CAPE Soci Unit 1Multiple Choice Questions
March 9, 2017 | Author: Donna Marie | Category: N/A
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CXC CAPE Soci Unit 1 Practice MC Paper...
1. Which of the following terms best describes the use of objective procedures in sociological research? a. Scientific method b. Phenomenology c. Ethnomethodology d. Intensive interview 2. Which TWO of the following are structural perspectives? a. Functionalism /Weber’s theory b. Marxism/ Functionalism c. Symbolic Interaction d. Weber’s theory of social action 3. Functionalism is often seen as having a. a conservative ideology b. a liberal ideology c. a radical ideology d. an anarchistic ideology 4. Karl Marx argued that religion a. promotes positive change b. justifies poverty and oppression c. unites different social classes d. discourages group alienation 5. Which of the following is a concept associated with the work of Karl Marx ? a. Alienation b. Social Order c. Micro sociology d. Dysfunction 6. Which of the following sociologist is the founder of sociology? a. Emile Durkheim b. Karl Marx c. Auguste Comte d. Talcott Parsons
7. ‘Looking Glass Self’ is associated with: a. Talcott Parsons b. George Hebert Meade c. Sigmund Freud d. Charles Horton Cooley 8. Which one of the following body of thoughts emphasizes the importance of objective, scientific methods? a. Interactionism b. Positivism c. Phenomenology d. Social action perspective 1
9. Which sociologist was the father of the functionalist perspective? a. Emile Durkheim b. Max Weber c. Anthony Giddens d. Karl Marx 10. Objective means the same as: a. value laden b. value free c. valueless d. valuable
11. The sociological theory that puts most emphasis on materialism is: a. b. c. d.
interactionism Marxism functionalism postmodernism
12. Which historical happenings in 19th century Europe contributed to the emergence of the discipline of Sociology? a. French Revolution and Reformation b. French Revolution and Industrial Revolution c. French Revolution and the Glorious Revolution d. French Revolution and Civil War 13. A society is a a. category b. crowd c. secondary social group d. None of the above try another option 14. Sociology is the study of a. individuals in a society b. individuals interacting within a society c. institutions in a society d. theories and concepts related to society 15. Which of the following definitions best describes Weber’s concept of the spirit of capitalism? a. A set of values which encourage the accumulation of wealth b. A set of values which encourage a simple life and avoidance of alcohol and other places c. The view that capitalism is the best economic system d. A set of values based on protestant beliefs
16. Which family type is MOST common in modern industrial societies? a. Joint b. Nuclear 2
c. Extended d. Single parent 17. Which family type is usually MOST affected by poverty? a. Extended family b. Matrifocal c. Nuclear d. Re – constituted family 18. Societies often display tangible and intangible components of culture. Which of the following are considered tangible? a. Food products b. Ideas c. Languages d. Religious belief systems 19. Which of the following is an African derived syncretic religion? a. Vodun b. Protestantism c. Islam d. Roman Catholicism 20. Which of the following in NOT a Caribbean indigenous religion? a. Revivalism b. Hinduism c. Santeria d. Orisha 21. All of the following are used to classify ethnic groups EXCEPT a. language b. occupation c. race d. religion 22. Which of the following is NOT considered an example of a social problem? a. A man’s claim of discrimination in allocating government housing b. Large numbers of workers earning less than $200.00 per month. c. A few families who live in rural areas without street lights. d. Two women’s claims of harassment in the workplace. 23. Which of the following authors claims that the growth of matrifocal family was influenced by economic factors? a. Oscar Lewis b. Christine Barrows c. Franklyn Frazier d. Melville Herskovits 24. Socialization is the a. mixing with other people b. influencing other people c. learning how society expects you to behave d. beliefs about right and wrong 3
25. We are socialized by a. instructions, invention and diffusion b. instruction, application of sanctions and observation c. observation and instruction only d. the application of sanctions and enforcement 26. Culture is a. a shared way of life of a people in a set geographic region b. only the values, languages and norms of society c. the way we dress, music we listen to and how we speak d. how we learn to behave in society 27. The main components of a culture are: a. language, symbols, values and beliefs, and material objects b. symbols, values and beliefs, norms and material objects c. norms, mores, folkways, values and beliefs, material objects d. language, values and beliefs, symbols and norms and materials objects 28. Counter cultures reject a. all aspects of dominant culture b. most aspects of dominant culture c. some aspects of dominant culture d. none of the above try another perhaps something in relation to a subordinate culture in line with the others 29. Norms are enforced by a. proscriptive and prescriptive norms b. formal and material sanctions c. laws and punishment d. formal and informal sanctions 30. Which of the following theories sees the exploitation of women as a key feature of society? a. Functionalism b. Marxism c. Feminism d. Interactionism e. Sociology: A) has been used to study social interaction for over 500 years. B) is the scientific study of social interaction and organization. C) has little bearing on public policy. D) is most useful when applied to abstract - as opposed to practical - matters. 2 Who coined the term "sociology" and is generally considered to be the "founder" of sociology? A) Karl Marx B) Auguste Comte C) Max Weber D) Emile Durkheim 4
3 The application of evolutionary notions and the concept of the "survival of the fittest" to society is called: A) class conflict. B) dialectical materialism. C) social dynamics. D) social Darwinism. 4 Those aspects of social life that have to do with order, stability, and social organization that allow societies and groups to hold together and endure are called: A) social statics. B) social dynamics. C) social absolutes. D) constructed reality. 5 Who wrote the first book on the methodology of social research, How to Observe Manners and Morals? A) Herbert Spencer B) Emily Post C) Harriet Martineau D) Emile Durkheim
6 Weber's view that sociologists must not allow their personal biases to affect the conduct of their research is called: A) verstehen. B) dialectical materialism. C) social facts. D) value-free sociology.
7 Which of the following was supported by Durkheim's study of suicide? A) Catholics had higher rates of suicide than Protestants. B) Rates of suicide were higher in times of war than in times of peace. C) Rates of suicide were lower in times of recession than in times of economic stability. Individuals who were enmeshed in meaningful social bonds were less inclined to commit D) suicide.
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What major contribution did W.E.B. DuBois make to sociology? A) He developed a theoretical understanding of racial inequality. B) He conducted research on the upper classes of Philadelphia. C) He chaired the first Department of Sociology at the University of Chicago. D) none of the above 9 Contemporary sociology includes: A) evolutionary relativism. B) liberal feminism and explicit examination of women's social roles and experiences. C) postmodernism, feminism, and critical theory. D) a combination of biological theory, conflict theory, and evolutionary theory. 10 Students at Bailey University staged a sit-in to protest the University's decision to cancel its longstanding policy of exempting graduating seniors from final exams. Which theoretical perspective provides the strongest framework for analyzing this situation? Interactionist, because the University and the students didn't share the same understanding A) about final exams. Conflict, because this is an example of a power struggle between two groups with B) conflicting ideas and interests. Functionalist, because teaching college students to protest is a manifest function of C) education. D) none of the above
11 One purpose of education is to help students acquire the skills they need to be successful in society. This is an example of a(n): A) constructed reality. B) latent function. C) manifest function. D) entrenched function.
12 Constructed reality is: A) the ability to control the behavior of others. B) the principle that meaning derives from social interaction in daily life. C) the observed consequences that permit the adaptation or adjustment of a system. an artificial explanation of culture that exists apart from any social reality or shared social D) meaning.
13 In the library, Louanne observes a woman sitting at a table by herself. A man comes up and sits at the other end of the table. The woman frowns and shakes her head "no." The man gets up and moves to another table. Louanne concludes that the woman did not want to share a study table. The theoretical perspective Louanne is using is: A) the conflict perspective. B) the functionalist perspective. C) the interactionist perspective. D) none of the above. 14 In her research on nannies, Wrigley: was easily able to tap into the social world of nannies and their relationships with their A) employers. B) used field methods of intensive interviewing and participant observation. C) found nannies eager to talk to her, even to be tape recorded. D) was unable to speak with employers because of their busy schedules. 15 In an experiment, two groups are identical except for the change that researchers introduce into one group. That group is called: A) the contaminated group. B) the control group. C) the experimental group. D) the neutral standard. 16 When conducting social research, what is the next step in the scientific method after a review of the literature? A) collecting data B) choosing a research design C) selecting a researchable problem D) formulating a hypothesis 17 Observation: A) is one of the easiest tools for sociological inquiry because it requires only good note taking. B) is not subject to the same controls that are applied to other methods. C) requires the involvement of the researcher in the activity being studied. D) may be unobtrusive or participant.
18 Sociologists: A) are exempt from the considerations of research ethics that govern biological researchers. B) have not been able to agree on a code of ethics. C) enjoy the same privileges as attorneys in protecting subjects' privacy. should obtain informed consent in cases where subjects may be exposed to risks of D) research that are greater than the risks of everyday life.
19 The authors explain that feminist research methodology: A) is an approach to research which emphasizes inclusion, fairness, and humaneness. B) places its main emphasis on concrete theories. C) stresses that all human emotions are to be ignored. D) all of the above
20 Which of the following research methods uses existing records? A) survey research B) questionnaire research C) archival research D) observational research
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