Capital Budgeting Theories: Basic Concepts
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Capital Budgeting
MODULE 9 CAPITAL BUDGETING THEORIES: Basic Concepts Decision Making Process 2. The frst frst step in in the decisio decision-maki n-making ng proces process s is to A. deter determine mine and and evaluate evaluate possible possible course courses s o action. action. B. identiy the problem problem and assign respon responsibility sibility.. C. ma mak ke a dec decis isio ion. n. D. review review resul results ts o the the decision decision.. Strategic planning 39.Strategic planning is the process o deciding on an organization’ A. minor programs programs and the approximate approximate resourc resources es to be devoted devoted to them them B. major programs programs and the approximate approximate resourc resources es to be devoted devoted to them them C. minor pr programs ograms prior prior to consideration consideration o o resources resources that that might be be needed D. major pro programs grams prior to to consideration consideration o resources resources that that might be needed needed Capital budgeting defned 1. The long long-te -term rm plannin planning g proc process ess or making making and fnanc fnancing ing invest investmen ments ts that aect aect a company’s fnancial results over a number o years is reerred to as A. ca capi pita tall bu budg dget etin ing g C. ma mast ster er budg budget etin ing g B. strategic planning D. long-range planning 3. Capital Capital budgetin budgeting g is the proces process s A. used iin n sell or or process process urth urther er decisio decisions. ns. B. o dete determi rmining ning how how much capit capital al stock stock to issue issue C. o making making capital capital expen expenditur diture e decisions decisions D. o eliminatin eliminating g unprofta unproftable ble product product line line 5. A capital capital investmen investmentt decision decision is essenti essentially ally a decisio decision n to: A. exc exchang hange e current current assets assets or current current liabiliti liabilities. es. current ent cash outows outows or the promise promise o receiving receiving uture uture cash inows. inows. B. exchange curr C. exchang exchange e current current cash ow rom rom operatin operating g activities activities or uture uture cash inows rom rom investing activities. D. exchange current current cash inows inows or uture cash outows. outows. Risk & return 6. The highe higherr the risk risk element element in in a projec project, t, the A. mor more e attract attractive ive the the investm investment ent is. is. B. high higher er the the net present present value value is. is. C. higher higher the the cost cost o capita capitall is. is. higher er the the discou discount nt rate rate is. is. D. high 9. Cos Costt o o capi capital tal is the A. amoun amountt the company company must must pay or or its plant plant assets assets.. B. divid dividends ends a company company must must pay on its equity equity sec securit urities. ies. C. cost the company must must incur to obtain its capital capital resourc resources. es. D. cost cost the company company is char charged ged by invest investmen mentt banke bankers rs who handle handle the issua issuance nce o equity or long-term debt securities. 14.How should the ollowing projects projects be listed in order o increasing increasing risk? A. New ven ventur ture, e, replac replacement ement,, expansi expansion. on. B. Re Replac placement ement,, new ventur venture, e, expansio expansion. n. Replac placement ement,, expansio expansion, n, new ventur venture. e. C. Re D. Expansion Expansion,, replaceme replacement, nt, new ventur venture. e. 41.Pr 41.Problem oblems srates associat assothat ciated ed justiying ing investment investments s in high-tech high-tech pr projec ojects ts oten oten include include discount arewith too justiy A. low a and nd time time horizo horizons ns that that are are too long long B. high a and nd time time horizons horizons that that are are too long long C. high and and time time horizons horizons that that are are too short short 227
Capital Budgeting
D. low and and time horizo horizons ns that that are too too short short 60.In evaluating high-tech projects, projects, A. only ta tangib ngible le benefts benefts should should be be consider considered. ed. B. only int intang angible ible benefts benefts should should be consid considere ered. d. C. both tangible tangible and intangible intangible benefts should be considered. considered. D. neither tang tangible ible nor intangible benefts should should be consider considered. ed. Types Types o capital projects projects 4. A proj project ect that that when accepte accepted d or rej reject ected ed will not aect aect th the e ca cash sh ows o another another project. Indepe epende ndent nt pro projec jects ts C. Mutually Mutually exc exclusi lusive ve pr projec ojects ts A. Ind B. Dependent projects D. Both b and c
Capital budgeting process 7. The norma normall methods methods o analyz analyzing ing inves investment tments s A. cann cannot ot be used used by not-or not-or-pr -proft oft entities entities.. B. do not app apply ly i the projec projectt will not produc produce e revenues. revenues. C. cannot cannot be used used i the compan company y plans plans to fnance fnance the project project with unds unds already already available internally. D. requir require e orecasts orecasts o cash cash ows expected expected rom rom the project. project. Investments Sale o old asset 38.When disposing o an old asset and replacing replacing it with a new one, tax eect on A. gain on sale sale o the old asset asset reduces reduces the basis basis o the new asset asset B. gain on sale sale o the old asset asset increases increases the basis basis o the the new asset asset C. loss on sale o the the old asset asset reduces reduces the basis basis o the new asset asset D. b and c Working capital 18.A major dierence between an investment in working capital and one in depreciable assets is that A. an invest investment ment in working working capital is never return returned, ed, while most deprecia depreciable ble assets assets have some residual value. B. an investme investment nt in worki working ng capital capital is return returned ed in u ull ll at the end o a proje project’ ct’s s lie, lie, while an investment in deprecia depreciable ble assets has no residual residual value. C. an inv invest estmen mentt in working working ca capit pital al is not tax-dedu tax-deducti ctibl ble e wh when en mad made, e, nor taxable taxable when wh en ret etur urne ned, d, wh whil ile e an in inve vest stme ment nt in de depr prec ecia iabl ble e as asse sets ts do does es al allo low w ta tax x deductions. D. because an inves investment tment in working working capital is usually returned returned in ull at the end end o the project’s lie, it is ignored in computing the amount o the investment required or the project. 30.The proper treatment o an investment investment in receivables receivables and inventory inventory is to A. ig igno norre it it B. add it to th the e requir required ed investme investment nt in fxed fxed assets assets C. add it to the requir required ed investme investment nt in fxed fxed asse assets ts and subtra subtract ct it rom rom the annua annuall cash ows assets and add the present present value o the the recovery recovery to D. add it to the investment in fxed assets the present value o the annual cash ows 31.In connection with a capital budgeting project, an investment in working capital is normally recovered A. at the the end o the the proj project’s ect’s lie B. in th the e frst frst year o the the projec project’s t’s lie lie C. evenly evenly through through the pro project’ ject’s s lie lie D. when the the company company goes goes out o busine businessA ssA 32.XYZ Co. is adopting just-in-time principles. principles. When investment project that would reduce inventory, how should XYZ treat the evaluating reduction? an investment A. Ig Ign nore it. it. B. Decre Decrease ase the cost cost o the investm investment ent and decre decrease ase cash cash ows at the end o the project’s lie. 228
Capital Budgeting
C. Decrease Decrease the the cost cost o the invest investment. ment. D. Decrease Decrease the cost cost o the investment investment and increa increase se the cash ow at the end o the project’s lie.
Relevant cash fows 72.Which o the ollowing represents the biggest challenge in the decision to purchase new equipment? A. B. C. D.
Esti Estimatin mating g employee employee trainin training g or the new proj project. ect. Estimating Estimatin g cash cash ows ows or or the utu uture. re. Estimatin Estimating g transport transportatio ation n costs o the new equipmen equipment. t. Estimatin Estimating g maintenanc maintenance e costs or the new equipm equipment. ent.
51.When a frm has the opportunity to add a project that will utilize act actory ory capacity that is currently not being used, which costs should be used to determine i the added project should be undertaken? A. Opportunity costs C. Net present costs B. Hi Hist stor oric ical al cos costs ts D. Inc Incrreme ementa ntall cost costs s 11.The only uture costs that are relevant to deciding whether to accept an investment are those that will A. be dierent dierent i the project project is accepted rather than than rejected. rejected. B. be saved i tthe he project project is accepte accepted d rather rather than reject rejected. ed. C. be deduct deductible ible or tax purposes purposes.. D. aect net in income come in the the period that that they are are incurred. incurred. Cash inow 66.Which o the ollowing is not a typical cash inow in capital investment decisions? A. Incremental revenues C. Salvage value B. Cost Cost red reduc ucti tion ons s D. Add Addition itional al worki working ng capit capital al Out-o-pocket costs 45.Which o the ollowing is a cost that requires a uture outlay o cash that is which relevant or uture decision-makin decision-making? g? A. Opportunity cost C. Sunk costs B. Out Out-o -o-po -pock cket et co cost st D. Relevan elevantt bene benefts fts Depreciation & Tax Tax 22.I there were no income taxes, depreciat eciation ion would would be ignored ignored in capital capital budgeting. budgeting. A. depr B. the NPV NPV meth method od would would not not work. work. C. income income would be be discounted discounted instea instead d o cash ow. ow. D. all potential potential investme investments nts would would be desirable. desirable. 21.Relevant cash ows or net present value (NPV) models include all o the ollowing except A. outo outows ws to purchas purchase e new equipment equipment B. depreciat depreciation ion expense expense on the newly newly acquired acquired piece piece o equipment C. reductio reductions ns in operating operating cash cash ows as a result result o using using the new new equipment. equipment. D. cash outows rrelated elated to purchasing purchasing additional additional inventories or or another retail retail store. 55.When evaluating depreciation methods, managers who are concerned about capital investment decisions will: A. choose straight straight line depreciation depreciation so there there is minimum impact impact on the decision. B. use units o pro product duction ion so more depreciat depreciation ion expense expense will be allocated allocated to the later years. C. use accele accelerat rated ed methods methods to hav have e as much depreci depreciati ation on in the early early years o an asset’s lie. D. choice o depr depreciation eciation method has has no impact impact on the capital investment decision. decision. 70.The taxinvestment consequences should be considered under which circumstances when making capital decisions? A. Positive net income C. Depreciation B. Dispos Disposal al o an ass asset et D. All All o the the abo above ve
Capital Budgeting
Irrelevant cash fows Loan fnancing 43.In addition addition to increment incremental al revenue revenues, s, cash inows rom capital capital investment investments s can be generated rom all o the ollowing sources except: debt bt fn fnan anci cing ng A. de B. co cost st sa savi ving ngs s C. sa salv lvag age e valu value e D. reducti reduction on in the amount amount o working working capita capitall 10.I Helena 10.I Helena Company Company expects expects to get a one-y one-year ear bank loan loan to help help cover cover the initial initial fnancing o one o its capital projects, the analysis o the project should A. oset the loan aga against inst any investmen investmentt in inventory inventory or receivable receivables s required required by the project. B. show th the e loan as an an increase increase in the the investmen investment. t. C. show the loan as a cash outow outow in the second year o the project’s project’s lie. lie. D. ign ignor ore e the the loa loan n Sunk cost 29.In deciding whether to replace a machine, which o the ollowing is NOT a sunk cost? A. The expected expected resale resale price price o the existi existing ng machine. machine. B. The b book ook value value o the exist existing ing m machi achine. ne. C. The origina originall cost o the the existin existing g machine. machine. D. The deprec depreciate iated d cost o the existin existing g machine. machine.
Accounting rate o return 54.Th 54 .The e pr prim imar ary y adva advant ntag ages es o th the e aver averag age e ra rate te o ret etur urn n meth method od ar are e it its s ease ease o computation and the act that: A. It is especially especially useul useul to managers managers whose whose primary concern concern is liquidity B. Th Ther ere e is le less ss poss possib ibil ilit ity y o loss loss r rom om chan change ges s in econ econom omic ic cond condit itio ions ns and and obsolescence obsolescenc e when the commitment is short-term short-term C. It emphasizes the amount o income earned over over the lie lie o the propo proposal sal D. Rankings Rankings o propos proposals als are are necessary necessary Nondiscounted cash fow method Payback method 36.There are several capital budgeting decision models that do not use discounted cash ows. What is the name o the simple technique that calculates the total time it will take to recover, using cash inows rom operations, the amount o cash invested in a project? A. Recovery period C. External rate o return B. Pay ayba back ck mo mode dell D. Account Accounting ing rate rate o o retur return n 34.The technique most concerned with liquidity is ayba back ck met metho hod. d. A. Pay B. Net prese present nt value value techni technique que.. C. Inter Internal nal rate rate o o retur return. n. D. book book rate rate o retu return rn.. 73.Which o the ollowing is a potential use o the payback method? A. Help man manager agers s control control the risks risks o estimatin estimating g cash ows ows B. Help min minimize imize the the impact impact o the investment investment on liqui liquidity dity C. Help contr control ol the risk risk o obsol obsolesce escence nce D. All o the the answers answers are are corr correct ect 47.The cash payback technique: A. shou should ld be used used as as a fnal fnal screenin screening g tool. tool. B. can be the on only ly basis basis or the capital capital budget budgeting ing decisio decision. n. C. is relativ relatively ely easy easy to compute compute and under understan stand. d. D. considers the expected expected proftabil proftability ity o a project. project. 33.Which o the ollowing is NOT a deect o the payback method? A. It ignores ignores cash cash ows ows because because it uses uses net income. income. B. It ig ignor nores es prof proftabil tability ity.. C. It ignores ignores the the present present values values o cash cash ows. ows. 230
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D. It ignor ignores es the pattern pattern o cash ows ows beyond the the payback period. period. 48.The payback method, as a capital budgeting technique, assumes that all intermediate cash inows are reinvested to yield a return equal to: C. The Disco Discount unt Rate Rate A. Zero B. The The Time Time-A -Adj djus uste tedd-R Rat ate-o e-o-R -Ret etur urn n D. Th The e Cost-o Cost-o-Capi -Capita tall 52.Which o the ollowing capital budgeting methods is the least theoretically correct? A. pa payb ybac ack k me meth thod od C. inter internal nal rate rate o o retur return n B. net present value D. none o the above
Discounted cash fow method 49.Which o the ollowing methods o evaluating capital investment projects incorporates the time value o money? A. Payback Payback period, accounting accounting rate o return, return, and internal rate o return return B. Accounting Accounting rate o return, return, net present present value, and and interna internall rate o return return C. Paybac Payback k period and and accountin accounting g rate o retur return n D. Net presen presentt value and inter internal nal rate rate o return return Net present value 69.Discounted cash ow analysis is used in which o the ollowing techniques? techniques? A. Ne Nett pres presen entt valu value e C. Co Cost st o capi capita tall B. Payback period D. All o the above 8. The primary primary capital budgeting budgeting method method that uses uses discounted discounted cash cash ow techniques techniques is the A. net pre presen sentt value value metho method. d. B. cash cash payba payback ck techn techniqu ique. e. C. annual annual rate rate o retur return n method method.. D. proftabi proftability lity index index method method.. 20.The net present value (NPV) model can be used to evaluate and rank two or more proposed propo sed projects. The approach that computes the total impact on cash ows or each option and then converts these total cash ows to their present values is called the A. dierential approach C. contribution approach D. tota totall pro project ject appr approach oach.. B. incre incremen mental tal appr approac oach. h. 40.The discount rate commonly used in present present value calculations is the A. treas treasur ury y bill bill rate rate B. weig weighted hted average average retur return n on assets assets adjusted adjusted or or risk C. risk ree ree rate rate plus plus inat ination ion rate D. sharehold shareholders’ ers’ expected expected retur return n on equity 44.Which is true o the net present value method o determining the acceptability o an investment? A. The initial initial cost o the investment investment is subtract subtracted ed rom the present present value value o net cash ows B. The net c cash ash ows ows are not not adjusted adjusted to present present value value C. A negative n net et present present value indicates indicates the the investment should be be undertaken undertaken D. The net pr present esent value method requires requires no subjective subjective judgments judgments Proftability index 35.The proftability proftability index A. does no nott take into into account account the discoun discounted ted cash cash ows. B. Is calcu calculated lated by dividin dividing g total cash cash ows by the initial initial investment investment.. C. allows comparison comparison o the relative relative desirability desirability o projects projects that require require diering diering initial investments. D. will never be greater greater than 1.0. Internal rate o return 56.According to the reinvestment rate which assumes cash ows are reinvested at assumption, the project’s rate o method return? o capital budgeting C. int inter ernal nal rate rate o o retur return n A. payb paybac ack k per perio iod d B. net present value D. none o the above
Capital Budgeting
62.The rate o interest that produces a zero net present value when a project’s discounted cash operating advantage is netted against its discounted net investment is the: A. Cost o capital C. Cuto rate D. Inter Internal nal rate o ret return urn B. Disc Discou ount nt ra rate te 57.A weakness o the internal rate o return method or screening investment projects is that it: A. Does not consi consider der the the time time value value o money money B. Implic Implicitl itly y ass assume umes s that that the compa company ny is able able to to rein reinves vestt cas cash h ows ows ro rom m the the project at the company’s discount rate C. Impli Implicitl citly y assumes that that the company is able to reinvest reinvest cash ows rom rom the project project at the internal rate o return D. Fails to consid consider er the timing timing o cash cash ows Comprehensive 50.Which o the ollowing methods o evaluating capital investment projects do not use a percentage as a measurement unit? A. Pa Paybac yback k period period and net net presen presentt value value B. Acc Account ounting ing rate rate o retur return n and payback payback period period C. Net presen presentt value and inter internal nal rate rate o return return D. Internal Internal rate rate o return return and payback payback period period
Relationships among NPV, PI & IRR 24.I a company’s required rate o return is 12 percent and in using the proftability index method, a project’s index is greater than 1.0, this indicates that the project’s rate o return is A. equal to 12 percent. C. less than 12 percent. great eater er than than 12 per percen cent. t. D. dependent dependent on on the size size o the investm investment. ent. B. gr 25.I the present value o the uture cash ows or an investment equals the required investment, the IRR is A. equ equal al to to the the cuto cuto rat rate. e. B. equal to the cost cost o borro borrowed wed capita capital. l. C. eq equa uall tto o zer zero. o. D. lower than than the compan company’s y’s cuto cuto rate retur return. n. 27.The relationship between payback period and IRR is that A. a paybac payback k period period o less than than one-hal one-hal the lie lie o a proje project ct will will yield yield an IR IRR R lower lower than the target rate. B. the payback payback period period is the presen presentt value actor actor or the the IRR. IRR. C. a pr proj ojec ectt whos whose e payb paybac ack k peri period od does does not not meet meet th the e comp compan any’ y’s s cuto cuto ra rate te o orr payback will not meet the company’s criterion or IRR. D. no none ne o o the the abov above. e. 67.When comparing NPV and IRR, which is not true? A. With NPV, the discount rate rate can be adjusted to take into into account increased increased risk risk and the uncertainty o cash ows B. Wit With h IRR, cash cash ows can be adjust adjusted ed to account account or risk risk C. NPV can be be used to compar compare e investments o various size or magnitude D. Both NPV an and d IRR can can be used or screening screening decisions decisions
Sensitivity analysis 13.In capital budgeting, sensitivity sensitivity analysis is used A. to deter determine mine whether whether an an investment investment is proftab proftable. le. B. to see how a decisio decision n would be aecte aected d by changes changes in variable variables. s. C. to test the relati relationsh onship ip o the IRR IRR and NPV. NPV. D. to evaluate evaluate mutually mutually exclusi exclusive ve investment investments. s. 15.An approach that uses a number o outcome estimates to get a sense o the variability among potential returns is techn A. the d disco iscounted unted cash ow technique. ique. B. the net net prese present nt value value metho method. d. C. ri risk sk anal analys ysis is.. D. sen sensit sitivi ivity ty analysi analysis. s. 232
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42.Sensitivity analysis is the study o how the outcome o a decision making process process A. chan changes ges as one one or more more o the assump assumption tions s change change B. remains the same even even though one or more more o the assumptions assumptions change change C. changes even though one one or more more o the assumptions do not change change D. does not change as as the assumptions assumptions do not change change either 64.Sensitivity analysis is: A. An appropriate appropriate response response to uncertaint uncertainty y in cash cash ow projecti projections ons B. Use Useul ul in measurin measuring g the variance variance o the Fish Fisher er rate C. Typically conducted conducted in the post investment investment audit audit D. Useul to co compare mpare projects projects requiring requiring vastly vastly dierent levels levels o initial initial investment IRR = 0 58.i the internal rate o return on an investment is zero: A. its NPV is positi positive. ve. annual cash cash ows equal equal its requi required red invest investment. ment. B. its annual C. it is generally generally a wise wise inves investment tment.. D. its cash cash ows ows decrease decrease over over its lie. lie. Change in NPV 59.Which o the ollowing would decrease the net present value o a project? A. A dec decrea rease se in the income income tax tax rate rate B. A dec decrea rease se in the the initia initiall investme investment nt C. An increa increase se in the useu useull lie o the the project project D. An increa increase se in the the discoun discountt rate Eect o change in cost o capital 26.All other things being equal, as cost o capital increases A. mor more e capital capital projects projects will will probably probably be acceptab acceptable. le. B. ewer capita capitall projects projects will will probably probably be acceptab acceptable. le. C. the number o capital capital projects projects that are are acceptab acceptable le will change, change, but the directio direction n o the change is not determinable just by knowing the direction o the change in cost o capital. D. the company wil willl probab probably ly want to borrow borrow money rather rather than issue issue stock. Eect o change in residual value 23.Assuming that a project has already been evaluated using the ollowing techniques, the evaluation under which technique is least likely to be aected by an increase in the estimated residual residual value o the project? A. Pay ayba back ck Per Perio iod. d. C. Net Prese Present nt Valu Value. e. B. Internal Rate o Return. D. Proftability Index.
Decision rules – independent projects 68.What 68.W hat type type o decisi decision on involv involves es decidi deciding ng i an invest investmen mentt meets meets a prede predeter termin mined ed standard? A. Investment decisions C. Management decisions B. Scr Screen eening ing dec decisi ision ons s D. Pr Preer eerence ence decision decisions s Payback period 46.I a payback period or a project is greater than its expected useul lie, the A. pro project ject will will always always be proftab proftable. le. entire e initial initial investment investment will will not be recove recovered red.. B. entir C. project wo would uld only be acceptable acceptable i the the company’s cost cost o capital wa was s low. low. D. project’s rreturn eturn will will always exceed exceed the company’s company’s cost o capital. Net present value 61.An analysis o a proposal by the net present value method indicated that the present value val ue o utur uture e ca cash sh inows inows exceed exceeded ed the amount amount to be invest invested. ed. Which Which o the ollowing statements best describes results o this A. The proposal propo sal is desirable desirab le and thethe rate o return return expanalysis? expected ected rom rom the proposal proposal exceeds the minimum rate used or the analysis B. The pro proposa posall is desirabl desirable e and the rate o return return expected expected rom the proposal proposal is less than the minimum rate used or the analysis 233
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C. The prop proposal osal is undesirable undesirable and the rate rate o return return expected rom rom the proposal proposal is less than the minimum rate used or the analysis D. The proposa proposall is undesi undesira rable ble and the rate o retur return n expec expected ted rom the propo proposal sal exceeds the minimum rate used or the analysis 63.NPV indicates a project is deemed desirable (acceptable) when the NPV is A. gre greater ater than or equal equal to zero zero B. le less ss th than an ze zerro C. greater greater than than or equal to the the risk-adjus risk-adjusted ted cost cost o capital capital D. less tha than n or equal equal to the risk-adjusted risk-adjusted cost o capital Internal rate o return 12.I Arbitrary Company wants to use IRR to evaluate long-term decisions and to establish a cuto rate o return, it must be sure that the cuto rate is A. at least least equal equal to to its cost o capita capital. l. B. at leas leastt equal to to the rate rate used by simila similarr companies companies.. C. greater greater than than the IRR on projec projects ts accepted accepted in the past. past. D. greater than the the current current book book rate o return. return. NPV & IRR 19.The NPV and IRR methods give A. the same decision (accept or or reject) reject) or any single single investment. investment. B. the same cho choice ice rom rom among mutually mutually exclus exclusive ive investment investments. s. C. dierent dierent rankings rankings o projec projects ts with unequal unequal lives. lives. D. the same rrankings ankings o projects projects with dierent dierent required required investments.
Decision rule – mutually exclusive projects 71.Mutually exclusive projects are those that: A. i accepted, accepted, preclude preclude the the acceptance acceptance o o competing competing projects. projects. B. i acce accepted, pted, can can have a negative negative eect eect on the company’ company’s s proft. proft. C. i accepted, can also lead lead to the the acceptance acceptance o a competing competing project. project. D. requir require e all managers managers to consider consider.. 28.In choosing rom among mutually exclusive investments the manager should normally select the one with the highest A. Ne Nett pres presen entt value value.. C. Proft Proftabi abilit lity y inde index. x. B. Internal rate return. D. Book rate o return. 53.Why do the NPV method and the IRR method sometimes produce dierent rankings o mutually exclusive investment projects? A. The NPV metho method d does not assume assume reinvestm reinvestment ent o cash ows while while the IRR method assumes the cash ows will be reinvested at the internal rate o return. method assumes assumes a reinvestm reinvestment ent rate equal equal to the discount discount rate rate while the B. The NPV method IRR method assumes a reinvestment rate equal to the internal rate o return. C. The IRR method method does not assume assume rei reinve nvest stmen mentt o the cash cash ows ows while while the NPV assumes the reinvestment rate is equal to the discount rate. D. The NPV method method assume assumes s a reinves reinvestment tment rate rate equal to the bank loan interest interest rate while the IRR method assumes a reinvestment rate equal to the discount rate.
Post-audit 16.Post-audit o capital projects A. is usua usually lly conclu conclusiv sive. e. B. is done using die dieren rentt evaluation evaluation techniques techniques than than were used in making the original original capital budgeting decision. C. pr prov ovid ides es a o orrma mall me mech chan anis ism m by wh whic ich h th the e co comp mpan any y ca can n de dete term rmin ine e wh whet ethe herr existing projects should be supported or terminated. D. al alll o the the abo above ve.. 17.A th thor orou ough gh evalua evaluatio tion n o how how well well a proje project’ ct’s s ac actua tuall pero perorm rmanc ance e matche matches s the projections when the projectCwas isacalled A . pre-auditmade . . seproposed nsitivity an lysis. a post st-a -aud udit it.. D. risk risk a ana naly lysi sis. s. B. po 37.A o ollo llow-u w-up p evalua evaluatio tion n o a ca capit pital al proje project ct is pero perorm rmed ed to see that that invest investmen mentt 234
Capital Budgeting
expenditures are proceeding on time and on budget, to compare actual cash ows with expenditures those originally predicted, and to evaluate continuation o the project. This ollow-up is called a post stau audi dit. t. C. ma mana nage geme ment nt aud audit it A. po B. perormance evaluation D. project review 65.Companies use post audits to: A. chastise managers whose project project does not exceed exceed projections. projections. B. pr prov ove e to mana manage gers rs th that at th they ey sh shou ould ld have have ac acce cept pted ed proj projec ects ts th they ey prev previo ious usly ly rejected. C. have the manager managers s revise poorly perorming perorming projects projects so the the projects projects will have larger larger return in the uture. D. provide eedback eedback that enables enables managers managers to improve improve the accuracy accuracy o the projections projections o u utu turre ca cash sh o ows ws,, th ther ereb eby y ma maxi ximi mizi zing ng th the e qu qual alit ity y o th the e fr frm’ m’s s ca capi pita tall investments.
PROBLEMS: Net Investment i . Br Bruel uelll Compan Company y is cons conside iderin ring g to repla replace ce its its old equ equipm ipment ent with with a new new one. one. The The old equipment had a net book value o P100,000, 4 remaining useul lie with P25,000 depr de prec ecia iati tion on each each year year. The The old old equip equipme ment nt can can be sold sold at P80,0 P80,000 00.. The The new new equipment equi pment costs costs P160,000, P160,000, have a 4-year 4-year lie. Cash savings savings on operating operating expenses expenses beore 40% taxes taxes amount to P50,000 per year. year. What is the amount o inves investment tment in the new equipment? A. P1 P160,000 C. P 80,000 B. P 72,000 D. P 68,0 68,000 00 Operating Cash Flow Cash Flow Beore tax ii . Taal aal Comp Compan any y is cons consid ider erin ing g th the e pur purchas chase e o a mach machin ine e th that at prom promis ises es to red educ uce e operating costs by equal equal amounts every year o its 6-year useu useull lie. The machine will costt P840,000 cos P840,000 and has no salvage salvage value value.. The machine machine has a 20% intern internal al rate o return. retur n. Taal Company is subject to 40% income tax tax rate. The present present value o 1 or 6 periods at 20% is 3.326, and at the end o 6 periods is 0.3349. The approximate approximate annual annual cash savings savings beore beore tax is closest closest to: A. P2 P252,555 C. P1 P187,592 D. P3 P327 27,5 ,592 92 B. P11 P112,55 2,555 5 Increase in Annual Income Tax . Mayon Mayon Company Company is consideri considering ng replaci replacing ng its old machin machine e with a new and more more ecient ecient one. The old machine has has book value o P100,000, P100,000, a remaining useul useul lie o 4 years, years,
and annual straight-line depreciation o P25,000. The existing machine has a current market value o P80,000. The replacement machine would cost P160,000, have a 4year lie, and will save P50,000 per year in cash operating costs. I the replacement machine would be depreciated using the straight-line method and the tax rate is 40%, what should be the increase in annual income taxes? A. P14,000 C. P40,000 B. P28,000 D. P 4,000
Depreciation & Taxes Taxes . Prime Prime Consulti Consulting, ng, Inc. Inc. operates operates consu consultin lting g oces oces in Manila Manila,, Olongapo Olongapo,, and Cebu. Cebu. The frm frm is pr pres esen entl tly y cons consid ider erin ing g an in inve vest stme ment nt in a new new main mainr ram ame e comp comput uter er and and communication communicatio n sotware. sotware. The computer would would cost P6 million and have an expected expected lie lie o 8 years years.. For tax purpos purposes, es, the compute computerr can be depreci depreciate ated d using using either either straight stra ight-line -line method or Sum-o-theSum-o-the-Y Years’-Dig ears’-Digits its (SYD) method method over fve years. years. No salvage value is recognized in computing depreciation depreciation expense and no salvage value is expected at the the end o the lie o the equipment. The company’s cost cost o capital is 10 percent and its tax rate is 40 percent.
The present value annuity o period 1 or 5 are: periods is 3.791 and or 8 periods is 5.335. The present values o 1o end o each 1 0.9091 5 0.6209 2 0.8264 6 0.5645 3 0.6513 7 0.5132 235
Capital Budgeting
4 0.6830 8 0.4665 The present value o the net advantage o using SYD method o depreciation depreciation with a fve-year lie instead o straight-line method o depreciating the equipment is: A. P 86,224 C. P2 P215,560 B. P1 P11 15, 5,16 168 8 D. P287 P287,8 ,893 93 v
For For P450,0 P450,000, 00, Maleen Maleen Corporat Corporation ion purchas purchased ed a new machine machine with an es estimat timated ed useul useul lie o fve years with no salvage salvage value. The machine is expected expected to produce produce cash ow rom operations, net o 40 percent income taxes, as ollows: First year P160,000 Second year 140,000 Third year 180,000 Fourth year 120,000 Fith year 100,000 Maleen will use the sum-o-the-years-digits’ method to depreciate the new machine as ollows: First year P150,000 Second year 120,000 Third year 90,000 Fourth year 60,000 Fith year 30,000 The present value o 1 or 5 periods at 12 percent is 3.60478. The present values o 1 at 12 percent at end o each period are: End o: Period 1 0.89280 Period 2 0.79719 Period 3 0.71178 Period 4 0.63552 Period 5 0.56743 Had Maleen used straight-line method o depreciation instead o declining method, what is the dierence in net present value provided by the machine at a discount rate o 12 percent? A. Increase o P 9, 9,750 C. Decrease o P24,376 B. Dec Decre rease ase o P 9,7 9,750 50 D. Incr Increase ease o P24,37 P24,376 6
Accounting rate o return Based on initial investment vi . A piece piece o labor labor saving saving equipm equipment ent that Marube Marubeni ni Electro Electronic nics s Compan Company y could could use to reduc reduce e costs costs in one one o its plants plants in Angele Angeles s City City has just come ont onto o the market. market. Relevant data relating to the equipment ollow: Purchase cost o the equipment P432,000 Annual cost savings that will be provided by the equipment90,000 Lie o the equipment 12 years What is the simple rate o return to be provided by the equipment? A. Between 15% and 18%. C. 20.83%. D. 12.5 12.50 0%. B. 25.00%. Based on average investment . The BIBO BIBO Compan Company y has made an in inves vestme tment nt in video video and reco record rding ing equipme equipment nt that costs P106,700. P106,700. The equipment is expected to generate cash cash inows o P20,000 P20,000 per year.. How many years will year will the equipment equipment have to be used to provide provide the company with a 10 percent average accounting rate o return on its investment? A. 7. 7.2 28 yea yearrs C. 9.0 9.05 yea yearrs B. 5.55 years D. 4. 4.75 years
. Show Company Company is negotiating negotiating to purc purchase hase an equipment equipment that would cos costt P200,000, P200,000, with the expectation that P40,000 per year could be saved in ater-tax cash operating costs cos ts i the equipment equipment were were acquired. acquired. The equipment’ equipment’s s estimated estimated useul lie lie is 10 years, with no salvage value, and would be depreciated by the straight-line method. Show Company’s mi desired desir o return retu rn 5. is 12 per percent. cent. The presen value o an annuity o 1 atminimum 12nimum percent percent ored 10rate periods is 5.65. 5.6 The present value valupresent e o 1 tdue in 10 periods, at 12 percent, is 0.322. The average accrual accounting accounting rate o return (ARR) duri during ng the frst year o asset’s use is: 236
Capital Budgeting
A. 20.0 percent B. 10 10.5 .5 per perce cent nt
C. 10.0 percent D. 40 40.0 .0 per percent cent
. An asset asset was purchas purchased ed or P66,000. P66,000. The The asset is expec expected ted to last or or 6 years and will will have a salvage value o P16,000. The company expects the income beore tax to be P7,200 and the tax rate applicable to the company is 30%. What is the average return on investment (accounting rate o return)? A. 17.6% B. 7.6%
C. 10.9% D. 12.3%
Net Investment x . The The Ma Mak kabay abayan an Comp Compan any y is plan planni ning ng to pur purch chas ase e a new new mach machin ine e whic which h it will will depreciate, or book purposes, on a straight-line basis over a ten-year period with no salvage value and a ull ull year’s depr depreciation eciation taken taken in the year o acquisition. acquisition. The new machine is expected to produce cash ows rom operations, net o income taxes, o P66,000 P66, 000 a year in each o the next ten years. The accountin accounting g (book value) value) rate o return retur n on the initial investment is expected expected to be 12 percent. percent. How much will the new machine cost? A. P3 P30 00, 0,00 000 0 C. P550 P550,,000 000 B. P6 P660,000 D. P792,000 xi
. The Fields Fields Company Company is planning planning to purchase purchase a new machine which which it will depreciate, depreciate, or book purposes, on a straight-line basis over a ten-year period with no salvage value and a ull year’s depreciat depreciation ion taken taken in the year o acquisition. acquisition. The new machine machine is expected to produce cash ow rom operations, net o income taxes, o P66,000 a year in each o the next ten years. years. The accounting (book (book value) rate o return return on the initial initial investment is expected expected to be 12%. How much will the new machine machine cost? P30 00, 0,00 000 0 C. P660 P660,,000 000 A. P3 B. P5 P550,000 D. P792,000
CFAT . The Hills Hills Company, Company, a calendar calendar company, company, purchase purchased d a new machine machine or P280,000 P280,000 on January 1. Depreciation Depreciation or tax purposes will be P35,000 annually or eight years. The ac accou counti nting ng (book (book value) value) rate o retur return n (ARR) (ARR) is expec expected ted to be 15% on the initial initial increase incr ease in require required d investment. investment. On the assumption assumption o a uniorm uniorm cash inow, this investment is expected to provide annual cash ow rom operations, net o income taxes, o A. P35,000 C. P42,000 B. P40,250 D. P7 P77, 7,0 000
Payback Period . I an asset costs costs P35,000 and is expected expected to have a P5,000 P5,000 salvage value at the end end o
its ten-year lie, and generates annual net cash inows o P5,000 each year, the cash payback period is A. 8 years C. 6 years B. 7 years D. 5 ye years xiv
. Consider a pr project oject that requires requires cash outow outow o P50,000 with a lie lie o eight years and a salvage value o P5,000. Annual beore-tax cash inow amounts to P10,000 assuming a tax rate o 30% and a requi require red d rate rate o return return o 8%. Salvage Salvage value value is ig ignor nored ed in computing depreciation. The project has a payback period o A. 5. 5.0 years C. 6. 6.0 years B. 5. 5.6 6 ye yea ars D. 6.6 6.6 year years s
. The ollowing ollowing incomplete incomplete inormation inormation is provided provided or an investment decision. decision. Cumulative Discounte Discount Cash Flows d Cash Year Year Cash Flow Factor Flows (10%) 0 P(450,000) 1.000 P(450,000) P(450,000) 1 21 80 0,,0 00 00 0 92 06 9 254,520 2 2 ..8 3 140,000 .751 Using break-even time (BET) analysis, when will the investment be recovered? 237
Capital Budgeting
A. In 2.73 years B. Lo Longe ngerr than than thre three e years years
C. At the end o year 2 D. In 2.21 2.21 ye year ars s
. Orla Orlando ndo Corporatio Corporation n is considerin considering g an investment investment in a new cheese-cut cheese-cutting ting machine machine to repla replace ce its existin existing g cheese cheese cutter cutter.. Inor Inormat mation ion on th the e exist existing ing mach machine ine and the replacement machine ollow: Cost o the new machine P400,000 Net annual savings in operating costs 90,000 Salvage value now o the old machine 60,000 Salvage value o the old machine in 8 years 0 Salvage value o the new machine in 8 years 50,000 Estimated lie o the new machine 8 years What is the expected payback period or the new machine? A. 4.44 years C. 2.67 years B. 8.5 8.50 yea yearrs D. 3. 3.78 78 ye year ars s
. For P4,500 P4,500,00 ,000, 0, Sinilo Siniloan an Corpor Corporati ation on purcha purchased sed a new machin machine e with with an estima estimated ted useu useull li lie e o fve years with with no salvage salvage value value at its retir retireme ement. nt. The machin machine e is expected to produce cash ow rom operations, net o income taxes, as ollows: First year P 900,000 Second year 1,200,000 Third year 1,500,000 Fourth year 900,000 Fith year 800,000 Siniloan will use the sum-o-the-years-dig sum-o-the-years-digits’ its’ method to depreciate the new machine as ollows: First year P1,500,000 Second year 1,200,000 Third year 900,000 Fourth year 600,000 Fith year 300,000 What is the payback period or the machine? A. 3 years C. 5 years B. 4 years D. 2 ye years
. Paz Paz Insuranc Insurance e Company’s Company’s management management is consider considering ing an advertis advertising ing program program that would require an initial expenditure o P165,500 and bring in additional sales over the next fve fve years. years. The cost cost o advertisi advertising ng is immediat immediately ely recogn recognized ized as expen expense. se. The projected additional sales revenue in Year 1 is P75,000, with associated expenses o P25,000. The additional sales sales revenue and expenses expenses rom the advertising advertising program program are projected project ed to increase by 10 percent each year. year. Paz Insurance Insurance Company’s tax rate is 40 percent. The payback period period or the advertising advertising program program is 3.0 0 ye yea ars A. 4.6 4.6 ye yea ars C. 3. B. 1. 1.9 years D. 2.5 years
. The Leisu Leisure re Company is considering considering the purchase purchase o electro electronic nic pinball pinball machines machines to place plac e in amusement houses. houses. The machines machines would would cost a total o P300,000, P300,000, have an eight-year useul useul lie, and have a total total salvage value o P20,000. P20,000. Based on experience experience with other equipmen equipment, t, the company company estimates estimates that annual annual revenue revenues s and expenses expenses associated with the machines would be as ollows: Revenues orm use P200,000 Less operating expenses Commissio Commissions ns to amusement amusement houses houses P100,000 P100,000 Insurance 7,000 De Depreciation 35,000 Maintenance 18,000 160,000 Net income P 40,000 Ignoring the eect o income taxes, the payback period or the pinball machines would be A. 3.7 3.73 yea yearrs B. 3. 3 .23 years
C. 4.0 4.0 yea yearrs D. 7. 7.5 years
Net Present Value 238
Capital Budgeting
. It is the star startt o the year year and Agud Agudel elo o Comp Compan any y pl plan ans s to repla eplace ce its old old grin grindi ding ng equipment. The ollowing ollowing inormation inormation are made available by the the management: Old New Equipment cost P70,000 P120,000 Current salvage value 14,000 Salvage value, end o 5,000 16,000 useul lie Annual operating costs 44,000 32,000 Accumulated 55,300 depreciation Estimated useul lie 10 years 10 years The company is not subject to tax and its cost o capital is 12%. What is the present value o all the relevant cash ows at time zero? A. (P 54, 54,000 000) C. (P (P10 106, 6,00 000) 0) B. (P120,000) D. (P ( P124,700)
. Cons Consider ider a project project that requir requires es an initial initial cash outow outow o P500,000 P500,000 with a lie o eight years and a salvage value o P20,000 upon its retirement. Annual cash inow beore tax amounts to P100,000 and a tax rate o 30 percent will be applicable. The required minimum rate o return return or this type o investment is 8 per percent. cent. The present present value o 1 and the annui annuity ty o 1, disc discoun ounted ted at 8 percen percentt or 8 period periods s are are 0.54 0.54 and and 5.747, 5.747, respect res pectively ively. Salvage Salvage value is ignored ignored in computing computing deprecia depreciation tion.. The net pr presen esentt value amounts to 17,606 A. P 7,560 C. P 17 B. P 10,050
D. P 20,050
. Zap Manuacturing Manuacturing has an investment opportunity opportunity to embark on a project project where yearly yearly reven revenues ues or fve years years ar are e to be P400,0 P400,000 00 and operatin operating g costs costs o P104,8 P104,800. 00. The equipment costs P1 million, and straight-line depreciation depreciation will be used or book and tax purposes. No salvage value is expected at the end o the project’s lie. The company has a 40 percent marginal tax rate and a 10 percent cost o capital. The equipment manuacturer has oered a delayed payment plan o P560,500 per year at the end o the frst and second years. There will be no changes in working capital. The present present value o annuity annuity o 1 or 5 periods periods is 3.7908 3.7908 at 10 percent. percent. The present present values o 1 end o each period period at 10 percent percent are: Period 1 0.9091 Period 2 0.8264 Period 3 0.7513 Period 4 0.6830 Period 5 0.6209 The net present present value i the the equipment were were purchased purchased is A. P (87,977) C. P 1,922 B. P (25 (25,3 ,310 10)) D. P (61 (61,0 ,094 94))
. Paz Paz Insuranc Insurance e Company’s Company’s management management is consider considering ing an advertis advertising ing program program that would require an initial expenditure o P165,500 and bring in additional sales over the next fve fve years. years. The cost cost o advertisi advertising ng is immediat immediately ely recogn recognized ized as expen expense. se. The projected additional sales revenue in Year 1 is P75,000, with associated expenses o P25,000. The additional sales sales revenue and expenses expenses rom the advertising advertising program program are projected project ed to increase by 10 percent each year. year. Paz Insurance Insurance Company’s tax rate is 40 percent. The present present value o 1 at 10 percen percent, t, end o each period: period: Period Present value o 1 1. 0.90909 2. 0.82645 3. 0.75131 4. 0.68301 5. 0.62092 The net present present value o the the advertising program program would be A. P 37,064 C. P 29 29,136 B. P(37,064) D. P( P(29,136)
. Mario Hernandez plans to buy a haymaker. haymaker. It costs P175,000 and is expected to last or 239
Capital Budgeting
fve years. He presently hires 6 workers at P10,000 per month or each o the three harves har vestin ting g months months each each year year. The equipm equipment ent would would elimin eliminate ate the need need or two workers. work ers. Hernand Hernandez ez uses straight-lin straight-line e deprecia depreciation tion and pr project ojects s a salvage salvage value o P25,000. His tax rate is 25% and and opportunity cost cost o unds is 12.0%. The present present value o 1discounted at 12 percent at the end o 5 periods is 0.56743 and the present value o an annuity o 1 or 5 periods is 3.60478. Which o the ollowing is true? A. The pr present esent value value o cash cash ows ows in year year 5 is P22,710 P22,710 B. NPV NPV is P2 P28, 8,43 436 6 C. NP NPV V is P15, P15,25 250 0 D. NP NPV V is is P14 P14,1 ,186 86 xxv
. Tabucol Aggrega Aggregates, tes, Inc. plans to replace one o its machines with a new ecient one. The old machine has a net book value o P120,000 with remaining remaining economic lie o 4 years. This old machine can can be sold sold or P80,000. I the new machine machine were were acquired, acquired, the cash operating expenses will be reduced rom P240,000 to P160,000 or each o the our years, the expected expected economic lie o the new machine. machine. The new machine will cost cost Tabucol Tabucol a cash payment to the dealer o P300,000. The company is subject to 32 percent tax and or this kind kind o investment, a marginal cos costt o capital o 9 percent. The present value o annuity o 1 and the present value o 1 or 4 periods using 9 percent are 3.23972 and 0.70843, respectively. The net present present value to be be provided by the replacement replacement o the old old machine is A. P28,493 C. P46,794 B. P15,693 D. P59, P59,5 594
.Zambales Mines, Inc. is contemplating the purchase o equipment to exploit a mineral depo de posi sitt th that at is locat located ed on land land to which which th the e comp compan any y has has mine minera rall righ rights ts.. An engineering and cost analysis has been made, and it is expected that the ollowing cash ows would be associated with opening and operating a mine in the area. Cost o new equipment and timbers 2,750,000 Working capital required 1,000,000 Net annual cash receipts* 1,200,000 Cost to construct new road in three years 400,000 Salvage value o equipment in 4 years 650,000 *Receipts rom sales o ore, less out-o-pocket costs or salaries, utilities, insurance, etc. It is estimated that the mineral deposit would be exhausted ater our years o mining. At that point, the working working capital would would be released or reinvestment reinvestment elsewhere. elsewhere. The company’s discount rate is 20%. The net present present value or the the project project is: A. P 454,620. C. P(561,553) B. P (7 (79, 9,30 303) 3).. D. P( P(20 204, 4,68 688) 8)..
With ination xxvii . By the the end o Dece Decembe mberr 31, 2005, 2005, Alay Alay Fou Founda ndatio tion n is consid consideri ering ng the the purcha purchase se o a copying machine or P80,000. P80,000. The expected expected annual annual cash cash savings savings are are expected to be P32,000 in the next our years. At the end o the our years, the machine will be discarded without any salvage value. All the cash savings are stated in number o pesos pes os at Decemb December er 31, 2006. The The co compa mpany ny expecte expected d that that the inati ination on rate is constantly 5 percent percent each year year.. Hence, the frst year’s cash cash inow was adjusted adjusted or 5 percent ination. For simplicity, simplicity , all cash inows are assumed to be at year year-end. -end. The present value value at 14 % o 1 or 4 periods is 2.91371. The present present value o 1 at end o each period are: Period 1 0.87719 Period 2 0.76947 Period 3 0.67497 Period 4 0.59208 Using the nominal rate o return o 14 percent, the net present value or this machine is A. P12,239 C. P13,419 B. P19,670 D. P27, P27,9 936 xxviii
. Perpe Perpetua tuall Founda Foundatio tion, n, Inc., Inc., a nonpr nonproft oft organ organiza izatio tion, n, has one o its activi activitie ties, s, the production o cookies or its snack ood store. Several years ago, Perpetual Foundation, Foundation, Inc.. purcha Inc purchased sed a speci special al co cooki okie-c e-cutt utting ing machine machine.. As o Decemb December er 31, 2006, 2006, this this machine will have been used or three years. years. Management is consider considering ing the purchase purchase 240
Capital Budgeting
o a newer, more ecient ecient machine. I purchased, purchased, the new machine would would be acquired on December 31, 2006. 2006. Management expects expects to sell 300,00 300,000 0 dozen cookies in each o the next six years. years. The selling selling price o the cookies cookies is expected expected to average P1.15 P1.15 per dozen. Perpetual Perpetu al Foundation, Foundation, Inc. has two options: options: continue to operate operate the old machine, or sell the old machine machine and purchase purchase the new machine. machine. No trade-in trade-in was oered oered by the seller sell er o the new machine. machine. The ollowin ollowing g inormatio inormation n has been assembled assembled to help management decide which option is more desirable. Old New Machine Machine Original cost o machine at P80,000 P120,000 acquisition Remaining useul lie as o 6 years 6 years 12/31/06 Expected Expe cted annual annual cash cash operatin operating g expenses: Variable cost per dozen P0.38 P0.29 Total fxed costs P21,000 P 11,000 Estimated cash value o machines: December 31, 2006 P40,000 P120,000 December 31, 2012 P 7,000 P 20,000 Assume all operating revenues and expenses occur at the end o the year. The net advantage advantage in present present value o the the better alter alternative native is: A. B. C. D.
Re Retain tain Old Machine, Machine, P61,675. P61,675. Buy New New Machi Machine, ne, P61, P61,675 675.. Retain Retain Old Machine, Machine, P16,345. P16,345. Buy New New Machin Machine, e, P16,34 P16,345. 5.
Protability index xxix . The Pambansan Pambansang g Kamao Kamao Corporat Corporation ion has to replace replace its completel completely y damaged damaged boiler boiler machine with a new one. one. The old machine has a net net book value o P100,000 with with zero market value; thereore it will give a tax shield, based on 35% tax rate i replaced, by P35,000. P35, 000. The compa company ny has a 10 10 percent percent cost cost o capital capital.. Underst Understanda andably, bly, the the new machine, through a uniorm decrease in cash operating costs, will give a positive net prese present nt value, value, becaus because e this this machin machine e will will provi provide de an inter internal nal rate rate o retur return n o 12 percent. The present present values at 10% 10% and 12%, respectively, respectively, are: are: 10% 12% Annuity o 1, 6 periods 4.35526 4.11141 1 end o 6 periods 0.56447 0.50663 I the machine were toestimated be depreciated using straight-line method or 6 years without any salvage value, the proftability proftab ility index is: A. 1.20 B. 1.06 C. 1.07 D. Cannot Cannot be determined determined rom rom the inorma inormation tion xxx
. The Mejicano Mejicano Company is planning planning to purchas purchase e a piece o equipment equipment that will reduce reduce annual cash expenses expenses over its 5-year useul useul lie by equal amounts. amounts. The company will depre dep recia ciate te the equipm equipment ent using using straig straightht-lin line e metho method d o depre deprecia ciatio tion n based based on estimated esti mated lie lie o 5 years withou withoutt any salvage salvage value. The company company is subject subject to 40 percent tax. The marginal marginal cost cost o capital or or this acquisition is 11.055 11.055 percent. percent. The manag man ageme ement nt accoun accountan tantt calcul calculate ated d that that the inter internal nal rate rate o retur return n based based on th the e estimated ater-tax cash ows is 12.386 percent and a net present value o P10,000. The president, president, however, however, wants to kno know w the proftability proftability index index beore he he fnally decides. decides. What is the proftability proftability index or this investment? A. 1.011 C. 1.022 B. 1.034 D. 1.044
Internal Rate o Return xxxi . Diamond Company Company is planning planning to buy a coin-operated machine costing costing P400,000. For book and tax purposes, this machine will be depreciated P80,000 each year or fve 241
Capital Budgeting
years.. Diamon years Diamond d estima estimates tes that that this this machin machine e will will yield yield an annual annual inow, inow, net o depreciation deprecia tion and income taxes, taxes, o P120,000. Diamond’s desired desired rate o return on its investments is 12%. 12%. At the ollowing ollowing discount rates, rates, the NPVs o the investment investment in this machine are: Discount Rate NPV 12% +P3,258 14% + 1,197 16% 708 18% - 2,474 Diamond’s expected IRR on its investment in this machine is A. 3.25% C. 16.00% B. 12.00% D. 15.30% Required investment xxxii . Ki Kip pli lin ng Comp ompany has inves nvestted in a pro proje jec ct th tha at has has an ei eig ghtht-year year lie. It is expected that the annual cash inow rom the project will be P20,000. Assuming that the project has a internal rate o return o 12%, how much was the initial investment in the project i the present value o annuity o 1 or 8 periods is 4.968 and the present value o 1 is 0.404? A. P1 P160,000 C. P 80,800 B. P 99,360 D. P 64,6 64,640 40 xxxiii
. Katol Katol Compa Company ny inves invested ted in a mach machine ine with with a useu useull lie lie o six years years and and no salv salvage age value. The machine machine was depreciated depreciated using using the straight-line method. It was expected to produce produce annual annual cash inow rom operatio operations, ns, net o income income taxes, taxes, o P6,000. P6,000. The present value value o an ordinary annuity annuity o P1 or six periods at 10% is 4 4.355. .355. The present present value o P1 or six periods at 10% is 0.564. 0.564. Assuming that Katol Katol used a time- adjusted rate o return o 10%, what was the amount o the original investment? A. P10,640 C. P22,750 B. P29,510 D. P2 P26, 6,1 130
. The The For Forest est Comp Compan any y is plann plannin ing g to inves investt in a mach machin ine e with with a us use eul ul lie lie o fve years yea rs and no salvage salvage value. value. The machine machine is expect expected ed to produ produce ce cash ow rom rom operations, net o income taxes, o P20,000 in each o the fve years. Forest’s expected rate o return return is 10%. Inorma Inormation tion on present present value and uture uture amount amount actors actors is as ollows: PERIOD 1 2 3 4 5 Present value o P1 at 10% .909 .826 .751 .683 .621 Present value o an annuity o .909 1.73 2.48 3.17 3.79 P1 at 10% 6 7 0 1 Future amount o P1 at 10% 1.10 1.21 1.33 1.46 1.61 0 0 1 4 1 Future amount o an annuity 1.00 2.10 3.31 4.64 6.10 o P1 at 10% 0 0 1 5 How much will the machine cost?
A. P 32,220 B. P 62,100
C. P 75 75,8 ,820 20 D. P122,100
Required unit sales xxxv . Paper Paper Pro Product ducts s Company Company is is consid considerin ering g a new new produc productt that will sell or P100 and and has has a variab variable le co cost st o P60. P60. Expect Expected ed volume volume is 20,000 20,000 units units.. New equipm equipment ent costin costing g P1,500,000 and having a fve-year useul lie and no salvage value is needed, and will be depreciated using the straight-line method. The machine has fxed cash operating costs o P200,000 per year. The frm is in the 40 percent tax bracket and has cost o capital o 12 percent. percent. The present present value o 1, end o fve periods periods is 0.56743; present present value o annuity o 1 or 5 periods is 3.60478. How many units per year the frm must sell or the investment to earn 12 percent internal rate o return? A. 17,338 B. 28,897
C. 9,838 D. 12,338
Required selling price 242
Capital Budgeting
. Bughaw Bughaw Pro Produc ducts ts Compan Company y is conside considerin ring g a new prod product uct that that will will sell or or P100 and and has a variable variable cost o P60. Expected sales sales volume is 20,000 20,000 units. New equipment equipment costing P1,500,000 with a fve-year useul lie and no terminal salvage value is needed. The machine will be depreciated using the straight-line method. The machine has cash operating costs o P200,000 per year. year. The frm is in the 40 percent tax bracket and has costt o capital cos capital o 12 percent. percent. The presen presentt value o 1, end o fve periods periods is 0.56743; 0.56743; present value o annuity o 1 or 5 periods is 3.60478. Suppose the 20,000 estimated sales volume is sound, but the price is in doubt, what is the selling price (rounded to nearest peso) needed to earn a 12 percent percent internal rate o return? A. P81.00 C. P70.00 B. P95.00 D. P90.00
Required CFBT xxxvii . Al Aloh oha a Co. Co. is consi conside deri ring ng the purch purchas ase e o a new new oc ocea eann-go goin ing g vess vessel el that that coul could d potentially reduce labor costs o its operation by a considerable margin. The new ship would cost P500,000 and would be ully depreciated by the straight-line method over 10 years. At the end o 10 years, the ship will have no value and will be sunk in some already polluted harbor. The Aloha Co.’s cost o capital is 12 percent, and its marginal tax rate is 40 percent. I the ship produces equal annual labor cost savings over its 10year lie, how much do the annual savings in labor costs need to be to generate a net present value o P0 on the project? Use the ollowing ollowing PV: PV: annuity annuity o 1, 10 periods at 12% - 5.6502; end o 10th perio period d– 0.32197. A. P 68,492 C. P1 P114 14,,15 154 4 B. P1 P147,487 D. P 88,492 Required CFAT CFAT xxxviii . Prudu Prudu Compa Company ny has has decid decided ed to invest invest in some new equipment equipment.. The equipment equipment will have a three-ye three-year ar lie and will produc produce e a uniorm uniorm series series o cash savings. savings. The net pr present esent value value o the equipment equipment is P1,750, P1,750, using a discount discount rate o 8 percent percent.. The internal rate o return is 12 percent. Present values at 8% and 12% respectively: 8%: Annuity – 2.5771; end o 3 periods, 0.7938 12%: Annuity – 2,4018; end o 3 periods, 0.7118 What is the amount o annual cash inow? A. P 9,980 C. P23,240 B. P21,342 D. P12,351 xxxix
. An asset asset is purch purchase ased d or P120,00 P120,000. 0. It is expect expected ed to provid provide e an additio additional nal P28,0 P28,000 00 o annual net cash inows. The asset has a 10-year lie and an expected salvage value o P12,000. The hurdle rate is 10%. The present value o an annuity actor o 10% or 10 years is 6.1446, and the present value o P1, discounted or 10 years at 10% is 0.3855. Given Giv en the data data provi provided ded,, the minimu minimum m amount amount o annual annual cash cash inows inows that that would would provide the 10% time-adjusted return is approximately C. P24,400 A. P18,776 B. P26,600 D. P22,535
Required Increase in CF C FAT . The ollowi ollowing ng data pertain pertain to Julian Julian Corp. whose whose management management is planning planning to purchas purchase ea unit o equipment. 1. Econ Economic omic lie o equip equipment ment – 8 years. years. 2. Disp Disposal osal value ater ater 8 years years – Zero. Zero. 3. Esti Estimated mated net net annual annual cash inows inows or or each o the the 8 years – P81,000. P81,000. 4. Ti Time-adj me-adjuste usted d internal internal rate rate o retur return n – 14% 5. Cost o capital capital o Bayan Bayan Muna – 16% 6. The table o present present values values o P1 received received annually annually or 8 years years has these these actors: at 14% = 4.639, at 16% = 4.344
7.the Depreciation Depreci ationincrease is is appro approximately ximately annually Find required in annualP46,970 cash inows in .order to have the time-adjusted rate o return approximately equal the cost o capital. A. P6,501 C. P4,344 B. P5,501 D. P5,871 243
Capital Budgeting
Required CFAT or a certain year . A company company is consid considerin ering g putting putting up P50,00 P50,000 0 in a three-y three-year ear projec project. t. The compan company’s y’s expected expe cted rate rate o return return is 12%. The presen presentt value o P1.00 at 12% or one year is 0.893, 0.8 93, or two years years is 0.797, 0.797, and or three three years is 0.712. 0.712. The The cash cash ow, ow, net o income taxes will be P18,000 (present value o P16,074) or the frst year and P22,000 (presen (pr esentt value o P17,534) P17,534) or the second second year. year. Assuming Assuming that the rate o return return is
exactly 12%, the cash ow, net o income taxes, or the third year would be C. P10,000 A. P23,022 B. P 7,120 D. P16,392 Required salvage value . The Caravan Caravan Company is contemplat contemplating ing to purchase purchase a machine machine that costs P800,000. P800,000. The machine is expected to last or 5 years with a salvage value o P50,000 at the end o the fth fth year. year. I the machine machine were purchas purchased, ed, beore-tax beore-tax annual annual cash savings on operatin oper ating g expenses expenses will be realize realized. d. Caravan Caravan Company Company will deprecia depreciate te the machine machine using straight-line depreciation or 5 years, with the salvage value considered in the computation. The company has has a 12 per percent cent cost o capital capital and is subject subject to 40 percent percent tax rate. rate. The present present values using using 12 percent percent are: Annuity o 1 or 5 periods 3.60478 Present value o 1, end o 5 periods 0.56743 The initial analysis indicated a net present value o P7,003. You believe the estimated beore-tax cash savings are airly determined but you are in doubt o the expected salvage value o the machine. How much is the estimated salvage value required i the investment has to yield an IRR o 12 percent? A. P41,800 C. P25,100 B. P24,900 D. P44, P44,6 600
Required value o intangible benefts . Solidum Solidum Company Company is investigatin investigating g the purchas purchase e o a piece piece o automated automated equipment equipment that will save P100,000 each year in direct labor and inventory carrying costs. This equipm equ ipment ent costs costs P750,0 P750,000 00 and is expecte expected d to have a 10-yea 10-yearr useul useul lie lie with with no sa salv lvag age e valu value. e. The The comp compan any y requi equirres a mini minimu mum m 15% 15% ret etur urn n on all all equi equipm pmen entt purchases. Management anticipates that this equipment will provide intangible benefts such as greater exibility and higher quality output. The PV o annuity annuity o 1, 15% or or 10 periods 5.01877 The PV o 1, end 10 period 0.24718 What peso value per year would these intangible benefts have to have in order to make the equipment an acceptable investment? A. P2 P248,123 C. P 61,331
B. P 49,440
D. P 55,0 55,000 00
. Altas, Altas, Inc., Inc., is considering considering investing investing in automated automated equipment equipment with a ten-year ten-year useul useul lie. Managers at Altas have estimated the cash ows associated with the tangible costs and benefts o automation, but have been unable to estimate the cash ows associated with the intangible benefts. Using the company’s 10% discount rate, the net prese present nt value value o the ca cash sh ows ows as assoc sociat iated ed with with just just the tangi tangible ble co costs sts and benefts is a negative P184,350. The present value o annuity o 1 at 10 percent or ten years is 6.145 while while the present present value o 1 is 0.386. 0.386. How large would would the annual net cash inows rom the intangible benefts have to be to make this a fnancially acceptable investment? A. P1 P18,435. C. P3 P35,000. B. P3 P30 0,0 ,000 00.. D. P37, P37,23 236. 6.
Indierence Point . Mo Moon on Comp Compan any y us uses es a 10% 10% disc discou ount nt ra rate te and and th the e to tota tall cost cost appr approa oach ch to capi capita tall budgeting analysis. analysis. Both alternatives alternatives are Akda Investments Investments which has a marg marginal inal cost
o capital o 12 percent is evaluating two mutually exclusive projects (X and Y), which have the ollowing projections: PROJECT X PROJECT Y Investment P48,000 P83,225 Ater-tax cash 12,000 15,200 244
Capital Budgeting
inow Asset lie 6 years The indierence indierence point or or the two projects projects is A. 12.64% C. 12.00% B. 16.01% D. 19.33%
10 years
. Silky Products Products is considering two pieces o machinery machinery. The frst machine costs P50,000 more than the second machine. During the two-year lie o these two alternatives, the frst machine has a P155,000 more cash ow in year one and a P110,000 less cash ow in year two than the seconds machine. All cash ows occur at year-end. The present value o 1 at 15 percent end o 1 period and 2 periods are 0.86957 and, 0.75614, respectively respec tively.. The present value o 1 at 8 percent end o period 1 is 0.92593, and Period 2 is 0.85734. At what discount rate would Machine 1 be equally acceptable as machine 2’s? A. 9% C. 11% B. 10% D. 12%
Decision Rule – Independent Projects xlvii . Sylvia Products Products is considering two types o machinery. machinery. The frst machine costs P50,000 more than the second machine. During the two-year lie o these two alternatives, the frst machine has a P155,000 more cash ow in year one and a P110,000 less cash ow in year two than the seconds machine. All cash ows occur at year-end. The present value valu e o 1 at 15 percent percent end o o 1 period period and 2 periods periods are are 0.86957 0.86957 and, 0.7561 0.75614, 4, respectively.. The present value o 1 at 8 percent end o period 1 is 0.92593, and Period respectively 2 is 0.85734. Which machine should be purchased i the relevant discount rates are 15 percent and 8 percent, respectively? 15% Discount 8% Discount A. Machine 1 Machine 1 B. Machine 2 Machine 2 C. Machine 1 Machine 2 D. Machine 2 Machine 1
Comprehensive Payback, NPV, ARR Question Nos. 71 through 73 are based on the ollowing: Cayco Medical Center is considering considering purchasing purchasing an ultrasound ultrasound machine or P950,000. The machine has a 10 – year lie and an estimated salvage value o P55,000. Installation costs and reight charges will be P24,200 and P800, respectively. Newman uses straight-line depreciation. The medical center estimates that the machine will be used fve times a week with the average charges charges to the patient or ultrasound ultrasound o P800. There There are P10 in medical supplies supplies and P40 o technician costs or each procedure procedure perormed using the machine. The present value o an annuity o 1 or 10 years at 9% is 6.418 while the present value o 1 or 10 years at 9% is 0.42241 xlviii
. The The cas ash h payb payba ack per perio iod d is: is: A. 3.0 3.0 ye yea ars B. 4. 4.5 years
C. 5.0 5.0 ye yea ars D. 6.0 years
. The project project is expected to generate generate net present valu value e o: A. P2 P276,510 C. P3 P331,510 B. P2 P29 99, 9,74 743 3 D. P253 P253,2 ,277 77
What is the the account accounting ing rate rate o return return provided provided by the project? project? 20.0 .0 per perce cent nt C. 11.2 11.2 per perce cent nt A. 20 B. 10.6 percent D. 38.0 percent
NPV, CFAT, Maximum lost unit sales Question Nos. 75 through 77 are based on the ollowing: Kabalikat Company Company has the opportunity to intr introduce oduce a new product. product. Kabalikat Kabalikat expects the product to sell or P75 with variable cost per unit o P50. The annual fxed costs, excluding 245
Capital Budgeting
the amount o depreciation depreciation is P4,500,000. P4,500,000. The company expects expects to sell 300,000 units. To produce the new product line, the company needs to purchase a new machine that costs P6,000,000 P6,00 0,000.. The new machine machine is expec expected ted to last or our years with with a very negligib negligible le salvage value. The company has a policy policy o depreciating depreciating its machine or both both book and tax purposes or our years. years. The company has a marginal co cost st o capital o 13.75 percent and is subject to tax rate o 40 percent. li
The amou amount nt o ann annual ual at ater er-tax -tax cas cash h ows ows is: A. P2 P2,4 ,400 00,0 ,000 00 C. P 900,0 00,00 00 B. P3,000,000 D. P1 P 1,500,000
. The machin machine’s e’s net pre presen sentt value value is: is: A. P2,7 P2,786 86,1 ,100 00 C. P1 P1,0 ,028 28,9 ,900 00 B. P 928,500 D. P 150,270
. Assuming Assuming that that some o the 300,000 300,000 units that that are expecte expected d as sales would would be to group o customers customers who curren currently tly buy K-Z, another product product o Kabalik Kabalikat at Company. This Produ Product ct K-Z K-Z sells sells or P35 P35 with vari variabl able e cost o P20. P20. How many many units units o K-Z K-Z can Kabalikat aord to lose beore the purchase o the new machine becomes unattractive? 39,0 ,000 00 un unit its s C. 16,7 16,714 14 unit units s A. 39 B. 23,400 units D. 10,029 units
ARR, NPV, PI, Payback Questions 1 through 4 will be based on the ollowing data: The management o Arleen Corporation is considering the purchase purchase o a new machine costing P400,000. The company’s desired rate o return is 10%. The present value o P1 at compound interest o 10% or 1 through 5 years are 0.909, 0.826, 0.751, 0.683, and 0.621, respectively, and the present value o annuity o 1 or 5 periods at 10 percent is 3.79. In addition addition to the oregoing oregoing inormatio inormation, n, use the the ollowing data in determining the acceptability in this situation: Year Year 1 2 3 4 5
Income rom rom Operations P100,000 40,000 20,000 10,000 10,000
Net Cash Flow Flow P180,000 120,000 100,000 90,000 90,000
. The average average rate rate o retur return n or this this investm investment ent is: A. 18 per perc cen entt C. 58 per percent cent B. 6 percent D. 1 10 0 percent
. The net pres present ent value value or this this investmen investmentt is: A. Positive P 36,400 C. Negative P 99,600 B. Pos osit itiv ive e P 55 55,2 ,200 00 D. Negati Negative ve P126,8 P126,800 00
. The presen presentt value inde index x or this this investment investment is: is: C. 1.14 A. 0.88 B. 1.45 D. 0.70
. The cash cash payback payback period period or this invest investment ment is: A. 4 years C. 20 years D. 3 years B. 5 years
Payback, NPV, ARR, IRR Use the ollowing inormation or questions 67 - 70 Pillo Company is considering two capital investment proposals. Estimates regarding each project are provided below:
Initial investment Annual net income
Project MA P2000,000 10,000 246
Project PA P300,000 21,000
Capital Budgeting
Net annual cash inow Estimated useul lie Salvage value
50,000 5 years -0-
71,000 6 years -0-
The company requires requires a 10% rate o return return on all new investments. investments. Present Value o an Annuity o 1 Period 5 6 lviii
9% 3.890 4.486
10% 3.791 4.355
11% 3.696 4.231
12% 3.605 4.111
. The cash payback payback period or or Project Project MA is A. 20 years C. 5 years B. 10 years D. 4 y ye ears
. The net net present present value value or or Projec Projectt PA PA is A. P3 P309,204 C. P 50,000 B. P 91,456 D. P 9,205
. The annua annuall rate rate o retur return n or Pr Projec ojectt MA is A. 5% C. 25% D. 50% B. 10%
. A The inter return or Project Project PA PA is closest closest to . 1internal 0% nal rate o return C. 1 2% D. no none ne o th thes ese e B. 11% Depreciation tax shield, CCFAT, Payback, NPV, IRR Question Nos. 86 through 90 are based on the ollowing: Consider a project that requires cash outow o P50,000 with a lie o eight years and a salvage value o P2,000. Annual cash inow amounts to P10,000 assuming a tax rate o 30% 30 % and and a requi equirred ra rate te o ret etur urn n o 8%. 8%. Salv Salvag age e valu value e is ig igno norred in comp comput utin ing g depreciation. lxii
. Annual Annual deprecia depreciation tion tax shield shield amounts amounts to A. P1,875 C. P8,875 B. P7,000 D. P10,000
. Annual cash cash ow ater ater tax amounts to C. P 8, 8,875 A. P 1,875 B. P 7,000 D. P10,000
. Paybac Payback k amounts amounts to A. 5. 5.0 years 5.6 6 ye yea ars B. 5.
C. 6. 6.0 years D. 6.6 6.6 year years s
. Net p pres resent ent value value amoun amounts ts to A. P 756 B. P1,005
C. P1,756 D. P2,005
. Internal rate o return return on this project project is approximatel approximatel C. 9.0% A. 8.0% B. 8.5% D. 9.5%
CFAT, NPV, IRR Questions 46 rough 51 are based on the ollowing: Home’s Pizza’s, Inc., operates pizza shops in several cities. One o the company’s most proftable shops is located adjacent to the large CPA review center in Manila. A small bak ba ker ery yunity next ne xt to to lease th the e sh shop op vacate has hasated ju just go ne or out outP18,00 o ,000 busi bu0 sine ness ss,,year and and under Home Hoder me’s ’s Pizza izzas s rhas ha s se. an opp opport ortuni ty lea se the vac dstspace spgone ace P18 per un a 15-yea 15year lease. lea Home’s management is considering two ways in which the available space might be used.
Capital Budgeting
Alternative 1. The pizza shop in this location is currently selling 40,000 pizzas per year. Management is confdent that sales could be increased by 75% by taking out the wall between the pizza shop and the vacant space and expanding the pizza outlet. Costs or remodeling and or new equipment would be P550,000. Management estimates that 20% o the new sales would be small pizzas, 50% would be medium pizzas, and 30% would be large pizzas. Selling prices and costs or ingredients or the three sizes o pizzas ollow (per pizza): Small Medium Large
Sell Sellin ing g Pr Pric ice e P 6.70 8.90 11.00
Cost Cost o In Ingr gred edie ient nts s P1.30 2.40 3.10
An additional P7,500 o working capital would be needed to carry the larger volume o busine bus iness ss.. This This worki working ng capita capitall would would be relea released sed at the end o the lease lease term. term. The equipment would have a salvage value o P30,000 in 15 years, when the lease ends. Alternati Alte rnative ve 2. Hom Home’s e’s sales manager manager eels eels that that the co compa mpany ny needs needs to di diver versi siy y its operations. He has suggested that an opening be cut in the wall between the pizza shop and the vacant space and that video games be placed in the space, along with a small snack bar. Costs or remodeling and or the snack bar acilities would be P290,000. The games would be leased rom a large distributor o such equipment. The distributor has stated that based on the use o game centers elsewhere, Home’s could expect about 26,000 people to use the center each year and to spend an average o P5 each on the machines. In addition, it is estimated that the snack bar would provide a net cash inow o P15,00 P15 ,000 0 per year year. An invest investmen mentt o P4,000 P4,000 in workin working g capita capitall would would be needed needed.. This This working capital investment would be released at the end o the lease term. The snack bar equipment would have a salvage value o about P12,000 in 15 years. Home’s management is unsure which alternative to select and has asked you to help in making the decision. You have gathered the ollowing inormation relating to added costs that would be incurred each year under the two alternatives:
Rent- building space Rent- video games Salaries Utilities Insurance and other
Expand the Pizza Shop P18,000 --54,000 13,200 7,800
Install the Game Center P18,000 30,000 17,000 5,400 9,600
The company is currently currently using a 16 percent minimum acceptable rate o return return or its capital investment. The present value value o annuity o 1 at 16 percent or 15 periods is 5.575 and end o 15 periods is is 0.108. The company is not liable liable to pay income taxes. taxes. lxvii
. The incremental expected expected annual cash inows rom Alternative 1 is: A. P 90,000 C. P1 P100,200 B. P1 P10 08, 8,00 000 0 D. P201 P201,0 ,000 00
. The incr increme ementa ntall expect expected ed annu annual al cas cash h inows inows rom rom Al Alter ternat native ive 2 is: A. P 17,000 C. P 59,600 D. P145 P145,0 ,000 00 B. P 65,000
. The net present present value or Alternative Alternative 1 is: is: C. P45,000 A. P48,650 B. P4 P47,840 D. P32,500.
. The net pr present esent value value or Alter Alternativ native e 2 is: A. P21,021 C. P68,375 D. P12, P12,8 807 B. P70,103
. Assume that the company company decides to accept accept alternative 2. At At the end o the frst year, the company fnds that only 21,000 people used the game center during the year (each person spent P5 on games). Also, the snack bar provided a net cash inow o only 248
Capital Budgeting
P13,000. In light o this inormation, what is the net present value or alternative 2? A. P( P(8 80, 0,4 422 22)) C. P(8 P(82,15 2,150) 0) B. P(76,422) D. P( P(80,854) lxxii
. The sales manager has suggested suggested that an advertisi advertising ng pr progra ogram m be initiated initiated to draw another 5,000 people into the game center each year. Assuming that another 5,000 people can be attracted into the center and that the snack bar receipts increase to the level originally estimated, how much can be spent on advertising each year and still allow the game center to provide a 16% rate o return? A. P70,103.00 C. P58,953.00 P12, 2,57 574. 4.53 53 B. P 4, 4,673 673.53 .53 D. P1
Net Income, CFBT, ARR, Payback Period Questions 52 through 56 are based on the ollowing inormation: Pinewood Crat Company is considering the purchase o two dierent items o equipment, as described below:
Machine A. A compacting compacting machine machine has just come come onto the marke markett that would permit permit Pinewood Crat Crat Company to compress compress sawdust into various shelving shelving produc products. ts. At present present the sawdust is disposed disposed o as a waste waste product. product. The ollowing inormation inormation is available available on the machine: a. The machine machine would would cost P420,000 P420,000 and and would have have a 10% salvage salvage value at the end o its 12-year useul lie. The company uses straight-line straight-line depreciation depreciation and considers salvage value in computing depreciation deductions. b. The shel shelvin ving g produ products cts manuac manuactur tured ed r rom om use o the machin machine e would would genera generate te revenues rev enues o P300,000 P300,000 per year. year. Variable ariable manuactur manuacturing ing costs would would be 20% o sales. c. Fix ixed ed expen expenses ses associa associated ted with th the e new new shelv shelvin ing g produ products cts would would be (p (per er year): year): advertising, P40,000; salaries, P110,000; utilities, P5,200; and insurance, P800.
Machine B. A secon second d machine machine has come onto the market market that that would allow allow Pinewood Pinewood Cratt Company to automate Cra automate a sanding sanding process process that is now done largely largely by hand. The ollowing inormation is available: a. The new sandin sanding g machine machine would cost cost P234,000 P234,000 and would would have have no salvage salvage value at the end o its 13-year useul useul lie. The company would use use straight-line straight-line depreciation depreciation on the new machine. b. Seve Severa rall ol old d piec pieces es o sa sand ndin ing g equi equipm pmen entt th that at ar are e u ull lly y depr deprec ecia iate ted d woul would d be disposed o at a scrap value o P9,000. c. The The new new sa sand ndin ing g mach machin ine e woul would d pr prov ovid ide e su subs bsta tant ntia iall annu annual al sa savi ving ngs s in cash cash operating oper ating costs. costs. It would require require an operator operator at an annual salary salary o P16,350 and P5,4 P5 ,400 00 in annu annual al main mainte tena nanc nce e cost costs. s. The The curr curren ent, t, hand hand-op -oper erat ated ed sa sand ndin ing g procedure costs the company P78,000 per year in total. Pi Pinew newood ood Cra Cratt Compan Company y requi require res s a simple simple rate rate o retur return n o 15% 15% on all equip equipmen mentt purchases. purcha ses. Also, the company will not purchas purchase e equipment unless the equipment equipment has a payback period o 4.0 years or less. (In all the ollowing questions, questions, please ignore income tax eect) lxxiii
. The exp expect ected ed inco income me each each year year rom rom the the new shel shelvin ving g prod product ucts s (Machi (Machine ne A) is: is: A. P 52,500 C. P 84 84,000 B. P2 P240,000 D. P 92,500
. The annual annual savin savings gs in co cost st i i Mach Machine ine B is is pur purcha chased sed is A. P56,250 C. P38,250 B. P43,250 D. P21,750
. The simple rate (%) o return return or Machine A is: A 12.5 12 pe per erce cent ntt B.. 2 0..5 0p rc en
C. 25 per pe erce cent ntt D. 25.0 18.0 .0 p rc en
. The The sim simpl ple e rat rate e o o rret etur urn n or or Mach Machin ine e B is: is: A. 16.3 percent C. 25.0 percent 249
Capital Budgeting
B. 17 17.0 .0 per perce cent nt
D. 34 34.0 .0 per percent cent
. The The pay payba back ck peri period od o orr Mac Machi hine ne A is: is: A. 3.0 3.0 ye yea ars C. 5. 5.0 0y yea earrs B. 4. 4.5 years D. 7.5 years
The The pay payba back ck peri period od o orr Mac Machi hine ne B is: is:
A. 4.0 4.0 yea yearrs. B. 4.2 years.
C. 6.1 6.1 y yea earrs. D. 5. 5.9 years.
Net Investment, CFBT, Tax Benefts, NPV, Depreciation Tax Shield, Question Nos. 58 through 63 are based on the ollowing: Turkey Turkey Company’s average production production o valve stems over the past three years has been 80,000 units each year. year. Expectations are are that this volume will remain co constant nstant over the next our years. Cost records records indicate that unit product product costs or the valve stem over the last several years have been as ollows: Direct materials Direct labor Variable manuacturing overhead Fixed manuacturing overhead* Unit product cost
P 3.60 3.90 1.50 9.00 P18.00
*Depreciation o tools (that must now be replaced) accounts or one-third o the fxed overhead over head.. The balance balance is or other other fxed overhead overhead costs o the actor that requir require e cash expenditures. I the specialized tools are purchased, they will cost P2,500,000 and will have a disposal value o P100,000 at the end o their our-year our-year useul lie. Turkey Company has a 30% tax rate,, and management rate management requir requires es a 12% ater-tax ater-tax return return on investment. investment. Straight Straight-lin -line e depreciation would be used or fnancial reporting purposes, but or the tax purposes, the ollowing variable depreciation each year will be used.
Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
1 2 3 4
832,500 1,112,500 370,000 185,000
The sales representative representative or the manuacturer manuacturer o the specialized tools has stated, “The new tools will allow direct labor and variable overhead to be reduced by P1.60 per unit.” Data r rom om another another company company using using identica identicall tools tools and experien experiencing cing similar operating operating conditions, except that annual production generally averages 100,000 units, confrms the direct labor labor and variable overhead overhead cost savings. savings. However, the other company company indicates that it experienced an increase in raw material cost due to the higher quality o material that had to be used with the new tools. The other company indica indicates tes that its unit product product costs have been as ollows: Direct materials Direct labor Variable manuacturing overhead Fixed manuacturing overhead Unit product cost
P 4.50 3.00 0.80 10.80 P19.10
Reerring to the fgures above, the production Reerring production manager stated, “These numbers look great until you consider consider the dierenc dierence e in volume. Even with the reduction reduction in labor and va variable riable overhead cost, I’ll bet our total unit cost fgure would increase to over P20 with the new tools.” Although old tools being areinow they have a salva salvage gethe value o P45,00 P45 ,000. 0.used These Thby eseTurkey tools tools Company will will be sold theully newdepreciated, tools tools are are pu purc rchas hased; ed; however i the new tools are not purchased, then the old tools will be retained as standby equipment equi pment.. Turkey urkey Company’s Company’s accounting accounting department department has confrmed confrmed that total fxed manuacturing overhead costs, other than depreciation, will not change regardless o the 250
Capital Budgeting
decision made concern decision concerning ing the valve stems. However, However, the accounting accounting departmen departmentt has estima est imated ted that that worki working ng ca capit pital al needs needs will will incre increase ase by P60,00 P60,000 0 i the new tools tools are are purchased due to the higher quality o material required in the manuacture o the valve stems. The present present values o 1 at the end o each each period using using 12 percent percent are: Period 1 0.89286 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 PV o annuity o 1, 4 periods
0.79719 0.71178 0.63552 3.03735
. The The net net in inve vest stme ment nt in new new too tools ls am amou ount nted ed to to:: A. P1,8 P1,873 73,3 ,300 00.. C. P2 P2,5 ,528 28,5 ,500 00.. B. P2,515,000. D. P2,546.500.
. How much annual cost savings will be generated i the Turkey Turkey Company purchases purchases the new tools? 36,0 ,00 00 A. P 128, 28,000 000 C. P 936 B. P 216,000 D. P P1 1,008,000
. The pre presen sentt value value o tax tax benef benefts ts expe expecte cted d rom rom the the use o o the new new machi machine ne tools tools is: A. P 603,333 C. P1,407,777 B. P 804,444 D. P P2 2,011,111
. The pres present ent value value o o the salvage salvage value value o o the new tools tools to be received received at the the end o ourth year is A. P 63,5 63,55 52. C. P 44 44,4 ,486 86.. B. P 19,065. D. P2 P212,615.
. Using Using the minim minimum um accepta acceptable ble rate rate o retur return n o 12 percent, percent, the net net present present value value o o the investment in new tools is C. P1 P147 47,,07 073. 3. A. P10 P108,91 8,913 3. B. P127,979. D. P1 P166,139.
. The The net net adva advant ntag age e o the the use use o decli eclini ning ng meth method od o depr deprec ecia iati tion on in inst stea ead d o straight-line straight-lin e method is A. P 33 33,8 ,83 30. C. P112 P112,,767. 767. B. P 56,610. D. P1 P147,731.
Net Investment, CFAT, Depreciation tax shield, NPV Question Nos. 77 through 82 are based on the ollowing: Franzen Company manuactures three dierent models o paper shredders including the waste container, which which serves as the base. While the shredder shredder heads are are dierent or all three thr ee models, models, the waste container container is the same. The number number o waste containers containers that that Franzen will need during the next fve years is estimated as ollows: 2007 50,000 2008 50,000 2009 52,000 2010 55,000 2011 55,000 The equipment used to manuacture manuacture the waste container must be replaced because it is broken bro ken and cannot cannot be repair repaired. ed. The new equipment equipment would have a purchase purchase price o P945,000 with terms 2/10, n/30; the company’s policy is to take all purchase discounts. The reight reight on the equipment would be P11,000, and installation costs would total P22,900. The equipment would would be purchased purchased in December December 2006 and plac placed ed into service on January 1, 2007. 2007. It would have a fve-year fve-year economic lie lie and would have have the ollowing depreciation. deprecia tion. The in equipment is eexpected exnew pected toipment have salvage P12,0 P12,000 00 at the endold o its economic econom ic lie 2011. 2011. The Th equipm equ entawould wou ld bevalue more moreoecien ec ient t than tha n the equipm equ ipment ent,, resu resulti lting ng in a 25 percen percentt reduc reductio tion n in both both direct direct materi material al and variab variable le overhead. The savings in direct direct material would result result in an additional one-time decr decrease ease in working capital requirements o P2,500, resulting rom a reduction in direct material 251
Capital Budgeting
inventories. This working capital capital reduction reduction would be recognized recognized at the time o equipment equipment acquisition. The old equipment is ully deprecia depreciated ted and is not included in the fxed overhead. The old equipm equ ipment ent rom rom the plant plant can be sold sold or a salva salvage ge amou amount nt o P1,500 P1,500.. Rathe Ratherr than than replace the equipment, one o Franzen’s production managers has suggested that the waste wast e containe containers rs be purchas purchased. ed. One supplier supplier has quoted a pric price e o P27 per container container.. This price is P8 less than Franzen’s curren currentt manuacturing manuacturing cost, which which is presented presented below. below. Direct materials Direct labor Variable overhead Fixed overhead: Su Supervision Facilities General Total Total unit cost cost
P10 8 6 P2 5 4
11 P35
Franzen uses a plantwide fxed overhead rate in its operations. I the waste containers are purchase outside, the salary and benfts o one supervisor, included in fxed overhead o P45,000 P45,0 00 would be eliminated. eliminated. There There would be no other changes changes in the other other cash and noncash items included in fxed overhead except depreciation on the new equipment. The new equipment equipment will be d depreciat epreciated ed according according to the ollowing ollowing declining declining amounts: Year Y ear 20 07 2008 2009 2010 2011
Depreciation Deprecia P319,96tion 8 426,720 142,176 71,136 0
Franzen ranzen is subject subject to a 40 percent percent tax rate. Managemen Managementt assumes assumes that all cash ows occur at the end o the year and uses a 12 percent ater-tax discount rate. lxxxv
. The initi initial al net net cash cash outows outows i the the compa company ny decide decides s to contin continue ue makin making g the wast waste e containers is: A. P 956 56,,60 600 0 C. P 978,9 78,90 00 B. P 975,500 D. P P1 1,455,613
. The The to tota tall a ate terr-t -tax ax cash cash out outow ows, s, excl exclud udin ing g th the e in init itia iall cash cash out outow ows, s, i the new new equipment is purchased are: A. P 956,600 C. P2,918,300 B. P2, P2,887 887,80 ,800 0 (dee (deecti ctive) ve) D. P3,2 P3,279 79,0 ,000 00
. The pr present esent value o the total total depr depreciat eciation ion shield shield is: is: P30 08, 8,92 920 0 C. P307 P307,,826 826 A. P3 B. P3 P313,500 D. P321,303
. The total total relevan relevantt ater-tax ater-tax costs costs to buy buy the waste waste contain containers ers are: are: C. P4,243 P4,243,50 ,500 0 (de (deect ective ive A. P2,8 P2,829 29,2 ,240 40 B. P3,039,662 D. P7 P 7,074,000
. What What is the the net pre presen sentt value value o the the purcha purchase se alter alternat native ive? ? P3,039 039,66 ,662 2 (dee (deecti ctive) ve) C. P2,0 P2,083 83,0 ,062 62 A. P3, B. P2,730,742 D. P2 P 2,718,359
. What is is the net net present present value value o the the make alter alternati native? ve? A. P2,036,603 C. P2,996,603 D. P2, P2,993 993,20 ,203 3 (d (dee eecti ctive) ve) B. P3 P3,0 ,039 39,6 ,662 62
Answer: B Initial amount o investment 160,000 Less Cash inow (decrease in outow) at period 0: MV o old equipment 80,000 Tax benefts on loss on sales (20,000 x .4) 8,000 88,000 Net investment 72,000
Answer: D ATCF = Net investment ÷ Payback period ATCF (840,000 ÷ 3.326) Net income (252,555 – 140,000) Beo Be orre-tax e-tax in inco come me
252,555 112,555 (1 (112 12,5 ,555 55 ÷ 0. 0.60 60))
187, 187,59 592 2
Beo orre-tax e-tax sa savi ving ngs s (1 (187 87,5 ,592 92 + 140, 140,00 000) 0) 327. 327.59 592 2 internal TheBe computation o ater-tax cash ows, given the amount o investment and rate o return or PV o annuity o 1 discounted at IRR is the reverse o the computation o payback payback period. period. Remember emember that the payback payback method, though though a nondisco nondiscounted unted technique, is closely related to internal rate o return because the payback period is exactly the present value o annuity o 1 i they are discounted using the internal rate o return. iii
10.Answer: B YearSYDStraig YearSYDStraight ht LineDierencePr LineDierencePresent esent Value12,000,0001 Value12,000,0001,200,000800,000 ,200,000800,000 727,28021,600,0001,200,000400,000330,56031,200,0001,200,000 -04 800,0001,200,000(400, 800,0001,20 0,000(400,000) 000) (273,200)5 400,0001,200,000(800, 400,0001,2 00,000(800,000) 000) (496,720)Total (496,720)Total present value o dierence in depreciation287,920Tax Rate40%Present value o net advantage115,168 . Answer: B SYDSLD SYD SLDie iere rence ncePr Prese esent nt Value1 alue1 150,00 150,00090 090,00 ,00060 060,00 ,00053 053,56 ,5682 82 120,00090,00030,00023,9163 90,00090,000-04 60,00090,000(30,000) (19,06 (19 ,066)5 6)5 30, 30,000 00090, 90,000 000(60 (60,00 ,000)(3 0)(34,0 4,046) 46)T Total otal o prese present nt values values o deprecia depr eciation tion24,37 24,372T 2Tax rate40%P rate40%Pres resent ent value value o net advantag advantage e 9,749SYD 9,749SYD method method provides a higher present value on tax benefts because o less amount o tax during year 1 & 2. In year 4 and 5, the use o SYD requires higher taxes but their equivalent present values are lower already.
Answer: A Annual savings on expenses P50,000 Less: Les s: Addi Additio tional nal depre deprecia ciatio tion n (40,00 (40,000 0 – 25,000 25,000)) 15,000 15,000 Additional taxable income 35,000 Additional tax (35,000 x 40%) P14,000 Additionall depreciation can be easily calculated by subtracting the book value o the Additiona old machine rom the cost o new machine and then the dierence divided by the useul lie (160,000 – 100,000) ÷ 4 = 15,000.
Answer: D Annual cost savings Less depreciation
(432,000 ÷ 12)
Annual income Simple Rate o Return: 54 54,000 ÷ 432,000 vii
90,000 36,000 54,000 12.5 %
Answer: A The useul lie o the project can be calculated by using the computational computational pattern or Accounting Rate o Return: Net investment 106,700 Divide by Depreciation expense CFAT 20,000 Less: Ne Net income (1 (106,700 x 5%) 14,665 5,335 Average lie (in years) 7.28 * 10% ARR based on average investment = 5% ARR based on initial investment Answer: B ARR = Average annual net income ÷ Average Investment Annual ater-tax cash ow 40,000 Less Depreciation 20,000
Net Incby omAverage e 20,000 Divide Investment (200,000 + 180,000)/2190,000 ARR: 10.5% The problem asked or the average accounting rate o return return or the frst year o asset’s lie.
. Answer: D The average (accounting) rate o return is determined determined by dividing the annual ater-tax ater-tax net income by the average cost o the investment, (beginning book value + ending book value)/2. Ater tax income (P7,200 - (P7,200 x 30%)) P 5,040 Average investment: (P66,000 + 16,000) ÷ 2 P41,000 Accounting Accounti ng rate o return: return: P5,040/P41,000) 12.3% .
Answer: A (ATCF (A TCF – Depreciation) ÷ Initial investment investmen t = Accounting Rate o Return Let X = Initial investment – 0.10X)- .10X ÷X (66,000 66,000 .22X X
= = 0.12 .12X = 66,000 = 300,000
Answer: A Net Income: = 66,000 - .10X AAR = NI/ Investment .12 = (66,000 - .10X) / X .12X = 66,000 - .10X .22 X = 66,000 X = 300,000
Answer: D Net Income (280,000 x 15%)42,000 Add back ack depr eprecia eciati tion on 35,0 35,000 00 ATCF 77,000
. Answer: B Payback period = Initial amount o investment ÷ Annual ater-tax cash ows P35,000 ÷ P5,000 = 7 years
Answer: B Net investment Divide by CFAT Payback period
50,000 (10,000 x 0.7) ÷ (50,000 ÷ 8 x 0.3) 5.6 years
Answer: D Cumula Cum ulativ tive e cash cash ows ows end o Year 1 (450,0 (450,000) 00) – 254,52 254,520 0 (195,4 (195,480) 80) Discounted cash ow or Year 2 173,460 Cumulative cash ows, end o Year 2 ( 22,020) Break-even time 2 + (22,020 ÷ 105,140)2.21 years
Answer: D Cost o the new machine Salvage value o old machine at period zero Net investment (Outows) Divide by cash ow ater tax Payback period
400,000 60,000 340,000 90,000 3.78 years
. Answer: B Cash InowUnrecovered OutowOutows(4,500,000)First year900,000(3,600,000)Second year1,200,000(2,400,000)Thi year1,200,000 (2,400,000)Third rd year1,500,000( 900,000)F 900,000)Fourth ourth year 900,0000 Payback Period: At the end o 4 periods, the initial outows are ully recovered. Note to the CPA CPA Candidates: A modifed question question or this problem problem is to compute the Present Value o the net advantage o using sum-o-the-years’ digits o depreciation instead o straight-line method.
Answer: C Cash inowsInvestmentPeriod inowsInvest mentPeriod 0(99,300)Period 1 (75,000 – 25,000) x .6 30,000(69,300)Period 30,000(69,300 )Period 2 ( 30,000 x 1.10) 33,000(36,300)Period 33,000(36,300)Period 3 (33,000 x 1.10) 36,300 -0-At the end o the third year, investment is ully recovered.
The net investment investment o 99,300 is net o tax ben beneft, eft, (165,500 x .6) .6) xix
Answer: C Beore-tax cash ow = 40,000 + 35,000 Payback period: 30 300,000 ÷ 75,000
75,000 4 years
. Answer: C Computation o Cash Flow Ater-tax CFBT 100,000 x 0.7 Depreciation tax shield CFAT Computation o Net Present Value: PV o ATCF: 88,750 x 5.747
Answer: C There are are two cash ows at time zero: zero: P120,000 outow outow and P14,000 inow inow.. Net cash outow (120,000 – 14,000) = 106,000
70,000 62,500 x 0.3 88,750
PV o A Ater ter-ta -tax x Salvag Salvage e Value: alue: 20,000 20,000 x 0.70 0.7517,606 0 x 0.54 0.54 7,560 7,560 Total T otal Investment 500,000 Net Present Value 17,606 The problem assumed that the salvage value is ignored in the computation o annual depre dep recia ciatio tion n so that the annual annual cash ows ows will will be great greater er.. The proble problem m did not include among the choices the assumption that salvage value will be deducted rom the cost in computing the amount o annual depreciation. xxii
Answer: B Annual revenues Less cash operating costs Cash ow beore tax Less Depreciation (1M ÷ 5) Income beore tax Less income tax (40%) Net income Add back depreciation ATCF PV o ATCF, n=5; k=10% Investment Negative Net Present Value
257,120 x 3.7908
400,000 104,800 295,200 200,000 95,200 28,080 57,120 200,000 257,120 974,690 1,000,000 ( 25 25,310)
The manner o fnancing the project is not considered considered in the analysis o capital in inve vest stme ment nt.. In Inve vest stme ment nt must must be separ separat ate e rom rom fnanc fnancin ing. g. It is a nor norma mall lly y committed error in the application o capital budgeting techniques where fnancing strategy is considered. considered. The explicit or implicit implicit cost o fnancing the projec projectt is taken care o the discounting process. xxiii
Answer: A Pr Presen esentt value value o cash cash retur returns: ns: (30,000 (30,000 x 0.909 0.90909) 09)
x 5 period periods s 136,364 Net investment 99,300 Net present value 37,064 Note:: Because Note Because the constant constant growth growth rate rate and the discount discount rate are both both 10%, the present value or each period is constant. xxiv
Answer: B Savings (2 workers, workers, each P10,000 P10,000 or 3 months)2 x P10,000 P10,000 x 3 P60,000 Deprecia Depr eciation tion (175,000 (175,000 – 25,000) 25,000) ÷ 5 years P30,000 P30,000 Ater-tax Ater -tax cash savings: (60,000 x 0.75) + (30,000 x 0.25)P52,500 0.25)P52,500 Present value o ater-tax cash savings (52,500 x 3.60478)P189,250 3.60478) P189,250 Presentt value o Salvage Value (25,000 x 0.56743) 14,186 Presen Total Total 203,436 Investment 175,000 Net Present Value P 28,436 Answer: B Computation o net investment: Cash purchase price 300,000 Less: MV o old machine 80,000 Tax shield on loss on sale (40,000 x 0.32)12,800 0.32) 12,800 92,800 Net investment
Annua Ann uall ca cash sh saving savings s beor beore e tax (240,0 (240,000 00 – 160,00 160,000) 0) Additi Addi tion onal al depr deprec ecia iati tion on (3 (300 00,0 ,000 00 – 120, 120,00 000) 0) ÷ 4 45,0 45,000 00 Additional taxable income 35,000
80,000 80,000
Less Additional tax (35,000 x 0.32) Net income Add back depreciation Ater-tax cash ow Alternative computation or ATCF: (80,000 x 0.68) + (45,000 x 0.32) Present value o ATCF (68,800 x 3.23972) Investment Net Present Value xxvi
Answer: B PV o annual cash receipts
1,200,000 x 2.58872
11,200 23,800 45,000 68,800 68,800 222,893 207,200 15,693
PV x 0.48225x 0.48225 313,462 PV o o salvage return return ovalue working capital650,0001,000,000 482,250 Cost o new equipment and timbers (2,750,000) Working capital (1,000,000) (1,000,00 0) PV o cost o construction construction o road 400,000 x .5787 ( 231,480) 231,480) Negative net present value (79,303) xxvii
Answer: B PeriodNominal Cash SavingsPV FactorPresent Value132,000 0.8779028,070.08232,000 0.8779028,070 .08232,000 x 1.0533,600 1.0533,600 0.7694725,854.19332,000 0.7694725,854.19332,000 x 1.05235,280 1.05235,280 0.6749723,812.94432,000 0.6749723,81 2.94432,000 x 1.05337,044 0.5920821,933.01Total99,670.22Investment80,000.00NPV19,670.22Note that all the annual cash inows are adjusted by one period.
. Answer: B The solution used total analysis analysis approach approach in computing computing present present value. Retain the Old Machine: Present value o annual cash outlay CFA CFAT (300,000 x P0.38) + P21,000 = P135,000 PVCF PVCFA AT (135 (135,0 ,000 00 x 3. 3.68 6847 47)) P497 P497,4 ,435 35 Pres esen entt val value o salv alvage age valu value e (7,00 7,000 0 x 0.4 0.41044 1044)) ( 2,8 2,873) 73) Total P494,562 Buy New machine: Present Value o Annual cash outlay CFA CF AT (3 (300 00,0 ,000 00 x P0.2 P0.29) 9) + P11, P11,00 000 0 = P98, P98,00 000 0 PVCFAT P98,000 x 3.6847) P361,100 Salvage value o new machine, end o 6 years(P20,000 years(P20,000 x 0.41044) ( Inve In vest stme ment nt in new new mach machin ine e (1 (120 20,0 ,000 00 – 40,0 40,000 00)) 80,0 80,000 00 Total P432,891
. Answer: B The purpose o proftability index is to compare two projects’ proftability proftability by reducing the present present value per 1 peso o investment. investment. Thereore, Thereore, the ratio o 4.35526 @ 10% 10% to 4.11141 @ 12% indicated the profta proftability bility index. Proftability Proft ability index: index: 4.35526/4.11141 = 1.06
Answer: B PV o annuity o 1 at IRR ∑(1 ÷ 1.12386)5 3.57057 PV o annuity o 1 at MCC ∑(1 ÷ 1.11055)5 3.69079 A Ater ter-ta -tax x cash cash ows ows 10, 10,000 000 ÷ (3.690 (3.69079 79 – 3.5705 3.57057) 7) Investment: 83,180.84 x 3.57057 297,000 Proftability in index (297,000 + 10,000) ÷ 297,000 1.034 A shorter calculation o the Proftability Index can be made by: 3.69079 ÷ 3.57057 3.57057 = 1.034
83,180 83,180.84 .84
. Answer: D In discounting the annual cash inow by the IRR, the NPV = P0 The net present value o ZERO is 14% and 16%. For better time management, the candidate is expected not to do detailed calculation o fnding out the exact rate. The use o interpolation interpolation indicated indicated that the the IRR is 15.3%: 15.3%: Discount RateNet Present Value0.141,197IRR00.16-708 (0.14 (0.14 –– IRR) IRR) (0.14 – IRR) (0.14 – IRR) 0.14 – IRR
÷ (0.14 1,197 ÷ -.02 -.02 =– 0.16) 1,197 = ÷ 1905 190 5 ÷ ( 1,197 + 708) ÷ - .02 = 0.628 = 0.628 x -0.02 = 0. 013
IRR = 0.153 0.153 or 15.30% Note: Since at the IRR, NPV is zero, zero, the answer can only only be between 14% & 16%, since only one o the choices, satisy satisy the criteria, the answer is (D). xxxii
. Answer: B The payback period that corresponds corresponds to the project’s project’s internal rate o return return o 12 percent is 4.968. 4.968. Thereore, Thereore, the amount o investment must must equal the product product o the payback period and the net cash ows: Investment: (4.968 x 20,000) = P99,360
. Answer: D The amount o investment: investment: the PV o annuity annuity at IRR 4.355 x 6,000 = 26,130
. Answer: C Present value o cash inows equals amount o investment at 10% IRR. P20,000 x 3.791 = P75,820
Answer: A ATCF: P1 P1,500,000/3.60472 416,121 Depreciation 300,000 Net income: 416,121 – 300,000 116,121 Beo Be orre-tax e-tax in inco come me:: 116, 116,12 121/ 1/0. 0.60 60 Fixed costs 500,000 Cont Co ntri ribu buti tion on mar margin: gin: 193, 193,53 535 5 + 500, 500,00 000 0 Unit sales 693,535 ÷ (100 - 60) 17,338 Answer: B Contribution margin (per No. 23) Divide by sales volume Contribution margin per unit Add variable cost per unit Selling price per unit
193, 193,53 535 5 693, 693,53 535 5
693,535 ÷ 20,000 P34.68 60.00 P94.68
Alternative Solution: Cash inow beore beore tax based on present present price: (20,000 x 40) – 200,000 600,000 Ater-tax Ater -tax cash inow (600,000 x 0.6) + (300,000 x 0.4)480,000 Present value o ATCF (480,000 x 3.60478)1,730,294 3.60478) 1,730,294 Investment 1,500,000 Net present value (present price) 230,294 Annual excess ATCF due to excess price (230,294 ÷ 3.60478)63,885 Beore-tax excess cash inow (63,885 ÷ 0.6) 106,475 Excess selling price: 106,475 ÷ 20,000 5.32 Reduced selling price to achieve IRR o 12% (100 – 5.32)94.68 5.32)94.6 8 xxxvii
Answer: C Annual ater-tax cash ow 500,000/5.6502 Depreciation 500,000/10 Net income Income beore tax 38,492/0.6 Depreciation Cash Ca sh sa savi ving ngs s beo beorre tax: tax: 64,1 64,154 54 + 50 50,0 ,000 00
88,492 50,000 38,492 64,154 50,000 114, 114,15 154 4
. Answer: A The amount o annual annual cash cash ows can be solved solved by equation: equation: NPV = PV o annual CF – Investment 1,750 = 2.4771CF – 2.4018CF 1,750 = 0.1753CF CF = 9,980
Answer: A Investment Less Present value o salvage value
120,000 (12,000 x 0.3855)
P enutm vaAn l lC n1 5 o,w Mriensim Alu ne nuoa lACnansuhaF oa wssh (I1 3s74 ÷ 6.1446) xl
Answer: B Prese Present nt val value ue o annual annual cash cash ows ows at IR IRR R
11 15 8,,3 77 74 6
(81,00 (81,000 0 x 4.639) 4.639)
375,75 375,759 9
Inve Invest stme ment nt Dierence Annual increase increase in cash ows xli
81 81,0 ,000 00 x 4. 4.34 344 4 23,895/4.344
351, 351,86 864 4 23,895 5,501
Answer: A Investment Investme nt (Total (Total o present value @ IRR o 12%) 50,000 Less PV, year 1 & 2 (16,074 + 17,534) 33,608 PV o the 3rd cash ow 16,392 Ater-tax cash ow, third year 16,392/0.712
Answer: B The net present present value = PV o o excess salvage value less less PV o decr decrease ease in ater ater-tax -tax cash Let ow X = the excess salvage value 7,003 = 0.56743X – [3.60478 x (0.2X * 0.4) 7,003 = 0.56743X – 0.2883824X 7,003 = 0.2790476X X = 25,096 Required Requ ired salvage value: 50,000 – 25,096 25,096 = 24,904
Answer: B Cost o equipment 750,000 Les ess s PV o ta tang ngiible ble benef enefts ts 100, 100,0 000 x 5.018 .01877 77 501, 501,8 877 PV o annual intangible benefts 248,123 Amount o annual intangible benefts 248,123/5.01877
. Answer: B To To be acceptable, the projec projectt should yield a net present present value o zero. zero. The negative net present value must be oset by the present value o annual intangible benefts. Present value o intangible benefts P184,350 PV o annuity o 1 at 10% or 10 years ÷ 6.145 Annual net intangible benefts P30,000
. Answer: A The indierence indierence rate (crossover (crossover or fsher fsher rate) reers reers to the rate rate at which the net present values o the 2 alternatives are indierent or equal. The easier test o the rate is to look or IRR (using trial and error error technique) o the investment dierence. dierence. Dierence 80,000 – 48,000 35,225 PV inows ∑(3,200 ÷ 1.1264)6 (12,922) PV inows ∑(15,200 ÷ 1.1264)10-6 (22,303) Dierence NIL Alternative Solution: Project XProject YPV o ater-tax cash ows ∑(12,000 ÷ 1.1264)6
48,455 ∑(15,200 ÷ 1.1264)1083,680In 1.1264)1083,680Investment48, vestment48,00083,225Net 00083,225Net Present Value 455 455 xlvi
. Answer: B The determination determination o the indieren indierence ce point, which which is 10%, or or the two projects projects can be be made through the use o trial and error estimation. Machine 1Machine 2PV o Dierence in ATCF Year 1 155,000 ÷ 1.10 140,909.10(140,909.10) 140,909.10(14 0,909.10) Year 2 (110,000 ÷ 1.10)2( 90,909.10) 90,909.10Net dierence dierenc e 50,000.00( 50,000.00)Dierence 50,000.00)Dierence in investment( 50,000.00) 50,000.00NPV NIL NIL xlvii . Answer: C 15% Discount Rate Mach Ma chin ine e 1Mac 1Machi hine ne 2PV 2PV o Die Dierrence ence in ATCF Year ear 1 155, 155,00 000 0 x 0. 0.86 8695 957 7 134,783.35(134,783.35) 134,783.35(13 4,783.35) Year 2 110,000 x 0.75614( 83,175.40) 83,175.40) 83,175.40Net dier di erenc ence e 51,607 51,607.95 .95(( 51,607 51,607.95 .95)Di )Dier erenc ence e in invest investmen ment( t( 50,000 50,000.00 .00)) 50,000.00NPV 1,607.95( 1,607.95) At 15 percent discount rate, Machine 1 is more acceptable. 8% Discount Rate Machine 1Machine 2PV o Dierence in ATCF Year 1
155,000 x 0.92593
143,519.15 (143,519.15) 143,519.15(143,519.1 5) Year 2 110,000 x 0.85734( 0.85734 ( 94,307.40) 94,307.40Net 94,307.40 Net dierence dierenc e 49,211.75( 49,211.75)Dierence 49,211.75)Dierence in investment( 50,000.00) 50,000.00NPV ( 788.25) 788.25 At 8 percent discount rate, Machine 2 is more acceptable.
. Answer: C Cost o Investment: Invoice price Installation cost Freight charge Total investment
950,000 24,200 800 975,000
Annual Cash Flow: Number o procedures: (52 x 5) 260 Contri Con tribu butio tion n margin margin per proc procedu edure res: s: (P800 (P800 – P10 – P40) P40) Total Total annual cash cash ow: ow: (260 x P750) P195,000 Cash payback period: (975,000 ÷ 195,000) 5 years xlix
Answer: B Pr Pres esen entt valu value e o cash cash ow ow Prese Present nt val value ue o salva salvage ge value value Total Total Capital investment Net present value Answer: A Average investment: Annual depreciation: Annual net income: Average annual Rate o
(1 (195 95,0 ,000 00 x 6. 6.41 418) 8) (55,00 (55,000 0 x 0.4224 0.42241) 1) P1,274,743 975,000 P 299,743
(975,000 + 55,000) ÷ 2 515,000 (975,000 – 55,000) ÷ 10 92,000 195,000 – 92,000 103,000 Return: P103,000 ÷ P515,000
Answer: A Cont Co ntri ribu buti tion on marg margin in:: Less Fixed costs Cash ow beore tax Less: Depreciation (6,000,000 ÷ 4) Income beore tax Less: Income tax (1,500,000 x 0.4) Net income Add back: Depreciation Ater-tax Cash Flow Answer: C PV o Ater-tax Cash Flows Cost o investment Net Present Value
P750 P750
P1,2 P1,251 51,5 ,510 10 23,233 23,233
300, 300,00 000 0 x (7 (75 5 – 50) 50) 4,500,000 3,000,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 600,000 900,000 1,500,000 2,400,000
7, 7,50 500, 0,00 000 0
(2,400,000 x 2.9287) 6,000,000 1,028,900
. Answer: B Cash FlowPV FactorPV o annual net cash ows:180,0000.909163,620120,0000.826 99,120100,0000.751 75,10090,0000.683 61,47090,0000.621 55,890Total455,200 55,890T otal455,200Amount Amount o investment400,00 investmen t400,000Net 0Net Present Value 55,200 . Answer: C Present Value Index (Proftability Index)
Answer: A Annu An nual al exce excess ss pr pres esen entt valu value e (1 (1,0 ,028 28,0 ,000 00 ÷ 2. 2.92 9287 87)) P351 P351,0 ,000 00 Exces Ex cess s ca cash sh beor beore e tax (351,0 (351,000 00 ÷ 0.6) 0.6) P585,0 P585,000 00 Maximum number o units as decrease decrease (585,000 ÷ 15) 39,000
Answer: A Average Annual net income: (100,000 + 40,000 + 20,000 + 10,000 + 10,000) ÷ 5 = 36,000 Divide by average investment (400,000 ÷ 2) 200,000 Accounting rate o return 18% Accounting Accoun ting rate o return return or unadjusted rate o return return computes the proftability o the pr proj ojec ectt in te term rm o ac accr crua uall pr prof oft. t. Net Net prof proftt unde underr ac accr crua uall meth method od cons consid ider ers s depre dep recia ciatio tion, n, a subs substan tantia tiall amount amount that understa understates tes the averag average e proft proft.. This This understatement o amount that is used in the computation necessarily requires that preerably, average investment should be used, instead o the initial investment, in the determination o accounting rate o return.
Present Value o ATCF ÷ Net Investment(455,200 ÷ 400,000) = 1.14 The present value index computes net present value in terms o P1 investment. Thereore, Thereor e, the index o 1.14 means the net present value per P1 o investment is P0.14. This concept concept makes the present present value index better better than the net present present value technique because the index indicates which one is the most proftable on a per P1
investment. lvii
Answer: D Cash InowUnrecovered Investme InvestmentPeriod ntPeriod 0 Outows(400,000)Period Outows(400 ,000)Period 1180,000(220,000)Period 2120,000(100,000)Period 3100,000Zero The total outows outows are ully ully recovered recovered by the end end o period 3. 3. The analyst should be careul in computing the payback period when the project project has uneven cash inows. inows. The common error error in handling uneven uneven cash ows is usin using g the average cash ows instead o reducing the unrecovered outows. .
Answer: D Payback Payba ck period: Investment ÷ Net Annual Annual Cash IInow now P200,000 ÷ P50,000 = 4 years
Answer: D Pr Pres esen entt valu value e o o Net Net Cas Cash h In Inow ow (7 (71, 1,00 000 0 X 4.3 4.355 55)) Investment Net Present value
309, 309,20 205 5 300,000 9.205
. Answer: B Average Investment: Investment: (200,000 ÷ 2) = 100,000 100,000 Accounting Rate o Return = Net Income ÷ Average Investment (10,000 ÷ 100,000) = 10 percent percent . Answer: B The payback or PA is 4.225. This is closest closest to the present present value o annuity annuity o 1 discounted at 11 percent or 6 periods which is 4.231. .
Answer: A A iald ti:on(:P6((P 0.3 ÷) 8) An nn nu ua all d taexprsehcie ,P25500,0x00
P1 6,,8 27 55 0 P
Answer: C Beore-tax cash inow P10,000 Less depreciation 6,250 Income beore tax 3,750 Less income tax (3,750 x 0.3) 1,125 Net income 2,625 Add back depreciation 6,250 Ater-tax Ater -tax cash inow P 8,875 A quicker calculation o ater tax cash ow can be made by adding the tax shield to ater-tax cash inow without any tax beneft on depreciation. (P10,000 × .70) + P1,875 = P8,875
Answer: B Payback Payba ck period: (P50,000 ÷ P8,875) P8,875) = 5.6 years
Answer: C Present value o annual ATCF (P8,875 x 5.747) P51,000 Presentt value o ater-tax Presen ater-tax salvage value (P1,400 x 0.54) 756 Total 51,756 51,7 56 Investment 50,000 Net present value P 1,756
. Answer: C At the discount rate rate o 8 percent, there is a net pr present esent value o P1,756. Thereore, Thereore, the IRR is higher than 8 percent. Using trial and error error approach, approach, the frst try should use 9 percent. I the present value o the inows exceeds P50,000, then the IRR is lower than 9 percent, otherwise it should be 9.5 percent. Using 9.0 percent in discounting the inows, there is a net present value o P(174); thereore the IRR is slightly lower than but very close to 9.0 percent. (P8,875 x 5.535) + (P1,400 x 0.5019) – P50,000 = P(174)
Answer: B Additional contribution margin: Small 6,000 x 5.40 Medium 15,000 x 6.50 Large 9,000 x 7.90
32,400 97,500 71,100
Total Total Less Cash Fixed Expenses: Rent Salaries Utilities Insurance, etc. Annual Cash Inows lxviii
18,000 54,000 13,200 7,800
Answer: B Additional rental income Additional cash ow, snack bar Total Total Less ReCash nt Fixed Expenses: Salaries Utilities Insurance, etc. Annual Cash Inow
130,000 15,000 145,000 48,000 17,000 5,400 9,600
Answer: B PV o annual cash inow (65,000 x 5.575) PV o salvage value PV o working capital return Total Total Investment: Remodeling cost 290,000 Working capital 4,000 Net Present Value Answer: A Rental income 21,000 x 5 Additional cash inow, snack bar Total Total Less fxed expenses Annual cash inow
602, 602,10 100 0 810 810
362,375 1,296 432 364,103
294,000 70,103
105,000 13,000 118,000 80,000 38,000 (3 (38, 8,00 000 0 x 5, 5,57 575) 5)
PV o salvage value PV o working capital return Total Total Investment Negative Net Present Value
80,000 65,000
Answer: A PV o annu annual al cash cash in ino ow w (1 (108 08,0 ,000 00 x 5. 5.57 575) 5) PV o salvage value (70,000 x 0.108) 3,240 PV o work workin ing g capi capita tall ret etur urn n (7 (7,5 ,500 00 x 0. 0.10 108) 8) Total Total 606,150 Investment: Remodeling cost 550,000 Working capital 7,500 557,500 Net Present Value 48,650
PV o annu annual al cash cash in ino ow w
93,000 108,000
211, 211,85 850 0
1,296 432 213,578 294,000 ( 80,422)
. Answer: D The annual cost o advertising can be easily calculated by dividing the net present value o alternative 2, at 16% by the present value o annuity o 1. 70,103 ÷ 5,575 = 12,574.53 .
Answer: A Annual revenues Variable expenses Contribution margin Fixed expenses Advertising Sa U tillaitriieess Insurance Annual cash income Less Le ss Depr Deprec ecia iati tion on
300,000 60,000 240,000 40,000 110 5,,0 20 00 0 800
156,000 84,000 42 420, 0,00 000 0 x 0. 0.90 90 ÷ 12
31,5 31,500 00
Annual Income lxxiv
Answer: A Current operating costs – old machine Deduct Operating costs – Machine B Annual salary o operator Annual maintenance cost Annual cash savings
78,000 16,350 5,400
21,750 56,250
. Answer: A Simple Rate o Return = Net Income ÷ Initial Investment 52,500 ÷ 420,000 = 12.50 %
Answer: B Savings Less Depreciation 234000 ÷ 13 years Annual income Simple Annual Return
56,250 18,000 38,250 38,250 ÷ 225,000
. Answer: C Payback period = Initial Investment ÷ Annual Cash Inow 420,000 ÷ 84,000 = 5 years
Answer: A 225,000 ÷ 56,250 = 4 years
Answer: C Purchase price o new tools Add increase in working capital
2,500,000 60,000
Total T otal D educt Salvage value o the old tools Net investment lxxx
2,560,000 45,000 2,528,500
Answer: C Purchase price o valve stem 80,000 x 20 1,600,000 Cost to make: Direct Dir ect materi materials als 80,000 80,000 x 4.50 4.50 360,00 360,000 0 Direct Dir ect labor labor 80, 80,000 000 x 3.90 3.90 312,00 312,000 0 Variable ariable overhead overhead 80,000 80,000 x 1.50 120,000 120,000 Decrease Decr ease in directs directs labor labor and variable variable costs costs 80,000 80,000 x 1.60(128, 1.60(128,000) 000) Cost savings 936,000
664,000 664,000
Answer: A PV o annual depreciation PeriodDepreciationPV PeriodDepreciationP V FactorPresent ValueY ValueYear ear 1 832,5000.89286743,30 832,5000. 89286743,305.95 5.95 2 112,5000.79719886,873.88 112,5000.79719 886,873.88 3 370,0000.71178263,358.60 370,0000.71178263,358.60 4 185,0000.63552117,571.20Total2,011,109.63Tax rate0.30PV o tax benefts rom depreciation603,332.89 Answer: C Ater tax salvage value 100,000 x .7 70,000 PV o 1 end o 4 periods 0.63552 PV o ater – tax salvage value 44,486.4 Answer: C PV o a ate terr cash cash sa savi ving ngs s PV o tax benefts rom depreciation PV o ater tax salvage value PV o work workin ing g capi capita tall ret etur urn n Investment Net present value
93 936, 6,00 000 0 x .7 x 3. 3.03 0373 735 5 603,333 44,486 60,0 60,000 00 x 0. 0.63 6355 552 2 (2528,500) 147,522
Answer: A PV o tax benefts, declining - balance PV o tax benefts, straight-line straight-line method
1990 199007 072 2
38,1 38,131 31
603,333 2,500,000 ÷ 4 x .3 x 3.03735 569,503
Net advantage lxxxv
17 %
Answer: A Invo Invoic ice e pri price ce o new new equi equipm pmen entt (945 (945,0 ,000 00 x 0.98 0.98))
33,830 P926 P926,1 ,100 00
Freight 11,000 Installation cost 22,900 Total 960,000 Less: Sa Salvage value o old equipment (0 (0.6 x 1,500) 900 Reduction in working capital 2,500 3,400 Net initial outows P956,600 lxxxvi
Answer: B Total Total variable costs costs Avoidable fxed costs Total Total
(262,000 units units x P20*)P5,240,000 (P45,000 x 5 years) 225,000 5,465,000
Ater-tax outows OperatingCash expenses (5,465,000 x 0.6) P3,279,000 Depre Dep recia ciatio tion n (960,0 (960,000 00 x 0.4) 0.4) ( 384,00 384,000) 0) At ter er-ta -tax x salva salvage ge value value o new equipm equipment ent (12,00 (12,000 0 x 0.60) 0.60) Net outows P2,887,800 *Variable cost per unit Direct material (10.00 x 0.75) Direct labor Variable overhead (6.00 x 0.75) To Total
7,200) 7,200)
P 7.50 8.00 4.50 P20.00
. Answer: A The present present value o the the tax shield ba based sed on declining-depr declining-depreciation eciation is: Y YearDeprec earDepreciationT iationTax Shield (40%)PV FactorPV FactorPV o Tax Shield2007P319,968P127,9870.893P114,2922008 426,720 170,6880.797 136,0382009 142,176 56,8700.712 56, 8700.712 40,4922010 71,136 28,4550.636 28 ,4550.636 18,098TotalP308,92 18,098TotalP308,920 0 lxxxviii . Answer: C Purchase Cost Year Year ATCF200750,000 x 27 x 0.6 810,000200850,000 810,000200850,000 x 27 x 0.6 810,000200952,000 810,00020095 2,000 x 27 x 0.6 842,400201055,000 842,400201055,000 x 27 x 0.6 891,000201155,000 891,000201155,000 x 27 x 0.6 891,0002006(1,500 891,00020 06(1,500 x 0.6) ( 900) Total 4,243,500 lxxxix . Answer: A Present value o ater-tax cash ows 2007 (810,000 x 0.893) P 723,330 2008 (810,000 x 0.797) 645,570 2009 (842,400 x 0.712( 599,789 2010 (891,000 x 0.636) 566,676 2011 (891,000 x 0.567) 505,197 Salvag Sal vage e value value o old equipm equipment ent (1,500 (1,500 x 0.60) 0.60) (900) (900) Net present value P3,039,662 xc
. Answer: D CFBTCFATPV FactorPVCFAT2006Initial outow(P956,600)2007(50,000 x 20) + 45,000 (1,045,000 x 0.6) - (319,968 x 0.4)1,045,000 499,013 0.893 445,6192008(1,045,000 x 0.6) – (426,720 x 0.4)456,3120.797363,6812009(52,000 x 20) + 45,000 (1,085,000 x 0.6) – (142,176 x 0.4)1,085,000 594.130 0.712 423,0212010(55,000 423,0212010(55 ,000 x 20) + 45,000 (1,145,000 x 0.6) – (71,136)1,145,000 (71,136)1,145,000 658,546 0.636 418,8352011(55,000 418,8352011(55 ,000 x 20) + 45,000 (1,145,000 x 0.6)1,145,000 687,000 0.567 385,447Salvage 385,447Salvag e value (12,000 x 0.6)7,200P2,993,203 0.6)7,200P2,993,203
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