS is a refined and beautifully made luxu!), car

that can do a convinc ing impersonation of a sports sedan.

Hi,hs: Classy looks and fine craftsmanship, comfortable interior, athletic moves. Lows: (an be a bit too sporty for those seeking pure luxury

Wiat's nN: Rerlesigned for 2004; S8 andW-12 models are both dead, andshort-wheelbase versions get 19-inch wheels_

Ifiind titwktll: Beginning to feela bit too fam iliar, the A8 remains luxurious andoffersa light and agilefeel thaI is missing insome of its competition.


0000 Bentley Continental Flying Spur A four-door version of the Continental GT coupe, the amusingly named Flying Spur is available with 552 horsepower or an even 600 from a twin-turbo W-12. In either guise, this sedan offers a ridiculous amount of luxury, sty le, bu ild quality, and straight-line petformance.

HI,hs: Elegant design, the sensory owriwd of the leather interior, massi\'(' cabinspJce, allractively priced versusother Bentleys and some yachts. Lows: Controlsfrom thelfW PhaelOn, curbweight rivals thai of manySUVs.

Wial's ntw: Introduceide, kn~ and curtain airbogs; rearcu rlain ilirbags

00000 Hi'fhs: Brilliant steering, brakes, andhandling; afla wless engine lineup; simple, handsome interior.

Base price: 328i, $33,675; 328i illrM'. $35,675; 335i, }.II,125; 335i x[)rM;>, }.I3,12S; m d. $44,725; Ml, $55.675 Vehide type: flOllt-ero;rirJe, rNr- or 4-whed-driVl': 4·door


BMW S-series/MS

lOBes! Winner

Base pri(e: 5281, $46,625; 5281 xDrNt, S48,925; 535i, 551,925: 535ixDri~, $54,225; 55Oi, $61,225; M5, )89,325 Vehide type: !root l'tIgit1\', rear or 4 whed drive: 4 door 5-~~er)e(\an

InteriOr ~~ume, FI R/cargo (cu II) 54/45/14 Whedbose . 113.7 in ll'tlgth/widlhlheight .. 191.1-191.5172.7157,8-58.3 in 37.5-40] ft lumi ngcircle Cu rb Weig ht ... . .. ..355e .. . 115.6in Length /Width/hl'i ght 203.2173.8/58.0in Tumingdrde. 42.3 44.01t .3800-4050 Ib ClIIbweight .. 15-17/22-26 EPAcitylhighwcly mpg ruel-Iankcapacity/range . ..... ..... 18.5gaI/27S-315mi POWERTRAIN

19-1iter push roo 12-vaNe V-fI, m hp, m Ib-It; 4.6-literDOHC 32valve V-S, 292 hp, 288 Ib-ft; 4-sp . uto SUSPENSION

.ioo, strul~ codsprings, ant i-rol l bar · ind, multili nk, coa springs, ant i-rol l bar

F. R

!\rakes, FIR .. ABS .. Stability/tracuoo cootrol



p.,JjV€ rest ra ints.

Vftlted disddil( standard .standard (seloo models)1 standard ·drilll' and passeogerfroot, Side. an d curtain airbags: rear curta inaimags

10Besl Winne,

Cadillac CTS/CTS-V The CTS is Cadillac' s rival to sports sedans from Germany and Japan, and it impresses with its refinement, back-seat space, interior quality, and ride and handling. A two-time IOBest Cars winner, the lineup is crowned by the burly and athletic crs-V, a worthy M3 and M5 rival.

Hi,hs: Germanicchassis, strong engines, distinctive exterior design, high-quality interior. Lows: Slightlyoverweight, manual gearbox lacks refi nemen~ Vmodel cani)e quite thirsty.

\ft1t'S ntw: Redesignedfor 2008, Vfor 2009; 270-hp, lO-liter direct-injectionV-f; isthe new base engine. Bt"ind tbwhttl:Hasataut and responsive chassis. Skipthe manual; autotransmission is slick andoffersmanual override.


00000 62

Base price: CTS10, m,555; lOAWO, $40,755: 1 6, $44,650; 16 AWD, $46.550. OS-V, 562,845 Vehide type: front-engine, rea r- or 4-wheel-dlilll.'; 4-door 5-pas>engersedan InteriorI'O lume, F/RJeargo (cuIt) . .54/44/14 Wheelb.J>e .. . 113.4 in Length /Widthlhl"llgel froo~ side, and (urtain airbags; rear(urlain aimags



00000 Cadillac STS It might not be the superstar in its segment, but the STS offers an inviting interior, a handsome exterior, and decent handling. The base V-6 engine gives up little in terms of performance to the V-8 and gets better mileage. The STS- V perl'ormance mode l qu ietly bit the dust this year.

Hi,hs: V-6 makes the regularV-8 redundan~ a good quality interior, all-wheel-drive option makes sense for the Snowbelt. Lows:Son seats; son base suwension; big on the outside, not so big inside. whifsJleW: Introduced fo r2004, Ihe STS is essential~ unchanged for 2010, although the Vis gone, Belriad lie wiee): lt offers decent ride and handling. bUI it's tleginning to feel old The base V-6is willing and able,

Bue price: Y-6, $47,670; Y-6 AWD, $49,%5: y.g, $57,170:y·g AWD, S71 ,160 Yehide type: front-engiflt', rear- or 4-whoo-dri'/e; 4-doo r 5-passenger sedan In\f"rior lUIume, FIR/ca!ga ((u It). . ......... 56/43/14 . ...... 116.4 in WheelbaSE .. ll'rlgthiWlc!th/heiljlt 1%3/72_6/57.6 in ... 37.7 38,8ft Tu rningcircle .... 4000-4350 Ib Cu mweight. .. EPA cityihighwJ)' mpg . 15-18/22-27 rlI€l-Mnk capacity/rJ Ilg€ .. 17.5 giII/263-315 mi PQWERTRAIN 16-lner OOHC 14-valve v-6, 302 hp, m Ib-It; 4,6-lner OOHC 32~JI '/(' Y-B, 320 hp, 315Ib-ft; 6-)p outo with monumat iC , hifting SUSPENSION F....... ind, unequal -Ierqth control arms, coil >j)"i rq~ anti- ro ll ba r R. . .ind, multil iri, coil >j)"i ng~ anti- ro ll ba r

SAFnY flrak(1,f /R ,

,ventt'd dWvented disc standa rd Stabdity/traalon control . standard/standa rd Passil'€ restraints , ...... .driver and paSS€ngf"r front, Side. and curtain airbags; rearcurtain aimogs ASS_


00 Chevrolet Aveo A basic-transponation car built for Chevrolet in Korea by Daewoo, the Aveo's biggest strength is bargain pricing that includes a fair amount of standard equipment. Updates for 2010 include a small power increase, but performance still trails that of the subcompact segment leaders.

Hi,is: Not bad-looking. improved fit and finish, solid chassis, ample room for fou r, priced to sell. Lows: Dghl pass-Ihrough to the trunk, four-speed automatic, curtain airbags una~a i la ble, whit'sJleW: Redesigned for 1007; minortrim updates, engine output increases by 2 hp_ Belriad liewiee): The Aveo is a cheap-as-possible car bUI slill manages a decent ride and competent responses, Overall performance is merely adequate,

..... indo Slrut" COil>j)"ing\, anti-roll lJa r . ind, multil iri, coil >j)"ings, anti-roll lJa r

Base price: LS, $12,685; LT. S14,820 Yehide type: fronr-engi ne, front-dri'/e; 4-door 5-pa5>e!lger


Iml'fior lUIume, FIR/cargo (cu It). Wheelba'it' .. ll'rlgth/ ....idt hlheiljlt . Tu rningcircle Curbwght EPA cityihighway mpg FlM'I-ta nk (apacityfrange ..

. ..... 50/40/11 . ..... .. 97,6 in . ,169.7/67.1/59.1 in ........ J3.0ft J600 lb . 25 27/34 35 11.9gi11ma-l21 mi

PQWERTRAIN 1.6-llter OO OC 16-~31 '/(' inl i ~-4, 108 hp, 105Ib-ft; 5-sprrun, 4-sp




. ....... ind, stMS. COil \!X ings, anti- roll ba! _ind, trailing arms. coil spring,

SAFnY flrak(1,f/R,

,venteddi:.cbtum _optional Stobnityltraalon wmrol not ............ driver and paI>I"Ilger froot and side aimags ASS_


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Chevrolet Cobalt

Hi'Jhs: Sturdy architecture. all-day seat comfort. Bluetooth

The compact Cohalt family competes in a tough segment, pitted again st bestsellers like the Honda Civic and Toyota Corolla. Offered in three trim levels for 20 I0 (the four-door SS has been dropped), the Cobalt 's strengths are a solid structure, lots of features, and good mileage.

phone connectivity, radios with

iPod-compatible USB ports.

Lows: Forgettable styling. so-so power, asthmaticexhaust note, four-speed automatic. wbt'suw: Introduced for 2005; 55 sedan droppe\l, trim tweaks. Ifiind titwktll: The Cobalt's unibody isstiffer than many. yielding surprisingly good handling and apleasant ride. Avoid the automatic option,

Base pri(e: $15,710; 15, $16.3':10; L1, $17,1':10 Vehide type: Wont-t'Ilg lle. froot -liil'{'; 4-cIoo r 5-p.1SSengtf


Imenorl'O lume, FlRJcargo (cu h). .49/38/14 Whl'eIoo\e .. . 103.3 in Length /Width/ht'i ght 180.5/67.9/57.1in Tuming Circle .. . . .37.41'1 Cllfbwdght .2800 Ib EPA City/highway mpg 24-25/1]-37 Fuel-taokcapacity/lange. . ............. 11.0 gal/l1 2-125 mi POWERTRA1N n literOOHC 16-~al\'e in li ne-4, 155 hp, 150 Ib-ft; 5-sp mao, 4-sp auto SUSPENSION f. ·indo ,trutl. co~ sprillgs, clnti-roIl bar R ind, trai lingarrn~ codsprillgs. ant i-rol l bar


!\rak6. r/R. .

. . . . . . . . .. .\'eIlt€'d disc/lium optional Stability/tracuoo cootroi ..... ... not ava il able/optional Pas~V\' JeStraintl . driver and pa,sengtf front and Cll/tain airbags. rear curta in aimag,



00 Chevrolet Impala Althoug h it' s approaching the automotive equivalent of late middle age, Chevy 's biggest sedan is essentially unchanged for 2010. It gives something away to segment leaders such as the HondaAccordand Toyota Camry in terms of refinement but is roomy, with reasonable fue l economy.

Hi,hs: Roomy and quiel within, numerOU5 5afetyfeatures, decent fue leconomy. Lows: Forgettable styling. needs a betterau!Omalictransmission, overdue for a major makeover, no four -cylinder option.

Base prite: lS, S24,715; LT, $25.880: LIZ, $30,455 type: from-ellglllE', front-dri\'e; 4-door 5-6-passengl'f



InteriorI'O llIIIle, FIRJcargo (cu h) . W"heeI oo\e .. Lengt h/Widthlhei ght Jurning cirde


r~eI -tcln k Cclpacity/rclllge .

.57/48/19 . ... . 110.5in .200.4ln9/SB.7 in laO-400 ft 3600- 3700 lb 17-18/27-29 . .... ..... 17.5gal/298-315 mi


Will's new: Redesigned for 2006; Impala SS euthanized for 2010. Bflind litwhtll: Although reasonablyquiet and competent, Impalasare 5noozemobiles. It'5an okaychoice for a nonenthu5iast who needs a lot of space.

15-hter pushrod 12-valve V-f" 207 hp. 215 Ib-h; 19-1iter pushrod ll-~a lve V-f" 230 hp,138 lb-h; 4-sp amo SUSPENSION f. R


!\rakes, r/R. .


00 Chevrolet Malibu Once a mid-size also-ran, the Mal ibu 's makeover two years ago made it a must-see for fam ily- sedan shoppers. Indeed, stylish sheetmetal, an attractive interior, and competent dynamics make this domestic four-door a solid alternative to the segment's Japanese bestsellers.

Hi,hs: Spiffy styling, altraClive interiors, lots of safetyfeawre5, respectable engine lineup, optional six-speed automatic. Lows: Some interior trim 51ill looks cheap, dull performance with four-speed automatic. Wilt's ntw: RedeSigned for 2008; power lumbar 5upport replace5 manual, trim and color updale5. Btlind titwhtll: Asturdy cha55i5 gives the Malibu betlert han - a~erage dynamic responses as well as plea5ant ride quality.


0000 64


· indo ,trut~ co~ sprillgs, clnti-roI l bar ·ioo, strut~ codsprings. ant i-rol l bar

vented diSc/disc

standard Stability/tractioo cootroi ..... ..... stardard/standard PclSJjV€ restra ints. .dri \'el clnd passenger lront. Side. ide, iII1d curta in aubilgs; rearside and curtain almags

00000 The fourth-generation Elantra pitches value and a fabulous warranty against its arch rival, the Toyota Corolla. A new-for-2010 Blue edition with a manual transmission stretches highway mileage to 35 mpg. New fabrics and trim improve on an already well-executed interior.

F/RJc¥go (eu h)

Length /Widthlhf'i ght Turn ingCircle . Curb wf'ight . EPA citylhighway mpg Fuel-tankcdp.lcitY/lilnge,


Hyundai Elantra

,ind, )trut~ co~ springs, .nti-roIl bar ind,trailingarms, coilllJriogs

f. R

Hi,hs: Big interiorseats four

Base pri(e: Blue, S14,865; GLS, S17 ,61 5; SE. S18,565 Vehide type: Wo nt-t'Ilglle. froot-liil'{'; 4-cIoor 5-passengtf

comfortably, lots of standard featur€'), comprehensive safety equipment, high mpg.


Lows: Some engine noise at highway speeds, lower resale, an indistinct transpon unit.

Interior I'O l lJIIl~, F/RJc¥go (cu h)

Wheeloole .. Length /Widthlhf'i ght

Turn ingCircle ..

56/42/14 . 104.3 in 177.4/69,9/SS.3 in ..,33.9 1'1

1750- 29JO Ib 2'i 26/34 35 Fuel-tankcapacitY/lange, .............. 14.09.11/350-364 mi

Cllfbwdght EPA citylhighway mpg POWERTRAIN

wbt's ntw: Redesigned for 2007; minortrim changes for 2010, plus high-mpg Blue edition.

Ifiind litwkeel: Compared with the (oralia, it drives fine; compared with everything else, it is soft, numb, and hardly th rilling,


000 6tI


2.0--1iter DOOC 16-val\'e inlifll' -4, 132 or 138 hp, 133 or 136 Ib--It; 5-sp man, 4-sp auto SUSPENSION

. .... ind,struts, cod springs. anti·roIl bar ind, multilink, codsprings, anti-roll bar

F.. R

SAFETY Srakes, FIR..

vented diSUdiS( . .. standard standa rd (SE ooly)1 Slandard(Sf only) . ,driver aod p.lS\ellger (root '>ide, iII1d (urtainaimags: rear curtain aimags

ABS .. St.bility/tr.ctioo cootrol PaI~V\'

reSlraints .


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Hyundai Genesis

Hi,hs: XL cabin; quiet, strong engines; interiorel~an(e; a great

Intended to carry Hyundai into a loftier (and Koreanfree) segment, the rear-wheel-drive Genesis is powered by a V-6 or a V-8, and it has the high-class trappings of pricier cars, including radar cruise control. Benz loyal ists may not swap sides, but Lexus and Acura buyers might.


Lows: The Hyundai badge, still expensive, cheap-cargauges. firm ride.

Wh,t'sJleW: Introduced for 2009; radar cruise, touch-sctten nav, andelectronic parking brakenew for 2010.

Belriad tiewi eel: Composed and

Base price: l8, m.soo;4.6, S40,300 Vehide type: front-erqine, rEar-drive; 4-doo r 5-pa5>e!lger


Iml'fior lUIu me, F/R/wgo (eu It) . . .... .ffJ/49!16 Wheelbase.. . .... .. 11 5,6in length/wic!t h/heiljll 195.9/74.4/58.1-58.3 in Turning circle ..... ... .36.0ft Curb weight .3850-4150 Ib EPA CityfhighwaymfXj .. . .... . 17-1 8125-27 FlI('l-tank capacitylrange .......... 19J-20.3ga1/345-347 mi PQWERTRAIN

H -Iller OOHC 14-valve V-6, 190 hp, 2M Ib-It; 4,6- 111(1" DOHC 32vaII'eV-8, 375 hp, m Ib-It; 6-sp autowith ma numati(shilting SUSPENSION f.. R

. . indo multiliti, COilSj)"ing\, anti-roll lJa r . ind, multiliti, COil Sj)"ings, anti-roll lJa r

quiet. the Genesis suffers only from astiff suspension, but fixes are on the way. SAFETY flra~(1,f IR, vented osc/disc ASS. standard Stability/tracnon control . standard/standa rd Passive restraint> ....... dri'/('f and paS>I"Ilgel froo~ side, and curtain airoogs; rearcurtain airbago;


0000 Hyundai Sonata Dropped into a tough neighborhood owned by the Camry and the Accord, the Sonata has the right dimensions and specs, plus an outstanding wammty and a value-oriented price. It trails its competitors in refinement, however. A rak ish, a lmost coupel ike redesign is due soon.

Hiyhs: Sooth powertrains, solid road manners, m ~awa rranty, loaded withstandardfeatures. Lows: Disappearsintraffic; plays intough leaguewiththeAccord, the Camry, andtheAkima,

What'snw: Redesignedfor 1006; unchanged for 1010 IthUd tifwi eel: Hyundai has made incremental improvements to the Sonata, and thecurrent model isthe best handler yet, but the Accordandthe Mazda 6are the fun choices.

Base price: 6L5, $19,420; SE, $22,770; SE V-fJ, $24,770; Li rrutl'd, $25,270; limitl'd V-6, $27,270 Vehide type: from-engi ne, tra nt-drive; 4-OOor 5-pas>l"llger Interior 'iOIume, FIR/cargo(eu It). """" Wheelbase .. len gth/wic!t h/heiljll Turning circle Curbwelght. EPA cityihighway m~ ruel-Mnl capacity/range .. PQWERTRAIN

DOHC16-vall'e inline-4, 168 or 175 hp, 163 or 168 lb-It: 3J-lnerDOrM: 14-vaM- V-fJ, 249 hp, 229 lb-It; 5-1Il man, 4- sp auto, 5-sp auto with manumaticshifting l,4.. lner


F. R.

Bla~es, F/R , .. ventedo>c/di>c ASS.. . .... standard Stability/tractlon control stand31d/standard Passive restraints , .. dri'/er and paS\.e1lgel fron~ SIde, and curtainairoogs; rearcurtainairbago;

0000 Aimed squarely at the BMW 3-series, the fetchirtg G37 sedan is a near match in terms of its performance . Its coarse V..(i can't quite match the silken refinement of the BMW, but the G has a more attractive base price, offers more standard horsepower, and has a larger interior.

Hiyhs: Uniquestyle, impressive interior fi t and finish, standard horsepower, anractive pricing. Lows: BigV-6lacks grace, higheffort manualtran5miS5ion. WhI t'SUW: Redesigned for 2007; the Ggets anew grille and front fascia for 2010

lehUd ti ewi eel: Asolid feel pervades the G,thestiff chassis is sporty, the tactile steering precise, and the interior comfortable 1t'5 let down byacoarseV-6and a recalcitrant manual shifter,

. ind, unequa l-length conlrcl antls, COilSlXi ng~ anti-ro ll ba r . .ind, multilir"l::, COil Sj)"i ng~ anti- ro ll bo r



Infiniti G37

. .... .58/47/16

. ....... 107,4 in ,188.9/72.1/58 ,0 in ..... ... J5,8ft . .33OO- 3500 lb . 19 22m 32 17.7 gaI/336-389 mi

Base price: $34500 (est); Joumey, m,ooo (esl); Sport 6MT, $35,500 (t"st): G35x, $37,000 (est) Vehide type; fronl-t"Ilgine. rear- or 4-wheel-drive; 4-doo r 5-passenger sedan

Interior'iOlume, F/R/cargo(eu It). Wheelbase .. len gthlwic!t h/heiljll iurningcirde Curb'M'lght. EPA (ityihighwJ)' mfXj .. Fuel-tankGlpacitylrange ..

55 57/41 42/14 . .. ........ 112,2in 187.0/69.8/57.2-57 ,8 in 35,4-36.1ft . .3600- 3800 Ib .. 17-18125-26 2O.0gal/H0-l6O mi


J 7-l ner OOHCl4-valve V-6, 318 hp, 269 Ib-ft; 6-1Il man, 7-sp aUIO ....ith manurn.ltic shilting SUSPENSION

F. R

.ind, unequa l-length control antls, COil Sj)"ings, anti-roll bo r . ind, multilir"l::, COilSlXings, anti-ro ll ba r




flrak(1,f IR, ,I'eIlIl'd dWventl'd disc ASS. standard standard/standa rd Slabnity/tractlon wnt rol Passive restraint> ....... dw and paS>I"Ilgel froo~ side, and (urtain airoogs; rear(urtain airbago; 69


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Infiniti M3S/M4S

Hi,hs: BuneryV-8, strongV-6, solid structure, WoCiOU 5 interior,

The largest sedan in Infiniti 's stable, the M four-doors are superb cars that are too often overlooked. Both versions blend value, space, luxury, and performance together in a way that escapes the German co mpetit ion. A complete ly redes igned M will go o n sale in 20[0 as a 201 1.


Lows: Sport package may be too firmfor some, theV-8sounds great but offers only a fewmore horses thanlheV-6. wbt'suw: Redesigned for 2006; unchangedfor 2010, but the 2011 model will be completely rroe-signed. ae"ind titwhtd: Sporty, fi rm,

Base price: M35, $46,665; M35x, $48.815: M45, $53,015; M45x, $56,815 Vehtde type: front-engine, rear- or 4-wheel-dlil'e; 4-door 5-passeogersedan InteriorI'O lume, F/RJeargo (cu It) . 59/44 46/15 WhffllJa >e .. .. 114,2in .194,1- 194,3/71 ,1/59,4-60,Oin Length /Widthlhe .. lertgth /Width/hl'i ght Turn ing cirde CLUbweight .. EPAeitylhighway mpg Fuel-tankcapacity/ronge

.57/5 1- 57/18 (est) ,119.4- 124.3 in 201.7 -2()(j.6{74.6157.0 in 38.1-39.5 ft (est) .405Q-mO lb 15- 16122-2 5(est) .Jl ? gal/326-347 mi (est)


5.0-1iter OOHC31-va lve V-S, 385 hp. 3&l lb-It; supercharged aoo intercooled 5,Q-liter OOHC 32-valve V-So470 or 510 hp, 424 I)J 461 Ib-ft; 6-1P cluto with manumaliC )/lifting SUSPENSION

F, R

.. iOO, u~al -Iength control arms, air springs, ant i-roll bar .. iOO, u~cll-Ienglh control arms. air springs. clnt i-roI l bar

SAfETY &rakes, FIR. .vented diS(ll'I'Ilted diS( ABS.. standard Stability/traction control .. .. .......... stlOOard/standard PasSive rest ra ints. ,dril'l' and pa'>lerlgerlroot, '>ide. an d curtain almagl; rear curtain almags 2010 BUYERS GUIOE

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Kia Forte This fine little sedan is a credible alternative to the Honda Civic and the Toyota Corolla. The exterior lines look sharp, the interior is well executed, and the level of standard equipment- including Bluetooth and Sirius satellite radio-i s high. The prices are right. too.

Hi,hs: Great value. handsome, lots of standard tech, nice interior materials, two available engines. Lows: Not as fun as theWI Golf orthe Mazda 3, manual gearoox is nOlchy, SXride is choppy Wh,t'sJleW: Introduced for2010. leMd l.tWIte); Throttle tip-in isaggressive and the ride canbe harshon Ihetop-spec SX, so we prefer the basemodel withthe fou r-speed auto, believe it or not

Base price: LX, S 1 4J~; EX, Sl6.4W; sx, S17, 8~ Vehide type; front-engi ne, front-drive; 4-door 5-passenger


Intl'fior lUIume, F/R/wgo(eu It). . ..... 56/42/15 . ...... 1()4Jin Wheelba'it' .. length/wic!t h/heiljlt ,1 78.3/69.9/57.5 in Tu rningcircle ... 33.9-35.4 It Curbwght .275Q-1950 Ib EPA (ityfhighwaymfXj .. . ..... 22-27131-16 FlM'I-ta nk (apacitylrange .. 13.7 gal/301- 370 mi PQWERTRAIN l.Q-llter OOHC16-~3I ve inlioe-4, 154 or 156 hp, 139 or 144Ib-It; H-Ilter DOHC16-~alve inlioe-4, 165 or 173 hp, 161 or l&8 lb-It; 5- or 6-sp rn.ln, 4-IP auto, 5-spautoI'oith manurn.lti( shifting SUSPENSION

F. R•

The Forte isn'11he !)est compact 10 drive, but il is very competent.

SAFETY flra~(1,f IR, vented osc/disc ASS. Slartdard Stability/tracn()fl (()fItrol . standard/Slartda rd Passive restraint> ....... driv('r and paS>I'Ilgel froo~ side, and (urtain airbags; rear(urtain airbags


0000 Kia Optima A 2009 face lift freshened Kia's well-built and nicely appointed mid-size sedan_ The base 2.4-liter offers decent power, while the V-6 is a rare option in this size class. Li ke its mechanical relative, the Hyundai Sonata, the Optima impresses with its comfort, features, and low price.

Hiyhs: Interior finish beats a Camry, drives well and looks clean, low base prices, Lows: Spongywithout thesport suspension, Kia badge is slill a negative tosome.

What'snw: Redesignedfor 1006.5; unchanged for 2010 lehUd lie wieel: Refined and relaxed, the Optima isastressfree transport unit withahigh stateof finishinside, though it lackszest without the sport suspension and tires.

Base jlfi(e: LX, $18,170; EX, $21,365: sx, $21.815; EX V..fJ, )22,370; SX Y-6, $22,820 Vehide type; frolll-engi ne, fro nt- drive; 4-door 5-pas>l'llger

Intl'fior lUIu me, FIR/cargo """" Wheelbase ..

Now that the funky Kia Soul is here, the Rio relies on its bargain-basement, sub-$ 13,OOO price and mid-30s fuel economy to sell itself. The 1.6-liter provides effic ient and slightly spirited com muting, and the trunk is big. Face-lifted for' 10, the Rio drives well, especial ly at its li ght price.

Lows: Loose shifter, feelslowrent in places, Kia still not a particularly respected brand,

Wh,t'sJleW: Redesignedfor 2006; mild rest~in g for 2010. lehUd liewieeJ: Agood value for budget buyerswho want new, the Rio looks sharp andsteers with above-average enthusiasm, although it exudes atin-box feel at times.

. ..... 57/47/15 . ....... 107,1 in ,189.0171.1/58.3 in ........ .35.5 fi . JlOO- 3300 Ib . 20 22/28 32 t6.4ga1/328-36t mi


F. R•

. ind, SIMS, coilSlXi ng~ anti-ro ll ba r . .ind, multil iri, coil ~i ng~ anti- roll bo r

SAFETY Bla~es, FIR , . . vented ol(/dil( ASS.. . .... optiooal Stability/tractl()fl (()fItrol optional/optional P;r;sive restraints, .. driver and paS\.l'flgel fr()fl~ Side, and curtain airbogs; rearcurtain airbags

00000 Hiyhs: Al1raClive stylingand handling; swallows fivepeople wilh stuff; low, low prices,

(eu It).

len gth/wic!t h/heiljlt Turning circle Curbwght. EPA cityfhighway m~ rlI€l-Mnl (Opacity/range .. PQWERTRAIN l.4.. lner OOHC 16·val'le inllne-4, 175 hp, 169 Ib-It; V- liter OOrK: 14·valve Y·6, 194 hp, 184 lb-It; 5-sp rn.ln, 5-sp auto with manumati( shifting


Kia Rio

. ind, SIMS, coil ~i ngs, anti-roll ba r ,ind, traili ng aJlllS, coil ~i ng~ anti- roll ba r

Base prke: SI2,145; LX, $13,875; SX, $14,675 Vehide type; frolll-engi ne, front-drive; 4-door 5-passenger


Intl'fior lUIu me, F/R/cargo(eu It). . ..... 52/40/11 Wheelba'it' .. . ....... 98.4 in . ,166.9/66.7/57.9 in length/I'oidthlheiljlt . Tu rningcircle ... 32,7-33. t ft Curbwght .24OQ-2450 Ib EPA cityfhighway m~ . 17 28/34 36 FlM'I-tank (apacitylrange .. 11.9ga1/321-m mi PQWERTRAIN 1.6-llter OOOC 16-~31 \'(' inl i ~-4, 110 hp, 107Ib-ft; 5-spman, 4-sp





. ....... ind, SIMS, coil IIXif9s, anti- roll bo r . ind, trailing aJlll\, roil springs

SAFHY flrak(1,f IR, . . . . . . . . . .. ,vented disc/disc or o-um ASS. .opti()flal Stabnity/tractl()fl wnt rol not available/not available Passive restraint> ....... driv/"r and paS>I'Ilgel froo~ side, and (urtain airbags; rear(urtain airbags


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SOMETHING ELSE TO RELENTLESSLY PURSUE. We took on the world', be,t-and made it better. It ,tarted with a direcfinjection V-6. Then we moved on land pmt Lexus ES 350) with available features like real·lime adoptive suspension that reads the road up to 500 tirres a

,econd, hard-drive-oo",d NAV/Entertainment SY"em' and dool rear-seat-mounted DVD manito,," But we're really not into lists. Surpassing lexus? That's a different story. 2010 Buick laCrosse. The New Class of World Class.

- --


-- -


' MDi1a;Ye,"9" '01 o>tliobiot"

"_k;_,..,«1co &id·v",),"

C200Q MoIoo .... ~~


c:t ~

l.tollc/di>c ASS.. . .... Slandard Stability/tractlon wntrol slandardfSlanda rd Passi";e restraints . . .dri'ler and passenger froo~ SIde, and curtalo airbags; 1I'arcurtain airbags

00000 The MKZ is the priciest and classiest among Ford"s trio that also includes the Fusion and Mercury Milan. In its version, Lincoln eschews hybrid and workaday fourcylinder models, instead focusing on style, a quiet interior, and V-6 power. All-wheel drive is a welcome option.

Hiyhs: For the money, it offers an impressive list of standard equipment; glitzy styling touches. Lows: Not everyone will like the newtwin-grilleface, still some cheap-feeling plastic inside.

Wh,t'sJleW: Introduced for 2006 as the Zephyr and renamed MKZ for 2007; updated for 2010 with new exterior and interior styling. Belriad ti ewieel: Not the floaty Uncoln of yesteryear, the MKZ is taut, firmlysprung, and pleasanl enough todri~e.

. .... ind, SIMS, COillj)"iogs, anti-roll bJr .ind, multiliri::, COil~iog~ ami-roll bar



Lincoln MKZ

ind, mulnlink, coilor alf (!)pt) ~i og~ anti- roll ba r

Base prke: $34,965; AWD, $36,855 Vehide type: fronl-engine, froot- or 4-v.fleel-drive; 4-doo r 5-pasS€oger sedan Interior 'iOIume, F/Rfwgo (cuIt) . . .... . 54/45/17 Wnel'lbase.. . .... .. 107.4 in lengthl ....idthlheigJt . . .189.8172.2/56.9 in Turningcircle ..... ... .37.7 ft Curbwerght J600-3!JOO lb EPA cityfhighwaym~ . 17 18/24 17 FIJeI·\a nk (apacitylrange .......... 16.5-17.5 ga1f281-315 mi PQWERTRAIN 15-liler DQHC24-~alve V-6, 163 hp, 249 Ib-It; 6-sp aulOwith manumalieshifting SUSPENSION

F....... ind, unequ.Jl -teoglh (ootrot arms. COillj)"iogs, anlHoll ba r R .ind, multiliri, COil ~i ogs, ami-roll ba r



SAFHY flrakes,f /R. Vl'Ilt~ ose/disc ASS. Slandard Stabnity/tractloo wntrol standordfSlandard PasSive restraint> ....... driv/'r and paS>l'rlger froo~ Side, and (urtain airbags; 1I'ar(urlain airbags


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Lincoln Town Car A traditional rear-wheel-drive, V-8- powered, sIx-passenger full-size sedan , thi s is a favorite of livery drivers and retirees because of its space and creamy ride. Although this Lincoln is obsolete by today 's luxury-car standards, it remains a good value for the undiscerning.

Hi'Jhs: Cushy ride, quiet at speed, six-passenger seating. huge trunk, may be the last traditional American luxury barge,

Lows: TepidV-8engine, steering too numb for our tastes, ancient everything, bland enough to make the menu at Applebee's. Wiat'snew: Redesigned in the early Paleozoic era (actually 1998); unchanged for 2010.

Base pri(e: Slgflilture Li rrured, $47,470; SilJlature L, $53,140 Vehide type: fronH'ngine, rear-dnve; 4-door 6-paSS€llgtf


Imenorl'O lume, F/RJcargo (cu h). 57/51 59/21 Whl'eIOOI(' .. ,117.7 123.7 in Length /Width/ht'i ght .2t5,4-221.4178.5/59,0-59,1in Tuming Circle .. 40.3-41.51'1 Cllfbwdght 4350-4550 1b EPA City/highway mpg ........ 16/24 Fuel-tankcapacity/lange , POWERTRAIN 4.6-literSOHC 16-~aMV-8, m hp, 187 Ib-h; 4-spauto SUSPENSION F .. . . ioo, uneq uat- Iffigth controt a!TTIs. coil springs. anti-roll bar R ••••••••••• ,rigid .!Ie, cOil orair (~t) springs. . nti-rolt OOr

Bt" ind tit whttl: Big, soft, and clumsy; bug the boss to upgrade thefleet to Chrysler 300cs.

SAfETY !\rak6. rIR. .

. ...... ~ffited dis(/l'eIlled diS( standard Siability/rracuoo cootrol ..... ... nor available/standard Pas~V\' JeStrainlS. .. . .. rover aM pas\eIlgl'f tro nt iII1d side aimags



00000 Maserati Quattroporte The Quamoporte isn' t for everyone because it doesn't have the interior space or comfort of the leading luxury sedans. But it's a fabulous car to drive and look at and a stylish alternative to the best German competition. The Sport GT S is even more hard-core, with 433 horsepower.

Ki,h: Seductive st~ i ng, sumptuous interior, lovelyV-8 exhaust rumble,

Lows: Tight rear-seat lf9room, limited dealer/service locations. Wiafsaew: Introduced for 2005; aface lift was performed for 2tX9, no change-:; for 2010 Behiad the wHtI: This gorgeous sedan is no wraith, bu! itsstiff chassis, tactilesteering, and excellent brakes conspire to produce sports-car responses. Not for el'f'ryone bu! soulful,


0000 Maybach Landaulet The Landaulet designation describes a sedan with a convertible rear roof that leaves the chauffeu r covered but gives rear passengers a fresh-air option. The Maybach is one of the most opulent cars on sale but seems out of touch with the current, straitened financial times.

Hi'Jhs: Maybach opulence, vas! rear cabin, massive power from thetwin-turbo V-12, exclusivity,

Lows: Expensive even by CEQ s!andards-o!her than oil sheiks, who might want one? Plus, it looks slightly anonymous, wbt's new: Introduced for 2009; unchanged for 2010 Be" ind tit whetl: The torque of the 6.0-liter twin-turbo V-12 is smooth, as is the car's Ol'l'rall operation. But sitting inthe back, do you care?


00000 76

Base pri(e: $114,150; 5, Sl30,150; SponGl 5, S138, 100 Vehld e type; front-ffigine, rear-d';vt; 4-door 5-paw'ngl'f

""" Interior Whl'eIOOI(' ..

I'O l lJfJl~,

F/RJcdfgD (cu h)


.1l(),6in Lffigth /Width/hf'ight ............ 2OQ.7/74,2{56,Q-56,6in TuntingCircle. ...40,41'1 Curb wf'ight . .. 4400 lb EPA citylhighway mpg 11/17 18 Fuel-rankcapo city/lange , 2l8g.a1/262 mr POWERTRAIN 4.2-liter OOHC 32-~a lve V-8, 396 hp, 339 Ib-f1; V -liler OOOC 3l-~a l \'e V -8, 425 or m hp, 361tb-h; &-sp aUlo with man lJfJlatic slufiing



.ind, unequal-lt'Ilgth control a!TTI~ co~ springs, . nti-rol t OOr


. ioo, u n equal-I ffi~th co ntrol a!TTIs, coil springs, . nti-roil OOr

SAFETY !\rakes. FIR. .

. ...... ~ffitl'd dis(/'II'rlted diS( standard Siobilitylrraclloo cootrol stlrdard/standard Passive JeStra ints. ,driver and passenger front, '>ide, iII1d curtain almags; rear curtain almags ABS..

Base pri(e: $2,075,(0) Vehide type: front-ffigine, rear-dnve; 4-door 4-paSS€llgtf


InteriorI'O l lJfJl~, F/RJcdfgD (cu h) 58/65115 Whl'eIOOI(' .. . 150.7in Lffigth/Width/hf'ight ,242.7 /7S,O/62,Oin Tunting Circle .. . ..48,61'1 Cllfbwdght .6350 1b EPAcitylhi~hway mpg ... 10/16 Fuel-tankcapacity/lange , mi POWERTRAIN twin-turbocharged . nd imercooled 6.Q-liter SOfIC 36-~ol ve V-12. 604 hp, 738 lb-ft; 5-sp autowith manumaticshifting SUSPENSION F,. . .ind, unequal-tength control arms, air springs. . nti-roIl bar R ind, multilink, air springs. onti-roi l OOr

SAFETY !\rakes. FIR. .

. .. . ...... ~ffited dis(/'II'rlted diS( standard Stability/rr.clioo c()lltroi stlrdard/stlndard Pas~V\' [{'\train1s. . . driver and passengerfroot. '>ide, iII1d curta in airbilgs: rear sideand curtain aimags ABS



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Maybach 57/62

Hi,hs: Princely palace interiors, meticulous workmamhip. quiet at

Mercedes-Benz's attempt to break into the ultraluxury domain of Bentley and Roll s-Royce has met with mi xed success. The standard (57) and long-wheelbase (62) models are now available in even more exclusive, more powerful Zeppeli n form, wh ich offers 63 [ horsepower.

anyspeed. silky-smoothpower. Lows: Princely palace pricing,

styling lacks prestige and presence ofa Rolls or a Bentley. Wh,t'sJleW: Introduced for2003;

Base pri(e: 57, $366,(XX): 575, $40S,SOO; 57Zeppelin, )455,500: 62, $417,000;625, $456.500; 62Zeppelin, $605.500 Yehide type: front-erqine. rear-drive; 4-doo r 4-palsenger


Imerior'iOlume, F/R/c.Jrgo(eu It). 57 58/57 65/15 WneelbaS€ .. .133.5-15O.7 in l€'llgth/widt h/hei~1 · .... .. 225.5-242.7178.0/61.3-61.9 in lurniogcircle 439-48.6ft Curb weight. ..... ..6100-6350 Ib EPA cityfhighway mpg .. .. ....... 11-1 2/17 flJeI-lO nk c.Jpacity/raoge 29.I gal/320 mi

the 631-hpZeppelinmodelsare


new for 2010

""1n-turbochargl'd and intercooll'd 55-liter 50HC36-valve V-12, 54} hp, 664 lb-It; twin-turbocl\arged aM intl'f(ooled 6.Q-litoC! SOIIC 3{i-valve V-12, 604 or 631 hp. 738 Ib-ft; 5-sp auto with manumati( shifting

lelriad liewiffJ: These sedans range from bigtobigger, and there'snot abadseat inthe house. Twin-turbol/-12) make

SUSPENSION F •••••• .ind, unequal.lengthcoot!Oi arms, ail IIXiogs, anti- lOll tJa r R• • •• iM. multilink. air IIXi rq~ anti-roll tJa r

the mass feel light.

SAFETY flra~(1,f IR. .I'eIltl'd dWvented disc ASS. Slandard Stability/tracnoo control. standard/standa rd Passive restraint> .. ...... dri'/f"f and paS>eIlgel froo~ side. and curtain airUags; rear ~de and curtain aimags



lOBes! Winner

Mazda 3

Hl,hs: Every day isenjoyable ina

Mazda·s bestsel ler gets all-new sheetmetal for 201 0, upgraded interior trim, and more power. Dime nsions stay static, as does the athletic suspension , but power in the ava ilable 2.0- and 2.5-liter engines rises. Option choi ces also expand. It 's one of the most fun small cars out there .

3. highhorsepower fortheclass, lotsof options. funand frugal. Lows: Harderriding, morecabin noise Ihan a(orolla. the new front-end st~in g.

Whlt'suw: Redesignedfor 2010. Behiad liewieel: Quick. darly. and ready for aromp, the3 deli~e rs more driving pleasure than most in itsclass. What to buy if you can't affordaBMW. Lotsof luxury items are a~a i la ble. but they can drive up the price.


Interior 'iOIume, r/RIwgo {eu It) . WneelbaS€ L€'Ilgth/Wldth/hei~1

Turning circle Curb weight. ... EPA cityfhighll'ay mM flJel-tl nkc.Jpacitylr.loge

2.5 -I ~er OOHC16-V clll'e inlioe-4, 165 or 167 hp. 167 or 168 lb-ft ; 5- or 6-sp man, 5-sp auto with manumaticshiltlng




All-new in '09, the 6 grew and matured a lot, closely shadowing the class leader, the Honda Accord. A sedan only, the 6 offers tons of features and the choice of a V-6 or a four-cylinder. The sporty suspension tune makes it the driver's pick in the mid-size-sedan segment.

competition, ample streich space, refinemenl,lotsoffealUres. Lows: Large-ishdimensions. trades some sportiness for cabin isolation, four-c~inde r makes a ruckusat high rpm.

Whai'suw: Redesignedfor 2009; nomajor changes for lOW. Behiad lie wieel: Livelysteering. solid brakes, andaconi rolled ride arethe6'smain attributes. Only the NissanAltimaoffers asimilar level ofsponiness.

· .... ind, SlrutS, COilspr i rq~ .lnfi-roll tJa r · . indomultiliti, COilSjlI'irql, anti-roll iJ.Jr


Brakes, FIR vented rjsc/disc ASS .. .. .. ..... Slanda rd Stability/tractioo contlOl . . optior\:ll/optiooal Passive restraint> . . .. dri'l er clnd pal~ger froot side. and cunaln airtJags; rearcurtain aimags

00000 Hi,hs: More funthan the

.. 51-52142/12 1039 in 1801-180.9/69.1/57.9 in ........... ,34.2 1t .. .... 2900-3050Ib 11-25!:!9-33 14.5-15.9ga1/334-363 mi

PQWERTRAIN 2.Q-litoC! DOIf( 16-vall'e inlioe-4, 144 or 143 hp. 132 or 135lb-ft:


Mazda 6


Base price: I SV. $15}95; i SIxIrt, $16,725; I Touring. $18.250; l Sport. S19,49); I Grand louri ng, Sn250 Yehide type: from-engi ne, fro nt-drive; 4-door 5-passengoC!

Base price: I SV, $19,200; i SPl}ft $20,070; I Too ri ng. $21,650; iloo rirq $24,500; I GrandTouring. $26,685;I Tou ring Plus. $27,200; IGrandl:iu ring, $29,140 Yehide type: from-engi ne, front-drive; 4-door 5-passengoC!


Imerior 'iOIume, F/R/cargo (eu It). WneelbaS€ .. L€'Ilgth/Wldth/hei~1

Turniog circle Curb weight. EPA cityfhighway mpg . flJel-tl nk c.Jpacity/raoge.

. ..... 54-56/46/17 .. .... . 1(19.8 in 1917/72.4/57.9 in ..... ... J 5.4ft ... ... BOO-3600 Ib

.. ... 17-21/25-30 18.5 gal/315-389 mi


2.5-liter OOIK 16-Villl'e inlioe-4, 168 or 170 hp. 166 or 167 Ib·ft: 17-liter DOlI( 24-wJive V-6, 272 hp. 269 Ib-ft; 6-sp man, S- or6-sp aulawith manumatl( shifting SUSPENSION

F..... .. iM, urtequ.J I-lerqth cO/mol arms, coil IIXi rq~ anti- roll tJa r R. . .... indo multiliti, COil IIXiogs, anti- roll tJa r SAFHY



flrak(1,f IR. vented disc/disc ASS. Slandard 5t.lbnity/tractloo control standard/Slartda rd Passive restraint>. . . ....driver and p.lsS€ngf"f front side. and curtain airtJags; rearcurtain aimags


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Mercedes-Benz C-class/C63 AMG A fresh, attractive, and solid sedan, the C-class can feel a bit small and cheap inside. Available in Luxury or Sport trim, the C-class can be configured to satisfy just about any driver. T he AMG-tuned C63 is a radical (0 to 60 mph in 3.9 seconds) and refreshing alternative to the BM\V M3.

Hi,hs: Solid control feel; supple ride of non-AMGs; AMG version is quick, loud, and wonderful.

Lows: Tiny back seat, regular versions are pricey and abit dull,

em ride Qn tie oone jarring.

Wilt's new: Redesigned for 2008; nochanges for 2010.

ae"tnd tktwhtel: Although sportier than previous (-classes,

thebasic carslackthe dynamic grace of the BMW 3-sefie, The (63 AMG isa powerful, loud, and

compelling M3 competitor.


0000 Mercedes-Benz CLS-class/CLS63 AMG Seductively styled and beautiful to behold, the CLS-class is built upon the bones of the last-gen E-class . The interior is as attractive as the exterior, but a smallish back seat may turn off some potential buyers. Both versions are quick, but the AMG version offers breathtaking acceleration.

Hi,hs: Avant-garde designinside andout, stellar acceleration, refined driving experience, Lows: Tight rear-seat space, commands apremiumoverlhe already pricey E-class,

Wbt'sntw: Introduce\! for 2006; unchangedfor 2010. Be.ind litwhttl: Goes as good as it looks, with smooth steering, 5trong brakes, acompliant ride, asolidstructure, and powerful VoSs especially inAMG form. The gearbox is good,too



Base prite: 000 S~n, $34,475; 000 luxu ry, $34,685; 000 Spon4MATK:, $37,975; 000 Luxury4MATIC $38,175:050 Slllrt, $40,625; (63 AMG,$60,325 Vehide type: front-engine, rear- or 4-wheel-dJive; 4-door S-passeogersedan ,49/39/12 Interio rl'O lume, r!Rfc~rgo (cu It) . lMleeltw.e .. .100.7io ....... 182.3/69.7/56.3 57,Oin Length lwidthlhl'i ght Tunt ing Circle .. 35,6-36,3ft Curb weight . ,3650-3750 1b EPAdtylhighwoympg 12 18/19 26 ruel-t~nk capacity/range , ..... ..... 17.4gal/109-313 mi POWERTRA1N lo-liter DOHC 14-val\'e Y-6, 228 hp, l2l lb-It: 15~l!er DOHC 24valve V-6. 268 hp, 158 Ib-It; 6.l-liter DOHC32-valve V-8, 451 hp, 443 Ib-lI; 6-,p man. 7-;.p auto with manumaticshifting SUSPENSION f ind, struts, co~ springs. anti-rol l bor ,lnd, mul tilin k, co~ springs. anti-rol l bot R SAFETY Brakes. F/R ..... ,I'ffited, CJOSs-drili ed or vented disc!l'ffitf"d , cross drillf"d or \'eJltf"d diS( ABS standard Stability/traeuoo cootrol .......... star'dard /standard Pas~V\' restraints. . ,dri lll' and passenger(root side, and curtain airbags: rear curtain aimags

Base pri(e: [L5550, 574,575/CLS63 AMG, S101,425 Vehlde type: front- engine, rear-dJivt; 4-door 4-passeogl:'l"

""" Interio r 'MIeeIb.Jse ..

I'O l lJIIl~,

FfR!cdfgo ((U It)

51/41/16 . 112,4in 193.0173.7/54.7 io ... 36.7ft ,405Q-4250 Ib 12 14/18 21 .......... 21 .1gal1253295mr

Length lwidthlh('i gh t Turn ingCircle . Curb weight . EPA citylhighway mpg Fud-tank cdpaeitY/JilJlge , POWERTRAIN 5.5-liter DOH( 32-va l\'e V-8. 382 hp, 391Ib-It; 6.2-liter DOH( 32valve V-8, 507 hp, 465 Ib-It; 7-sp auto with manumaHe shifting SUSPENSION F, .. . .. ind, unequal-lengthcontrol arms, air springs. anti·roI l bor R ,ind, multilink, air springs. clnti-roI l bor


Brakes, FIR ..... ,vented, cJOSs-drill ed or vented disc!wotf"d, cross-drill f"d or 'II'Iltf"d diS( ABS.. standard Stabilityltracuoo cootrol stlndard/st.lndard Pas>ive restraints. driver andpassenger frolll, side, knee (driver only), and rurtain alrbags; rear rurtain alrbags

(ompuison Test

Mercedes-Benz E-class/E63 AMG New from headlights to taillights, the 2010 E-c1ass has even higher levels of safety, refinement, and luxury. From {he fuel-efficient diesel to the race-ready E63 AMG, Mercedes-Benz makes an E-class for just about everyoneeveryone who can pay for it, that is.

Hi,hs: Safety and luxury galore, comfortable andhandsome interior, AMG version offers supercar performance, Lows: Pricey, weak35-literV-fJ, non-AMG versions err on the side of lUXury more than we'd like.

Wlat'sntw: Re\!esigne\! for 2010. Be.ind lit wktll: Solid, refined, quiet, isolate\!, andcoddling, in non-AMG guise, the E-class is more luxury thansporl. AMG version is firmer, louder, and is a four-door performance superstar.


0000 78

CARaoxlORIVER.( om

'j)ings, anti- roll bo r F•• _ind, multiliri, coil >j)irqs, anti-roll ba r R



SAFfTY flrakt'S ,f IR , vented disc/disc ASS_ Slilldard Slabnityltraalon wmml standord/Slilldard P.r;sive restraint> ....... dw and paS'>l'rlger fron~ Side, and curtain airbogs; rearcurtain airbags


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Mitsubishi Lancer/Lancer Ralliart! Lancer Evolution Looking stubby and sexy, the Lancer is available In three levels of aggression: base, Ralliart, and Evolution . The base cars are comfortable, spacious, attractive, and sporty commuters, while the turbocharged Ralliart and Evolution are all-wheel-drive street terrors.

Hi,hs: Roomyinterior, excellent driving position, attractive prkt'to-performance ratio for base cars, aggressive front-end styling.

Lows: Ralliar! lags behind the competition. [vogels pricey fast. Wlal'suw: Redesigned for 2008; Evo MR Touring isnew.

If.ind litwktel: All lancers deliver an excellent combination

of balance and grip. The Ralliar! feels abit heavy, sojumpup to the Evo if you can- it's an allweather-capabledelight.

Sue pri(e: DE, $1)510; ES, $17,710; GTS, $19,710; Rdlliort 527,9 10; EvolutiOn G5ft $34.3 10; Evol utiOn Mft 539,7 10; Evol utiOn MRTouring, $41)10 Vl!hidl! lypl!: ~oot-en(ji ne, ~oot -drivt: 4-000r)-passerJger\eOOo interior l'Qiume, F/R/cargo (cu fi l 51-53/42/11-1 2 WOO>Ib.Jse lO17 io length/\\;dth/heig ht . . 18(1,0/69.4/)8} io Turningcircle 32_8ft Curb weight.. 1950-31SO ib EPA city/highway mpg . . .. 21-22127- 30 Fuel-tan kCilpacity/range _ 153 gal/32 1-337 mi POWERTRAIN

2.l)-lit('l OOHC 1 6-~alve i n~oe-4, 143 IJI lS2 hp. 143 1J1 146 ib-fi: 2.4-IIt('l OOHC 1 6-~alve inline-4, 168 hp. 167 Ib-ft; tLJbocharqtd and rotercooled 2.0 lil('1 000Cinline-4,mlJl 191hp. 25} 1JI 300 lb ft:5 sp man, 6->p dlleNented di >e, diS(, IJI Q-um AB5.. . .......... .standard (selfft modl"lsl Stabilil y/tractioo (Olltrol .......... ,tarxiard/standard Passive restraims_ _driveraod pas-;engerfron~ side, knee (driver onlyl, and curtaio ar!bags: rear (urtain airbags


000 Nissan Altima With a big back seat, a spotty and filTll chassis , and handsome styl ing, the Altima has carved out a sizable niche in the mid-size-sedan class. Interior quality is not its strongest su it, but the engines are willing, the price is right, and it isn't as dreary to drive as some of its rivals.

jod, ItruB, coil springs. ami roll bar ind, multilink, cOil springs, anti-roll bar

Bast' pritt': 2.5, $20,620; 2.55, $22,560; 3.5SR, $25,220 type: fro nt-l'n9Ile, froot-lii'/('; 4-OOor 5-passenger

Hi,hs: Fetching e~terior, spacious

Vehid ~

rear-seat area, firm and sporty chassis, miserly four-cylinder, generoustrunk space.

""" tw.e ..

Lows: Standard eVTcan annoy, interior plastics not up to snuff, V-6 may i)e toopowerful.


,58/42/15 Interiorvo illflle, FIR/cargo (cuhi . . 109.3 in W'heeI .... ... I90.7!70.7/5 7,9-)8,Oin ll'ngt h/Widthfhei ght 36.1-37.4ft Tum ing cirde J 200- 3400 lb 2O-B/27-32 ruel-tan k(clpacity/range , .......... 20.0gal/400-460 mi POWERTRAIN

Will's new: Redesignedfor 2007; manual transmissiondeleted.

2.5-hter DOHC 16-val'le inline-4, 170 01 175 hp, 175 or 180 lti-h; 15-liter OOHC 24-valvt V-6, 270 hp, 253 lti-ft; cootin ooll\~ variable cl UIO

Bflind Ib whtrl: This four-door


is among the sportiest family sedans_ It's awheelspin-filled mess with the V-6, but the Altima isstill acompelling choice.


SAFETY &rakes, FIR.. vented disddi>e ABS .. standard Stclbilityltrclclloo c()Ilnoi sta rxiard/stclodard Pas>ive restraints. ,driver and passenger front, side, ...,d curtclin airbags; rear curta inairbags


00000 Nissan Maxima

Hi,hs: Arresting new shape,

Redesigned in 2009, the seventh-gen Maxima now has a muscular new body to better distinguish it from the lesser Altima, with which it shares a platform. More nimble than most cars at this price, the plush Maxima is a spirited alternative to a Toyota Avalon or a Lexus ES350.

Quick, 290 horsepower, composed chassis. Lows: (Vr automaticlessens the sporty nature, basicallyJust an "Altima plus,'

Will's ntw: Redesignedfor 2009; interior electronics upgrades for the2010 model year.

Bflind Ib whtt~ Acceleratioo isbreezyandthe handling sharp, but the stiff suspension can tie too crisp for some, especiallyon bad roads.


000 80


,ioo, strut~ codspri ng~ anti-rol l bar . ind, multilin k, codspring~ anti-rol l bar


Bas~ pritt': $31,180; SV, m,soo Vehide type: fro nt-l'nQlle. froot-Q-ivt; 4-cIoo r 5-passeng('l


Interiorvo illflle, FIR/ccligo (cuh) Wheel base .. Lrogth /widthfhei ght Tuming cirde .. Curb wd 9ht EPAcity/hi9hway mpg Fuel-taok(apacity/lange ,

55/40/14 . 101.3 in 190,6173.2157,8 in .. 37,4ft 355O-3fiJO ib ... 19/26 lO.Ogal/380 mi


15-liter [X}HC 24-VcllvtV-6, 290 hp. 2611b-ft; cOIltin ooll\~ vclriable auto SUSPENSION F.. R

. .. .. ioo, struts. codsprin(js, anti·roI l belr ind, multilin k, codsprings. clnti-roI l bar

SAFETY &rakes, FIR. . . .. . ...... ~l'nted diSC/'I\'Ilted di>e AB5 stclodard 5tability/trclCtioo c()Illroi sta rxiard/staodard Pa\~ve J{'lIraints. . ,driver and pas\ellger(root side, an d (urtain airbags: rear curtainairbags 2010 BUYERS GUIDE

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Nissan Sentra/SE-R/SE-RSpec V Nissan's smallest offering, the Sentm is overshadowed by market leaders such as the HondaCivic. It 's quite roomy, though, with good road manners and [ow starting prices . Five Sentra variants cover the waterfront from thrifty to thrilling, the spiciest being the two SE·Rs.

Hi,hs: WarehouSE' interior V{liume, smoothfour-cylinder engine, respectable mpg. Lows: Tall and unlovely styling, sporty versiom not as fun as rivals, (VTmakes it buzzy

Wh,t'SJleW: Redesigned for 2007; 2010 sees new headlights, taillights, and grille and upgraded interior materialsand content.

Belriad li ewieel: Smoothand competent, the Sentra lacks the passion of some Nissans, and the SE-R fails 10 thrill like the CivicSi.

Base price: 2.0, $t6,140; 2.05, S17,gso; 2.05R, 517,830: 2.05L, $19.280; SE-R,$20.300; $f-R Spec Y, $20.800 Vehide type: front-engi ne. from-drive; 4-door 5-pasS€"Ilger


Imerior'iOlu me, F/R/c.Jrgo (eu It). . ..... 57141/13 WneelbaS€ .. . ....... 105.7 in Len glh/widt h/hei~t 179.8-180.1/70.5/S9.5 in lu rniogcircle J5.41t Cu rb weight. ....... 2'XlO- 3000 Ib EPA (ityfhighway mpg .. ..21-26/28-}4 fllel-lO nk c.Jpacitylrange 14.5 gaI/305-3?7 mi PQWERTRAIN l.O-lller OOHC16-valve inline-4, 140 hp, 147 It.-It: 2.5-liler OOHC 16-valve inline-4, 177 or 200 hp. 172 or 100 tb·lt; 6-sp ma n, OOI1linuouslyvariable aulO SUSPENSION F•• . ..... ind, SlflJ5, coil ~i og~ ami- roll bo r R• . .... ind. traili ng arms, roi l Sj"Xiogs. an!i-roll bo r SAFETY flra~(1.r /R . . . . . . . . . . .. .vented disc/disc or ihm ASS. .optiOllal Stability/tracnon control . .optiorlill/op1iooal Passive restraint> ...........driver and passeng('r front side, and (urtain airbogs; lI'ar(urtain airbags


00 Nissan Versa Sales in the subcompact class went ballistic when fuel prices were high, and one of the roomiesl entries is the Versa. It's also a segment leader with 122 horses from its optional 1.8-liter four. It's basic transport, but options can raise this little Nissan to relatively epicurean heights.

Hi,hs: Interior large enough to park ablimp, cheap to own and operate,two engine choices. Lows: Not the prettiest face, front sealS feel snug, optional CVT can makeit buzzy.

what'SJlew: Introduced for 2007; mild upgrades to styling and safety equipment for 2010.

Belriad li ewieel: Not as feisty as aHonda Fil,lheVersa trades on its huge interior, low prices, and thrift. Nocomplaints, but no excitement either.

Base price: aase $10,610; 1.6, $11)10; 5, S13,820; 5l, 516,810 Vehide type: from-engi ne, fro nt- drive; 4-door S-pasSI:'Ilger

""' Interior "'iOIu me, F/R/wgo leu It) Wneelbo'il' ..

Length/ ....idthlheig-.t . Tu rniogcircle Cu rbweight. EPA cityfhighway mpg FLJeI-tl nk c.Jpacity/range . POWERTRAIN 1.6-I ~er OOHC16-vatve inlill€-4, 107 hp, 111 It.-ft; 1.8-1i!('r DOHC 16-valve inline-4, 122 hp, 1l7Ib-It; 5- or 6-sp man. 4-sp auto, continuously variable auto SUSPENSION r.. . .... ind, SIMS, roi l Sj"Xiogs. anti-fOil bo r R indonailing arms, coilSlXi og~ anti-fO il bo r


SAFETY Blakes. F/R . . .vented disc/tum ASS.. . .... optional St.Jbility/tracllon control optiorlill/optional P;r;'iive restraims. . .driv('r and pils>enger fron~ SIde, and cuftaln airbogs; lI'ar cu rtain airbags

ru,hs: More elegant than

Base price: $250,(0) lest) Vehide type: front-eoglne, rear-drive; 4-doo r 5-pasS€"llger

the Phantom, tremendous performance, an interior that's 10tallyexquisite.


Lows: It's still abig car, and S2S0,(XX)-plus hard~ qualifies as"cheap'

lu miog circle Cu rb weight. ............ 5450 Ib EPA (ityfhighway mpg ....... 12118 (11) fLJeI-tlnkc.Jpacitylrange. 11.89ide, and curtain almags; rear curtain almags

Base price: 2.5i, $18,160;WRX, SlS.690; 1.5GT, $17.690 Vehide type: front- engine. 4-lI1leel-drive; 4-door 5-p.1ssengtf


InteriorI'O l um~, FIRJCJlgo (cu h) 54-56/39/11 Whl'eIOO\e .. . 103. 1in Lt'Ilgth/Width/height 180.1163.5/)8.1in Tuming Circle .. J4.8-35.4h 3100-3250 1b Cllfbwdght 18 20/24 27 EPA cily/hi~hway mpg Fuel-tankCap.lcity/Jange . .............. 16.9g.a1/304-338 mi POWERTRAIN 2.5-liter SOOC 1 6-~alve 1131-4. 170~, 170 Ib-ft: turoowrgro and intercooled2.5-liter OOHC1 6-~al~~ 1131-4.124 or265 hp,126 or 244 Ib-ft; S-sp man. 4-sp auto. 4-sp auto with manumatic shihing SUSPENSION f ind, \trut~ codspring~ clnti-roI l OOr R ind, mullilin k, coil springs. onti-roll OOr

SAFETY !\rakes. FIR.. VI'Ilted diSddiIC ABS stclndard Slclbility/trclCtioo cootrol stardardlstandard PaI~V\' II'ltraints. . .driver and passeoger froot '>ide, and curtain aimags: rear curta in aimags 2010 BUYERS GUIDE

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",:'''2010 Subaru Legacy In the past, Legacy buyers had to sacrifice fuel economy and rear-seat space when choosing it over other mid-size sedans. The redesigned 20 I0 model addresses both of these concems, making it a real competitor in the segment. Unfortunately, high fuel economy only comes with a CVT.

Hi,hs: Standard AWD. roomy front and rear accommodations, CVT rated at 26 mpg combined. GT packs 265 horsepower. Lows: Questionable styling. sloppy manual shiher. base engine is weak.

What'snw: Redesigned for 2010. Belriad lifwieel: The eVT is still a(VT. but this one is among the ties! examples we have driven. Despite a good amount ofbody roll. the turbocharged GT has a sporty demeanor.

Base price: 2.5i, $:10,690; 1 6R $25,690; 61, $28,690 Vehide type: fronHngine. 4-wheel-liive; 4-door 5-pasSt'llgive JeIl:raints. driver andpassenger front, side, knee (driver only), and curtain elirbags; reell curtJ in elimags

Base pri(e: $16,100; S, $17,170; LE, $17,500;XlE, $18.400; XRS. $19,610 Vehid e type: fro nt-l'nglle, [root-rove; 4-cIoor 5-passengl'f


Interiorl'O lume, f/RIwgo (cu It) . 50-5 1140/17 . 102,4in Wheeioo le .. Length twidth/hei ght 1781/69J/S71 in 35,6 36,3 ft Tumingcircle. .mo-3OCJO Ib Curbwdght .. EPAcity/highwelY mpg 22-26/30-35 Fuel-tankcapacity IrafllJe 111g.a1/m-343 ml POWERTRAIN 1.8-litl'f DOlI( 1 6-va l~ inline-4, 132 hp, 128 10..11; lA-liter DOlI( 16-vJI'Ie inlinH . 158 hp, 162 Ib-It; S-sp man. 4- 015-sp Juto SUSPENSION F. . ioo, strut~ coHspring~ anti-roll bar R• ,ind, trail ingann~ cOil sprifllJs, anti·roI l bar

SAFETY Brakes, FIR. .vented diS(/disc or .tum ABS .. standard Stability/tractioo cootrol ............... sta ndard/standard Pa\>iVl' JeIl:raint\. . dri\let and paS\eIlgerIrool. side, an d cunain almags; rear curtain almags 2010 BUYERS GUIDE

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Toyota Yaris

Hi,hs: Good dollar-per-mile-

per-gallon ratio, stands out some

A space-efficient body and a decent trunk make the Yaris a practical if unexciting choice among little sedans. It's more stylish (han most Toyotas, but that isn't exactly saying much . llle 106-hp four should return mid-30s fuel economy with e ither a manual or automatic transmi ss ion.

inthe seaofToyota beige ness.

Lows: Vague controls. centermQunted gauge duster, need to

abuse it to keep pace with traffic Wh,t'sJleW: Introduced for 2007; traction and stability control are made standard for 2010

lelriad lini!!); The Yaris trundles along with efficiency.

Base price: Sl3,86S Vehide type: fronl-engi ne, front-drive; 4-door 5-pa5>e!lger


Iml'fior lUIu me, F/R/wgo(eu It). .. 49118113 14 . ...... 100.4 in Wheelba'it' .. letlgth/wic!t h/heiljlt ,169.3/66.5/57.5 in Tu rningcircle ........ 32,61t Curb w ght .235O-2400 lb EPA Cityfhighway mfXj .. . ......... 29/35-16 . ... 11, lgaI/322 mi FlM'I-ta nk capacitylra nge .. PQWERTRAIN l.5-llter OOOC 16-valve inl i ~-4, 11)5 hp, 103Ib-It; 5-sprrun, 4-sp ~to


· .... indoSlrut>, COil>j)"ings, anti-roll lJa r . ind, trailing arms, roil springs

but its steering isasleep. Consider the HondaFit or the Suzuki SX4if ytIu actuallyenJoy dri~ing,

SAFfTY Blakes, FIR, .vented dil(/lium ASS.. . ... Slandard Stability/tractiOll control standard/Slandard Passive restraims, ..... .driver and paS'it'ng l'f from, side, and curlain airbag;; rear {urlain airba g;


00000 Volkswagen (( Seductively styled, the CC is a poor man's MercedesBenz CLS-class. It costs only slightly more than the Passat upon which it is based, but the CC more than makes up for it in style. Refined and beautiful, skip the V-6 for the excellent and fuel -efficient, turbocharged four-cylinder engine.

Hi'fhs: Sleeklooks, Germanic road manners, handsome interior, punchyand fuel-sipping turbocharged four-banger. Lows:Onlyseats two intheback, V-6versionsget expensive. WhIt'SUW: Introduced for 2009; automatictransmissionbecomes dual-clutchautomated manual in 2.0T versions.

Belriad tiewieeJ: Offers asolid, refined, and quiet feel. The turtle four is cheaper and returns bener fuel economy than the V-6.

Bue price: Srxlr!. $28,300; luxury, $33,530:VR6 Sport, $39}65: VR6 4M01ION, S40,86S Vehide type: from-engme, from- or 4-wheel-dme; 4-door 4pilllenger sedan In\('[ ior lUIume, FIR/ca!go(cu It). . . ........ 50/43/13 Wheelba'it' .. . ...... 106.7 in 138.91710/55.8 in letlgth/W1dth/heiljlt ........ .35,8 11 Tu rningcircle ... .3300-3900 Ib Curb weigh!. .. . 17-22125-31 EPA cityfhighwJ)' mpg rU€I-Mnk capacity/rJ Ilg€ .. 18.5 galI315-407mi POWERTRAIN rurlxxharged and intercooled 2,0-lil('[ OOHC 16-valve inline-4, 2O'J hp,lJ7Ib-ft; 16-li t('[ OOOCV-6, 280 hp, 2651b-ft; 6-\pman, 6-5p autowith manumati( shift ing. 6-sp dua l-dutch autom clted man SUSPENSION F•• . .... ind, struts, roi l ~i ng~ anti- roll bo r . ... ind, multil irt, COil IIXirqs, anti- mil tlol! R•

SAFnY flrakt"S,f IR , vented o:.::/dil( ASS . standard Stabdity/tractlOll control . standard/standard PasSive reltraints , ... dm('[ clnd passenger froot Side, and (u rlain airbags; rear Side {opt) and curlain clirba gs


0000 Volkswagen Jetta From the hybrid-rivaling, fuel-sipping diesel to the 200hp Wolfs burg that th inks it's a race car, the lena lineup offers something forevery driver. Five-cylinder versions are neither fuel-efficient nor fun to drive, but they olTer good value. All l euas deliver refined, Euro-bred road manners.

Hi'fhs: Quality interior, plenty of powertrain choices, Germanic solidity, fuel-miser turbo-diesel, entertaining Wolfsburg turbo. Lows: Short on rear-seat legroom, noisy and unsatisfying fivecylinder engine, what's JeW: Redesignal for 2005; Gli discontinued for 2010. Belriad the whetl: Solidstructure, precise steering, and awilling chassis yield asporty feel. Diesel isvery fuel efficient but suffers from some turbo lag,

Base price: S, $18.305: SE, $21 ,095: WolfsbJ rg EIiIiOll, $12}50: 101, $23,300:SEl, $23,980; IDI (up Street Edition, m ,iXXl (est) Vehide type: front-engine, front-d rive; 4-door 5-pas>e!lger


Iml'fior lUIu me, F/R/w go(eu It). . ..... 50140/16 Wheelba'it' .. . ...... 101.5 in ,1 79.3170.1157.4 in Len gth/ ....ldth/heiljlt ... 35,1 35,811 Tu rningcircle Curb weigh!. . lb EPA CityfhighwaymfXj . . .... 21-30/30-42 FlM'I-M nk capacity/range .. 14.5 gaI/305 435 mi PQWERTRAIN lurbocharged and inleKooied 2.0-1il('[ DOI!C 16-val ve diesel ioline4, 140 hp, 236 Ib-It: 2.5-lnl'f OOHC lJ-valve inhne-S, 170 hp, 177 lb-ft; turbocharged and int('[cooled 2,0-liter DOH( 16-valve inline4, 200 hp, 2071b-It; 5- or 6-sp man, 6-sp auto ..... ilh maoumalic Ihifting. 6-sp dual-d utm automated man SUSPENSION f.. · .... ind, SlrutS, COil>j)"i rq~ anti-rolllJar R• · .ind, multil irt, roi l ~i ng~ anti- roll bo r



SAFnY flrakt"S,f IR , vented di:.::/dil( ASS. standard Slabnity/tractlOll control standard/standard PasSive restraint> .... .... dri';(>r and passenger froot Side, and cu!tainairbags; rear ~de (opt) and{u!lain airbags


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Volkswagen Passat

Hi'Jhs: Smooth styling; comfortable cabin with upscale

The roomy Passa! brings German sports-sedan road manners to the mid-size-sedan arena. Interior materials and build quality are fantastic , and the turbo engine is well matched with the new dual-clutch trans miss ion . The letdown? It costs more than its Japanese rivals.

appointments; solid chassis;

2.0-liter, turbo four engine; slick dual-clutch transmission.

Lows: uteriordesign aging a bit, pricing high for this class.

Base pri(e: S27)45 Vehide type: Wo nt-t'Ilg lle. froot-liil'{'; 4-cIoo r 5-p.1SSengtf


Imenorl'O lume, F/RJcargo (cu h). Whl'eI OO\e .. Length /Width/ht'i ght Tuming Circle .. Cllfbwdght EPA City/highway mpg Fuel-tankcapacity/lange.

.51/45/1 4 .11)).7in 1&8. 2171 .7/5s.o in . . .35.8h .33501b ....... .22131 18.5g.a1/407 mi


wbt's new: Redesigned fOf 2006; new dual-dutch transmission

turbocha rgl'd and intercooled 2.0-liter OOHC 16-va l~ inli ne-4,200 hp, ~7Ib-h:6- lP dua l -ciutch automated man

and minor trimchanges for 2010.


Bekind litwhtel: It's quickon its feet, with precise steering and


good poW€r, autobahn breeding show; lOgood advantage,

SAFETY Brakes. FIR.. vented disUdiS( ABS. . standard Stclbilityltrclctioo cootrol stlrdard/standard Pas>ive JeIl:raints. .driver and passenger froot, side, ...,d curtain ailWgS; rear ~de (opt) and curta in aimags


000 Volvo 540 We'd definite ly say that less is more with the 540. The sportierT5 may go faster, but it rides choppily; the base car is a more balanced machine. And it 's a good one, too, with a stylish interior, plenty of safety features, and a wi ll ing engine. Don 't expect it to set your pulse racing, though.

Hi,hs: Interior and exterior design,low base price, supple ride,torquey five-cylinder turbo. Lows: T5 models ride harshly, small bad seat lad of stowage in cabin.

Wilt's nrw: Redesigned for 2005; trim and package changes, and manual transmissions return after aone-year hiatus. Bf.ind tb wktll: It's pleasing rather than exciting. with decent steering and willing engines, but it's not extremely fun.

Base pri(e: 2.4i, $27,050;15, $32,00);15 AWO,$32,200 type: froot- ff1g i ~, froot- CI 4-wheel-drtl'€; 4-dw 5passengersedan InteriorI'O lume, F/RJcargo (cu h) . 51 52/40/13 .103.9io W'heeI OO\e .. Lengt h/Width/hei ght ..... .. t76,2169.7157,2-S7,9in luming cirde J 4.9ft 3300- 3550 Ib 19-21127-31 r~eI -tcln k Cclpacity/rclnge , ..... t4.5-tS.9gaI/302-334 mi Vehid ~

~~c~t~~ay'mpg POWERTRAtN

2.4-lner OOHC 2O-va l~ irlline-5, 165 or 158 hp, 170 Ib-ft: rurbochargl'd and intercooled 15-liter OOHC1()-va l~ inli ne-5, 127 hp, 236 lb-ft; 5- or 6-sp man. 5-sp auto wi th manUrn.JtiC shifting SUSPENSION R

SAFETY Brakes, rIR. . vented diSc/diS( ASS st.3ndard Stabilily/tractioo cootrol ..... ..... srardardlstlndard p.,JjI'€ restra ints. ,dri ver clnd passenger front, >ide. . clnti-roI l OOr ind, multil ink, codsprillgs. ant i-rol l OOr

Bas~ pri(e: 12, $40,050;16AWO, S43,800;V-SAWO, $52.350 Vehide type: froot- eng i ~. front- or 4-wheet-dril'€; 4-dOCJr 5passengersedan Interior I'O lume, F/RJCJJgo (cu h) 53/44/15 Whl'eIOO\e .. .1 11.6in Length /Width/hf'i ght 191.0173.3/58,8io Turn ing Circle .. 36.7- 40,Ofi Cllfbwdght 38SQ-41S0 Ib EPA city/hi9hway rnpide, eaBup/mill:im um (eu ftl. . .. 28/51 .1 10,6in Wht'f'ioo\e .. Lengt h/Widthlhe!lger wclgon Interior lUIu me, FIR (cu ft) .. . ....... .51/45 Cargo \'dume, seatsup/maximum (cuft) ......... 34/64 Wneelbase .. . ....... 11 1.9 in l€"llglh/widt h/hei~1 .194.2/73.0/S8.2 in lu rningcircle 390ft ............ ,4300 Ib Curb weight. EPA (ityfhighway mpg .. . ........... . 18/26 fllet-lO nk (Opacity/ra nge 21.1 gal/3SO mi PQWERTRAIN

lehlId tiewieel; This wagon's su percharged clnd intercooled 10-liter DOlI( 24-~alve V-6, lOO hp, rough ride was smoothe{[ out last ,10 Ib-ft; 6-sp auto I'.ith manumatiC shifting year, and the Avant now strikes an SUSPENSION _ind, muttitiri, coil ~i ngs, anti-roll ba r F. excellent compromise tletween R• · .ind, multiliri, coil ~i ng~ anti- roll ba r sportiness and luxury_ Quiet and refined, the Avant devours highway miles. SAFfTY Brakes, FIR . vented ,j>e/di>e ASS.. . ... Slandard Stclbility/tractioo wntrol . ,tclndclrdlSlandard P.r;'iive restraint,. . .. driver and paSlffigedroo~ Slde,and (urtain airbags; rear ~de (opt) and (urtain airbags



lOBes! Winner

BMW 3-series

W,hs: Superbtodrive; great

The most practical of the 3-series family delivers the same dynamic excellence as the sedan. The steering, poise, and handling are nearly unparalleled in any veh icle, much less other wagons. All-wheel drive is optional , but the twinturbo six and turbo-diesel unfortunately are not. -"

handling; smooth, powerful, and fuel-effic ient engine. Lows:Onlyone engine_ Whlfsuw: Redesigned for 2006; HD radiois now standard, and auto high-beams are optional in the 2010 model year.

lehiad t"e w"eel: High-quality interior, comfortable but firm ride, quiet and powerful engine all add up toa better experience than that provided by any cute ute, BMW's own included.

Base price: 31&, S36,125; 328ixDrive, S38,125 Vehide type: froot-en gine, rea[- or 4-wlJeeI-drive; 5-doo r 5-pa,lenger hatchback Interior lUIu me, FIR ((u ft) .. . ........... .51142 Cargo \'dume, seats up/maxi mum (eu ft) 16149 1()8} in Wneelbase .178.6/71.5/55 .8 in Lt--ngthlwidth!hei~t . Tu rningcircle ... 36.H8.7ft Curbwelght 35So-J8S0 1b EPA cityfhighway mpg . 17 18125 27 Fuel-tl nk (Opacity/range . 16.1 gaI!l74 290 mi POWERTRAIN 3.o-l ~er DOOC 24-Ycllve inlill€-6, 230 hp,




Brakes, FIR . ASS ..

.vented disc/veJlled di>e . ...... Slandard Stclb~ity/tractiOO wntrol . stclndord/Slandard P.r;si\'C restraiJllS _driver clnd [)cl5Sffiget froo~ ~de, and curtain airbags; rear cu rtain airbags

00000 The 5-series wagon continues to cater to people who eschew SUV ground clearance and instead seek a sporty, fun-ta-drive vehicle with sim ilar utility. It is available in the U.S. on ly in 535xi gu ise, which means all-wheel drive and a twin-turbo, 3.0- liter in linc-s ix.

Hi,hs: Big cargo hold, smooth engine, slicK six-speed manual and automatic transmissions, standard all-wheeldrive. Lows: Expensive compared with some SUVs, styling isn't fo r everyone. What'snw: Redesigned for 2006; unchanged for 2010_

lehiad t"e w"eel: Load haulers seldom handle this wellor are this much fun to drive It's too bad more folks don't like wagons; this one could change their minds.

· .... ind, SlM" coil>jlJ i ng~ Jnti-roll ba r · . indo nt ultiliri, coil>jlJ'ings, anti-roll ba r



BMW 5-series

2OOlb-ft; 6-\p man, 6-:.p

aulO with manuma!lc shifting

Base price: SSIi,625 Vehide type: front-engine, 4-wheel-oove; S-dOOI 5-pa5>e!lger wclgon Ifllerior lUIu me, fIR (cu ft)_ .54147 Cargo \'dum e, seatsup/maximum (euft) ......... 18/58 Wneelbase .. . .......... 11 1.6 in l€"llglh/widt h/hei~1 .191.2/72.7/S8) in lu rningcircle 39.0ft Curbwelght. ....... .4150 Ib EPA (ityfhighway mpg .. . . ....... 16/21-24 Fuel-ta nkcapacitylrange .. . ... 18.5 gal/296 mi PQWERTRAIN

lWIn-turboch.Jrged clnd imercooled lo-bter OOHC 24-~al~e inllne6, ,00hp, 300 Ib-ft;6-sp m.n;6-:.p auto with maoumaric shining SUSPENSION F. R



_ind, SlJUI'i, coil ~i ngs, anti-roll ba r _ind, multitiri, coil>jlJ'ings, anti-ro ll ba r

SAFHY Brakes, FIR . .vented disdvented di>e ASS_ Slandard Stclbnity/tractlOO wntrol standord/Slandard P.r;sive restraint> ........ driver and paSlffiger fron~ ~de, and (u rtain airbags; rear ~de (opt) and (u rtain airbags


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BMW S-series GT

Hi'j'hs: Executi ~e-class rear-seat

BMW has carved yet another niche from thin air with the 5-series GT, a vehicle that melds luxury sedan and wagon. Its trick cargo mouth can be opened either as a conventional trunk or a full hatchback. Legroom rivals that of the larger 7-series, which donates much of its underpinnings.

accommodations.lhrusty twinturbo V-8, versatility nearing that

of a real wagon. Lows: Funkier-than-X6Iooks may take awhiletogrow on you, buying one validates BMW's

boundary-testing activities. Wi.t'snrw: Introduced for 2010. ae"ind titwhtd: Atwin-turbo V-8and 7-serie) dynamics can helpyou quicklyforget the questionableshape of this segmem-bending experiment

Base price: 535i. $60,000 {est); 535xi, $62,000 (est): 55Oi. $65,(0) (esl); 55(b:i, S67,OOCI (f'St) Vehide type: from-engine, tear-IX 4-whetl-mve: 5-dco" 4 5passenger hatchback Interiorvoill/lle, FIR (CUII) ,. 59/48 (est) GJ rgo volume, >eaBup/maxim um (eu ft). . .. 10/60 Whl'eH:t.l >e . 1l01 in Length /widthlheight 196,8/74,8/61.4 in Tuming rn:Ie. . .. 4{),Oll Curb weight 445()-4750 Ib 15-16/22-24 (est! EPAcitylhighwoympg Fuel-tankcdpacity/r.mge , ...... 18.5 gal1278 296 ml (est) POWERTRAIN

twin-turbocharged and int€1"cooled 3.0-litef DOff( lhalve inlifl€6, 300 hp, }(J() Ib-II, tl'-in-turbochall)ed and inl€1"(ooIed 4.4-lit€1" OOH( 32-valve V-B, 400 hp, 450 Ib-ft; 8-sp auto with rrnnumatic shifting SUSPENSION F R

. ind, multilin k, coi springs. onti-roIl bar ,ind, mult ilink, air springs. onti-roIl bat


Brakes, FIR. . . .... .. '(t'flted disc/'(t'flted disc ABS .. standud 5tooility!tractioo cootrol ..... ..... stardard/standard i'asJjI'€ rest raints. ,driver and passengerfront,Side, and cunain arrbags; reMcurtain alrbags



lOBes! Winner

Cadillac CTS Sport Wagon If cars sold on looks alone, Caddy would have a massive hit on its hands with this handsome wagon. It also is very practical , with a roomy load area, and has all the CTS virtues: strong engines, excellent ride and handling, and a well-crafted interior. The thinking person 's SUV.

HI,hs: Looksgreat, has ahighqualityinterior, drives like a German sport wagon,

Lows: Thebase 10-literV-6 engine makes good power, but ahigh torquepeak makes it feel underpowelfd. Wial's new: Introduced for 2010.

',:''' Z010 • Base price: 3.0, S4{),6SS; 3.0 AW D, S41,SS5; l6, $46,450; 16 AWD, S48,3SO Vehlde type: froot-engine, tear- Ct 4-whffl-drive; S-door 5passenger wagon .54/41 Interiorvoill/lle, FIR (cu ft) !:orga I'O lume,Sl'dBup/maXim um (eu ft) .15/54 YJl\fflb.Jl(> .. . 113.4in Length /widthlht'i ght 191.3172.5/59,1in luming cirde 36.111 Cwbweight .. .4150--4350 Ib EPAcitylhighwaympg 18/26 27 ruel-tankcopacity/range , 18.0gal/314mi POWERTRAtN

Btiind lit whtd: The CTS Sport Wagon steers, stops, and goes with the aplomb of its German !ivalsbut offers more interior space for less money. Didwe mention that illooks fantaslic?

lo-liter DOHC14-vallle V-6, 270 hp, m Ib-ft: 16-lnel DOHC 14valveV-fi, 3.4 hp,173 Ib-ft;6-sp auto With manumat ic shilling SUSPENSION f. R


. .... .. '(t'flted disc/vented disc Brakes, FIR .. ABS .. . .. stafldald Stobility/tractioo COllt~ ...... .. .. stardard/stdndard driver and passengerfrom,side, ...,d PtlSsil'€ restraints. cuna in arrbags; real curtain attbags


00000 Chevrolet AveoS A basic trans portation appliance, the Ave05 trails its subcompact competition in performance, but its pricing is kind to tight budgets. Built by Daewoo in Korea, this small Chevy is structurally solid and looks good . T here"s also a sedan model, but the hatchback is more versatile.

Hi'Jhs: Attractive styling. solid chassis, room for four adults, five-door-ha1chback versatility, bargain-basement pricing. Lows: No curtainairbags, barely adequate power, four-speeenger front, knee (driver only), and (urtain airbags; rear (urtain ilirbags

ASS.. Stability/tractlOO wntrol


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lOBes! Winner

Honda Fit

Hi'j'hs: Astounding interior volume for its size, clever cargo

Redesigned for 2009, the Fit offers space IQf five people and their stuff in an appealing subcompact package. The plucky 1.5-liter four helps it claim the title of quickest in its

class. Some other cars have higher mpg ratings, but none can top this nifty five-door for fun-to-drive.

and seating versatility, lot5 of 5rIlaii carfo rnot much money. Lows: Re\lesign gained weight, no satellite-radiooption, Wbt's new: Redesigned for 2009; unchanged for 2010.

ae"ind lit whtd: The Rt's remarkable usefulness is augmented by eager handling,

precise steering. and respectable

Base price: $15,610; Sport, $17,120 Vehide type: front-t'Ilglle. frOO\-O'ive; 5-cIoor 5-p.meng('l' wagon InteriorI'O IWIle, FIR (ru It). . . .. 51/40 CJ rgowlume, s.eots up/ma~mum leu It). . .. 21/57 'NtH't'ibos.e . 9114 in 16L6/fJj} IW,Oin Length /Widthfhl'i ght Tuming Circle. .. 34.4 1t .2500-2650 Ib Curb Wf'i ght. ..... . EPA cityfhighwoy mpg 27-28/33-35 Fuel-tankCJp.lcily /ronge 1O.6gI' .. . 11)5.3 in Length fwidthfhl'i ght 1762/6951598 in Tumingcircle. 34.2 35.8It .29SQ-3150 Ib Curb Wf'i ght .. EPA citylhighwoy mpg 23/30-31 fuel-tonkcopacity/range . 14.0gall322 mi POWERTRAIN 2.o-liter DOHC 1 6-~all'!' inli ne-4, 138 hp, 136 Ib-It; 5-sp man, 4·sp aUla Vehid~



Brakes, FIR.. vented diSddisc ASS standard Stobility/troction control stardardlstandard Passive restraints. .driver and pa-;senger frOll!,side, ...,d curtain airbogs: rear curta in airbogs


0000 Infiniti EX3S Not quite big enough to be considered an SUV, the EX 35 is essentially a G37 sedan with a taller, shorter body. Inside, the EX has a handsome interior that high-quality materials. The back seat is tight, and there isn 't a lot of cargo space, but the EX is sporty and fun to drive.

Hi,hs: An anraclive, not-quiteSUV shape; responsiveV-6 engine; stylish interior; has the moves ofthe G37. Lows: Tight cargo area and rear seat, occasional coarse groans from the bigV-6. Wilt's ntw: Introduced in 2008; unchanged for 2010

Bflind litwhtt~ Much like the G37, it has heavy, tactile steering; a powerful engine; and impressive handling. TheV-6 can occasionally sound a bit rough.


0000 92

CARaoxlORIVER,( om

.ioo, strut~ codsprings. anti·roI l bar . ind, multili nk, coa springs. anti·roI l bar


Bas~ price: $34,fJj5; AWD, $36,065; Journey, $36,865 (est); Journey AWD,$38,265 Vehide type: front-engine, rear- or 4-wheel-dril'€; 5-door S-p.lssengerwagon InteriorI'O lume, FIR (cu It). 54 57/34 35 (a rgowlume, >l'dts up/malimum lcuft). . .. 19147 . 110.2in Wheelb.J >I' .. Length /Widthfhl'i ght 1823/71 .0/62.6in Tumingcircle. 34.8 36.01t J800- 4OCJ(l Ib CurbWf'i ght .. EPA Citylhighway mpg 16-17123-24 Fuel-tank cop.lCily/range 20.0 ge!lger wclgon Iml'fior lUIume, FIR(cu ft) .. . .... 51 52/43 Cargo \'dum e, seatsup/maximum(cu ft) ..... .... 18/50 Wneelbase .. . ..... .. 102.4 in l€"llglh/width/hei~1 .169.1/66.7/60.4 in lurning circle J4.2ft Curb weight. ..... . .2700-2800 Ib EPA(ityfhighway mpg .. ..24-28/31-14 fuel-to nk (Opacity/range 13.2 gaI/317-370 mi PQWERTRAIN 1.S-liter DOll( 16-villV(' inlirl:'-4. 122 hp, 127 Ib-ft; 6-sp!Wn. 4-1P auto, continuouslyvariable auto SUSPENSION

F. R•

.ind, strut';, coil ~i ngs, ami-roll ba r .ind, tra ili ng aJlllS, coil ~i og~ ami- roll ba r

fun quotient. Adequate but nOl inspiring handlingand power.

SAFETY flra~(1.r IR . .vented di;.c/ihm ASS. .opliOllal Stability/tracnon control . .optional/op1iooal Passive restraint> ....... dri'l ('r and paS>I'rlger fron~ side, and (urtain airbags; rear (urtain aimags



"o:''' Z010 Porsche Panamera

ru,hs: Seats four adults, big

Now they've done it! Porsche has a big, new five-door hatchback , and purists are weeping. However, 5-class and 7-series owners may be defecting. The 5, 45 , and Turbo are high-tech, fast , spacious, practical, and competent both on curves and autobahns. The base prices are righ t , too.

cargo area, inhales autobahns and mountain roads, brand snobbery.

Lows: Expensive with options, stylingevokes acheese puff,the controls lad 911 -like precision. Whafs.ew: Introduced for 2010.

lelriad tiewieel: Much heavier than a911, the steering is softer and less kinetic, but thiswide, stable machine has huge grip. The 4OO-hp Sand 4S are quick; the Turbo is just plaininsane.You enJOY the weed from afine cabin

Base price: S, $W,595;4S, S94,595; luroo, $133,395 Vehide type: front-engine, rear- or 4-wheel-drive; 5-door 4passenger hatchback Intl'fior '/Illume, FIR ((uft).. . .. .......... 48fl8 Cargo '/Illume. SEalSup/maxim um(cu ft l . 15-16/44-45 Wneelbase 115.0 in length/.,.,ldth/hei(jll .195.7176.0/55.8 in Turning (irde .. .......... J9J ft CU rb weight. .. 4000-4350Ib EPAcityfhigliway mf"] 15-16113-14 Fuel-tl nk Glpacity/range ..... ..... 11.1 26.4ga1/338 422mi PQWERTRAIN 4.8-I ~er DOHC31-vcll~ V-8, 400 hp, 369 Ib-ft; twin-turbochargf>d iIld intl'fcooll'd 4.8-htl'f [)QH( 3l-valV(' v-a, SOO hp, 516 or5&8 lbft; 7-spdua l-clutch automated mill SUSPfNSION

F. . . . . . . . . .. .ind. lIIlequal-leogth control arms. coil oX air springs. ami-roll ba r ind, mukil ink, coilor cllr ~i rqs. ami-ro ll ba r SAFETY Bra~('\, FIR . ASS..

.vemed, grooved dJIC/~nted, groCM'd disc . ... stilldard Stab~ity/tr.)(\ion control. Slclndord/stilldard Passil'€ restrclin~ . .driltf and pJssenger 1T000t, side. kn~, and cu rtain clirNgs; rear side (~t) iIldcu rtain aimaCjl


00000 Saab 9-3 SportCombi/9-3X SportCornbi is Saab-speak for wagon. This version of the 9-3 offers greater utility and a unique style. All-wheel drive is available, while front-wheel drive is standard. The new 9-3X has a raised ride height and new bumpers to g ive an SUV-like feel; it 's 5aab's Subaru Outback .

Hi,hs: Comfortable seats, distinctive Swedish styling. strong turbo engine, fun-to-drive, station-wagon utility. Lows: Hints of torquesteer, hints of turbo lag. occasionally jarring suspension, pricey top models.

what'S JeW: Refreshed for 2008; the 9-3X isnew, andthe turbo V-6is gone.

Belriad tiewieel: The 2.0-liter turbo engine is willing and responsive, but the chassisis beginning toshow its age.

Base price: $36,500 (est); .,...3X AWO. S39,(m (est); Aero, $41,COO


Vehide type: fronl-engine, froot- oX 4-wheel-dril'€; 5-doo r 5-pasle!lger \'Ielgon Imerior lUIu me, FIR(cu ft).. . ........ 51/46 Cargo\'dum e, seatsup/maximum (cuft) ........ . 36/62 Wneelbase .. . ....... lCi6.7 in l€"ll glh/widt h/hei~1 .188.0171.7/59.7 in lu rningcircle .35.8ft Cu rb weight. ............. 1350 Ib EPA cityfhighway mpg .. . ............ 22/31 18.5 9al/407 mi fuel-to nk (Opacity/range PQWERTRAIN

minor trimchangesfor 2010

turbOChilfged aod interrooled 2.0-liter 0011( 16-valve inline-4, 200 hp, 207I b-ft: 6-spdua l-cl utchautomated man

lelriad li!wiffl: Likethe Passa! sedan, this wagonisblessed with precisesteering, quick reflexes, a firm ride, good power, and ahigh fun-IO-drive index,


F. R•


flra~(1,f /R, vented tise/disc ASS. Slartda rd Stability/tracnon control . standard/Slartda rd Passive restraint>. . .. . .. drivf'r and POS>l'rlgel froo~ side, and cu rtain airbags; rear side (opt) andcurtain airbags


00000 Volvo VSO Based on the S40 sedan , the V50 looks great, has a roomy cargo area, and offers standard safety features such as stabi lity control. It also has a surprisingly roomy cabin and classically clean design throughout. Our favorite model is the base 2.4i. But don't expect much in the way of fun.

Hi'fhs: Comfortable seats, full range of safety features, roomy cargobay, looks great insideand out. availableAWD model. Lows: Top-spec TSislessfun than the 24i, pricey for itssize. WhIt'SUW: Re\lesigned

for 2005; new standardsix-spee\l manual on TS AWO R-Oesign, minor trim changes for 2010,

lelriad lie wiee): Decent steeringand performance. but the handlingis skewed more toward safety than amusement.

Ba~ prlte: 2,4j, $29,550; 15 A WD, m,900 Vehide type: from-eoginr, from- or 4-\'I heri-dril'C; 5-door 5p..1SSemJff Welgon Imerior lUIu me,F/R(cu ft).. . .... 51 52/41 Cargov~ume, seals up/maxim um (cu fi) ............. 27/63 Wneelbase.. . ...... 103.9 in l€"llgth/l'lldth/hei~1 178.0/691/57,4 -57.5 in lu rningcircle ........ .34,9ft Cu rb weight. .. ... .3350-3600 Ib EPACitylhighwJ)' mpg .. 19-20/26-31 ruel-Mn! (Opacity/ra nge .......... 14.5- t5.9 gaI/290- 318 mi

PQWERTRAIN l.4.. lner IXlHC 1O-vaive inhne-5, 165 or 1M hp, 170 Ib-ft: 1.5-liter

OOHC 2O-vall'€ inline-5, 227 hp.136Ib-ft; 6-sp mao, 5-sp autowith manumellicshifting SUSPENSION F•• R•

00000 The V70 and its more macho .. looking cousin, the XC70, aren't going to give a driver goose bumps, but they are very practical, very safe, and stylish in a low.. key Scandinavian way. For 2010, the base 3.2 .. liter engine gains partial zero .. emissions status but loses 10 horsepower in the process.

Hi'fhs: Spacious cargo area, comfy seats, XC70 styling. lotsof standardsafelY features. Lows: Not particularlyexciting to drive. gulps more gasoline than you might expec~ can gel expensive.

What'snw: Re\lesignedfor 2008; there'salower-horsepower, PZEV 12..liter engineand arestyled grille for 2010. lelriad iiewiee): Quiet and refinedal speed, withdel'rlgel froo~ Side, and curtain airbags; rearcurlain airbags


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, m"


bua p.leI



$66,050- $87,630 $41,585- $56,575

Cadillac Escalade ESV

12/19 12- 14/19- 20


'"1.,10. volume


f,ont /mid/ ."art Ica.go,



26.0- 31.0

61--M/S7!33- 46/109- 137 64/57/%/137 $9-W157/43- 51/108- 131 64/571461137

31.5- 39.0 28.0-33.5

Ford Expedilion El

S39,535-SS 1,665


GMCYukon Xl

$42,440- $59,700

11- 14/19- 20 1

31.5- 39.0

Audl Q7 Bula Endave Cadillac Escalade (lI"role! Talloe Ford Expedition Ford Flex GM(Acadia GM(Yukon Hummer HZ Infiniti QX56 Land Ronr lR4 Land Ronr Range Rover Land Rover Range Rover Sport lexus lISlO Uncoln MKT Uncoln NavIgator Mercedes-Benl G·dass Mercedes-Benz Gl-dass Nissan Armada Toyolaland Cruiser Toyola Sequoia

S47,72S- S61,SlS

13- 17/18- 25


$35,940- $41,105 $63,445- $85,075 $38,230- $54,565 $36,010- $49,015 $29,270- $4US5 $31,515- $41.360

16- 17m- H



26.0- 31.0 26.0 28.0- 33.5 18.6 n.o 26.0 32.0 28.0 22.8 27.6 23.1 24.6 18.6 28.0- 33.5 25.4 26.4 28.0 24.6



$64,000' $56,915- $60,015 548,100- 557,665 579,175- $95,125 $60,495- $74,195 $77,280 $44,995- $49,955 $55,325- 558,225 $103,OOO- $ln,OOO' $6O,825- $83,m $38,010- $52,990 $65,770 539,480- 559,S55

13- 15120-21 14/20 1&-17/22- 24 1&- 17123 - 24 13- 15/20-21 NA 12/17- 18 12117 12118 12118 12118 16-17/22- 23 NA 11115 12- 17/17-23 12118 13/18 13- 14/18- 19


SS- 56/46- 49/29m 57-60151-5l/401115 63-64/57133- 46/109- 137 64/57- 58/331109 59-60/57/43- 51/108- 131 58160/36183 57-60/50-51/41/116 64/57- 58/331109 64/59123187 63/63/39/97 $9/55/36/90 54/1UJ47/74 53/NA/49/71 58/48/36/83 'X>/55/30/76 59/57/43- 51/104-128 69/NAJ55/SO 55/55/38/83 64/63/39/97 S7!50/36/82 63- 65/53- 54/45- 48/ 120-121


curb weight, pounds

cird., feet

length /width /height,

39.0- 410

lO2.S- 222.8179.0- 79.1n4J- 7S.4


43.0- 453

222.4179.1/76.8- 77.2 206.5- 221 JfiS.SI77.2-78J


40.8- 43.9 43.0- 45.3


5750- 6300 5650-6500

m.4m.1176.8- 77.1



S200- SSSO

40.4 39.0- 43.0 39.0 40.8- 43.9 40.7 40.4 39.0 43.1 40.8 37.6 39.4 17.7 38.7 40.7 4O.S- 43.9 43.5 39.7 40.8 38.7 39.0

lO l.Sfi9.0m.s

4900-5100 5700-6150 5300- 5850 5750-6300 4700- 5050 4850- 5050 5300-S85O 6650 5750- 6050 5800 5750- 5950 5500- 5750 6200 4700- 4950 5900-6250 5700- 5800 5300-5450 5400- 5850 1700 5700- 6100


2{l2.5- m.Sf79.0- 79.1fi4J- 75.4 202.0f79.0/75.9- 77.0 206.5 - 221.3f78.8177.2- 783 101.sn5.9/68.0 201.1fi8.9/69.9 202.0f79.0/75.9-77.0 203.5181.2178.5- 79.2 206.9fi8.8177.8- 78.7 190.9f75.4/74.5 195.7m.0/74.9 188.5/75.9/71.5 196.5/71.6/75.6 207.6/76.0/67.4 208.4-223 .3fi8.8/78.1- 783 185.6/71.3-73.1/76.0 200.6/75.4172.4- 75.6 207.7 f79.1177.2- 78.0 194.9/71.6/74.0 105.1f79.9/74.6


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billie price

MID-SIZE AwraMDX BMWXSIXS M BMW X6IX6 M (dillac SRX Chevrolet Equinox Chevrolet Trayerse Dodge Journey Ford Edge

Ford bplor•• 6M( Terrain

Honda Accord (rosstour HondaPilol HummerH3

Hyundal Santa Fe Hyundal Veraauz

Intin!t! FUS!FXSO lup Commander Jup Grand Cherokee (20ll) Kia SOlTego lexusGX460 Lexus RnSO

lincoln MKX Mnd"CX·7 MazdaCX-g Mercedes-Benz GLK·dass

Mercedes-Benz M·dass/Ml63 Mercedes-Benz R·dass Men:ury Mountalnl't!r Mltsubishi Enduvor Mitsubishi Outlander Nissan Murano

Nissan Pathfinder Nissan Item POBme (;tyenne Subaru Tribeca

Toyota FJ Cruiser Toyota Highlander Toyota Vellla Toyota 4Runner

$43,000' $48,325- $86,225 $57,ll5-$89,ns $34,155- $48,365 $23,185- $30,540 $29,999- $40,760 $21,165- $28,870 $27,695- $36,545 $29,695-$39,015 $24,995- $29,945 $10,380-$34,730 $28,605- $39,355 $34,500- $42,500' $23,000- $32,000' 528,895- $36,645 543,265- $59,265 534,355- $43,610 $32,000- $46,000' $26,995- $40,745 $50,000' $37,675- $39,075 $39,195- $41,045 SU,300- SH,635 $29,385- $34,795 $35,475-$37,475 $46,575- $91,925 $50,175- $51,675 S29,895- $38,'Xl5

$18,739- $32,239 $21,560- $29,970 528,850- $38,980 $28,240- $39,910 SB,250- $30,200 546,315- $127,115 $31,250- $36,550 $24,480-$25,660 $16,505- $35,320 $27,025- $30,300 $18,355- $40,655 541,240- $44,760 $38,550--$48,900

Volkswagen Touareg Volvo X(90 COMPACT AeoB up/mol:im um (eu ftl . ,116.0-130,Oin Wheeioose .. 201,5 m8{79.0 79,1/74.1 75,4in ll'I1gth /Widthlhl"ighl N,0- 410 1t Tuming circle . Curb weight . ,5700-6150 Ib EPA citylhighwoy mpg ... 11/19 Fuel-tonkcop.lcitY/Jilnge , ..... 26.0-11.0gaI1112 172 ml POWERTRAIN

6.2-liter pushrGd 16·vaM v-a, 403 hp, 417 Ib-It; 6-sp auto with moou manc shlfting SUSPENSION

r, R

. ioo. uneqlJill-ll'Ilgth control arm~ co~ spri ng~ ant i-rol l bill ri gid oxie, lOa springs.onti-roI l bilr

SAFETY &rakes. FIR.. vented diSddiS( ASS standard Stability/tractioo COOlrol Stlrdord/stlndard Pal~ve Jl'ltraintl . . ,driver and passenger froot side, and curtain airbags; middle and rear curtainaimags 201 0 BUYERS GUIDE

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Cadillac SRX For 20 I0, the SRX shrinks in size and price and moves to the sub-$40K segment, where the Lexus RX350 is king. If it's a practical Caddy you're after, try the base SRX first, whose price undercuts most of its rivals'. Better stil l, sample Cadillac 's own crs wagon with the 3.6-1iter V-6.

Hi!hs: Spectacularly luxurious cabin, Lexus-like fit and finish, sturdy andstable platform. Lows: Unacceptablyheavy, overwhelmed base V-6.

whifsJleW: Redesigned for 2010.

lellid Inw"eel; The cabin isatotal joy to inhabit, but the SRXdisappoints dynamically. It weighsway too much, which destroys acceleration. Moreover, gears shift slowly, and the thronle isincredibly nonlinear. Alas, the SRXis mainly an interstate cruiser.

Base price: $34,155; Lu'(IJry, $37,735; Luxury AWD. $40,230; Performance, $42.t75; Pe rforma nce AWD, $45.820; f'r€miu m. S44}20; Premium AWO.$48365 Vehide type: from-engine, from- or 4-wlJeeI-drive; 5-door 5pos:.enger wagon Imerior\1llume, rIR(eu fi). . . .... .... 55/45 Cargov~ume, seatsup/maximum(ru ft) ..... .... 29161 'Nneelba:.e .. . .... .. 110.5 in lengthlwidl h/heiljll .190.3/75.3165.7 in Turning circle ..... .... 4O.0ft CU rb weight. . .4300-4550 Ib EPA citylhighway mpg . t5-t8/21-25(6t) Fuel-ta nk capacity/range . 21.0 gal/315 378 mi (est) PQWERTRAIN 3.Q--liler OOHC2ha1v€ V--6, 265 hp, m Ib-It; lurbocharg€'d oVld intefcool€'d 2.8-liter DOOC24-valveV·6, 300 hp, 29S Ib-It;6·sp auto ....ith manumatic'illiiting SUSPENStON F•• R•


&akf'S. FIR . .veot€'d dwveot€'d diS( ASS.. . ... stoVlcll rd Stability/traalon wmml standard/stoVlda rd P;r;sive restraints .driver and ])dssenqet" fronL sid~, and curtain airbags; rearcurtain airbags


00000 Chevrolet Equinox T he 2010 Equinox represents a huge step forward from its mediocre predecessor. Quality cabin materials, more advanced powertrains- all Equinoxes use six-speed automatics and feature direct fuel injection- and upscale looks make this one worth considering.

m!hs: Dapper new looks, mlKhimproved interior, effi cient directinjection engines,lots of available techno-goodies, very quiet cabin. Lows: Weight hurts fuel economy. steering feel is nonexistent.

What'snw: Redesignedfor 1010.

lellid l"ew"eeJ: The driving experienceis farmore refined than before, but there's little funto !:Ie hadhere-think competence, not playfulness. We prefer themore frugal fourcylinder model.

BaSf price: LS, S23.185; L1, $14,105; LS AWO, 514.935; LI AWD,

m ,855; LTZ. S28)'Xl; lTZAWD, $30,540 Vehide type: Iront-erJ9ine, front- or 4-wheel-drive; 5-door Spa\\ffiger wagon Iml'fior\1llume, FIR (eu ft). .53/47 Cargo\1lIum~, seatsup/maximum(eu ftl .31/64 'Nneelbase.. . ......... 112.5 in length/widt hlheiljll .187.8/72.5/663 in lurningcircle 40 0--421ft CUrb werght. . J800-4OOJ Ib EPA citylhighwaympg . 17 22114 32 ruel-ta nk capacity/range ..... ..... 18.8-20.9 gal/355-414 mi POWERTRAIN H -Iner OOHC16-val'le inline-4, 182 hp, 172 Ib-ft: lQ-litl'f OOHC 24-va!ve V-6, 264 hp, 122 Ib-It; 6-sp auto with manumallcshifting SUSPENStON f.. R

&.kes, FIR . ASS ..

.vent€'d disc/verll€'d disc . .. .... standard Stab~ity/traoion control. standord/stancllrd P;r;si\'C restraints .driver . nd ])dlsenqet" fronL sid~, and curtain airbags; rearcurtain airbags

0000 These are GM's biggest utility wagons and the go ld standard in their class for decades. T hey offer a variety of equipment and powertrain choices, also arguab ly the best in their class. These big guys are thirsty, but their towing, hauling, and passenger accommodations are tough to top.

Hi!hs: Solidstructure, quiet operation, attractiveinteriorS,lots of space for pe\Jple or cargo, !:Iesl range of powertrain choices. Lows: NOllhehandiest rig in a crowdecl parking lot, not exactly inexpensive to operate.

what's JeW: Redesignecl for 1007; 6.0-literwithvariable valve timing for 2500, revised options.

lellid tkewkeeJ: Smooth, quiet, andcompetent for avehicle in this size class. Ponderousby any other reckoning.

..... ind, strut" coil~i ngl. anti-roll lJa r . ind, multiliri, coil ~i ngs, anti-roll ba r



Chevrolet Suburban/GMC Yukon XL

. .... ind, struts, coil ~i ng~ anti- mil ba r . .... ind, struts, coil ~i rq~ anti- mil ba r

Base price: Suburban. $41,585 $56.575; \'u~on Xl, $42,440 $51.305; Yukon Xl Denali, $56,6t5-$59}00 Vehide type: front-engine; rear-, rear/4-, or 4-wheel-dnve: 5-door 7-9-passenger wagon . .... . fAI57 146 Interior\1llume, rIM/R (eu ftl . . Cargo\'dume, seatsup/maximum(ru ft) ..... .. .46/137 'Nneelbase .. . .... .. 130.0 in lengthlwidl h/heiljll 222.4/79.1/76.8-77.2 in Turning circle ... 410- 45.3ft CUrb werght .5650-6500 Ib EPA citylhighway mpg . 12-14/19-20 Fuel-ta nk capacity/range .... ...... 31 .5 39.0gal/378 461! mi POWERTRAIN 53 -I ~er pu,hrod 16-valve V-B. 310 hp, 335 Ib-ft; 6.Q--liter pushrod 16-va!ve V·8; 352 hp, 382 Ib-ft; 6.l-liter pushrod 16-valve V·8, 403 ~, 417I b·ft: 6-spaUlO withmanumaticshifting SUSPENSION

F..... . ind, unequal·lffigth controlarms, lorsron bars, anti- mil ba r R.... .rigid axle; 1500:cdl springs, 2500: leaf S¢ngs: anti- mil ba r




flrakf'S .fIR. .vent€'d dWveot€'d disc ASS. stancllrd Stabnity/traalon wmml standard/standa rd P;r;sive restraint>. . . .. driver and pasSffi9t'1 front and curtain airbaq$. middleand rearcurtain airbags CARandORI


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10 5

Chevrolet Tahoe/GMC Yukon The Tahoe and Yukon are full-size utility wagons with a solid range of capabilities, powered by the best army of gas

V-Ss in the segment. They drive far better than their mass would suggest, but buyers seeking a roomy third row may want to look at the larger Suburban and Yukon XL

Ki,hs: Good mpg forthe das5, finebuildquality, impressive solidity, excellent v-a engines. Lows: Crampe\l third-row seat, headroomcould !:Ie better,

wilt's new: Redesigned fOf 2007; changes for2010 include cam phasing and E85 capabilityfor 5.3-literV-8, USBports for radios. ae"ind tit whtd: Smooth ride quality, quiet inside, and wong

engines, but not agreat choice for an mryday vehicle unless heavy lowing is a frequent activity.

Base price: Tahoe, $38.130- $54,565; Yukon, $38,970- $41,615; iUkoo Denali, $53.950-$56,945 Vehide type: Iront-('Ilgine; rear-, rear/4-, or 4-wheel-oo~e; 5-doo r 7 9-pawc'nger wagoo InteriorI'O lume, FIM/R (eu ft) 64/57 58m CJ rgol'Olume, ~at,up/ma~mum (eu ft). . .17/109 . 116.0in Wheeloose .. Length twidth/hl'i ght XI2.0/79.0/75.9-77.0 in Tum ing drde .. . ...... .39,Oft .5300-5850 Ib ~Pt.bc~~~~~~·~pg 13-15/20-21 Fuel-tankcapacity Irange 26.0gaIIBS-364ml POWERTRA1N 5.3-liter pu>hrod 16-valve v-s, 320 hp. B5 lb-It; 6.0-liter pushrod 16-~a l '112 V-8. 352 hp. 382 1b-ft;6.2-liter pushrod 1 6-~a lve V-8. 395 or 403 hp. 417Ib-It;6-,paUiOwith manu matic slufting SUSPENSION F •••••• ioo, uneq llill-Il'rlgth control aml~ cOil spri ng~ anti·roIlOOr R ngid axle, co~ springs. anti-roll 001 SAfETY &rakes. rIR. . . ...... ~('Ilted disc/vented disc ABS standard Stabilityltractioo cootrol ...... .... stlooardlstandard Pal~ve Je>traintl. . ,dri l'ef and passenger front side, and curtain airb39'i; mi ddle and rear curtain airbags


0000 Chevrolet Traverse Available with front- or all-wheel drive, the Traverse is Chevy's version of GM's large crossover architecture, shared with Buick and GMC. Attractive styling, competitive pricing, a roomy interior, thoughtful accommodations, and good road manners are its strong suits.

Hi,hs: Solid underpinnings, qUiet operation, roomy passenger compartment,lots offamily goodies and safety features. Lows: Alittle heal'Y by class standards, interiorplastics and trim looka tad cheap. Will's ntw: Inlroduced for 2009; all radios get a USB port for 2010, Beiind titwhttl: Although hefty,the Traverse is lighterthan traditionalssuch as the Tahoe and drives smaller. Responses are competent; ride quality is supple,

BaSt pri(f: LS, $19,999; LSAWD, $31,999; LT, m,52O; LT AWD, $34.520; liZ, $38}60; LI ZAWD, $40,760 Vehide type: from -erqlne, froot- 1)1' 4-whed-drive; 5-door 7-8passengerwagon Interiorl'O lume, F/MIR (cu ft) .. 57-60/51140-41 CJ rgowlume, ~m u m (eu ft). ..24/116 W'hedoos.e . 118.9in ,205,0/78.4/72,8in Length twidthlhl'i ght Tuming drde. . .. 40,4ft Curb wl'ight. .4750-4950 Ib EPA cilylhighway mpg t6-t7/23-24 Fuel-tankcdp.lcitylJilnge , .......... 21.0gal/352 374mr POWfRTRAiN 16-liter OOIK 24-~alve V--6, 281 or 238 hp. 256 or 270 Ib-ft ; 6-sp auto with manumatiC shifting SUSPENSION F. . ioo, strut~ coa spri ng~ anti-rol ioor R• ,ind, mu ltilin k, co~ sprirqs, anti-rolioor SAFETY &rakes. rIR. . . ...... v('Ilted disc/vented disc ABS standard Stability/traction cootrol ...... .... stlooardlstlndard p.,JjV€ rest raints. ,dri l'ef and passengerfronl, >ide. an d curtainairbaqs; middle and rear curtain airbag,


00000 Dodge Journey Dodge's crossover entry has a clever interior and is amactively priced. Based on the Avenger, it also offers a V-6 option (recommended) and all-wheel drive. T he Journey is okay to drive, but the cabin material s leave something to be desired. A solid if wholly unsjJCctacular choice.

Hi'Jhs: Attractive exterior that's unmistakablyDodge, plenty of clever interior features, solid safety credentials, priced to sell. Lows: Snug third-row sea~ tepid perform ance with four-cylinder engine and fou r-speerl automatic. Wilt's ntw: Introduced fo r2009; 2010 sees minor improvements 10 convenience and safety equipment andV-fJ fuel economy. Beiind titwhttl: The Journey is boring yet dynamically competent, library quiet, too.

Base priCt: SE, 2t,165; SXT, $24,465: SXTAWD, $26,955; RfT, 527,120; R/T AWD, $28.870 Vehide type: front-erqine, front- 1)1' 4-....t1ee1-drive; 5-door5-7passenger wagon InteriorI'O lume, FIM/R (eu ft) 53 55143 44/25 CJ rgowlume, >eatsup/maximum (cu ft). . .. t1-40/68 . 113,Sin Wheeloose .. t92.4/7221fJj6in Length twidth/hl'i ght 38,5 N,Oft Tum ingcircle. .3950-4400 Ib Curb weight .. EPA Citylhighway mpg t5-19/23-25 Fuel-tankcapocity Irange 18.5-21.1 gal/317-390 ml POWERTRAtN 2.4-liter 0011( 16-~al l'!;' inline-4, 173 hp. 166 Ib-ft; 3.5-lit['[ SOHC 24-~al l'!;' V-6, B5 hp. m Ib-It; 4-sp auto, 6-sp auto with rTtaoomancshlfting

SUSPENStON ,ioo, strut~ coD springs, anti-rol loor . ind, mu ltilin k, co~ springs, anti·roItOOr

F. R

SAFETY &ra kes, FIR..


000 106


vented diSc/disc standard Stability/traclioo control stlooard/stlndard Pal~ve Jl'ltraints. . ,driver and passenger front >ide, an d curtain airbags: rear curtain airbags ABS


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Dodge Nitro Dodge's take on the Jeep Liberty compact SUV sports a stout, 5000-pound towing capacity and enviable off-road capability, but it cou ld use some on-road manners . Also, the cabin is extremely tight and has compromised sight lines, and both engi nes have a large th irst for fuel.

Hi,hs: Range ofengines, transmissions, and four-wheeldri~esYSlems; brassystyling; lowing and off-road capabilities. Lows: Fueleconomy. tight cabin, clumsy on-road manners. Wh,t'sJleW: Introduced for 2007; updates for 2010 include revised interior trim and an "efficient dri ~ing· indicator.

Belriad lie wi eel: Torquey with the 40-literV-6, but the cabin isnoisy and the ride stiff. It's not much fun.

Base price:SE, Si2,335;SE 4wd, $23,995;SXT, $23.9&l;5X14wd, $25.540 Vehide type: front-engi ne, rear- or rear/4-wheel-drive; 5-door 5-pilllffiger wogoo Imerior 'iOIume, FIR (cu ft) .. . .... 51 55/48 cargo ~cjume, S€atsup/maximum (cuft) ........ .32165 'NneelbaS€ .. . ...... I08,Sin Ll'fl(lthlWldth/hei~t 178.9/73.1/69,9 in Tu rning circle . ............ .36Jft Curb~ght. ... . ..... 4000-4250 Ib EPA cityfhighway mpg 15-16/10-12 flJeI-lO nk capacity/ra nge. 19.5 gal/193-312 mi POWERTRAIN 17-liter SOIl( 12-valve Y-6, 210 hp, 235 Ib-fl; 4,0-lite r SOIl( 24val'112 Y-6. 260 hp, 265 Ib-It; 4-sp auto. 5-sp auto with manumatic Ihifting SUSPENSION F •••••• ind, unequal-length (Clllrol arms, COil \!X ings, anti- roll tJar R• • •••• ri gid 'lie, COil\lX"i ng~ anti-roll tJa r

SAFETY flra~(1,f /R,

vented tisc/disc ASS. lIartda rd Stability/tracnoo control . Itandard/llartdard Passive restraint> ...... d~ver and Jl , .. dri'ler .nd passenger froot Side, and curtain airbags; rearcurtain aimags

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10 7

Ford Expedition/EL Built on the old F-series pickup chassis, the Expedition is a traditional full- size SUV that delivers quiet operation , a supple ride, and attractive interior decor. Offered in two sizes, standard and EL (for extended length), its S.4-liter V-S delivers adequate punch plus flex -fuel cap ab ility.

Hi,hs: Quiet operation, refined and roomyinterior, tm OOdy styles, 91OO-pound tow rating. Lows: Heftycurbweights dilute engine output and fuel economy, Wilt's nrw: Redesignedfor 2008; trailer-sway control standard, ae"ind tbwhtel: "Agile"is not a word that comes to mind in this vehicleclass, but theExpedition isunusually responsive for its size, with surprisingly accurate steering and composed road mannersthat belieits mass.

Base prite: ExpeditiOll XLT, 36,0lQ-$38,910; Eddie Bauer, $41,815 $44,715; Li mited, $43,5S5 $46,485; King Ranch, S46,115-$49,OI5/El XL!, $39.535-$41,435; Eddie Baul'f, $44,00)-$46,895; Limited, $46,135-$49,135; King Ranch, $4I!,765 $51,565 Vehide type: front- l'fl~ioe, rear- 1)1' rear/4-wheel-oove; 5-door 5-8-p,menger wagoo Interiorvolum e, F/M/R(cu ft) 59- 60/57/43 51 19-43/100-131 Ca rgo volume, seal'i up/maXIm um (cu ft) ,119.0-131.0in Whffl ru>e .. Ll'flgth /widthlhl"ight . . .... 206.5-221J17S,8f77.2-78.3 in 4O.8-43.9ft lum ing cirde Curb weight. ..... . ,5750-6300 Ib 14/20 (2WD onty) EPACityihighway mpg Fuel-tankcap.lcity/range 28.0-315 geal'iup/maxim um (eu ft). . .. lO/83 . t17,9in Wheeloo>e .. ll'flgth twitlthihl'ight 2OL8i759/680 in Tumingcirde. . ..40.711 .4700-5050 Ib Curb weight .. EPA citylhighway mpg 16-17/22-24 Fuel-tankcap.l(ity /range 18.6gal/m-316 ml POWERTRAIN 15-liter 0011( 14-~alve V--6, 262 hp, 248 Ib-ft: twin-turro::harged and intercot)ed 3.5-liter 0011( 24-valve V--6, m hp, 350 Ib-II; 6-sp auto, 6-spautowithmanuma!lcshifting SUSPENSION

F. R

,irK!, strut~ coD spring~ anti-rol l bar . ind, multilin k, codsprings. anti·roI l bar SAFETY &rakes, F/R.. vented diSc/disc ABS stclndard Stability/traction control stl rdard/stlndard Pas~ve reltraints. . ,driver and p.l\\erlgerfrOll1.\ide, and curtain airbi!9S; middle and rear curta in airbag\ 2010 BUYERS GUIDE

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Hi,hs: Handsome inside andout,

The Acadia is GMC's fi rst crossover SUV, sharing its platform with the Buick Enclave and the Chevrolet Traverse. It has a large interior that seats up to eight and is very practical. Base Acadias are front-wheel drive, with allwheel drive on the options list.

plentyof room, lolsof comfortand-convenience features.

Lows: Modest acceleration. mode'll towing. big turning circle. whlt'sl!w: Introduced for 2007; changes for 2010 aff minor.

lehlId tiewkeel; Unusually agilefor alarge vehicle without compromising comfort. but we'd like abit more precision to the

Base prke: 'iL, $32,515; SL AWD, $34,515; '>lE, $35,090; SLE AW D.$37,09J;SLT, $39,360; SlT AWD,$41.360 Yehlde type: front-engill€, front- or4-wheel-dril'e; 5-dotngel wagOll Int(fior 'iOIume, r/R(eu fll .. . .... 56/45-46 _26/51 (.]rgo'iOIum ~, seats up/maxim um (cuftl . ...... 110,1 in 'Nneelbose .. . ,1%.8/74.7/65.7 in Ll'flgthl ....idt hlhei~t . Tu rningcircle ......... 40,2ft J 9(lJ-4100 lb Cu mw ght EPA (ityfhighway mpg . 17 18/25 27 FlI('l-tankcapacitylra nge .. 18.5ga1/315-333 mi POWERTRAIN

15-1iterSOH( 24-valve V-6, 271 hp, 254I b-ft; 5-\Il auto

lehUd tiewieel: The Accord (rosstour drives well and feels more likealarge wagon thana crossover, It's like an Accordsedan but with taller tires, more mass, and slower steering.


F....... ind, unequa l-length cootro( arms, coil ~ i ngs, anti- roll bo r R. . .... ind, multil irt, coil ~ i ngs, anti- roll bo r




Bla~es, F/R , Vl'fltOO ,jS(/diS( ASS.. . ... .... Slaodard Stabdity/t ractioo (l)nt rol . \tandard/Slanc!ard P.r;'iive restraints _driver and passenger frOOL sid~, and curtain airbogs; rear cu rtain aimago;



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Honda CR-V

Hi'Jhs: Top-notch tluild quality, clever stowage solutions,

Although it 's neither the most powerful nor the most spacious, Honda 's compact four-cylinder soft-roader tops the small- SUV sales chans thanks to so lid construction and bulletproof reliability. Updates for 2010 include cosmetic rev isions inside and out, p lus upgraded electronics.

excellent ergonomics. high

comfort quotient. Lows: Hard to call it pretty, no manual transmission, power

hungry must seek elsewhere.

wbt's new: Redesigned for 2007; freshened looKs, tiny power uptickfor2010. Bekind litwhtel: The CR-V is an agility leader in ~s class

Base price: LX, $12,155; LX 4wd, m,sos: EX, $24,555; EX 400,

$25,805; EX-l. $27,205:EX-l4wd, $28.455 Vehlde type: front-el1gifle, front- or 4-wheel-driV€; 5-door 5-passeogerwagon InteriorI'O lume, FIR (cuIt), 53 56/48 CJ rgol'Olume, ~atsup/ma ~m um (eu It), .. ,36m WheellJase, , , 103.1 in Length twidth/hl'i ght 179J/716/fjj 1in ....... J7,SIt Tuming drde" ClIIbweight.. .... , .1400-3600 Ib EPAcitylhighw .. ... . d~ver andpasstoger front and curta in air!laqs, middle and rear (u rtain airbags

00000 Sprung from GM's small pickups, the H3 is the relatively smaller and more practical brother of the H2, but it retains serious off-road abilities. The five-cylinder model gets decent mileage but is slow in a straight line. The V+8- powered Alpha goes with more g usto but s lurps fuel.

Hi'fhs: Base models arethe American Land Rover with a small engine, abig fuel tank, and amazing rock-crawling ability.

Lows: Heavy, rideis bouncy and tuned for rocks not avenues. Whlfsuw: Introduced for 2006; for 20lO,the V-8 engine gets variablevalve timing and E85 flex-fuel capability. B!lriad lie wi!e): Alumbering dri ve corn pared with aJeep Grand (helDkee or aNissan Xterra Gunslit windows hamper vision.

Ba~ prlte: $34,500 (est); Alpha, $42,500 (est) Vehide type: front-en~ne, 4-wheel-oo\'!'; 5-door 5-passenger wogon Interior lUIume, FIR(eu ft) .. . 53 54/41 43 Cargo v~ume, seats up/maximum(cu fi) .. ........... 25/63 Wneelbase .. . ..... . 111,9 in ll'fl(lth/W1dth/hei~t 1875/74J/711in ..... ... .37,l ft Turningcircie .... 47C1O-4900 lb Curb weight. . . . 13- t4/16-18 EPAcitylhighwJ)' mpg rU€I-M n! (Opocity/range .. 23.0gal/299-m mi POWERTRAIN 3.7-lner DOHCJl-vaM- inline-5, B9 hp.241Ib-fi; 53-liter ~>hrod 1 6-~alve V-8. 300 hp. 320;5-sp meln, 4-sp auto

SUSPENSION F••••• • ind, uneqwl-Iength controlarms. torsion bilr~ anti- ro ll ba r R•

vented o;..::/disc ASS. standard Sta bdity/traclfon control . standard/standa rd PasSiI'€ restrain~, d~ver andpassenger front and curta in airbags, reelr cu rtain elirbags

o Pitched at the Honda Pilot and the Toyota H ighlander, the Santa Fe now offers a choice of four-cylinder or V-6 power and a relatively spacious interior with an optional fold-Ilat third row. Receiv ing its midcycle fre shening for 2010, the Sante Fe retains its core sell ing point: value.

Hi'fhs: Low base plice, roomy interior, tons of equipment, standard stability control, new base four-cylinder option,

Lows: Slightly slower and heavier than competitors, more risk in the resale-valuedepartment. What'snw: Redesigned for 2007; new base lA-liter four and interior and exterior tweaks. Belriad liewiee): Quiet and smooth, the Sante Fe offers competitive dynamics. Rlurbanger isfor folks not in ahurry.

• •••• rigid ~l1e, leaf~i og~ anti- ro ll ba r

SAFnY flrak(1,f IR ,


Hyundai Santa Fe

ind, unl'Qwl-length wntrolarms. torsion rurs, anti-roll ba r Jigdaxle, coilor air ~i og~ anti- roll ba r

SAFETY flra~(1,f IR ,



. .... .M/59/23 ..... .... 4fJ/87 . ..... .. 122.8 in 203.5/81.2/78.5-79.2 in .413ft ..... ........M50 Ib . .. ............ .NA .32.0 gallN A

Ba~ prite: GLS, SB,(XXl (est); GlS 4wd, $16,500 (est); SE, $26,500 (est); Sf 4wd. $l8,tXXl (est); Limn~, $30,500 (est): Um ited 4wd. $32,tXXl (est) Vehide type: front-engine, front- or4-wheel -dril'€;5-door 5 7passenger wagon Int€fior lUIume, r/M/R (cu It) .. . .... .59/49/33 Cargo v~ume, seats up/maximum(eu h) ..... 10- 34178 . ..... .. 1(l6.3 in Wneelbase .. l€"llglh/width/hei~t ,184.1/74.4/67,9 in Turning (ircle . . .......... .35.4 fi Curb'M'lght. . J700-4150Ib EPAcityfhighway mpg . 20-22126-27 FlI('l-tan! capocitylrange .. 19.8ga1/J96-436 mi POWERTRAIN 2, 4-I ~er DOHC 16-vaM- inline-4. t75 hp. 169 Ib-fi; 3.5-li ter OOHC 24-va l\'e V-6, 276 hp. 243 Ib-It: 6-sp man, 6-sp auto with manum.nicshifting


..... ind, struts, coilSj:Ji ng~ anti-roll ba r . . ind, multiliri, coil ~i og~ anti- ro ll ba r

SAFnY flrak(1,f IR ,


0000 2010 BUYERSGUtDE

vent~ di;..::/disc ASS. standard Sta bnity/tractlon wnt rol standord/standard PasSi\'!' restraint> ....... dw and paS>erlger froo~ Side, and (urtain elirbags; rear(u rtain airbags


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Hyundai Tucson

Hi'Jhs: Urbane styling, sporty interior, (ompetiti~e price, relined

Redesigned for 2010 with a new, aggressive face and a handsome, sporty interior, the Tucson remains a Honda CR-V competitor as a five-passenger crossover sportutility. Europe will get a diesel engine, but initial U.S. versions will have only a 2A-liter, gasol ine four-cylinder.

manners, standard equipment. Lows: Won', be quick, Honda and Toyota trump it on resale value

wilt's nN: Rerlesigned for 2010. Be.ind litwhtel: Aiming fOf compact-Cdr nimbleness in acrossover, the Tucson hasn't wowed us. The2010 is sure to be beuer, but we hadn't yet driVl'n it when thisguide went to press Ched CARandDRIVERcom for our

latest impressions. EDITORS ' RATING

000 Hyundai Veracruz The refined and content-ric h Veracruz is more Lexus than Hyundai in all but price, Limited models feature epicurean comforts such as leather seats, a power liftgate, and a cooled center console. The seven-passenger 'Cruz is one smooth cru iser and one of Hyundai's best.

Hi,hs: Smooth ride, whisperquiet powertrain, lots of bang for fewer bucks than aLexus. Lows: Slightlyoafish in the SUV fashion, third row of seats is a prison for Hobbits

Wilt's nrw: Introduced for 2007; minor trim changes for 2010. ae.ind tbwhtel: The roly-poly Veracruz won't get you excited to bomb down amountain road, but it does float over road blight with aquiet and well-controlled profiCiency,


00000 Infiniti FX3S/FXSO Now in its second generation, the FX is an unabashedly sporty SUY. Attractive and luxuriou s inside and out, the FX manages to retain some of the sporty moves of its M and G sports-sedan stablemates. Powerful in 303-hp FX 35 gu ise, the FX50 is sports-car quick with its 390-hp V-So

Hi,hs: All the electronic gizmos you can imagine; drives like a sports (3[, or dS dose as SUVs get. Lows: FXSO sucks downthe gas, electronic warning device') verge on annoying, styling isnot for everyone.

wbt's ntw: RedeSigned for 2009; unchangedfor 2010 Be.ind tbwhttl: The FX offersPorsche Cayenne-like performance for far less money It's shockingly carlike, but the ride might be too stiff for some.


0000 112


Base pri(e: GLS, S19,(00 (est); limited, $24,(XXl (est) Vehide type: fronl-el1gine, frOllt- 01 4-wheel-dril'€; 5-door 5-passengerwagon ", 54/48 Inreriorl'O lume,FIR(cuft), GJ rgol'Olume, >eaBup/mal:im um (eu ft). 25165 (est) WheellJa>e .. ,10l9 in Lengt h/WidthlheaB up/mill:im um (eu ftl . . .. 25/62 Whl'f'ioose .. . 113.6 io Lengt h/Widthlh





. >


i0O > 0


- c c N

Jeep Grand Cherokee

c c N

The 20 [ I Grand 0




ce .. Length /Width/hti ght 176, 1!73. 1!71,3 in Turn ing drde .. . .. .. 355 1t Curb weight .. .4200- 4400 Ib EPA eity/hi~hw.y mpg 15-16/21-22 Fuel-tankeap.leity/r.nge 1959e ASS. standa rd Stabaity/tractlOll c<rol . standard/standard PasSive reslraint; .. . .. dri'll'f and paS>/'flger froo~ Side, and cll/tain airbags; middle and rear cu rtain airbJgs


0000 Kia Sportage One of Kia's first models, the "Sport-idgc" has grown up, with an optional V-6 and modern lines that were facelifted in 2009. It tackles switchbacks without fear, has a well-finished interior, and comes with a generous warranty.

!tjust lacks the blue-chip reputation of the Honda CR-V.

Hi'fhs: Well-executed interior, competent handling, compliant ride, friendly price, long warranty

lows: Theseats makeour butts tired, not muchengine verve, the auto gearbox is lazy. Wh,t'SIeW: Reintroduced for 2005; no major changes for 2010.

lehild luw"eel; Even with theV-6, it's no fireball; but for those not inahurry, the Sportage offers cute-utelooks and good practicality for not much coin. Compare it against aCR-Y.

Ba ~ price: LX, $17,370; LX 4wd, $20,870; LXV-6, $21,370; LX V-6 4wd, Sll,670; EXV-64wd, $24,075 Vehide typt! : froot-engine, froot- or 4-1'/h['('I-drive; 5-doo r 5-pilssenger wogoo Interior 'iOIume,F/R(eu ft). . .. . .......... 56/48 cargovolume, sealsu p/maxim um (cuft) ........ . 24/67 Wneelbase 1015 in Ll'fl gthl\\ldth/hei~t ,1 713/70.9/66 .7 in Tu rningeircie .......... .35.4 It CU rb weigh!. . .3250-3550 Ib EPA citylhighwJY mpg . 18-20123-25 Fuel-ta nk capacity/range .......... 15,3 11.2gal/306- 31O mi POWERTRAIN 2,Q-liler DOH( 16-valve inlinH. t40 hp, 136 Ib-It; 2.7-li ter DOl-( 24-val l'l2 V-6, 173 hp. t78 Ib-It; 5-sp man. 4-sp aula wilh manumatic shifting SUSPENSION . ...... ind, struts, coil \jlI ings, anti- roll bo r F•• R• . . indomultil irt, coil\PI'i ng~ anti-roll lJa r

SAFnY flI'a kes,f IR , Vl'Iltoo o;..::/di>e ASS_ standard Stabdity/tractloo c<rol . standard/standard PasSiI'€ reslrain~ , ... dri'ler and pilssenger froot Side, and curtain airbags; rear cu rtain airbags


000 Land Rover LR2

Hi'fhs: Land Rover ,tyling, offroad prowess, decent~ equipped.

Despite its size, the LR2 is still very much a Land Rover, which means it can go farther off-road than most will ever venture. But the off-road prowess comes at a price; it's heavier than its rivals, and it isn' t as much fun to drive. The 3.2-l iter six is weak and struggles to move the LR2.

lows: Weak engine, dismal fuel economy, heavy, dull to drive, premium pricing, annoying recessed keyslot. Wh,t'SJleW: Introduced for 2008; no major changes for 2010_

l!hiId li!wi !!I: The LR2seems to be more at home bounding over field, filled with sheep or on off-roadtrails, but the lR2 feels slow-wined, dull, and boringin the real world.

. .... .56/50/34 ........... 9-37!73 . ...... 11)6.3 in 184.4/74.1/673 in ........ J6.71t .. 3700-4150 Ib (est) . 19-21/27-29 18.0 gal1342- 378 mi

8a ~ price: $36,350 Vehide type: front-engine, 4-wheel-ool'€; 5-dOOl 5-passetlger .....agon Intl'fior 'iOIu me, fIR(cu It)_ _56/48 cargovolum e, seals up/maximum (cu It) ......... 17159 Wneelbase .. . .......... 11)4.7 in L€"Il gthlwidt h/hei~t ,177.1 /75. 1/69.5 in lu rningcircie 37.1 ft CU rb \Yelght. ....... .4300 Ib EPA(itylhighway mpg .. . . ........... 15122 Fuel-ta nk(.Jpacitylra nge .. . ... 18.5 9al/278 mi PQWERTRAIN J2 -l ner DOHC 24-vall'l2 inline--6, 230 hp, 234 lb-It; 6-sp aUla with manumaticshifting SUSPENSION _ind, strut'i, coil ~i ngs, anti-roll bo r F. _ind, strut'i, coil\jlI'ings, anti-ro ll bo r R



SAFnY BrakE'S, FIR, ,ventt'd diSd\lllted diS{ ASS.. . ... .... standard Stability/tractloo cootrol stand~rd/standard _driver and passengl'f from,side, Passive restraints knee (driverro ly), and (urtain airbag;; rear(urtain airbags

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Land Rover LR4

Hi'Jhs: Powerful newV-8, offroad prowess, improve\! handling.

Formerly known as the LR3, the rejuvenated LR4 enters 2010 with more power, a revised chassis, and a restyled interior. Acceleration is much improved, handling is less clumsy, and the LR4 is an altogether more luxurious propos ition. It's still heavy, so fuel economy is still poor.

highseating poSition, rich interior appointments.

Lows: Big-time curb weigh~ thirsty V-8, questionable reliability record.

wbt's new: Introduced for 2005; more powerfuIV-8, improved

chassis, refreshed exterior and interior, and new badgefor 2010.

ae"ind titwhtd: It's less clumsy

Base pri(e: SE, St'l,lOO; HSE, $51,750; LUX, $57,665 Vehide type: froot-engine, 4-wheel-drive; 5-cIoor 5- or 7passengerwagon InteriorI'O lume, FIM/R (eu ft) ,59/55/36 GJ rgol'Olume, >eaB up/mal:imum(eu ft). . .. 10/90 WheellJa >e .. . 113,6in Length /Widthlhh i ~iog SUSPENSION F••••••• ind, uneqw l-tength arms, coil >j)"i ng~ anti- ro ll bo r R• • •••• ri~da~le, COil >j)"i ng~ anti- ro ll bo r SAFETY BraIt'S. FIR . .verued dwvented diS( AS5. . . .... Slandard Stobility/trj)"i ng~ anti-roll bo r . ....... ind, muttit irt, COil >j)"irqs. anti- roll bo r R•



SAFETY flr"ak(1.f IR . vented (hc/disc ASS.. . ... Slatldard Stability/tr . . . driver and pa$>l'ngerfron~ side, knee, elOO curtelin elirbags; reelr curtain elimags CARandORI


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Lincoln MKT Lincoln 's MKT crossover is based on the Ford Flex and is one of the first vehicles to use FoMoCo's twin-turbo EcoBoost V-6, here rated at 355 horsepower. While its exterior beauty may be in the eye oflhe beholder, the inside is attractive, quiet, comfotlable, and well appointed.

Hi'j'hs: Quickerthan it looks with EcoBoostV-6, whisper-quiet and well-finished cabin. Lows: Baleen-whalegrille, funky butt, headroom limited in third row, aspirational pricing.

Wilt's nrw: Introduced for 2010. aekind Ibwhtd: Smooth turoo power from EcoBoost V-6, but weakbrakes sap confidence for spirited dli~ing. Although o~era l l handling and steering aredecent for abig crosso~e r, coddling folks is what the MKTdoes best.


00000 Lincoln MKX Lincoln 's version of the Ford Edge, the MKX, is a

handsome, five-passenger unibody crossover that boasts more carlike ride and handling than traditional SUVs. Propelled by a 3.5-1iter V-6 engine and coupled to a sixspeed automatic, the MKX returns decent fuel economy.

Hi'j'hs: Stylish exterior; lOIS of safetyequipment; comfortable, carlikeride. Lows: Interior isn't as well done as aLexu> RX350's, valueis lacking versus itsFord Edge sibling.

wb t's nrw: Introduced for 2007; standard blind-s)XJt moniloring and new Sync features for 2010. Bfkind tb whtll: Dri~ i ng experience is identical to that of the Edge; combines high-up sealing with the feel and fuel ('(onomy of amid-sizecar.


000 Lincoln Navigator/L Lincoln's version oflhe Ford Expedition is di stingui shed by its massive chrome grille and more luxury-laden interior. Like the Ford, it has an independent rear suspension for improved dynamics, but it's no match for refined unibody competitors such as the Mercedes GL and the Audi Q7.

Hi'j'hs: Roomy interior, beller third-row seat than inEscalade, abundant safety features, Ladds lots of llSablecargo space. Lows: Enoughchrome 10 be visiblefrom orbit, ~ast curb weight. weakengine output.

wbt's ntw: RedeSigned for 2007; trailer-sway control and powerretractablerunning boards made standardfor 2010. aekind Ib whtd: Withits uphigh driver's perch, it rolls down theroad in isolated splendor.


000 120


Base pn(e: $44,995; AWD, $46,9'Xi; [coBoost $49,995 Vehide type: front -engine,front - 1)1' 4-...moo-drive; 5-door&-7passengerwagon InteriorI'O IWIle, FIM/R (cu ft) .56155/30 cargo\'Olume, lI'atsup/malim um (CU ft). . ....... 18/76 WhffllJa:.e .. . 117.9in Lengrh/Width/hl'i ght 2076/760/674 in . ..4lJ) ft Tuming circle. .4700-4950Ib CLUb Wl'ight .. EPA ciry/highw.y mpg 16-1 7/22-23 Fuel-tankcJp.3(iry Irtlnge 18.6 gat/]9lJ- 316 mi POWfRTRAIN l7 -liter OOHC 14-valve V-fJ, 168 hp, 267 Ib-ft: tw in-turboch.J rged and inten:ooled 15-liter OOOC 24-vJlve V--6, 355 hp, 35(1Ib-ft; 6-sp auto with mJnumJtiC shifling SUSPENSION .ind, strut~ coD springs, anti-rol l bar F. . . Ind, multilin k, coil springs, anti·roI l bar R• SAFETY Brakes, FIR. .Vl'flted disc/Vl'flted disc ASS standard Stabilityltractioo cootrol .......... stlndaJd/standaJd Pal~ve ",ltraintl. . dri l'l'l and passengerfroot Side, and cun.inairbaqs; middle .nd re.r curtJ in.irbags

Base pn(e: $39,195; AWD, $41,045 type: front-engine, front- or 4-wheel-drive; 5-door 5-passenger wagon InteriorI'O IWIle, fIR (cu1'1 ). . .. 55/53 cargo volume, \l'atsup/malim um (CU It). . ..... 32/69 Wh~bJ\I' .. .11Uin Lertgrh fwidth/hl'i ght 186.5/75.8/673 in Tumingcircle. . . .l8.5f! .4400-4600 Ib CLUb Wl'ight .. 17- 18/23-25 EPA city/highw.y mpg fuel-t.nkc.pacily/rafllJe . . .... 19.0-20.0gaI/340-342 mi POWERTRAIN 15-liter OOfK 24-valve V-fJ, 265 hp, 250 Ib-f1; 6-sp auto SUSPENSION r. . ind, strut~ co~ springs, .nti-roI l bar .ind, multili nk, cod springs, anti-rol l bar R Vehid ~

SAFETY Brakes, fIR. . V(>[lled diSc/disc ASS stJndaJd Stilbility/tractioo cootrol .......... stlndaJd/stlndard P.,~ve re\t ra ints. .dri l'l'l .nd passengerfront,Side, and curtain .irbags; re.r curtJ in .irbags

Base pn(e: $55,325; 4WD, $SS,2l5/l $57,490; L4WD, $W,39O Vehide type: Irool-engioe, re.r- 1)1' 4-wheel-oove; 5-cIOO' 7-8passengerwagon 59/57/43 51 Interiorl'O lume,F/M/R(cuft) cargol'Olume, \l'aB up/malim um (cu It). 18- 43/104 130 Wheel bJII' . . .119.0-131.0 in Lertgth /WidthlhI'Ilgel froo~ side, and curtain airbags; rear {urrain aimago;


00000 Mazda eX-9 Looki ng a bit li ke an ups ized CX-7, the larger, sevenpassenger CX-g actually rides on a different platform shared wi th Ford. Slill, in Mazda fashion, it outhandles others matching its girth and delivers some real fun- todrive sizzle in what is ultimate ly a snoozer of a segment.

Hi'fhs: Great handling in the Junior -bovine class, lots of space for kids and stuff, nice interior lows: Large means heavy, options get pricey, gas disappears. What's lew: Introduced fo r2007; a face lift and interiorupgrades arrive for 2010. lellid tnw"eel; The eX-9 laps up curves better than any non-BMW SUV, thanks to good steering and eagerresponses. Roomy and comfortable, this Mazda is one of our favorites.

Ba~ price: Spor~ $29,385; Sport 4wd, $30) 85; louring, $31.305: louring4wd, $32,745; Grand louri ng. $33,395; Grand lo uring 4wd, 534,795 Yehide type: from-engine, froot- or 4-.,·..heel-drtve; 5-doo r 7-pa\Ienger wogoo .. 54-56153/35 Interiorl1)lu me, r/MIR (cu it) .. Cargo volum e, Ieats up/maxim um (cu ft) .1 7/101 Wheelbale .. ...... . 11 11 in Lrn gthlwidthlheiljlt ,NlJ.2176.2IM.0 in Tu rningcircle ........ .37.4 It CU mweight. . .4350-4550 Ib EPAcitylhighway mpg . 15 16121 22 Fuel-ta nkcapacitylrange .. lO. 1gal /301 m mi POWERTR.lIN 1 7 -I ~er DOHC24--~alve V--6, m hp, 270 Ib-II; 6-sp auto with manumatic shillillij


Ilrak€'\.F/R , ,ventl"d disclventl"d diS( ASS. startdard Stability/tracllOO cootrol standard/standard Passive r03traints, .. dri'/er and paS>I'Ilgel froo~ side, and {lI/tainai!bagl: middleand rear (urrain aimags

00000 Designed for military use over 30 years ago, the G-class is a seriously overbu il t lUXUry truck that has serious off-road chops. From the way the doors click shU{ to the ridicu lous performance of the supercharged AMG version, the G-class is a unique SUV in a sometimes boring segment.

Hi'fhs: Old-school Benz build Quality, strong V-Ss, go-anywhere ability, timeless looks. lows: Slow steering gives it a heavy feel, ride can feel rough, smallish back seat, fuelthirsty. Wh,t'sJleW: Introduced to U.s. in 1002; unchanged for 2010 lellid t"fw"ef); You sit high, the steering is slow, the structure is solid, and there is a heavy and top-heavy feel, but the G-class's manners and brashness neverfa il 10 impress.

. ...... ind, \truts, COil \!X ings, anti- mil ba r .. ind, multil irt, COil>j:Ji ng~ anti-roll ba r



Mercedes-Benz G-class

. ...ind, \trutl, codsp rings, anti-roil ba t . jnd, muitilinl::. co~ ;pri ngs, anti·roi l ba r

Ba~ price: G5SO, S103,lXXl (est); GS5 AM G, sm,!XXl (03t) Vehide type: front-engine, 4--wheel-oove; 5-door 5-pa\setlger \'logon Interiorltliume, f/R(cuIt). .69155 Cargo volum e, seats up/maxim um (cu II ) ...... ... 45/80 Wheelbase .. .. ......... 112,2in len gthlwidt h/heiljlt 185.6/71.3-73.1176,0 in .435ft lu rningcircle .. 5700 5800 Ib CU m'M'lght. EPA{itylhighway mpg .. .. ........... 11/15 Fuel-tank capacitylra nge .. .. .. 25,4gal!279mi

PQWERTR.lIN 55-l ner OOHC 31-valve V-8, 381 hp, 391 Ib-It; supercha rged artd intercooled 5.4-liter SOil 14-valve V-8, 500 hp. 516Ib·ft; 5- or7-sp au towith manu maticshifting SUSPENSION

F. R•



rii}d oxle, coil>j:Ji ng~ anti-ro ll ba r ,rigid axle, coil springs

SAFHY Blakes, F/R , .. . ....... ventl"d disc/vented diS( or diS( ASS. standard St.3bnity/trJ(1tOO wlllrol standard/startdard Passive restraint> ..... . driver and PI' .. . 108.5 in Length fwidthfhl'i gh t 178Jf72AI66.9in Tumingcircle. . .. 37.7 It .405Q--4250 Ib Curb weight .. EPA city/highway mpg 16/21-22 fuel-tank capa(ily/ralllJe , 17.4gal/278 mi POWERTRAIN 15-liter DOH( 24-valve V-6, 268 hp. 258 Ib-It; 7-sp auto with IlldlWJrnati( shifr iJl(j Vehid ~ typ~:



&rakes, fiR. . . ...... ~t'I1tro disc/l't'Jlled disc ASS standard Stabilityltraction cootrol .......... srarK!ardlsrandard Passjve rest ra ints. ,driver and passengerfront, Side, , ... dri'l er and paS>ttlger froo~ Side, and curtain airbags: rrudd leand rear Side andcurtain airbags


000 Mitsubishi Endeavor A product of Mitsubishi's California design studio, the Endeavor rides on a modi fied front-drive, unibody platform it shares with the Galant sedan and Ecl ipse coupe. It's now six year!> old, and much about thi s SUY's engineering feel!> old-fashioned, but the styling never will.

Hi'fhs: High-quality interior materialsfeel luxurious, interior is styled as well as the outside. lows: Big onIhe outside but nO! on the inside, big engine without big power, four-speed automatic

Whlfs u w: Introduced for 2004; new liftgate and grillefor 2010.

l ellid Inw"eel: It's quick and agreeably agile on dry pavement but less so in snow or slush, where alight tapon the thf{lnle can make it unstable. Not as smooth as others in its segment

Ba ~ prlte: LS. $28,739; S[, $W,739; S[ 4wd, $32,239 Vehide type: front-engine, frOOI- IX 4-l'/heel-dri'/r; 5-doo r 5-p3SSh i ~iog


SAFnY flrakes,f /R , vented oi';..::/dil( ASS. standard Stabdity/tractroo (oolrol . standard/standard PasSiI'€ restraints , ... dri'l er and passenger froo~ Side, and curtain airoogs; rear curtain airbags


00000 Mitsubishi Outlander Based on the Lancer small-car platform, the Outlander is a unique and spacious little crossover that prioritizes on-road handling over off-roadability, which is fine. With abundant features and clever touches, it is often a showroom also-ran that doesn't deserve to be overlooked.

Hi'fhs: Aggressive new st~ing, carlike ride and handling, nifty shift paddles, reclining second row, gadgets galore, lows: Less ground clearance than competitors, bLlZZY engine.

Wh,t'SJleW: Redesigned for 2007; 1010 brings new styling, an upgraded interior, and GT $-AWC

lellid t"ew"eel: With sporty on-road tires, you can feel the Lancer connection. Trick Super All-Wheel Control system like the Lancer Evo's isnow available.

. .... ind, struts, cOil ~irqs, anti- roll oo r ,ind, rraili l"H] arms, coil ~i rqs, anti- roll oo r

Ba ~ prite: 5, $11,560; E S4wd, $12.960: S[ m,l60; SE4wd, S14.66O; XLS, $25,710:XLS4wd. $27}IO:GT S-AWC. $19,970 Vehide type: from- engine, from- or4-wheel-dri\\'; S-dottlget' w~g Oll Intl'fior'iOlume, F/M/R(cu h) .. 54 55/45 49/27 cargov~ume. SEatsu p/maxim um (cult) ......... 15-36/73 'NneelooSE .. . ...... 105,1 in Ll'fl IJ1h1W1dth/hei~t 1817170.9/66 .1 in ........ .34,8 1t Tu rniogcircle Cu rb weight. .. . .. .3400-)800 Ib EPA cityfhighwaympg . .. ... 18-21/24-27 fU€l-ta nk capacity/range . 15.8-16.6ga1 /184- 349 mi PQWERTRAIN H-liter [)(lll( 16-vallle inline-4, 161 or 1&8 hp. 161 or 167Ib·lt: lo-literSOIIC24-vatl'e V--6, 230 hp. 215Ib-ft; continuously variable auto, 6-Sj! auto with man lJlllati( shiftmg




. .... ind, struts, cOil ~i rqs, anti- roll oo r . .... ind, multilir«, coil lPIiogs, anti- roll oor

SAFnY Blakes, F/R, .. vented (h(/diS( ASS. standard Stabnity/rractloo (oolrol standard/standard PasSive restraint> ....... dw and paS>t'llgei froo~ Side, and curtain airoogs; rear curtain airbags


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Nissan Armada

Hi,hs: Performance. refinement, and handling afe exceptionalfor a

This big, traditional SUV is built upon the bones of the Titan pickup and packs a powerful V-8 engine. Its three rows of seating are remarkably spacious, it drives smaller than it actually is, and it is well-suited to lOwing. T he optional luxuries make the Infiniti QX56 a bit redundant.

vehiclethissize; comfortableand spaciousinside,

Lows: Third-row access, thirst for fue l, massive dimensions. Wilt's new: Introduced for 2004; no majorupgrades for 2010.

ae"tnd tIt whtd: The steering is light and responsive, the ride isfirm. andtheengine provides plenty of power. The Armada has asu rprising ~ agilefeel for a full-sizespon-utility vehicle.

Base prite: )E, $38,010; Titaniu m, $42,940; SE4wd, $43,610; Titaniu m 4W{i, $45,740; Platinum, $5 1,190; PlaMum 4l1l:I, $52,990 Vehide type: fro nt-ffigifle, rear- or rea r/4-wheel-oti'le; 5-door 7 8-pilllenger wagon Interiorl'O lume, r/M/ R(cu II ). .&1163/39 ca rgo l'O lume, seatsup/ma!im um(eu II) , ... 2fJ197 WhroNse . 123.2 in Lffigthlw1dthlheight .... ......... 2fJ7.7f79.3f77.2-78.0 in Tuming Cirde . ...40.8f1 Curb weight 5400-5850 Ib EPAcitylhigrrway mpg 12/18 Fuel-tankcapa{ity/range .. 28.0g.a1/336 mi POWnTRAIN 5.6-liter OO OC 32-valve V-8, 317 hp, 385Ib-lI; 5-sp auto SUSPENSION F. .ioo, unequal-Iffigth control arm~ coHsprings. anti-roll bar R••• ••• ioo, unequal-Iffigth control arms. cOil springs. anti·roI l bar

SAFETY Brakes. F/R.. ABS..


00000 Nissan Murano Overhauled for 2009, the Murano is a highly stylized and spony crossover with a rich interior. It rates tops in the genre, outclassing rivals with sharp handling, stout power, and tons of rear-seat and cargo space. A continuously variable automatic is combined with front- or all-wheel drive.

Hi,hs: PunchyV-6, quiel cabin, improved quality, upgraded interiormaterials Lows: looks aretlest describe\! as quirky, torque steer, some boom from suspension impacts. Wilt's nrw: Redesignedfor 2009; no major changes for 2010. ae"ind tbwhtel: Thislatest versionSCOOIS to£:() mphquicker than rivalsandis smoothall around It's an unusuallyfun steer for acrossover, and it is comfortableand practical 10 boot.


0000 Nissan Pathfinder Bolted to the same stout frame as the huge Armada, the Pathfinder has been somewhat forgotten in the surge of crossover options but remains an exceptionally rugged SUV with a V-S option that g ives it ample towing capacity. An independent rear suspens ion smooths highway ride,

Hi,hs: AV-8 if youneed it 1015 of cargo and passenger fleXibility, solidWQrkethic, roomy interior. Lows: Slyling isforgenable, V-8 is afuel sponge, upstage\! by new unibody crossovers.

\ft1t'S ntw: Redesignedfor 2005; minor electronics upgradesfor the2010 model year. ae"ind tbwhtd: Traditional full-frameSUVsarepasse, but thePalhfindersfully independent suspension del i ~ers good agility andsmoothness.

Stability/traction control Passive Jeltraints .

vented disUdiS( standard stl ooard/standard .driver and passenger fron~ >ide, and {urtainairbags; middle and rear curta in aimags

Base price: S, $28,850; Sl $30,400; S 411\J, $30,450; SL4wd, S32,1XXl; LE, S37J80; LE411\J, S38,980 Vehide type: front- ffigi ~, front- IX 4-wheel-dril'l'; 5-door 5passengerwagon InteriorI'O lume, FfR (tuIt).. 58---{j()/47-49 ca rgol'Olume, seatsup/malim umleu It). . 32164---{i5 WhroNse . llU in length lwidthlhei ght 11!8.5174.1/67.0 in Tuming Cirde . .. lB.H 9.4f1 Curb weight . .3900-4150 Ib EPACilylhigrrway mpg ... 18/23 Fuel-tankcdpacitY/Jilnge . 21.7 ....... dri'/('[ and pilS>l'llgel froo~ side, and curlain airbags; rear curtain aimags


00000 Nissan Xterra In the shrinking class of cheapie SUVs with rcal offroad ability, the Xterra stands OUI with excellent on-road handling, fl exible interior space, and great vi sibility. OITered in rear- and four-wheel-drive editions, the line cons ists of four models, all built on the Frontier chassis.

Hi,hs: Low-priced mudslinger that's happy on all surfaces, rugged construction, well designed for off-roaduse. Lows: Mushy brakes, cabinnoise levels inverse to its price.

Wh,t'suw: Redesigned for 2005; 2010 sees just minor shuffling of packages and equipment. li ewi eel: Tall and narrow, the Xterra has excellent sightlines, anec/di>c ASS. . . .... standard Stability/tracllOfl cootrol standard/Slandard Pas'ii'le restraim\, ..... .driver and passeng('[ from, side, and curtain airbags; rear curtain aimago;


00000 Porsche Cayenne Controversial existence and shared VW platform aside, the Cayenne has a level of capability rare among SUVs, offering a selection of hig h-powered VoSs that keeps it on the prowl for other sporty SUVs. The grocery-getting Porsche also makes the perfect tow vehicle for your GT3 ,

Hi,hs: Genuine Porsche feel and details, down to the LeMansstyle ignition placement Turbo and Turbo Sare seriouslyqUid.

Base price: $46,315: S. 561,515: S Tran"ybaia. 571.615; GTS, $73,215:Turoo $100,715; Turbo), 5127,11 5 Vehlde type: fiont-l'flgine, 4-whee1--drive; 4-door 5-pa,senger


InI('[ iQl ~oturne.F1R (eu Itlcargoroume, seats up/maximum(cultl . 'Nn~b.M .

Lows: Poor fuel economy, tight rear quarters, not enough utility, unsatisfying manual transmission, meager V-6.

What'snw: Introduced for 2003; GTS-based STranssyberia limited edition added for 2010. Iuwieel: Real Porsche sights, sounds, and sensations from ahigher altitude.

.57/49 . .19/63 112.4in 188.8-188 ,9175 ,9-77.0165.9- 66.9 in 39.0ft . ......... 51SQ-SWJ lb . ........ 11-14117-20 26.4 9l'llgel f\OO~ SIde, knee (driverooly), and cu rlain airbagl; middle and rearcu rtain aim.3 g1


0000 Toyota Land Cruiser

Base price: S65,770

Over mountains, across deserts, throug h your neighboros compost heap----the fue l-swilling lUXUry Land Cruiser will go about anywhere. T he ultratoug h, full y box ed fram e is Toyota"s most durable . Seven-person seating and all-wheel drive are standard for just under 66 large, as is the V-So

Hi'fhs: Will go anywhere, will lOW Vehide type: front-engine, 4-wheel-oove; 5-dOOI a-passenger ..... agoo almost anything, luxuryinterior, Intl'rior lUIume, fIMiR(cu ft ) .57/50136 off-road"cruisecontrol."

lows: Approachesthreetons, is expensive, requires aplatinum fuel card, Whit's JleW: Redesignedfor 2()()8; gets someinterior electronics enhancementsfor 2010.

Belriad liewiee): The few not consigned tomall duly can shimmyover rocks withthesame capabilityastheir ancestors just watchtherunning troards.

Cargo\'dume, seatsup/maximum(ru ft) Wneelbase .. l€"llglh/widt hfhei~t

..... ... . 16/82 . .......... 112.2 in ,194.9177.6/74,0 in 381 ft ..... .. .5700 Ib . .. .......... 13118 . .. . 24,6gaI/320 mi

lurniogcircle Cum werght. EPA(ityfhighway mpg .. Fuel-tankcapacitylrange .. PQWERTRAIN 5.?-lner OOHC 32-valve V-8, 381 hp, 401 Ib-ft; 6--sp eats up/maxim um (cu ft). .. J4fiO .109,Jin WheellJase .. Length twidth/hl'i ght 189.0/75.0/63.4 in ..J9,lft Turn ingcircle. .38oo-4050 Ib Curb weight .. EPA Cityihighway mpg 18-21125-29 (est) Fuel-rankcapacity/range 171 gal/319-371ml (est) POWERTRAIN H-liter DOlI( 16-valve inline-4, 182 hp, 182 1b-ft; 3.5-liter 0011(

24-valve V-6, 268 hp, 248lb-ft; 6-sp auto with manurTlilt iC shifting SUSPENSION F R

. ioo, strur~ cOil spring~ anti-roll bar ,ind, multilink, coD spring~ anti-rol l bar


Brakes, FIR..

I'l'fl!ed disddi'l ASS.. standard Stability/tractioo control .......... stardard/standard Passjl'€ rest raints. driver and pa'>Sellger /root, side, knee (dril'ff only), and curtain JlrWgs; rear curtain almags 2010 BUYERS GUIOE

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",:'''2010 Toyota 4Runner

Hi,hs: Lower base pri{f's, off-

Redesigned for 2010, Toyota's original SUV is returning to its roots as a pickup-based mudslinger that is also comfortable on the street. Th ink four-door FJ Crui ser. The V-8 is gone, leaving the choice of a 4.0-liter V-6 or a fourcy linder, with a more rugged face and lower pr ices.

road ability and towing capacity, likelytobereliable. Lows: Full-framed and heavy, crossovershavemore interior space, four-banger will i)e slow

Wh,t'sJleW: Redesignedfor 2010. lehlId Ilewleel; liketheretrofunky FJCruiser, thisreworkejlI i ng~ anti-roll ba r R. SAFETY flra~(1,f IR, ,l'eIlled diSdl'ellted disc ASS . Slanda rd Stability/tracnoo (ontml . standard/Slanda rd Passive restraint> .. ...... dri'/('r and paS>l'n get froo~ side, and clIItainairl!ags: middle and rear curtain airbags


0000 Volkswagen Tiguan

Hi,hs: Slidingsecond-row seat

Although the Tig uan was late to the small-SUV party, it"s a fine piece, with a lovely interior, great build quality, and good driving dynam ics. We al so like the tu rbocharged four-cylinder. What we don', love , however, is VW' s pricing. which is e xpensive for thi s class of baby ute.

increa5es versatility of spacious interior, hi-res nav/info display, one of our favoriteengines. Lows: Having 10 explain the name totheneighbors, leila SportWagen offers equal space and morepow-ertrain options. whit'slew: Introduced for 2009; nomajor changesfor 2010.

lelriad Ile wleel: Astable chassis keeps it fiat through comers, andweighty steering keepsyour confidence.

Ba ~ prite: S, $24,OCIO; S[ $27,950; S[ AW[), $29,900; SEL, S3l,065: SEL AW[), $34,015 Vehide type: front-engine, front- or 4-whro -dri'/e; 5-door 5pilssenget wagon Int('r ior volume, F/M/R(cuft) .. .. ........... 51144 Cargo v~ume, SEats up/maximum(co ftl ...... ... 24/56 WneeibaSE 1025 in 174.3/71.2/66.3 66.4 in Leo gth/l'.1(fth/heiljlt lurningcircie .......... .39.4ft CUrbWf'ight. . .3400-3650 Ib EPA citylhighway mpg . 18-19/24-26 Fuel-ta nk capacity/rarl9!' .. 16.8ga1/302 319mi


turbocharged and inten:ooled 2,Q-lit('r OOHC16-valve inline-4, 200 hp, 1J7 lb-ft :6-sp ma n, 6-sp auto with manumatiC sIlifting SUSPENSION F•• R•

flrak(1,f IR, vented o;..::/disc ASS . Slartdard standard/Slanda rd Stabdity/traclioo (ontrol . ... dri'l€f and pas:.etlgedroo~ side, and Passil'€ restrain~ , (u rtain airbags; rear side (opt) artdcu rtain airbags

0000 Hi,hs: Superior structural rigidity,

For 2010, VW has dropped one of the best reasons for buyi ng a Touareg : the optional 4 .2-1iter, V-8 eng ine. The standard V-6 is slugg ish if relatively fuel effi cient, but a new 225-hp, 3.0-liter V-6 diesel-com ing this springlook s to be the better powertrain choice.

spiffy cabindesignand execution, excellent mileage fromdiesel. Lows: Sluggishwith V-6,limited cargoroom, westill don't know whocame upwiththat name.

Wh,t'sJleW: Introduced for 2004; for 2010,V-8 engine dropped, new diesel, some trimchanges. lehlId Ilewiee): Though hefty, theTouareg'ssolidchassis delivers aniceblend of smooth highway ride and ready response, plus seriousoff-rwd credentials.

. .... ind, SlrutS, COil ~i ng~ anti- mil tla r . ... ind, multilirt, COil \!X ings, anti- roll tla r



Volkswagen Touareg

Jigidaxle, (oilor air >jlIi ng~ ami- mil tla r

Base price: $4l,24O; IDIS44.7W Vehide type: from-engine, 4-wheel-oove: 5-door 5-passengl'f wagon Imerior volume, FIR (cuft) .. . .... .... 53/45 Cargovolume, seats up/maximum(co ft) ..... .... 31/71 WneelbaSE .. . .... .. 112.4 in ,187.lI7S.9/f}J ,Qin Leo gth/l'.1(fth/heiljlt ..... ... .38,111 lurningcircie CUrb weight. . .5100-5350 Ib EPA citylhighway mpg . 14 18/19 25 Fuel-ta nk capacity/rarl9!' .. 26.4ga1/370 47S mi POWERTRAIN

turbocharged and inlercooled lQ-litl'r OO/\( 24-va ll'e diesel V-6, 221 hp. 407 Ib-ft; l6-Uter 001-{ 24-valve V-6, 280 hp, 265 lb-lI: 6-sp aUlo with manumaticshifting SUSPENSION F•• R•

ind, unequal-length (ootrol arm~ coBor air \!X ing~ anti-roll tla r indom u~il inl:, (oilor air ~i ng~ anti-roll tla r




Blakes, FIR, ,l'eIlted dWl'eIlted disc ASS . Slartda rd Stabnity/tractloo (ontml standord/Slartda rd Passive restraint> ....... dw and paS>l'nget froo~ side, and curtain airtlags; rearcurtain airbags CARandORIVERcom


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N,:100 2010 VolvoXC60

Hi,hs: Attractil'f' inside and out, solidstructure, highcomfort

Volvo joined the growing premiu m-small-utility game with this nifty and attractive five-door. All-wheel drive is standard, performance is brisk with a 281 -hp turbo six, and there are, of course, plenty of safety features, including an automatic braking system that operates at lowe r speeds.

quotient, quiet operation, best-

in-class sofetyfeatures.

Lows: Not as sporty as some, expen}ive with all options. gulps plenty of fuel.

wbt's new: Introduced for2010; the base 32-lile( was a late add Ifiind titwktll: Not as Quid on its feet as aBMW X3 or an

Audi as, but the steering is tactile, ride quality is comfy, and

the turbo sixhas ~enty of punch.


0000 VolvoXC90 It's beg inning to fee l its age, but the XC90 is a decent luxury soft-roader. The base engine is best avoided because it struggles to move the heavy XC90; the V-8 sounds great and offers much more performance. We li ke the neat folding third row and the excellent seats.

Hi,hs: Aton of standard safety equipment, outstanding seats, powerfuIV-8, surprising agility. Lows: Weakling base engine,less refined than some of its rivals, poor fuel economy.

Wilt's nrw: Introduced for 2003; minor trim changes for 2010, and theV-8 R-Oesign dies.

Bflind tbwhtll: It's quiet and comfortable bul offers an anodyne driving experience. However,lheV-8 version sounds good, and it rides well,



Base pri(e: 3.2, SB.l45; 3.2 AWD, $35.245;T6 AWD, $38,050 Vehide type: froot- engine, front- I)' 4-wheel-driV€; 5-d(l(f 5passenger wagon InteriorI'O lume, FIR (cu It), 51 53/44 46 GJ rgol'Olume, >eaB up/mal:imum (eu ft) .. .., 31/67 ,109,2in WheellJa >e, , Lengt h/Widthlhight . 231.0-2S9A178,9-79,1!73.H8Jin 'umin~ cirde 45.t-49.2It Curb weight. . . . . . . ,S800-7950 Ib [PA Cityihighwaympg ......... NA Fuel-tankcapacity/range 34.0-35.0 gallNA


Ford Explorer Sport Trac




Dodge Ram 2500/3500 HD

. ioo, uneq lJal-length co ntrol arm~ cod spring~ anti-roHbar ngid axle, co~ spri ll9~ anti-roll b.Jr


vented diSddisc st.3ndard .... not a~ai labl e/not ava ilable .00ver and passenger ITomand curtain ai!bags, rear curtain aimags

Base price: XLI $28,625; XL! 4WO, $31,150; Umlled, SB,480; lim~ed V-S, $34)90; limited 4WO. $36.005; limited V-8 4WO. $37,315; Umited V-SAWD. $39,335 Vehidt type: front-engine; reor-, rear/4-, C( 4-wheel-dJiV€; 4OOC( 5-passenger truck InteriorI'O llJIIle, FIR (cuIt) .. . .. 58/48 ,49,6/6t ,4/2t ,2in cargo bed length/Width/depth Wheelb.Jse . 130.5 in ,210,2/73.7/7l,5in Lengthtwidthfhei ght Tuming Cirde. . .. 36,81t ,4700-4950 Ib ~p"bc~t~~~·~pg t3-15/19-21 Fuel-tan kcapacity/range lL5(je.. Length/Widthlhl'atsup/malim um(CU ft). .32/140-144 Wheelbase.. . 121.2 in Lengthfwidthlheight X!2 .5f76.9/68 .9 in Tumingdrde . . . .19.1ft Curb weight. .4450-4700 Ib 16-17/23-25 EPAcity/highway mpg fuel-rankcapacity/range . . ......... 20.1gal/m-342 mi POWERTRAIN l 3-litl'l plllh md 12-valve V-fj, 175 hp, 205 Ib-It; l 8-liter push.oo 12-va1Ye V-6, 197 hp, 230 Ib-It; 4.0-liter SOHC24-vaIYe V--6, 251 hp, 259Ib-ft; 4-sp auto, 6-spautowi rh manu matic shifting SUSPENSION F. . ioo, strut~ coa spri ng~ anti-rol l bilr R• ..... ioo,trailing arm~ COil \Il rings SAFETY !\rakes, FIR. . vented diSc/disc ABS standard Stilbility/rra[uoo cootrol ..... ..... stlooardlstlndard Passjve rest ra ints. .roverafld passeng~ ITom ........ dw and pas>enger froot Side, and curtain airbags; middleand rear curtain airbags


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' 4'

......... "".,.........

VIAGRA Cialis" LEVITR~ P(opedil, Valtrex, and more.,.

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An American Exotic that outperforms the FerMiri Enzo for under 5100,000 . The GT Malan is unlike any other Supercar in the world combining head· turning good looks with jaw·dropping perlormance ... all while being reasonably priced. It OU1perlorms Fenaris and Lamborghinis while oorrvnanding attention simply slanding still. Whether it is on the road or fool ing up, prepare yoursett for Ihe crowd thaI galhers everywhere you go.

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Mazda 5 Here's a perfect family car besmirched only by its minivan-like looks. Even if rno rn fea rs being seen as a morn, she and the kids will love the twin sliding doors, six seats, and ample cargo space on a light and thrifty car platform with joyous handling, The 2,3-1iter four is a lso easy on gas,

Hi'Jhs: Stupendous practicality. good fuel economy, nowasted space, offered with amanual transmission. Lows: Looks like a mini-minivan (ugh!), can be hard to find at

some dealerships.

wbt's new: Introduced for 2006;

Base price: Spell, $18)45; Too ri ng, S22,I:XXl; Grand Tooring,

$23,755 Vehlde typ4!: froot-engill€, front-driYe; 5-door 6-pa\setlger~an Intenorl'O lume,F/MIRleuft) 51 53/44 45/31 Ca rgol'Olume, >eaBup/mol:im um leu ft). . .. 1lJ89 WhffllJa>e.. . .. 108.3 in Lengthlwidthlh
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