Capital Structure

July 7, 2019 | Author: liberatemessi | Category: Capital Structure, Financial Capital, Cost Of Capital, Stocks, Equity (Finance)
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to let u know about capital strucure which will further help in your acadmics....


FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT CAPITAL STRUCTURE Its meaning, patterns of capital structure, theories of capital structure, factors determining capital structure, difference between capital structure and financial structure SUBMITTED BY 

A!ES! C!A"#ER  AP$ %&'%''%&''( ))A *sem +

eaning of Capital Structure Capital Structure is referred to as the ratio of different -inds of securities raised b. a firm as long/term finance0 The capital structure in1ol1es two decisions/  of securities to be issued are e2uit. shares, preference shares and long term borrowings *#ebentures0

R elati1e ratio of securities can be determined b. process of capital gearing0 3n this basis, the companies are di1ided into two/ %0 !ighl. geared companies / Those companies whose proportion of e2uit. capitali4ation is small0 2.

Low geared companies / Those companies whose e2uit. capital dominates total capitali4ation0

5or instance / There are two companies A and )0 Total capitali4ation amounts to be I"R &'',''' in each case0 The ratio of e2uit. capital to total capitali4ation in compan. A is I"R 6',''', while in compan. ), ratio of e2uit. capital is I"R  %6',''' to total capitali4ation, i0e0, in Compan. A, proportion is &67 and in compan. ), proportion is 8670 In such cases, compan. A is considered to be a highl. geared compan. and compan. ) is low geared compan.0 OR

Capital structure describes how a corporation finances its assets0 This structure is usuall. a combination of se1eral sources of senior debt, me44anine debt and e2uit.0 9ise companies use the right combination of senior debt, me44anine debt and e2uit. to -eep their true cost of capital as low as possible0 #epending on how comple: the structure, there ma. in fact be do4ens of financing sources included, drawing on funds from a 1ariet. of entities in order to generate the complete financing pac-age0 Capital structure is what describes the relationship of these financing sources as the. appear on the corporation;s balance sheet0

E:amples of capital sources that ma. be included in a corporation;s capital structure are< 

9or-ing Capital


Senior #ebt

e44anine #ebt

PATTER"S 35 CAPITAL STRUCTURE The composition of capital structure can be recalled as follows< %0

3n the basis of sources of funds,        


3n the basis of ownership capital,   


  

#ebenture capital Long/term debts Cash credit Current liabilit.

3n the basis of cost of capital,  


E2uit. share capital Preference share capital Reser1e and surplus

3n the basis of borrowed capital, 


Preference share capital E2uit. share capital #ebenture capital Long/term debt Reser1e and surplus Current liabilit. Share premium P=L account

5i: cost of capital +ariable cost of capital

3n the basis of nature and of capital, 

Simple capital structure *when the capital structure is composed of a single source for e0g0 E2uit. capital including retained earnings 

Comple: capital structure *when the capital structure is composed of more than one source not of identical nature for e0g0 debenture,  preference share, current liabilities

CAPITAL STRUCTURE T!E3RIES 1st Theory of Capital Structure

 "ame of Theor. @ "et Income Theor. of Capital Structure This theor. gi1es the idea for increasing mar-et 1alue of firm and decreasing o1erall cost of capital0 A firm can choose a degree of capital structure in which debt is more than e2uit. share capital0 It will be helpful to increase the mar-et 1alue of firm and decrease the 1alue of o1erall cost of capital0 #ebt is cheap source of finance because its interest is deductible from net profit before ta:es0 After deduction of interest compan. has to pa. less ta: and thus, it will decrease the weighted a1erage cost of capital0 5or e:ample if .ou ha1e e2uit. debt mi: is 6'
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