Capítulo 15-Frederick Winslow Taylor

August 2, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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MFNCO]C2 Hok. Bugo Ngrlfs ]frrcjlgong

GLSEOF^   Glckrc Pfrthllf, Jlgmhehr Egrnf

  Jutrþo Efotcrflg, Mhckf Egrtåo   Ndgrng

Lupf, Clhzgjctd   Duhllng Yhlng, Luz Gokclg   Egegoh Nruz, Clhzgjctd   Pgohjrg Ngyf, Zgòl   Pgrh Ndgrgbg, Gokh Xcrglmhoc





Ngpåtulf 732 Mcsgiåfs mc lg nulturg Frkgohzgnhfogl





“Ofsftrfs tcocefs quc scr cl ngejhf quc qucrcefs vcr co cl euomf―  

-Egdgteg Kgomdh 





Åomhnc 7.  Zcvhshþo mc tèrehofs................ tèrehofs....................................... ............................................. ............................................ ............................................. ....................... 9  7.7. Gscsfråg............................................................... ..................................................................................... ............................................ ...................................... ................9    

7.:.  Nglhmgm mcl mc nlheg lgjfrgl............... lgjfrgl..................................... ............................................ ............................................ ...................................... ................ 7.>. Nårnulfs nglhmgm ........................ .............................................. ............................................ ............................................ .................................. ............ 9;  7.=.  Nfmctcrehognhþ Nfmctcrehognhþoo ......................................... ............................................................... ............................................. .......................................... ...................;  7.3.  Nfeuohngnhþo gsncomcotc............................................................. ................................................................................... .............................. ........4   7.9.  Nfeuohngnhþo mcsncomcotc........................................................... ................................................................................. .............................. ........4   7.;.  Nfeuohngnhþo homhrcntg................. homhrcntg....................................... ............................................ ............................................ .................................. ............ 8  7.4.  Mcefnrgnhg homustrhgl ............................................ ................................................................... ............................................. ............................ ...... 70  7.8.  Mhsnhplhog nfrrcnthng...................... ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ................................ ..........70   7.70. Mhsnhplhog prcvcothvg........ prcvcothvg.............................. ............................................ ............................................ ............................................. ........................... 77  7.77. Conucstgs mc gnthtum ................................... ......................................................... ............................................ ........................................... .....................77  7.7:. Crkfofeåg ................... .......................................... .............................................. ............................................. ............................................ ............................ ......7:   7.7> Ecngohsef mcl ruefr....................... ruefr............................................. ............................................ ............................................ ................................ .......... 7:  7.7= Pgrthnhpgnhþo mcl pcrsfogl ...................................... ............................................................ ............................................ ................................ .......... 7>  7.73. Prfncmhehcotfs pgrg lg rcncpnhþo hotcrog mc qucbgs.......................................... .................................................... .......... 7>  7.79. Prfkrgeg mc sukcrconhgs .......................... ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ......................... ... 7=  7.7;. Zcuohfocs gjhcrtgs mc hotcrngejhf mc hoifregnhþo ........................ .............................................. ............................ ...... 7=  7.74. ^hstcegs sfnhf tènohnfs ................... ......................................... ............................................ ............................................ ................................ .......... 73  :.7 Prckuotgs pgrg vcrhihngnhþo y goçlhshs ...................... ............................................ ............................................ .................................... .............. 79  :.7.7 Prckuotg 7 ............. .................................... ............................................. ............................................ ............................................ .................................... .............. 79  :.7.: Prckuotg : ............. .................................... ............................................. ............................................ ............................................ .................................... .............. 79  :.7.> Prckuotg > ............. .................................... ............................................. ............................................ ............................................ .................................... .............. 7;  :.7.= Prckuotg = ............. .................................... ............................................. ............................................ ............................................ .................................... .............. 74  :.7.3 Prckuotg 3 ............. .................................... ............................................. ............................................ ............................................ .................................... .............. 78  :.7.9 Prckuotg 9 ............. .................................... ............................................. ............................................ ............................................ .................................... .............. :0  :.7.; Prckuotg ; ............. .................................... ............................................. ............................................ ............................................ .................................... .............. :7  :.7.4 Prckuotg 4 ............. .................................... ............................................. ............................................ ............................................ .................................... .............. ::  :.7.8 Prckuotg 8 ............. .................................... ............................................. ............................................ ............................................ .................................... .............. :=  >.7 NG^F MC C^]SMHF O°72 Ecbfrgehcotf mc lg nglhmgm mc lg vhmg lgjfrgl co luz y pfmcr    :3  >.7.7. Prckuotg7 ................... .......................................... ............................................. ............................................ ............................................. ........................... :;   

>.7.:. Prckuotg Prckuotg >: ...................... ...................... ............................................. ............................................. ............................................ ........................................... .....................:8 :4  >.7.>. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................ ........................................... .....................





>.:. NG^F MC C^]SMHF O°0:2 Nfotrfl mc ruefrcs co Cjgohstcrågs ^go Icrogomf ......... >0  >.:.7. Prckuotg 7 ...................... ............................................. ............................................. ............................................ ........................................... .....................>>  >.:.:. Prckuotg : ...................... ............................................. ............................................. ............................................ ........................................... .....................>=  >.:.>. Prckuotg > ...................... ............................................. ............................................. ............................................ ........................................... .....................>3  =. Prckuotgs gl tutfr ..................... ............................................ ............................................. ............................................ ............................................ ......................... ... >9  3. Pgrthnhpgnhþo krupgl.............. krupgl..................................... ............................................. ............................................ ............................................. ........................... >; 





7.  Zcvhshþo mc tèrehofs 7.7. Gscsfråg ^c nfofnc nfef gscsfråg gl trgjgbf quc rcglhzg uog pcrsfog jrhomgomf rcnfecomgnhfocs, sukcrconhgs y nfoscbfs co su çejhtf mc cspcnhglhzgnhþo. Lgs ceprcsgs nfotrgtgo scrvhnhfs mc gscsfråg pgrg fpthehzgr su iuonhfogehcotf.

Cbceplf. Lg gscsfråg mc hegkco jusng pftconhgr gl gscsfrgmf g trgvès mc gqucllf quc prfycntg dgnhg cl cxtcrhfr. Eundgs pcrsfoglhmgmcs nfotrgtgo gscsfrcs mc hegkco quc lcs jrhomgo nfoscbfs sfjrc vcstugrhf, pchogmfs, pfsturgs nfrpfrglcs, lcokugbc, ctn. Cl fjbcthvf cs kcocrgr cepgtåg cotrc cl homhvhmuf y cl pòjlhnf. Lg gscsfråg mc hegkco tgejhèo sc gplhng g lgs ceprcsgs nfef pgrtc mc lgs cstrgtckhgs mc egracthok, nfeuohngnhþo y rclgnhfocs pòjlhngs.

7.:. Nglhmgm mcl nlheg lgjfrgl Lg nglhmgm mc vhmg lgjfrgl cs cl gejhcotc mc trgjgbf, sc mctcrehog co lg ifreg quc co cl trgjgbgmfr pcrnhjc su cotfrof mc trgjgbf. Lfs homhngmfrcs hovflunrgmfs pgrg ecmhr lg nglhmgm mcl nlheg lgjfrgl pucmco scr2 lfs ohvclcs mc hokrcsf, lg sglum fnupgnhfogl, cl krgmf mc efthvgnhþo, lg sgthsignnhþo lgjfrgl, lg hmcothihngnhþo nfo lg ceprcsg, cl jhcocstgr mc lfs trgjgbgmfrcs, ctn. Cl prfpþshtf mc uo juco nlheg lgjfrgl cs ecbfrgr cl rcomhehcotf mc lfs ehcejrfs mc lgs frkgohzgnhfocs, jcocihnhgomf g lfs ceplcgmfs, lg frkgohzgnhþo c honlusf lg ehseg sfnhcmgm.

Cbceplf2 Ecotc sgog co nucrpf sgof Pgrg DZE Kuhmc, lg sglum cs lg prftgkfohstg. Nugomf uog frkgohzgnhþo thcoc ceplcgmfs sglumgjlcs, cl trgjgbf quc rcglhzgo rcilcbg su juco cstgmf ecotgl y iåshnf. Sog cstrgtckhg coifngmg co cstc çejhtf gyumg g honrcecotgr lg prfmunthvhmgm, ecbfrg lg efrgl y rcmunc cl





cstrès. Nfo cstf lfs ceplcgmfs tfego mcnhshfocs sglumgjlcs c hotclhkcotcs quc rcmunco nfstfs y cl gjscothsef. Pgrg Kgcjlcr, lg nglhmgm mc vhmg lgjfrgl coifngmg g lg sglum pucmc lfkrgrsc nfo mhicrcotcs efmclfs2 cotrcogehcotf rcnurrcotc mhsc÷gmf pfr lg ceprcsg, scehogrhfs hoifregthvfs mc sglum f nfotrgtgomf uo prfvccmfr mc cstfs scrvhnhfs.

7.>. Nårnulfs mc nglhmgm Lfs nårnulfs mc nglhmgm cstço ifregmfs pfr uo krupf mc trgjgbgmfrcs quc sc rcòoco pgrg jusngr sflunhfocs g prfjlcegs mctcntgmfs co sus rcspcnthvgs çrcgs mc trgjgbf, f pgrg ecbfrgr glkòo gspcntf mc su pucstf mc trgjgbf.

Cbceplf2 Ngrgntcråsthngs mc lfs Nårnulfs mc Nglhmgm   Lg pgrthnhpgnhþo co cl Nårnulf mc Nglhmgm cs vfluotgrhg.

  ^fo krupfs pcquc÷fs, mc = g 7: pcrsfogs.

  Lfs ehcejrfs mcl Nårnulf mc Nglhmgm rcglhzgo cl ehsef trgjgbf f trgjgbfs rclgnhfogmfs.

  Lfs Nårnulfs mc Nglhmgm sc rcòoco pcrhþmhngecotc.

  Ngmg Nårnulf mc Nglhmgm thcoc uo bcic quc cs rcspfosgjlc mcl iuonhfogehcotf mcl

Nårnulf.   ]fmf gqucl quc pgrthnhpg co uo prfkrgeg mc Nårnulfs mc Nglhmgm rcnhjc ifregnhþo f

hoifregnhþo gnfrmc nfo cl krgmf mc pgrthnhpgnhþo quc tcokg co cl shstceg.   Mcjco pgrthnhpgr mhvcrsgs ngtckfrågs lgjfrglcs.

7.=. Nfmctcrehognhþo Lg nfmctcrehognhþo cs uog prçnthng mfomc lfs ceplcgmfs pgrthnhpgo co scshfocs ifreglcs nfo lg mhrcnnhþo y gså pfmcr hoiluhr co sfjrc gspcntfs quc gicntgo su shtugnhþo lgjfrgl.






Lfs mcrcndfs mc nfmctcrehognhþo sfo mhicrcotcs co mhicrcotcs cotfrofs buråmhnfs. Co glkuofs  pgåscs, nfef lfs CC.SS., lfs trgjgbgmfrcs trgjgbgmfrcs of thcoco prçnthngecotc ohokòo pgpc pgpcll co lg kcsthþo mc lgs ceprcsgs, y co glkuofs, nfef Glcegohg, su pgpcl cs eçs hepfrtgotc. 

7.3. Nfeuohngnhþo gsncomcotc Lg nfeuohngnhþo gsncomcotc fnurrc nugomf lg hoifregnhþo iluyc dgnhg grrhjg g trgvès mc lg  bcrgrquåg mc lg ceprcsg, lfs ceplcgmfs covågo sus ecosgbcs g sus supcrvhsfrcs f g ftrfs quc fnupgo pucstfs eçs gltfs mcotrf mc lg frkgohzgnhþo.

Ihkurg 72 Nfeuohngnhþo gsncomcotc

 Iucotc2 ygohogy.wfrmprcss.nfe

7.9. Nfeuohngnhþo mcsncomcotc Cs lg quc vg mc lg mhrcnnhþo g lfs sujfrmhogmfs, uof mc lfs prfpþshtfs eçs nfeuocs cs  prfpfrnhfogr hostrunnhfocs hostrunnhfocs mc trgjgbf trgjgbf pgrg nueplhehcotf mc mc lfs fjbcthvfs mc lg frkgohzgnhþo. frkgohzgnhþo.





Ihkurg :2 Nfeuohngnhþo mcsncomcotc

 Iucotc2 ygohogy.wfrmprcss.nfe

7.;. Nfeuohngnhþo homhrcntg Lg nfeuohngnhþo homhrcntg jusng hoifregr f dgncr llckgr uo ecosgbc g trgvès mc uog dcrrgehcotg nfef lfs ecmhfs pujlhnhtgrhfs (pfstcrs, tråpthnfs, gouonhfs tclcvhshvfs, gouonhfs  pujlhnhtgrhfs, ctn.).

Ihkurg >2 Nfeuohngnhþo homhrcntg

 Iucotc2 jlfkspft.nfe





7.4. Mcefnrgnhg homustrhgl Lg mcefnrgnhg homustrhgl thcoc nfef ihoglhmgm cxtcomcr lg mcefnrgnhg pflåthng g lgs ceprcsgs geplhgomf lg pgrthnhpgnhþo y cl nfotrfl mc lfs trgjgbgmfrcs.

Cbceplf2 Dhstfrhg mc lg mcefnrgn mcefnrgnhg hg Homustrhgl Efvhehcotf hmcflþkhnf, quc glngozþ cl eçxhef csplcomfr murgotc cl shklf THT y lgs prhecrgs mèngmgs mcl mcl shklf TT. Of sc pucmc tcocr rcpòj rcpòjlhng lhng co lgs ngllcs y efogrquåg co lgs içjrhngs, içjrhngs, mcnåg lg igefsg irgsc rcvflunhfogrhg, gtrhjuhmg g Lfuhs Jlgon. Cl irgonès Jundcz iuc uof mc lfs  prhecrfs pcosgmfrcs quc nfonhjhþ g lg ceprcsg nfef uog gsfnhgnhþo mc trgjgbgmfrcs, nfo cl fjbctf mc ecbfrgr lgs nfomhnhfocs mc vhmg mcl prflctgrhgmf urjgof. Gotcs mc Jundcz dgo cstgmf Ifurhcr y ^ghot-^heþo, cotrc ftrfs pcosgmfrcs sfnhglcs, nfo prcfnupgn prcfnupgnhfocs hfocs shehlgrcs, guoquc nfo sflunhfocs eundgs vcncs mhspgrcs.

7.8. Mhsnhplhog nfrrcn nfrrcnthng thng Cs uog gnnhþo f prfncmhehcotf luckf mc rfepcr uog rcklg, nfo cstf sc quhcrc lf lfkrgr, krgr, quc of sc vuclvg g nfectcr cl crrfr, gmceçs mc kgrgothzgr quc lg rcklg of sc vuclvg g rfepcr. Lg gnnhþo mhsnhplhogrhg quc eçs sc usg co cstfs ngsfs cs sgonhfogr g lg pcrsfog quc ngusþ cl prfjlceg, yg scg suspcomhèomflf suspcomhèomflf mcl trgjgbf, gmvhrthèomflc, gnfoscbçomflc pgrg quc of vuclvg g nfectcr lg igllg f mcspcmhrlf.

Ihkurg =2 Mhsnhplhog nfrrcn nfrrcnthvg thvg

 Iucotc2 bilgwihre.nfe





7.70. Mhsnhplhog prcvcothvg Lg mhsnhplhog prcvcothvg cs uog gnnhþo quc sc llcvg g ngjf uog frkgohzgnhþo pgrg glcotgr g lfs ceplcgmfs g quc nueplgo lgs ofregs y lfs prfncmhehcotfs pgrg prcvcohr lgs mcsvhgnhfocs. Cl fjbcthvf jçshnf cs glcotgr lg gutfmhsnhplhog, shceprc prcicrhjlc g lfs eètfmfs hepucstfs pfr ftrgs pcrsfogs.

Cbceplf2 Cl mcpgrtgecotf mc pcrsfogl mc lg nfepg÷åg Ncrrf Ycrmc, vclg pfr lg mhsnhplhog prcvcothvg, mcsgrrfllgomf prfkrgegs pgrg cvhtgr cl guscothsef f lfs gnnhmcotcs, f nfeuohngomf g lfs ceplcgmfs lgs oucvgs rcklgs quc mcjco nueplhrsc mcotrf mc lg frkgohzgnhþo. Gså ehsef cxplhng y gpfyg pgrg quc cxhstg uog pcricntg nfonfrmgonhg cotrc lf quc sc jusng y llff quc sc dgnc.

7.77. Conucstgs mc gnthtum Lgs conucstgs mc gnthtumcs sfo eètfmfs shstceçthnfs pgrg lg mctcrehognhþo mc lgs pcrncpnhfocs mc lfs ceplcgmfs rcspcntf g lg frkgohzgnhþo. Cstfs cstumhfs pucmco mcsgrrfllgrsc ecmhgotc cotrcvhstgs pcrsfoglcs, pcrf cs eçs nfeòo quc sc llcvco g ngjf g trgvès mc nucsthfogrhfs goþohefs. Sog conucstg mc gnthtum mctcrehog lgs fphohfocs quc thcoc cl pcrsfogl rcspcntf g gspcntfs nfef lgs nfomhnhfocs lgjfrglcs, lg supcrvhshþo y lgs pflåthngs mc pcrsfogl. Gshehsef, cs pcricntgecotc vçlhmf honluhr prckuotgs sfjrc oucvfs prfkrgegs f tcegs mc cspcnhgl hotcrès  pgrg lg kcrconhg. Lg hoifregnhþo hoifregnhþo rcsultgotc pucmc uthlhzgrsc pgrg pgrg cvglugr gspcntfs ccspcnåihnfs, spcnåihnfs, nfef lg ifreg co quc ngmg cbcnuthvf cs pcrnhjhmf pfr sus sujfrmhogmfs.





Ihkurg 32 Conucstg mc gnthtum lgjfrgl pgrg lg iucrzg mc trgjgbf Frhilgec.

 Iucotc2 dttps2//cs.slhmcsdgrc.oct/Zuodfs/trgjgbf-gnthtum-lgjfrgl-frhilgec->

7.7:. Crkfofeåg Lg crkfofeåg nfoshstc co cl cstumhf mc lg hotcrgnnhþo cotrc cl scr duegof y lfs cquhpfs y dcrrgehcotgs quc fpcrg. Guoquc co fngshfocs lg ogturglczg mc lgs tgrcgs quc sc llcvgo g ngjf of vgråg mcjhmf g lfs prhonhphfs crkfoþehnfs, lg ujhngnhþo mc lgs dcrrgehcotgs, hotcrruptfrcs y lgs låocgs mc efotgbc sc cvglòg co tèrehofs mc su ignhlhmgm rclgthvg mc usf.


Ncocg cs uog ceprcsg quc jrhomg gscsfråg g lfs mhrcnthvfs y trgjgbgmfrcs mc nuglquhcr frkgohzgnhþo pgrg quc mhspfokgo mc lfs nfofnhehcotfs, tènohngs y prçnthngs Crkfoþehngs þpthegs pgrg rcmunhr lgs prfjlceçthngs co cl cotfrof lgjfrgl y lfs nfrrcspfomhcotcs nfstcs mhrcntfs c homhrcntfs quc lfs trgstfrofs eusnulf csquclèthnfs. Cstg ceprcsg trgjgbg co Ycoczuclg, Jflhvhg, Ndhlc, Grkcothog, Srukugy, Jrgshl, Htglhg, Irgonhg c Homhg.

7.7> Ecngohsef mcl ruefr Cs uo ngogl mc nfeuohngnhþo gsnc gsncomcotc. omcotc. Cl ruefr of cs ocncsgrhgecotc ockgthvf f mcstrunthvf co tfmfs lfs ngsfs. ^urkc mc efmf cspfotçocf mc lg hotcrgnnhþo sfnhgl mc lfs hotckrgotcs mc lg





frkgohzgnhþo1 y nfosthtuyc uo mcrhvgmf ofregl y prçnthngecotc uohvcrsgl mc lg nfovhvconhg duegog.


Co uog frkgohzgnhþo cl ruefr ognc g rgåz mc lg igltg mc hoifregnhþo, kcocrglecotc nugomf lfs nfeuohngmfs of sfo 700% cotcomhmfs y cs gllå mfomc sc gjrc phc g hotcrprctgnhfocs lhjrcs. ^ckòo lg mfntfrg Egrtg Zfef, sfnhg mc Jc-Sp, cxhstco > nlgscs mc ruefrcs2 cl prhecrf rclgnhfogmf g uof ehsef, g uo bcic f rclgnhfogmfs gl trgjgbf y lfs quc gicntgo g lg nfepg÷åg.

7.7= Pgrthnhpgnhþo mcl pcrsfogl ^fo eètfmfs shstceçthnfs quc ngpgnhtgo g lfs ceplcgmfs y lcs pcrehtco gsuehr uo pgpcl gnthvf co lgs mcnhshfocs quc lfs gicntgo.

Cbceplf. Co uog ceprcsg kcocrglecotc sc jusng lg pgrthnhpgnhþo mcl pcrsfogl pfr lfs jcocihnhfs quc trgc nfoshkf g lg frkgohzgnhþo. Glkuofs jcocihnhfs sfo2   So pcrsfogl efthvgmf, hovflunrgmf y nfeprfecthmf mcotrf mc lg ceprcsg.

  Guecotf mc lg ngpgnhmgm mc hoofvgnhþo y nrcgthvhmgm pgrg lg mcihohnhþo mc lfs fjbcthvfs

mc lg frkgohzgnhþo. frkgohzgnhþo.   So pcrsfogl vglfrgmf pfr su trgjgbf co jgsc g lgs cvglugnhfocs pcrhþmhngs.

  So pcrsfogl mcscfsf mc pgrthnhpgr y nfotrhjuhr g lg ecbfrg nfothoug.

7.73. Prfncmhehcotfs pgrg lg rcncpnhþo hotcrog mc qucbgs ]ènohng pgrg lfkrgr uo ilubf gsncomcotc gmcnugmf mcotrf mc lg nfeuohngnhþo mc uog frkgohzgnhþo.





Ihkurg O°92 Kcsthþo mc qucbgs.

 Iucotc2 dttps2//slhmcplgycr.cs/slhmc/=>4404=/

7.79. Prfkrgeg mc sukcrconhgs Cl prfkrgeg mc sukcrconhgs cs uo eètfmf ifregl pgrg lg kcocrgnhþo, cvglugnhþo y gplhngnhþo mc lgs sukcrconhgs c hmcgs gpfrtgmgs pfr lfs ceplcgmfs.

Ihkurg O°;2 ^hstceg mc ^ukcrconhgs

 Iucotc2 dttp2//lcgorffts.nfe/^hstcegV^ukcrconhgs.dtel

7.7;. Zcuohfocs gjhcrtgs mc hotcrngejhf mc hoifregnhþo Conucotrfs of cstrunturgmfs cotrc pcrsfogl mc lg kcrconhg y krupfs mc ceplcgmfs, pgrg mhsnuthr qucbgs, sukcrconhgs, sukcrconhgs, fphohfocs f prckuotgs. Csgs rcuohfocs pucmc pucmcoo mgr hohnhf nfo hoifrecs quc lg kcrconhg mcnhmc nfepgrthr nfo lfs ceplcgmfs, pcrf nuyf fjbcthvf iuomgecotgl cs fjtcocr nfeuohngnhþo gsncomcotc.





Cbceplf. Cxhstco ceprcsgs co mfomc lgs rcuohfocs gjhcrtgs sfo vhtglcs pgrg su ecbfr mcscepc÷f. Dcogr cs uog frkgohzgnhþo quc fptg pfr lg rcuohþo gjhcrtg, co lgs nuglcs pucmc pfocrsc gl måg y  prfpfocr hmcgs hotcrcsgotcs pg pgrg rg vflvcr g mhoge mhogehzgr hzgr su prfycntf

Ihkurg 42 Zcuohþo gjhcrtg ceprcsg Dcogr.

 Iucotc2 dttps2//efocmgglnglg.frk/rcuohfo-gjhcrtg-mcl-dcogr-3-gjrhl-g-lgs-74d-gkug-mcdttps2//efocmgglnglg.frk/rcuohfo-gjhcrtg-mcl-dcogr-3-gjrhl-g-lgs-74d-gkug-mcegyf/

7.74. ^hstcegs sfnhf tènohnfs ^fo coifqucs pgrg ecbfrgr lg nglhmgm mc vhmg lgjfrgl. ^hrvco ^hr vco pgrg hoiluhr co cl nlheg lgjfrgl y rccstrunturgr cl trgjgbf, gså nfef lg rclgnhþo cotrc pcrsfogs quc rcglhzgo mhvcrsgs tgrcgs y lgs tènohngs mc quc sc shrvco nfthmhgogecotc.

Cbceplf2 So cbceplf mc uo shstceg sfnhf tènohnf cs lg ceprcsg Hjèrhng, ceprcsg ndfnflgtcrg grcquhpc÷g, co lg quc sc nfejhog egquhogrhg (shstceg tènohnf) nfo pcrsfogl (shstceg sfnhgl) pgrg prfmunhr y mhstrhjuhr uog krgo vgrhcmgm mc ndfnflgtcs





:.7 Prckuotgs pgrg vcrhihngnhþo y goçlhshs :.7.7 Prckuotg 7 ¶Pfr què sc prcfnupgo tgotf lgs frkgohzgnhfoc frkgohzgnhfocss efmcrogs pfr ecbfrgr cl nlheg lgjfrgl6 ¶Wuè hepfrtgonhg thcoc “cl juco gejhcotc― co uog nfepg÷åg mctcrehogmg mctcrehogmg――6   ¶Pfr què sc prcfnupgo tgotf lgs frkgohzgnhfocs efmcrogs pfr ecbfrgr cl nlheg

lgjfrgl6  Pfrquc cxhstc uog rclgnhþo mhrcntg cotrc cl nlheg lgjfrgl y lg prfmunthvhmgm, yg quc sh cxhstc uo egl nlheg lgjfrgl of sc lfkrgrç lg sgthsignnhþo mc lfs trgjgbgmfrcs y pfr comc su mcscepc÷f mcscepc÷f vg g mhsehouhr, mhsehouy mhsehouycomf comf gl ehsef thcepf lg pprfmunthvhmgm rfmunthvhmgm mc lg ceprcsg, pfr cstg rgzþo ngmg vcz eçs frkgohzgnhfocs cstço pfohcomf co prçnthng  prfkrgegs mc ecbfrgehcotf mc lg vhmg lgjfrgl mc lfs ceplcgmfs, ceplcgmfs, nfef ifreg mc ecbfrgr su prfmunthvhmgm ecmhgotc ohvclcs eçs gltfs mc efthvgnhþo y sgthsignnhþo, ecofr ohvcl mc tcoshþo y ecofr rcshstconhg gl ngejhf.   ¶Wuè hepfrtgonhg thcoc “cl juco gejhcotc― co uog nfepg÷åg mctcrehogmg― mctcrehogmg―66

Cs uo igntfr nlgvc quc thcoc krgo honhmconhg co cl mcscepc÷f y co lg prfmunthvhmgm mcl trgjgbgmfr. Pgrg quc uo trgjgbgmfr rhomg y pucmg glngozgr tfmf su pftconhgl, mcjc tcocr lgs nfomhnhfocs gmcnugmgs. Of jgstg nfo quc tcokg cl cotrcogehcotf y lgs dcrrgehcotgs ocncsgrhgs.. Dgnc igltg tgejhèo quc sscc shcotg nþefmf co su trgjgbf, co cl ecmhf, nfo sus ocncsgrhgs nfepg÷crfs mc trgjgbf y sfjrc tfmf, nfo sus bcics b cics f låmcrcs.

:.7.: Prckuotg : Lfs prfkrgegs mc ecbfrgehcotf mcl nlheg lgjfrgl rcquhcrco gpfyf mc lg kcrconhg kcocrgl. ¶Wuè pucmc dgncr cl çrcg mc rcnursfs duegofs pgrg gsckurgrsc mc nfotgr nfo csc gpfyf6





„  Pgrg kcocrgr cl hotcrès mc lfs mhrcnthvfs sc pucmc tfegr nfef cbceplf ftrgs ftr gs ceprcsgs quc

dgo heplcecotgmf prfkrgegs mc ecbfrgehcotf mcl nlheg lgjfrgl y lgs vcotgbgs nfepcththvgs quc cstgs dgo fjtcohmf, krgnhgs gl guecotf mc lg prfmunthvhmgm mc lfs trgjgbgmfrcs quc dg kcocrgmf egyfrcs hokrcsfs supcrhfrcs g lfs nfstfs quc sc dgo honurrhmf  pfr lg heplgotgnhþo mc cstfs prfkrgegs. prfkrgegs. „  Cl çrcg mc Zcnursfs Duegofs mcjcrç mc congrkgrsc mc prcscotgr uo plgo mc trgjgbf g lg

kcrconhg kcocrgl cspcnhihngomf lfs jcocihnhfs y lgs vcotgbgs mc mcsgrrfllgr uo juco gejhcotc mc trgjgbf. Glkuogs ceprcsgs mcsnuhmgo cl gejhcotc lgjfrgl pfrquc nfoshmcrgo quc sc rcquhcrc eundg hovcrshþo pgrg glkf quc of cs prhefrmhgl, pcrf sc cquhvfngo rftuomgecotc, pucstf quc lfs nfstfs mc uo gejhcotc lgjfrgl pèshef dgrço quc cl mcscepc÷f y prfmunthvhmgm mc lfs ceplcgmfs mhsehouyg nfoshmcrgjlcecotc, lf quc rcsultgrç eçs nfstfsf quc sh sc dujhcrg hovcrthmf co cl ecbfrgehcotf mcl cotfrof lgjfrgl.

:.7.> Prckuotg > Sog nfepg÷åg lc sflhnhtg g ustcm su gscsfråg prficshfogl pgrg cehthr uo mhgkoþsthnf mc lg nglhmgm mc su nlheg lgjfrgl. ¶Wuè ecmhmgs tfegråg6 ^cg cspcnåihnf, ofejrc of ecofs mc nhonf pgsfs nfonrctfs quc ustcm plgocg gmfptgr gl rcspcntf. „  Prhecrf2  Yhshtgråg lg ceprcsg y fjscrvgråg pfr uofs mågs lfs mhicrcotcs pucstfs quc thcoc

lg ceprcsg y goftgråg tfmfs lfs prfjlcegs quc surbgo co cstfs pucstfs murgotc csfs mågs gså nfef lfs gspcntfs pfshthvfs.

 ^ckuom kuomf f2   Zcglhzgråg conucstgs goþohegs sfjrc lg fphohþo mcl trgjgbgmfr gncrng mcl „   ^c gejhcotc lgjfrgl g tfmfs lfs ceplcgmfs sh cs uog ceprcsg pcquc÷g f sh cs uog ceprcsg krgomc tfegråg uog eucstrg rcprcscotgthvg. „  ]crncrf2  Cvglugråg lfs mgtfs fjtcohmfs mc lgs conucstgs. „  Nugrtf2  Cotrcvhstgråg g tfmfs lfs supcrvhsfrcs, bcics mc çrcg y kcrcotcs mc lg ceprcsg,

cspcnhglecotc gl kcrcotc f bcic mc rcnursfs duegofs, y lcs prckuotgråg sus gprcnhgnhfocs





sfjrc cl nlheg lgjfrgl quc sc thcoc co su ceprcsg y nuçlcs sfo lfs prhonhpglcs prfjlcegs quc surkco co su måg g måg nfo rcspcntf g lfs trgjgbgmfrcs. „  Wuhotf2  Prcscotgråg uo hoifrec g lg ceprcsg nfo cl mhgkoþsthnf mc lg nglhmgm mcl nlheg

lgjfrgl y lgs prfpucstgs mc ecbfrg.

:.7.= Prckuotg = Sstcm dg prfpucstf lg gmfpnhþo mc uo shstceg mc nårnulfs mc nglhmgm co su ceprcsg. Cl hokcohcrf ^glkgmf hotcrruepc su prcscotgnhþo, prcscotgnhþo, nfecotgomf quc “csc thpf mc ecngohsef sþlf sc gbustg g lg ecotglhmgm bgpfocs bgpfocsg― g― ¶Wuè lc rc rcspfomcråg6 spfomcråg6   Lc rcspfomcråg quc cstç cquhvfngmf y quc cl shstceg mc nårnulfs mc nglhmgm of sflf sc pucmc gplhngr co Bgpþo, sh jhco cs nhcrtf cstg tènohng mc ecbfrgehcotf mc lg nglhmgm sc frhkhoþ co Bgpþo gprfxhegmgecotc co 7890, cstfs dgo mcefstrgmf su cicnthvhmgm co lg cnfofeåg mc vgrhgs ognhfocs euy mhvcrsgs y gntuglecotc sc gplhngo nfo èxhtf co mhvcrsfs pgåscs gshçthnfs, co cl Fnnhmcotc homustrhglhzgmf y co vgrhgs nfrpfrgnhfocs quc cstço lfkrgomf oftgjlcs èxhtfs co  pgåscs nfef Ndhlc, Grkcothog, Eè Eèxhnf, xhnf, Nflfejhg y tgejhèo co ftrgs cceprcsgs eprcsgs mc oucstrf oucstrf pgås y sh qucrcefs scr uog ceprcsg nfepcththvg c honrcecotgr oucstrfs ohvclcs mc prfmunthvhmgm, ecbfrgr lg nglhmgm mc vhmg lgjfrgl cs ocncsgrhf y cstf lf pfmcefs lfkrgr heplcecotgomf lfs nårnulfs mc nglhmgm yg quc mc cstg egocrg tfmfs lfs l fs trgjgbgmfrcs pucmco pgrthnhpgr co cl prfncsf mc sflunhþo mc lfs prfjlcegs mc lg ceprcsg, nfotrhjuycomf g quc sc shcotgo eçs hmcothihngmfs nfo lg ehseg, eçs efthvgmfs, y lfkrgomf gså ecbfrcs ohvclcs mc sgthsignnhþo co su pucstf mc trgjgbf. Lg ehshþo mc uo nårnulf mc nglhmgm pucmco rcsuehrsc co2  

Nfotrhjuhr g ecbfrgr y mcsgrrfllgr g lg ceprcsg.


Zcspctgr cl lgmf duegof mc lfs homhvhmufs y cmhihngr uo gejhcotc gkrgmgjlc mc trgjgbf y mc rcglhzgnhþo pcrsfogl.




|  

Prfphnhgr lg gplhngnhþo mcl tglcotf t glcotf mc lfs trgjgbgmfrcs pgrg cl ecbfrgehcotf nfothouf mc lgs çrcgs mc lg frkgohzgnhþo.

:.7.3 Prckuotg 3 ¶Pfr què lc nfrrcspfomc gl mcpgrtgecotf mc rcnursfs duegofs krgo pgrtc mc lg rcspfosgjhlhmgm pfr cl ilubf mc lg nfeuohngnhþo co lg frkgohzgnhþo6 ¶Cs mcscgjlc quc lfs kcrcotcs y supcrvhsfrcs mc ftrfs mcpgrtgecotfs pgrthnhpco co cl prfncsf6 Cl mcpgrtgecotf mc rcnursfs duegofs mcjc nfotrhjuhr g cicntugr uog nfeuohngnhþo cihngz, gmceçs thcoc quc prfpfrnhfogr ngoglcs gmhnhfoglcs g trgvès mc lfs nuglcs pucmgo nhrnulgr lfs ecosgbcs. Mcjhmf g quc lg gmehohstrgnhþo nfotceplg lg plgohihngnhþo, cbcnunhþo y nfotrfl mcl  prfncsf mc ecbfrg mc lg nfotrhjunhþo mcl pcrsfogl g lg frkgohzgnhþo, cs ocncsgrhf quc sc kgrgothnc lg nfeuohngnhþo cotrc lfs clcecotfs mcl cquhpf. Mc cstg egocrg rcnursfs duegofs mcjc gsckurgrsc quc lg hoifregnhþo hepfrtgotc nhrnulc pfr tfmfs lfs mcpgrtgecotfs mc lg ceprcsg, gsckurgomf quc cstg iuonhfoc nfef uo shstceg. Co lgs ceprcsgs krgomcs cs eçs nfeplcbf gshkogr cstg rcspfosgjhlhmgm gl mcpgrtgecotf mc rcnursfs duegofs, Co uog ceprcsg mgmg, cs pfshjlc quc nhcrtfs thpfs mc nfeuohngnhþo scgo sgthsigntfrhfs, co tgotf quc ftrfs of. Pfr cbceplf, pucmc fnurrhr quc uo ceplcgmf tcokg uog  jucog rclgnhþo nfo su supcrvhsfr co lf quc sc rcihcrc gl egotcohehcotf mc lfs cquhpfs y lg rcvhshþo pcrhþmhng mc hovcotgrhfs, pcrf cs pfshjlc quc cl ehsef ceplcgmf of sc nfeuohquc mc egocrg cicnthvg nfo su supcrvhsfr nugomf cl tceg cs su prfphf mcscepc÷f, lg rclgnhþo nfo sus nfepg÷crfs mc trgjgbf f sus pfshjhlhmgmcs mc prfefnhþo. Pucstf quc cl prfncsf mc nfeuohngnhþo cs uo prfncsf quc cicntògo tgejhèo lfs kcrcotcs y supcrvhsfrcs, sc lcs mcjc mc tcocr co nucotg g lg dfrg mc tfegr mcnhshfocs sfjrc cl mhsc÷f mcl shstceg mc nfeuohngnhþo. Xg quc, cstfs gyumgrgo g kcocrgr uo ecbfr ilubf mc hoifregnhþo





mcsncomcotc nfo lfs egomfs hoicrhfrcs co lg frkgohzgnhþo. Ifecotgomf mhsehounhþo co lg tcoshþo y guecotf co lg sgthsignnhþo cotrc cl pcrsfogl hoicrhfr bcrçrquhngecotc.

:.7.9 Prckuotg 9 ¶Nþef iuonhfog cl ecngohsef mcl ruefr co uog ceprcsg6 ¶Wuè thpf mc hoifregnhþo pucmc fjtcocr cl mcpgrtgecotf mc rcnursfs duegofs mc lfs ruefrcs quc nhrnulgo co lg frkgohzgnhþo6 ¶Cs pfshjlc suprhehr pfr cotcrf lfs ruefrcs6 Cl ruefr surkc mc egocrg cspfotçocg mc lg hotcrgnnhþo sfnhgl mc lfs hotckrgotcs mc lg frkgohzgnhþo. Gl mcpgrtgecotf mc rcnursfs duegofs lc hotcrcsg cl ruefr pfr lgs shkuhcotcs rgzfocs2  Nfosthtuyc uog iucotc i ucotc mc nfeuohngnhþo gsncomcotc.

 Gicntg lfs ohvclcs mc sgthsignnhþo y efthvgnhþo co cl ceplcf.

 Prfpfrnhfog vglhfsg rctrfglhecotgnhþo sfjrc vgrhfs vgrh fs gspcntfs.

  Co kcocrgl, lfs supcrvhsfrcs of gnhcrtgo g cvglugr cstc thpf mc hoifregnhþo co tfmg su

hepfrtgonhg. Lfs ruefrcs hoifrego prfjlcegs y prcfnupgnhfocs mc pcrsfogl1 prfjlcegs mc gltf nfotcohmf cefnhfogl.  Ohokòo kcrcotc hosthtuyþ co su frkgohzgnhþo lfs ecngohsefs mc lg nfeuohngnhþo hoifregl.  Ohokuof pucmc clhehogrlg1 oh shquhcrg nfotrflgrlg. Cllf shkohihng quc cl ruefr pucmc vhgbgr g trgvès mc ohvclcs mc egomf f mc uof g ftrf mcpgrtgecotf nfo tgotg rgphmcz nfef uog llgegmg tclciþohng. Lg pfshjhlhmgm mc clhehogr cl icoþecof i coþecof cs oulg1 shceprc quc sc rcòoco pcrsfogs co mhicrcotcs nhrnuostgonhgs, mcscgo hotcrngejhgr hmcgs.





:.7.; Prckuotg ; Prcpgrc uog lhstg mc lfs mhicrcotcs prfkrgegs quc cl mcpgrtgecotf mc rcnursfs duegofs pucmc pfocr co prçnthng pgrg ecbfrgr lgs nfeuohngnhfocs mcotrf mc uog frkgohzgnhþo mc tgeg÷f pcquc÷f (ecofs mc nhco pcrsfogs) y uog mc tgeg÷f hotcrecmhf (mc nhco g ehl hotckrgotcs). Frkgohzgnhþo tgeg÷f Hotcrecmhf2 NFESOHNGNHÞO MC^NCOMCO]C ^c trgosehtc mcsmc lgs bcrgrquågs supcrhfrcs g lfs sujfrmhogmfs y su fjbcthvf cs quc sc nueplgo uog scrhc mc ofregs u þrmcocs.   Zcklgs mc lg ceprcsg


  Frmcocs quc mcjco scr nueplhmgs


  ]grcgs g mcscepc÷gr


  Egocrgs mc rcglhzgr cl trgjgbf


NFESOHNGNHÞO DFZHRFO]GL Lg nfeuohngnhþo dfrhzfotgl, tgejhèo mcofehogmg lgtcrgl, cs lg quc sc prfmunc cotrc lfs mcpgrtgecotfs y pcrsfogs mcl ehsef ohvcl. Lfs prhonhpglcs fjstçnulfs nfo lfs quc sc coircotg lg nfeuohngnhþo lgtcrgl sfo lgs rhvglhmgmcs pcrsfoglcs. Pgrg supcrgr lgs jgrrcrgs pucmc nfovfngr rcuohfocs hoifregthvgs nfobuotgs. NFESOHNGNHÞO G^NCOMCO]C ^c trgosehtc mcsmc lfs sujfrmhogmfs dgnhg egomfs supcrhfrcs2   Hoifregr sfjrc gsuotfs lgjfrglcs


  Nfosultgr sfjrc lgs gnthvhmgmcs g mcsgrrfllgr








Frkgohzgnhþo Pcquc÷g2 NFESOHNGNHÞO G^NCOMCO]C Mcsmc lfs ohvclcs bcrçrquhnfs hoicrhfrcs mc lg ceprcsg dgnhg lfs supcrhfrcs. G trgvès fphohfocs, rcnlgegnhfocs, sukcrconhgs y qucbgs. Cstg nfeuohngnhþo pcrehtc nfofncr g lg mhrcnnhþo mc lg ceprcsg lgs hoquhctumcs, gsphrgnhfocs y mhihnultgmcs mcl pcrsfogl sujfrmhogmf. Lg nfeuohngnhþo gsncomcotc thcoc mfs thpfs mc jgrrcrgs quc sfo lg rcscrvg mc lfs l fs sujfrmhogmfs gotc sus supcrhfrcs y lgs nfrtgphsgs quc pucmgo pfocr lfs egomfs hotcrecmhfs g lg trgosehshþo mc lg hoifregnhþo. Gmceçs mc lg Nfeuohngnhþo Dfrhzfotgl

:.7.4 Prckuotg 4 Co su fphohþo, ¶què mhicrconhgs cxhstco cotrc lg mhsnhplhog nfrrcnthvg y lg mhsnhplhog prcvcothvg6 ¶Pucmc prfpfrnhfogr prfpfrnhfogr mfs cbceplfs vçlhmfs mc ngmg thpf mc mhsnhplhog6 Lg mhicrconhg rgmhng co quc co thcepf y ifreg mc gplhngnhþo, y co lfs fjbcthvfs1 lg mhsnhplhog  prcvcothvg sc mg co ifregs mc ngpgnhtgnhþo ngpgnhtgnhþo pgrg glcotgr lg gutfmhsnhplhog1 y lg mhsnhplhog nfrrcnthvg, yg cs uog sgonhþo gl ceplcgmf quc hoirhokc lg ofreg, nfo cl fjbcthvf mc kgrgothzgr cl nueplhecotf mc lgs sgonhfocs. Lg mhsnhplhog prcvcothvg cs uog gnnhþo quc sc cicntòg pgrg glcotgr g lfs ceplcgmfs g quc nueplgo lgs ofregs y lfs prfncmhehcotfs nfo fjbctf mc prcvcohr lgs mcsvhgnhfocs. Cl fjbcthvf  jçshnf cs glcotgr lg gutfmhsnhplhog, shceprc prcicrhjlc g lfs eètfmfs hepucstfs pfr ftrgs  pcrsfogs. Cl mcpgrtgecotf mc pcrsfogl thcoc krgo rcspfosgjhlhmgm co cl ngepf mc lg mhsnhplhog prcvcothvg. Pfr cbceplf, mhsc÷g prfkrgegs pgrg prcvcohr cl guscothsef f nfeuohng gl pcrsfogl lgs oucvgs ofregs co vhkfr. Prfpfrnhfog tgejhèo prfkrgegs mc cxplhngnhþo y gpfyf mc lgs oucvgs ofregs1  pucstf quc cl çejhtf lgjfrgl of cs uo nugrtcl y quc co lgs nfepg÷ågs efmcrogs of sc hepfoc





lg lþkhng ehlhtgr, cl pcrsfogl mc tfmfs lfs ohvclcs gncptg ecbfr lgs ofregs quc nfeprcomc y quc nfoshmcrg rgnhfoglcs. Lg mhsnhplhog nfrrcnthvg cs uog gnnhþo quc shkuc g lg mcsvhgnhþo y rupturg mc uog rcklg. ^c  prfpfoc mcsglcotgr ftrgs mcsvhgnhfocs y kgrgothzgr quc lgs ofregs sc nueplhrço co cl iuturf. Pfr lf nfeòo lg gnnhþo mhsnhplhogrhg f nfrrcnthvg nfosthtuyc uog sgonhþo mc nhcrtf thpf suehohstrgmg g lg pcrsfog quc hoirhokc uog ofreg1 pfr cbceplf, uog gmvcrtconhg f uog suspcoshþo sho kfnc mc suclmf. Kcocrglecotc lg mhsnhplhog nfrrcnthvg sc rhkc y sc gmehohstrg mc gnucrmf nfo lg cstrunturg  bcrçrquhng mc lg frkgohzgnhþo. ^c hohnhg co cl supcrvhsfr hoecmhgtf mcl ceplcgmf, pcrf cs ircnucotc quc uo cbcnuthvf mc eçs ohvcl f cl mcpgrtgecotf mc pcrsfogl mcjgo gprfjgr cl  prfncmhehcotf g sckuhr. Cl fjbcthvf mc cstg prçnthng cs kgrgothzgr lg egyfr cquhmgm y busthnhg  pfshjlcs, pgrg quc tfmfs scp scpgo go quc sc ggplhngo plhngo lgs ehsegs oofregs fregs co tfmg lg frkgohzgnhþo. frkgohzgnhþo. Lfs fjbcthvfs mc lg mhsnhplhog nfrrcnthvg sfo2  Efmhihngr lg nfomuntg y lg gnthtum mc quhco nfectc uog igltg.

 Mcsglcotgr co ftrgs pcrsfogs lg cbcnunhþo mc gnnhfocs shehlgrcs.

 Egotcocr ohvclcs nfdcrcotcs y cicnthvfs mc nueplhehcotf mc lgs ofregs.

Lfs fjbcthvfs mc lg mhsnhplhog nfrrcnthvg sfo mc ngrçntcr pfshthvf1 lg gmehohstrgnhþo efmcrog mcscndþ mcsmc dgnc eundfs g÷fs lg ofnhþo mcl ngsthkf. Cl prfpþshtf cs nfrrckhr, cmungr, glcotgr. Cl ngsthkf prfmunc cxncshvf oòecrf mc cicntfs nflgtcrglcs homcscgjlcs quc honluyco gpgtåg, guscothsef y tcefr gl supcrvhsfr.





:.7.8 Prckuotg 8 Cl mcpgrtgecotf mc gtconhþo g nlhcotcs cxtcrofs mc uog nfepg÷åg mc egouignturgs honluyc g vgrhgs pcrsfogs gihnhfogmgs g jcjcr juco ngiè. ^c dg ifregmf uog cspcnhc mc nluj hotcrof, co cl nugl tfmfs lfs sfnhfs gpfrtgo efmcstgs suegs pgrg nfeprgr uog f mfs jflsgs mc juco ngiè tfmgs lgs scegogs. Bulhtg Efothcl, congrkgmg mc nfjrgr cl mhocrf y nfeprgr cl ngiè, dg shmf gnusgmf mc rckulgrecotc kugrmgrsc pgrtc mc lf rcnflcntgmf. Dgnc quhonc mågs sc llcvþ g ngjf uog buotg hoifregl mcl krupf, co cl nursf mc lg nugl sc mhsnuthþ gnglfrgmgecotc. gnglfrgmgecotc. Fndf mågs eçs tgrmc sc vflvhþ g prcscotgr uog mhsnushþo, pcrf co cstg fngshþo sc honluycrfo hoburhgs pcrsfoglcs. Cl måg mc dfy, mfs dfrgs gotcs mc quc sc llcvc g ngjf uog oucvg y tcepcstufsg tcepcstufsg rcuohþo mcl “nluj mcl ngiè―, cl kcrcotc mcl mcpgrtgecotf mc gtconhþo g nlhcotcs cxtcrofs lc dg covhgmf g ustcm uog nfeuohngnhþo pfr csnrhtf, sflhnhtgomf lg hotcrvconhþo mcl çrcg mc rcnursfs duegofs, co su nglhmgm mc kcrcotc mc pcrsfogl. ¶Wuè rcnfecomgnhfocs y sukcrconhgs dgråg ustcm6 g)  ¶Mcvflvcråg lg nfeuohngnhþo gl kcrcotc gicntgmf, nfecotgomf quc cs uo gsuotf hotcrof mcl mcpgrtgecotf6 Cl mcpgrtgecotf mc rcnursfs duegofs cstç co lg pftcstgm mc gyumgr y jrhomgr sflunhfocs co cstc thpf mc mhsnushfocs, pucs sgjcefs euy jhco quc uo juco gejhcotc cotrc lfs trgjgbgmfrcs cs glkf jçshnf pgrg tcocr uo juco nlheg lgjfrgl mcotrf mc lg nfepg÷åg, cs mcjhmf g coircotgehcotfs quc sc rfepc cl scothehcotf mc uohmgm. 

j)  ¶Prfncmcråg g uog hovcsthkgnhþo ifregl, pgrg mctcrehogr sh cs nhcrtf quc Bulhtg sc gprfphþ homcjhmgecotc mc mhocrf quc of lc nfrrcspfomåg6 nfrrcspfomåg6 Lg tcfråg jçshng co quc sc gpfyg lg gscsfråg cstgjlcnc quc tgotf lg tcoshþo nfef lfs  prfjlcegs pcrsfoglcs pfscco cl pftconhgl mc gicntgr tgotf cl mcscepc÷f nfef cl gbustc kcocrgl mc uo homhvhmuf rcspcntf g su cotfrof1 cs, pfr lf tgotf, mcl egyfr hotcrès pgrg cl





ceplcgmf, lg frkgohzgnhþo y lg nfeuohmgm quc ngmg pcrsfog pucmg cxplftgr gl eçxhef tfmg su ngpgnhmgm.

n)  ¶Prfdhjhråg ustcm lgs gsfnhgnhfocs mc lfs ceplcgmfs shehlgrcs gl “nluj mcl ngiè―6  ngiè―6    Of sc prfdhjhråg pgrg pgrg cl pcrsfogl pcrsfogl cl quc sc shco shcotgo tgo gnfrrglgmfs sho lhjcrtgm mc cxprcsgr cxprcsgr sus scothehcotfs y tcocr nfeuohngnhþo nfo sus nfepg÷crfs mc trgjgbf. Guoquc sh sc suphcrg mc lg cxhstconhg mc uof co pgrthnulgr dgjlgråg nfo cl congrkgmf pgrg sgjcr nuçlcs sfo lgs hotconhfocs mc csc nluj.

m)  ¶Wuè ftrgs sukcrconhgs f gnnhfocs rcnfecomgråg6 rcnfecomgråg6 ^c pfmråg ngejhgr pfr tcepfrgmg lg pcrsfog quc nfeprc cl ngiè cotrc tfmfs lfs ehcejrfs mcl nluj f lgs pcrsfogs quc mhspfokgo mc thcepf. Prfpfrnhfogr rcglhecotgnhþo rckulgr y prcnhsg sfjrc cl mcscepc÷f mc ngmg pcrsfog. Cstg nfoihregnhþo sc mcjcrç cxprcsgr nfef uog nfepgrgnhþo nfo uo cstçomgr cbceplgr. ]gejhèo dgy quc gnlgrgr lgs nfoscnuconhgs mcrhvgmgs mc uo juco mcscepc÷f f mc uo mcscepc÷f mcihnhcotc.

>.7 NG^F MC C^]SMHF O°72 Ecbfrgehcotf mc lg nglhmgm mc lg vhmg lgjfrgl co luz y pfmcr Luz y Pfmcr sc cstgjlcnhþ dgnc nhonf g÷fs co cl pgås, nfo prcmfehohf mc ngphtgl bgpfoès. Lg nfepg÷åg igjrhng jfejhllgs clèntrhngs, rcshstconhgs y ftrfs gpgrgtfs clèntrhnfs, y co lg gntuglhmgm nucotg nfo > 000 fjrcrfs y 7 900 ceplcgmfs. Cl nfosfrnhf bgpfoès quc mfehog lg ceprcsg cicntuþ nugothfsgs hovcrshfocs co hostglgnhfocs euy efmcrogs y nfotrgtþ g uo kcrcotc cxpcrhecotgmf quc gjrhþ lg plgotg, gmceçs mc sclcnnhfogr gl cquhpf kcrconhgl.





Mcsgifrtuogmgecotc y pcsc g lg gjuomgonhg mc ecmhfs cnfoþehnfs y g uog pflåthng mc rceuocrgnhfocs hkugl f lhkcrgecotc supcrhfr gl ohvcl mcl ecrngmf, lg prfmunthvhmgm dg shmf mcncpnhfogotc. mcncpnhfog otc. Cl csthlf gutfnrçthnf mcl prhecr kcrcotc nfomubf co pfnf thcepf g uo ohvcl euy  jgbf co lg nglhmgm mcl nlheg llgjfrgl. gjfrgl. Nugomf lg ceprcsg cotrþ co duclkg, dgnc mfs ecscs, cl nfosfrnhf lhquhmþ gl prhecr kcrcotc y nfotrgtþ gl lhnconhgmf Bfsè Zgeþo Csnglgotc, quhco  prfvhcoc mc uog ceprcsg nf nfepcthmfrg. epcthmfrg. Cl lhnconhgmf Csnglgotc dg nfeprfjgmf quc co lg ceprcsg sc vhvc uo nlheg mc susphngnhg, mcsnfoihgozg y jgbg efrgl. Lg hmcg mc prfefvcr g lgrkf plgzf cl ohvcl mc lg vhmg lgjfrgl lc dg llgegmf lg gtconhþo, pcrf dgy vgrhfs puotfs quc lf hoquhctgo. ^c dg rcuohmf nfo ustcm, kcrcotc mc pcrsfogl, y nfo sueg irgoquczg lc mhrhkc lgs prckuotgs shkuhcotcs (rcspþomglgs (rcspþomglgs co ifreg mhrcntg y pfrecofrhzgmg)2

]gjlg O°72 Ectfmflfkåg mc rcsflunhþo mcl ngsf H. O°

Prcehsg içnthng

Prcehsg tcþrhng

Nfonlushþo Cl csthlf gutfnrçthnf mcl prhecr

Lg cxhstconhg mc lfs ohvclcs lfs kcrcotc of nfotrhjuhrç co lg

Cl csthlf gutfnrçthnf mcl  prhecr kcrcotc nfo mubf co

kcrconhglcs y co cspcnhgl mc lg




nòpulg mhrcnthvg, lg jòsqucmg


 pfnf thcepf g uo ohvcl euy

sgthsignnhþo co cl trgjgbf, mc mcefstrgr cl èxhtf mc

 jgbf co lg nglhmgm mcl

ecmhgotc prfkrgegs pgrg cl  prfkrgegs


mc ecbfrgehcotf

cotfrof lgjfrgl. ecbfrgehcotf




nlheg lgjfrgl.

lgjfrgl, csf scr òthl pgrg lfkrgr





lg efthvgnhþo homhvhmugl y sgthsignnhþo co cl trgjgbf.

Lfs shstcegs sfnhfcnfoþehnfs Cl Cl






sc coifngo pgrg ecbfrgr lg nfeprfjþ quc co lg ceprcsg

nfeprfjþ quc co lg ceprcsg

nglhmgm mc vhmg lgjfrgl y gså of sc vhvc uo juco nlheg

sc vhvc uo nlheg mc susph-  pfmcr rccstrunturgr cl trgjgbf, lgjfrgl, of dgy lg gplhngnhþo mc ngnhg, mcsnfoihgozg y jgbg

gså nfef ecbfrgr lg rclgnhþo shstcegs sfnhfcnfoþehnfs, lf


quc cxhstco cotrc lgs pcrsfogs nugl scråg òthl pgrg lfs quc cbcnutgo mhvcrsgs tgrcgs.


Lg nglhmgm mcl nlheg lgjfrgl sc Lg hmcg mc prfefvcr g lgrkf vc mctcrehogmg pfr lg egocrg Lg hmcg mc prfefvcr g lgrkf  plgzf cl ohvcl mc lg vhmg quc cl pcrsfogl buzkg g su  plgzf cl ohvcl mc vhmg lgjfrgl,


lgjfrgl lc dg llgegmf lg  prfphg


gså  pgrg lf nugl sc llckgråg g

gtconhþo, pcrf dgy vgrhfs  puotfs quc lf hoquhctgo. hoquhctgo.



lg ecbfrgr lg prfmunthvhmgm.

 prfmunthvhmgm g lgrkf plgzf.

I ucot ucotc2 c2 Clgjfrgnhþo prfphg 

>.7.7. Prckuotg7 “^u plgo mc frkgohzgr nårnulfs mc nglhmgm ec pgrcnc cxnclcotc, pcrf grrhcskgmf. Lc scrè irgonf. Nucotf nfo cl gpfyf mcl nfosfrnhf, shceprc y nugomf lfkrc rcsultgmfs co nhcrtf thcepf. Of nucotf nfo cl gpfyf mcl shomhngtf, quc cstç rcscothmf pfr lgs pflåthngs mc eh





gotcncsfr. ]gepfnf nucotf nfo cl gpfyf mcl pcrsfogl kcrconhgl, quc cs lcgl gl gothkuf mhrcntfr. ¶Of cs rhcskfsf quc nfeprfectg eh gutfrhmgm glcotgomf gl pcrsfogl g tfegr lg hohnhgthvg co lgs l gs gntuglcs nhrnuostgonhgs nråthngs6― nråthngs6―   Cl plgo of cs grrhcskgmf shceprc quc sc llcvc nfo ngutclg, gmceçs cs uog ifreg mc efthvgr gl cquhpf tgotf g covflvcr nfo cl trgjgbf nfef g nrcgr oucvgs hmcgs, lf eçs hepfrtgotc mc lfs nårnulfs mc lg nglhmgm cs quc nrcgo nfeprfehsf mc pgrtc mc ngmg nårnulf nfo lg ceprcsg, y cstf cstç nfeprfjgmf pfr jgstfs cstumhfs, gså quc tcokg lg ncrtczg quc of sc hotcrpfomrço cotrc su fjbcthvf, shof pfr cl nfotrgrhf lf gyumgrç g nfosckuhr cl fjbcthvf mc lg ceprcsg mc uo efmf þpthef.

>.7.:. Prckuotg : “Cs prfjgjlc quc scg ocncsgrhf efmcrohzgr euy prfotf vgrhgs çrcgs hepfrtgotcs. G pcsgr mc scr euy rcnhcotc, cstg plgotg yg rcquhcrc efmhihngnhfocs. ¶Nþef nfejhogråg ustcm lfs prfkrgegs mc ngpgnhtgnhþo nfo lfs mc ecbfrgehcotf mc lg nglhmgm mc lg vhmg lgjfrgl6―   lgjfrgl6― Pgrg quc ngmg trgjgbgmfr trgjgbgmfr sc shcotg g kustf gotcs mc cepczgr nfo uog efmhihngnhþo efmhihngnhþo mc cstc thpf sc mcjcrç jusngr quc shkg egotcohcomf lg ehseg låocg mc su trgjgbf , nfo uo prfkrgeg mc ngpgnhtgnhþo, cs lg ecbfr egocrg mc dgncrlcs scothr quc sfo pgrtc hepfrtgotc co cl mcsgrrfllf mc lg ceprcsg, gmceçs quc cl prfncsf mc ngpgnhtgnhþo of shceprc cs tgo rçphmf nfef sc cspcrg,  pgrg lfs prfkrgegs mc ngpgnhtgnhþo lg prhecrg tènohng co cl nugl sc mcjc mc pcosgr cs co lfs shstcegs sfnhf-tènohnfs, yg quc ecbfrg lg nglhmgm mc vhmg lgjfrgl, cstg tènohng ofs gyumg g heplcecotgr oucvgs tgrcgs, mc efmf suthl y dgnhcomf eçs cstrcndgs cstrcndgs lgs rclgnhfocs rclgnhfocs..





>.7.>. Prckuotg > ^upfokgefs quc gncptf nfeplctgecotc su hohnhgthvg. ¶Wuè ecmhmgs nfonrctgs nfoshmcrg

quc mcjcråg tfegr6 ¶Nuçotf thcepf mcjf cspcrgr gotcs mc vcr irutfs6 ¶Cs euy nfstfsg lg hovcrshþo co tèrehofs ihogonhcrfs6―  Lgs ecmhmgs quc sc nfoshmcrgo scrço lgs shkuhcotcs2

PZHECZF2 ^c nflfngrço nfeuohngmfs co lg ceprcsg mc scshfocs gjhcrtgs mc ngpgnhtgnhþo. Cl thcepf quc sc ceplcgrg scrhg mc uo ecs.

^CKSOMF2 ^c cepczgrç g ngpgnhtgr y co cl ehsef tgllcr sc cepczgrço g nfoifregr Nårnulfs mc Nglhmgm quc gyumgrço g dgncr llcvgjlc lg prhecrg ctgpg, mc cstfs ehsefs Nårnulfs mc lg nglhmgm g efmf mc tènohng Mclifs, pcrf cstg vcz sho kcrcotcs mc gltf egomf cxtrgcrcefs oucvgs nfonlushfocs y prfpucstgs mc ecbfrgs. Cl thcepf quc sc ceplcgråg co cstg sckuomg ctgpg scrhg co 7 ecscs.

]CZNCZF2 ^upcrvhsgr nfostgotcecotc lfs nårnulfs mc lg nglhmgm y co sheultçocf cepczgr g nrcgr shstcegs sfnhf tènohnfs, quc scgo cl gpfyf mc lg oucvg cstrunturg mc lg ceprcsg. Nfo cstgs ecmhmgs mcbgrcefs mc lgmf lg mcegshgmf cstrunturgmg råkhmg nfo lg quc sc mcbþ g lg ceprcsg y tgotf mg÷f ngusf. Cl lgpsf mc cbcnunhþo scrç mc 7 ecs csthegmgecotc mc prcpgrgnhþo y uo nfostgotc sckuhehcotf, cstc ecs mc prcpgrgnhþo cstç gnfepg÷gmf pfr trcs prficshfoglcs quc pcrnhjhrço uo sglgrhf mc 800 sflcs nfo lf nugl honluhmfs egtcrhglcs sc rcqucrhrç r cqucrhrç uo prcsupucstf mc >000 sflcs, quc pgrg lfs rcsultgmfs cspcrgmfs of rcprcscotg krgo nfstf.

>.7.=. Prckuotg = 





Of pucmf ecofs quc gmehthr su hmcglhsef. Co oucstrf pgås, sho cejgrkf, ocncshtgefs

egof euy ihrec y murg1 mhsnhplhog, pfngs plçthngs y eundg gnnhþo. Wuhzç iuonhfoc co Curfpg f co Bgpþo cl plgotcgehcotf mc lg mcefnrgnhg homustrhgl. Gquå sþlf iuonhfog lg cocrkåg. ¶Of lf nrcc ustcm gså6 ¶Pfr què6―    Of, cl èxhtf mc tfmg frkgohzgnhþo sc jgsg co lg efthvgnhþo mc su pftconhgl duegof, y sh lcbfs mc mgrlcs nfoihgozg sc lfs lhehtg scrç eçs mhiånhl nfosckuhr uo gpfyf rcgl pfr su pgrtc y cl nfeprfehsf nfo lg ceprcsg, lf nugl mhihnultgrç eçs oucstrg frkgohzgnhþo y lg nfoscnunhþo mc ectgs. Cs ecbfr nfokcohgr g lfs trgjgbgmfrcs y kuhgrlfs nfef låmcr y quc dgyg gprcnhgnhþo y rcspctf pfr oucstrfs prhonhphfs fircncefs gl trgjgbgr y of sflf lf dgkg pfr tcefr y rhkurfshmgm.

>.:. NG^F MC C^]SMHF O°0:2 Nfotrfl mc ruefrcs co Cjgohstcrågs ^go Icrogomf Cjgohstcråg ^go Icrogomf cs uog sþlhmg ceprcsg cstgjlcnhmg co uog nhumgm mcl ofrtc mc su pgås. Lg ceprcsg igjrhng eucjlcs mcsthogmfs g prcsupucstfs mc igehlhgs mc nlgsc ecmhg gltg y su låocg honluyc tfmg lg kgeg mc csthlfs nfecrnhglcs pgrg sglgs y nfecmfrcs. ^us 7 000 ceplcgmfs mhsirutgo mc uo ohvcl gltf mc hokrcsfs y lg ceprcsg of eucstrg gotcncmcotcs mc nfoilhntfs. Lg ceprcsg dg uthlhzgmf murgotc eundfs g÷fs lgs egmcrgs prcnhfsgs mc lfs jfsqucs ncrngofs, ncrngofs,  pcrf cl gkf gkftgehcotf tgehcotf mc lfs rcn rcnursfs ursfs ifrc ifrcstglcs stglcs lg dg fjlhkgmf g hepfrtgr hepfrtgr egmcrgs egmcrgs mcl cxtrgobcrf. Lfs egcstrfs cjgohstgs nfoshmcrgrfo cxnclcotc cl prhecr lftc mc egmcrg hepfrtgmg, pcrf co ifreg hocxplhngjlc, nugomf llckþ g lfs tgllcrcs sc prfmubcrfo pr fmubcrfo ruefrcs mc quc lg ceprcsg ncrrgråg euy prfotf pfr lg csngscz mc egtcrhgs prhegs. Lg "prucjg" cstgjg co egofs mc lfs fjrcrfs2 egmcrgs hepfrtgmgs, mc "nglhmgm hoicrhfr". ^c supf quc vgrhfs fpcrgrhfs mc krgo vglfr pgrg lg frkgohzgnhþo cstgjgo dgnhcomf nfotgntf nfo ftrgs ceprcsgs lfnglcs pgrg confotrgr ceplcf co cllgs.





]gjlg O°:2 Ectfmflfkåg mc rcsflunhþo mcl ngsf HH. O°

Prcehsg içnthng

Prcehsg tcþrhng


Lg prfmunthvhmgm cs uo rcilcbf Cjgohstcrhg ^go Icrogomf cs mc quc lg nglhmgm lgjfrgl mc lg Cjgohstcrhg ^go Icrogomf cs uog sþlhmg ceprcsg, lg nugl igjrhng eucjlcs mcsthogmfs g  prcsupucstfs mc igehlhgs mc nlgsc ecmhg gltg y su låocg honluyc tfmg lg kgeg mc

7 csthlfs



sglgs y nfecmfrcs. ^us 7 000 ceplcgmfs mhsirutgo mc uo ohvcl gltf mc hokrcsfs y lg ceprcsg



gotcncmcotcs mc nfoilhntfs.

ceprcsg sc dg honrcecotgmf, uog ceprcsg sþlhmg, lg nugl nucotg nfo 7000 ceplcgmfs,  pucs lgs tènohngs quc sc uthlhzgo  pfr tgl efthvf cstfs nucotgo  pgrg honrcecotgr lg nfo uo ohvcl gltf mc hokrcsfs.  prfmunthvhmgm tgejhèo thcoco Gmceçs tfmf cstf sc vc cl fjbctf mc ecbfrgr lg nglhmgm rcilcbgmf co lg prfmunthvhmgm mc vhmg mc lfs trgjgbgmfrcs, mc lg ceprcsg, yg quc gl tcocr nfef jucofs sglgrhfs, efmclfs cstg nfef uof mc sus fjbcthvfs mc efthvgnhþo jgsgmfs co cl ecbfrgr lg nglhmgm mc vhmg mc cståeulf gl mcscepc÷f lfs trgjgbgmfrcs, cstfs (^hstceg Hotcrof), nårnulfs mc trgjgbgrgo mc uog ecbfr nglhmgm, gplhngnhþo mc lg egocrg mcjhmf g quc sc shcotco crkfofeåg co sus pucstfs efthvgmfs, y pfr supucstf lg lgjfrglcs, mcefnrgnhg  prfmunthvhmgm gltg sc vcrç homustrhgl, pgrthnhpgnhþo mc lfs rcilcbgmf. ceplcgmfs, cotrc ftrfs.

Lg ceprcsg dg uthlhzgmf

Lfs ruefrcs surkco nfef Pgrg ehohehzgr f clhehogr lgs

murgotc eundfs g÷fs lgs



gejhkügs y gl ehsef thcepf ruefrcs lgs pglgjrgs nlgvcs




shtugnhfocs nfoscnuconhgs ockgthvgs mc lfs

:  jfsqucs



mcjhmf gl gkftgehcotf mc lfs

hepfrtgotcs. fngshfocs

rcnursfs ifrcstglcs lg dg  jgstgotc


eundgs sfo lg Nfeuohngnhþo y lg


ngusgr Hoifregnhþo cotrc tfmgs lgs



lgs  pcrsfogs quc nfoifrego lg




| fjlhkgmf g hepfrtgr egmcrgs

frkgohzgnhfocs, pfr lf quc frkgohzgnhþo. Co oucstrf ngsf

mcl cxtrgobcrf. Lfs egcstrfs




lgs hoifregr lg shtugnhþo gntugl

nfoshmcrgrfo  prcngunhfoc  prcngunhfocss ocncsgrhgs pgrg quc

cxnclcotc cl prhecr lftc mc

cvhtgr quc sc prfmuzngo. p rfmuzngo.





egmcrg hepfrtgmg, pcrf co ifreg hocxplhngjlc, nugomf llckf g lfs tgllcrcs sc  prfmubcrfo ruefrcs mc quc lg ceprcsg ncrrgråg euy  prfotf pfr lg csngscz mc egtcrhgs prhegs. Lg




ceprcsg, nfofnhmg nfef lg Mcjhmf g quc sc supf quc nfeuohngnhþo frkgohzgnhfogl, vgrhfs fpcrgrhfs mc krgo vglfr cs uo igntfr mctcrehogotc co cl  pgrg lg frkgohzgnhþo cstgjgo

^c supf quc vgrhfs fpcrgrhfs èxhtf mc uog ceprcsg1 uog

dgnhcomf nfotgntf nfo ftrgs

mc krgo vglfr pgrg lg  jucog frkgohzgnhþo



cs ceprcsgs




mc cihnhconhg, confotrgr ceplcf co cllgs. Lf dgnhcomf nfotgntf nfo ftrgs shoþohef frkgohzgnhþo y nffrmhognhþo, quc mcjcråg dgncrsc cs cxplhngr ceprcsgs lfnglcs pgrg ehcotrgs quc uog eglg confotrgr ceplcf co cllgs. lgs mcnhshfocs hepfrtgotcs quc nfeuohngnhþo pucmc scr efthvf sc cstço tfegomf, cvhtgomf mc hocihngnhg, mcsfrmco y scnrcthsefs. nfoilhntfs hotcrofs.

I ucot ucotc2 c2 Clgjfrgnhþo prfphg





>.:.7. Prckuotg 7 ¶Wuè ecmhmg tfegråg ustcm pgrg nfotrgrrcstgr cl ruefr ockgthvf quc sc dg cspgrnhmf6 (Homhquc què ecmhfs cspcnåihnfs uthlhzgråg.)

Nfovfngr uog rcuohfo nfo tfmfs lfs trgjgbgmfrcs mc lg ceprcsg.

Pcmhrhg g tfmfs lfs trgjgbgmfrcs nugl f nuglcs sfo lgs mumgs quc thcoco sfjrc lfs rfefrcs quc cstgo nhrnulgomf nfo rcspcntf g lg shtugnhfo mc lg ceprcsg.

Sog vcz rcngjgmf tfmg lg hoifregnhfo, uthlhzgrhg nfef ecmhf mc hotcrgnnhfo uo shstceg mcsncomcotc mc nfeuohngnhfo nfo lfs trgjgbgmfrcs (cspcnhglecot (cspcnhglecotc c mcl tgllcr).

Ihoglecotc sckòo lgs vcotgbgs mc uog jucog j ucog nfeuohngnhþo mcsncomcotc sc cspcrg quc lfs ruefrcs ncsco y vuclvg lg pgz lgjfrgl





>.:.:. Prckuotg : Co Cjgohstcråg ^go Icrogomf cxhstc uo pcquc÷f pcrhþmhnf hotcrof. Zcmgntc uo grtånulf mc of ecofs mc uog pçkhog quc sc prfpfokg cl cstgjlcnhehcotf mc lg vcrmgm rcspcntf g lgs egmcrgs hepfrtgmgs.





>.:.>. Prckuotg > Lgs oucvgs egmcrgs thcoco mhicrcotc krgmf mc rcshstconhg, ilcxhjhlhmgm y scngmf, co nfepgrgnhþo nfo lgs gothkugs egmcrgs mc frhkco ognhfogl. ¶Nþef glcotgråg ustcm lg prcscotgnhþo mc sukcrconhgs pgrg nfepgrthr nfo tfmf cl pcrsfogl tènohngs cicnthvgs mc trgjgbf nfo cl oucvf egtcrhgl6

Gvcrhkugr sfjrc sfjrc lgs mhvcrsgs tcnohngs tcnohngs mc egohpulgnhfo y usf cxgn cxgntf tf mcl oucvf egtcrhgl (egmcrgs).

Lg prcscotgnhfo cs hepfrtgotc pfr lf nugl cstg mcjcrhg scr frmcogmg y fjbcthvg, co cstg of sflf prcscotgrhg lg mcsnrhpnhfo mcl prfmuntf sh of tgejhco sfjrc lgs tcnohngs mc egohpulgnhfo mcl egtcrhgl. Luckf mc dgjcr hoifregmf gl pcrsfogl sfjrc lg oucvg egmcrg. Lf quc dgrhgefs cs mc nfonhcothzgr nfonhcothzgr sfjrc lg hepfrtgonhg mc sus fphohfocs y sukcrconhgs, gmcegs mc nfeuohngrlcs quc pfmrhgo rcnhjhr uo honcothvf co ngsf mc gncptgrsc gncptgrsc glkuog mc sus sukcrconhgs

^c cstumhgrhg egs g ifomf ngmg uog mc lgs sukcrconhg, vhcomf sh cstg trgc jcocihnhfs f of g lg ceprcsg.

Luckf mc csnfkcr lgs sukcrconhgs sc lc jrhomgrg uo honcothvf f rcnfofnhehcotf rcnfofnhehco tf pfr su f sus gpfrtgnhfo g lg nfepg÷hg.

Nfef lg ceprcsg nucotg nfo uo pcrhfmhnf hotcrof, co cl nugl sc pujlhngrg lgs sukcrconhgs egs rcsgltgotcs mc lfs ceplcgmfs.

^c pfoc co prgnthng lg sukcrconhg quc dgyg shmf gncptgmg. nfepgrthcomf gsh nfo tfmf cl pcrsfogl, tènohngs cicnthvgs cicnthvgs mc trgjgbf nfo cl oucvf egtcrhgl.

Ihoglecotc sc mgrhg uo rcnfofnhehcotf gl ceplcgmf(s) co ecrhtf y rcnfofnhehcotf rcnfofnhehco tf pfr su krgo gpfrtc g lg ceprcsg





=. Prckuotgs gl tutfr 7.  ¶Wuè thpfs mc gtrgnthvfs mcjcrço fircncr lgs ceprcsgs pgrg ngptgr trgjgbgmfrcs quc rcprcscotgrgo sus rcnursfs duegofs pgrg egotcocrsc nfo vhmg co cl iuturf6 :.  ¶Nuçlcs sfo lgs prhonhpglcs rgzfocs pgrg quc lfs supcrvhsfrcs of nfoshmcrgo g cvglugr lg nfeuohngnhþo pfr ruefr6 >.  ¶Wuè mcjc dgncr cl kcrcotc nugomf surkco prfjlcegs mc nulturg frkgohzgnhfogl6 =.  ¶Nuçl sfo lfs rcquhshtfs pgrg ifregr uo nårnulf mc nglhmgm6 3.  ¶Nþef ecbfrgr lg nfeuohngnhþ nfeuohngnhþoo gsncomcotc co lgs frkgohzgnhfoc frkgohzgnhfocs6 s6 9.  ¶Nþef nfoshmcrg ustcm cl nlheg lgjfrgl co lg CPHH6 ;.  ¶Nuçlcs sfo lfs nrhtcrhfs pgrg sclcnnhfogr cstc krupf mc m c ceplcgmfs6 4.  ¶Nuçomf cs quc sc nfoshmcrg fpfrtuof gshkogrlc nfef rcspfosgjhlhmgm g lfs trgjgbgmfrcs cl congrkgrsc mcl rcnlutgehcotf, lg sclcnnhþo y lg mhsnhplhog6 ¶X nþef sc llcvgrç g ngjf su supcrvhshþo6





3. Pgrthnhpgnhþo krupgl  Glueof Glckrc Pfrthllf, Jlgmhehr Egrnf  Jutrþo Efotcrflg, Mhckf Egrtåo   Ndgrng Lupf, Clhzgjctd   Duhllng Yhlng, Luz Gokclg  Egegoh Nruz, Clhzgjctd  Pgohjrg Ngyf, Zgòl  Pgrh Ndgrgbg, Gokh Xcrglmhoc 

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